Access Products:
Subject Access Products, offered through McGraw Hill, provides study materials such as modules, textbooks, Q&A's, and exam prep. Subjects available include: Pediatrics, Surgery, ObGyn, Emergency Medicine, and Physiotherapy.
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Click the Access Products Index link found under 'Popular Databases'
From the McGraw Access page click when Access product you want (Access: Pediatric, Surgery, ObGyn, Emergency Medicine, Physiotherapy)
From the navigation bar on the homepage of your chosen Access subject, click 'Study Tools'
Underneath, you can choose from categories such as learning modules and resource collections depending on what resources you're needing.
*Additional Materials Under 'Study Tools' by subject:
Surgery: ABSITE Review and Interactive 3D Modules
Physiotherapy: PTA Board Review, Flashcards, NPTE Central, and Interactive Modules
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