December 2021
All Additions (except ProQuest due to character limits)
- Encyclopedia of biological chemistry. Jez. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780128220405
- Encyclopedia of cancer. Boffetta. 3rd ed, 2019. 9780128124857
- Encyclopedia of microbiology. Schmidt. 4th ed, 2019. 9780128117378
- Encyclopedia of virology. Bamford. 4th ed, 2021. 9780128145166
Most RecentProQuest Additions (previously added titles listed separately)
- 200 more brief, creative and practical art therapy techniques
- 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 4M2006
- 50 years of tribology -- sustainable manufacturing
- The 5-minute pediatric consult
- ABDA 2016
- ABDA 2017
- Acarorum catalogus
- Advances in cancer drug targets
- Advances in cancer nanotheranostics for experimental and personalized medicine
- Advances in heat transfer enhancement
- Advances in heat transfer enhancement
- Advances in laser materials processing
- Advances in physicochemical properties of biopolymers
- Advances in pig welfare
- Aeroacoustics of low mach number flows
- Afrontar la escasez de agua
- Aicardi's diseases of the nervous system in childhood
- Air conditioning system design
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- Al-RaÌziÌ on the treatment of small children
- Als die Demenz bei uns einzog und ich mir einen Roboter wuÌnschte
- Alzheimer dsorders
- Ambulatory EEG monitoring
- The American Psychiatric Association practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia
- The American Psychiatric Association Publishing textbook of anxiety, trauma, and OCD-related disorders
- The American Psychiatric Association Publishing textbook of schizophrenia
- Amok und Kollektivsuizid
- Analyse Statistique des Risques Agro-Environnementaux
- Anatomy for oral and maxillofacial radiology
- Anatomy, modeling and biomaterial fabrication for dental and maxillofacial applications
- Angst
- Angular momentum transport and pattern formation in medium- and wide-gap turbulent Taylor-Couette flow
- ANSYS mechanical APDL for finite element analysis
- Antagonism on Youtube
- Anti-angiogenesis drug discovery and development
- Antimicrobial stewardship - are we making enough progress?
- Anti-obesity drug discovery and development
- Antiprotozoal drug discovery
- AO principles of fracture management
- Applications of geographic information systems for wireless network planning
- Applications of modern mass spectrometry
- Applied behavior analysis advanced guidebook
- Approaches to cognition
- Architecture and the Turkish city
- The architecture of a Deccan sultanate
- The architecture of neoliberalism
- The architecture of psychoanalysis
- Archostemata-myxophaga-adephaga
- The art and science of poisons
- The ASAM principles of addiction medicine
- Ashp best practices 2016-2017 edition
- Astrobiology
- Atlas of essential orthopaedic procedures
- Atlas of gynecologic cytopathology with histopathologic correlations
- Atlas of Southeast Europe
- Atlas of Southeast Europe.
- Attribute-based access control
- Auditory and visual pattern recognition
- Auditory processing of complex sounds
- Automata's inner movie
- Autonomic nervous system
- Bacterial diseases
- Badiou's being and event and the mathematics of set theory
- Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles.
- Bare architecture
- Basic emergency care
- The basilicas of Ethiopia
- Bats and viruses
- Bayesian analysis with Python
- Being skilled
- Bench Aids for the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites
- Berek & Novak's gynecology
- Beyond prescription drugs
- Biochemistry of andrology
- BIOCOMP 2017
- BIOENG 2017
- Biofilms in otitis
- Biological time, historical time
- Biomechanics of the eye
- Bioprocess engineering principles
- Bone marrow aspirate concentrate and expanded stem cell applications in orthopaedics
- Bonica's management of pain
- Boorman's pathology of the rat
- Bostwick's plastic and reconstructive breast surgery
- Botulinum neurotoxin for head and neck disorders
- Brant and Helms' fundamentals of diagnostic radiology
- Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards
- Bridge engineering
- The buffalo - production and research
- Building continents of knowledge in oceans of data
- Cancer metastasis and cancer stem cell/niche
- Cancer preventive and therapeutic compounds
- Carbon capture and storage
- The carbon club
- Cardiopulmonary bypass and mechanical support
- Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera.
- Catastrophic diseases
- Catholicism, race and empire
- CBT toolbox for depressed, anxious & suicidal children and adolescents
- Cervical degenerative conditions
- The challenging child toolbox
- Cheese
- Chemical and mechanical methods for pipeline integrity
- A child's mind
- Chroniques de la Folie IncarceÌreÌe
- Cities in time
- Clinical anesthesia
- Clinical mechanics in the gut
- Clinical neurophysiology board review q&a, second edition
- Clinical pathways in neuro-ophthalmology
- Clinical sleep medicine
- Cloud dynamics
- Cognitive and computational aspects of face recognition
- Collective action 2.0
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Color atlas & synopsis of clinical ophthalmology
- ComisioÌn del Codex Alimentarius. Manual de procedimiento. VigeÌsimo primera edicioÌn.
- Comparative anatomy and histology
- Compendium of hydrogen energy.
- The complete guide to aqua exercise for pregnancy and postnatal health
- The complete guide to back rehabilitation
- Complex life
- Comprehensive sensor technologies in non-destructive testing and monitoring
- Computer and information security handbook
- Computer graphics programming in OpenGL with C++
- Computer vision
- Computing in organizations
- Concepts et SeÌmantique des Langages de Programmation 1.
- Concepts et SeÌmantique des Langages de Programmation 2.
- Congenital toxoplasmosis in humans and domestic animals
- Conopidae
- Construire l'espace Urbain Avec les Sons.
- Contemporary influences of C.G. Jung's thought
- Contemporary Portugal
- Contemporary scleral lenses
- Context sensitive health informatics
- Contextual design
- Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment
- Controversies in neuroendoscopy
- Controversies in spine surgery, MIS versus open
- Corneal biomechanics
- The correspondence of Dr. Martin Lister .
- Co-scheduling of HPC applications
- Cosmetic science and technology
- The COVID-19 Handbook
- Cracking the Code.
- The craniotomy atlas
- Creating Practice-Based Evidence, 2nd Ed.
- Creative ecologies
- Creative interventions for challenging children and adolescents
- The creative self
- Critical approaches to the history of Western herbal medicine
- A critical hypertext analysis of social media
- Crown Street Women's Hospital
- The Crustacea.
- CSC 2015
- Current and future developments in surgery.
- Current and future developments in surgery.
- Current concepts of sleep apnea surgery
- Cyber Security.
- Cybernetic frameworks for a shared world
- Cybersecurity and resilience in the arctic
- Cyclotron produced radionuclides
- Dallas rhinoplasty
- Damage mechanisms in materials and structures and numerical analysis in engineering
- DarwinsÌ Legacy.
- Data protection and privacy
- Data protection and privacy
- Databases and information systems VIII
- Deep learning for medical image analysis
- DeLisa's physical medicine & rehabilitation
- Demographic change in Uruguay
- Desarrollo de la acuicultura.
- Design and national identity
- The design of high performance mechatronics
- Design roots
- Designing Cultures of Care.
- Designing disability
- Developing solid oral dosage forms
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's cancer
- Diagnosis and treatment in rheumatology
- Diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma
- Diagnostic imaging of the chest
- Differential equations, dynamical systems, and linear algebra
- Dig in Your Heels and Fight!
- Digital architecture beyond computers
- Digital participation through social living labs
- Digital signal processing 101
- Disease control priorities.
- DMIN 2017
- The DNP project workbook
- Drugs in pregnancy and lactation
- The dyscalculia assessment
- Dyslexia
- Economie et Psychanalyse
- Effective amazon machine learning
- Egg innovations and strategies for improvements
- Electric motor control DC, AC, and BLDC motors
- Electrical power systems
- Electromagnetics for engineering students.
- The elements of counseling children and adolescents
- Embedded C programming
- EMDR with children in the play therapy room
- Employment, technology and construction development
- Encountering crises of the mind
- Encyclopedia of public international law.
- Energy and agriculture
- Engineering mathematics with examples and applications
- Engineering turbulence modelling and experiments 5
- Environmental health in selected Asian countries
- The environmental humanities
- Ernährung und Identität.
- Essentials of clinical infectious diseases
- Evaluation of cellular processes by in vitro assays
- Exergetic, energetic and environmental dimensions
- Explorations of inequality
- Exploring Fluency in down Syndrome.
- Expressibility and the problem of efficient text planning
- The Fabrica of Andreas Vesalius
- Facebook and Conversation Analysis
- Facial danger zones
- Feeling better
- Feigenbaum's echocardiography
- Fenoglio-Preiser's gastrointestinal pathology
- Filosofie van het Ik
- Finding Your Voice
- First Trimester Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Abnormalities.
- First WHO model list of essential in vitro diagnostics.
- Fischer's Mastery of Surgery.
- The five roles of a master herder
- Five ways to make architecture political
- Flow
- Flow diversion of cerebral aneurysms
- Fluid flow and heat and mass transfer through passages with complex geometries for advanced technology applications
- Food additives and human health
- Food and health in early modern Europe
- Food Systems in Correctional Settings
- The fourth industrial revolution
- Fragile Identitäten
- From object to experience
- Frontiers in anti-cancer drug discovery.
- Frontiers in anti-cancer drug discovery.
- Frontiers in cardiovascular drug discovery.
- Frontiers in clinical drug research - anti-allergy agents.
- Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders.
- Frontiers in clinical drug research - hematology
- Frontiers in clinical drug research
- Frontiers in clinical drug research anti allergy agents.
- Frontiers in clinical drug research hematology.
- Frontiers in clinical drug research.
- Frontiers in clinical drug research.
- Frontiers in clinical drug research.
- Frontiers in heart failure.
- Frontiers in lung cancer.
- Frontiers in parasitology.
- Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research.
- Fruit juices
- The fundamental right to data protection
- Gas sensors
- General practice and adult social care.
- Genetics of bone biology and skeletal disease
- Geometric measure theory
- The geometrid moths of Europe.
- Geotechnical engineering in the XXI century
- Glaucoma research and clinical advances 2016 to 2018
- Gliomas
- Global engineering ethics
- Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery
- Grabb's encyclopedia of flaps
- Gravitational waves and cosmology
- Green chemistry
- Green community
- Grid parity
- Group theory for chemists
- Guideline: sugars intake for adults and children
- Haftschaden
- Handbook of cannabis and related pathologies
- Handbook of computational geometry
- Handbook of constraint programming
- Handbook of conveying and handling of particulate solids
- Handbook of culture media for food microbiology
- The handbook of design for sustainability
- Handbook of epigenetics
- Handbook of mathematical logic
- Handbook of modal logic
- Handbook of reconstructive flaps
- A handbook of the world's conifers.
- Handbook of treatment planning in radiation oncology
- Harborview illustrated tips and tricks in fracture surgery
- Hazardous waste management and health risks
- Health literacy
- Health sector multi-hazard response framework
- Health System Performance Assessment in the WHO European Region
- Heart failure in the child and young adult
- Heirloom houses
- Herbal medicine.
- HIMS' 18
- HIMS 2016
- HIMS 2017
- Histology for pathologists
- Historic Charleston and the Lowcountry
- The history of otology
- Homo patiens
- Hospital for special surgery's illustrated tips and tricks in foot and ankle surgery
- Hospital policy in the United Kingdom
- Household medicine in seventeenth-century England
- How to sleep
- HPV infections
- Human growth and development
- Hybrid cloud management with Red Hat CloudForms
- ICOMP 2015
- ICOMP 2016
- Iconic
- ICWN 2016
- Idioms of SaÌmi health and healing
- IKE 2015
- IKE 2017
- The illusion of evidence-based medicine
- The illustrated network
- Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Sports Medicine Surgery.
- The immune response
- Immunity to Helminths and novel therapeutic approaches.
- The importance of health informatics in public health during a pandemic
- In and out of school
- In situ leach uranium mining
- Individual differences and personality
- Information modelling and knowledge bases XXXI
- Informe de la consulta teÌ€cnica sobre la actuacioÌn del estado del pabelloÌn
- Injury prevention and environmental health
- Innovations in food packaging
- Integrated ego psychology
- Intensive care medicine MCQs
- Intercept 1961
- An interdisciplinary approach to geriatric medicine
- International Handbook of Social Media Laws.
- International safeguards in the design of fuel fabrication plants
- Internet, society, and culture
- Introduction aÌ€ la ModeÌlisation d'eÌquations Structurelles
- An introduction to dynamic meteorology
- Introduction to satellite remote sensing
- Invisible bicycle
- IoT technical challenges and solutions
- Islamic architecture in Iran
- Janello Torriani and the Spanish empire
- JavaScript at scale
- JavaScript domain-driven design
- Jesuits and the book of nature
- JIRA 7 essentials
- JIRA Agile essentials
- Journal of integrated care
- Journal of product & brand management
- Journey to health
- Journey to release
- Julius Caesar Scaliger, Renaissance reformer of Aristotelianism
- Kabul
- Kapitoly Z ForenzniÌ Psychologie.
- Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry
- Key advances in clinical informatics
- Kidney disease in diabetes
- Knee arthroplasty
- Knitting technology
- Kontextbezug und Authentizitat in Sozialen Netzen
- De la Dialyse à la Greffe
- La ReÌpublique Barbare
- La SanteÌ Globale Biopsychosociale.
- La Ville Interactive
- Language learning
- Language teacher education and technology
- Laser optofluidics in fighting multiple drug resistance
- Le deÌni de Grossesse
- Learning Apache Thrift
- Learning Boost C++ libraries
- Learning reactive programming with Java 8
- Learning SAP Analytics Cloud
- Learning VMware NSX
- Learning VMware vCloud air
- Les StrateÌgies de Transformation des BibliotheÌ€ques.
- Letters to a young psychoanalyst
- Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Lifestyle medicine
- Linguistic issues in machine translation
- Liquid chromatography.
- Lista de enfermedades profesionales
- Listening to Ayahuasca
- Liutex-based and other mathematical, computational and experimental methods for turbulence structure
- Liver pathophysiology
- Living by Numbers
- Logical Abilities in Children.
- Lost knowledge
- Love with the proper stranger
- The Lynx and the telescope
- Machine learning for OpenCV
- Machine learning for the web
- Maimonides, on the elucidation of some symptoms and the response to them
- Major infectious diseases
- The making of the dentiste, c. 1650-1760
- The man who crucified himself
- The management of the haemophilc arthropathy
- Managing Cybersecurity Risk
- Manual of engineering drawing
- Mastering Apache Storm
- Mastering business intelligence with MicroStrategy
- Mastering cross-platform development with Xamarin
- Mastering elastic stack
- Mastering JavaScript promises
- Mastering machine learning with R
- Mastering predictive analytics with R
- Mastering spring application development
- Mastering the 12-lead EKG
- Materials for ultra-supercritical and advanced ultra-supercritical power plants
- Maternal health care
- MATLAB for machine learning
- Mcevoy's handbook of photovoltaics
- Mechanics
- Medical biochemistry
- Medical Cannabis handbook for healthcare professionals
- Medical device cybersecurity for engineers and manufacturers
- Medical practice, 1600-1900
- Medicinal chemistry of drugs affecting the nervous system
- Medicine and the inquisition in the early modern world
- Medicine in First World War Europe
- Medicine, the penal system, and sexual crimes in England, 1919-1960s
- Melanin, the master molecule
- Membrane characterization
- Meningiomas of the skull base
- Mental health practice
- Metabolic diseases
- Methanol
- MetodologiÌa y buena gestioÌn de emergencias
- Microalgae-based biofuels and bioproducts
- Microbial ecology
- Microbial exopolysaccharides
- The microbiota in gastrointestinal pathophysiology
- Microsoft Azure SQL data warehouse architecture and SQL
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL
- Microsoft system center data protection manager 2012 R2 cookbook
- The millennial mental health toolbox
- Mineral deposits of Finland
- Modern inorganic synthetic chemistry
- Molecular pathology
- Molten salt reactors and thorium energy
- More active people for a healthier world
- Morphing wing technologies
- Moss and Adams' heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents
- Moving into adolescence
- Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Nanomaterials and their interactive behavior with biomolecules, cells and tissues
- Nanomaterials for environmental applications and their fascinating attributes
- Natural products in clinical trials.
- Natural products in clinical trials.
- Neck dissection
- Necropsy techniques for examining wildlife samples
- Netezza Netezza SQL
- The Netflix effect
- Network routing
- Neurological rehabilitation
- Neuroscience
- Neurosurgery case review
- New approaches to the aortic disease from valve to abdominal bifurcation
- New concepts in natural language generation
- NMR spectroscopy in pharmaceutical analysis
- Novel developments in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
- Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease
- Nutrition.
- Obesity
- Omics technologies and bio-engineering.
- On Theriac to Piso, attributed to Galen
- Oncology boards flash review
- Op amps for everyone
- Open quantum physics and environmental heat conversion into usable energy.
- OpenStack administration with Ansible 2
- Operative techniques in epilepsy surgery
- Operative techniques in hand, wrist, and elbow surgery
- Operative techniques in orthopaedic surgery.
- Operative techniques in plastic surgery
- Ophthalmic plastic surgery
- Optimizing suboptimal results following cataract surgery
- Organization of length and class concepts
- Orthopaedic knowledge update
- Pain
- Pain and pleasure in classical times
- Pain management in primary care
- Past glacial environments
- Pathogenic streptococci
- Pediatric Neuroimaging.
- Pediatric orthodontics
- Pediatric thoracic imaging
- Pediatric Trauma 2020
- People cities
- Peptide applications in biomedicine, biotechnology and bioengineering
- Perception of print
- Perception through experience
- Perez & Brady's principles and practice of radiation oncology
- Perinatal cardiology.
- Perinatal cardiology.
- Personality development across the lifespan
- Personalized Management of Lung Cancer.
- Perspectives on mental representation
- Pharmaceutical medicine and translational clinical research
- Pharmacotherapeutic management of cardiovascular disease complications
- Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice
- Phase media
- Phenomenology and the Social Context of Psychiatry
- Philosophy of complex systems
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation pocketpedia
- Physics and engineering of radiation detection
- Pines, 2nd Revised Edition
- Plan de accioÌn de las estadiÌsiticas agropecuarias y rurales
- Planning games
- The plant contract
- Playing with K
- PoliÌtica de igualdad de geÌnero de la FAO - Alcanzar las metas de seguridad alimentaria en la agricultura y el desarrollo rural.
- The politics of parametricism
- Polymeric nanomedicines
- The porn myth
- Positive images
- Power electronics handbook
- Practical spiritualities in a media age
- Practical web development
- Prepectoral techniques in reconstructive breast surgery
- Preventing disease through healthy environments
- The primal prescription
- Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
- Principles of electron optics.
- Principles of electron optics.
- The printed and the built
- Privacy rights in the digital age
- Privileged Presence
- Process plant layout
- Programming microsoft dynamics NAV 2015
- Proteins in food processing
- Proteins, pathologies and politics
- Proteins, pathologies and politics
- Protocols used in molecular biology
- Psychidae
- Psychological development from infancy
- Psychological metaphysics
- Quantum mechanics and the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead
- Quelques leçons Sur Les eÌpideÌmies
- Radiobiology for the radiologist
- Real Time Analytics with SAP HANA.
- Recent advances in analytical techniques.
- Recent advances in analytical techniques.
- Recent advances in biotechnology.
- Recent advances in botanical science.
- Recent advances in computational electromagnetics
- Recent advances in optimization and inverse problems in electromagnetism
- Reconstructive and aesthetic genital surgery
- Recovered voice
- Recrystallization and related annealing phenomena
- Reflectionless filters
- Regression analysis with Python
- Relevant surgical exposures
- Reliability, maintainability and risk
- Religion, devotion and medicine in North India
- Report on tobacco control in the region of the Americas 2018
- Reproductive physiology and birth control
- Reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health.
- Research methods in human computer interaction
- Resiliencia de los medio de vida, - ReduccioÌn de riesgo de desastres para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional.
- Respiratory care
- Retina
- Revolutionary biology
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Riviera dreaming
- Robert Recorde
- Safeguarding adults and legal literacy
- Safety in spine surgery
- Sagittal balance of the spine
- Sanitation, drinking-water and health
- Sarcomas
- Savoir-Faire en Maths
- SCAI interventional cardiology board review
- Schein's common sense emergency abdominal surgery
- The science of cognitive behavioral therapy
- Science of spices and culinary herbs.
- Science under attack
- SDG13 - climate action
- Security for the digital world within an ethical framework
- Selbstexperimente
- Selection of the HPLC method in chemical analysis
- Self-compassion for teens
- Self-esteem and positive psychology
- Selling social media
- Semi-Riemannian geometry
- SERP 2015
- Serp'18
- Shame-informed therapy
- Shared decision making in psychiatric medication management
- Sigmund Freud. Immer noch Unbehagen in der Kultur?.
- Sin tax reform in the Philippines
- SITC's guide to managing immunotherapy toxicity
- Skin and psyche
- Slovenia. Profile of Health and Well-Being.
- Social media in the Arab world
- Soft living architecture
- Speroff's clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility
- Spinal cord medicine
- Spine
- Sports medicine
- Sprechwirkungsforschung
- SQL Analytique Dans SQL Server 2014/2016
- SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services cookbook
- Starch in food
- Status of road safety in the region of the Americas.
- Steels
- Stem cell biology and tissue engineering in dental sciences
- Stem cells and regenerative medicine
- STEMI Watch 2020
- Stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy
- Sternberg's diagnostic surgical pathology.
- Stochastic local search
- Strengthening post-ebola health systems
- Student wellbeing
- Studies on Decapoda and Copepoda in Memory of Michael Türkay.
- Suicide research.
- Surgical Anatomy for Mastery of Open Operations
- Surgical approaches to the facial skeleton
- Surgical decision making in acute care surgery
- The surgical handbook
- Surgical techniques in moyamoya vasculopathy
- Sustainable design through process integration
- Synopsis of hip surgery
- Synthesis of essential drugs
- Systemic disease manifestations in the foot, ankle and lower extremity
- A Systems Analysis of Medicine
- Systems biology in cancer immunotherapy
- TCP/IP clearly explained
- Te Linde's operative gynecology
- Te Linde's operative gynecology.
- Technical specifications for oxygen concentrators
- The temporal bone
- Textbook of immunology
- The theory of error correcting codes
- Thermochemical surface engineering of steels
- Think forward to thrive
- Thyroid toxicity
- Thyroid ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration biopsy
- The Tibial Plateau Fractures.
- Tineidae II
- Tomando control de su salud
- A toolkit for integrated vector management in sub-Saharan Africa
- Topics in anti-cancer research
- Topics in anti-cancer research.
- Topological insulators
- Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments
- The transformation of the psyche in British primary care, 1880-1970
- Translating research into policy to advance correctional health
- Transplant tourism
- Traumatismes de Guerre et Stress Pos-Traumatiques
- Treating the traumatized child
- A treatise on otosclerosis and its treatment
- Treatise on zoology
- Treatment of residual sodium and sodium potassium from fast reactors
- Treatment of stress response syndromes
- Trends in fisheries and aquatic animal health
- Trends in oil and gas corrosion research and technologies
- Tribology
- Les troubles lieÌs aux eÌveÌnements traumatiques
- The true value of construction and the built environment to the economy
- U.S. Health Care and the Future Supply of Physicians
- Uncovering student ideas about engineering and technology
- Understanding GPS/GNSS
- Understanding obesity
- Understanding stroke in a global context
- Understanding West Africa's Ebola epidemic
- Une eÌcole, Des eÌcoles
- User modelling in text generation
- The uses of humans in experiment
- Vaccine-preventable diseases
- Vegetarian and plant-based diets in health and disease prevention
- Venous interventional radiology
- Video atlas of spine surgery
- Viruses
- Vitamin D
- Viva and structured oral examinations in intensive care medicine
- Voluntary health insurance in Europe
- Voluntary Health Insurance in Europe.
- Vom Umgang der Seele mit den Menschen und der Menschen mit der Seele
- Voyage dans les matheÌmatiques de l'espace-temps
- Vulnerability in technological cultures
- What is the evidence on the policy specifications, development processes and effectiveness of existing front-of-pack food labelling policies in the WHO European Region?
- What strategies to address communication barriers for refugees and migrants in health care settings have been implemented and evaluated across the WHO European Region?
- While the Music Lasts
- WHO technical specifications for neonatal resuscitation devices
- Wind energy engineering
- Wintrobe's clinical hematology
- Wiskundige basisvaardigheden
- World Health Statistics 2018
- World nuclear power
- Wrist arthroscopy techniques
- XQuery for humanists
ScienceDirect Additions
- Encyclopedia of biological chemistry. Jez. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780128220405
- Encyclopedia of cancer. Boffetta. 3rd ed, 2019. 9780128124857
- Encyclopedia of microbiology. Schmidt. 4th ed, 2019. 9780128117378
- Encyclopedia of virology. Bamford. 4th ed, 2021. 9780128145166
December 2021
ProQuest Additions A-B
- "Abstract" homomorphisms of split Kac-Moody groups Caprace, Pierre-Emmanuel,
- (16,6) configurations and geometry of Kummer surfaces in P3 Gonzalez-Dorrego, Maria R.
- (m)KdV solitons on the background of quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions Gesztesy, Fritz,
- [Beta]-homotopy equivalences have [alpha]-cross sections Montejano, Luis,
- [xé]-radial processes and random Fourier series Marcus, Michael B.,
- 101 cases in respiratory medicine. Sarkar, Supriya,
- 101 Medical Autopsy Cases. Kakkar, Nandita Bharadwaj.
- 150 years of mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis
- 2013-2014 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory
- 2013-2014 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory
- 2015-2016 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory
- 2017-2018 assessment of the army research laboratory - interim report
- A 21st century cyber-physical systems education.
- 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 250 brief, creative & practical art therapy techniques : Buchalter, Susan I.,
- The 2-dimensional attractor of xʹ =-[mu]x +f ) Walther, Hans-Otto,
- 3-manifold groups are virtually residually p Aschenbrenner, Matthias,
- 3-manifolds which are end 1-movable Brin, Matthew G.,
- 5210 Pediatric Obesity Clinical Decision Support Chart. Obesity, American Academy of Pediatrics Section on.
- The 5-minute sports medicine consult
- 70 play activities for better thinking, self-regulation, learning and behavior Kenney, Lynne,
- A1 subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups Lawther, R.
- The AB program in geometric analysis : Druet, Olivier,
- The abc-problem for Gabor systems Dai, Xin-Rong,
- Abelian coverings of the complex projective plane branched along configurations of real lines Hironaka, Eriko,
- Abelian Galois cohomology of reductive groups Borovoi, Mikhail,
- Abelian group theory :
- Abelian group theory and related topics :
- Abelian groups and noncommutative rings :
- Abelian groups, rings, and modules :
- Abelian properties of Anick spaces Gray, Brayton, 1940-,
- Abelian subalgebras of von Neumann algebras Bures, Donald,
- Abridged science for high school students.
- Abrnomalities of the pelvis
- Absolute continuity under time shift of trajectories and related stochastic calculus Löbus, Jörg-Uwe,
- Abstract band method via factorization, positive and band extensions of multivariable almost periodic matrix functions, and spectral estimation Rodman, L.,
- Abstract linear algebra Curtis, Morton Landers,
- Accessible categories : Makkai, Mihály,
- An accompaniment to higher mathematics Exner, George R.,
- Accounting for social risk factors in medicare payment :
- Achieving behavioral health equity for children, families, and communities :
- Achieving procreation : Göknar, Merve Demircioğlu,
- Achieving rural health equity and well-being :
- The acoustics of crime : Hollien, Harry,
- Acoustics of layered media I : Brekhovskikh, L. M.
- Action & self-development
- The action of a real semisimple Lie group on a complex flag manifold, II : Wolf, Joseph Albert,
- Actions of finite groups on the hyperfinite type II[subscript 1] factor Jones, Vaughan F. R.,
- Actions of linearly reductive groups on affine PI-algebras Vonessen, Nikolaus,
- Activated sludge and nutrient removal
- Acute exposure guideline levels for selected airborne chemicals.
- Adaptability of the US engineering and technical workforce :
- Adaptive algorithms and stochastic approximations Benveniste, Albert,
- Adaptive Kontrollstrategien Für Mobile Roboter Basierend Auf Organic Computing Prinzipien. Maas, Raphael.
- Adaptive systems : Mareels, Iven,
- Addiction recovery tools
- Addiction treatment Rasmussen, Sandra.
- Addictive behavior of full-time students at Masaryk University and options in its prevention Kachlík, Petr,
- Addressing cultural issues in organizations
- Addressing water security in the People's Republic of China :
- Adelic divisors on arithmetic varieties Moriwaki, Atsushi,
- ADHD : Wender, Paul H.,
- ADHD in teens & young adults : Cahill, Melissa Springstead,
- ADHD-variabilita v detstvi a dospelosti Ptáček, Radek,
- Admissible solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws Liu, Tai-Ping,
- Adolescence, discrimination, and the law : Levesque, Roger J. R.,
- The adolescent as decision-maker :
- Adolescent diversity in ethnic, economic, and cultural contexts
- Adolescent health Rew, Lynn.
- Adult attachment Feeney, Judith.
- Adult audiologic rehabilitation Montano, Joseph J.,
- Adult friendship Blieszner, Rosemary.
- Advanced analytic number theory. Moreno, Carlos J.,
- Advanced mathematical methods for scientists and engineers I : Bender, Carl M.,
- Advanced photonics with second-order optically nonlinear processes
- Advanced polymeric materials :
- Advanced practice nursing in the community
- Advanced serverless architectures with microsoft azure : Bass, Daniel,
- Advanced topics in Shannon sampling and interpolation theory
- Advances in algebraic geometry motivated by physics :
- Advances in complex geometry
- Advances in contemporary logic and computer science :
- Advances in differential equations and mathematical physics :
- Advances in differential geometry and general relativity :
- Advances in discrete and computational geometry :
- Advances in dual diagnosis :
- Advances in genome science.
- Advances in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations :
- Advances in logic :
- Advances in meat processing technologies : Kalschne, Daneysa,
- Advances in non-Archimedean analysis :
- Advances in organic synthesis.
- Advances in p-Adic and non-Archimedean analysis :
- Advances in PGPR research
- Advances in quantum computation :
- Advances in quantum dynamics :
- Advances in rings and modules
- Advances in stochastic inequalities :
- Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions :
- Advances in time series forecasting.
- Advances in ultrametric analysis :
- Advances in wave interaction and turbulence :
- Advancing aeronautical safety :
- Advancing concepts and models for measuring innovation :
- Advancing disease modeling in animal-based research in support of precision medicine :
- Advancing obesity solutions through investments in the built environment :
- Advancing the discipline of regulatory science for medical product development :
- Advancing therapeutic development for pain and opioid use disorders through public-private partnerships :
- Adventures in mathematical physics :
- Aesthetic design of electric transmission structures
- Affine algebraic geometry :
- Affine flag varieties and quantum symmetric pairs Fan, Zhaobing,
- Affine flows on 3-manifolds Matsumoto, Shigenori,
- Affine insertion and Pieri rules for the affine Grassmannian
- Affine representations of Grothendieck groups and applications to Rickart C*-algebras and [Hebrew aleph]-continuous regular rings Goodearl, K. R.,
- Affirmative psychotherapy and counseling for lesbians and gay men Chernin, Jeffrey N.
- Afforestation in india : Gupta, H. S.
- A-frame Randl, Chad,
- Age determination of young rocks and artifacts : Wagner, Günther A.,
- Agile implementation : Boustani, Malaz,
- Aging Bergeman, Cindy S.
- Agriculture and Environment Perspectives in Intelligent Systems. Muñoz, A.
- AI and machine learning Rahman, Was,
- Aircraft engineering and aerospace technology :
- The alchemical Virigin Mary in the religious and political context of the Renaissance Szulakowska, Urszula,
- Alcohol use among adolescents Windle, Michael T.
- Algebra : Adkins, William A.,
- Algebra and computer science :
- Algebra and its applications :
- Algebra for secure and reliable communication modeling :
- Algebra, geometry, and their interactions :
- Algebra, K-theory, groups, and education :
- Algebraic and analytic aspects of integrable systems and painlevé equations :
- Algebraic and analytic geometry of fans Andradas, Carlos,
- Algebraic and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms :
- Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of tropical geometry :
- Algebraic and geometric aspects of integrable systems and random matrices :
- Algebraic and geometric combinatorics :
- Algebraic and geometric methods in applied discrete mathematics :
- Algebraic and strong splittings of extensions of Banach algebras Badè, W. G.
- Algebraic and topological dynamics :
- Algebraic aspects of Darboux transformations, quantum integrable systems and supersymmetric quantum mechanics :
- Algebraic cobordism and K-theory Snaith, Victor P.
- Algebraic curves and their applications
- Algebraic geometry :
- Algebraic geometry over C[infinity]-rings Joyce, Dominic D.,
- Algebraic geometry, Hirzebruch 70 :
- Algebraic groups and modular Lie algebras Humphreys, James E.,
- Algebraic groups and quantum groups :
- Algebraic K-theory :
- Algebraic K-theory and algebraic number theory :
- Algebraic K-theory and localised stable homotopy theory Snaith, Victor P.
- Algebraic K-theory, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry :
- Algebraic methods in statistics and probability :
- Algebraic methods in statistics and probability II :
- Algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry :
- Algebraic potential theory Arsove, Maynard,
- Algebraic Q-Groups as Abstract Groups. écon, Olivier.
- An algebraic structure for Moufang quadrangles Medts, Tom de,
- Algebraic structure of pseudocompact groups Dikranjan, Dikran N.,
- Algebraic structures and their representations :
- Algebraic topology :
- Algebraists' homage :
- Algebraizable logics Blok, W. J.,
- Algebras of singular integral operators with kernels controlled by multiple norms Nagel, Alexander,
- Algebras, representations and applications :
- Algèbre Linéaire Grifone, J.,
- Algebro-geometric quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions of the Toda and Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchies Bulla, W.
- Algorithmic arithmetic, geometry, and coding theory :
- The algorithmic beauty of plants
- Algorithmic diagnosis of symptoms and signs : Collins, R. Douglas,
- Algorithmic probability and combinatorics :
- Algorithmic problems of group theory, their complexity, and applications to cryptography
- Algorithmische Grundlagen Für Die Selbstorganisation Von Roboterschwärmen. Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm.
- Algorithms of Oppression : Noble, Safiya Umoja.
- All compact orientable three dimensional manifolds admit total foliations Hardorp, Detlef,
- Almost automorphic and almost periodic dynamics in skew-product semiflows Shen, Wenxian,
- Almost commuting elements in compact Lie groups Borel, Armand,
- Almost periodic measures Gil de Lamadrid, Jesús,
- Almost sure invariance principles for partial sums of weakly dependent random variables Philipp, Walter,
- An alpine anthology of homotopy theory :
- An alpine bouquet of algebraic topology :
- An Alpine expedition through algebraic topology :
- Alpine perspectives on algebraic topology :
- Alternatives to violence Wolfe, David A.
- The American Psychiatric Association Publishing textbook of suicide risk assessment and management
- America's youth in crisis : Lerner, Richard M.,
- Amherst College
- Análisis teórico y experimental en psicología y salud :
- Analog circuit design.
- An analogue of a reductive algebraic monoid whose unit group is a Kac-Moody group Mokler, Claus,
- Analyse : Douchet, Jacques.
- Analyse Avancée Pour Ingénieurs. Dacorogna, BernardAU.
- Analyse Dans les Espaces Metriques Pajot, Herve,
- Analyse matricielle : Rombaldi, Jean-Etienne,
- L'analyse multivariée avec SPSS Stafford, Jean,
- Analysis and geometry in several complex variables :
- Analysis of the composition and structure of glass and glass ceramics
- Analysis of the Hodge Laplacian on the Heisenberg group Müller, Detlef,
- Analysis, complex geometry, and mathematical physics :
- Analysis, geometry, and quantum field theory :
- Analysis, geometry, number theory :
- Analytic continuation of the irreducible unitary representations of the universal covering group of SL Sally, Paul J.,
- Analytic deformations of the spectrum of a family of Dirac operators on an odd-dimensional manifold with boundary Kirk, P.
- Analytic functions of one complex variable
- Analytic methods for partial differential equations Evans, Gwynne,
- Analytic methods in arithmetic geometry :
- Analytic quotients : Farah, Ilijas,
- The analytic theory of multiplicative Galois structure Chinburg, Ted,
- Analytic trends in mathematical physics
- Analyzable functions and applications :
- Analyzing oil production and consumption : Steele, Philip,
- Anatomie fonctionnelle de l'appareil locomoteur : Guay, Michel,
- Anatomie Pro Nelékařské Zdravotnické Obory Kachlik, David,
- Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing. Rousseau, Bernard.
- Anatomy for problem solving in sports medicine : Harris, Philip F.,
- The anatomy of murder : Hildebrandt, Sabine,
- Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit : Freddo, Thomas F.
- Ancient medicine : Zucconi, Laura M.,
- Ancient Synagogues of Southern Palestine, 300-800 C.E. : Werlin, Steven H.,
- Anesthesia :
- Animal homing
- The animal trade Phillips, Clive J. C.,
- Anisotropic Hardy spaces and wavelets Bownik, Marcin,
- Annihilating fields of standard modules of Sl and combinatorial identities Meurman, Arne,
- Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics.
- Anticipative Girsanov transformations and Skorohod stochastic differential equations Buckdahn, Rainer,
- Antimicrobial peptides :
- Antimicrobial stewardship :
- Antisocial media : Goldberg, Greg,
- Anxiety, depression and anger toolbox for teens : Bernstein, Jeffrey,
- Aplicaciones de Las Nuevas Tecnologías a la Formación en el ámbito de la Salud. Castellanos Nieves, Dagoberto.
- Application of airborne lidar data in the modelling of 3d urban landscape ecology Chen, Ziyue,
- Applications in Food Sciences. Atta-ur-Rahman.
- Applications Logicielles Certifiables 3. Boulanger, Jean-Louis.
- Applications of algebraic K-theory to algebraic geometry and number theory :
- Applications of curves over finite fields :
- Applications of hypergroups and related measure algebras :
- Applications of internet of vehicles
- Applications of polyfold theory I : Hofer, Helmut,
- Applications of ultrasound in anesthesia : Lalchandani, Kavita S.,
- Applications Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
- Applied analysis :
- Applied bioelectricity : Reilly, J. Patrick,
- Applied data analytics : Agbinya, Johnson I.,
- Applied data visualization with R and Ggplot2 : Moulik, Tania,
- Applied developmental science
- Applied functional analysis : Zeidler, Eberhard,
- Applied geoscience in shale exploration and production Bartok, Peter,
- Applied interdisciplinary theory in health informatics :
- Applied machine learning with Python Giussani, Andrea,
- Applied modelling, numerical simulation, computation and optimization
- Applied multivariate data analysis. Jobson, J. D.,
- Applied partial differential equations Logan, J. David
- Applied supervised learning with R : Ramasubramanian, Karthik,
- Applied unsupervised learning with Python : Johnston, Benjamin,
- Applying a health lens to business practices, policies, and investments : Wizemann, Theresa M.,
- Applying a health lens to decision making in non-health sectors :
- Applying an implementation science approach to genomic medicine :
- Applying materials state awareness to condition-based maintenance and system life cycle management :
- Applying Psychological Ideas in Speech and Language Therapy. James, Sarah.
- Approaches to improvement of crop genotypes with high water and nutrient use efficiency for water scarce environments :
- Approaches to the development of character : Beatty, Alexandra,
- Approaches to universal health coverage and occupational health and safety for the informal workforce in developing countries :
- L'approche systémique en santé mentale Balas, Louise Landry,
- Appropriate use of advanced technologies of radiation therapy and surgery in oncology :
- Approximate homotopy of homomorphisms from C into a simple C*-algebra Lin, Huaxin,
- Approximation and entropy numbers of Volterra operators with application to Brownian motion Lifshit︠s︡, M. A.
- Approximation results in topological manifolds Chapman, T. A.
- Archaeologies of touch : Parisi, David Harlan,
- Archäoseismologie : Hinzen, Klaus-G.
- The architects who built Southern California González, Antonio,
- Architecture that speaks : McCoy, Nancy T.,
- Architektur und Atmosphäre : Böhme, Gernot.
- Argentina : PAHO.
- Argillaceous rock atlas O'Brien, Neal R.,
- Arithmetic geometry :
- An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem for singular arithmetic surfaces Aitken, Wayne,
- Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography and coding theory :
- Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography, and coding theory :
- Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography, and coding theory 2009 :
- The arithmetics of quadratic Jordan algebras Racine, Michel L.,
- Around Langlands correspondences :
- Art and architecture for congregational worship : Vosko, Richard S.,
- The art and science of assisted reproductive technology
- The art and science of psychopharmacology : Marie, Susan,
- The art of Pterygium surgery : Gulani, Arun C.,
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial intelligence and creativity :
- Artificial intelligence and expert systems Gupta, Itisha,
- Artificial intelligence and global security :
- Artificial intelligence for biology and agriculture
- Arts, health and wellbeing :
- Arythmie cardiaque : Dominguez, Manuel,
- Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit aus der Apotheke : Sell, Raphael,
- Aspects of operator algebras and applications :
- Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism?
