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3D Printing: we rock!

Information and policies on 3D printing at the TTUHSC Libraries


Where to find us:

We are located on the second floor in The Methodology Lab within the Preston Smith Library on the TTUHSC Lubbock Campus.

Lab Hours: M-F 8 am to 4 pm.

Makerspace Hours:  TBA

How to Contact Us: 

Give us a call: 806-743-1695


Video Chat: To schedule a video chat, use the 'zoom request' button in the upper right of any page. 



Our Ragtag Team

     Erik Wilkinson   


It was a dark and stormy night.

Actually it was pretty windy. On a January morning, I stood over a large black 3D printer. Staring down at a silver dial nested in the black frame, I paused, took a breath, and pressed print. A long beep sounded followed by the blowing of a fan and a whining of warming-up gears, two hours and thirty minutes later, I held in my hand a small 3D printed table, no bigger than an eraser. Since that time, I have worked to provide the TTUHSC community with relevant pathways for 3D printing in healthcare, because it is not enough to just let students know that 3D printers exist. Students need a platform from which to generate and build relevant ideas and practices in healthcare.



This service is designed for rapid prototyping, not production. Requests are limited to: TTUHSC faculty, students, staff, and researchers, as well as approved TTU students, faculty, and researchers, along with local community members and organizations committed to collaboration,  innovation, and education. The Libraries of the Health Sciences' 3D printers, related tools, and equipment may only be used for lawful purposes. No material will be created if the material is:

  • Prohibited by local, state or federal law
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others
  • Firearms or other weapons, obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the library environment
  • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights, including copyright (Title 17, U.S. Code) and patent law (Title 35, U.S. Code)

In addition, any materials produced on premises are not intended for clinical use and the distributed products  are intended for research and academic use only. Permissions and compliance with applicable rules are the responsibility of the requestor.  3D printed models are not necessarily food-safe and extra precautions should be taken if the 3D printed component is to be used near food.

After submitting a print request, the requestor will be contacted. All local patrons are urged to pick up printed objects within 7 days of printing. Shipping to other campuses or distance education students is permitted. The The Libraries of the Health Sciences cannot guarantee model quality or stability, confidentiality of design, or specific delivery times. We reserve the right to decline any 3D print request for any reason.

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