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Open Access & Transformative Agreements: BMJ Case Reports Fellowship

How to Submit Articles to BMJ Case Reports

The TTUHSC Libraries have an Institutional Fellowship to BMJ Case Reports. TTUHSC faculty, staff and students will not have to pay individual fellowship fees.

From the BMJ Case Reports website: "During your 12 month fellowship period you can submit as many cases as you like, access all the published material, and re-use any published material for personal use and teaching without further permission. There are no additional publication or colour charges for accepted articles."

You will need your eRaider username and password to access our fellowship code at our Passwords for Library Resources page. BMJ has also provided a BMJ Case Reports User Guide with additional information. Please email us if you encounter any problems.

PLEASE NOTE: Articles published on BMJ Case Reports are not automatically open access. If the author would like them to be open access, they will need to pay a $500 fee.

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