- Asphaltenes :
- Assessing allegations of sexual abuse in preschool children Hewitt, Sandra K.
- Assessing and improving the interpretation of breast images :
- Assessing and treating physically abused children and their families Kolko, David J.
- Assessing health outcomes among veterans of Project SHAD :
- Assessing progress on the Institute of Medicine report The future of nursing
- Assessing the impact of applications of digital health records on alzheimer's disease research : Bain, Lisa,
- Assessing woman battering in mental health services Gondolf, Edward W.,
- Assessment and Therapy for Language and Cognitive Communication Difficulties in Dementia and Other Progressive Diseases. Volkmer, Anna.
- An assessment of four Divisions of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology :
- Assessment of solid-state lighting.
- Assessment of the national institute of standards and technology engineering laboratory :
- Assessment of the national institute of standards and technology material measurement laboratory :
- An assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Material Measurement Laboratory :
- An assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Physical Measurement Laboratory :
- An assessment of the smart manufacturing activities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Engineering Laboratory :
- Assisted reproductive technologies in the third phase :
- Assistive technology and science Bodine, Cathy.
- Associated graded algebra of a Gorenstein Artin algebra Iarrobino, Anthony A.
- Association of medicine and psychiatry primary care psychiatry
- Associations and correlations : Baker, Lee,
- Assumptions about human nature : Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
- Ästhetik als Programm :
- Asylum doctor : Bryan, Charles S.,
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions and adjunction fields for nonlinear first order differential equations Strodt, Walter Charles,
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential-difference equations Bellman, Richard,
- Asymptotic behaviour of tame harmonic bundles and an application to pure twistor D-modules Mochizuki, Takuro,
- Asymptotic behaviour of tame harmonic bundles and an application to pure twistor D-modules. Mochizuki, Takuro,
- Asymptotic completeness, global existence and the infrared problem for the Maxwell-Dirac equations Flato, M.
- Asymptotic expansions for infinite weighted convolutions of heavy tail distributions and application Barbe, Philippe,
- Asymptotic forms of Whittaker's confluent hypergeometric functions Erdélyi, Arthur,
- Asymptotics for solutions of linear differential equations having turning points with applications Strelitz, S.
- Ataque cardíaco y accudente cerebrovascular. Organization, Pan American Health.
- Atlas of artifacts of clinical neurophysiology
- Atlas of Cilia bioengineering and biocomputing
- Atlas of Critical Care. Mehta, Yatin.
- Atlas of exfoliative cytopathology with histopathologic correlations Ali, Syed Z.,
- Atlas of fiberoptic bronchoscopy Prasad, Rajendra,
- Atlas of fine needle aspiration cytology
- Atlas of full-endoscopic spine surgery Hofstetter, Christoph P.,
- An atlas of histology Zhang, Shu-xin,
- Atlas of intensive care quantitative EEG Ng, Marcus C.,
- Atlas of operative craniofacial surgery
- Atlas of peripheral regional anesthesia : Meier, Gisela,
- Atlas of salivary gland cytopathology :
- ATLETIEK : Caplin, Ariane,
- Atomic and electronic structure of surfaces : Lannoo, M.
- Atomic and plasma-material interaction data for fusion.
- Atomic Boolean subspace lattices and applications to the theory of bases Argyros, S.
- Attachment : Reese, Christina,
- Attention : Johnson, Addie,
- Attention deficits and hyperactivity in children Hinshaw, Stephen P.
- Attitudes and related psychosocial constructs Aiken, Lewis R.,
- Attractors representing turbulent flows Constantin, P.
- Auc Medica - Monographia : Faber, Josef.
- Au-Delà de l'intelligence Artificielle. Cardon, Alain.
- Augmenting intelligence and neural networks.
- Australian Social Attitudes IV : Wilson, Shaun.
- Autism and offending behaviour
- Autism, humanity and personhood : Cox, Jennifer Anne,
- Autocad 2018 beginning and intermediate Hamad, Munir M.,
- Automata and computability Kozen, Dexter,
- Automated theorem proving :
- Automating Software Tests Using Selenium. Peres, Hugo.
- Automation in tree fruit production :
- Automorphic forms and L-functions I, global aspects :
- Automorphic forms and L-functions II, local aspects :
- Automorphic forms and related geometry :
- Automorphic forms and related topics :
- Automorphisms of fusion systems of finite simple groups of lie type Broto, Carles,
- Automorphisms of manifolds and algebraic K-theory. Weiss, Michael S.,
- Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets Cholak, Peter,
- Automorphisms of two-generator free groups and spaces of isometric actions on the hyperbolic plane Goldman, William Mark,
- Autumn showers Vishwanath, Lata,
- Avant-garde in the cornfields :
- Avoiding common errors in the emergency department
- Awaken your medical intuition : De Guzman, Vivian S.,
- Axes in outer space Handel, Michael,
- An axiomatic approach to function spaces, spectral synthesis, and Luzin approximation Hedberg, Lars Inge,
- Axiomatic set theory
- Axiomatic stable homotopy theory Hovey, Mark,
- Axiomization of passage from "local" structure to "global" object Feit, Paul,
- Azumaya algebras, actions, and modules :
- Azure for architects : Modi, Ritesh,
- Azure PowerShell quick start guide : Mitchell, Thomas,
- Azure serverless computing cookbook : Sreeram, Praveen Kumar,
- The B language and method : Lano, K.,
- Banach algebras and their applications :
- Banach algebras on semigroups and on their compactifications Dales, H. G.
- Banach embedding properties of non-commutative L[superscript p]-spaces Haagerup, U.,
- Banach lattices Meyer-Nieberg, Peter,
- Banach space theory :
- Banach spaces :
December 2021
ProQuest Additions B-D
- Banach spaces of analytic functions :
- Banach spaces with a unique unconditional basis, up to permutation
- Banking and financial regulation in emerging markets
- Barash. Fundamentos de Anestesia Clínica. Barash, Paul G.
- The based ring of two-sided cells of Affine Weyl groups of type Ã[subscript n-1] Xi, Nanhua,
- Basic almost-poised hypergeometric series Chu, Wenchang,
- Basic cardiovascular physiology : Pagliaro, Pasquale,
- Basic global relative invariants for homogeneous linear differential equations Chalkley, Roger,
- Basic global relative invariants for nonlinear differential equations Chalkley, Roger,
- Basic linear algebra Blyth, T. S.
- Basic linear geostatistics Armstrong, M.,
- Basic principles of membrane technology Mulder, Marcel,
- Basic stochastic processes : Brzezniak, Z.,
- The basic theory of real closed spaces Schwartz, Niels,
- Basic verbal skills for music therapists Schwartz, Elizabeth K.,
- The basis problem for modular forms on [Gamma]o Hijikata, Hiroaki,
- Bayesian learning for neural networks Neal, Radford M.,
- The B-conjecture : Walter, John H.,
- Becoming a professional counselor Wallace, Sheri A.
- Becoming men : Langa, Malose,
- Bedside clinics in surgery Saha, Makhan Lal,
- The beginning of heaven and Earth has no name : Von Foerster, Heinz,
- Behavior and sequential analyses : Sharpe, Tom,
- Behavior change & public health in the developing world Elder, John P.
- Behavior of distant maximal geodesics in finitely connected complete 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds Shioya, Takashi,
- The behaviour of pinnipeds
- The Beilinson complex and canonical rings of irregular surfaces Canonaco, Alberto,
- Being a systems psychodynamic scholar Cilliers, Frans,
- Bellman Function for Extremal Problems in BMO II. Ivanisvili, Paata.
- The Beltrami equation Iwaniec, Tadeusz,
- Beneficiation of phosphates :
- Benelong's Haven : Chenhall, Richard,
- Bergman spaces and related topics in complex analysis :
- Berlin, Alexanderplatz Weszkalnys, Gisa.
- Bernardino Telesio and the natural sciences in the Renaissance
- Bernoulli free-boundary problems Shargorodsky, E.
- The best Australian science writing 2016
- The best Australian science writing 2017
- The best Australian science writing 2018
- The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology. Rodgers, Griffin P.
- De betrouwbare innovatieve pil Lie-A-Huen, Loraine.
- Betti numbers of the moduli space of rank 3 parabolic Higgs bundles García-Prada, O.
- Betty Neuman : Reed, Karen S.,
- Between the plough and the pick :
- Between unknown change and familiar retreat : Waska, Robert T.,
- Beyond individual and group differences Lamiell, James T.
- Beyond spectre :
- Beyond the DSM story Eriksen, Karen,
- Beyond the toolkit : Marshall, Brian,
- Beyond topology
- Bifurcation theory for Fredholm operators Ize, Jorge,
- The big book of exposures : Springer, Kristen S.,
- Big city politics in transition
- Big data : Santos, Maribel Yasmina,
- Big data and analysis for infectious disease research, operations, and policy :
- Big Data in Materials Research and Development :
- Big data's big potential in developing economies : Kshetri, Nir,
- The bilateral Bergman shift Adams, Gregory T.,
- Bill Gibson Allen, Tina K. ,
- De bindende kracht van een universeel specialisme Bel, Elisabeth H. D.
- Binder and polymer assisted powder processing. German, Randall M.,
- Bioanalytical techniques Shourie, Abhilasha,
- Biochemistry Stenesh, J.,
- The bioeconomy : Viaggi, Davide,
- BIOENG 2015 :
- Biogeochemical cycling and sediment ecology
- Biological fluid dynamics :
- Biomaterials for tissue engineering.
- Biomathematiques de la croissance : Roger, Buis,
- Biomechanics : Fung, Y. C.,
- Biomechanics : Fung, Y. C.
- Biopolitics Lemke, Thomas.
- Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast. Schnitt, Stuart J.
- Biopsy Interpretation of the Gastrointestinal Tract Mucosa. Montgomery, Elizabeth A.
- Biopsy interpretation of the skin : Crowson, A. Neil,
- Biostatistics for oncologists Leonard, Kara Lynne,
- Biotechnology of major cereals
- Bipolar II disorder :
- Birational algebraic geometry =
- Birationally rigid Fano threefold hypersurfaces Cheltsov, Ivan,
- The birth wars MacColl, Mary-Rose.
- Birthing the computer : Kaisler, Stephen H.,
- Black box classical groups Kantor, W. M.
- Black box optimization with exact subsolvers : Edman, Christine,
- Black shank of tobacco in the former Dutch East Indies, caused by Phytophthora Nicotianae :
- Blaschke's rolling theorem in Rn Brooks, J. N.
- Blockchain technology and applications Banafa, Ahmed,
- Bloedvaten weerstaan Bavel, Ed van.
- Blood results in clinical practice : Basten, Graham,
- Blowing up of non-commutative smooth surfaces Bergh, M. van den,
- Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing, Revised Edition. Wells, Walker.
- The body in medical thought and practice
- Boletes of eastern North America Bessette, Alan,
- Bolting reliability for offshore oil and natural gas operations : Johnson, Anne Frances,
- The book of peace Christine,
- Boost your nursing leadership career : White, Kenneth R.
- Bordered Heegaard Floer homology Lipshitz, R.
- Borel liftings of Borel sets : Debs, Gabriel,
- Bosonic construction of vertex operator para-algebras from symplectic affine Kac-Moody algebras Weiner, Michael David,
- Boundaries and boundary violations in psychoanalysis Gabbard, Glen O.,
- Boundary behaviour of conformal maps Pommerenke, Christian,
- Boundary conditions and subelliptic estimates for geometric Kramers-Fokker-Planck operators on manifolds with boundaries Nier, Francis,
- Boundary-interior layer interactions in nonlinear singular perturbation theory Howes, Frederick A.,
- The bounded and precise word problems for presentations of groups Ivanov, S. V.
- Boundedness results for operators with singular kernels on distribution spaces Torres, Rodolfo H.
- Bounds on transfer principles for algebraically closed and complete discretely valued fields Brown, Scott Shorey,
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Braids :
- Brain mapping :
- The branched cyclic coverings of 2 bridge knots and links Minkus, Jerome,
- Brandt matrices and theta series over global function fields
- Breakthroughs in statistics.
- Breast Simpson, Jean F.,
- Breast feeding and sexuality : Mabilia, Mara,
- Breast Imaging : Shah, Biren A.
- Breastfeeding and Culture. Short, Anne Marie.
- Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards Bretherick, L.
- A brief primer of helping skills Kottler, Jeffrey A.,
- Bringing government into the 21st Century :
- Bringing public health into urban revitalization :
- British and Irish butterflies : Dennis, Roger L. H.,
- Brooklyn Bridge Park : Witty, Joanne,
- Brownian Brownian motion-I Chernov, Nikolai,
- Brownian motion on nested fractals Lindstrøm, Tom,
- Budget optimization and allocation : Sahana, Sudip Kumar,
- De buik beter in beeld Stoker, J.
- Building a national capability to monitor and assess medical countermeasure use during a public health emergency :
- Building and evaluating research capacity in healthcase systems
- Building capacity for health informatics in the future
- Building communication capacity to counter infectious disease threats :
- Building data streaming applications with Apache Kafka : Manish Kumar,
- Building health coalitions in the Black community Braithwaite, Ronald L.,
- Building infrastructure for international collaborative research in the social and behavioral sciences :
- Building sustainable financing structures for population health :
- Building together : Katan, Roger,
- Bulk metallic glasses and their composites : Rafique, Muhammad Musaddique Ali,
- Burdened children
- Bush Heritage Australia : Martin, Sarah,
- Business analysis using regression : Foster, Dean P.,
- The business of dermatology Dover, Jeffrey S.,
- The business of plastic surgery : Korman, Joshua M.,
- The business of therapy Hodson, Pauline.
- C* Bundles and compact transformation groups Evans, Bruce D.,
- C*-algebra extensions of C Lin, Huaxin,
- C*-algebras :
- C*-algebras of homoclinic and heteroclinic structure in expansive dynamics Thomsen, Klaus,
- C++ Par la Pratique : Chappelier, Jean-Cédric.
- Cable visions :
- Cached Schulte, Stephanie Ricker.
- Cálculo infinitesimal : Bonnet Jerez, J. L.
- Calculus Grossman, Stanley I.,
- The calculus of one-sided M-ideals and multipliers in operator spaces Blecher, David P.,
- Calculus of principally twisted vertex operators Figueiredo, Leila,
- The California nitrogen assessment :
- Canard cycles and center manifolds Dumortier, Freddy,
- Cáncer de seno claro y sencillo :
- Cancer immunotherapy principles and practice
- Cancer pharmacology :
- Cancer rehabilitation :
- Canonical differential operators and lower-order symbols Jackson, Robert John Victor,
- Canonical Sobolev projections of weak type
- Canonical Wick rotations in 3-dimensional gravity Benedetti, R.,
- Capital Designs : Chanin, Eileen.
- Carbon criminals, climate crimes Kramer, Ronald C.,
- Cardiodiabetes update :
- Care in the community :
- Caring and compassionate : Gregory, Helen,
- Carleman estimates, observability inequalities, and null controllability for interior degenerate nonsmooth parabolic equations Fragnelli, Genni,
- Carleson measures and interpolating sequences for Besov spaces on complex balls Arcozzi, N.
- Carotenoids in photosynthesis
- The case of academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin
- Case studies in community health Fairbanks, Jo.
- Case Studies in Uncommon Headache Disorders. Chakravarty, Ambar.
- Casino life : Watts, Phil,
- Caspar David Friedrich : Grave, Johannes.
- Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics : Huinker, DeAnn.
- Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics : Graham, Karen.
- Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics : Bush, Sarah B.
- Catecholamines : Landsberg, Lewis,
- A categorical approach to imprimitivity theorems for C*-dynamical systems Echterhoff, Siegfried,
- Categorical framework for the study of singular spaces Fulton, William,
- Categories in algebra, geometry and mathematical physics :
- Categories in computer science and logic :
- Categories of highest weight modules : Enright, Thomas J.,
- Categories of modules over endomorphism rings Faticoni, Theodore G.
- Categories of operator modules : Blecher, David P.,
- Categorification and higher representation theory
- Categorification in geometry, topology, and physics
- The category of H-modules over a spectrum Sanders, Jack Palmer,
- Catholic bioethics and social justice :
- Cattle lameness and hoofcare : Blowey, R. W.
- The Cauchy-Goursat problem DuChateau, Paul,
- Caustics for dissipative semilinear oscillations Joly, Jean-Luc,
- Caustics, catastrophes and wave fields Kravt︠s︡ov, I︠U︡. A.
- The Čech centennial :
- Celestial mechanics :
- Cellular decompositions of 3-manifolds that yield 3-manifolds Armentrout, Steve,
- Center manifolds for semilinear equations with non-dense domain and applications to Hopf bifurcation in age structured models Magal, Pierre,
- Central Europe area in view of current geography :
- Central extensions, Galois groups, and ideal class groups of number fields Fröhlich, A.
- Centres of centralizers of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups Lawther, R.
- Ceramics : Munz, Dietrich,
- Cervical spine deformity surgery Ames, Christopher P.,
- Cervical trauma : Heary, Robert F.,
- Chadwick's child maltreatment.
- Chained to the desk : Robinson, Bryan E.
- Challenges in machine generation of analytic products from multi-source data :
- Challenging aging : Kyriazis, M.,
- Challenging cases in musculoskeletal imaging Freyschmidt, J.
- The Changing Earth, Grade 8 : Johnson, Carla C.
- Changing energy : Perkins, John H.,
- Changing violent men
- Chaos and fractals : Peitgen, Heinz-Otto,
- Chaotic numerics :
- Chapel Hill Ergodic Theory Workshops :
- Chapter 16 of Ramanujan's second notebook :
- Chapter 9 of Ramanujan's second notebook : Berndt, Bruce C.,
- Character identities in the twisted endoscopy of real reductive groups Mezo, Paul,
- Character theory of finite groups :
- Characterization and topological rigidity of Nöbeling manifolds Nagórko, Andrzej,
- Characterizing k-dimensional universal Menger compacta Bestvina, Mladen,
- Charting the operator terrain Ernest, John,
- Cheesemaking practice Scott, R.,
- The chemical industry
- Chemical process equipment
- Chemie en licht Brouwer, Fred.
- Chemistry and technology of epoxy resins
- Chemistry of the elements Greenwood, N. N.
- Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere : Finlayson-Pitts, Barbara J.
- Chest X-Ray in Neonates and Children. Ray, Swapan K.
- Chevalley supergroups Fioresi, Rita,
- Child custody & domestic violence Jaffe, Peter G.
- Child delinquents
- Child psychiatric epidemiology : Verhulst, F. C.
- Child survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse
- Childhood and adolescence in society :
- Childhood sexual abuse Fergusson, David Murray,
- Children and families in health and illness
- Children's adjustment to adoption Brodzinsky, David.
- Children's play
- Children's rights in the United States Walker, Nancy E.
- Chinese research perspectives on the environment.
- Chitosan based materials and its applications
- Chlamydiae and chlamydial infections Martinov, Svetoslav P.,
- Christoffel functions and orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights on [₋1, 1] Levin, A. L.,
- CICTP 2016.
- Cigarettes, nicotine, & health Kozlowski, Lynn T.
- The city shaped :
- Civilizace Na Planetě Zemi. Moldan, Bedřich.
- Clasificación estadística internacional de enfermedades y problemas relacionados con la salud : PAHO.
- Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades para Oncología 3a. ed. Fritz, April.
- A class of functional equations of neutral type Hale, Jack K.,
- Classes of Polish spaces under effective Borel isomorphism Gregoriades, Vassilios,
- Classical descriptive set theory Kechris, Alexander S.,
- Classical electrodynamics Greiner, Walter,
- Classical function theory, operator dilation theory, and machine computation on multiply-connected domains Agler, Jim,
- Classical groups and related topics :
- A classical introduction to modern number theory Ireland, Kenneth F.,
- Classical mechanics with Maple Greene, Ronald L.,
- The classical orders of architecture Chitham, Robert,
- Classical real analysis
- The classical theory of fields Landau, L. D.
- Classical topology and combinatorial group theory Stillwell, John,
- Classification and Fourier inversion for parabolic subgroups with square integrable nilradical Wolf, Joseph Albert,
- Classification and probabilistic representation of the positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation Mselati, Benoît,
- The classification and structure of C*-algebra bundles Dupré, Maurice J.,
- Classification of actions of discrete Kac algebras on injective factors Masuda, Toshihiko,
- Classification of algebraic varieties :
- The classification of countable homogeneous directed graphs and countable homogeneous n-tournaments Cherlin, Gregory L.,
- Classification of direct limits of even Cuntz-circle algebras Lin, Huaxin,
- Classification of E0-semigroups by product systems Skeide, Michael,
- The classification of G-spaces Palais, Richard S.,
- Classification of Jacobian ideals invariant by sl actions Yau, Stephen Shing-Toung,
- The classification of minimal graphs with given abelian automorphism group Arlinghaus, William C.,
- Classification of radial solutions arising in the study of thermal structures with thermal equilibrium or no flux at the boundary Castro, Alfonso,
- Classification of ring and C*-algebra direct limits of finite-dimensional semisimple real algebras Goodearl, K. R.,
- Classification of simple C*-algebras : Li, Liangqing,
- A classification theorem for homotopy commutative H-spaces with finitely generated mod 2 cohomology rings Slack, Michael,
- Classifying spaces and fibrations May, J. Peter,
- Clause and effect : Clocksin, W. F.
- Cleaner fish biology and aquaculture applications Treasurer, J. W.
- The Cleveland Clinic Foundation intensive review of internal medicine
- Climate change operational framework, 2017-2030 :
- Climate Change Profile of Pakistan Chaudhry, Qamar-uz-Zaman,
- Climbing the healthcare management ladder : Aldrich, Jim,
- Clinical Audiology : Stach, Brad A.
- Clinical breast tomosynthesis : Salkowski, Lonie,
- Clinical cases in eye care Rosenfield, Mark,
- Clinical clerkships Ways, Peter,
- Clinical en face OCT atlas
- Clinical epidemiology & evidence-based medicine Katz, David L.,
- Clinical Examination and Applied Medicine. Haroon, Mushtaq.
- Clinical focus series :
- Clinical guide to oral implantology :
- Clinical handbook of psychiatry & the law Appelbaum, Paul S.,
- Clinical laboratory medicine for mental health professionals Jacobson, Sandra A.,
- Clinical manual of psychopharmacology in the medically ill
- Clinical manual of supportive psychotherapy Novalis, Peter N.,
- Clinical neurology made easy. Srinivas, Hari,
- Clinical obstetrics :
- Clinical pearls in pulmonology Hemanth, I. K.,
- The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical nursing
- Clinical research in communication disorders : Hegde, M. N.
- Clinical scenarios in general surgery : Dimick, Justin B.,
- Clinical simulations for the advanced practice nurse :
- Clinical supervision in the medical profession
- Clinical surgery pearls Babu, R. Dayananda,
- Clinical tests for the musculoskeletal system : Buckup, K.
- Cloning wild life Friese, Carrie.
- The closed graph and P-closed graph properties in general topology Hamlett, T. R.,
- Cluster Algebras and Triangulated Surfaces Part II. Fomin, Sergey.
- Coarse cohomology and index theory on complete Riemannian manifolds Roe, John,
- Coastal systems Haslett, Simon K.,
- Cocycles of CCR flows Bhat, B. V. Rajarama,
- Codification of medical morality.
- Coding theory and quantum computing :
- Cogeneration power plants : Wilson, Joel,
- Cognitive behavioral therapy worksheets : Shapiro, Lawrence E.,
- Cognitive radar : Guerci, J. R.,
- The Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein Rees algebras associated to filtrations Gotō, Shirō,
- Coherence and non-commutative diagrams in closed categories Voreadou, Rodiani,
- Coherence for tricategories Gordon, Robert,
- Cohomological invariants : Garibaldi, Skip,
- Cohomology for quantum groups via the geometry of the nullcone
- Cohomology groups and genera of higher-dimensional fields Snapper, Ernst,
- Cohomology in Banach algebras Johnson, B. E.
- The cohomology of Chevalley groups of exceptional Lie type Kleinerman, Samuel N.,
- Cohomology of coalgebras Jonah, David W.,
- Cohomology theory and algebraic correspondences Snapper, Ernst,
- Coleoptera : Löbl, Ivan,
- Collaboration between health care and public health :
- Collected works of L. S. Vygotsky.
- The collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky.
- La collection Coverdale : Hamel, Nathalie,
- Collinearity-preserving functions between Desarguesian planes Carter, David S.,
- Colonic microbiota, nutrition, and health
- Color atlas of genetics Passarge, Eberhard,
- Color atlas of pharmacology Lüllmann, Heinz,
- Coloring theories Fisk, Steve,
- Colposcopia. Texto y Atlas. Pathology, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical.
- Combating antimicrobial resistance :
- Combinatorial and computational algebra :
- Combinatorial and geometric group theory :
- Combinatorial and geometric representation theory :
- Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra :
- Combinatorial Floer homology De Silva, Vin,
- Combinatorial group theory :
- Combinatorial group theory, discrete groups, and number theory :
- Combinatorial methods in topology and algebraic geometry
- Combinatorial patterns for maps of the interval Misiurewicz, Michał,
- Combinatorial symmetries of the m-dimensional ball Jones, Lowell,
- Combinatorial theory of the free product with amalgamation and operator-valued free probability theory Speicher, Roland,
- Combinatorics and algebra
- Combinatorics and graphs :
- Combinatorics and ordered sets :
- Combinatorics and physics :
- Commit to safe and efficient operations Callen, Kris S.,
- Communicating clearly about medicines :
- Communicating mathematics :
- Communicating risks to the public :
- Communicating to advance the public's health :
- Communication skills for midwives England, Carole.
- Community design Mehrhoff, W. Arthur.
- Community organizing Gittell, Ross J.,
- Commutative algebra :
- Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry :
- Commutative algebra and its connections to geometry :
- Commutative and noncommutative harmonic analysis and applications :
- Commutative harmonic analysis :
- Co-morbid substance use and mental health -- focus on the needs of young people
- Compact connected lie transformation groups on spheres with low cohomogeneity, I Straume, Eldar,
- Compact connected Lie transformation groups on spheres with low cohomogeneity, II Straume, Eldar,
- Compact moduli spaces and vector bundles :
- Compact quotients of Cahen-Wallach spaces Kath, Ines,
- Compact zero-dimensional metric spaces of finite type Pierce, Richard S.
- Compactification of the Drinfeld modular surfaces Lehmkuhl, Thomas,
- Compactly covered reflections : Powell, Michael H.,
- Companion animals in human health
- A complete classification of the isolated singularities for nonlinear elliptic equations with inverse square potentials Cirstea, Florica C.,
- The complete dimension theory of partially ordered systems with equivalence and orthogonality Goodearl, K. R.,
- Completely positive hypergroup actions Singh, Ajit Iqbal,
- Completely prime maximal ideals and quantization McGovern, William M.,
- Completing the Riesz-Dunford functional calculus Conway, John B.,
- Complex actions of Lie groups Lazarov, Connor,
- Complex analysis and dynamical systems :
- Complex analysis and dynamical systems II :
- Complex analysis and dynamical systems III :
- Complex analysis and dynamical systems IV.
- Complex analysis and dynamical systems V :
- Complex analysis and spectral theory :
- Complex contour integral representation of cardinal spline functions Schempp, W.
- Complex deterrence
- Complex differential geometry and nonlinear differential equations :
- Complex dynamics :
- Complex geometric analysis in Pohang :
- Complex geometry of groups :
- Complex interpolation between Hilbert, Banach, and operator spaces Pisier, Gilles,
- Complex manifolds and hyperbolic geometry :
- The complex Monge-Ampère equation and pluripotential theory Kołodziej, Sławomir,
- Complex potential theory
- Complex Product Development Model : Sandahl, Christer.
- Complex representations of GL for finite fields K Pi︠a︡tet︠s︡kiĭ-Shapiro, I. I.
- Complexes associated to two vectors and a rectangular matrix Kustin, Andrew R.,
- Complexity and real computation
- Complications in non-vascular interventional therapy and interventional oncology : Mueller-Huelsbeck, Stefan,
- Complicial sets characterising the simplical nerves of strict [omega]-categories Verity, Dominic,
- Comportements alimentaires
- Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces
- Comprehensive cancer care for children and their families : Nass, Sharyl J.,
- The comprehensive clinician's guide to cognitive behavioral therapy Sokol, Leslie,
- Comprender la salud de los hombres : Sabo, Don.
- Computability theory and its applications :
- A computation of [delta] 1 5 Jackson, Steve,
- Computational algebraic and analytic geometry :
- Computational and combinatorial group theory and cryptography :
- Computational and experimental group theory :
- Computational and statistical group theory :
- Computational arithmetic geometry :
- Computational group theory and the theory of groups :
- Computational group theory and the theory of groups, II :
- Computational mathematics in China
- Computational methods for fluid dynamics Ferziger, Joel H.,
- Computational modeling in cognition : Lewandowsky, Stephan.
- Computational techniques for fluid dynamics. Fletcher, C. A. J.,
- Computer concepts and management information systems Gupta, C. P.,
- Computer security and encryption : Chauhan, S. R.,
- A computer-assisted proof of universality for area-preserving maps Eckmann, Jean Pierre,
- Computerized adaptive testing in Kinanthropology : Komarc, Martin,
- Computing the homology of the lambda algebra Tangora, Martin C.,
- Comsol heat transfer models Mayboudi, Layla S.,
- Concentration, functional inequalities, and isoperimetry :
- Conceptions : Bharadwaj, Aditya,
- Conceptual design for engineers French, M. J.,
- Concevoir une Formation Continue en Ligne Pour les Professionnels de la Sante Valois, Pierre,
- The Concise Guide to Decision Making and Ethics in Dysphagia. Leslie, Paula.
- Concurrence et Cohérence Dans les Systèmes Répartis. Perrin, Matthieu.
- Conditional stability and real analytic pseudo-Anosov maps Gerber, Marlies,
- Conduct disorders in childhood and adolescence Kazdin, Alan E.
- Conference in Modern Analysis and Probability
- Conference on Algebraic Topology in Honor of Peter Hilton
- Conflict and health
- Conformal and harmonic measures on laminations associated with rational maps Kaimanovich, Vadim A.,
- Conformal dynamics and hyperbolic geometry :
- Conformal field theory Di Francesco, Philippe,
- Conformal graph directed Markov systems on Carnot groups Chousionis, Vasilionis,
- A conformal mapping technique for infinitely connected regions Arsove, Maynard G.,
- Confronting relationship challenges :
- Conjugacy of Alt5 and SL subgroups of E8 Frey, Darrin D.,
- The conjugacy problem and Higman embeddings Ol'shanskii, A. Yu,
- The connection between infinite dimensional and finite dimensional dynamical systems :
- The connective K-theory of finite groups Bruner, R. R.
- Connectivity properties of group actions on non-positively curved spaces Bieri, Robert,
- Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary and eta cochains Lesch, Matthias,
- Los consejos del psicólogo para entender a tu hijo Crosera, Silvio.
- Conservation and management of tropical rainforests : Bruenig, E. F.,
- Considerations for designing an epidemiologic study for multiple sclerosis and other neurologic disorders in pre and post 9 11 Gulf War veterans
- Constant mean curvature immersions of Enneper type Wente, Henry C.,
- Constructing nonhomeomorphic stochastic flows Darling, R. W. R.,
- Constructive approaches to submanifold stabilization Montenbruck, Jan Maximilian,
- Constructive continuity Mandelkern, Mark,
- Constructive measure theory Bishop, Errett,
- Consumer perspectives of GMO
- Contemporary issues in healthcare law & ethics Harris, Dean M.,
- Contemporary management of the diabetic foot
- Content-based microscopic image analysis Li, Chen,
- Contested belonging :
- Context sensitive health informatics :
- Continued fractions :
- The continued fractions found in the unorganized portions of Ramanujan's notebooks
- Continuing innovation in information technology :
- Continuous analogues of Fock space Arveson, William,
- Continuous cohomology of spaces with two topologies Mostow, Mark Alan,
- Continuous cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields Tsujishita, Tōru,
- Continuous geometries with a transition probability Von Neumann, John,
- Continuous images of arcs and inverse limit methods Nikiel, Jacek,
- Continuous martingales and Brownian motion Revuz, D.,
- Continuous tensor products and Arveson's spectral C*-algebras Zacharias, Joachim,
- Continuous-time random walks for the numerical solution of stochastic differential equations Bou-Rabee, Nawaf,
- A continuum limit of the Toda lattice Deift, Percy,
- Continuum theory and dynamical systems :
- Contractive projections in C[subscript 1] and C[subscript 00] Arazy, Jonathan,
- Contractive projections in Cp Arazy, Jonathan,
- Contributions in algebra and algebraic geometry :
- Contributions of Mexican mathematicians abroad in pure and applied mathematics :
- Contributions to group theory
- Contributions to the asymptotic theory of ordinary differential equations in the complex domain Strodt, Walter Charles,
- Control and relaxation over the circle Hughes, Bruce,
- Control de la fiebra amarilla : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Control methods in PDE-dynamical systems :
- Control of electrical drives Leonhard, Werner,
- Control of human voluntary movement Rothwell, John,
- Controllability, stabilization, and the regulator problem for random differential systems Johnson, R.
- Controlled atmosphere storage of fruit and vegetables Thompson, A. K.
- Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves Bramson, Maury,
- Copolymerization : Hagiopol, Cornel,
- Cornea : Rapuano, Christopher.
- Cornea and sclera
- Cornered Heegaard Floer homology Douglas, Christopher L.,
- Cotorsion modules Matlis, Eben,
- Council for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences.
- Counseling addicted women Cohen, Monique.
- Counseling Latinos and 'la familia' Santiago-Rivera, Azara L.
- Counseling multiracial families Wehrly, Bea,
- Counseling persons of African descent
- The counseling skills practice manual Hutchinson, David R.
- Count us in : Roberts, Gareth Ffowc,
- Countering violent extremism through public health practice :
- Countertransference in perspective :
- Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System Capability for Battalion-And-below Operations : National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- A course in computational algebraic number theory Cohen, Henri,
- A course in number theory and cryptography Koblitz, Neal,
- A course in the theory of groups Robinson, Derek John Scott,
- A course on damage mechanics Lemaître, J.
- Cousin marriages :
- Covering dimension of C*-algebras and 2-coloured classification Bosa, Joan,
- Covid-19 Lockdown Analysis : Laskiewicz, Marek.
- CR embedded submanifolds of CR manifolds Curry, Sean N.,
- Crack cocaine, crime, and women : Mahan, Sue,
- The craft of scientific writing Alley, Michael,
- A crash course in Mathematica Kaufmann, Stephan,
- The crazy, wonderful things kids say : Tanis, Arnold L.,
- Creating engineering design challenges :
- The creation of strange non-chaotic attractors in non-smooth saddle-node bifurcations Jäger, Tobias H.,
- Creation, management and use of online information for emergency management
- Creativity in transition :
- CR-geometry and deformations of isolated singularities Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf,
- Crime in a psychological context Walters, Glenn D.
- Crisis and conflict in agriculture
- Crisis and disaster counseling
- Crisis intervention and time-limited cognitive treatment
- Critical care medicine : Marini, John J.,
- Critical care update 2019.
- Critical issues in child sexual abuse
- Critical issues in psychotherapy
- Critical population and error threshold on the sharp peak landscape for a Moran model Cerf, Raphaël,
- Cross disciplinary advances in quantum computing :
- Crossed products by Hecke pairs Palma, Rui,
- Crossed products of operator algebras Katsoulis, Elias G.,
- Crossed products of von Neumann algebras by equivalence relations and their subalgebras Fulman, Igor,
- Crossed products with continuous trace Echterhoff, Siegfried,
- Crossing in oil palm : Setiawati, Umi,
- Cryptographic agility and interoperability : Johnson, Anne Frances,
- Crystallographic groups and their generalizations :
- CSC 2016 :
- Cultural psychology and qualitative methodology : Ratner, Carl,
- Culturally adaptive counseling skills :
- Culturally relevant ethical decision-making in counseling Houser, Rick.
- Culture & cognition Ross, Norbert
- Culture and disability
- The culture of German environmentalism :
- Culture, psychotherapy, and counseling
- Curating Sydney : Bennett, Jill,
- Current progress in hyperbolic systems :
- Current trends in aircraft design
- Current trends in arithmetical algebraic geometry :
- Current trends in scientific computing :
- Curvature : Agrachev, A.,
- Curves and Abelian varieties :
- Curves, Jacobians, and Abelian varieties :
- Customer-driven disruption : Sarkar, Suman,
- Cutting Brownian paths Bass, Richard F.,
- Cyber resilience Petrenko, Sergei,
- Cybernetics :
- Cybernetics in C++ Bhattacharyya, Avi,
- Cyclic feedback systems Gedeon, Tomáš,
- Cyclic phenomena for composition operators Bourdon, Paul,
- Cyclotron based production of technetium-99m.
- Dancing at the edge : O'Hara, Maureen Miller,
- Dansen op de vulkaan Conijn, Johan.
- The dark side of courtship Lloyd, Sally A.
- De darm in beweging Boeckxstaens, Guy.
- Data analytics in web information systems
- Data breach aftermath and recovery for individuals and institutions : Johnson, Anne,
- Data intelligence and risk analytics
- Data matters :
- Data science
- Dealing with Capacity and Other Legal Issues with Adults with Acquired Neurological Conditions. Volkmer, Anna.
- Dealing with complexity : Flood, Robert L.,
- Dealing with reserved words used as data names in a Visual FoxPro application Hentzen, Whil,
- The death drive : Hageback, Niklas,
- Decay of solutions of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws Glimm, James,
- Decentralization and coordination of water resource management
- Decidability and Boolean representations Burris, Stanley,
- Decision Making in Infertility. Reddy, Apoorva Pallam.
- Decision problems for equational theories of relation algebras Andréka, H.,
- Decision-making and law :
- Decoding the stars : Chinnici, Ileana,
- The decomposition and classification of radiant affine 3-manifolds Choi, Suhyoung,
- The decomposition of Walsh and Fourier series Hirschman, I. I.
- Decompositions of operator algebras : Segal, Irving Ezra,
- Deconstructing heterosexism in the counseling professions
- Découvrir le Numérique : Schiper, André.
- Decrypting the encryption debate :
- Deep brain stimulation : Anderson, William S.
- The defect relation of meromorphic maps on parabolic manifolds Ashline, George Lawrence,
- Defense mechanisms in the counseling process Clark, Arthur J.
- Definable additive categories : Prest, Mike,
- Definiendo La Musicoterapia Brusci, Kenneth E.,
- Deformation and damage mechanisms of materials and structures
- Deformation quantization for actions of Kählerian lie groups Bieliavsky, Pierre,
- Deformation quantization for actions of Rd Rieffel, Marc A.
- Deformation theory and local-global compatibility of Langlands correspondences Luu, Martin T.,
- Deformation theory and quantum groups with applications to mathematical physics :
- Deformation theory of pseudogroup structures Guillemin, Victor,
- Deformations of coherent analytic sheaves with compact supports Siu, Yum-Tong,
- Deformations of nilpotent matrices over rings and reduction of analytic families of meromorphic differential equations Babbitt, Donald G.,
- The degenerate principal series for Sp Gustafson, Robert,
December 2021
ProQuest Additions D-H
- Degenerate principal series for symplectic and odd-orthogonal groups
- Degenerate principal series for symplectic groups
- Degeneration, decadence and disease in the Russian fin de siècle : White, Frederick H.,
- Degree 16 standard L-function of GSp x GSp Jiang, Dihua,
- Degree spectra of relations on a cone Harrison-Trainor, Matthew,
- Degree theory for equivariant maps, the general S1-action Ize, Jorge,
- Degree theory for operators of monotone type and nonlinear elliptic equations with inequality constraints Aizicovici, Sergiu,
- Degree theory of immersed hypersurfaces Rosenberg, H.
- Une dégustation topologique :
- The Delft prototype laboratory Eekhout, Mick,
- Delinquent violent youth :
- Demystifying climate risk.
- Denjoy integration in abstract spaces Solomon, Donald William,
- Density functional theory : Dreizler, Reiner M.,
- Density of prime divisors of linear recurrences Ballot, Christian,
- Depression Richards, Steven.
- Derivates of interval functions Thomson, Brian S.,
- Derivations and automorphisms of Banach algebras of power series Grabiner, Sandy,
- Derivatives of links : Cochran, Tim D.,
- Derived l-adic categories for algebraic stacks Behrend, K.
- Deriving drug discovery value from large-scale genetic bioresources :
- Dermatology Inamadar, Arun C.,
- Derrida after the end of writing : Crockett, Clayton,
- Des Traces Numériques Aux Projections Algorithmiques. Berthier, Thierry.
- Desafío a la falta de equidad en salud : Evans, Timothy.
- Desafíos para la educación en salud pública. La reforma sectorial y las funciones esenciales de salud pública. OPS.
- Desarrollo de sistemas de servicios de emergencias médicas : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Desarrollo de sistemas normalizados de información de enfermería. Organization, Pan American Health.
