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EMBASE is a biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database, which provides access to the most up-to-date citations and abstracts from biomedical and drug literature.

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T.T.U.H.S.C. Libraries of the Health Sciences

Amarillo - Reference Desk: 806-414-9964

Lubbock - Preston Smith Library of the Health Sciences

Lubbock - Reference Services: 806-743-2200; ask for a reference librarian

Odessa / Permian Basin - Reference Desk: 432.703.5030

Odessa/ Permian Basin reference librarian is Erik Wilkinson, MLS

Library Home Page

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EMBASE Home Page

EMBASE is a biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database, which provides access to the most up-to-date citations and abstracts from biomedical and drug literature. It contains over 29 million indexed records from more than 8,500+ peer reviewed international journals, covering 1947 to date, with more than 1.4 million additions annually.


  • Broad biomedical scope, with in-depth coverage of pharmacology, pharmaceutical science, and clinical research.
  • EMTREE is a thesaurus similar to MeSH; but is more extensive. Emtree includes over 70,000 preferred terms half of which are drug and chemical terms.  Additionally, it includes over 3,000 medical devices, drug and medical device trade names, additives, manufacturer names, CAS registry numbers, molecular sequence numbers, and biotechnology.



Embase link from TTUHSC Libraries

Unit Manager; Informationist/Medical Librarian

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Peggy Edwards
3601 4th Street
Mail Stop 7781
Lubbock, TX 79430


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Erik Wilkinson
800 W. 4th St. Rm. 1B14
Odessa, Texas 79763
Subjects: 3D Printing, Reference
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