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Information and policies on 3D printing at the TTUHSC Libraries


All volumetric data can be converted into a 3D printable model, but some data will be easier to convert!

What to do with the data once you have found it.


Conversions of molecular imaging data can be converted used NIH 3D Print exchange or UCSF Chimera software.

One way is...                 

The NIH 3D Print Exchange hosts web-based tools that automatically generate 3D model files from 3D molecular and medical imaging data. Each workflow creates a set of downloadable model files that are scientifically relevant and optimized for 3D printing.

  • Step 1: Go to Create section of the NIH 3D Printing Exchange
  • Step 2: Create an NIH Account or Login to an Existing Account
  • Step 3: Upload the specified file format.
  • Step 4: A link to your model will be emailed to you.
  • Step 5: Copy the URL then Go to our 3D Print Store:(coming soon)
  • Select 'Already Found Us Model to Print'
  • Paste the URL and Click 'submit.'

Another way is...     Image result for Chimera software

UCSF Chimera allows you to convert a .pdb file into a 3D printable model. This approach allows you to customize your structures and dimensions before the conversion of molecular structure into a .stl file format.

What to do after you have downloaded and installed the software:

  • Step 1: You add a protein file = (File) select “Fetch by ID”
  • Step 2: To make a  printable model = (Tools) to (Depiction) select “Ribbon Style Editor”
  • Step 3: Adjust the scale of coils, Helix, etc. (Hit Apply to render new scale settings)
  • Step 4: To make a model to print = (File) to (Export Scene) select 'File Type' = (STL .stl)
  • Step 5: Don't be a slacker 'Save' your work.
  • Step 6: Go to our 3D print Store and request a URL Print! (Coming Soon...)

How to convert Medical Imaging Data

Medical Imaging Data

Here are couple ways to convert CT scan or MRI data into a 3D model.  First you can use the NIH file upload process.  Another way is using a software like 3D slicer.

One way is...               

  • Step 1: Go to Create section of the NIH 3D Printing Exchange
  • Step 2: Create an NIH Account or Login to an Existing Account
  • Step 3: Upload the DICOM series.
  • Step 4: A link to your model will be emailed to you.
  • Step 5: Copy the URL then Go to our 3D Print Store:(coming soon)
  • Select 'Already Found Us Model to Print'
  • Paste the URL and Click 'submit.'

Another way is...      

  • Step 1: Download 3D Slicer
  • Step 2: Upload the DICOM series.
  • Step 3: Export Segment in .stl or .obj format
  • Step 4: Create URL Link
  • Step5:  Go to our 3D Print Store
    • Select 'Already Found Us Model to Print'
    • Paste the URL and Click 'submit.'

Where can I find Medical Imaging Data?

Important Stuff to Know...

For the NIH conversion process, imaging data needs to be a specific file format:

File Conversion Formats:

Small Molecule ModelsSmall Molecules: Generates atomic ball and stick, stick, and sphere representations of chemical structures with fewer than approximately 1000 atoms. Supports CIF, MOL, MOL2, PDB, and SDF file formats.

Molecular ModelsBiomacromolecules: Generates ribbon and surface models for proteins, polynucleotides, and other large biomolecules. Recommended for systems with greater than 200 atoms. Supports PDB, PDB1, CIF, ENT, GRO, MAE, MOL, and MOL2 file formats.

Cell & Organism ModelsImage Stacks: Generates surface models from confocal image stacks and electron microscopy maps. Supports MAP, OMAP, and OME-TIF file formats.

Medical Imaging ModelsMedical Imaging: Outputs bone structures from CT scan data in zipped DICOM format; results may vary with MicroCT. Not recommend for MRI or other modalities. DICOM files are stripped of personal information and are hidden from other users by default.

3D Printable File Formats:

The conversion goal is to export your imaging data into a file format readable by a 3D printer.

Ultimately you are aiming for the following:

  • .stl (Standard Triangle Language)
  • .obj (Wavefront 3D Object File)

Our 3D printers can read either file type, but .obj files are used for multi-color prints.

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