- Descent construction for Gspin groups Hundley, Joseph,
- Descriptive set theory and definable forcing Zapletal, Jindřich,
- Design for an Empathic World : Van der Ryn, Sim.
- Design of steel transmission pole structures :
- A design thinking, systems approach to well-being within education and practice :
- Designed for the future : Green, Jared,
- Designing and conducting gender, sex, and health research
- Designing assistive technology
- Designing delay-tolerant applications for store-and-forward networks Birrane, Edward J.,
- Desigulidades por razón de género en la salud ocupacional. Ostlin, Piroska.
- Desingularization of nilpotent singularities in families of planar vector fields Panazzolo, Daniel,
- Detached America : Jacobs, James A.,
- Detailed modeling of si engines in fuel consumption simulations for functional analysis. Dorsch, Manuel,
- Developing a cybersecurity immune system for industry 4.0 Petrenko, Sergei,
- Developing a framework for measuring community resilience :
- Developing a philosophy of nursing
- Developing affordable and accessible community-based housing for vulnerable adults :
- Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry and Measurement in Grades 3-5. Lehrer, Richard.
- Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry and Measurement in Grades PreK-Grade 2. Goldenberg, E. Paul.
- Developing Essential Understanding of Statistics for Teaching Math in Grades 6-8. Kader, Gary D.
- Developing Essential Understanding of Statistics for Teaching Math in Grades 9-12. Peck, Roxy.
- Developing multimodal therapies for brain disorders : Bain, Lisa J.,
- Developing renewable energy mini-grids in Myanmar :
- Developing successful diversity mentoring programmes Clutterbuck, David.
- Development and application of biomedical titanium alloys
- Development Asia.
- Development of psychopathology
- Development trends in building services engineering
- Developmental phonological disorders : Rvachew, Susan,
- The devil's riches : Poley, Jared,
- Diagnosis and Management of Neck and Back Pain in Primary Care. Collins, R. Douglas.
- Diagnostic cytology Dey, Pranab,
- Diagnostic imaging of congenital heart defects : Gutberlet, Matthias,
- Diagonalizing quadratic bosonic operators by non-autonomous flow equations Bach, Volker,
- Diagram cohomology and isovariant homotopy theory Dula, Giora,
- Diagram design : Kamps, Thomas,
- Diagram groups Guba, Victor,
- Diagrammatic morphisms and applications :
- The dictionary of family psychology and family therapy
- Dictionary of multicultural psychology Hall, Lena E.
- Diffeomorphisms and noncommutative analytic torsion Lott, John,
- Differential algebra, complex analysis and orthogonal polynomials :
- Differential analysis in infinite dimensional spaces :
- Differential and integral calculus - theory and cases Polanco, Carlos,
- Differential and Riemannian Manifolds Lang, Serge,
- Differential diagnoses in surgical pathology : Vang, Russell,
- Differential Diagnosis and Treatment in Primary Care. Collins, R. Douglas.
- Differential diagnosis in neuroimaging. Meyers, Steven P.,
- Differential diagnosis in radiology Bhargava, Sumeet,
- Differential equations and dynamical systems Perko, Lawrence,
- Differential equations methods for the Monge-Kantorevich mass transfer problem Evans, Lawrence C.,
- Differential equations, mathematical physics, and applications :
- Differential forms and applications Carmo, Manfredo Perdigão do,
- Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems Gangbo, Wilfrid,
- Differential geometric methods in the control of partial differential equations :
- Differential geometry :
- Differential geometry and integrable systems :
- Differential geometry and mathematical physics :
- Differential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spaces over general base fields and rings Bertram, Wolfgang,
- Differential operators and highest weight representations Davidson, Mark G.,
- Differential topology, foliations, and group actions :
- Differential-delay equations with two time lags Nussbaum, Roger D.,
- Digital control systems. Isermann, Rolf,
- The digital divide at the nexus of social justice, media justice, and ethics
- Digital economy and the role of technologies, people and processes in society
- Digital health convergence meeting tool kit
- Digital policy, regulation and governance :
- Digital signal processing : Smith, Steven W.,
- Digital trade vs cyber nationalism
- Dilations, linear matrix inequalities, the matrix cube problem, and beta distributions Helton, J. William,
- Dimension formulae for the vector spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree three Eie, Minking,
- The dimension of spaces of automorphic forms on a certain two-dimensional complex domain Cohn, Leslie,
- Dimension theory for nonsingular injective modules Goodearl, K. R.,
- Dimensional analysis and scale-up in chemical engineering Zlokarnik, Marko,
- Dimensions of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties : Milićević, Elizabeth,
- Dimensions of multicultural counseling : Schwarzbaum, Sara,
- Dimensions of spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree two and three Eie, Minking,
- Dimer models and Calabi-Yau algebras Broomhead, Nathan,
- Diophantine approximation and the geometry of limit sets in Gromov hyperbolic metric spaces Fishman, Lior,
- Diophantine methods, lattices, and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms :
- Direct and inverse scattering at fixed energy for massless charged Dirac fields by Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black holes Daudé, Thierry,
- Direct digital control systems : Nardone, Mary S.,
- Directrices prácticas del ONUSIDA para intensificar la prevención del VIH hacia el acceso universal
- A Dirichlet problem for distributions and specifications for random fields Röckner, Michael,
- The Dirichlet problem for parabolic operators with singular drift terms Hofmann, Steve,
- Disappearing island states in international law Grote Stoutenburg, Jenny,
- The disarticulate : Berger, James,
- Discovering the deep blue sea :
- Discrete geometric analysis :
- Discrete geometry and algebraic combinatorics
- Discrete groups and geometric structures :
- Discretization of homoclinic orbits, rapid forcing, and "invisible chaos" Fiedler, Bernold,
- The discursive mind Harré, Rom.
- Disease selection : Webber, Roger,
- Diseases of the external ear : Kaluskar, S. K.,
- Distribution of resonances in scattering by thin barriers Galkowski, Jeffrey,
- Distribution solutions of nonlinear systems of conservation laws Sever, Michael,
- DK Taneja's Health Policies and Programmes in India. Banerjee, Bratati.
- DMIN 2016 :
- Doctors in denial : Jones, Ronald, W.
- Document smart :
- Documenting psychotherapy Moline, Mary E.
- Doeblin and modern probability
- Doing supportive psychotherapy Battaglia, John,
- Domain decomposition methods 10 :
- Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering :
- Domain decomposition methods in scientific and engineering computing :
- Domestic violence and nonfatal strangulation assessment : Faugno, Diana K.,
- Donald School Embryo As a Person and As a Patient. Kurjak, Asim.
- Données de Vaccination :
- Don't be such a scientist : Olson, Randy,
- Dorothea Orem : Hartweg, Donna L.,
- Doubly timelike surfaces Beem, John Kelly,
- Doulas and Intimate Labour. Casaneda, Angela N.
- Douleur animale, douleur humaine
- La douleur en mouvement :
- Dr Sunil's one page solutions for general practice . Paul, K. Sunil Ravinder,
- Dr. Gyl's guide to a successful hearing care practice Kasewurm, Gyl A.,
- Dr. Pangloss en de geneeskunde Hollak, Carla.
- Dream psychology : Freud, Sigmund,
- Drinking-Water Distribution, Sewage, and Rainfall Collection, Third Edition. Brière, François G.
- Driving action and progress on obesity prevention and treatment :
- The drug development paradigm in oncology :
- Drug treatment systems in an international perspective :
- Drugs & behavior Leavitt, Fred,
- The drugs offences handbook Moloney, Tim,
- Du Photon Au Pixel. Maître, Henri.
- Dual diagnosis during pregnancy, prenatally and into motherhood
- Dual Diagnosis During Pregnancy, Prenatally and into Motherhood. Gilchrist, Gail.
- Dualities on generalized Koszul algebras Green, Edward L.,
- Duality and definability in first order logic Makkai, Mihály,
- Duality for actions and coactions of measured groupoids of von Neumann algebras Yamanouchi, Takehiko,
- Dunn & Haimann's healthcare management Dunn, Rose,
- Dying to get high : Chapkis, W.
- Dynamical numbers :
- Dynamical systems and group actions
- Dynamical systems and random processes :
- Dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and probability :
- Dynamical zeta functions, Nielsen theory, and Reidemeister torsion Felʹshtyn, Alexander,
- Dynamical, spectral, and arithmetic zeta functions :
- Dynamics :
- Dynamics and bifurcations Hale, Jack K.,
- Dynamics and control of multibody systems :
- Dynamics and numbers :
- Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow I : Bedrossian, Jacob,
- The dynamics of modulated wave trains
- Dynamics of nutrient cycling and food webs DeAngelis, D. L.
- Dynamics of topologically generic homeomorphisms Akin, Ethan,
- Dynamis of healing : Chaudhari, Pia Sophia,
- Dyslipidemia : Myerson, Merle,
- Early days in complex dynamics : Alexander, Daniel S.,
- EarthEd :
- Eating and growth disorders in infants and children Woolston, Joseph L.
- The ebola epidemic in West Africa :
- The eclipse of the utopias of labor Rabinbach, Anson,
- The ecological rift Foster, John Bellamy.
- The ecology and silviculture of oaks Johnson, Paul S.,
- The ecology of urban habitats Gilbert, O. L.,
- Ecology of world vegetation Archibold, O. W.,
- Economic revitalization Fitzgerald, Joan,
- Economics for healthcare managers Lee, Robert H.,
- The economics of health reconsidered Rice, Thomas H.,
- The economics of soybean disease control Kalaitzandonakes, Nicholas G.,
- Educación sobre diabetes. : OPS.
- Educating the neglected majority : Jarrell, Richard A.,
- Educating young children with autism spectrum disorders Barton, Erin Elizabeth,
- Educational audiology handbook. Johnson, Cheryl DeConde,
- Effective algebraic topology Schön, Rolf,
- Effective business intelligence with QuickSight : Nadipalli, Rajesh,
- Effective DevOps with AWS : Felsen, Nathaniel,
- Effective Hamiltonians for constrained quantum systems Wachsmuth, Jakob,
- Effects of the deletion of chemical agent washout on operations at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant.
- Ego identity :
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome :
- Eigenvalues and completeness for regular and simply irregular two-point differential operators Locker, John,
- Eigenvalues of the Laplacian for Hecke triangle groups Hejhal, Dennis A.,
- Einstein's revolution : Nugayev, Rinat M.,
- El cambio cuántico : Laszlo, Ervin.
- El Control de las enfermedades transmisibles. Chin, James.
- El control de las enfermedades transmisibles. Organization, Pan American Health.
- El género y la reforma del sector salud. Standing, Hilary.
- El VIH SIDA en países de América Latina : Garcia Abreu, Anabela.
- Elasticity Barber, J. R.
- Electric system operations : Vadari, Mani,
- Electrochemical supercapacitors : Conway, B. E.,
- Electrochemistry Rieger, Philip H.,
- Electromagnetics : Franceschetti, Giorgio,
- Electromagnetism : Fagg, Lawrence,
- Electromechanical sensors and actuators Busch-Vishniac, Ilene J.,
- Electronic design automation
- Electronic distance measurement : Rüeger, J. M.
- Electrophysiology of arrhythmias : Ho, Reginald T.,
- Elementary linear programming with applications Kolman, Bernard,
- Elementary number theory Jones, Gareth A.,
- An elementary recursive bound for effective positivstellensatz and Hilbert's 17th problem Lombardi, Henri,
- Eléments d'analyse Réelle : Rombaldi, Jean-Etienne,
- Elements of distributed algorithms : Reisig, Wolfgang,
- Elements of non-linear functional analysis Graff, Richard A.,
- Elements of structural optimization Haftka, Raphael T.,
- Eliminación de tétanos neonatal. Organization, Pam American Health.
- Eliminating the public health problem of hepatitis B and C in the United States :
- Elliptic integrable systems : Khemar, Idrisse,
- Elliptic partial differential equations with almost-real coefficients Barton, Ariel,
- Elliptic partial differential operators and symplectic algebra Everitt, W. N.
- Elliptic PDEs on compact Ricci limit spaces and applications Honda, Shouhei,
- Elliptic regularization and partial regularity for motion by mean curvature Ilmanen, Tom,
- Embeddability and structure properties of real curves Nadler, Sam B.,
- Embedding and multiplier theorems for H[superscript p] Baernstein, Albert,
- Embedding coverings into bundles with applications Duvall, P. F.
- Embryology & anomalies of the facial nerve and their surgical implications Sataloff, Robert Thayer,
- The emerald review of industrial and organizational psychology Dipboye, Robert L.,
- The emergence of the American mathematical research community, 1876-1900 : Parshall, Karen Hunger,
- Emergency alert and warning systems :
- Emergency medicine :
- Emergency medicine reports LLSA exam study guide 2018.
- The emerging healthcare leader : Baedke, Laurie,
- Emerging Technologies for Nurses : Carroll, Whende M., MSN, RN-BC.
- Emerging trends in agri-nanotechnology :
- EMG lesion localization and characterization : Ferrante, Mark A.,
- Emitter detection and geolocation for electronic warfare O'Donoughue, Nicholas,
- En Manos Del Sistema. Cómo Sobrevivir a la Supervivencia. Gil Roales-Nieto, Jesús.
- Enabling discovery, development, and translation of treatments for cognitive dysfunction in depression :
- Enabling novel treatments for nervous system disorders by improving methods for traversing the blood-brain barrier :
- Enabling precision medicine :
- Encyclopedia of geographic information science
- Encyclopedia of health care management
- Encyclopedia of human geography
- Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology
- Encyclopedia of obesity
- Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development
- Encyclopedia of school health
- Encyclopedia of school psychology
- Encyclopedia of stem cell research
- Encyclopedia of the mind
- Ending the cycle of violence :
- Endomorphisms of linear algebraic groups Steinberg, Robert,
- Endoscopic classification of representations of quasi-split unitary groups Mok, Chung Pang,
- Endoscopic surgery of the orbit : Bleier, Benjamin S.,
- L'endoscopie tordue n'est past si tordue Waldspurger, Jean-Loup,
- End-to-end encrypted messaging Oppliger, Rolf,
- Eneagrama : Durán, Carmen.
- Energy nutrition in ruminants ¢rskov, E. R.,
- Energy transduction in biological membranes : Cramer, W. A.
- Enfermedades de la Mama. Harris, Jay R.
- Enfermedades transmisibles, género y equidad en la salud. Hartigan, Pamela.
- Engaging the private-sector health care system in building capacity to respond to threats to the public's health and national security :
- Enger Spielraum : Böhringer, Hannes.
- Engineering mechanics of materials Muvdi, B. B.,
- Engineering societies and undergraduate education :
- Enhancing BioWatch capabilities through technology and collaboration :
- Enhancing crop genepool use :
- Enhancing primary science
- Enright-Shelton theory and Vogan's problem for generalized principal series Boe, Brian D.,
- Enseignement et recherche en sante publique : Gaumer, Benoît,
- Ensuring patient access to affordable cancer drugs : Nass, Sharyl J.,
- Entire solutions for bistable lattice differential equations with obstacles Hoffman, A.
- Entrepreneurial and Small Business Stressors, Experienced Stress, and Well Being. Perrewé, Pamela L.
- Entropy and multivariable interpolation Popescu, Gelu,
- Entropy and the quantum :
- Entropy and the quantum II :
- Entropy bounds and isoperimetry Bobkov, Serguei G.
- Enumerative algebraic geometry :
- Environment and behavior studies :
- Environmental attitudes and awareness : Tankha, Geotika,
- Environmental engineering for the 21st century :
- Environmental impacts of mining activities :
- Environmental pollution and health Ahluwalia, V. K.,
- Environmental studies : Tripathi, Arun K.,
- Envisioning the future of health professional education :
- Enzyme inhibition.
- Enzymes involved in glycolysis, fatty acid and amino acid biosynthesis : Brito Arias, Marco Augusto,
- Epilepsy board review Modur, Pradeep N.
- Episodes in the history of modern algebra
- Epistemological foundations of mathematical experience
- The equational classes generated by single functionally precomplete algebras Knoebel, Arthur,
- Equidad de género y salud ambiental. Sims, Jacqueline.
- Equilibrium states on thin energy shells Thompson, Richard L.,
- Equivalence of measure preserving transformations Ornstein, Donald,
- Equivalences of classifying spaces completed at the prime two Oliver, Robert,
- Equivariant analytic localization of group representations Smithies, Laura
- Equivariant E-theory for C*-algebras Guentner, Erik,
- Equivariant maps of spheres into the classical groups Folkman, Jon,
- Equivariant orthogonal spectra and S-modules Mandell, M. A.,
- Equivariant singular homology and cohomology I Illman, Sören,
- Equivariant surgery and classification of finite group actions on manifolds Dovermann, Karl Heinz,
- Equivariant, almost-arborescent representations of open simply-connected 3-manifolds : Poenaru, Valentin,
- Erdős space and homeomorphism groups of manifolds Dijkstra, Jan J.
- E-Réputation et Influenceurs Dans les Médias Sociaux : Charest, Francine.
- An ergodic IP polynomial Szemerédi theorem Bergelson, V.
- Ergodic theory :
- Ergodic theory and related fields :
- Ergodic theory of equivariant diffeomorphisms : Field, Mike,
- Ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and the continuing influence of John C. Oxtoby :
- Ergodicity, stabilization, and rsingular perturbations for Bellman-Isaacs equations Alvarez, Olivier,
- Ernst L. Freud, architect : Welter, Volker,
- erradicación de la poliomielitis : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Errett Bishop :
- Error-correcting codes, finite geometries, and cryptography :
- ESA 2015 :
- Escuelas promotoras de la salud : OPS.
- Espaces vectoriels normés, banachiques et hilbertiens : Sondaz, Daniel,
- Essays in the history of Lie groups and algebraic groups Borel, Armand,
- Essays in the history of mathematics
- Essential orthopaedics : Maheshwari, J.,
- Essential techniques for medical and life scientists.
- Essentials of clinical radiation oncology
- Essentials of cross-cultural counseling
- Essentials of healthcare management : Cellucci, Leigh W.,
- Essentials of Hydraulic Fracturing : Veatch, Ralph.
- Essentials of medical microbiology Sastry, Apurba S.,
- Essentials of medical parasitology Sastry, Apurba Sankar,
- Establecimiento de un sistema de atención de víctimas en masa. OPS.
- Establishing an occupational health & safety management system based on ISO 45001 Sadiq, Naeem,
- Estado de la Seguridad Vial en la Region de Las Americas
- Estimating the error of numerical solutions of systems of reaction-diffusion equations Estep, Donald J.,
- Ethical and social issues in the information age Kizza, Joseph Migga,
- Ethical competence in nursing practice :
- Ethical tensions from new technology :
- The ethical use of touch in psychotherapy Hunter, Mic.
- Ethics in a multicultural context Pack-Brown, Sherlon P.
- Ethics in reproductive medicine
- Ethics rounds :
- Ethiopia health extension program :
- Ethnography in nursing research Roper, Janice M.
- Étude antrhopologique [i.e. anthropologique] du squelette du paléolithique supérieur de Nazlet Khater 2 Crevecoeur, I.
- Euclid's Phaenomena : Berggren, J. L.,
- Evaluating and conducting research in audiology Manchaiah, Vinaya,
- Evaluating nursing interventions Sidani, Souraya.
- Evaluating services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault Riger, Stephanie.
- Evaluating sex offenders Doren, Dennis M.
- Evaluation of Certain Food Additives : Organization, World Health.
- Evaluation of environmental contaminants and natural products :
- Evaluation of the congressionally directed medical research programs :
- Every planar map is four colorable Appel, Kenneth I.,
- An evidence framework for genetic testing
- Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice
- Evidence-based leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship in nursing and healthcare :
- Evidence-based nursing Scholte op Reimer, Wilma.
- Evidence-based physical examination :
- Evidence-based practices for Christian counseling and psychotherapy
- Evidence-based treatment approaches for suicidal adolescents :
- Evite los infartos de miocardio y los accidentes cerebrovasculares : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Evolution and morality
- The Evolutionary biology of hearing
- Evolutionary perspectives on human development
- Evolutionary quantitative genetics Roff, Derek A.,
- The exact Hausdorff dimension in random recursive constructions Graf, Siegfried,
- An examination of a decision procedure Oglesby, Francis C.,
- Examining a developmental approach to childhood obesity :
- Examining special nutritional requirements in disease states : Rodgers, Anne Brown,
- Exceptional Lie algebras and the structure of hermitian symmetric spaces Drucker, Daniel,
- Exceptional vector bundles, tilting sheaves, and tilting complexes for weighted projective lines Meltzer, Hagen,
- Exceptional Weierstrass points and the divisor on moduli space that they define Diaz, Steven,
- Excluding infinite clique minors Robertson, Neil,
- Exclusión en salud en países de América Latina y el Caribe. Organization, Pan American Health.
- Excursion guide to the geomorphology of the howgill fells Harevy, Adrian,
- Existence and persistence of invariant manifolds for semiflows in Banach space Bates, Peter W.,
- Existence and regularity almost everywhere of solutions to elliptic variational problems with constraints Almgren, Frederick J.,
- The existence of multi-dimensional shock fronts Majda, Andrew,
- Existence of the sectional capacity Rumely, Robert,
- The existence of value in differential games Elliott, Robert J.
- Existence theorems for minimal surfaces of non-zero genus spanning a contour Tomi, Friedrich,
- Exotic cluster structures on SLn : khtman, Michael,
- EXPanding receptive and expressive skills through stories : Klein, Evelyn R.,
- Expansions in series of solutions of linear difference-differential and infinite order differential equations with constant coefficients Dickson, Douglas G.,
- Experiential approach for developing multicultural counseling competence Fawcett, Mary L.
- Explicit arithmetic of Jacobians of generalized Legendre curves over global function fields Berger, Lisa,
- Explicit determination of area minimizing hypersurfaces, II Parks, Harold R.,
- Exploding wires.
- Explorations in complex and Riemannian geometry :
- Exploring a business case for high-value continuing professional development :
- Exploring data and metrics of value at the intersection of health care and transportation :
- Exploring encryption and potential mechanisms for authorized government access to plaintext : Johnson, Anne,
- Exploring existential meaning
- Exploring Monte Carlo methods Dunn, William L.
- Exploring partnership governance in global health :
- Exploring rural medicine :
- Exploring shared value in global health and safety : Taylor, Rachel M.,
- Exploring strategies to improve cardiac arrest survival :
- Exploring tax policy to advance population health, health equity, and economic prosperity : Wizemann, Theresa M.,
- Exploring the role of accreditation in enhancing quality and innovation in health professions education :
- Exploring the state of the science in the field of regnerative medicine :
- Exponential genus problems in one-relator products of groups Duncan, A. J.
- The exponential map at an isolated singular point Stone, David A.
- Exponentially small splitting of invariant manifolds of parabolic points Baldomá, Inmaculada,
- Exposed points of convex sets and weak sequential convergence : Granirer, Edmond E.,
- Exposition by Emil Artin :
- Expository lectures on representation theory :
- Expressive therapies for kids : Palmiotto, Kimberley,
- Extended affine Lie algebras and their root systems Allison, Bruce N.
- Extended graphical calculus for categorified quantum sl
- The extended self : Abel, Chris,
- Extended states for the Schrödinger operator with quasi-periodic potential in dimension two Karpeshina, Yulia E.,
- Extending intersection homology type invariants to non-Witt spaces Banagl, Markus,
- Extending science :
- Extension of compact operators Lindenstrauss, Joram,
- An extension of Mackey's method to Banach *-algebraic bundles Fell, J. M. G.
- An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck Joyal, André,
- Extension theory Grassmann, Hermann,
- Extension theory of formally normal and symmetric subspaces Coddington, Earl A.,
- Extensions of positive operators between Banach lattices Cartwright, Donald I.,
- Extensions of positive-definite distributions and maximum entropy Gabardo, Jean-Pierre,
- Extensions of positive-definite functions McMullen, John R.,
- Extensions of the Jacobi identity for vertex operators and standard Aı⁽¹⁾-modules Husu, Cristiano,
- Extrapolation theory with applications Jawerth, Björn,
- Extremal Riemann surfaces
- Eye surgery : Eisner, Georg,
- Eyelid reconstruction Freitag, Suzanne K.,
- Le fabuleux chantier : Hoang, Lê Nguyên,
- Facework Cupach, William R.
- Fachsprache im Biologieunterricht : Rous, Meike,
- Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery Sclafani, Anthony P.,
- Facilitating health communication with immigrant, refugee, and migrant populations through the use of health literacy and community engagement strategies :
- Facilitating patient understanding of discharge instructions :
- Facing the Climate Emergency : Klein Salamon, Margaret.
- Facing up to arrangements : Zaslavsky, Thomas,
- Factorization and model theory for contraction operators with unitary part Ball, Joseph A.,
- The factorization of cyclic reduced powers by secondary cohomology operations Liulevicius, Arunas,
- Factorizations of b[superscript n] [plus or minus symbol] 1, b=2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 up to high powers
- Factorizing the classical inequalities Bennett, Grahame,
- Fair trade and organic agriculture :
- Faithfully quadratic rings Dickmann, M. A.,
- Families of curves in õP3 and Zeuthen's problem Hartshorne, Robin,
- Families, children, and the development of dysfunction Dadds, Mark R.
- A family of complexes associated to an almost alternating map, with applications to residual intersection Kustin, Andrew R.,
- Family practice guidelines Cash, Jill C.,
- Family sexual abuse :
- Family therapy with ethnic minorities
- Family violence from a communication perspective
- Farm business management Nuthall, Peter,
- Farm business management : Nuthall, P. L.
- Fast algorithms for structured matrices :
- Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review. Domino, Frank J.
- Fault lines : Parrinello, Giacomo,
- Fault tolerance : Anderson, T.,
- FCS 2015 :
- FCS 2016 :
- Feeling the heat Chandler, Jo,
- The feminist porn book
- Feminist reconstructions in psychology Gergen, Mary M.
- Fermionic expressions for minimal model Virasoro characters Welsh, Trevor A.
- A few minutes of design Campbell, Emily,
- Feynman amplitudes, periods, and motives :
- Fiber atlas : Ilvessalo-Pfäffli, Marja-Sisko,
- Fibrations and bundles with Hilbert cube manifold fibers Toruńczyk, Henryk,
- Fibre bundles Husemöller, Dale,
- Field guide to the business of medicine :
- Field quantization Greiner, Walter,
- Fijne functietheorie Wiegerinck, Jan.
- A filtered category OS and applications Irving, Ronald S.,
- Filtrations and buildings Cornut, Christophe,
- Filtrations on the homology of algebraic varieties Friedlander, E. M.
- Financial incentives to encourage development of therapies that address unmet medical needs for nervous system disorders :
- Financing and charges for wastewater systems
- Financing and payment strategies to support high-quality care for people with serious illness :
- Financing Asian irrigation :
- Financing population health improvement : Alper, Joe,
- Finding your way Pucci, Linda Marinaccio.
- Finitary measures for subshifts of finite type and sofic systems Kitchens, Bruce,
- Finite and infinite dimensional analysis in honor of Leonard Gross :
- Finite and infinite primes for rings and fields Harrison, David Kent,
- The finite calculus associated with Bessel functions Cholewinski, Frank M.,
- Finite element model updating in structural dynamics Friswell, M. I.,
- Finite fields :
- Finite fields and applications :
- Finite geometries and combinatorial designs :
- Finite group actions on simply-connected manifolds and CW complexes Assadi, Amir H.,
- Finite groups whose 2-subgroups are generated by at most 4 elements Gorenstein, Daniel,
- Finite groups--coming of age :
- The finite irreducible linear 2-groups of degree 4 Flannery, D. L.
- Finite order automorphisms and real forms of Kac-Moody algebras in the smooth and algebraic category Heintze, Ernst,
- Finite rational matrix groups Nebe, G.
- Finite sections of band-dominated operators Roch, Steffen,
- Finite simple groups :
- Finsler geometry :
- Fire and plants Bond, William J.,
- A first course in multivariate statistics Flury, Bernhard,
- A first course in real analysis Protter, Murray H.,
- First Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics :
- First-order logic and automated theorem proving Fitting, Melvin,
- Fish ecology Wootton, R. J.
- Five constraints on predicting behavior Kagan, Jerome,
- Five lectures in complex analysis :
- The five legends :
- Fixed point theorems for plane continua with applications
- Fixed point theory and its applications :
- Fixed points and nonexpansive mappings
- Flagellar mechanics and sperm guidance
- Flat extensions of positive moment matrices : Curto, Raúl E.,
- Flat level set regularity of p-Laplace phase transitions Valdinoci, Enrico,
- Flat Lorentz 3-manifolds Auslander, Louis,
- Flat rank two vector bundles on genus two curves Heu, Viktoria,
- Fleisher & Ludwig's 5-minute pediatric emergency medicine consult
- Floodplains :
- Flow control :
- Flowchart and algorithm basics : Chaudhuri, A. B.,
- Flu hunter : Webster, Robert G.,
- Fluency Disorders : Logan, Kenneth J.
- Fluid dynamics in biology :
- Fluid flow and transport in porous media :
- Fluid mechanics Landau, L. D.
- Fluid mechanics of mixing :
- Fluidization engineering Kunii, Daizō,
- Fluids and plasmas :
- Fluids and waves :
- El Flujo Ocular en el Glaucoma
- Fluorescence-guided neurosurgery : Hadjipanayis, Constantinos G.,
- The Fokker-Planck equation : Risken, H.
- Foliations, geometry, and topology :
- Folk healing and health care practices in Britain and Ireland
- Fonction Zêta des hauteurs des variétés toriques non déployées Bourqui, David,
- Food :
- Food additive user's handbook
- Food gels
- Food hygiene auditing
- Food hygiene, microbiology, and HACCP Forsythe, S. J.,
- Food science Potter, Norman N.,
- Food systems and health
- Food taints and off-flavours
- Forcing and classifying topoi Ščedrov, Andrej,
- Forensic applications of the MMPI-2
- Formality of the little N-disks operad Lambrechts, Pascal,
- Formalized recursive functionals and formalized realizability Kleene, Stephen Cole,
- Forme de Jordan de la monodromie des singuarités superisolées de surfaces Artal-Bartolo, Enrique,
- Formulation of microbial biopesticides :
- La formule des traces locale tordue Moeglin, Colette,
- Fortran 95 language guide Gehrke, Wilhelm,
- Fostering integrity in research
- Foundational aspects of "non"standard mathematics Ballard, David,
- Foundational cybersecurity research :
- Foundations of aural rehabilitation : Tye-Murray, Nancy,
- Foundations of clinical psychiatry
- The foundations of laboratory safety : Rayburn, Stephen R.,
- Foundations of mathematics :
- Foundations of relative homological algebra Eilenberg, Samuel,
- Foundations of solid mechanics.
- Four papers on probability.
- Fourier analysis of unbounded measures on locally compact Abelian groups Argabright, Loren N.,
- Fourier analysis on matrix space Gelbart, Stephen S.,
- The Fourier transform for certain hyperKähler fourfolds Shen, Mingmin,
- Four-manifold theory
- Fourth Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics :
- Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics I :
- Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics II :
- Fractional dimensions and bounded fractional forms Blei, R. C.
- Fracture mechanics Miannay, Dominique P.,
- Fragmente eines unendlichen Gedächtnisses Renouard, Maël,
- Frames and harmonic analysis :
- Frames and operator theory in analysis and signal processing :
- Frames, bases, and group representations Han, Deguang,
- The framework of systemic organization Friedemann, Marie-Luise.
- Fredholm operators and Einstein metrics on conformally compact manifolds Lee, John M.,
- Free group rings
- Freedom and the cage : Topp, Leslie,
- Freedom from anxious thoughts & feelings : Symington, Scott,
- Fresh water :
- Freyd's models for the independence of the axiom of choice Blass, Andreas,
- Friendship and its paradoxes :
- Friendship processes Fehr, Beverley Anne,
- Frobenius distributions :
- Frobenius groups and classical maximal orders Brown, Ron,
- From dying stars to the birth of life : Cranford, Jerry L.,
- From mythos to logos : Coughlin, Michael Trevor,
- From reason to practice in bioethics :
- From representation theory to homotopy groups Davis, Donald M.,
- From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets and back Carpi, Sebastiano,
- From virtue to vice : O'Connor, Richard A.,
- Frontiers in clinical drug research.
- Frontiers in education :
- Frontiers in HIV research.
- Frontiers of engineering :
- The Frontiers of Machine Learning : Society, The Royal.
- Fueling culture :
- The full set of unitarizable highest weight modules of basic classical Lie superalgebras Jakobsen, Hans Plesner,
- Function estimates :
- Function spaces :
- Function spaces in analysis :
- Function spaces in modern analysis :
- Functional analysis and complex analysis :
- Functional analysis and geometry :
- Functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and image processing :
- The functional and harmonic analysis of wavelets and frames :
- Functional and selective neck dissection Gavilán, Javier,
- A functional calculus for subnormal operators II Conway, John B.,
- Functional neurosurgery : Brown, Jeffrey A.,
- Functionality of proteins in food Zayas, Joseph F.,
- Functions of one complex variable II Conway, John B.,
- The fundamental lemma of the Shalika subgroup of GL Friedberg, Solomon,
- The fundamental principle for systems of convolution equations Struppa, Daniele Carlo,
- Fundamental solutions and local solvability for nonsmooth Hormander's operators
- Fundamentals and prospects of catalysis
- Fundamentals of biomechanics : Özkaya, Nihat,
- Fundamentals of crystals : Vainsthein, Boris K.,
- Fundamentals of high-resolution lung CT : Elicker, Brett M.,
- Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare
- Fundamentals of Marine Riser Mechanics : Sparks, Charles.
- Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Accounting. Wright, Charlotte J.
- Fundamentals of power electronics Erickson, Robert W.
- Fundamentals of sleep technology
- Fundamentos para la mitigación de desastres en establecimientos de salud. Organization, Pan American Health.
- Fusion of defects Bartels, Arthur,
- Future directions for NSF advanced computing infrastructure to support U.S. science and engineering in 2017-2020
- Future directions for NSF advanced computing infrastructure to support U.S. science and engineerng in 2017-2020 :
- Future financial economics of health professional education :
- The future of everything : Dunlop, Tim,
- The future of memory
- Fuzzy approaches to production research and information management.
- Fuzzy multiple attribute decision making : Chen, Shu-Jen,
- G surgery II Dovermann, Karl Heinz,
- Gaian systems : Clarke, Bruce,
- Gain-of-function research :
- Galen's Theory of Black Bile : Stewart, Keith Andrew.
- Galois extensions of structured ring spectra : Rognes, John,
- Galois theory Rotman, Joseph J.,
- Galois theory Rotman, Joseph ,
- Galois theory and cohomology of commutative rings Chase, Stephen Urban,
- Galvin's "racing pawns" game and a well-ordering of trees Grantham, S. B.
- Game theory and applications
- The [Gamma]-equivariant form of the Berezin quantization of the upper half plane Rădulescu, Florin,
- Gapenski's fundamentals of healthcare finance Reiter, Kristin L.
- Gapenski's understanding healthcare financial management Pink, George H.,
- Gardens of Renaissance Europe and the Islamic empires :
- Gas-turbine regenerators Beck, Douglas Stephen,
- Gauge theory on compact surfaces Sengupta, Ambar,
- Gauge-natural bundles and generalized gauge theories Eck, David J.,
- G-categories Gordon, Robert,
- GCC 2016 :
- GCC 2017 :
- Der Gehry-Effekt : Hofmann, Martin Ludwig.
- Gems in experimental mathematics :
- Gemstones and their origins Keller, Peter C.,
- Genera of the arborescent links, A norm for the homology of 3-manifolds Gabai, David,
- A general character theory for partially ordered sets and lattices Hofmann, Karl Heinrich,
- General relativistic self-similar waves that induce an anomalous acceleration into the standard model of cosmology Smoller, Joel,
- The generalised Jacobson-Morosov theorem O'Sullivan, Peter,
- A generalization of Riemann mappings and geometric structures on a space of domains in Cn Semmes, Stephen,
- Generalizations of a theorem of Carathéodory Reay, John Robert,
- Generalizations of the Perron-Frobenius theorem for nonlinear maps Nussbaum, Roger D.,
- Generalized descriptive set theory and classification theory Friedman, Sy D.,
- Generalized Dyson series, generalized Feynman diagrams, the Feynman integral, and Feynman's operational calculus Johnson, Gerald W.,
- The generalized fitting subsystem of a fusion system Aschbacher, Michael,
- Generalized Frobenius partitions Andrews, George E.,
- Generalized gamma convolutions and related classes of distributions and densities Bondesson, Lennart,
- Generalized Mercer kernels and reproducing kernel Banach spaces Xu, Yuesheng,
- Generalized Minkowski content, spectrum of fractal drums, fractal strings, and the Riemann-zeta-function He, Christina Q.,
- Generalized noncrossing partitions and combinatorics of coxeter groups Armstrong, Drew,
- The generalized Pontrjagin cohomology operations and rings with divided powers Thomas, Emery,
- Generalized symplectic geometries and the index of families of elliptic problems Nicolaescu, Liviu I.,
- Generalized Tate cohomology Greenlees, J. P. C.
- The generalized triangle inequalities in symmetric spaces and buildings with applications to algebra Kapovich, Michael,
- Generalized Whittaker functions on SU with respect to the Siegel parabolic subgroup Gon, Yasuro,
- A generating function approach to the enumeration of matrices in classical groups over finite fields Fulman, Jason,
- Generative complexity in algebra Berman, Joel,
- Generic bifurcations for involutory area preserving maps Rimmer, Russell J.,
- Generic Hamiltonian dynamical systems are neither integrable nor ergodic Markus, L.
- The genesis of simulation in dynamics : Weissert, Thomas P.,
- Genetic algorithms : Man, K. F.
- Genetic algorithms + data structures = evolution programs Michalewicz, Zbigniew,
- Genezen
- Geo-Chicago 2016 :
- Geo-Congress 2020 :
- Geodesics and ends in certain surfaces without conjugate points Eberlein, Patrick,
- Geodesics, retracts, and the norm-preserving extension property in the symmetrized bidisc Agler, Jim,
- Geographic information system Pandey, Jatin,
- Geological maps : Maltman, Alex,
- Geometric analysis :
- Geometric analysis and integral geometry :
- Geometric analysis of PDE and several complex variables :
- Geometric analysis of several complex variables and related topics :
- Geometric analysis, mathematical relativity, and nonlinear partial differential equations :
- Geometric and computational spectral theory :
- Geometric and probabilistic structures in dynamics :
- Geometric and spectral analysis
- Geometric and topological invariants of elliptic operators :
- Geometric and topological methods for quantum field theory :
- Geometric aspects of partial differential equations :
- Geometric complexity theory IV : Blasiak, Jonah,
- Geometric constructions Martin, George E.,
- Geometric evolution equations :
- A geometric mechanism for diffusion in Hamiltonian systems overcoming the large gap problem : Delshams, Amadeu,
- Geometric methods in group theory :
- Geometric optics for surface waves in nonlinear elasticity Coulombel, Jean-François,
- Geometric pressure for multimodal maps of the interval Przytycki, Feliks,
- A geometric setting for Hamiltonian perturbation theory Blaom, Anthony D.,
- Geometric sums, bounds for rare events with applications : Kalashnikov, Vladimir,
- A geometric theory for hypergraph matching Keevash, Peter,
- Geometric topology :
- Geometrical methods in congruence modular algebras Gumm, H. Peter
- The geometrical study of differential equations :
- Géométrie Spatiale : Jaques, Daniel.
- Geometry and dynamics :
- Geometry and nature :
- Geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations :
- Geometry and topology down under :
- Geometry and topology in dynamics :
- Geometry and topology of submanifolds and currents :
- Geometry and topology, Aarhus :
- Geometry IV :
- Geometry of group representations :
- Geometry of loop spaces and the cobar construction Baues, Hans J.,
- Geometry of moment spaces Karlin, Samuel,
- Geometry of normed linear spaces :
- Geometry of random motion :
- The geometry of Riemann surfaces and Abelian varieties :
- Geometry of surfaces Stillwell, John,
- The geometry of the generalized Gauss map Hoffman, David A.,
- Geometry of the spectrum :
- Geometry, groups and dynamics :
- Geometry, spectral theory, groups, and dynamics :
- Geomorphological mapping Smith, Mike J.
- Geomorphology of desert environments
- Geomorphometry
- Geo-Risk 2017.
- Geotechnical frontiers 2017 :
- Gestalt therapy
- Gestion du Niveau de Service Dans les Environnements émergents. Mbarek, Nader.
- Gestion et Contrôle Intelligents des Réseaux : Benmammar, Badr.
- Get the residency : Caballero, Joshua,
- Getting in Jung, Paul,
- Getting ready for court Copen, Lynn.
- Getting started with RethinkDB : Tiepolo, Gianluca,
- The ghetto underclass :
- The gift of European thought and the cost of living Argyrou, Vassos.
- GIS :
- Glass : Scholze, Horst,
- Glaucoma : Goldberg, Ivan,
- Glaucoma : Spaeth, George L.,
- Glaucoma. Rhee, Douglas.
- Glaukoma :
- The glioma book Sughrue, Michael E.,
- Global and local regularity of fourier integral operators on weighted and unweighted spaces Ferreira, David Dos Santos,
- Global aspects of homoclinic bifurcations of vector fields Homburg, Ale Jan,
- Global Carleman estimates for degenerate parabolic operators with applications Cannarsa, Piermarco,
- Global differential geometry :
- A global formulation of the Lie theory of transportation groups Palais, Richard S.,
- Global health risk framework :
- Global health transitions and sustainable solutions :
- The global movement and tracking of chemical manufacturing equipment :
- Global Positioning System : Hofmann-Wellenhof, B.,
- Global regularity for 2D water waves with surface tension Ionescu, Alexandru D.,
- Global regularity for the Yang-Mills equations on high dimensional Minkowski space Krieger, Joachim,
- Global scientific practice in an age of revolutions, 1750-1850
- Global smooth solutions for the inviscid SQG equation Castro, Angel,
- Global structural stability of flows on open surfaces Kotus, Janina,
- Global subdirect products Krauss, Peter H.,
- Global TV : Bielby, Denise D.,
- Global urban agriculture :
- Global well-posedness of high dimensional Maxwell-Dirac for small critical data Gavrus, Cristian
- Globalization of defense materials and manufacturing :
- Globally generated vector bundles with small c1 on projective spaces Anghel, Cristian,
- Glorious temples or Babylonic whores : Morel, Anne-Françoise,
- Glosario de medicamentos : Arias, Tomás D.
- GM food systems and their economic impact Brankov, Tatjana,
- De goden lossen het op Eeckman, Edgard,
- Golden years of Moscow mathematics
- Gone viral : Bowden, Frank,
- Good reception : Garcia, Antero,
- The Goodwillie tower and the EHP sequence Behrens, Mark,
- Google Sheets : Lentzner.
- Gorenstein liaison, complete intersection liaison invariants, and unobstructedness Kleppe, Jan O.
- Gorenstein quotient singularities in dimension three Yau, Stephen Shing-Toung,
- Gothic architecture and sexuality in the circle of Horace Walpole Reeve, Matthew M.,
- Graded simple Jordan superalgebras of growth one Kac, Victor G.,
- Graduate medical education outcomes and metrics :
- Grand challenges for engineering :
- Graph colorings
- Graph partitioning and graph clustering :
- Graph structure theory :
- Graph theory applications Foulds, L. R.,
- Graphs and algorithms :
- Gravitational lenses Schneider, P.
- Greece Profile of Health and Well-Being. Organization, World Health.
- Green culture :
- Green education :
- Green energy
- Green ethics and philosophy :
- Green food
- Green health :
- Green issues and debates :
- Green technology :
- Greeniology 2020 : Ha, Tanya,
- Grid, Cloud, and Cluster Computing. Arabnia, Hamid R.
- Een grijs gat Brunekreef, Jacob.
- Gromov, Cauchy and causal boundaries for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian manifolds Flores, J. L.
- Gromov-Hausdorff distance for quantum metric spaces : Rieffel, Marc A.
- Gromov-Witten theory of spin curves and orbifolds :
- The Grothendieck inequality revisited Blei, R. C.
- Grothendieck spaces in approximation theory Blatter, Jörg,
- Group actions on manifolds
- Group actions on rings
- Group colorings and Bernoulli subflows Gao, Su,
- The group fixed by a family of injective endomorphisms of a free group Dicks, Warren,
- Group representations, ergodic theory, and mathematical physics :
- Group theory and its applications in physics Inui, Tetsurō,
- Group theory, combinatorics and computing :
- Group theory, statistics, and cryptography :
- Groupoids in analysis, geometry, and physics :
- Groups and model theory :
- Groups and representations Alperin, J. L.,
- Groups of homotopy self-equivalences and related topics :
- Groups with Steinberg relations and coordinatization of polygonal geometries Faulkner, John R.,
- Groups, algebras and applications :
- Groups, languages, algorithms :
- Groups, languages, and geometry :
- Groups, rings and algebras :
- Groups, rings, and fields Wallace, D. A. R. ,
- Groups, rings, and group rings :
- Groups, rings, group rings, and Hopf algebras :
- Growing a life : Pevec, Illene,
- Guia para la reduccion de vulnerabilidad en el diseno de nuevos establecimientos de salud. OPS.
- Guia para practica de la musicoterapia con adultos bajo atencion medica :
- Guia para Practica de la Musicoterapia en la Atencion Pediatrica :
- Guia para Practica de la Musicoterapia en la Salud del Desarrollo :
- Guia para Practica de la Musicoterapia en Salud Mental :
- Guía práctica de salud mental en situaciones de desastres. OPS.
- Guía Práctica para la Interpretación de la Pruebas de la Función Pulmonar. Hyatt, Robert E.
- Guías para la atención traumatológica básica. Organization, Pan American Health.
- Guías para la calidad del agua potable, Vol. 3. OPS.
- A Guide to Clinical Placements in Sppech and Language Therapy. Limited, J & R Press.
- Guidelines for grit sampling and characterization
- Guidelines for nurse practitioners in gynecologic settings Fantasia, Heidi Collins,
- H [delta]-embeddings in Hilbert space and optimization on G [delta]-sets Ghoussoub, N.
- Halophytes and climate change :
- Hamiltonian dynamical systems :
- Hamiltonian dynamics and celestial mechanics :
- Die Hand an der Wand Raphael, Max,
- Handbook for child protection practice
- Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology
- Handbook for working with children and youth
- Handbook of adhesives
- Handbook of aging and the social sciences
- Handbook of applied multivariate statistics and mathematical modeling
- A handbook of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the interdisciplinary perspective
- Handbook of batch process design
- Handbook of benign hematology
- Handbook of breadmaking technology Stear, Charles A.,
- Handbook of cancer survivorship care
- Handbook of cervical cytology : Dey, Pranab,
- Handbook of children, culture, and violence
- Handbook of chronic kidney disease management
- Handbook of clinical interviewing with adults
- Handbook of clinical interviewing with children
- Handbook of clinical nursing research
- Handbook of cognitive aging
- Handbook of contemporary psychotherapy
- Handbook of counseling boys and adolescent males
- The handbook of counseling
- Handbook of counselor preparation
- Handbook of crystallography : Jackson, A. G.
- Handbook of disability studies
- Handbook of dissociation :
- A handbook of emergencies Golwalla, Aspi F.,
- The handbook of ethical research with ethnocultural populations and communities
- Handbook of formal languages.
- Handbook of gastrointestinal cancers :
- Handbook of heterocyclic chemistry
- The handbook of humanistic psychology :
- Handbook of hydrocolloids
- Handbook of implicit cognition and addiction
- The handbook of infrared and raman characteristic frequencies of organic molecules
- The handbook of international school psychology
- Handbook of kidney transplantation
- Handbook of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies
- Handbook of measure theory
- Handbook of medicine in psychiatry
- Handbook of mental health in the workplace
- The handbook of microbial bioresources
- Handbook of mind-body medicine for primary care
- Handbook of multicultural competencies in counseling & psychology
- Handbook of multicultural measures Gamst, Glenn.
- The handbook of naturally occurring insecticidal toxins Koul, Opender,
- Handbook of nephrology Moinuddin, Irfan K.,
- Handbook of obstetric and gynecologic emergencies
- Handbook of optical constants of solids.
- Handbook of otolaryngic allergy Franzese, Christine B.,
- Handbook of patient care in vascular diseases
- Handbook of pediatric surgery Buicko, Jessica L.,
- Handbook of Pediatric Urology. Baskin, Laurence S.
- Handbook of perinatal and neonatal palliative care :
- Handbook of personality psychology
- Handbook of pest management in organic farming
- Handbook of physiological research methods in health psychology
- Handbook of professional ethics for psychologists
- Handbook of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Jindal, S. K.
- Handbook of reflector antennas and feed systems.
- Handbook of shock waves
- A handbook of silicate rock analysis
- The handbook of spiritual development in childhood and adolescence
- Handbook of stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy management
- Handbook of traumatic brain injury and neurodegeneration
- Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence
- Handlebody decompositions of complex surfaces Harer, J.
- Handleiding voor de determinatie van harde dierlijke materialen Rijkelijkhuizen, Marloes.
- Hands-on computer vision with TensorFlow 2 : Planche, Benjamin,
- Hands-on dashboard development with QlikView : Agarwal, Abhishek,
- Hands-on deep learning with TensorFlow : Boxel, Dan Van,
- Hands-on ensemble learning with python : Kyriakides, George,
- Hands-on financial modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019 : Oluwa, Shmuel,
- Hands-on Kubernetes on Azure : Gopalakrishnan, Shivakumar,
- A Hankel convolution complex inversion theory Cholewinski, Frank M.,
- Hardy spaces and potential theory on C[superscript 1] domains in Riemannian manifolds Dindoš, Martin,
- Hardy spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators satisfying Davies-Gaffney estimates
- Hardy type inequalities for abstract differential operators Amrein, Werner O.,
December 2021
ProQuest Additions H-M
- Harm reduction
- Harmonic analysis :
- Harmonic analysis and boundary value problems :
- Harmonic analysis and nonlinear differential equations :
- Harmonic analysis and operator theory :
- Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations :
- Harmonic analysis at Mount Holyoke :
- Harmonic analysis for anisotropic random walks on homogeneous trees Figà-Talamanca, Alessandro,
- Harmonic analysis on Hilbert space Gross, Leonard,
- Harmonic analysis on reductive, p-adic groups :
- Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and related topics :
- Harmonic functions on trees and buildings :
- Harmonic maps and differential geometry :
- Harnessing dividends from drylands :
- Harnessing mobile devices for nervous system disorders :
- Hausdorff on ordered sets
- Head and neck Westra, William H.,
- A head start on science :
- Healing roots : Laplante, Julie,
- Health and medicine Mullner, Ross M.
- Health Benefits of Green Tea : Hara, Yukihiko.
- Health care systems around the world : Boslaugh, Sarah E.,
- Health econometrics Baltagi, Badi H.,
- Health equity :
- Health equity and nursing :
- Health impact assessment :
- Health informatics meets eHealth :
- Health informatics vision :
- Health insurance Morrisey, Michael A.,
- Health literacy and consumer-facing technology :
- Health Literacy and Older Adults : National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- Health literacy and palliative care :
- Health policy issues : Feldstein, Paul J.,
- Health policy issues : Feldstein, Paul J.,
- Health policymaking in the United States Longest, Beaufort B.,
- Health promotion at the community level
- Health promotion theory
- Health psychology in global perspective Aboud, Frances E.
- Health, risk, and adversity
- Healthcare finance : Gapenski, Louis C.,
- Healthcare marketing : Cellucci, Leigh W.,
- Healthcare operations management McLaughlin, Daniel B.,
- The healthcare quality book :
- Healthy Living, Grade 10 : Johnson, Carla C.
- Hearing in children Northern, Jerry L.,
- Hearing loss and healthy aging : Lustig, Tracy A.,
- Heart failure :
- Hearts Paquete Tecnico para el Manejo de Las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en la Atencion Primaria de Salud :
- HEARTS Paquete Técnico para el Manejo de Las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Evidencia. Health, Pan American.
- HEARTS Paquete Técnico para el Manejo de Las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Guía de Implementación. Health, Pan American.
- HEARTS Paquete Técnico para el Manejo de Las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Hábitos y Estilos de Vida Saludables. Health, Pan American.
- Heat Eisenstein Series on \mathrm{SL}_{n} Jorgenson, Jay,
- Heat kernels and analysis on manifolds, graphs, and metric spaces :
- Heaven and Earth united :
- Hecke algebras Krieg, Aloys,
- Heisenberg calculus and spectral theory of hypoelliptic operators on Heisenberg manifolds Ponge, Raphael,
- The Helmholtz curves : Schmidgen, Henning,
- Hematopathology pearls Zhang, Da,
- Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia. Gravlee, Glenn P.
- Henstock integration in the plane Ostaszewski, Krzysztof,
- Hermeneutic phenomenological research Cohen, Marlene Zichi.
- The Hermitian two matrix model with an even quartic potential Duits, Maurice,
- Hetzelfde, maar dan anders Timmerman, Peter.
- Hidden messages in culture-centered counseling : Pedersen, Paul,
- Hierarchies of predicates of finite types Clarke, Douglas Albert,
- A hierarchy of formulas in set theory Levy, Azriel,
- High order large eddy simulation for shock-boundary layer interaction control by a micro-ramp vortex generator
- High performance materials in aerospace
- Higher category theory :
- Higher complex torsion and the framing principle Igusa, Kiyoshi,
- Higher genus curves in mathematical physics and arithmetic geometry :
- Higher homotopy structures in topology and mathematical physics :
- Higher initial ideals of homogeneous ideals Fløystad, Gunnar,
- Higher moments of Banach space valued random variables Janson, Svante,
- Higher multiplicities and almost free divisors and complete intersections Damon, James,
- Higher orbifolds and deligne-mumford stacks as structured infinity-topoi Carchedi, David Joseph,
- Higher spinor classes Jardine, J. F.,
- Higher-order time asymptotics of fast diffusion in Euclidean space : Denzler, Jochen,
- High-frequency circuit design and measurements Yip, Peter C. L.,
- High-power radio frequency effects on electronic systems Giri, D. V.,
- The Hilbert function of a level algebra
- Hilbert modular forms : Andreatta, F.
- Hilbert modules over operator algebras Muhly, Paul S.,
- Hilbert's projective metric and iterated nonlinear maps Nussbaum, Roger D.,
- Hilbert's tenth problem :
- Hipnosis y autohipnosis Sanfo, Valerio.
- Hispanic psychology :
- Historical processes Dawson, Donald A.
- Histories of laughter and laughter in history :
- The history and architecture of Cardiff Civic Centre : Hilling, John B.,
- A history of analysis
- History of topology
- Hitting probabilities for nonlinear systems of stochastic waves Dalang, Robert C.,
- Hitting probabilities of single points for processes with stationary independent increments Kesten, Harry,
- Hod mice and the mouse set conjecture Sargsyan, Grigor,
- Hodge ideals Mustata, Mircea,
- Hodge theory and classical algebraic geometry :
- Hodge theory and the local Torelli problem Tu, Loring W.,
- Hodge theory in the Sobolev topology for the de Rham complex Fontana, Luigi,
- The Hodge theory of stable curves Hoffman, Jerome William,
- Hodge theory, complex geometry, and representation theory :
- Hoe MIK is de gezondheidszorg? Hasman, Arie.
- Hölder continuity of weak solutions to subelliptic equations with rough coefficients Sawyer, E. T.
- Hölder-Sobolev regularity of the solution to the stochastic wave equation in dimension three Dalang, Robert C.,
- Holomorphic automorphic forms and cohomology Bruggeman, Roelof W.,
- Home exercise programs for musculoskeletal and sports injuries :
- Homeomorphisms of 3-manifolds with compressible boundary McCullough, Darryl,
- Homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three : Blau, Harvey I.,
- Homogeneous manifolds with negative curvature. Azencott, Robert,
- Homogeneous spaces, Tits buildings, and isoparametric hypersurfaces Kramer, Linus,
- Homological and homotopical aspects of Torsion theories Beligiannis, Apostolos,
- Homological localization towers for groups and [PI sign]-modules Bousfield, A. K.,
- Homological mirror symmetry for the quartic surface Seidel, P.,
- Homology of normal chains and cohomology of charges De Pauw, Th.
- Homology theory : Vick, James W.,
- A homology theory for Smale spaces Putnam, Ian F.
- Homotopical algebraic geometry II : Toën, Bertrand,
- Homotopy equivalences of 3-manifolds and deformation theory of Kleinian groups Canary, Richard Douglas,
- Homotopy formulas in the tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex Treves, Francois,
- Homotopy invariant algebraic structures :
- Homotopy invariants in differential geometry Nagano, Tadashi,
- Homotopy methods in algebraic topology :
- Homotopy theories Heller, Alex,
- Homotopy theory :
- Homotopy theory and its applications :
- Homotopy theory of diagrams Chachólski, Wojciech,
- Homotopy theory of function spaces and related topics :
- Homotopy theory of the suspensions of the projective plane Wu, Jie,
- Homotopy theory via algebraic geometry and group representations :
- Honeycomb technology : Bitzer, Tom,
- Hope behind the headlines : Wiggins, Liz,
- Hope in All Directions. Karabin, Geoffrey.
- Hopf algebras and congruence subgroups Sommerhäuser, Yorck,
- Hopf algebras and generalizations :
- Hopf algebras and tensor categories :
- Hopf algebras, polynomial formal groups, and Raynaud orders
- Hopf bifurcation in the two locus genetic model Akin, Ethan,
- L'hopital en restructuration :
- Horizons of fractal geometry and complex dimensions :
- Hormonen? Hoofdzaken! Fliers, Eric.
- Hospitales Seguros ante Inundaciones. OPS.
- Hospitals & community benefit : Evashwick, Connie,
- Housing the future :
- How modeling can inform strategies to improve population health :
- How scientific instruments have changed hands
- How to interview sexual abuse victims : Morgan, Marcia K.
- How to produce methanol from coal Supp, Emil,
- The Hp spaces of an annulus Sarason, Donald,
- h-principles and flexibility in geometry Geiges, Hansjörg,
- H-spaces with torsion Harper, John R.,
- Human brain : Duvernoy, Henri M.,
- Human development.
- Human Ecology : Steiner, Frederick R.
- The human factors of process safety and worker empowerment in the offshore oil industry :
- Human genetics for the social sciences Carey, Gregory.
- Human Impacts on Our Climate, Grade 6 : Johnson, Carla C.
- Human memory : Howes, Mary B.,
- Human mummies :
- Human resources in healthcare :
- Human trafficking :
- Humanism and the urban world : Pearson, Caspar,
- Human-robot collaboration
- Humility is the new smart : Hess, Edward D.,
- Humour, comedy and laughter :
- Hyatt's interpretation of pulmonary function tests : Scanlon, Paul D.
- Hyberbolic periodic solutions, heteroclinic connections, and transversal homoclinic points in autonomous differential delay equations Walther, Hans-Otto,
- Hygiene and epidemiology : Bencko, V.,
- Hyperbolic geometry Anderson, James W.,
- Hyperbolic groupoids and duality Nekrashevych, Volodymyr,
- Hyperbolically embedded subgroups and rotating families in groups acting on hyperbolic spaces Dahmani, F.
- Hypercontractivity in group Von Neumann algebras
- Hypergeometric functions on domains of positivity, Jack polynomials, and applications :
- Hypergéométrie et fonction zêta de Riemann Krattenthaler, C.
- Hypnotherapy
- Hypocoercivity Villani, Cédric,
- IADVL textbook of trichology.
- IC design insights :
- ICOMP 2017 :
- ICT in agriculture :
- Ideal green homes understanding the needs of Malaysian house buyers Mohd. Wira Mohd. Shafiei,
- Ideals over uncountable sets : Jech, Thomas J.,
- Ideals, varieties, and algorithms : Cox, David A.,
- Ideas of quantum chemistry Piela, Lucjan,
- Idempotent mathematics and mathematical physics :
- I-density continuous functions Ciesielski, Krzysztof,
- Identification, analysis and control of discrete and continuous models of gene regulation networks Breindl, Christian,
- IFCEE 2018 :
- Igusa's p-Adic local zeta function and the Monodromy conjecture for non-degenerate surface singularities Bories, Bart,
- IKE 2016 :
- Illustrated engineering dictionary : Flack, Heinz K.,
- Illustrated guide to jewelry appraising : Miller, Anna M.,
- Image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition.
- Image-Based Architecture : Reinfeld, Philipp.
- Image-guided surgery : Labadie, Robert F.,
- Imaginary Schur-Weyl duality Kleshchëv, A. S.
- Imaging in neurovascular disease : Brinjikji, Waleed,
- Imaging microstructures :
- Imaging, multi-scale, and high contrast partial differential equations :
- Imagining women readers, 1789-1820 : De Ritter, Richard,
- Imbeddings of three-manifold groups González-Acuña, Francisco,
- Imogene King : Sieloff, Christina L.
- The impact of family violence on children and adolescents Kashani, Javad H.,
- Impact of Identity on K-8 Mathematics. Aguire, Julia.
- The impact of smart technology on users and society
- Impact of the global medical supply chain on SNS operations and communications :
- Impacto de los desastres en la salud publica. Noji, Eric K.
- Imperfect oracle : Brown, Theodore L.
- Implementation of lung cancer screening :
- Implementing and evaluating genomic screening programs in health care systems :
- Implementing AWS : Wadia, Yohan,
- Implementing DevOps with Ansible 2 : McAllister, Jonathan,
- Implementing quality measures for accountability in community-based care for people with serious illness :
- Implication in Morava K-theory Kane, Richard M.,
- The implications of climate and sea-level change for Bangladesh
- The importance of engineering talent to the prosperity and security of the nation :
- Important considerations for clinical trial methodologies
- Imprimitive irreducible modules for finite quasisimple groups Hiss, G.,
- Improving are to prevent suicide among people with serious mental illness :
- Improving Cancer Diagnosis and Care : National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- Improving care in the nursing home :
- Improving Health Professional Education and Practice Through Technology : National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- Improving intercultural interactions
- Improving intergroup relations Stephan, Walter G.
- Improving quality of care in low- and middle-income countries :
- Improving substance abuse treatment Eliason, Michele J.
- Improving the Air Force Scientific Discovery Mission :
- Improving the effectiveness of the helping professions Glicken, Morley D.
- Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of genomic science translation :
- Improving the health of women in the United States :
- Improving your Splunk skills : D. Miller, James,
- Impulskettenzündung mit passiv gütegeschalteten Laserzündkerzen unter motorischen Bedingungen Lorenz, Sebastian,
- In data time and tide : Accoto, Cosimo,
- In search of ultimate reality : Ransford, H. Chris,
- In the tradition of Ahlfors and Bers :
- In the tradition of Ahlfors and Bers, III :
- In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, IV :
- In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, V :
- In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, VI :
- In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, VII :
- Incidental findings in neuroimaging and their management : Westmark, Kaye D.,
- Incorporating weight management and physical activity throughout the cancer care continuum :
- Increase : Purpura, Lia,
- Indecomposable representations of graphs and algebras Dlab, Vlastimil,
- Index for C*-subalgebras Watatani, Yasuo,
- An index of a graph with applications to knot theory Murasugi, Kunio,
- The index theorem for minimal surfaces of higher genus Tomi, Friedrich,
- Index theory and operator algebras :
- Index theory for locally compact noncommutative geometries
- Index theory in von Neumann algebras Olsen, Catherine L.
- Index theory of elliptic operators, foliations, and operator algebras :
- Index theory, eta forms, and Deligne cohomology Bunke, Ulrich,
- The Indian system of human marks : Zysk, Kenneth G.,
- Indigenous medicine among the Bedouin in the Middle East Abu-Rabia, Aref,
- Individual differences in language development Shore, Cecilia M.
- Individuals in relationships
- Indo-U.S. workshop on challenges of emerging infections and global health safety :
- Induction theorems for groups of homotopy manifold structures Nicas, Andrew J.,
- Induction, bounding, weak combinatorial principles, and the homogeneous model theorem Hirschfeldt, Denis Roman,
- Industrial electrochemistry Pletcher, Derek.
- Industrial management and data systems :
- Industrial management and data systems.
- Infinite algebraic extensions of finite fields Brawley, Joel V.,
- Infinite dimensional complex sympletic spaces Everitt, W. N.
- The infinite game : Harré, Niki,
- Infinite products of operators and their applications :
- Infinite-dimensional aspects of representation theory and applications :
- Infinite-dimensional representations of 2-groups
- An infinitesimal approach to stochastic analysis Keisler, H. Jerome,
- The influence of Solomon Lefschetz in geometry and topology :
- Influences of External Error Sources on Measurements of Room Acoustic Parameters. Guski, Martin.
- Informal healthcare in contemporary Russia : Krasheninnikova, Yulia,
- Informatics empowers healthcare transformation
- Information and knowledge engineering
- Information discovery with machine intelligence for language
- Information modelling and knowledge bases xxx
- Information processing in social insects
- Information systems :
- Information systems for healthcare management Glandon, Gerald L.,
- Information systems project management Avison, D. E.
- Information technology and organizational transformation
- Informe mundial sobre la violencia y la salud. Krug, Etienne G.
- Informing Social Security's process for financial capability determination
- Initial segments of degrees below 0' Epstein, Richard L.,
- The inner bonding workbook : Paul, Margaret,
- Innovation in the agro-food value chain
- Innovationsabhangigkeit und Lernkultur in Unternehmen : Barkmin, Dennis,
- Innovative strategies in teaching nursing :
- Innovative trends in personalized software engineering and information systems : Troussas, Christos,
- Insecticides in agriculture and environment :
- An insider's guide to physician engagement Agwunobi, Andrew C.,
- An insider's guide to working with healthcare consultants Agwunobi, Andrew C.,
- Insigne de la biodiversité.
- Instructional sequence matters, grades 3-5 : Brown, Patrick,
- Intangibles : Kaissi, Amer,
- Integer points in polyhedra :
- Integer points in polyhedra-- geometry, number theory, representation theory, algebra, optimization, statistics :
- Integrable Hamiltonian systems on complex Lie groups Jurdjevic, Velimir,
- Integrable systems and random matrices :
- Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces of infinite genus Schmidt, Martin U.
- Integrable systems, topology, and physics :
- Integral bases for affine lie algebras and their universal enveloping algebras Mitzman, David,
- Integral geometry :
- Integral geometry and tomography :
- The integral manifolds of the three body problem McCord, Christopher Keil,
- Integral operators in the theory of induced Banach representations Schochetman, Irwin E.,
- Integral quadratic forms and lattices :
- Integral transformations and anticipative calculus for fractional Brownian motions Hu, Yaozhong,
- Integrated management of insect pests on canola and other brassica oilseed crops
- Integrated pest management in tropical regions
- Integrated urban agriculture :
- Integrating health literacy, cultural competence, and language access services : Alper, Joe,
- Integrating landscape approaches and multi-resource analysis into natural resource management : Brose, Dominic A.,
- Integrating responses at the intersection of opioid use disorder and infectious disease epidemics : Nicholson, Anna,
- Integrating science with mathematics & literacy : Hammerman, Elizabeth L.,
- Integrating spirituality into multicultural counseling Fukuyama, Mary A.
- Integrating STEM Teaching and Learning into the K-2 Classroom. Vasquez, Jo Anne.
- Integrating the patient and caregiver voice into serious illness care :
- Integrating traditional healing practices into counseling and psychotherapy
- An integrative approach to counseling Santee, Robert G.
- Integrative sex & couples therapy : Guttman, Gail,
- Intellectual property issues in biotechnology
- Intelligence Artificielle, Cybersécurité et Cyberdéfense. Ventre, Daniel.
- Intelligence testing and minority students Valencia, Richard R.
- Intensieve geneeskunde Zandstra, Durk.
- Intensivecaregeneeskunde - een nieuwe toren van Babel Schultz, Marcus.
- Interacting electrons and quantum magnetism Auerbach, Assa,
- The interaction of analysis and geometry :
- Interactions between homotopy theory and algebra :
- Interactions between hyperbolic geometry, quantum topology and number theory :
- Interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry :
- Intercultural interactions Cushner, Kenneth.
- Interdisciplinary perspectives on im politeness
- Interference and resource management in heterogeneous wireless networks
- Interim report on 21st century cyber-physical systems education
- Interim report on the second triennial review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative
- Internal medicine evidence :
- The internally 4-connected binary matroids with no M -minor Mayhew, Dillon,
- International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016.
- International handbook of earthquake and engineering seismology.
- International handbook of multigenerational legacies of trauma
- International handbook of traumatic stress syndromes
- The international journal of assembly technology and management :
- International perspectives on child abuse and children's testimony
- Internet computing and internet of things. Arabnia, Hamid R.,
- Internet of things security :
- The interplay between environmental chemical exposures and obesity : Pool, Robert,
- Interpolation for normal bundles of general curves Atanasov, Atanas,
- Interpolation of spatial data : Stein, Michael Leonard,
- Interpolation of weighted Banach lattices : Cwikel, M.
- Interpolation theory and applications :
- Interpretive phenomenology
- Intersection calculus on surfaces with applications to 3-manifolds Hempel, John,
- Intersection cohomology, simplicial blow-up and rational homotopy Chataur, David,
- Intersection local times, loop soups, and permanental wick powers Le Jan, Y.
- The intersection of behavioral health, mental health, and health literacy :
- The intersection of race, class, and gender in multicultural counseling
- Intersection pairings on Conley indices Kurland, Henry L.,
- Intersection theory Fulton, William,
- Intersections of thick Cantor sets Kraft, Roger,
- Intertidal ecology Raffaelli, D. G.
- Intervención de los laboratorios y bancos de sangre ante situaciones de desastres. OPS.
- Intervening early in psychosis :
- Interventional spine procedures :
- Intimate betrayal : Wiehe, Vernon R.
- Intimate relationships in medical school Myers, Michael F.
- In-time aviation safety management :
- Into the woods : Ramírez-i-Ollé, Meritxell,
- Intraoperative neurophysiology :
- Intrinsic measures on complex manifolds and holomorphic mappings Eisenman, Donald Alfred,
- Introducing teachers + administrators to the NGSS : Brunsell, Eric,
- Introduction à l'analyse Numérique. Rappaz, Jacques.
- An introduction to agricultural biochemistry Chesworth, J. M.,
- Introduction to aural rehabilitation :
- An introduction to Banach space theory Megginson, Robert E.,
- Introduction to calculus and analysis Courant, Richard,
- Introduction to coding theory Lint, Jacobus Hendricus van,
- Introduction to discrete event systems Cassandras, Christos G.,
- Introduction to Étale cohomology Tamme, Günter,
- Introduction to game theory Morris, Peter,
- An introduction to geological structures and maps Bennison, George Mills,
- An introduction to industrial chemistry
- An introduction to infinite-dimensional linear systems theory Curtain, Ruth F. ,
- An introduction to knot theory Lickorish, W. B. Raymond,
- Introduction to large truncated Toeplitz matrices Böttcher, Albrecht,
- Introduction to mathematical structures and proofs Gerstein, Larry J.,
- Introduction to mechanics and symmetry : Marsden, Jerrold E.,
- Introduction to nonlinear thermomechanics : Służalec, Andrzej,
- Introduction to numerical analysis Stoer, J.,
- Introduction to OFDM receiver design and simulation Liu, Y. J.,
- An introduction to probability and stochastic processes Berger, Marc A.,
- An introduction to signal detection and estimation Poor, H. Vincent,
- An introduction to Teichmüller spaces Imayoshi, Yōichi,
- Introduction to the financial management of healthcare organizations Nowicki, Michael,
- An introduction to the theory of groups Rotman, Joseph J.,
- Introductory endocrinology : Khardori, Romesh,
- Introductory head & neck imaging Yu, Eugene,
- Introductory mathematics : Smith, Geoff,
- Invariant differential operators and the cohomology of Lie algebra sheaves Kamber, Franz W.,
- Invariant differential operators for quantum symmetric spaces Letzter, Gail,
- Invariant means and finite representation theory of C*-algebras Brown, Nathanial P.
- Invariant measures for unitary groups associated to Kac-Moody Lie algebras Pickrell, Doug,
- Invariant representations of GSp under tensor product with a quadratic character Chan, Ping-Shun,
- Invariant subsemigroups of Lie groups Neeb, Karl-Hermann,
- Invariant subspaces of Hardy classes on infinitely connected open surfaces Neville, Charles W.,
- Invariant subspaces of the shift operator :
- Invariant theory :
- Invariants for effective homotopy classification and extension of mappings Olum, Paul,
- Invariants of boundary link cobordism Sheiham, Desmond,
- Invariants under tori of rings of differential operators and related topics Musson, Ian M.
- Invasion biology :
- Inventores increíblemente poco razonables; Sus vidas, amores y muertes. Coller, Jeremy.
- Inverse invariant theory and Steenrod operations Neusel, Mara D.,
- Inverse nodal problems : Hald, Ole H.,
- The inverse problem of the calculus of variations for ordinary differential equations Anderson, Ian,
- Inverse problems :
- Inverse problems and applications :
- Inverse problems and spectral theory :
- Inverse problems, image analysis, and medical imaging :
- Inverse problems, multi-scale analysis, and effective medium theory :
- Inverse scattering and applications
- An inverse spectral problem related to the Geng-Xue two-component peakon equation Lundmark, Hans,
- Inverses of disjointness preserving operators Abramovich, Y. A.
- Invertir en salud : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Investigación aplicada en salud pública : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Investigating environmental changes :
- Investigations of materials under high repetition and intense fusion pulses :
- Involutive hyperbolic differential systems Yang, Deane,
- Irreducible almost simple subgroups of classical algebraic groups
- Irreducible geometric subgroups of classical algebraic groups Burness, Timothy C.,
- Irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups Testerman, Donna M.,
- Irreducible triangular algebras Solel, Baruch,
- Irregular singularities in several variables Essen, A. R. P. van den
- Is breast best? Wolf, Joan B.
- Ischemic stroke management : Spiotta, Alejan M,
- Ischia Group Theory 2004 :
- ISO 50001 : Field, Alan,
- Isoclinic n-planes in Euclidean 2n-space, Clifford parallels in elliptic -space, and the Hurwitz matrix equations Wong, Yung-chow,
- Isolated involutions in finite groups Waldecker, Rebecca,
- Isometric embeddings of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds Greene, Robert E.,
- Israel mathematical conference proceedings :
- Israel mathematical conference proceedings.
- Issues in commuting and pilot fatigue :
- Issues in intimate violence
- The Italian piazza transformed : Marina, Areli,
- Iterated function systems and permutation representations of the Cuntz algebra Bratteli, Ola,
- Iterated function systems, moments, and transformations of infinite matrices Jørgensen, Palle E. T.,
- Iterated integrals and homotopy periods Hain, Richard M.
- Iterated nonlinear maps and Hilbert's projective metric, II Nussbaum, Roger D.,
- Iterating the cobar construction Smith, Justin R.,
- Iwasawa Theory, Projective Modules, and Modular Representations Greenberg, Ralph,
- Jack, Hall-Littlewood, and Macdonald polynomials :
- The jackknife and bootstrap Shao, Jun ,
- Jacques Hadamard : Maz'ya, Vladimir,
- JavaScript et les Données du Web. Jeansoulin, Robert.
- Jerusalem Combinatorics '93 :
- The jobs of tomorrow : Dutz, Mark Andrew,
- John Buridan, Quæstiones super octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis . Buridan, Jean,
- John von Neumann :
- Joint hyponormality of Toeplitz pairs Curto, Raúl E.,
- Jonas' introduction to the U.S. health care system Goldsteen, Raymond L.,
- Jordan algebras of self-adjoint operators Topping, David M.,
- The joy of sets : Devlin, Keith J.,
- Judging addicts Tiger, Rebecca.
- Julia sets and complex singularities of free energies Qiao, Jianyong,
- Jumping numbers of a simple complete ideal in a two-dimensional regular local ring Järvilehto, Tarmo,
- Just transitions : Swilling, Mark,
- K©Þhler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction Huebschmann, Johannes,
- Kac algebras arising from composition of subfactors : Izumi, Masaki,
- Kac-Moody Lie algebras and related topics :
- Kalman filtering : Chui, C. K.,
- KAM stability and celestial mechanics Celletti, A.
- Kansen en keuzen Lith, Jan van.
- Kaplan and Sadock. Sinopsis de Psiquiatría. Sadock, Benjamin J.
- Karu : Meakins, Felicity.
- Kazhdan-Lusztig theory and related topics :
- Kernel functions, analytic torsion and moduli spaces Fay, John D.
- Kernels and integral operators for continuous sums of Banach spaces Schochetman, Irwin E.,
- The Kew tropical plant families identification handbook
- Key concepts in counselling and psychotherapy
- Kimberlites, orangeites, and related rocks Mitchell, Roger Howard,
- Kinematic and dynamic simulation of multibody systems : García de Jalón, Javier,
- The kinematic formula in Riemannian homogeneous spaces Howard, Ralph,
- Kismet : Singh, Paul,
- Kleinian groups which are limits of geometrically finile groups Ōshika, Kenʼichi,
- De kloof overbrugd? Bos, Bert.
- Knee surgery Rajgopal, Ashok,
- Knot invariants and higher representation theory Webster, Ben
- Knot theory and its applications :
- Knots, links, spatial graphs, and algebraic invariants :
- Knowledge and data mining for recent and advanced applications using emerging technologies
- The Kohn-Sham equation for deformed crystals E, Weinan,
- Kolmogorov in perspective
- Kolyvagin systems Mazur, Barry,
- Der Korper als Objekt : Otte, Maren,
- Krull dimension Gordon, Robert,
- K-theory in algebra, analysis and topology :
- The Künneth theorem and the universal coefficient theorem for equivariant K-theory and KK-theory Rosenberg, Jonathan M.
- Kuznetsov's trace formula and the Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms Knightly, Andrew,
- Kvalita fyzikálního vzdělávání v rukou učitele Žák, Vojtěch,
- L functions for the orthogonal group Ginzburg, D.
- La calidad del crecimiento. Thomas, Vinod.
- La Cirugía General y Del Aparato Digestivo en el Inicio de la Pandemia Por COVID-19 . un : Ferrero Herrero, Eduardo.
- La educación médica de postgrado en la Argentina : OPS.
- La Fascination des Ailleurs. Rothen, François.
- La gestion de cadaveres en situaciones de desastre. OPS.
- La medición del estado de la salud : Hanson, Kara.
- La obesidad en la pobreza : Peña, Manuel.
- La salud y el ambiente en el desarrollo sostenible. Organization, Pan American Health.
- La Sécurisation d'une Application Web. Quinton, Eric.
- La violencia contra la mujer : Velzeboer, Marijke.
- Lagrangian reduction by stages Cendra, Hernán,
- Laminational models for some spaces of polynomials of any degree Blokh, Alexander M.,
- Laminations and foliations in dynamics, geometry and topology :
- Landmark writings in Western mathematics 1640-1940
- Langetermijneffecten van anesthesie Hert, Stefan de.
- Language :
- Language impairment and psychopathology in infants, children, and adolescents Cohen, Nancy J.,
- A Laplace transform calculus for partial differential operators Donaldson, Thomas,
- Large deviations and adiabatic transitions for dynamical systems and Markov processes in fully coupled averaging Kifer, Yuri,
- Large deviations for additive functionals of Markov chains Acosta, Alejandro D. de,
- Large deviations, free energy functional and quasi-potential for a mean field model of interacting diffusions Dawson, Donald A.
- Large scale dynamics of interacting particles Spohn, Herbert,
- Large time behavior of solutions for general quasilinear hyperbolic-parabolic systems of conservation laws Liu, Tai-Ping,
- Large viscous boundary layers for noncharacteristic nonlinear hyperbolic problems Métivier, Guy,
- Laryngeal cancer :
- Laryngeal manifestations of systemic diseases Hamdan, A. L.,
- Laryngeal surgery Sataloff, Robert T.,
- Laryngology : Ross, Justin,
- Laser cooling and trapping Metcalf, Harold J.,
- Laser-beam interactions with materials : Von Allmen, M.,
- Later living :
- Latina girls :
- A lattice of chapters of mathematics : Mycielski, Jan,
- The lattice of interpretability types of varieties García, O. C.
- Lattice structures on Banach spaces Kalton, Nigel J.
- The lattice theoretic background of the dimension theory of operator algebras Loomis, Lynn H.,
- The law of healthcare administration Showalter, J. Stuart,
- The law of healthcare administration. Showalter, J. Stuart,
- Lax-Phillips scattering and conservative linear systems : Ball, Joseph A.,
- Layer potentials and boundary-value problems for second order elliptic operators with data in Besov spaces Barton, Ariel,
- Layer potentials, the Hodge Laplacian, and global boundary problems in nonsmooth Riemannian manifolds Mitrea, Dorina,
- The Le Corbusier guide Gans, Deborah,
- Le Minimum Théorique : Susskind, Leonard.
- Leading psychoeducational groups for children and adolescents DeLucia-Waack, Janice L.
- Learning acceptance and commitment therapy : Goubert, Debrin P.,
- Learning and cognition in autism
- Learning and memory Rudmann, Darrell S.,
- Learning and memory of knowledge and skills : Healy, Alice F.,
- Learning apache cassandra : Yarabarla, Sandeep ,
- Learning from the science of cognition and perception for decision making :
- Learning on the blog Richardson, Will.
- Learning supportive psychotherapy : Winston, Arnold,
- Lebesgue theory in the bidual of C Kaplan, Samuel,
- The Lebesgue-Nikodym theorem for vector valued Radon measures Thomas, Erik,
- Lectures in the history of mathematics Bos, H. J. M.,
- Lectures on Hamiltonian systems ; Moser, Jürgen,
- Lectures on Nielsen fixed point theory Jiang, Boju,
- Lectures on number theory Lejeune Dirichlet, Peter Gustav,
- The Lefschetz Centennial Conference :
- Leg Ulcers. Sacchidanand, S.
- The legacy of Sonya Kovalevskaya :
- The legacy of the inverse scattering transform in applied mathematics :
- Legal issues in child abuse and neglect practice Myers, John E. B.
- Lekarska Histologie I : Vajner, Lude,
- De letteren als wetenschappen Pollmann, Thijs.
- Letters from Pharmacy Preceptors : Raub, Joshua N.
- Letters from pharmacy residents :
- Level one algebraic cusp forms of classical groups of small rank Chenevier, Gaëtan,
- Levels of organic life and the human : Plessner, Helmuth,
- Levenslang HIV Brinkman, Kees.
- Lie algebras and lie groups :
- Lie algebras and related topics :
- Lie algebras and their representations :
- Lie algebras graded by the root systems BCrõr, r[greater than or equal to] 2 Allison, Bruce N.
- Lie algebras, cohomology, and new applications to quantum mechanics, :
- Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras and their applications :
- Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, and related topics :
- Lie groups and subsemigroups with surjective exponential fuction Hofmann, Karl Heinrich,
- The life and times of the central limit theorem Adams, William J.,
- Life insurance mathematics Gerber, Hans U.,
- The life of I : Manne, Anne,
- Lifestyle of future house buyers in Malaysia Mohd. Wira Mohd. Shafiei,
- Lifestyle psychiatry
- The lifted root number conjecture and Iwasawa theory Ritter, J.
- Lifting properties in skew-product flows with applications to differential equations Sacker, Robert J.,
- Limit operators, collective compactness, and the spectral theory of infinite matrices Chandler-Wilde, Simon N.,
- Limit theorems for functionals of ergodic Markov chains with general state space Chen, Xia,
- Limit theorems for null recurrent Markov processes Höpfner, R.
- Limit theorems of polynomial approximation with exponential weights Ganzburg, Michael I.,
- Limiting absorption principle for partial differential operators Ben-Artzi, Matania,
- Limiting equations for problems involving long range memory Marcus, M.
- Limits : Beardon, Alan F.,
- Line of sight :
- Linear algebra Smith, Larry,
- Linear algebra : Valenza, Robert J.,
- Linear algebra and its role in systems theory
- Linear algebraic groups Borel, Armand,
- Linear algebraic groups and their representations :
- Linear and multilinear algebra and function spaces :
- Linear mixed models in practice : Verbeke, Geert,
- Linear systems and signals : Olivier, J. C.,
- The Lin-Ni's problem for mean convex domains Druet, Olivier,
- Lipa's legacy :
- Lipocrinology :
- Liquid film coating :
- Liquid hydrogen : Peschka, W.
- Listening Nancy, Jean-Luc.
- Lithium-ion batteries and applications. Andrea, Davide,
- Littlewood-Paley theory on spaces of homogeneous type and the classical function spaces Han, Yongsheng,
- Local and global methods in algebraic geometry :
- Local Content for the International Petroleum Industry. Pereira, Eduardo G.
- Local Distribution Pipelines in Nontechnical Language. Miesner, Thomas O.
- Local entropy theory of a random dynamical system Dooley, Anthony H.,
- A local relative trace formula for the Ginzburg-Rallis model : Wan, Chen,
- The local structure for finite groups with a large p-subgroup Meierfrankenfeld, U.
- The local structure of finite groups of characteristic 2 type Gorenstein, Daniel,
- Local surgery and the exact sequence of a localization for Wall groups Pardon, William,
- Local zeta functions attached to the minimal spherical series for a class of symmetric spaces Bopp, Nicole,
- Localization for THH and the topological Hochschild and cyclic homology of Waldhausen categories Blumberg, Andrew J.,
- Locally AH-algebras Lin, Huaxin,
- Locally analytic vectors in representations of locally p-adic analytic groups Emerton, Matthew,
- Locally compact transformation groups and C*-algebras Effros, Edward G.,
- Locally finite root systems Loos, Ottmar,
- Locally finite, planar, edge-transitive graphs Graver, Jack E.,
- Locally multiplicatively-convex topological algebras Michael, Ernest A.,
- Locally toric manifolds and singular Bohr-Sommerfeld leaves Hamilton, Mark D.,
- Logarithmic descriptions of Whitehead groups and class groups for p-groups Oliver, Robert,
- Logic and algebra
- Logic and combinatorics :
- Logic and computation :
- Logic and its applications
- The logic of miracles : Mérő, László,
- A logical approach to discrete math Gries, David,
- Logic's lost genius : Menzler-Trott, Eckart,
- Le long de la Main cosmopolite : Poulot, Marie-Laure,
- Long-term survivorship care after cancer treatment : Denning, Laura Aiuppa,
- Long-time behavior of second order evolution equations with nonlinear damping Chueshov, Igor,
- Loop groups, discrete versions of some classical integrable systems, and rank 2 extensions Deift, Percy,
- Los desastres naturales y la proteccion de la salud. Organization, Pan American Health.
- Low dimensional topology
- Low dimensional topology :
- Low power circuit design using advanced CMOS technology
- Low-power and high-sensitivity magnetic sensors and systems Weiss, Eyal,
- Lp boundedness of Fourier integral operators Beals, Michael,
- Lp harmonic analysis on SL Barker, William H.,
- Lp-square function estimates on spaces of homogeneous type and on uniformly rectifiable sets
- Lucette Au Maintien à Domicile. une Carrière Entre l'amour, le Don et la Solidarité. Paquet, Mario.
- Luminescent materials Blasse, G.,
- Lust Regan, Pamela C.
- Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and related topics :
- La lutte pour l'espace : Beneventi, Dominico A. ,
- Lyapunov exponents and invariant manifolds for random dynamical systems in a Banach space Lian, Zeng,
- Lyapunov theorems for operator algebras Akemann, Charles A.,
- Lyme disease :
- Maag-, Darm- Leverziekten in en beweging Bartelsman, J. F. W. M.
- Maarten van Heemskerck's Rome : DiFuria, Arthur J.,
- Maatschappij als medicijn Stronks, Karien.
- Machine learning for data mining : Salcedo, Jesus,
- Machine learning for mobile : Gopalakrishnan, Revathi,
- Machine learning with spark : Dua, Rajdeep,
- Machining, mechanics and tribology
- The Madison Symposium on Complex Analysis :
- Magnetic resonance in studying natural and synthetic materials Rodin, Victor V.,
- Mainstreaming water safety plans in ADB water sector projects : Ishii, Satoshi,
- Maize kernel development
- The major counting of nonintersecting lattice paths and generating functions for tableaux Krattenthaler, C.
- Making a new land :
- Making girls and boys : McCredie, Jane,
- Making it Modern : Betsky, Aaron.
- Making sense of science and religion : Shane, Joseph W,
- The male survivor : Mendel, Matthew Parynik.
- Mamma, wat een zorg Rutgers, Emiel.
- Managed care Conger, Marge.
- Management of healthcare organizations : Olden, Peter C.,
- Managerial epidemiology :
- Managerial ethics in healthcare :
- Managing 3D printing technologies for manufacturing
- Managing breeds for a secure future : Sponnenberg, D. Phillip,
- Managing technological change Haddad, Carol Joyce.
- Managing your software project : Ricketts, Ian,
- Manejo de Cadáveres en Situaciones de Desastre. OPS.
- Manger Sain et Durable : Lairon, Denis.
- Manifolds and K-theory :
- Manifolds with group actions and elliptic operators Lin, Vladimir I︠A︡kovlevich,
- Mantenerse en forma para la vida : Organiation, Pan American Health.
- The mantis book :
- Manual de Diálisis, 5e. Daugirdas, John T.
- Manual de seguimiento y evaluación de los recursos humanos para la salud
- Manual of cardiovascular medicine
- Manual of clinical oncology
- Manual of endometriosis
- Manual of high-risk pregnancy
- Manual of internal fixation :
- The mapping class group from the viewpoint of measure equivalence theory Kida, Yoshikata,
- Mapping class groups and moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces :
- Mapping class groups of low genus and their cohomology Benson, D. J.
- Marco de Respuesta Multiamenaza Del Sector de la Salud
- Margaret Newman : Marchione, Joanne M.
- Marketing health services Thomas, Richard K.,
- Markov cell structures near a hyperbolic set Farrell, F. Thomas,
- Markov chains : Brémaud, Pierre,
- Markov fields over countable partially ordered sets : Evstigneev, I. V.,
- Markov random fields and their applications Kindermann, Ross,
- Marriage, divorce, and children's adjustment Emery, Robert E.
- Marshall's physiology of reproduction.
- Masculinities, violence and culture Hatty, Suzanne.
- The Maslov index in symplectic Banach spaces Booss, Bernhelm Bavnbek,
- Mastering Adobe Captivate 2019 : Jaisingh, Pooja,
- Mastering ansible : Keating, Jesse,
- Mastering identity and access management with Microsoft Azure : Nickel, Jochen,
- Mastering machine learning with scikit-learn : Hackeling, Gavin,
- Mastering machine learning with spark 2.x : Tellez, Alex,
- Mastering OpenStack : Khedher, Omar,
- Mastering PostGIS : Mikiewicz, Dominik,
- Mastering proxmox : Ahmed, Wasim,
- Mastering SAP ABAP : Grzeskowiak, Pawel,
- Mastering Scala machine learning : Kozlov, Alex,
- Mastering social foresight
- Mastering the addicted brain : Ling, Walter,
- Mastering the art of psychotherapy : Symes, William F.,
- Matching of orbital integrals on GL and GSp Flicker, Yuval Z.
- Materials and manufacturing capabilities for sustaining defense systems :
- Materials beneficiation Gill, C. B.
- Math dictionary with solutions, 2nd : Kornegay, Chris,
- Mathematical analysis in fluid mechanics :
- Mathematical analysis, wavelets, and signal processing :
- Mathematical and statistical methods for imaging :
- Mathematical applications of category theory
- Mathematical aspects of classical field theory :
- Mathematical aspects of conformal and topological field theories and quantum groups :
- Mathematical aspects of quantization :
- Mathematical biology Murray, J. D.
- Mathematical Congress of the Americas :
- Mathematical developments arising from linear programming :
- Mathematical foundations of quantum scattering theory for multiparticle systems Sigal, Israel Michael,
- A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics Chorin, Alexandre Joel,
- The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus :
- Mathematical logic Ebbinghaus, H. -D.,
- A Mathematical Modeling Framework to Simulate and Analyze Cell Type Transitions. Schittler, Daniella.
- Mathematical Problems in Quantum Physics. Bonetto, Federico.
- Mathematical problems in the theory of water waves :
- Mathematical results in quantum mechanics :
- Mathematical sciences research challenges for the next-generation electric grid :
- Mathematical statistics for economics and business Mittelhammer, Ron,
- Mathematical studies in nonlinear wave propagation :
- Mathematical studies on human disease dynamics :
- Mathematical study of degenerate boundary layers : Dalibard, Anne-Laure,
- Mathematics across the Iron Curtain : Hollings, Christopher,
- Mathematics and general relativity :
- Mathematics and mathematicians : Gårding, Lars,
- Mathematics and politics : Taylor, Alan D.,
- Mathematics and social utopias in France :
- Mathematics curriculum, teacher professionalism, and supporting policies in Korea and the United States :
- Mathematics of continuous and discrete dynamical systems :
- The mathematics of decisions, elections, and games
- Mathematics of nonlinear science :
- The mathematics of superoscillations
- Mathematics unbound :
- Mathematics, developmental biology and tumour growth :
- Mathématiques et statistique pour les sciences de la nature Biau, Gérard.
- Mathematische Modellierung Von Strukturbildung in Zellulären Systemen. Stevens, Angela.
- Matrix calculus Bodewig, Ewald,
- Matrix functions of bounded type : Curto, Raúl E.,
- Matroid theory :
- Matter and energy for growth and activity.
- Maurice Blanchot and psychoanalysis Kuzma, Joseph D.,
- Maximal abelian sets of roots Lawther, R.
- Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over non-isolated surface singularities and matrix problems Burban, Igor,
- The maximal factorizations of the finite simple groups and their automorphism groups Liebeck, M. W.
- Maximal functions measuring smoothness DeVore, Ronald A.,
- The maximal subgroups of classical algebraic groups Seitz, Gary M.,
- Maximal subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups Seitz, Gary M.,
- The maximal subgroups of positive dimension in exceptional algebraic groups Liebeck, M. W.
- Maximality properties in numerical semigroups and applications to one-dimensional analytically irreducible local domains Barucci, Valentina,
- Maximum entropy of cycles of even period King, Deborah M.
- Maximum principles on Riemannian manifolds and applications Pigola, Stefano,
- Maximum-likelihood deconvolution : Mendel, Jerry M.,
- McLean EMG guide
- MCQs series for life sciences. Ravi, Maddaly,
- The MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Handbook. Feig, Barry.
- Measurable selectors of PCA multifunctions with applications Srebrny, Marian,
- Measurable, continuous and smooth vectors for semigroups and group representations Moore, Robert Thorpe,
- Measure and capacity of wandering domains in Gevrey near-integrable exact symplectic systems Lazzarini, Laurent,
- Measure and measurable dynamics :
- Measure theoretic laws for lim sup sets Beresnevich, Victor,
- Measure, integral, and probability Capiński, Marek,
- Measurement instruments in clinical ethics Redman, Barbara Klug.
- Measurement of food preferences
- Measuring patient outcomes
- Measuring recovery from substance use or mental disorders : Marton, Krisztina,
- Measuring serious emotional disturbance in children :
- Measuring specific mental illness diagnosis with functional impairment :
- Measuring trauma : Marton, Krisztina,
- Measuring voice, speech, and swallowing in the clinic and laboratory Ludlow, Christy L.,
- The mechanics of passions : Ehrenberg, Alain,
- Medial-skeletal linking structures for multi-region configurations Damon, James,
- Medical and surgical management of male infertility
- Medical aspects of disability for the rehabilitation professional
- Medical emergencies in the dental office :
- Medical glossaries in the Hebrew tradition : |b Shem Tov ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur : Shem Tov ben Isaak,
- Medical misadventure in an age of professionalisation, 1780-1890 Tomkins, Alannah,
- Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss, Third Edition. Dobie, Robert A.
- The medication interest model : Shea, Shawn C.,
- Medications for opioid use disorder save lives.
- Medicinal chemistry : Smith, Robert E.,
- Meeting the dietary needs of older adults : Brown, Anne,
- Meeting under the integral sign? : Hollings, Christopher,
- Mejoremos la salud a todas las edades. OPS.
- Melasma. Sarkar, Rashmi.
- Mémoire de Mémoires :
- Memory and change in Europe :
- Ménage à trois Kenter, Gemma G.
- Mental health promotion in schools.
- Mental language : Panaccio, Claude,
- The meromorphic continuation and functional equations of cuspidal Eisenstein series for maximal cuspidal groups Wong, Shek-Tung,
- Métaheuristiques Pour la Robotique. Oulhadj, Hamouche.
- Métaheuristiques Pour les Réseaux électriques Intelligents. Héliodore, édéric.
- Metal forming handbook
- Metal impurities in silicon-device fabrication Graff, Klaus,
- Metamorphosis through conscious living :
- The metaplectic representation, Mpc structures, and geometric quantization Robinson, P. L.
- The metastable homotopy of Sn Mahowald, Mark,
- A method of generalized characteristics Berger, Marc A.,
- The method of layer potentials for the heat equation in time-varying domains Lewis, John L.,
- Methods and applications of mathematical logic :
- Methods for behavioral research Cherulnik, Paul D.,
- Methods in teaching clinical phonetics and linguistics
- Methods in the theory of hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces Argyros, S.
- The metric induced by the Robin function Levenberg, Norman,
- Metric properties of harmonic measures Totik, V.,
- Metric spaces of non-positive curvature Bridson, Martin R.,
- Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions. Walsh, Mark ,
- Metrics that matter for population health action :
- Mexican mathematicians abroad :
- Micelles : Moroi, Yoshikiyo,
- Microalgae as a source of bioenergy :
- Microlocal analysis
- Microsoft access 2016 programming by example : Korol, Julitta,
- Microsoft access 2019 programming by example with VBA, XML, and ASP Korol, Julitta,
- Microsoft excel 2016 programming by example : Korol, Julitta,
- Microsoft Office 365-exchange online implementation and migration : Waters, Ian,
- Microtectonics Passchier, C. W.
- Microwave and millimeter-wave vacuum electron devices : Gilmour, A. S.,
- Microwave imaging methods and applications Pastorino, Matteo,
- Microwave power amplifier design with MMIC modules Hausman, Howard,
- Militant lactivism? Faircloth, Charlotte.
- Milk and milk products : Varnam, A. H,
- Mimesis Bauen : Meier, Hans-Rudolf.
- The mind of the nation : Klautke, Egbert.
- Mind-body medicine in inpatient psychiatry Tomasi, David Låg,
- Minds make societies : Boyer, Pascal,
- Minimal degrees of unsolvability and the full approximation construction Epstein, Richard L.,
- The minimal polynomials of unipotent elements in irreducible representations of the classical groups in odd characteristic Suprunenko, I. D.
- Minimal resolutions via algebraic discrete morse theory J©œllenbeck, Michael,
- Minimal surfaces in Riemannian manifolds Ji, Min,
- Minimal weak truth table degrees and computably enumerable Turing degrees Downey, R. G.
- Mining North America :
- Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry :
- Missing middle housing : Parolek, Daniel G.,
- Mitochondrial replacement techniques :
- Mixed-norm inequalities and operator space Lp embedding theory Junge, Marius,
- Mixing sequences of random variables and probabilistic number theory Philipp, Walter,
- The mod 2 cohomology structure of certain fibre spaces Massey, William S.,
- Model theoretic methods in finite combinatorics :
- Model theory and linear extreme points in the numerical radius unit ball Dritschel, Michael A.,
- Model theory of modules, algebras and categories :
- Modeling of chemical kinetics and reactor design Coker, A. Kayode.
- Modelle Für Heterogene Katalysatoren : Freund, H. -J.
- Modelling and simulation of power generation plants
- Modelling potential crop growth processes : Goudriaan, J.,
- Model-oriented design of experiments Fedorov, V. V.
- Modelpsychologie Murre, Jaap M. J.
- Models and strategies to integrate palliative care principles into care for people with serious illness :
- Moderate deviations for the range of planar random walks Bass, Richard F.,
- Modern inertial technology Lawrence, Anthony,
- Modern jeweler's consumer guide to colored gemstones Federman, David,
- Modern theory of dynamical systems :
- Modern trends in constructive function theory :
- Modernism as memory : James-Chakraborty, Kathleen,
- The modified algorithm of Jacobi-Perron Bernstein, Leon,
- Modular branching rules for projective representations of symmetric groups and lowering operators for the supergroup Q Kleshchëv, A. S.
- Modules over commutative regular rings Pierce, Richard S.,
- Modules over the integral group ring of a non-abelian group of order pq Klingler, Lee,
- Modules with cores and amalgamations of indecomposable modules Gordon, Robert,
- Moduli of double EPW-sextics O'Grady, Kieran G.,
- The moduli space of cubic threefolds as a ball quotient Allcock, Daniel,
- Moduli space of curves
- The moduli space of N=1 superspheres with tubes and the sewing operation Barron, Katrina,
- Moduli spaces of polynomials in two variables Fernández de Bobadilla, Javier,
- Moge uw lever glad Zijn Beuers, Ulrich.
- Molecular methods in plant disease diagnostics :
- Molecular propagation through electron energy level crossings Hagedorn, George A.
- The moment maps in diffeology Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick,
- Monge Ampère equation :
- Monitoring artificial materials and microbes in marine ecosystems :
- Monkey trouble : Peterson, Christopher,
- Monoidal categories and the Gerstenhaber bracket in Hochschild cohomology Hermann, Reiner,
- Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance
- Monotone processes of convex and concave type Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell,
- Monte Carlo statistical methods Robert, Christian P.,
- Montréal En évolution : Marsan, Jean-Claude.
- Mood management leader's manual Langelier, Carol A.
- Mood management Langelier, Carol A.
- Moonshine, the monster, and related topics :
- Moral development and reality Gibbs, John C.
- The moral economy of mobile phones :
- Morava K-theories and localisation Hovey, Mark,
- Morgen van zijde zonder vrees Kindt, Merel.
- A Morse-Bott Approach to Monopole Floer Homology and the Triangulation Conjecture. Lin, Francesco.
- The mother body phase transition in the normal matrix model Bleher, Pavel,
- Motherhood memoirs :
December 2021
ProQuest Additions M-R
- Motivating humans
- Motivic homotopy theory and refined enumerative geometry
- Moufang sets and structurable division algebras Boelaert, Lien,
- Moving interface problems and applications in fluid dynamics :
- Moving toward resource recovery facilities
- MRCS—Applied Basic Science and Clinical Topics. Parker, Stephen.
- MSV 2017 :
- Multicultural counseling competencies
- Multicultural counseling with teenage fathers Kiselica, Mark S.
- Multicultural Counseling Workbook : Korn, Leslie.
- Multicultural couple therapy
- Multicultural school psychology competencies Martines, Danielle.
- Multicurves and equivariant cohomology Strickland, Neil P.,
- Multidimensional complex analysis and partial differential equations :
- Multidisciplinary interventions for people with diverse needs - a training guide for teachers, students, and professionals
- Multi-interval linear ordinary boundary value problems and complex symplectic algebra Everitt, W. N.
- Multilinear singular integral forms of Christ-Journé type Seeger, Andreas
- Multiparameter bifurcation theory :
- Multiple choice questions on oil, gas, and petrochemicals
- A multiple disjunction lemma for smooth concordance embeddings Goodwillie, Thomas G.
- Multiple points of immersed manifolds Herbert, Ralph J.,
- Multiple scale and singular perturbation methods Kevorkian, J.,
- Multiple sclerosis : Murray, T. J.,
- Multiple sclerosis for the non-neurologist Picone, Mary Ann,
- The multiple stochastic integral Engel, David D.
- Multiple-Hilbert transforms associated with polynomials Kim, Joonil,
- Multiplicative homology operations and transfer Minami, Norihiko,
- Multipliers of Pedersen's ideal Lazar, Aldo Joram,
- Multipliers of radical Banach algebras of power series Bade, W. G.
- Multipliers, positive functionals, positive-definite functions, and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms McKennon, Kelly,
- Multi-pulse evolution and space-time chaos in dissipative systems Zelik, Sergey,
- The multiracial experience
- Multi-scale and high-contrast PDE :
- Multivariable operator theory :
- Municipal benchmarks Ammons, David N.
- Musculoskeletal injuries and conditions : Lee, Se Won,
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound cross-sectional anatomy Cianca, John C.,
- Museum websites and social media : Sánchez Laws, Ana Luisa,
- Mutation breeding in oil palm : Nur, Fazrin,
- A mutation-selection model with recombination for general genotypes Evans, Steven N.
- Mutual invadability implies coexistence in spatial models Durrett, Richard,
- Mutually catalytic super branching random walks : Cox, J. T.,
- My kid is back : Alexander, June,
- My kind of city : Dittmar, Hank,
- My parent's keeper : Gastfriend, Jody,
- Mycology :
- Myth and emotions
- The myth of empowerment : Becker, Dana,
- Mythos Wewelsburg : John-Stucke, Kirsten.
- Na het zuur, het zoet! Hugenholtz, J.
- Naléhavé Situace Na Operačním Sále : Vymazal, Tomás.
- Les nanotechnologies :
- Narrating illness :
- Narrative therapy
- National security space defense and protection :
- The nation's medical countermeasure stockpile :
- Natural Bioactive Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables As Health Promoters. da, Luís Rodrigues.
- Natural hazards, grade 2 :
- Natural polymers for drug delivery
- Naturalists in the field :
- Naturally reductive metrics and Einstein metrics on compact Lie groups D'Atri, J. E.
- The nature of nurture Wachs, Theodore D.,
- The nature of statistical learning theory Vapnik, Vladimir Naumovich,
- Navigating the manufacturing process and ensuring the quality of regenerative medicine therapies :
- Navigation and robotics in spine surgery Vaccaro, Alexander R.,
- Near infrared technology : Williams, Phil,
- Near soliton evolution for equivariant Schrodinger maps in two spatial dimensions Bejenaru, Ioan,
- Necessary conditions in dynamic optimization Clarke, Francis,
- Neckpinch dynamics for asymmetric surfaces evolving by mean curvature flow Gang, Zhou
- Needle decompositions in Riemannian geometry Klartag, Bo'az,
- Neglected children
- The neglected dimension of global security :
- Negotiating health care : Thorne, Sally E.
- Neighborhood planning and community-based development Peterman, William.
- Nelson's neonatal antimicrobial therapy
- Neofinalism Ruyer, Raymond,
- Neonatology for primary care
- Néron models Bosch, S.
- The net effect Streeter, Thomas.
- Networking Seifert surgeries on knots Deruelle, Arnaud,
- Neumann systems for the algebraic AKNS problem Schilling, Randolph J.
- The Neumann's problem for differential forms on Riemannian manifolds Conner, P. E.
- Neural networks : Rojas, Raúl,
- The neurocognition of translation and interpreting García, Adolfo M.,
- Neurology Q&A review Howard, Jonathan,
- Neuromuscular disorders :
- Neuromuscular spine deformity
- Neuro-Ophthalmology : Savino.
- Neuro-ophthalmology illustrated Biousse, Valérie,
- Neuropsychology for coaches Brown, Paul.
- The Neuropsychology of everyday life :
- Neuroscience fundamentals for communication sciences and disorders Andreatta, Richard D.,
- The neuroscience of clinical psychiatry : Higgins, Edmund S.,
- Neuroscience trials of the future :
- Neurosurgery oral board review Citow, Jonathan Stuart,
- Neurosurgery outlines Kaloostian, Paul Edward,
- Neurotransmitters and drugs Kruk, Zygmunt L.,
- A new approach to the local embedding theorem of CR-structures for n [greater than or equal to] 4 Akahori, Takao,
- New approaches in spectral decomposition Lange, Ridgley,
- New coach Paice, Lis.
- New complex analytic methods in the study of non-orientable minimal surfaces in Rn Suárez de Alarcón, Antonio,
- A new construction of homogeneous quaternionic manifolds and related geometric structures Cortés, Vicente,
- New developments in lie theory and geometry :
- New developments in Lie theory and its applications :
- New developments in the analysis of nonlocal operators :
- New directions in homotopy theory :
- A new era in global health : Rosa, William,
- New faces in a changing America
- A new formulation of particle mechanics Prosser, Reese T.,
- New foundations for geometry : Haran, M. J. Shai,
- New frontiers in patient safety
- New information and communication technologies for knowledge management in organisations
- The new localism :
- A new mathematical framework for the study of linkage and selection Shahshahani, S.,
- The new regional economies Barnes, William R.
- New trends in Hopf algebra theory :
- New trends in noncommutative algebra :
- A new vision for center-based engineering research
- Newborn and Infant Nutrition. , American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Newer trends in art
- Newton polyhedra without coordinates : Youssin, Boris,
- Newton's method applied to two quadratic equations in C[superscript 2] viewed as a global dynamical system Hubbard, John H.
- NEXAFS spectroscopy Stöhr, Joachim,
- The next generation of biomedical and behavioral sciences researchers :
- n-harmonic mappings between annuli : Iwaniec, Tadeusz,
- NHS for Sale : Davis, Jacky.
- Nielsen theory and dynamical systems
- Niets zo veranderlijk als het HIV Schuitemaker, Hanneke.
- Nieuwe kansen Mandjes, Michel
- Nighttime breastfeeding : Tomori, Cecília,
- Nil Bohr-sets and almost automorphy of higher order Huang, Wen,
- No nine neighborly tetrahedra exist Zaks, Joseph,
- No way to treat a friend : Taylor, Niall,
- No, Gracias. No Tengo Apetito. Estrategias Psicológicas para Adelgazar y Establecer Hábitos de Ingesta Saludables y Duraderos. López de Llave, Andrés.
- Noether-Lefschetz problems for degeneracy loci Spandaw, J.
- Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Picard group of projective surfaces Lopez, Angelo Felice,
- Non-additive exact functors and tensor induction for Mackey functors Bouc, Serge,
- Nonassociative mathematics and its applications :
- Noncommutative birational geometry, representations and combinatorics :
- Noncommutative curves of genus zero : Kussin, Dirk,
- Noncommutative geometry and global analysis :
- Noncommutative geometry and optimal transport :
- Noncommutative geometry and representation theory in mathematical physics :
- Non-commutative geometry in mathematics and physics :
- Noncommutative Maslov index and Eta-forms Wahl, Charlotte,
- Noncommutative microlocal analysis. Taylor, Michael Eugene,
- Noncommutative rings and their applications :
- Noncommutative rings, group rings, diagram algebras, and their applications :
- Non-commutative spectral theory for affine function spaces on convex sets Alfsen, Erik M.
- Noncompact problems at the intersection of geometry, analysis, and topology :
- Nonconventional yeasts in biotechnology : Wolf, Klaus
- Non-cooperative equilibria of Fermi systems with long range interactions Bru, J.-B.
- Nondestructive evaluation of materials by infrared thermography Maldague, Xavier,
- Non-divergence equations structured on Hörmander vector fields :
- Non-doubling Ahlfors measures, perimeter measures, and the characterization of the trace spaces of Sobolev functions in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces Danielli, Donatella,
- Non-Euclidean geometry in the theory of automorphic functions Hadamard, Jacques,
- Non-invasive neuromodulation of the central nervous system :
- Non-laryngeal cancer and voice. Hamdan, A. L.
- Nonlinear analysis and optimization :
- Nonlinear analysis and optimization I, nonlinear analysis :
- Nonlinear analysis and optimization II, optimization :
- Nonlinear commutators in interpolation theory Kalton, Nigel J.
- Nonlinear control systems Isidori, Alberto,
- Nonlinear control systems II Isidori, Alberto,
- Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems Verhulst, F.
- Nonlinear diffusion equations and curvature conditions in metric measure spaces Ambrosio, Luigi,
- Nonlinear dispersive waves and fluids :
- Nonlinear eigenvalues and analytic-hypoellipticity Yu, Ching-Chau,
- Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations :
- Nonlinear partial differential equations
- Nonlinear partial differential equations :
- Nonlinear partial differential equations and hyperbolic wave phenomena :
- Nonlinear partial differential equations and related analysis :
- Nonlinear PDE's, dynamics, and continuum physics :
- Nonlinear problems in geometry :
- Nonlinear stability and bifurcation theory : Troger, H.
- Nonlinear stability of Ekman boundary layers in rotation stratified fluids Koba, Hajime,
- Nonlinear stability of shock waves for viscous conservation laws Liu, Tai-Ping,
- Nonlinear systems : Sastry, Shankar,
- Nonlinear wave equations :
- Non-line-of-sight radar Watson, Brian C.,
- Nonmodular lattice varieties Rose, Henry,
- Non-native species and their role in the environment : Guiașu, Radu Cornel,
- Nonoscillation, disconjugacy, and integral inequalities Friedland, Shmuel,
- Nonsmooth differential geometry : Gigli, Nicola,
- Non-spherical principal series representations of a semisimple Lie group Magnus, Alfred,
- Nonstandard models of arithmetic and set theory :
- Nonstrictly hyperbolic conservation laws :
- Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling and Production. Hyne, Norman J.
- Non-uniform lattices on uniform trees Carbone, Lisa,
- Normal pressure hydrocephalus : Fritsch, Michael J.,
- Normal structures and bordism theory, with applications to MSp* Ray, Nigel,
- Norms on possibilities I : Rosłanowski, Andrzej,
- North Carolina children's global health handbook :
- Le nouveau roman de l'énergie nationale Perron, Dominique,
- Novel Engineering, K-8 : Milto, Elissa.
- Novel strategies and approaches in hypertension therapy
- Novel trends in aircraft design
- Nuclear power reactors in the world
- Nuclear reactor engineering. Glasstone, Samuel,
- Nuclear submarine decommissioning and related problems
- Number theory :
- Number theory and its applications in China
- Number theory related to modular curves :
- Numbers Ebbinghaus, H.-D.,
- Numbers with small prime factors, and the least kth power non-residue Norton, Karl K.,
- Numerical approximations of stochastic differential equations with non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients Hutzenthaler, Martin,
- Numerical control over complex analytic singularities Massey, David B.,
- Numerical methods for conservation laws LeVeque, Randall J.,
- Numerical range : Gustafson, Karl E.,
- Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations Kloeden, Peter E.,
- Numero Especial sobre la actividad fisica. PAHO.
- Numero Especial sobre los servicios de sangre en la region. OPS.
- The NURBS book Piegl, Les A.,
- Nursery screening for Ganoderma response in oil palm seedlings : Rahmaningsih, Miranti,
- Nursing administration in the 21st century Allison, Sarah E.
- Nursing history review.
- Nursing interventions for infants, children, and families
- The nursing profession
- Nursing the acutely ill adult
- Nutrición y una vida activa : Freire, Wilma B.
- The nutrient roadmap
- Nutrition across the lifespan for healthy aging :
- Nutrition and feeding of organic pigs Blair, Robert,
- Nutrition and feeding of organic poultry Blair, Robert,
- Nutrition experiments in pigs and poultry :
- Oats :
- Obesity and voice Hamdan, A. L.
- Obesity in the early childhood years :
- De obesogene samenleving
- Obstetrics and Gynaecological Ultrasound for Beginners. Baser, Archana.
- Ocean circulation theory Pedlosky, Joseph,
- Octonion planes defined by quadratic Jordan algebras Faulkner, John R.,
- Oculoplastics : Penne, Robert.
- Odd primary infinite families in stable homotopy theory Cohen, Ralph L.,
- Odor emissions and control for collections systems and water resource recovery facilities
- Oil and gas pipelines in nontechnical language Miesner, Thomas O.,
- Oil and Gas Production in Nontechnical Language. Raymond, Martin S.
- Omstreden gelijkheid Komter, Aafke E.
- On [Greek letter Lambda]-nuclearity Dubinsky, Ed,
- On a conjecture of E. M. Stein on the Hilbert transform on vector fields Lacey, Michael T.
- On axiomatic approaches to vertex operator algebras and modules Frenkel, Igor,
- On being a therapist Kottler, Jeffrey A.,
- On boundary interpolation for matrix valued Schur functions Bolotnikov, Vladimir,
- On central critical values of the degree four L-functions for GSp : Furusawa, Masaaki,
- On central critical values of the degree four L-functions for GSp . Furusawa, Masaaki,
- On closed 3-braids Murasugi, Kunio,
- On degenerations of algebraic surfaces Persson, Ulf,
- On Dwork's p-adic formal congruences theorem and hypergeometric mirror maps Delaygue, E.
- On dynamical Poisson groupoids I Li, Luen-Chau,
- On finite groups and homotopy theory Levi, Ran,
- On finite rank operators and preannihilators Azoff, Edward A.,
- On first and second order planar elliptic equations with degeneracies Meziani, Abdelhamid,
- On fusion systems of component type Aschbacher, Michael,
- On generalized surfaces of finite topological types Young, L. C.
- On higher Frobenius-Schur indicators Kashina, Yevgenia,
- On K* and K* Aisbett, Janet E.,
- On Lie algebras and some special functions of mathematical physics Miller, Willard,
- On Lie algebras of prime characteristic Seligman, George B.,
- On L-packets for inner forms of SLn Hiraga, Kaoru,
- On maps from loop suspensions to loop spaces and the shuffle relations on the Cohen groups Wu, Jie,
- On Mesoscopic Equilibrium for Linear Statistics in Dyson's Brownian Motion. Duits, Maurice.
- On Mothering Multiples. Mantas, Kathy.
- On natural coalgebra decompositions of tensor algebras and loop suspensions Selick, Paul,
- On necessary and sufficient conditions for Lp-estimates of Riesz transforms associated to elliptic operators on Rn and related estimates Auscher, Pascal,
- On non-generic finite subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups Litterick, Alastair J.,
- On non-topological solutions of the A2 and B2 Chern-Simons system Ao, Weiwei,
- On operads, bimodules, and analytic functors Gambino, Nicola,
- On PL De Rham theory and rational homotopy type Bousfield, A. K.,
- On sets not belonging to algebras of subsets Grinblat, L. Š.
- On some aspects of oscillation theory and geometry Bianchini, Bruno,
- On space-time quasiconcave solutions of the heat equation Chen, Chuanqiang
- On stability and endoscopic transfer of unipotent orbital integrals on p-adic symplectic groups Assem, Magdy,
- On stochastic differential equations Itō, Kiyosi,
- On Sudakov's type decomposition of transference plans with norm costs Bianchini, Stefano,
- On summability methods for conjugate Fourier-Stieltjes integrals in several variables and generalizations Walsh, T.
- On systems of equations over free partially commutative groups Casals-Ruiz, Montserrat,
- On the algebraic foundations of bounded cohomology Bühler, Theo,
- On the automorphisms of the classical groups Dieudonné, Jean,
- On the classification of C*-algebras of real rank zero : Su, Hongbing,
- On the classification of Polish metric spaces up to isometry Gao, Su,
- On the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials Bachman, Gennady,
- On the compactification of moduli spaces for algebraic K3 surfaces Scattone, Francesco,
- On the connection between weighted norm inequalities, commutators and real interpolation Bastero, Jesús,
- On the convergence of [summation symbol]c[subscript k]f Berkes, Istvan,
- On the correlation of multiplicative and the sum of additive arithmetic functions Elliott, P. D. T. A.
- On the differential structure of metric measure spaces and applications Gigli, Nicola,
- On the enumeration of non-planar maps Brown, William G.,
- On the existence of Feller semigroups with boundary conditions Taira, Kazuaki,
- On the foundations of nonlinear generalized functions I and II Grosser, Michael,
- On the general Rogers-Ramanujan theorem Andrews, George E.,
- On the Geometric Side of the Arthur Trace Formula for the Symplectic Group of Rank 2. Hoffmann, Werner.
- On the groups JO Lee, Chung Nim,
- On the ideal structure of operator algebras Prosser, Reese T.,
- On the martingale problem for interactive measure-valued branching diffusions Perkins, Edwin Arend,
- On the mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation Bałaban, Tadeusz,
- On the nature of health : Nordenfelt, Lennart,
- On the number of simply connected minimal surfaces spanning a curve Tromba, Anthony,
- On the regularity of the composition of diffeomorphisms Inci, H.,
- On the shape of a pure O-sequence
- On the singular set of harmonic maps into DM-complexes Daskalopoulos, Georgios,
- On the spectra of quantum groups Yakimov, Milen,
- On the splitting of invariant manifolds in multidimensional near-integrable Hamiltonian systems Lochak, P.
- On the stability of type I blow up for the engergy super critical heat equation Collot, Charles,
- On the steady motion of a coupled system solid-liquid Bemelmans, Josef,
- On the theory and applications of differential torsion products Gugenheim, V. K. A. M.,
- On the theory of vector measures Graves, William Howard,
- On the theory of weak turbulence for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation Escobedo, Miguel,
- On Villamayor and Zelinsky's long exact sequence Takeuchi, Mitsuhiro,
- Once upon an earth science book : Wheeler-Toppen, Jodi,
- Oncology board review :
- Het onderscheiden van hoofd- en halszaken Balm, Fons.
- Ondes de gradients multidimensionnelles Sablé-Tougeron, Monique,
- One welfare : Pinillos, Rebeca Garcia,
- One-dimensional empirical measures, order statistics, and Kantorovich transport distances Bobkov, Sergey,
- One-hundred problems involving the number 100 : Vennebush, G. Patrick,
- The online world of surrogacy Berend, Zsuzsa,
- Onshore unconventional hydrocarbon development :
- Ontology makes sense :
- L'ontophylogenèse Kupiec, Jean-Jacques.
- On-Wafer calibration techniques enabling accurate characterization of high-performance silicon devices at the mm-wave range and beyond Rumiantsev, Andrej,
- Op weg naar optimale diagnostiek en behandeling in de fysiotherapie Engelbert, Raoul.
- Open mappings on locally compact spaces Whyburn, G. T.,
- An open systems approach to quantum optics : Carmichael, Howard,
- OpenStack essentials : Radez, Dan,
- OpenStack Sahara Essentials : Khedher, Omar,
- Operads :
- Operation of nutrient removal facilities
- Operations in connective K-theory Kane, Richard M.,
- Operative cranial neurosurgical anatomy Gagliardi, Filippo,
- Operative standards for cancer surgery.
- Operator algebras and K-theory
- Operator algebras and mathematical physics :
- Operator algebras and operator theory :
- Operator algebras and their applications :
- Operator algebras for multivariable dynamics Davidson, Kenneth R.,
- Operator algebras, quantization, and noncommutative geometry :
- The operator Hilbert space OH, complex interpolation and tensor norms Pisier, Gilles,
- Operator methods in wavelets, tilings, and frames
- Operator structures and dynamical systems :
- Operator theory for complex and hypercomplex analysis :
- Operator theory on noncommutative domains Popescu, Gelu,
- Operator theory, operator algebras, and applications :
- Operator valued Hardy spaces Mei, Tao,
- Operators of class C0 with spectra in multiply connected regions Zucchi, Adele,
- Operator-valued measures, dilations, and the theory of frames Han, Deguang,
- Ophthalmo-genomics Bergen, Arthur.
- Ophthalmology oral board review Luviano, Damien Matthisen,
- Ophthalmology Review. Yanoff, Myron.
- Opportunities beyond carbon :
- Opportunities for organ donor intervention research :
- Opportunities for the employment of simulation in U.S. Air Force training environments :
- Opportunities in intense ultrafast lasers :
- Opportunities to promote children's behavioral health :
- The opportunity to live well : James, Paul,
- Optical fiber sensor technology.
- Optical spectroscopy Tkachenko, Nikolai V.
- Optimal control and viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations Bardi, M. ,
- Optimal Regularity and the Free Boundary in the Parabolic Signorini Problem. Danielli, Donatella.
- The optimal version of Hua's fundamental theorem of geometry of rectangular matrices Semrl, Peter,
- Optimisation solutions in systems Rubio, Fernando,
- Optimiseurs Itératifs. Clerc, Maurice.
- Optimization methods in partial differential equations :
- Optimization theory and related topics :
- Oracle CX cloud suite : Juric, Kresimir,
- Orbifolds in mathematics and physics :
- Ordered algebraic structures and related topics :
- Ordered fields and real algebraic geometry
- Ordered structures and partitions Stanley, Richard P.,
- Orders of a quartic field Nakagawa, Jin,
- Ordinal invariants in topology Kannan, V.,
- Ordinary differential equations Walter, Wolfgang,
- Organización y Financiamiento de los Servicios de Salud en Argentina. Una introducción. OPS.
- Organizational behavior and theory in healthcare : Walston, Stephen Lee,
- Orientation and the Leray-Schauder theory for fully nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems Fitzpatrick, Patrick,
- Orientation to nursing in the rural community Bushy, Angeline.
- Origin and mineralogy of clays :
- Orthogonal and symplectic n-level densities Mason, A. M.
- Orthogonal decompositions and functional limit theorems for random graph statistics Janson, Svante,
- Orthogonal polynomials Nevai, Paul G.,
- Orthopedics.
- Os sanum in corpore sano Loos, Bruno.
- Oscillation and dynamics in delay equations :
- The oscillator duality correspondence for the pair O , Sp Przebinda, Tomasz,
- Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theorem for laminations Nguyên, Viêt-Anh,
- Our biometric future : Gates, Kelly,
- Out of control Gubrium, Jaber F.
- Out of the darkness :
- Out of the shadow of a giant : Gribbin, John,
- Outils mathématiques : Belorizky, Elie,
- Outlines in orthopaedic surgery Antoci, Valentin,
- Outlines of embryology Slípka, Jaroslav,
- Overcoming school refusal : Garfi, Joanne,
- Overcoming unintentional racism in counseling and therapy Ridley, Charles R.
- Overgroups of root groups in classical groups Aschbacher, Michael,
- Overgroups of sylow subgroups in sporadic groups Aschbacher, Michael,
- Overweight and obesity in the Western Pacific Region :
- The owl that fell from the sky : Gill, Brian
- Pacific identities and well-being :
- p-adic methods in number theory and algebraic geometry
- P-adic monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture :
- P-adic numbers : Gouvêa, Fernando Q.
- Panic free : Bunn, Tom,
- Paniker's Textbook of Medical Parasitology. Ghosh, Sougata.
- A panorama of mathematics :
- A panorama of singularities :
- Paparella's Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery . Paparella, Michael M.
- Papers in algebra, analysis and statistics
- Papers on topology : Poincaré, Henri,
- Parabolic Anderson problem and intermittency Carmona, R.
- Parabolic subgroups of algebraic groups and induction Vella, David C.,
- Parabolic systems with polynomial growth and regularity Duzaar, Frank,
- Parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications
- Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing in linear models Koch, Karl-Rudolf,
- Parameter extraction and complex nonlinear transistor models Kompa, Günter,
- Parametrized knot theory Ocken, Stanley,
- Parenting and child development : Letourneau, Nicole,
- Parish nursing
- Partha's management algorithms in pediatric and adolescent practice.
- Parthenium weed :
- Partial differential equations Rauch, Jeffrey,
- Partial differential equations and inverse problems :
- Partial differential equations and mathematical physics :
- Partially ordered linear topological spaces Namioka, Isaac,
- Participatory design & health information technology
- Particle systems, random media, and large deviations
- Particle technology and separation processes Richardson, J. F.
- Partir du bas de l'echelle : Paquet, Ginette,
- Partition problems in topology Todorcevic, Stevo,
- The past half century of engineering-- and a look forward : Olsen, Steven,
- Patents and climate change : Dochniak, Michael J.,
- Path functions and generalized basic hypergeometric functions Kadell, Kevin W. J.,
- Pathological Realities : Grmek, Mirko.
- Pathological self-criticism : Bergner, Raymond M.,
- Pathologie is een veeleisende dame van grote schoonheid Florquin, Sandrine.
- Pathways to our sustainable future : DeMarco, Patricia M.,
- Patient-centred IVF : Gerrits, Trudie,
- Pattern changing for abused women Goodman, Marilyn Shear.
- Patterson's allergic diseases Grammer, Leslie Carroll,
- Paul Rudolph :
- Pautas para los funcionarios encargados del control por el Estado del puerto que realizan inspecciones en virtud del Convenio sobre el trabajo en la pesca, 2007
- PCI DSS : Calder, Alan,
- Pearls from a lost city : Duda, Roman,
- Pediatric audiology casebook Madell, Jane Reger,
- Pediatric coding basics :
- Pediatric endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery
- Pediatric Imaging : Blumer, Steven L.
- Pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery for primary care
- Pediatric traumatic brain injury : DePompei, Roberta,
- The pediatric visit :
- Penser la vie psychique Montgrain, Noël,
- People in the Americas Before the Last Ice Age Glaciation Concluded : Matthews, Bonnye.
- Perceived control, motivation, & coping Skinner, Ellen A.
- Perceptual intelligence : Boxer Wachler, Brian S.,
- Percolation Grimmett, Geoffrey,
- Perfect C*-algebras Akemann, Charles A.,
- Perfectly Profitable Products. Kern, Frank.
- The Performance of Celebrity. Anna Colvin, Amber.
- Perhalopyridines : Ranjbar-Karimi, Reza,
- Perihelia Reduction and Global Kolmogorov Tori in the Planetary Problem. Pinzari, Gabriella.
- Period functions for Maass wave forms and cohomology Bruggeman, Roelof W.,
- Periodic Hamiltonian flows on four dimensional manifolds Karshon, Yael,
- Periodic motions Farkas, Miklós,
- Periodic solutions of perturbed second-order autonomous equations Loud, W. S.
- Periodic solutions of x ̋+ cx ́+ g = ef Loud, W. S.
- Peripheral vascular disease :
- Periprosthetic Joint Infection. Parvizi, Javad.
- Permutation groups Dixon, John D.,
- Personal well-being lessons for secondary schools Boniwell, Ilona.
- Personality disorders :
- Personality theories : Shiraev, Eric,
- Personality theories Ellis, Albert,
- Personalized Medicine : Prainsack, Barbara.
- Perspectives in nonlinear partial differential equations :
- Perspectives in representation theory :
- Perspectives on big data analysis :
- Perspectives on loss and trauma Harvey, John H.,
- Perspectives on quantization :
- Perturbation theory for linear operators Katō, Tosio,
- Pesticide Residues in Food - 2013 : WHO,.
- Pesticide risk assessment
- Petrogenesis and experimental petrology of granitic rocks Johannes, Wilhelm,
- Pettis integral and measure theory Talagrand, Michel,
- Phanerozoic stromatolites II
- Phantom homology Hochster, Melvin,
- PhantomGesichter : Richtmeyer, Ulrich.
- Pharmacologie de la douleur
- The p-harmonic equation and recent advances in analysis :
- Phased array antenna handbook Mailloux, Robert J.,
- The philosophy of right and left :
- Photonic applications for radio systems networks Cavaliere, Fabio,
- Physical activity & behavioral medicine Sallis, James F.
- Physical activity :
- Physical and cyber safety in critical water infrastructure
- Physical assessment of the newborn : Tappero, Ellen P.,
- Physical knots :
- Physical medicine & rehabilitation review questions Ganesh, Shanti,
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation board review
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation oral board review :
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation Q&A review Weiss, Lyn D.,
- The physician assistant student's guide to the clinical year
- A physician guidebook to the best patient experience Snyder, Bo,
- Physician suicide : Yellowlees, Peter,
- Physician well-being : Yellowlees, Peter,
- Physics and mathematics of link homology :
- Physics lab experiments French, Matthew,
- The physics of clinical MR taught through images Runge, Val M.,
- Physics of quantum electron devices
- The physics of superconductors : Shmidt, V. V.
- Picture-perfect STEM lessons, K-2 : Morgan, Emily R.
- Pil op maat Mathôt, Ron.
- Pioneering women in American mathematics : Green, Judy,
- Pioneers of representation theory : Curtis, Charles W.,
- Place attachment
- Plan Estratégico Regional contra la Malaria en las Américas 2006–2010. OPS.
- The planar cubic Cayley graphs Georgakopoulos, Agelos,
- Plane ellipticity and related problems
- Planet Jackson : Norington, Brad,
- Planificación ante Emergencias para Empresas de Servicios de Agua
- Planned change theories for nursing Tiffany, Constance Rimmer.
- Plant stress physiology
- Plantes Génétiquement Modifiées, Menace Ou Espoir ?. Pernollet, Jean-Claude.
- Plastic surgery oral board prep : Becker, Devra B.,
- Plucked : Herzig, Rebecca M.,
- Pneumonias
- Pocket atlas of oral diseases Laskaris, George,
- Pocket guide to LGBTQ mental health :
- Pocket Tutor. Simon, James.
- Poincare and the three body problem Barrow-Green, June,
- Poincaŕe-Einstein holography for forms via conformal geometry in the bulk Gover, A. Rod,
- Points and curves in the Monster tower Montgomery, R.
- Points de Nash des ensembles sous-analytiques Pawłucki, Wiesław,
- Points on quantum projectivizations Nyman, Adam,
- Poisson geometry in mathematics and physics :
- Polarization in electromagnetic systems Stutzman, Warren L.,
- Poles and residues of Eisenstein series for symplectic and unitary groups Feit, Paul,
- Policing methamphetamine Garriott, William Campbell,
- Policy and research needs to maximize independence and support community living :
- Policy issues in the clinical development and use of immunotherapy for cancer treatment :
- Politics of time Koczanowicz, Leszek.
- Polynomial approximation on polytopes Totik, V.,
- Polyurethane elastomers Hepburn, C.
- Pond aquaculture water quality management Boyd, Claude E.,
- Population biology : Hastings, A.
- Por una juventud sin tobaco : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Pornography and sexual aggression
- Porodnictví. Binder, Tomás.
- The poset of k-shapes and branching rules for k-Schur functions
- Positive definite functions on infinite-dimensional convex cones Glöckner, Helge,
- Positive definite unimodular lattices with trivial automorphism groups Bannai, Etsuko,
- Positive definiteness of functions with applications to operator norm inequalities Kosaki, Hideki,
- Positive polynomials and product type actions of compact groups Handelman, David,
- Postmodern and poststructural approaches to nursing research Cheek, Julianne.
- Postoperative Orthopaedic Rehabilitation. Gree, Andrew.
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Potential wadge classes Lecomte, Dominique,
- Poucher's perfumes, cosmetics and soaps.
- Poverty and children's adjustment Luthar, Suniya S.
- A power law of order 1 4 for critical mean field Swendsen-Wang dynamics
- Power Plant Construction Management : Hessler, Peter G.
- Power-lined : Wuebben, Daniel L.,
- PPE :
- Practical Applications of Intravenous Fluids in Surgical Patients. Kamat, Shaila Shodhan.
- A practical approach to transesophageal echocardiography
- A practical approach to trauma Dass-Brailsford, Priscilla.
- Practical care planning for personalised mental health care
- A practical ethics worktext for professional counselors : Jacob, Charles,
- Practical guidance for defining a smart grid modernization strategy : Madrigal, Marcelino,
- Practical guide for clinical neurophysiologic testing : Yamada, Tōru,
- Practical guide in assisted reproductive technology
- A Practical Guide to Dermoscopy. Markowitz, Orit.
- A practical guide to surgical instruments, X-rays and operative interventions.
- A practical guide to the feeding of organic farm animals : Blair, Robert,
- Practical predictive analytics : Winters, Ralph,
- Practical real-time data Processing and analytics : Saxena, Shilpi,
- Practical strategies in geriatric mental health cases and approaches
- Practical surgical pathology of the breast
- Practical veterinary forensics
- The practice of patient centered care :
- Practice pearls in neurology.
- Praktikum lékařské Mikrobiologie. Žemličková, Helena A. kol.
- Preceptor's Handbook for Pharmacists, 4th Edition. Cuellar, Lourdes M.
- Predictability and nonlinear modelling in natural sciences and economics
- Prediction and discovery :
- Pregroups and Bass-Serre theory Rimlinger, Frank,
- Přehled Anatomie Centrálního Nervového Systému. Fiala, Pavel.
- Přehled Patologie. Bártová, Jarmila.
- Preparación Integral Física y Psicológica Del Regatista. Caraballo Vidal, Israel.
- Preparing children for court, criminal court edition Copen, Lynn.
- Pre-permian geology of Central and Eastern Europe
- Preventie Loveren, Cor van.
- Preventing childhood disorders, substance abuse, and delinquency
- Preventing childhood obesity in early care and education programs :
- Preventing prejudice Ponterotto, Joseph G.
- Preventing violence in America
- Primary care medicine :
- Primary care pain management
- Primary homotopy theory Neisendorfer, Joseph,
- Primary prevention works
- Prime ideals in skew and q-skew polynomial rings Goodearl, K. R.,
- Primer of Ecological Restoration. Holl, Karen.
- Primes and knots
- Primes associated to an ideal McAdam, Stephen,
- Principal currents for a pair of unitary operators Pincus, Joel D.,
- Principal solutions of ordinary differential equations in the complex domain Strodt, Walter Charles,
- Principles and practice of assisted reproductive technology
- Principles and practice of electroconvulsive therapy Rasmussen, Keith G.,
- Principles and practices of winemaking
- Principles of biomedical engineering Madihally, Sundararajan V.,
- Principles of clinical cancer research
- Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy Lakowicz, Joseph R.,
- Principles of food processing Heldman, Dennis R.,
- Principles of lasers Svelto, Orazio,
- Principles of optics : Born, Max,
- Principles of protein x-ray crystallography Drenth, Jan,
- Principles to Actions : Leinwand, Steven.
- Private property infiltration and inflow control :
- The private sector as a catalyst for health equity and a vibrant economy :
- Probabilistic methods in geometry, topology, and spectral theory
- A Probabilistic theory of pattern recognition Devroye, Luc,
- Probability Castagnoli, Erio,
- Probability Pitman, Jim,
- Probability in Banach spaces : Ledoux, Michel,
- Probability on algebraic and geometric structures :
- Probability on algebraic structures :
- Probability theory and its applications in China
- Probability, stochastic processes, and queueing theory : Nelson, Randolph,
- Problemas resueltos de química cuántica y espectroscopia molecular. Galache Paya, M. P.
- Problems and recent methods in operator theory :
- Problems and snapshots from the world of probability Blom, Gunnar,
- Problems and solutions for complex analysis Shakarchi, Rami,
- Problems of elastic stability and vibrations
- Procedural dermatosurgery :
- Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Data Science :
- Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Health Informatics & Medical Systems :
- Proceedings of the Conference on Banach Algebras and Several Complex Variables
- Proceedings of the Conference on Integration, Topology, and Geometry in Linear Spaces
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra :
- Proceedings of the Northwestern Homotopy Theory Conference
- Process analytical chemistry
- Procrastination and task avoidance : Ferrari, Joseph R.,
- Product experience
- A product formula for surgery obstructions Morgan, John W.,
- Product formulas, nonlinear semigroups, and addition of unbounded operators Chernoff, Paul R.,
- Products of reflections in U {phono}£okovi{acute}c, Dragomir {caron}Z,
- Produits tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucleáires Grothendieck, A.
- Professional guide to diseases
- Professional issues in speech-language pathology and audiology Hudson, Melanie W.,
- Professional well-being : Gengoux, Grace W.,
- Programming for everyone in Java Brinch Hansen, Per,
- Programming fundamentals using MATLAB Weeks, Michael C.,
- Programming microsoft dynamics NAV Brummel, Mark,
- Progress in medical geology
- Projections onto translation-invariant subspaces of L[superscript p] Rosenthal, Haskell P.,
- Projective group structures as absolute Galois structures with block approximation Haran, Dan,
- Projective modules over Lie algebras of Cartan type Nakano, Daniel
- The promises and perils of digital strategies in achieving health equity :
- Promising and best practices in total worker health : Weisfeld, Victoria D.,
- Promoción de la salud : Restrepo, Helena.
- Promoting diversity and social justice Goodman, Diane.
- Promoting health at the community level
- Promoting health in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Promoting treatment adherence
- Promotion de la santé au Canada et au Québec :
- A proof of Alon's second eigenvalue conjecture and related problems Friedman, Joel,
- Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton decomposition conjectures Csaba, Béla,
- A proof of the q-Macdonald-Morris conjecture for BCn Kadell, Kevin W. J.,
- Propagating terraces and the dynamics of front-like solutions of reaction-diffusion equations on R Poláčik, P.
- Proper maps of toposes Moerdijk, Ieke,
- Properties of planar graphs with uniform vertex and face structure Malkevitch, Joseph,
- Property for groups graded by root systems Ershov, Mikhail,
- A proposed framework for integration of quality performance measures for health literacy, cultural competence, and language access services :
- Proprioceptivní Neuromuskulární Facilitace 1. část. Holubářová, Jiřina.
- Prospective memory McDaniel, Mark A.
- Prospects in mathematical physics :
- Protección de la salud mental en situaciones de desastres y emergencias. Organization, Pan American Health.
- The protocol book for intensive care.
- Prototypage Rapide de Logiciel Pour les Systèmes Avioniques. Larrieu, Nicolas.
- Proven Pricing Strategies. Kern, Frank.
- PRP and microneedling in aesthetic medicine Hausauer, Amelia K.,
- Pseudo limits, biadjoints, and pseudo algebras : Fiore, Thomas M.,
- Pseudodifferential analysis on conformally compact spaces Lauter, Robert,
- Pseudo-differential operators with discontinuous symbols : Sobolev, A. V.
- Pseudofunctors on modules with zero dimensional support Huang, I-Chiau,
- Pseudo-riemannian symmetric spaces Cahen, M.
- The psychiatric evaluation and treatment of refugees.
- Psychiatric interview first kit : Vevera, Jan,
- The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner certification review manual Zakhari, Raymond,
- A psychiatrist's guide to advocacy
- Psychiatry : Szasz, Thomas,
- Psychoacoustics : Fastl, Hugo,
- Psychological assessment of sexually abused children and their families Friedrich, William N.
- La psychologie environnementale Morval, Jean,
- Psychology and law :
- The psychology and psychotherapy of Otto Rank Karpf, Fay B.,
- Psychology for a better world : Harré, Niki,
- The psychology of B.F. Skinner O'Donohue, William T.
- The psychology of ethnic groups in the United States Organista, Pamela Balls.
- The psychology research handbook
- Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge
- Psychonauticon : Pokorný, Vít,
- Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse, third edition : Wheeler, Kathleen,
- Psychotic disorders in children and adolescents Findling, Robert L.
- PTCE flashcards : Khoury, Della Ata,
- The PTSD survival guide for teens : Raja, Sheela,
- Public & community health nursing practice Porche, Demetrius James.
- Public health leadership & management Capper, Stuart A.
- Public health nutrition :
- Publishing your medical research Byrne, Daniel W.,
- Pulmonary pathology Duarte Achcar, Rosane,
- Punctual Hilbert schemes Iarrobino, Anthony A.
- The pursuit of pleasure : Dallan, Arsen,
- Putin's counterrevolution Aleksashenko, Sergey,
- Python : Parker, James R.
- Python for non-Pythonians : Rubera, Gaia,
- Q fever Martinov, Svetoslav P.,
- q-difference operators, orthogonal polynomials, and symmetric expansions Bowman, Douglas,
- q-series from a contemporary perspective :
- q-series with applications to combinatorics, number theory, and physics :
- Quadratic forms :
- Quadratic forms and their applications :
- Quadratic forms over Q and Galois extensions of commutative rings DeMeyer, Frank,
- The quadratic isoperimetric inequality for mapping tori of free group automorphisms Bridson, Martin R.,
- Quadratic vector equations on complex upper half-plane Ajanki, Oskari Heikki,
- Qualitative analysis of the anisotropic Kepler problem Casasayas, Josefina,
- Qualitative analysis of the periodically forced relaxation oscillations Levi, Mark,
- Quality improvement projects in health care Gilpatrick, Eleanor G.
- Quality of science and engineering at the NNSA national security laboratories
- Quantisierte Systeme. Lunze, Jan.
- Quantitative and ecological aspects of plant breeding
- Quantitative nursing research Knapp, Thomas R.,
- Quantization, Poisson brackets and beyond :
- Quantum affine algebras, extended affine Lie algebras, and their applications :
- Quantum cluster algebra structures on quantum nilpotent algebras Goodearl, K. R.,
- Quantum computation and information :
- Quantum computing :
- Quantum graphs and their applications :
- Quantum groups :
- A quantum Kirwan map : Ziltener, Fabian,
- Quantum linear groups Parshall, Brian,
- Quantum linear groups and representations of GLn Brundan, Jonathan,
- Quantum mechanics : Landau, L. D.
- Quantum mechanics : Greiner, Walter,
- Quantum symmetries in theoretical physics and mathematics :
- Quasi-actions on trees II : Mosher, Lee,
- Quasianalytic monogenic solutions of a cohomological equation Marmi, S.
- Quasiconformal mappings, Riemann surfaces, and Teichmuller spaces :
- Quasi-linear perturbations of Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon equations on spheres Delort, Jean-Marc,
- Quasi-ordinary power series and their zeta functions Artal-Bartolo, Enrique,
- Quasi-periodic standing wave solutions of gravity-capillary water waves Berti, Massimiliano,
- The Quaternary of Scotland
- Quaternionic contact : Ivanov, Stefan P.,
- Quaternions, spinors, and surfaces
- Queer Sexualities. Fraser, Vikki.
- Quick guide to kidney transplantation : Pham, Phuong-Thu T.,
- Quiver grassmannians of extended Dynkin type D. Lorscheid, Oliver,
- Quotients of Coxeter complexes and P-partitions Reiner, Victor,
- Q-valued functions revisited De Lellis, Camillo,
- R programming fundamentals : Medeiros, Kaelen,
- Racial and cultural dynamics in group and organizational life McRae, Mary B.
- The Rademacher legacy to mathematics :
- Rad-hard semiconductor memories
- Radially symmetric patterns of reaction-diffusion systems Scheel, Arnd,
- Radiation oncology :
- Radiation oncology question review
- Radiation oncology review for boards and MOC
- Radical feminist therapy Burstow, Bonnie,
- A radical guide for women with ADHD : Solden, Sari,
- Radio fields
- Radioactivity, grade 11 :
- Radiologic physics taught through cases Nye, Jonathon A.,
- Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers. Garden, Adam S.
- Radon transforms and tomography :
- Radon transforms, geometry, and wavelets :
- Raíces y tradiciones de la psicología social en México : Rodríguez Preciado, Salvador Iván,
- Rainwater analysis, Grade 5 :
- Ramadan and diabetes care
- Ramamurthy's decision making in pain management :
- Ramanujan : Berndt, Bruce C.,
- Ramanujan :
- Ramanujan's forty identities for the Rogers-Ramanujan functions
- Ramanujun 125 :
- Random iterative models Duflo, Marie,
- Random matrices and their applications :
- Random matrices Mehta, M. L.
- Random perturbations of Hamiltonian systems Freĭdlin, M. I.
- Random point processes in time and space Snyder, Donald L.
- Random sets and invariants for continuous tensor product systems of Hilbert spaces Liebscher, Volkmar,
- A random tiling model for two dimensional electrostatics Ciucu, Mihai,
- Randomization, relaxation, and complexity in polynomial equation solving :
- Rank 3 amalgams Stellmacher, B.
- Rank one Higgs bundles and representations of fundamental groups of Riemann surfaces Goldman, William Mark,
- Rankin-Selberg convolutions for SO2l+1 x GLn : Soudry, David,
- Rapid medical countermeasure response to infectious diseases : Wizemann, Theresa M.,
- Raptor medicine, surgery and rehabilitation Scott, David E.,
- Rational constructions of modules for simple Lie algebras Seligman, George B.,
- Rational curves on quasi-projective surfaces Keel, Seán,
- The rational function analogue of a question of Schur and exceptionality of permutation representations Guralnick, Robert M.,
- Rational homotopical models and uniqueness Majewski, Martin,
- Rational points on elliptic curves Silverman, Joseph H.,
- Rational points, rational curves, and entire holomorphic curves on projective varieties :
- Rational psychopharmacology : Putman, H. Paul,
- Rational S1-equivariant stable homotopy theory Greenlees, J. P. C.
- Rationality problem for algebraic tori Hoshi, Akinari,
- R-boundedness, Fourier multipliers, and problems of elliptic and parabolic type Denk, Robert,
- Real algebraic geometry and ordered structures :
- Real algebraic geometry and topology :
- Real and complex singularities :
- Real and functional analysis Lang, Serge,
- Real non-Abelian mixed Hodge structures for quasi-projective varieties : Pridham, J. P.,
- The real positive definite completion problem : Barrett, Wayne W.
- The real projective plane Coxeter, H. S. M.
- Realising critical HRD :
- Réalité Virtuelle et Réalité Augmentée. Arnaldi, Bruno.
- Realization of vector fields and dynamics of spatially homogeneous parabolic equations Dancer, E. N.
- Realizing the witch : Baxstrom, Richard,
- Real-world evidence generation and evaluation of therapeutics :
- Reaping digital dividends :
- Rearranging Dyson-Schwinger equations Yeats, Karen,
- Reassembling rubbish : Lepawsky, Josh,
- Rebuilding urban neighborhoods
- De rebus oculariis Mourits, Maarten.
- Recent advances in adaptive computation :
- Recent advances in analytical techniques.
- Recent advances in differential equations and mathematical physics :
- Recent advances in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations :
- Recent advances in lifetime and reliability models Cordeiro, Gauss M.,
- Recent advances in numerical methods for partial differential equations and applications :
- Recent advances in operator-related function theory :
- Recent advances in orthogonal polynomials, special functions, and their applications :
- Recent advances in orthopedics
- Recent advances in otolaryngology.
- Recent advances in partial differential equations and applications :
- Recent advances in real algebraic geometry and quadratic forms :
- Recent advances in real complexity and computation :
- Recent advances in representation theory, quantum groups, algebraic geometry, and related topics :
- Recent advances in Riemannian and Lorentzian geometries :
- Recent advances in scientific computing and applications :
- Recent advances in scientific computing and partial differential equations :
- Recent advances in surgery :
- Recent advances in surgery.
- Recent advances in the geometry of submanifolds :
- Recent advances in the representation theory of rings and C*-algebras by continuous sections :
- Recent advances in the theory and applications of mass transport :
- Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory :
- Recent developments in algebraic topology :
- Recent developments in geometry :
- Recent developments in infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and conformal field theory :
- Recent developments in integrable systems and Riemann-Hilbert problems
- Recent developments in nonlinear partial differential equations :
- Recent developments in optimization theory and nonlinear analysis :
- Recent developments in quantum affine algebras and related topics :
- Recent developments in representation theory :
- Recent developments in the inverse Galois problem :
- Recent developments in the theory of Lorentz spaces and weighted inequalities Carro, María J.,
- Recent progress in algebra :
- Recent progress in arithmetic and algebraic geometry :
- Recent progress in homotopy theory :
- Recent progress on operator theory and approximation in spaces of analytic functions :
- Recent progress on some problems in several complex variables and partial differential equations :
- Recent theories of human development Thomas, R. Murray
- Recent trends in cryptography :
- Recent trends in ergodic theory and dynamical systems :
- Recent trends in nanomedicine and tissue engineering
- Recent trends in nonlinear partial differential equations I :
- Recent trends in nonlinear partial differential equations II :
- Recent trends in operator theory and applications :
- Recent trends in orthogonal polynomials and approximation theory :
- Recent trends in partial differential equations :
- The recognition theorem for graded Lie algebras in prime characteristic Benkart, Georgia,
- Recommended contract practices for underground construction
- Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures. Lines, Task Committee on Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures for Overhead.
- Reconstructing city politics : Imbroscio, David L.
- Reconstructing urban regime theory :
- The reconstruction of trees from their automorphism groups Rubin, Matatyahu,
- Recoverability as a first-class security objective :
- Re-creating nature : Bradley, James T.,
- Rectifiable measures, square functions involving densities, and the cauchy transform Tolsa, Xavier,
- Recurrence relations, continued fractions, and orthogonal polynomials Askey, Richard,
- Recurrent spontaneous miscarriages Desai, Pankaj,
- Recursos Humanos en Salud en Argentina 2001. OPS.
- Reduced fusion systems over 2-groups of sectional rank at most 4 Oliver, Robert,
- Reducing adolescent risk
- Reducing impacts of food loss and waste :
- Reduction, symmetry, and phases in mechanics Marsden, Jerrold E.,
- Reductive subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups Liebeck, M. W.
- The reductive subgroups of F4 Stewart, David I.,
- Reference data for engineers :
- Reference range values for pediatric care
- Refinement calculus : Back, Ralph-Johan,
- Refining the concept of scientific inference when working with big data :
- Reflecting on reflexivity :
- The reflective Lorentzian lattices of rank 3 Allcock, Daniel,
- Reframing women's health
- Le régime cétogène chez l'enfant Auvin, Stéphane.
- Regional disaster response coordination to support health outcomes : Snair, Megan Reeve,
- Regional framework for action on food safety in the Western Pacific
- Regional malaria and other communicable disease threats trust fund :
- Regional politics :
- Regression analysis : Sen, Ashish K.,
- Régression avec R Cornillon, Pierre-André,
- Regular and chaotic dynamics Lichtenberg, Allan J.,
- Regular b-groups, degenerating Riemann surfaces, and spectral theory Hejhal, Dennis A.,
- Regular differential forms Kunz, Ernst,
- Regular mappings and the space of homeomorphisms on a 3-manifold Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth,
- Regular subgroups of primitive permutation groups Liebeck, M. W.
- The regularity of general parabolic systems with degenerate diffusion Bögelein, Verena,
- Regulators :
- Rehabilitation interventions
- Reifenberg parameterizations for sets with holes David, Guy,
- Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom. Yeh, Cathery.
- Relations related to betweenness : Adeleke, S. A.
- Relationship conflict Canary, Daniel J.
- Relationship pathways
- Relative equilibria in the 3-dimensional curved n-body problem Diacu, Florin,
- Relatively hyperbolic groups : Osin, Denis V.,
- Relevance of health literacy to precision medicine :
- Reliability assessment of electric power systems using Monte Carlo methods Billinton, Roy,
- Reliability evaluation of engineering systems : Billinton, Roy,
- Reliability-centered maintenance : Anderson, Ronald T.,
- Remaking relapse prevention with sex offenders
- Remarks on architecture : Potocki, Ignacy,
- Remarks on the theory of prime ends Ursell, H. D.,
- Remote sensing digital image analysis : Richards, J. A.
December 2021
ProQuest Additions R-Z
- Remote sensing of large wildfires in the European Mediterranean Basin
- Renaissance posthumanism
- Renal and Electrolyte Disorders.
- Renewable energy technologies and resources
- Renewable energy.
- Renormalized self-intersection local times and Wick power chaos processes
- Repenser la douleur
- Report of a workshop on big data
- Representation of rings by sections
- The representation problem for Fréchet surfaces
- Representation theorems on Banach function spaces Gretsky, Neil E.,
- Representation theory :
- Representation theory and analysis on homogeneous spaces :
- Representation theory and harmonic analysis :
- Representation theory and harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces :
- Representation theory and mathematical physics :
- Representation theory and number theory in connection with the local Langlands conjecture :
- Representation theory and numerical AF-invariants : Bratteli, Ola,
- A representation theory for commutative topological algebra Kadison, Richard Vincent,
- Representation theory of groups and algebras
- Representation theory of real reductive Lie groups :
- Representation theory, group rings, and coding theory :
- Representation type of commutative Noetherian rings III : Klingler, Lee,
- Représentations de longueur finie des groupes de Lie résolubles Du Cloux, Fokko,
- Representations of algebraic groups, quantum groups, and Lie algebras :
- Representations of algebras :
- Representations of Lie algebras, quantum groups, and related topics :
- Representations of rank one Lie groups II : Collingwood, David H.,
- Representations of shifted Yangians and finite W-algebras Brundan, Jonathan,
- Representing uncertain knowledge : Krause, Paul,
- Reproductive ethics
- Researching sexual violence against women :
- Residues and traces of differential forms via Hochschild homology Lipman, Joseph,
- ResiliCities, Second Edition : Newman, Peter.
- Resilience and hybrid threats :
- Resilience and sustainable transportation systems
- Resin transfer moulding for aerospace structures
- Resistance forms, quasisymmetric maps, and heat kernel estimates Kigami, Jun,
- Resistencia antimicrobiana en las Américas : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Resolving childhood trauma Cameron, Catherine.
- Resolving maps and the dimension group for shifts of finite type Boyle, Mike,
- Resolving Markov chains onto Bernoulli shifts via positive polynomials Marcus, Brian,
- Responses to victimization and belief in a just world
- Restauracao Ecológica : Clewell, Andre F.,
- Restoring the healer : Dorman, William E.,
- Restricted orbit equivalence Rudolph, Daniel J.,
- Rethinking higher education for the 21st century :
- Rethinking modern prostheses in Anglo-American commodity cultures, 1820-1939
- Rethinking power sector reform in the developing world Foster, Vivien,
- Rethinking superhero and weapon play Popper, Steven.
- Rethinking the Erotic. Popak-Bernat, Katarzyna.
- Rethinking the informal city
- Rethinking violence against women
- The retina illustrated Ehlers, Justis P.,
- Retrofitting the built environment : Ibn-Mohammed, Taofeeq,
- Reusable elastomeric respirators in health care :
- Reverse shoulder arthroplasty Dines, David M.,
- Review criteria for successful treatment of hydrolysate at the Blue Grass chemical agent destruction pilot plant
- Review manual for the Certified Healthcare Simulation EducatorTM exam Wilson, Linda,
- Review of army research laboratory programs for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions
- Review of California's risk-assessment process for pesticides :
- Review of NASA's evidence reports on human health risks :
- Review of proposals to the bureau of land management on wild horse and burro sterilization or contraception :
- Review of the analysis of supplemental treatment approaches of low-activity waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation :
- Review of the draft analysis of supplemental treatment approaches of low-activity waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation :
- Review of the Environmental Protection Agency's State-of-the-science evaluation of nonmonotonic dose-response relationships as they apply to endocrine disruptors
- Review of the Everglades aquifer storage and recovery regional study
- Review of three divisions of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology :
- Review of WIC food packages :
- Revisiting the Manufacturing USA Institutes : Lestina, Frederic,
- Revit 2017 architecture Hamad, Munir M.,
- Revitalisation urbaine et concertation de quartier
- Reviving lakes and wetlands in the People's Republic of China.
- Revolutionary doctors Brouwer, Steve,
- Rheological measurement
- Rheology of filled polymer systems Shenoy, Aroon V.,
- Rheology of industrial polysaccharides : Lapasin, Romano,
- The Richard & Hinda Rosenthal Symposium 2014 :
- Richting geven aan de behandeling Vijver, Marc van de.
- Riegel's handbook of industrial chemistry
- Riemann and Klein surfaces, automorphisms, symmetries and moduli spaces :
- The Riemann problem for the transportation equations in gas dynamics Sheng, Wancheng,
- A Riemann-type integral that includes Lebesgue-Stieltjes, Bochner and stochastic integrals McShane, E. J.
- The Riesz transform of codimension smaller than one and the Wolff energy Jaye, Benjamin,
- Right of way : Schmitt, Angie,
- The right price Wiebe, Christine.
- Rigid character groups, Lubin-Tate theory, and -modules Berger, Laurent,
- Rigidity theorems for actions of product groups and countable Borel equivalence relations Hjorth, Greg,
- Ring theory and its applications :
- Rings and categories of modules Anderson, Frank W.,
- Rings of differential operators on classical rings of invariants Levasseur, T.
- Rings, modules and codes :
- Rings, modules and representations :
- The rise of women farmers and sustainable agriculture
- Risk assessment methods : Covello, Vincent T.,
- Risk assessment of chemicals :
- Risk perception & decision making in the supply chain :
- River morphology : Mangelsdorf, Joachim,
- R-linear endomorphisms of [subscript n] preserving invariants McDonald, Bernard R.,
- The RO -graded equivariant ordinary homology of G-cell complexes with even-dimensional cells for G=Z p Ferland, Kevin K.,
- Robin functions for complex manifolds and applications Kim, Kang-Tae,
- Robotic control for industrial and service applications.
- Robotic process automation with blue prism quick start guide : Ying, Lim Mei,
- Robust cloud integration with Azure :
- Robust methods for the analysis of images and videos for fisheries stock assessment :
- Rock blocks Turner, W.
- Rohlin flows on von Neumann algebras Masuda, Toshihiko,
- Role and potential of communities in population health improvement :
- The role of advection in a two-species competition model : Averill, Isabel,
- The role of clinical studies for pets with naturally occurring tumors in translational cancer research :
- The role of nonpharmacological approaches to pain management : Bain, Lisa J.,
- The role of the spectrum in the cyclic behavior of composition operators Gallardo-Gutieŕrez, Eva A.,
- The role of true finiteness in the admissible recursively enumerable degrees Greenberg, Noam,
- ROS robotics by example : Fairchild, Carol,
- RSSDI Diabetes Update 2018. Chawla, Rajeev.
- RSSDI textbook of diabetes mellitus
- Ruelle operators : Jørgensen, Palle E. T.,
- Running behavioral studies with human participants
- The Russians are coming, again : Kuzmarov, Jeremy,
- Sacred thresholds :
- The safe operating space treaty :
- Safe passage :
- A safe place for change : Crago, Hugh,
- The Sage handbook of methods in social psychology
- Salud y bienestar de adulto mayor en la Ciudad de México : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Salud, bienestar, y envejecimiento en Santiago, Chile : Organization, Pan American Health.
- Samuels's manual of neurologic therapeutics
- The sarcophagus of identity : Skelly, James M.,
- Scala for machine learning : Nicolas, Patrick R.,
- The scaling limit of the correlation of holes on the triangular lattice with periodic boundary conditions Ciucu, Mihai,
- Scaling program investments for young children globally :
- Scaling up payments for forest environmental services in Viet Nam :
- Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis : Goldstein, Joseph,
- Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray microanalysis, and analytical electron microscopy : Lyman, Charles E.,
- Scattering operator, Eisenstein series, inner product formula, and "Maass-Selberg" relations for Kleinian groups Mandouvalos, Nikolaos,
- Scattering resonances for several small convex bodies and the Lax-Phillips conjecture Stoyanov, Luchezar N.,
- Scheduling theory. Tanaev, Vi︠a︡cheslav Sergeevicha,
- Scholar-- a scientific celebration highlighting open lines of arithmetic research :
- School-based prevention programs for children and adolescents Durlak, Joseph A.
- Schools and the health of children Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
- The Schrödinger model for the minimal representation of the indefinite orthogonal group O Kobayashi, Toshiyuki,
- Science and business of carbon forestry. Gupta, H. S.
- The science of shame : Fishkin, Gerald Loren,
- Science, faith and the climate crisis
- Science, SETI and mathematics DeVito, Carl L.
- The scientific legacy of Poincaré
- Scientist's guide to poster presentations Gosling, Peter J.,
- Sclerotherapy in dermatology.
- The scope and history of commutative and noncommutative harmonic analysis Mackey, George W.
- Scorched : Burgess, Katharine,
- SDG6 clean water and sanitation : Krēmere, Eva,
- Sea bass and sea bream : Patarnello, Pierpaolo,
- Searching for Patterns : Chesney, Thomas.
- Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers :
- The second Chinburg conjecture for quaternion fields Hooper, Jeff,
- The second duals of Beurling algebras Dales, H. G.
- Second International Conference on Algebra :
- Second order analysis on ,W2) Gigli, Nicola,
- Second Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics :
- Secondary calculus and cohomological physics :
- Second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations and orthogonal polynomials Jirari, Alouf,
- The secret life of whales : Jenner, Micheline,
- Securing advanced manufacturing in the United States :
- Sécurité des Réseaux Informatiques. Sadiqui, Ali.
- Security and management
- Security and privacy in the internet of things :
- Security within Conasense Paragon
- Sedimentary organic matter : Tyson, R. V.,
- Seed production in oil palm : Kelanaputra, Eddy S.,
- Seeing whole :
- Segre's reflexivity and an inductive characterization of hyperquadrics Kachi, Yasuyuki,
- Seguimiento de la Declaración de compromiso sobre el VIH SIDA
- Seifert fibered spaces in 3-manifolds Jaco, William H.,
- Seizing Jerusalem : Nitzan-Shiftan, Alona,
- The Selberg trace formula and related topics :
- The Selberg trace formula for PSL n Efrat, Isaac Y.,
- The Selberg trace formula III : Osborne, M. Scott,
- Selberg trace formulae and equidistribution theorems for closed geodesics and Laplace eigenfunctions : Zelditch, Steven,
- Selfadjoint and nonselfadjoint operator algebras and operator theory :
- Self-affine scaling sets in R² Fu, Xiaoye,
- Self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment :
- Self-harm and suicidal behaviour in forensic settings
- Selfies : Tiidenberg, Katrin,
- Self-regulation and active problem solving : Makofske, Briana,
- Self-similarity and multiwavelets in higher dimension Cabrelli, Carlos A,
- Self-trapped excitons Song, A. K. S.
- Semiclassical standing waves with clustering peaks for nonlinear Schrödinger equations Byeon, Jaeyoung,
- Semiclassical theory of shape resonances in quantum mechanics Hislop, Peter D.,
- Semiconductor Diode Lasers for THz Technology. Hofmann, Martin R.
- Semiconductors.
- Semiconductors--basic data
- Semicrossed products of operator algebras by semigroups Davidson, Kenneth R. ,
- Semigroups underlying first-order logic Craig, William,
- Semisolvability of semisimple Hopf algebras of low dimension Natale, Sonia,
- Semistability of amalgamated products and HNN-extensions Mihalik, Michael L.,
- The Sensitive Skin. Sarkar, Rashmi.
- Sensory processes Soderquist, David R.
- Separable algebroids Mitchell, Barry,
- Separatrix surfaces and invariant manifolds of a class of integrable Hamiltonian systems and their perturbations Llibre, Jaume,
- SERP 2017 :
- Serverless integration design patterns with azure : Kumar, Abhishek,
- Service-learning in design and planning :
- Set theory :
- Set theory and its applications :
- Sets, logic, and categories Cameron, Peter J.
- Several complex variables in China
- Sex and control : Walther, Daniel Joseph,
- Sexual abuse in nine North American cultures
- Sexual assault on the college campus Schwartz, Martin D.
- Sexual deviance :
- Sexual health
- Sexuality Sprecher, Susan,
- Sexuality and the unnatural in colonial Latin America
- Sexually transmitted infection and disease assessment : Speck, Patricia M.,
- The shape of congruence lattices Kearnes, Keith,
- Shaping smart mobility futures :
- Shared beliefs in a society Bar-Tal, Daniel.
- The sharing economy :
- Sharing research data to improve public health in Africa :
- Shark tracker : Fitzpatrick, Richard,
- A sharp threshold for random graphs with a monochromatic triangle in every edge coloring Friedgut, Ehud,
- Sheaf theory Bredon, Glen E.,
- Sheaves in geometry and logic : Mac Lane, Saunders,
- Sheaves on graphs, their homological invariants, and a proof of the Hanna Neumann conjecture Friedman, Joel,
- Shedding light on electricity utilities in the Middle East and North Africa : Camos, Daniel,
- Sheep keeping Page, Phillipa,
- Shifting baselines in Chesapeake Bay : Kennedy, Victor S.,
- The Ships Captain's Medical Guide 23rd Edition. Briggs, Dr. Spike.
- Shock waves and reaction-diffusion equations Smoller, Joel,
- Shock waves in conservation laws with physical viscosity Liu, Tai-Ping,
- Shock-wave solutions of the Einstein equations with perfect fluid sources : Groah, Jeff,
- Short textbook of anesthesia Yadav, Ajay,
- Shortcut nitrogen removal-nitrite shunt and deammonification.
- Shortest paths for sub-Riemannian metrics on rank-two distributions Liu, Wensheng,
- Short-time geometry of random heat kernels Sowers, R. B.
- Sibling abuse Wiehe, Vernon R.
- The Siegel modular variety of degree two and level four
- The silent countdown :
- The Silent Partner? : Smith, Martine.
- Silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors for mm-wave systems :
- Similarity of automorphisms of the torus Adler, Roy L.,
- A simple definition of the Feynman integral, with applications Cameron, Robert Horton,
- Simplicial dynamical systems Akin, Ethan,
- Simplicial methods and the interpretation of "triple" cohomology Duskin, John Williford,
- The Sine-Gordon equation in the semiclassical limit : Buckingham, Robert J.,
- Singular perturbations and differential inequalities Howes, Frederick A.,
- Singular quasilinearity and higher eigenvalues Shapiro, Victor L.
- Singular torsion and the splitting properties Goodearl, K. R.,
- Singular unitary representations and discrete series for indefinite Stiefel manifolds U U Kobayashi, Toshiyuki,
- Singularities :
- Singularities I, algebraic and analytic aspects :
- Singularities II, geometric and topological aspects :
- Singularities in algebraic and analytic geometry
- Singularity theory for non-twist KAM tori González-Enríquez, A.
- Sinonasal imaging
- SL representations of finitely presented groups Brumfiel, Gregory W.,
- Slivers of life : Saee, Yusef,
- Slow Ethics and the Art of Care. Gallagher, Ann.
- Small divisor problem in the theory of three-dimensional water gravity waves Iooss, Gérard,
- Small modifications of quadrature domains Sakai, Makoto,
- Small-scale Water Supplies in the Pan-European Region : Organization, World Health.
- The smart grid as an application development platform Koutitas, George,
- Smart grid redefined : Vadari, Subramanian,
- Smart materials and structures
- Smarter clicking : Wells, Christopher,
- S-modules in the category of schemes Hu, Po,
- Smoking
- Smooth molecular decompositions of functions and singular integral operators Gilbert, John E.,
- Smoothing techniques : Härdle, Wolfgang,
- The sniper's log : Zaera, Alejandro,
- Snowbird lectures in algebraic geometry :
- Snowbird lectures on string geometry :
- So your home is built on expansive soils
- An SO -monopole cobordism formula relating Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants Feehan, Paul M. N.,
- Sobolev met Poincaré Hajłasz, Piotr,
- Sobolev spaces Adams, R. A.
- Sobolev, Besov, and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on quantum tori Xiong, Xiao,
- Social class and classism in the helping professions Liu, William Ming.
- Social inclusion-international perspectives
- Social justice counseling Chung, Rita Chi-Ying.
- Social justice, multicultural counseling, and practice Jun, Heesoon.
- Social media in healthcare : Thielst, Christina Beach,
- Social medicine : Celedová, Libuse,
- Social Psychiatry. Chadda, Rakesh K.
- Social psychology and cultural context
- Social skills for kids : Halloran, Janine,
- Social support in couples Cutrona, Carolyn E.
- Social work in the youth justice system Fox, Darrell.
- Social work practice with African American men Rasheed, Janice M.
- Soft and stiffness-controllable robotics solutions for minimally invasive surgery :
- Soft computing in economics and business
- Software update as a mechanism for resilience and security :
- Soils and foundations for architects and engineers Duncan, Chester I.,
- Solar chimney power plants : Nasraoui, Haythem,
- Solar-energy-absorbing substances and oxidative stress and inflammatory diseases Sosnovsky, George,
- Solution of a non-domestic tame classification problem from integral representation theory of finite groups =4) Dieterich, Ernst,
- Solution of the truncated complex moment problem for flat data Curto, Raúl E.,
- Solving ordinary differential equations II Hairer, E.
- Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials Askey, Richard,
- Some connections between isoperimetric and Sobolev-type inequalities Bobkov, Serguei G.
- Some generalized Kac-Moody algebras with known root multiplicities Niemann, Peter,
- Some special properties of the adjunction theory for 3-folds in P⁵ Beltrametti, Mauro,
- Some topological and geometrical structures in Banach spaces
- Sonic agency : LaBelle, Brandon,
- La souffrance des soignants
- Sources of hyperbolic geometry Stillwell, John,
- Souslinoid and analytic sets in a general setting Kruse, Arthur H.,
- Space infrastructures :
- Space microelectronics Belous, A. I.
- Space Microelectronics. Belous, Anatoly,
- Space-filling curves Sagan, Hans,
- Spaces with non-symmetric distance Zaustinsky, Eugene Michael,
- Spatial analytics with ArcGIS : Pimpler, Eric,
- Spatially independent Martingales, intersections, and applications Shmerkin, Pablo,
- Special and spurious solutions of x =-[alpha] f ) Nussbaum, Roger D.,
- Special functions and orthogonal polynomials :
- Special groups : Dickmann, M. A.,
- Special trigonometric series in k-dimensions Wainger, Stephen,
- Special values of automorphic cohomology classes Green, M.
- Special values of Dirichlet series, monodromy, and the periods of automorphic forms Stiller, Peter,
- Special values of the hypergeometric series Ebisu, Akihito,
- Speciální Praktická Cvičení Z Farmaceutické Technologie. Mužíková, Jitka.
- Spectra of symmetrized shuffling operators Reiner, Victor,
- Spectral analysis in geometry and number theory :
- Spectral and scattering theory for quantum magnetic systems, July 7-11, 2008, CIRM, Luminy, Marseilles, France
- Spectral asymptotics on degenerating hyperbolic 3-manifolds Dodziuk, Józef,
- Spectral decomposition of a covering of GL : Sun, Heng,
- Spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decomposition of manifolds :
- Spectral invariants with bulk, quasi-morphisms and lagrangian floer theory Fukaya, Kenji,
- Spectral means of central values of automorphic L-functions for GL Tsuzuki, Masao,
- Spectral problems in geometry and arithmetic :
- Spectral sequence constructors in algebra and topology Barnes, D. W.
- Spectral theory and applications
- Spectral theory and geometric analysis :
- Spectral theory and partial differential equations :
- The spectral theory of geometrically periodic hyperbolic 3-manifolds Epstein, Charles L.,
- Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators :
- The spectrum of a module category Krause, Henning,
- Speech and Language Therapists and Mental Capacity. Jones, Isla.
- Speech sound disorders : Bleile, Ken Mitchell,
- Speech Therapy in Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction. Phippen, Ginette.
- Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups Conway, John H.
- A spin- and momentum-resolved photoemission study of strong electron correlation in Co Cu Ellguth, Martin,
- Spinal injection techniques Theodoridis, Theodoros,
- The spine :
- Spinor construction of vertex operator algebras, triality, and E₈ Feingold, Alex J.,
- Spinor genera in characteristic 2 Wang, Yuanhua,
- Spinors on singular spaces and the topology of causal fermion systems Finster, Felix,
- The split mind : Lee, Kevin,
- Splitting in topological groups Hofmann, Karl Heinrich,
- Splitting theorems for certain equivariant spectra Lewis, L. G.
- Spores of the Pteridophyta : Tryon, Alice F.,
- Spread, scale, and sustainability in population health :
- Squared Hopf algebras Lyubashenko, Volodymyr V.,
- The St. Petersburg school of number theory Delone, B. N.
- Stability in modules for classical lie algebras : Benkart, Georgia,
- A stability index analysis of 1-D patterns of the Gray-Scott model Doelman, A.,
- The stability of cylindrical pendant drops McCuan, John,
- Stability of KAM tori for nonlinear Schrödinger equation Cong, Hongzi,
- Stability of line solitons for the KP-II equation in R2 Mizumachi, Tetsu,
- The stability of multi-dimensional shock fronts Majda, Andrew,
- Stability of spherically symmetric wave maps Krieger, Joachim,
- Stable homotopy over the Steenrod algebra Palmieri, John H.
- The stable manifold theorem for semilinear stochastic evolution equations and stochastic partial differential equations Mohammed, Salah-Eldin,
- Stable module theory Auslander, Maurice,
- Stable networks and product graphs Feder, Tomás,
- Stable stems Isaksen, Daniel C.,
- Stacks and catetories in geometry, topology, and algebra :
- Stammering pride and prejudice :
- Standard guidelines for managed aquifer recharge, ASCE EWRI 69-19
- The state of resilience :
- State of the art in AI applied to ambient intelligence
- A station favorable to the pursuits of science : Albree, Joe,
- Stationary and time dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equations :
- Stationary subdivision Cavaretta, Alfred S.,
- Statistical analysis of measurement error models and applications :
- Statistical challenges in assessing and fostering the reproducibility of scientific results : Schwalbe, Michelle,
- Statistical inference from stochastic processes :
- Statistical methods in quantum optics 1 : Carmichael, Howard,
- Statistical models based on counting processes
- Statistical multiple integration :
- Statistical physics Guénault, A. M.,
- Statistical physics II : Kubo, R.,
- Statistical physics. Toda, M.,
- Statistical tools for nonlinear regression :
- Statistics : Iversen, Gudmund R.,
- Statistics in medical research : Gehan, Edmund A.,
- Statistics taught through fiction Górniak, Krzysztof Z.,
- Steenrod connections and connectivity in H spaces Lin, James P.,
- Stellar interiors : Hansen, Carl J.,
- Stellar structure and evolution Kippenhahn, Rudolf,
- Stem cells between regeneration and tumorigenesis
- STEM, Standards, and Strategies for High-Quality Units. Bybee, Rodger.
- Stereo vision for facet type cameras Jiang, Tao,
- Stigma and sexual orientation
- Stochastic analysis and partial differential equations :
- Stochastic differential equations : ¢ksendal, B. K.
- Stochastic flows in the Brownian web and net Schertzer, Emmanuel,
- Stochastic interacting systems : Liggett, Thomas M.
- Stochastic models :
- Stochastic processes in polymeric fluids : Öttinger, Hans Christian,
- Stop a la adicción al tabaco Riboldi, Franco.
- The story of econophysics Dash, Kishore Chandra,
- Strange attractors for periodically forced parabolic equations Lu, Kening,
- Strategic analysis for healthcare : Wayland, Michael S.,
- Strategic Practice Managementt. Glaser, Robert G.
- Strategies for ensuring diversity, inclusion, and meaningful participation in clinical trials :
- Strategies for sequential search and selection in real time :
- Stratifying endomorphism algebras Cline, Edward,
- Stream ecology : Allan, J. David,
- Strengthening data science methods for Department of Defense personnel and readiness missions.
- Stress management Linden, Wolfgang,
- Strichartz estimates and the Cauchy problem for the gravity water waves equations Alazard, Thomas,
- String path integral realization of vertex operator algebras Tsukada, Haruo,
- Strong boundary values, analytic functionals, and nonlinear Paley-Wiener theory Rosay, Jean-Pierre,
- Structural design of air and gas ducts for power stations and industrial boiler applications
- Structural optimization : Kirsch, U. ,
- Structural Ramsey theory of metric spaces and topological dynamics of isometry groups Thé, L. Nguyen Van,
- Structurally stable quadratic vector fields Artés, Joan C.,
- The Structure and dynamics of human ecosystems : Burch, William R., Jr.,
- The structure of certain quasisymmetric groups Hinkkanen, Aimo,
- The structure of conscious experience Beach, Lee Roy,
- The structure of finite algebras Hobby, David Charles,
- The structure of k-CS-transitive cycle-free partial orders Warren, Richard,
- The structure of modular lattices of width four with applications to varieties of lattices Freese, Ralph S.,
- Structure of partially ordered sets wih transitive automorphism groups Droste, Manfred,
- Structure of regular semigroups. Nambooripad, K. S. S.,
- The structure of relation algebras generated by relativizations Givant, Steven R.,
- The structure of shock waves in magnetohydrodynamics Hesaaraki, Mahmud,
- Structure of the level one standard modules for the affine Lie algebras Bl⁽¹⁾, F₄ , and G₂ Mandia, Marly,
- The structure of the rational concordance group of knots Cha, Jae Choon,
- Structure of the standard modules for the affine Lie algebra A₁ superscript Lepowsky, J.
- Structured matrices in mathematics, computer science, and engineering :
- Structures algébriques élémentaires, arithmétique : Colin, Jean-Jacques,
- Structures congress 2018 :
- Structures in topology Harris, Douglas,
- Structures of coastal resilience Seavitt Nordenson, Catherine,
- Stuck in transition : Aldayarov, Mirlan,
- Student Lab Manual for Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics, Volume 2 : Sampson, Victor.
- Studies in abstract families of languages Ginsburg, Seymour,
- Studies in duality on noetherian formal schemes and non-noetherian ordinary schemes Alonso Tarrío, Leovigildo,
- Studies on composition operators :
- The study of minimax inequalities and applications to economies and variational inequalities Yuan, George Xian-Zhi,
- A study of singularities on rational curves via Syzygies
- Study of the critical points at infinity arising from the failure of the Palais-Smale condition for n-body type problems Riahi, Hasna,
- Studying children in context Graue, M. Elizabeth,
- Subgroup decomposition in Out Handel, Michael,
- Subgroup lattices and symmetric functions Butler, Lynne M.,
- Sub-Laplacians with drift on Lie groups of polynomial volume growth Alexopoulos, Georgios K.,
- The submanifold geometries associated to Grassmannian systems
- Subnormal operators and representations of algebras of bounded analytic functions and other uniform algebras Miller, Thomas L.,
- The subregular germ of orbital integrals Hales, Thomas Callister,
- Substance use & abuse Durrant, Russil.
- The suffering body in sport :
- A sufficient criterion for a cone to be area-minimizing Lawlor, Gary R.
- Sum formula for SL2 over a totally real number field Bruggeman, Roelof W.,
- Summary of the workshop to identify gaps and possible directions for NASA's micrometeroid and orbital debris programs
- Sums of even powers of real linear forms Reznick, Bruce Arie,
- Sums of reciprocals of fractional parts and multiplicative diophantine approximation Beresnevich, Victor,
- Sunburnt country : Gergis, Joëlle,
- Superficial Fungal Infections of the Skin. Singal, Archana.
- Superior productivity in healthcare organizations : Fogel, Paul
- Supervision in psychiatric practice :
- Supported blow-up and prescribed scalar curvature on Sn Leung, Man Chun,
- Supporting adolescents with language disorders Spencer, Sarah,
- Supporting emergent multilingual learners in science, grades 7-12 Weinburgh, Molly H.,
- Supporting mathematics teachers in the United States and Finland :
- Sur les sections analytiques de la courbe universelle de Teichmüller Hubbard, John Hamal,
- Surface analysis methods in materials science
- Surfaces of nonpositive curvature Eberlein, Patrick,
- Surfaces with K2=7 and pg=4 Bauer, Ingrid C.,
- Surgery on codimension 2 submanifolds Freedman, Michael H.,
- Surgery, the ultimate placebo : Harris, Ian,
- Surveys in representation theory of algebras :
- Surveys on discrete and computational geometry :
- Survival analysis : Kleinbaum, David G.,
- Surviving and thriving with an invisible chronic illness : Jacqueline, Ilana,
- The survivor's guide Lee, Sharice A.
- Sustainable bamboo development Zhu, Zhaohua,
- Sustainable development goals in Southeast Asia and ASEAN :
- Sustainable diets :
- Sustainable diets, food, and nutrition :
- Sustainable poultry production in Europe
- Sustainable Procurement for Infrastructure. Kralik, Nancy.
- Symbolic computation :
- Symbolic dynamics and its applications
- Symmetric and alternating groups as monodromy groups of Riemann surfaces I : Guralnick, Robert M.,
- Symmetric automorphisms of free products McCullough, Darryl,
- Symmetric structures in Banach spaces
- Symmetries and related topics in differential and difference equations :
- Symmetries in complex analysis :
- Symmetry breaking for compact Lie groups Field, Mike,
- Symmetry breaking for representations of rank one orthogonal groups Kobayashi, Toshiyuki,
- Symmetry for elliptic PDEs :
- Symmetry in mathematics and physics :
- Symplectic actions of 2-tori on 4-manifolds Pelayo, Alvaro,
- Symplectic cobordism and the computation of stable stems Kochman, Stanley O.,
- The symplectic cobordism ring II Kochman, Stanley O.,
- The symplectic cobordism ring. Kochman, Stanley O.,
- Symplectic geometry and quantization :
- Symplectic topology and measure preserving dynamical systems :
- Symposium in honor of C.H. Clemens :
- Symposium on Algebraic Topology in Honor of José Adem
- Synopsis of orthopaedic trauma management Mullis, Brian H.,
- Systems of transversal sections near critical energy levels of Hamiltonian systems in R4 Paulo, Naiara V. de,
- Systems practices for the care of socially at-risk populations
- Szegö kernel asymptotics for high power of CR line bundles and Kodaira embedding theorems on CR manifolds Hsiao, Chin-Yu,
- Tabaquismo, una amenaza constante para la salud.
- Table of integrals, series, and products Gradshteĭn, I. S.
- Tackling the world's fastest-growing HIV epidemic :
- Take care : Grayson, David,
- Take charge of your healthcare management career : White, Kenneth R.
- Taking my place in medicine
- Tame flows Nicolaescu, Liviu I.,
- Tangential boundary stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations Barbu, Viorel,
- Tapas in experimental mathematics :
- Taschenbuch fur Chemiker und Physiker D'Ans, J.
- A taxonomy for texture description and identification Ravishankar Rao, A.,
- Teaching about culture, ethnicity & diversity
- Teaching adult numeracy :
- Team investigation of child sexual abuse : Pence, Donna.
- Techniques for nuclear and particle physics experiments : Leo, William R.,
- Technological innovation for agricultural statistics :
- Technology of cake making Bennion, E. B.,
- The technology of extrusion cooking
- Technology-based health promotion Bull, Sheana.
- Técnicas Quirúrgicas Reconstructivas en el Adulto. Parvizi, Javad.
- Tel Aviv Topology Conference, Rothenberg festschrift :
- Telescopes and techniques : Kitchin, C. R.
- Temperate agroforestry systems
- Temporal logic of reactive and concurrent systems : Manna, Zohar,
- The tender cut Adler, Patricia A.
- Tensor analysis for engineers : Tabatabaian, Mehrzad,
- Tensor categories and Hopf algebras :
- Tensor products and independent sums of Lp-spaces, 1
Alspach, Dale E. < p
- Tensor products and regularity properties of Cuntz semigroups Antoine, Ramon,
- Terrigenous clastic depositional systems : Galloway, William E.,
- Territorio, Turismo y Sostenibilidad en la Región Tánger-Tetuán. Arcila Garrido, Manuel.
- Test methods for explosives Sućeska, Muhamed,
- Testové Otázky Z Pediatrie. Honzík, Tomás.
- Textbook of kinesiology Bindal, V. D.,
- Textbook of medical psychiatry
- Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Parthasarathy, A.
- Textile systems for endomorphisms and automorphisms of the shift Nasu, Masakazu,
- Texturen des Bildlichen. Marin, Louis.
- Thèmes pour l'agrégation de mathématiques Rombaldi, Jean-Etienne,
- Théorèmes d'indices Gevrey pour les équations différentielles ordinaires Ramis, J.-P.
- Théorie de Morse et homologie de Floer Audin, Michèle.
- Théorie probabiliste du contrôle des diffusions Bismut, Jean-Michel,
- Theory and applications of finite fields :
- Theory and applications of holomorphic functions on algebraic varieties over arbitrary ground fields Zariski, Oscar,
- Theory of algebraic functions of one variable Dedekind, Richard,
- A theory of differentiation in locally convex spaces Yamamuro, S.,
- Theory of distributions for locally compact spaces Ehrenpreis, Leon,
- The theory of generalized Dirichlet forms and its applications in analysis and stochastics Stannat, Wilhelm,
- A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants Joyce, Dominic D.,
- The theory of ultraspherical multipliers Connett, William C.
- Therapeutic development in the absence of predictive animal models of nervous system disorders :
- Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling : Asplund Ingemark, Camilla.
- The therapist's toolbox Carrell, Susan.
- Therapy Outcome Measure Underpinning Theory and Case Studies. Enderby, Pam.
- Therapy Outcome Measure User Guide and Scales. Enderby, Pam.
- Thermal methods of analysis : Haines, P. J.
- Thermodynamical formalism and multifractal analysis for meromorphic functions of finite order Mayer, Volker,
- Theta functions, kernel functions, and Abelian integrals Hejhal, Dennis A.,
- Thickening and gelling agents for food
- Third world cities :
- Three-Dimensional Elastic Bodies in Rolling Contact. Kalker, J. J.
- Thrombosis and inflammation in acute coronary syndromes
- Tilings of the plane, hyperbolic groups, and small cancellation conditions Krajčevski, Milé,
- Tilting in Abelian categories and quasitilted algebras Happel, Dieter,
- Time and trace :
- Time changes of the Brownian motion : Kigami, Jun,
- Time series Brockwell, Peter J.
- Time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusions and optimal control Hu, Shouchuan,
- Timeless experience :
- Time-like graphical models Tadić, Tvrtko,
- Tinkering : Wilson, Katherine,
- To an effective local Langlands correspondence Bushnell, Colin J.
- To fix or to heal :
- Tomography and inverse transport theory :
- Topics in algebraic and noncommutative geometry :
- Topics in algebraic geometry and geometric modeling :
- Topics in complex analysis
- Topics in complex analysis and operator theory :
- Topics in finite fields :
- Topics in fourier and geometric analysis Shapiro, Victor L.,
- Topics in functional analysis and algebra :
- Topics in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory :
- Topics in several complex variables :
- Toplogy and field theories :
- Topography of trauma :
- Topological algebras and applications :
- Topological algebras and their applications :
- Topological and asymptotic aspects of group theory :
- Topological automorphic forms Behrens, Mark,
- A topological Chern-Weil theory Phillips, Anthony V.
- Topological classification of families of diffeomorphisms without small divisors Ribón, Javier,
- Topological complexity and related topics
- Topological dynamics and applications :
- The topological dynamics of Ellis actions Akin, Ethan,
- Topological entropy and equivalence of dynamical systems Adler, Roy L.,
- Topological invariants for projection method patterns Forrest, Alan,
- Topological invariants of quasi-ordinary singularities, embedded topological classificationof quasi-ordinary singularities Lipman, Joseph,
- Topological invariants of the complement to arrangements of rational plane curves Cogolludo-Agustín, José Ignacio,
- Topological methods in nonlinear functional analysis
- Topological phases of matter and quantum computation :
- Topological triviality and versality for subgroups of A and K Damon, James,
- Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels Treves, Francois,
- Topologically protected states in one-dimensional systems Fefferman, Charles,
- Topologies on pseudo-trees and applications Nikiel, Jacek,
- Topology and geometry Bredon, Glen E.,
- Topology and geometry :
- Topology and geometry in dimension three :
- Topology and geometry of biopolymers :
- Topology and Quantum Theory in Interaction. Ayala, David.
- Topology and representation theory :
- Topology and robotics :
- Topology of algebraic varieties and singularities :
- Topology of surfaces Kinsey, L. Christine,
- Topology optimisation in additive manufacturing
- Topology, geometry, and algebra :
- Toric topology :
- Toroidal Dehn fillings on hyperbolic 3-manifolds Gordon, Cameron,
- Toroidalization of dominant morphisms of 3-folds Cutkosky, Steven Dale,
- Torres' patient care in imaging technology Dutton, Andrea Guillen,
- Torsion de Reidemeister pour les variétés hyperboliques Porti, Joan,
- Torsion free groups of rank two Beaumont, Ross A.
- Torsion in SU-bordism Conner, P. E.
- Torsors, reductive group schemes and extended affine lie algebras Gille, Philippe,
- Torus fibrations, gerbes, and duality Donagi, Ron,
- Total Latin American Architecture : de Brea, Ana.
- Totem and taboo : Freud, Sigmund,
- Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL2 Breuil, Christophe,
- Towards a theory of geometric graphs
- Towards non-Abelian p-adic Hodge theory in the good reduction case Olsson, Martin C.,
- Towards smart model-based governance by systems thinking
- Toxic town : Little, Peter C.,
- Trace rings of generic 2 by 2 matrices Le Bruyn, Lieven,
- Tracing Old Norse Cosmology : Andrén, Anders.
- Training students to extract value from big data : Mellody, Maureen,
- Training the future child health care workforce :
- Transesophageal echocardiography of congenital heart diseases
- Transfer of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2 Pitale, Ameya,
- Transformational Leadership in Nursing : Broome, Marion E., PhD, RN, FAAN.
- Transformations : Olson, G. B.,
- Transforming ergonomics with personalized health and intelligent workplaces
- Transforming information security : Moriarty, Kathleen M.,
- Transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence Cohen-Kettenis, Peggy Tine,
- Translation lattices Pierce, Richard S.,
- Transmission electron microscopy : Williams, David B.
- Transparenz in der Kinderbetreuung Dohna-Lauck, Maximilian Graf zu,
- Transplantation theorems and multiplier theorems for Jacobi series Muckenhoupt, Benjamin,
- Transportation and Sustainable Campus Communities : Toor, Will.
- Transportation planning on trial Garrett, Mark.
- Tratamiento de Las Enfermedades Infecciosas 2020-2022
- Trauma & transformation : Tedeschi, Richard G.
- Trauma treatment toolbox for teens : Hallett, Kristina,
- Trauma
- Trauma-informed care in the NICU : Coughlin, Mary,
- Trauma-Informed Mindfulness : Kiyimba, Nikki,
- Traumatologie Goslings, Carel.
- Treating complex trauma in adolescents and young adults Briere, John.
- Treatment of Voice Disorders, Second Edition. Sataloff, Robert T.
- Treatment planning steps in oral implantology :
- Treelike structures arising from continua and convergence groups Bowditch, B. H.
- Trees of life :
- Trellis theory Skala, Helen,
- Trends in Banach spaces and operator theory :
- Trends in harmonic analysis and its applications :
- Trends in language assessment research and practice :
- Trends in number theory :
- Trends in representation theory of algebras and related topics :
- Trends in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras :
- The triangle-free process and the Ramsey number R Pontiveros, Gonzalo Fiz,
- Triangular algebras and ideals of nest algebras Orr, John Lindsay,
- Triangulations of oriented matroids Santos, Francisco,
- A tribute to Emil Grosswald :
- Triennial review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative
- Triumph and demise : Kelly, Paul,
- Tropical and idempotent mathematics :
- Tropical and idempotent mathematics and applications :
- Tropical and non-Archimedean geometry :
- Tropical diseases :
- Tropical forage legumes :
- Tropical geometry and integrable systems :
- Tropical medicine : Cahill, Kevin M.,
- Les troubles liés aux événements traumatiques :
- Trusting and its tribulations :
- Tuberculosis :
- Tuberculosis. Frieden, Thomas R.
- Tuberous sclerosis complex :
- Tungsten : Lassner, Erik,
- Tunnel engineering handbook
- Turning the tide of male juvenile delinquency : Grebstein, Lawrence C.,
- Twin block functional therapy :
- Twisted polynomial hyperalgebras Halpern, Edward,
- Twisted pseudodifferential calculus and application to the quantum evolution of molecules Martinez, André,
- Twisted tensor products related to the cohomology of the classifying spaces of loop groups Kuribayashi, Katsuhiko,
- Two classes of Riemannian manifolds whose geodesic flows are integrable Kiyohara, Kazuyoshi,
- Two kinds of derived categories, Koszul duality, and comodule-contramodule correspondence Positselski, Leonid,
- Two papers : Leech, Jonathan,
- Two papers on similarity of certain Volterra integral operators Osher, Stanley J.,
- Two papers on the predicate calculus Kleene, Stephen Cole,
- Two-bridge knots have Property P Takahashi, Moto-o,
- Two-dimensional tame and maximal orders of finite representation type Reiten, Idun,
- Type II blow up manifolds for the energy supercritical semilinear wave equation Collot, Charles,
- The ubiquitous heat kernel :
- Ueda theory : Neeman, Amnon,
- Ultrafilters across mathematics :
- Ultra-low input power conversion circuits based on tunnel FETs Cavalheiro, David,
- Ultrametric functional analysis :
- Ultrasonic testing of materials Krautkrämer, Josef,
- Ultrasonics : Kuttruff, Heinrich,
- Ultrasound guided invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques simplified. Sahetya, Raju R.,
- Ultrasound Q&A review for the boards Dawkins, Adrian,
- Ultraviolet disinfection for wastewater -- low-dose application guidance for secondary and tertiary discharges
- Umbral calculus and Hopf algebras
- The unburnt egg : Gill, Brian,
- Uncanny bodies :
- The unconstructable earth : Neyrat, Frédéric,
- Uncovering student ideas in earth and environmental science : Keeley, Page,
- The undecidability of the domino problem Berger, Robert,
- Undergraduate algebra Lang, Serge,
- Understandable electric circuits Wang, Meizhong.
- Understanding and assessing child sexual maltreatment Faller, Kathleen Coulborn.
- Understanding and overcoming the challenge of obesity and overweight in the armed forces :
- Understanding and treating adolescent substance abuse Muisener, Philip P.
- Understanding climate change : Tucker, Laura,
- Understanding cultural identity in intervention and assessment Dana, Richard H.
- Understanding family violence Wiehe, Vernon R.
- Understanding healthcare financial management Gapenski, Louis C.,
- Understanding options for agricultural production
- Understanding Parkinsonism : Vibha, Deepti,
- Understanding the economics of microbial threats :
- Understanding the U.S. health services system Barton, Phoebe Lindsey,
- Understanding women's recovery from illness and trauma Kearney, Margaret H.,
- Unequal Coverage : Castañeda, Heide.
- The unfolding and determinacy theorems for subgroups of A and K Damon, James,
- Unfolding CR singularities Coffman, Adam,
- Unfolding the biopolymer landscape
- Unfoldings and bifurcations of quasi-periodic tori
- A unified approach to structural limits and limits of graphs with bounded tree-depth Nešetřil, Jaroslav,
- Uniform rectifiability and quasiminimizing sets of arbitrary codimension David, Guy,
- Uniform simplification in a full neighborhood of a transition point Sibuya, Yasutaka,
- Uniformizing dessins and Belyĭ maps via circle packing. Bowers, Philip L.,
- Unifying the applications and foundations of biomedical and health informatics
- Unimodal, log-concave and Pólya frequency sequences in combinatorics Brenti, Francesco,
- Unimodularity in randomly generated graphs
- Unintended consequences
- Uniqueness and stability in determining a rigid inclusion in an elastic body Morassi, Antonino,
- Unitary invariants in multivariable operator theory Popescu, Gelu,
- Unitary representation theory for solvable lie groups Brezin, Jonathan,
- Unitary representations of maximal parabolic subgroups of the classical groups Wolf, Joseph Albert,
- Unitary representations of solvable Lie groups Auslander, Louis,
- Universal Design for Learning Science : Hanuscin, Deborah.
- The universal Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence on Hermitian manifolds Lübke, Martin,
- The universal service desk : Johnson, Brian,
- Unmanned aerial systems :
- Unoriented bordism and actions of finite groups Stong, Robert E.,
- Unraveling the integral knot concordance group Stoltzfus, Neal W.,
- Unreal houses : Sarra, Edith,
- The unstable Adams spectral sequence for free iterated loop spaces Wellington, Robert J.,
- An update on airway management
- Update on urinary tract infections
- Urbanization and slums :
- Urticaria
- Usability testing essentials Barnum, Carol M.
- Use of carbon isotopic tracers in investigating soil carbon sequestration and stabilization in agroecosystems.
- Use of progestogens in clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology. MV, Anita,
- Using English words Corson, David,
- Using qualitative methods in psychology Kopala, Mary.
- Using SPSS for Windows : Finn, Kristin Voelkl,
- Using technology to advance global health :
- Using test data in clinical practice MacCluskie, Kathryn C.
- El uso de las pruebas rápdidas para sífilis
- UV-B radiation and plant life :
- v1-periodic homotopy groups of SO Bendersky, Martin,
- Valuations and differential Galois groups Duval, Guillaume,
- Value conflicts and information security management
- Value distribution theory and complex dynamics :
- Value distribution theory and its applications
- The value of social, behavioral, and economic sciences to national priorities :
- Van Academie Tot universiteit :
- Vaping :
- Variance and duality for Cousin complexes on formal schemes Lipman, Joseph,
- Variational and optimal control problems on unbounded domains :
- Variational methods :
- Variations on a theorem of Tate Patrikis, Stefan,
- Varieties of representations of finitely generated groups Lubotzky, Alexander,
- Vascular neurology board review : Futrell, Nancy,
- Vector bundles and complex geometry :
- Vector bundles and representation theory :
- Vector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves and Yang-Baxter equations Burban, Igor,
- Vector calculus Matthews, P. C.
- A vector field method on the distorted fourier side and decay for wave equations with potentials Donninger, Roland,
- The vegan matrix : Joy, Melanie,
- Ver-BINDING Smit, Edith.
- De verlostas van mijn grootvader Heineman, Maas Jan,
- Vernieuwend kijken, kijkend vernieuwen Fockens, Paul.
- Vertebral augmentation : Beall, Douglas P.,
- Vertex algebras and geometry
- Vertex algebras and integral bases for the enveloping algebras of affine Lie algebras Prevost, Shari A.,
- Vertex operator algebras and related areas :
- Vestibular cognition
- Viajes Combinados y Servicios de Viaje Vinculados. Paniza Fullana, Antonia.
- Vías de Abordaje de Cirugía Ortopédica. un Enfoque Anatómico. Hoppenfeld, Stanley.
- Vibration problems in structures :
- Victims still : Elias, Robert,
- Victor Lundy :
- Video atlas of anterior segment repair and reconstruction : Agarwal, Amar,
- Video-based aural rehabilitation guide : Daniel, Linda L.,
- Vieillissement, sante et societe : Palard, Jacques,
- Villes à vivre :
- Violence in intimate relationships
- Violent betrayal : Renzetti, Claire M.,
- Violent emotions : Retzinger, Suzanne M.
- Le virus du Nil occidental Armengaud, Alexis.
- Les visages de l'aide médicale à mourir Viens, Pierre,
- A vision for the future of center-based multidisciplinary engineering research : Alper, Joe,
- Vision geometry :
- A visual catalog of sixteenth century central Mexican Doctrinas Jackson, Robert H.,
- Visualisierung der Wissenschaft. Leese, Florian.
- The visualization handbook
- Vivir una vida sana con dolor crónico
- The VNA applications handbook Bonaguide, Gregory,
- Volcanoes of Auckland : Hayward, Bruce W.
- The Volterra chronicles : Goodstein, Judith R.,
- Volterra integral equations and topological dynamics Miller, Richard K.,
- Volume doubling measures and heat kernel estimates on self-similar sets Kigami, Jun,
- A Von Neumann algebra approach to quantum metrics quantum relations Kuperberg, Greg,
- Vulkanismus in den Quellen und Darstellungen des 19. Jahrhunderts Blazek, Matthias,
- Výrobní a technologické aspekty stredovekých a rane novovekých komorových kachlu :
- Waartoe Wetenschap? Saris, Frans W.
- Wake up : Fagan, David,
- Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic tests :
- The Walls manual of emergency airway management
- Wandering solutions of delay equations with sine-like feedback Lani-Wayda, Bernhard,
- Wandering vectors for unitary systems and orthogonal wavelets Dai, Xingde,
- WAP systems and labeled subshifts Akin, Ethan,
- The war of guns and mathematics :
- Ward Rounds in Clinical Neurology. Yadav, Ravi.
- Ward rounds in obstetrics and gynecology
- The Washington manual infectious diseases subspecialty consult
- The Washington manual of surgical pathology Pfeifer, John D.,
- Wat is psychiatrie? Denys, Damiaan.
- The water reuse roadmap :
- Water supply management Stephenson, David,
- Water-energy nexus in the People's Republic of China and emerging issues Perera, Pradeep,
- Wave front set of solutions to sums of squares of vector fields Albano, Paolo,
- Wavelet methods for pointwise regularity and local oscillations of functions Jaffard, Stéphane,
- Wavelets, frames and operator theory :
- Wavelets, multiwavelets, and their applications :
- Waves in periodic and random media :
- The way I remember it Rudin, Walter,
- Weak type estimates for Cesaro sums of Jacobi polynomial series Chanillo, Sagun,
- Weakly differentiable mappings between manifolds Hajłasz, Piotr,
- Weakly nonlinear Dirichlet problems on long or thin domains Dancer, E. N.
- Weather and climate risks communication
- Weather, climate, and the geographical imagination :
- Weaving the dark web : Gehl, Robert W.,
- Web derivatives Kenyon, Hewitt,
- Weighted Bergman spaces induced by rapidly increasing weights Peláez, José Ángel,
- Weighted shifts on directed trees Jablónski, Zenon Jan,
- Weil representation I : Rallis, Stephen,
- Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichmüller space Takhtadzhi︠a︡n, L. A.
- Well & good : Kringoudis, Nat,
- The well-managed healthcare organization White, Kenneth R.
- Well-posedness for general 2 x 2 systems of conservation laws Ancona, Fabio,
- Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for nxn systems of conservation laws Bressan, Alberto,
- Wet weather design and operation in water resource recovery facilities :
- Wetenschap in Een Veranderende Wereld : d'Hoine, Pieter.
- Weyl groups and birational transformations among minimal models
- What beliefs are made from
- What causes men's violence against women?
- What is disease?
- Wheat :
- When historiography met epistemology
- Where to from here? examining conflict-related and relational interaction trauma
- Whose global village?
- Wind turbine noise
- Winning strategies for successful aging
- With children in mind :
- Witten non Abelian localization for Equivariant K-theory and the [Q,R] = 0 thorem
- Women and the environment
- Women at risk : Stark, Evan,
- Women in Numbers 2 :
- Women in topology :
- Women, girls, and autism spectrum disorders.
- Words, Worlds, Narratives.
- Wordt de patiënt er beter van?
- Working with child abuse and neglect
- Working with children of alcoholics
- Working with legacy systems
- World clinics.
- World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
- World health systems :
- A world in two minds
- X-Ray diffraction
- Yang-Mills connections on orientable and nonorientable surfaces
- Yang-Mills fields and extension theory
- Yang-Mills measure on compact surfaces
- Year book of dermatology
- Yearbook of Anesthesiology‒8
- Your graduate training in psychology :
- The youth development handbook
- Základní pojmy praktického a posudkového lékarství
- Základní Praktická Cvičení Z Farmaceutické Technologie.
- Zaklady Embryologie
- Zaklady Radiologie a Zobrazovacich Metod
- Zatez v adolescenci
- Zeny s mentalnim postizenim v roli matek
- Zeros of Bernoulli, generalized Bernoulli, and Euler polynomials
- Zeta functions for two-dimensional shifts of finite type
- Zeta functions in algebra and geometry :
- Zeven biljoen elektronvolt is goed voor u
- Ziek is het woord niet
- Zijpijn in de Borst Winter
- Zoonosis y enfermdades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales
- Zootechnologies
- Zuckerman Parker handbook of developmental and behavioral pediatrics for primary care
November 2021
All Additions
- Academic CME/CPD in the United States and Canada - the 2015 AAMC/SACME Harrison Survey. AAMC. 2016. 9780000901057
- Assembling the pieces of a systematic review. Foster. 2017. 9781442277021
- Community pharmacy. Rutter. 5th ed, 2020. 9780702080210
- Core entrustable professional activities for entering residency. AAMC. 2014. 9780000901019
- Dietary guidelines for Americans 2015-2020. HHS. 2014. 9780160934674
- The EBMT handbook. Carreras. 2019. 9783030022778
- Environmental health in nursing. Leffers. 2016. 9780999812303
- Exercise & physical activity. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930096
- Fast facts for patients: menopause. Briggs. 2021. 9783318070019
- Fast facts: complex perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease. Warusavitarne. 2021. 9783318068153
- Fast facts: comprehensive genomic profiling. Rapoport. 2020. 9783318068184
- Fast facts: hyperlipidemia. Sniderman. 2021. 9783318067866
- Fast facts: immuno-oncology. Clarke. 2021. 9783318068214
- Fast facts: long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorders. Burton. 2021. 9783318068306
- Fast facts: perioperative pain. Brown. 2021. 9783318068771
- Fast facts: respiratory allergies. Rimmer. 2021. 9783318068009
- Fundamentals of clinical data science. Kubben. 2019. 9783319997124
- High-functioning primary care residency clinics. Bodenheimer. 2016. 9781539787594
- Hinman's atlas of urologic surgery. Smith. 2019. 9780323713054
- Implementing curricular and institutional climate changes to improve health care for individuals who are LGBT, gender nonconforming, or born with DSD. Hollenbach. 2014. 9780000901026
- Innovations at the interface of primary and specialty care. AAMC. 2016. 9780000901095
- Medical aspects of biological warfare. Bozue. 2018. 9780160941597
- The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. Porter. 2018. 9780911910421
- Out of the crucible. Kellermann. 2017. 9780160941795
- Pediatric surgery and medicine for hostile environments. Creamer. 2nd ed, 2016. 9780160937934
- Promoting successful integration. Cooper. 2018. 9780160944758
- Public health ethics: cases spanning the globe. Barrett. 2016. 9783319238463
- Results of the 2016 Program Directors Survey. Dunleavy. 2016. 9780000901088
- Roadmap to diversity and educational excellence. AAMC. 2014. 9781502588227
- Roadmap to diversity: integrating holistic review practices into medical school admission processes. AAMC. 2010. 9780000901033
- Roadmap to excellence: key concepts for evaluating the impact of medical school holistic admissions. AAMC. 2013. 9780000901040
- Roadmap to residency 2017. AAMC. 2017. 9780011336190
- Sepsis management in resource-limited settings. Dondorp. 2019. 9783030031428
- Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 63: medications for opioid use disorder. SAMHSA. 2018. 9780160943775
- Tuberculosis in adults and children. Heemskerk. 2015. 9783319191317
- Understanding Alzheimer’s disease. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930164
- Understanding memory loss. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930140
- U.S. Army Physician Assistant Handbook. Borden Institute. 2018. 9780160944079
- Whole person librarianship. Zettervall. 2019. 9781440857775
- Within our reach: a national strategy to eliminate child abuse and neglect fatalities. 2016. 9780160932236
- Workout to go. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930126
ClinicalKey Additions
- Community pharmacy. Rutter. 5th ed, 2020. 9780702080210
- Health systems science. Skochelak. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780323694674
- Hinman's atlas of urologic surgery. Smith. 2019. 9780323713054
EBSCOhost Additions
- Assembling the pieces of a systematic review. Foster. 2017. 9781442277021
- Whole person librarianship. Zettervall. 2019. 9781440857775
Expert Consult Additions
- Health systems science. Skochelak. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780323694674
R2 Open Access Additions
- Academic CME/CPD in the United States and Canada - the 2015 AAMC/SACME Harrison Survey. AAMC. 2016. 9780000901057
- Core entrustable professional activities for entering residency. AAMC. 2014. 9780000901019
- Dietary guidelines for Americans 2015-2020. HHS. 2014. 9780160934674
- The EBMT handbook. Carreras. 2019. 9783030022778
- Environmental health in nursing. Leffers. 2016. 9780999812303
- Exercise & physical activity. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930096
- Fast facts for patients: menopause. Briggs. 2021. 9783318070019
- Fast facts: complex perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease. Warusavitarne. 2021. 9783318068153
- Fast facts: comprehensive genomic profiling. Rapoport. 2020. 9783318068184
- Fast facts: hyperlipidemia. Sniderman. 2021. 9783318067866
- Fast facts: immuno-oncology. Clarke. 2021. 9783318068214
- Fast facts: long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorders. Burton. 2021. 9783318068306
- Fast facts: perioperative pain. Brown. 2021. 9783318068771
- Fast facts: respiratory allergies. Rimmer. 2021. 9783318068009
- Fundamentals of clinical data science. Kubben. 2019. 9783319997124
- High-functioning primary care residency clinics. Bodenheimer. 2016. 9781539787594
- Implementing curricular and institutional climate changes to improve health care for individuals who are LGBT, gender nonconforming, or born with DSD. Hollenbach. 2014. 9780000901026
- Innovations at the interface of primary and specialty care. AAMC. 2016. 9780000901095
- Medical aspects of biological warfare. Bozue. 2018. 9780160941597
- The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. Porter. 2018. 9780911910421
- Out of the crucible. Kellermann. 2017. 9780160941795
- Pediatric surgery and medicine for hostile environments. Creamer. 2nd ed, 2016. 9780160937934
- Promoting successful integration. Cooper. 2018. 9780160944758
- Public health ethics: cases spanning the globe. Barrett. 2016. 9783319238463
- Results of the 2016 Program Directors Survey. Dunleavy. 2016. 9780000901088
- Roadmap to diversity and educational excellence. AAMC. 2014. 9781502588227
- Roadmap to diversity: integrating holistic review practices into medical school admission processes. AAMC. 2010. 9780000901033
- Roadmap to excellence: key concepts for evaluating the impact of medical school holistic admissions. AAMC. 2013. 9780000901040
- Roadmap to residency 2017. AAMC. 2017. 9780011336190
- Sepsis management in resource-limited settings. Dondorp. 2019. 9783030031428
- Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 63: medications for opioid use disorder. SAMHSA. 2018. 9780160943775
- Tuberculosis in adults and children. Heemskerk. 2015. 9783319191317
- Understanding Alzheimer’s disease. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930164
- Understanding memory loss. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930140
- U.S. Army Physician Assistant Handbook. Borden Institute. 2018. 9780160944079
- Within our reach: a national strategy to eliminate child abuse and neglect fatalities. 2016. 9780160932236
- Workout to go. National Institute on Aging. 2015. 9780160930126
October 2021
All Additions
- 10 ways to manage stress. Boon. 2020. 9784909730398
- 101 things to do while you self-isolate. Lane. 2020. 9781787837713
- The ACT workbook for OCD. Mazza. 2020. 9781684032914
- Adolescence. Pengpid. 2020. 9781536177053
- The adverse childhood experiences recovery workbook. Schiraldi. 2021. 9781684036660
- Am I the reason I'm not getting pregnant? Austin. 2020. 9781642798579
- The anxiety & phobia workbook. Bourne. 7th ed, 2020. 9781684034857
- The anxiety skills workbook. Hofmann. 2020. 9781684034543
- Asthma and allergy solution that works for COVID-19. Jones. 2020. 9781893910287
- Autism and Asperger's conditions. Barber. 2020. 9781789822243
- Balancing yoga. Villano. 2020. 9781645271833
- Bayley 4 clinical use and interpretation. Aylward. 2020. 9780128177556
- Beyond male and female. Walker. 2019. 9781422275214
- The birth guy's go-to guide for new dads. Salmon. 2019. 9781684031603
- The blindspots between us. Tsipursky. 2020. 9781684035106
- Body and mind. Quist. 2019. 9781422275221
- Busy toddler's guide to actual parenting. Allison. 2020. 9781943147861
- Career or fibromyalgia, do I have to choose? Brinklo. 2020. 9781642798630
- Caregiving. Eleuteri. 2020. 9781536175509
- Chair yoga. Villano. 2020. 9781645271864
- Childhood obesity. Kelishadi. 2020. 9781536182323
- Cinnamon. Croce. 2020. 9781536187038
- Clinical bioenergetics. Ostojic. 2021. 9780128227725
- Collected works of C.G. Jung. Vol. 19. Ress. 1979. 9781317533443
- Community palliative care and covid-19. Blackmore. 2020. 9781859599204
- The complete guide for people with Parkinson's disease and their loved ones. Marie. 2020. 9781557536860
- Corona-anxiety. 2020. 9781787837775
- Coronavirus and U.S. public health preparedness. Martin. 2020. 9781536179408
- Coronavirus. Edwards. 2020. 9781098212810
- COVID-19. Jensen. 2020. 9781536179965
- Dermatology. Kirkby. 2020. 9781859598894
- Diabetes lifemap. Bleich. 2020. 9781642799071
- Don't believe what you think. Ernst. 2020. 9781788360357
- Double challenge. Kaplan. 2019. 9781422275238
- E-Cigarettes: patterns of use, health effects and imports. 2020. 9781536172218
- E-Cigarettes: perspectives, regulation and health effects. 2020. 9781536184280
- Encyclopedia of bullying. 2020. 9781536172195
- Encyclopedia of nursing. O’Donnell. 2020. 9781536177985
- Encyclopedia of substance abuse. Mesnard. 2020. 9781536117738
- Encyclopedia of virology. 2020. 9781536179170
- Everything you need to know about caregiving for Parkinson's disease. Marie. 2020. 9781557539977
- Evidence-based physical diagnosis. McGee. 4th ed, 2018. 9780323508711
- The Fenway guide to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health. Makadon. 2nd ed, 2015. 9781938921018
- Fermented foods. Kovalyov. 2020. 9781536187052
- Fight back. Crandall. 2020. 9781630061708
- Fitness. 2020. 9781422275894
- Flattening the curve. London. 2020. 9781098212889
- Food additives and human health. Nabavi. 2020. 9789811446139
- Food. 2020. 9781536179385
- Gender fulfilled. Anthony. 2020. 9781422275245
- Get strong, get fit, get happy. Roberts. 2020. 9781916161757
- Goodnight mind for teens. Carney. 2020. 9781684034406
- The grit workbook for kids. Nebolsine. 2020. 9781684035991
- Health & hygiene. 2019. 9781422275924
- Health care coverage. 2020. 9781536175455
- Health care for veterans. 2020. 9781536175318
- Health insurance. Matthews. 2019. 9781536149364
- Healthy food. Walton. 2020. 9781536176001
- Helping seniors. Larocque. 2020. 9781422275436
- Helping those in poverty. Turner. 2020. 9781422275474
- Helping those with addictions. Turner. 2020. 9781422275443
- Helping those with disabilities. Turner. 2020. 9781422275450
- Helping those with mental illnesses. Turner. 2020. 9781422275467
- Helping victims. Turner. 2020. 9781422275481
- Hospital survival guide. Sherer. 2020. 9781630061647
- How to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. Brian. 2019. 9781526732101
- ICD-10-CM: Clinical Modification. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 10th ed.
- ICD-10-PCS: Procedure Coding System. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 10th ed.
- LGBTQ at work. Albright-Jenkins. 2020. 9781422275252
- Marcus and Feldman's osteoporosis. Volume 1. Dempster. 5th ed, 2020. 9780128130742
- Medicaid: fraud, payments and beneficiaries. Hedegaard. 2020. 9781536176674
- Medicaid: politics, policy, and key issues. Lanford. 2020. 9781536182309
- The mindfulness workbook for OCD. Hershfield. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781684035656
- A moment for me. Orzech. 2020. 9781684035199
- Music and the aging brain. Cuddy. 2020. 9780128174234
- Nursing homes and elder abuse. Newland. 2020. 9781536179750
- Nutrition and exercise. Huddleston. 2020. 9781532179013
- Nutrition: infants, children and adults. Schulz. 2020. a9781536170450
- Overcoming body-focused repetitive behaviors. Mansueto. 2020. 9781684033652
- Pediatric primer. Simon. 2020. 9781627343138
- Physical fitness and exercise. Trevisano. 2020. 9781536185959
- Planning and promoting events in health sciences libraries. Gillum. 2021. 9781538135914
- Pocket therapy for anxiety. Bourne. 2020. 9781684037629
- The positivity workbook for teens. Saedi Bocci. 2020. 9781684036042
- The PTSD behavioral activation workbook. Jakupcak. 2020. 9781684033089
- Publication bias in meta-analysis. Rothstein. 2005. 9780470870150
- Science of Dash diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154265
- The science of keto diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154227
- Science of Mediterranean diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154241
- The science of Paleo diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154258
- The science of the coronavirus. Gilles. 2020. 9781728428758
- The science of vegetarian diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154272
- Solve your sleep. Dayries. 2020. 9781642798357
- Stop avoiding stuff. Boone. 2020. 9781684036073
- Stop walking on eggshells. Mason. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781684036912
- Stress and quality of working life. Rossi. 2020. 9781648021596
- Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary. Venes. 24th ed, 2021. 9781719642859
- Testing and contact tracing for COVID -19. 2020. 9781536188851
- Twelve secular steps. W. 2018. 9780999643518
- Understanding children and teens. Bartkowiak. 2020. 9781911383512
- Understanding COVID-19. Hustad. 2020. 9781098212919
- When you're ready. Lacaze. 2020. 9781422275283
- Women, disability, and culture. Siri. 2020. 9781536182439
- Yo wants to know. Daniel. 2020. 9781647760472
- Yoga for addiction. Cryer. 2020. 9781684035960
- You are not alone. Quist. 2020. 9781422275290
- Young people, adults and autism spectrum disorder. Cashin. 2020. 9781536180305
- Your sore throat. Brink. 2020. 9781642627459
EBSCOhost Additions
- 10 ways to manage stress. Boon. 2020. 9784909730398
- 101 things to do while you self-isolate. Lane. 2020. 9781787837713
- The ACT workbook for OCD. Mazza. 2020. 9781684032914
- Adolescence. Pengpid. 2020. 9781536177053
- The adverse childhood experiences recovery workbook. Schiraldi. 2021. 9781684036660
- Am I the reason I'm not getting pregnant? Austin. 2020. 9781642798579
- The anxiety & phobia workbook. Bourne. 7th ed, 2020. 9781684034857
- The anxiety skills workbook. Hofmann. 2020. 9781684034543
- Asthma and allergy solution that works for COVID-19. Jones. 2020. 9781893910287
- Autism and Asperger's conditions. Barber. 2020. 9781789822243
- Balancing yoga. Villano. 2020. 9781645271833
- Beyond male and female. Walker. 2019. 9781422275214
- The birth guy's go-to guide for new dads. Salmon. 2019. 9781684031603
- The blindspots between us. Tsipursky. 2020. 9781684035106
- Body and mind. Quist. 2019. 9781422275221
- Busy toddler's guide to actual parenting. Allison. 2020. 9781943147861
- Career or fibromyalgia, do I have to choose? Brinklo. 2020. 9781642798630
- Caregiving. Eleuteri. 2020. 9781536175509
- Chair yoga. Villano. 2020. 9781645271864
- Childhood obesity. Kelishadi. 2020. 9781536182323
- Cinnamon. Croce. 2020. 9781536187038
- Community palliative care and covid-19. Blackmore. 2020. 9781859599204
- The complete guide for people with Parkinson's disease and their loved ones. Marie. 2020. 9781557536860
- Corona-anxiety. 2020. 9781787837775
- Coronavirus and U.S. public health preparedness. Martin. 2020. 9781536179408
- Coronavirus. Edwards. 2020. 9781098212810
- COVID-19. Jensen. 2020. 9781536179965
- Dermatology. Kirkby. 2020. 9781859598894
- Diabetes lifemap. Bleich. 2020. 9781642799071
- Don't believe what you think. Ernst. 2020. 9781788360357
- Double challenge. Kaplan. 2019. 9781422275238
- E-Cigarettes: patterns of use, health effects and imports. 2020. 9781536172218
- E-Cigarettes: perspectives, regulation and health effects. 2020. 9781536184280
- Encyclopedia of bullying. 2020. 9781536172195
- Encyclopedia of nursing. O’Donnell. 2020. 9781536177985
- Encyclopedia of substance abuse. Mesnard. 2020. 9781536117738
- Encyclopedia of virology. 2020. 9781536179170
- Everything you need to know about caregiving for Parkinson's disease. Marie. 2020. 9781557539977
- Fermented foods. Kovalyov. 2020. 9781536187052
- Fight back. Crandall. 2020. 9781630061708
- Fitness. 2020. 9781422275894
- Flattening the curve. London. 2020. 9781098212889
- Food additives and human health. Nabavi. 2020. 9789811446139
- Food. 2020. 9781536179385
- Gender fulfilled. Anthony. 2020. 9781422275245
- Get strong, get fit, get happy. Roberts. 2020. 9781916161757
- Goodnight mind for teens. Carney. 2020. 9781684034406
- The grit workbook for kids. Nebolsine. 2020. 9781684035991
- Health & hygiene. 2019. 9781422275924
- Health care coverage. 2020. 9781536175455
- Health care for veterans. 2020. 9781536175318
- Health insurance. Matthews. 2019. 9781536149364
- Healthy food. Walton. 2020. 9781536176001
- Helping seniors. Larocque. 2020. 9781422275436
- Helping those in poverty. Turner. 2020. 9781422275474
- Helping those with addictions. Turner. 2020. 9781422275443
- Helping those with disabilities. Turner. 2020. 9781422275450
- Helping those with mental illnesses. Turner. 2020. 9781422275467
- Helping victims. Turner. 2020. 9781422275481
- Hospital survival guide. Sherer. 2020. 9781630061647
- How to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. Brian. 2019. 9781526732101
- LGBTQ at work. Albright-Jenkins. 2020. 9781422275252
- Medicaid: fraud, payments and beneficiaries. Hedegaard. 2020. 9781536176674
- Medicaid: politics, policy, and key issues. Lanford. 2020. 9781536182309
- The mindfulness workbook for OCD. Hershfield. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781684035656
- A moment for me. Orzech. 2020. 9781684035199
- Nursing homes and elder abuse. Newland. 2020. 9781536179750
- Nutrition and exercise. Huddleston. 2020. 9781532179013
- Nutrition: infants, children and adults. Schulz. 2020. a9781536170450
- Overcoming body-focused repetitive behaviors. Mansueto. 2020. 9781684033652
- Pediatric primer. Simon. 2020. 9781627343138
- Physical fitness and exercise. Trevisano. 2020. 9781536185959
- Planning and promoting events in health sciences libraries. Gillum. 2021. 9781538135914
- Pocket therapy for anxiety. Bourne. 2020. 9781684037629
- The positivity workbook for teens. Saedi Bocci. 2020. 9781684036042
- The PTSD behavioral activation workbook. Jakupcak. 2020. 9781684033089
- Publication bias in meta-analysis. Rothstein. 2005. 9780470870150
- Science of Dash diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154265
- The science of keto diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154227
- Science of Mediterranean diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154241
- The science of Paleo diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154258
- The science of the coronavirus. Gilles. 2020. 9781728428758
- The science of vegetarian diet. Sisson. 2019. 9781646154272
- Solve your sleep. Dayries. 2020. 9781642798357
- Stop avoiding stuff. Boone. 2020. 9781684036073
- Stop walking on eggshells. Mason. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781684036912
- Stress and quality of working life. Rossi. 2020. 9781648021596
- Testing and contact tracing for COVID -19. 2020. 9781536188851
- Twelve secular steps. W. 2018. 9780999643518
- Understanding children and teens. Bartkowiak. 2020. 9781911383512
- Understanding COVID-19. Hustad. 2020. 9781098212919
- When you're ready. Lacaze. 2020. 9781422275283
- Women, disability, and culture. Siri. 2020. 9781536182439
- Yo wants to know. Daniel. 2020. 9781647760472
- Yoga for addiction. Cryer. 2020. 9781684035960
- You are not alone. Quist. 2020. 9781422275290
- Young people, adults and autism spectrum disorder. Cashin. 2020. 9781536180305
- Your sore throat. Brink. 2020. 9781642627459
ProQuest Addition
- Collected works of C.G. Jung. Vol. 19. Ress. 1979. 9781317533443
R2 Addition
- The Fenway guide to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health. Makadon. 2nd ed, 2015. 9781938921018
ScienceDirect Additions
- Bayley 4 clinical use and interpretation. Aylward. 2020. 9780128177556
- Clinical bioenergetics. Ostojic. 2021. 9780128227725
- Evidence-based physical diagnosis. McGee. 4th ed, 2018. 9780323508711
- Marcus and Feldman's osteoporosis. Volume 1. Dempster. 5th ed, 2020. 9780128130742
- Music and the aging brain. Cuddy. 2020. 9780128174234
STAT!Ref Additions
- ICD-10-CM: Clinical Modification. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 10th ed.
- ICD-10-PCS: Procedure Coding System. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 10th ed.
- Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary. Venes. 24th ed, 2021. 9781719642859
September 2021
All Additions
- 1620: a critical response to the 1619 Project. Wood. 2020. 9781641771252
- Advancing crisis communication effectiveness. Jin. 2021. 9780429330650
- After cooling. Wilson. 2021. 9781982111328
- American Vaudeville. Hilsabeck. 2021. 9781952271076
- Anarchy--in a manner of speaking. Graeber. 2020. 9783035802634
- Anesthesia equipment simplified. Rose. 2014. 9780071805186
- The anesthesia guide. Atchabahian. 2013. 9780071772075
- Anesthesiology. Longnecker. 3rd ed, 2018. 9780071848817
- Anesthesiology. Longnecker. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071785136
- Anesthesiology core review: part 1. Freeman. 2014. 9780071821377
- Anesthesiology core review: part 2. Freeman. 2016. 9781259641770
- Anesthesiology oral board flash cards. Gadsden. 2011. 9780071714037
- Atlas of pain medicine procedures. Diwan. 2015. 9780071746373
- Atlas of sonoanatomy for regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Karmakar. 2018. 9780071789349
- Bad ideas. Marston. 2019. 9781773053219
- Bad moon rising. Galligan. 2021. 9781982166557
- The basics of anesthesiology. Patel. 2016.
- Basic & clinical biostatistics. Cohn. 5th ed, 2021. 9781260455373
- Bayley 4 clinical use and interpretation. Aylward. 2020. 9780128177556
- Campaigns that shook the world. Rogers. 2015. 9780749475109
- Carbohydrates. Patel. 2019. 9780128498743
- Cardiac anesthesia and transesophageal echocardiography. Wasnick. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780071847339
- Cardiac anesthesia & transesophageal echocardiography. Wasnick. 2011. 9780071717984
- Case files: critical care. Toy. 2nd ed, 2018. 9781259641855
- Case files: anesthesiology. Conlay. 2011. 9780071606400
- Clinical manual and review of transesophageal echocardiography. Mathew. 3rd ed, 2019. 9780071830232
- Clinical manual and review of transesophageal echocardiography. Mathew. 2nd ed, 2010. 9780071634762
- Clinical pediatric anesthesiology. Ellinas. 2021. 9781259585753
- Clinical pharmacology for anesthesiology. Johnson. 2015. 9780071741712
- Clinical physiology in anesthetic practice. Levitzky. 2021. 9781259641961
- Commercial communication in the digital age. Siegert. 2017. 9783110416794
- Comprehensive gynecology. Gershenson. 8th ed, 2022. 9780323790789
- A counseling primer. Guindon. 2nded, 2019. 9780429789755
- The criminalization of immigration. McNamara. 2020. 9781440873713
- Critical care. Oropello. 2017. 9780071820813
- Critical care examination and board review. Go. 2019. 9781259834356
- Critical care ultrasonography. Levitov. 2nd ed, 2014. 9780071793513
- Critical criminology today. Ruggiero. 2021. 9781000420975
- Cross laminated timber. Crawley. 2020. 9781000221954
- Current procedures: surgery. Minter. 2010. 9780071744706
- Dead man dancing. Galligan. 2020. 9781982110758
- Driving consumer engagement in social media. Bianchi. 2021. 9781000294668
- Early modern histories of time. Poole. 2019. 9780812296563
- Early modern women's writing and the rhetoric of modesty. Pender. 2012. 9781137008015
- Enzymatic plastic degradation. Weber. 2021. 9780128220139
- Essentials of mechanical ventilation. Hess. 4th ed, 2019. 9781260026108
- Essentials of mechanical ventilation. Hess. 3rd ed, 2014. 9780071772839
- Evidence-based physical diagnosis. McGee. 5th ed, 2022. 9780323754835
- The female athlete. Frank. 2022. 9780323759861
- Fetal and neonatal physiology. Polin. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323712859
- Financing terrorism. Freeman. 2011. 9781409442622
- Frantz Fanon and emancipatory social theory. Byrd. 2020. 9789004409200
- Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 13th ed, 2018. 9781259584732
- Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 12th ed, 2011. 9780071422802
- Gross anatomy: the big picture. Lechner. 2011. 9780071785341
- Hadzic's peripheral nerve blocks and anatomy for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. Hadzic. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780071838948
- Hadzic's peripheral nerve blocks and anatomy for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. Hadzic. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071549639
- Hadzic's textbook of regional anesthesia and acute pain management. Hadzic. 2nd ed, 2017. 9780071717595
- Handbook of critical care and emergency ultrasound. Carmody. 2011. 9780071604895
- Handbook of pediatric anesthesia. Houck. 2015. 9780071769358
- Handbook of research on supporting social and emotional development through literacy education. Tussey. 2021. 9781799874669
- The hip and pelvis. Waldman. 2022. 9780323762984
- Hotel almighty. Sloat. 2020. 9781946448651
- Hung's difficult and failed airway management. Hung. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781259640544
- Illustrated textbook of paediatrics. Lissauer. 6th ed, 2022. 9780702081828
- Ion channels: channel biochemistry, reconstitution, and function. Minor. 2021. 9780323853750
- Ion channels: channel production and optical methods. Minor. 2021. 9780323853767
- Ion channels: channel chemical biology, engineering, and physiological function. Minor. 2021. 9780128239254
- It's not personal. Best. 2021. 9781350144156
- Kidney biomarkers. Ahuja. 2020. 9780128163740
- The knee. Waldman. 2022. 9780323762595
- Linguistic landscaping and the Pacific Region. Johnson. 2021. 9781793611192
- Linkers in biomacromolecules. Merkx. 2021. 9780128208236
- Liquid-liquid phase coexistence and membraneless organelles. Keating. 2021. 9780128211601
- Management of the difficult and failed airway. Hung. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071623445
- Medically challenging cases. Ruffle. 2012.
- Mindful strategies for helping college students manage stress. Dye. 2021. 9781000362169
- Morgan & Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology. Butterworth. 6th ed, 2018. 9781259834424
- Morgan & Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology. Butterworth. 5th ed, 2013. 9780071816694
- Morgan and Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology cases. Butterworth. 2018. 9780071836128
- mRNA 3' end processing and stability. Tian. 2021. 9780128235744
- Musicians' migratory patterns. Rodríguez. 2020. 9780429450440
- Musicians' migratory patterns. Sciannameo. 2018. 9780203702024
- The Netter collection of medical illustrations. Volume 3, Respiratory system. Kaminsky. 2nd ed, 2011. 9781437736496
- No kids allowed. Abate. 2020. 9781421438870
- No way home. Jackson. 2021. 9781641771658
- Nonlinear psychoanalysis. Galatzer-Levy. 2017. 9781351970211
- NYSORA textbook of regional anesthesia and acute pain management. Hadzic. 2007. 9780071449069
- Obstetric anesthesia. Santos. 2015. 9780071786133
- Phillips' science of dental materials. Shen. 13th ed, 2022. 9780323697552
- The politics of print during the French wars of religion. Haake. 2021. 9789004440814
- Pore-forming toxins. Heuck. 2021. 9780128238592
- Primer of biostatistics. Glantz. 7th ed, 2012. 9780071768009
- Principles & practice of pain medicine. Warfield. 2nd ed, 2004. 9780071352093
- Principles and practice of mechanical ventilation. Tobin. 3rd ed, 2013. 9781299834545
- Principles and practice of movement disorders. Jankovic. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780323310710
- Principles and practice of pain medicine. Bajwa. 3rd ed, 2017. 9780071766838
- Principles of botany. Renneboog. 2020. 9781642653922
- Principles of critical care. Hall. 4th ed, 2015. 9780071738811
- Principles of critical care. Hall. 3rd ed, 2005. 9780071479479
- Procedures in critical care. Hanson. 2009. 9780071641210
- Rare-earth element biochemistry: characterization and applications of lanthanide-binding biomolecules. Cotruvo. 2021. 9780323910866
- Rare-earth element biochemistry: methanol dehydrogenases and lanthanide biology. Cotruvo. 2021. 9780128238578
- Rockwood and Matsen's the shoulder. Matsen. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323698368
- The secret social lives of reptiles. Doody. 2021. 9781421440682
- Seismic loads. Charney. 2020. 9780784482704
- Sexistence. Nancy. 2021. 9780823294015
- The IACUC administrator’s guide to animal program management. Greer. 2016. 9781439849088
- The shoulder and elbow. Waldman. 2022. 9780323758789
- The spine. Waldman. 2022. 9780323756372
- A stranger among saints. Mack. 2020. 9781641600927
- Syndromes: rapid recognition and perioperative implications. Bissonnette. 2019. 9781259861789
- Syndromes: rapid recognition and perioperative implications. Bissonnette. 2006. 9780071354554
- Synthetic and enzymatic modifications of the peptide backbone. Petersson. 2021. 9780128212547
- Thoracic anesthesia. Barbeito. 2012. 9780071625661
- Transnational testimonios. DeRocher. 2018. 9780295743929
- Trash cinema. Barefoot. 2017. 9780231542692
- Understanding crisis in critical care. Go. 2022. 9781264258710
- Understanding Korean Americans' mental health. Yoon. 2021. 9781793636461
- Urban and regional planning. Hall. 6th ed, 2019. 9781351261876
- Wege mystischer Gotteserfahrung. Müller-Luckner. 2006. 9783486594713
ClinicalKey Additions
- Comprehensive gynecology. Gershenson. 8th ed, 2022. 9780323790789
- Evidence-based physical diagnosis. McGee. 5th ed, 2022. 9780323754835
- The female athlete. Frank. 2022. 9780323759861
- Fetal and neonatal physiology. Polin. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323712859
- The hip and pelvis. Waldman. 2022. 9780323762984
- Illustrated textbook of paediatrics. Lissauer. 6th ed, 2022. 9780702081828
- The knee. Waldman. 2022. 9780323762595
- The Netter collection of medical illustrations. Volume 3, Respiratory system. Kaminsky. 2nd ed, 2011. 9781437736496
- Phillips' science of dental materials. Shen. 13th ed, 2022. 9780323697552
- Principles and practice of movement disorders. Jankovic. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780323310710
- Rockwood and Matsen's the shoulder. Matsen. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323698368
- The shoulder and elbow. Waldman. 2022. 9780323758789
- The spine. Waldman. 2022. 9780323756372
EBSCOhost Additions
- 1620: a critical response to the 1619 Project. Wood. 2020. 9781641771252
- Advancing crisis communication effectiveness. Jin. 2021. 9780429330650
- After cooling. Wilson. 2021. 9781982111328
- American Vaudeville. Hilsabeck. 2021. 9781952271076
- Anarchy--in a manner of speaking. Graeber. 2020. 9783035802634
- Bad ideas. Marston. 2019. 9781773053219
- Bad moon rising. Galligan. 2021. 9781982166557
- Bayley 4 clinical use and interpretation. Aylward. 2020. 9780128177556
- Campaigns that shook the world. Rogers. 2015. 9780749475109
- Carbohydrates. Patel. 2019. 9780128498743
- Commercial communication in the digital age. Siegert. 2017. 9783110416794
- A counseling primer. Guindon. 2nded, 2019. 9780429789755
- The criminalization of immigration. McNamara. 2020. 9781440873713
- Critical criminology today. Ruggiero. 2021. 9781000420975
- Cross laminated timber. Crawley. 2020. 9781000221954
- Dead man dancing. Galligan. 2020. 9781982110758
- Driving consumer engagement in social media. Bianchi. 2021. 9781000294668
- Early modern histories of time. Poole. 2019. 9780812296563
- Early modern women's writing and the rhetoric of modesty. Pender. 2012. 9781137008015
- Financing terrorism. Freeman. 2011. 9781409442622
- Frantz Fanon and emancipatory social theory. Byrd. 2020. 9789004409200
- Handbook of research on supporting social and emotional development through literacy education. Tussey. 2021. 9781799874669
- Hotel almighty. Sloat. 2020. 9781946448651
- It's not personal. Best. 2021. 9781350144156
- Kidney biomarkers. Ahuja. 2020. 9780128163740
- Linguistic landscaping and the Pacific Region. Johnson. 2021. 9781793611192
- Mindful strategies for helping college students manage stress. Dye. 2021. 9781000362169
- Musicians' migratory patterns. Rodríguez. 2020. 9780429450440
- Musicians' migratory patterns. Sciannameo. 2018. 9780203702024
- No kids allowed. Abate. 2020. 9781421438870
- No way home. Jackson. 2021. 9781641771658
- Nonlinear psychoanalysis. Galatzer-Levy. 2017. 9781351970211
- The politics of print during the French wars of religion. Haake. 2021. 9789004440814
- Principles of botany. Renneboog. 2020. 9781642653922
- The secret social lives of reptiles. Doody. 2021. 9781421440682
- Seismic loads. Charney. 2020. 9780784482704
- Sexistence. Nancy. 2021. 9780823294015
- A stranger among saints. Mack. 2020. 9781641600927
- The IACUC administrator’s guide to animal program management. Greer. 2016. 9781439849088
- Transnational testimonios. DeRocher. 2018. 9780295743929
- Trash cinema. Barefoot. 2017. 9780231542692
- Understanding Korean Americans' mental health. Yoon. 2021. 9781793636461
- Urban and regional planning. Hall. 6th ed, 2019. 9781351261876
- Wege mystischer Gotteserfahrung. Müller-Luckner. 2006. 9783486594713
McGraw-Hill Additions (AccessAnesthesiology)
- Anesthesia equipment simplified. Rose. 2014. 9780071805186
- The anesthesia guide. Atchabahian. 2013. 9780071772075
- Anesthesiology. Longnecker. 3rd ed, 2018. 9780071848817
- Anesthesiology. Longnecker. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071785136
- Anesthesiology core review: part 1. Freeman. 2014. 9780071821377
- Anesthesiology core review: part 2. Freeman. 2016. 9781259641770
- Anesthesiology oral board flash cards. Gadsden. 2011. 9780071714037
- Atlas of pain medicine procedures. Diwan. 2015. 9780071746373
- Atlas of sonoanatomy for regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Karmakar. 2018. 9780071789349
- The basics of anesthesiology. Patel. 2016.
- Basic & clinical biostatistics. Cohn. 5th ed, 2021. 9781260455373
- Cardiac anesthesia and transesophageal echocardiography. Wasnick. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780071847339
- Cardiac anesthesia & transesophageal echocardiography. Wasnick. 2011. 9780071717984
- Case files: critical care. Toy. 2nd ed, 2018. 9781259641855
- Case files: anesthesiology. Conlay. 2011. 9780071606400
- Clinical manual and review of transesophageal echocardiography. Mathew. 3rd ed, 2019. 9780071830232
- Clinical manual and review of transesophageal echocardiography. Mathew. 2nd ed, 2010. 9780071634762
- Clinical pediatric anesthesiology. Ellinas. 2021. 9781259585753
- Clinical pharmacology for anesthesiology. Johnson. 2015. 9780071741712
- Clinical physiology in anesthetic practice. Levitzky. 2021. 9781259641961
- Critical care. Oropello. 2017. 9780071820813
- Critical care examination and board review. Go. 2019. 9781259834356
- Critical care ultrasonography. Levitov. 2nd ed, 2014. 9780071793513
- Current procedures: surgery. Minter. 2010. 9780071744706
- Essentials of mechanical ventilation. Hess. 4th ed, 2019. 9781260026108
- Essentials of mechanical ventilation. Hess. 3rd ed, 2014. 9780071772839
- Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 13th ed, 2018. 9781259584732
- Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 12th ed, 2011. 9780071422802
- Gross anatomy: the big picture. Lechner. 2011. 9780071785341
- Hadzic's peripheral nerve blocks and anatomy for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. Hadzic. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780071838948
- Hadzic's peripheral nerve blocks and anatomy for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. Hadzic. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071549639
- Hadzic's textbook of regional anesthesia and acute pain management. Hadzic. 2nd ed, 2017. 9780071717595
- Handbook of critical care and emergency ultrasound. Carmody. 2011. 9780071604895
- Handbook of pediatric anesthesia. Houck. 2015. 9780071769358
- Hung's difficult and failed airway management. Hung. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781259640544
- Management of the difficult and failed airway. Hung. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071623445
- Medically challenging cases. Ruffle. 2012.
- Morgan & Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology. Butterworth. 6th ed, 2018. 9781259834424
- Morgan & Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology. Butterworth. 5th ed, 2013. 9780071816694
- Morgan and Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology cases. Butterworth. 2018. 9780071836128
- NYSORA textbook of regional anesthesia and acute pain management. Hadzic. 2007. 9780071449069
- Obstetric anesthesia. Santos. 2015. 9780071786133
- Primer of biostatistics. Glantz. 7th ed, 2012. 9780071768009
- Principles & practice of pain medicine. Warfield. 2nd ed, 2004. 9780071352093
- Principles and practice of mechanical ventilation. Tobin. 3rd ed, 2013. 9781299834545
- Principles and practice of pain medicine. Bajwa. 3rd ed, 2017. 9780071766838
- Principles of critical care. Hall. 4th ed, 2015. 9780071738811
- Principles of critical care. Hall. 3rd ed, 2005. 9780071479479
- Procedures in critical care. Hanson. 2009. 9780071641210
- Syndromes: rapid recognition and perioperative implications. Bissonnette. 2019. 9781259861789
- Syndromes: rapid recognition and perioperative implications. Bissonnette. 2006. 9780071354554
- Thoracic anesthesia. Barbeito. 2012. 9780071625661
- Understanding crisis in critical care. Go. 2022. 9781264258710
ScienceDirect Additions
- Enzymatic plastic degradation. Weber. 2021. 9780128220139
- Ion channels: channel biochemistry, reconstitution, and function. Minor. 2021. 9780323853750
- Ion channels: channel production and optical methods. Minor. 2021. 9780323853767
- Ion channels: channel chemical biology, engineering, and physiological function. Minor. 2021. 9780128239254
- Kidney biomarkers. Ahuja. 2020. 9780128163740
- Linkers in biomacromolecules. Merkx. 2021. 9780128208236
- Liquid-liquid phase coexistence and membraneless organelles. Keating. 2021. 9780128211601
- mRNA 3' end processing and stability. Tian. 2021. 9780128235744
- Pore-forming toxins. Heuck. 2021. 9780128238592
- Rare-earth element biochemistry: characterization and applications of lanthanide-binding biomolecules. Cotruvo. 2021. 9780323910866
- Rare-earth element biochemistry: methanol dehydrogenases and lanthanide biology. Cotruvo. 2021. 9780128238578
- Synthetic and enzymatic modifications of the peptide backbone. Petersson. 2021. 9780128212547
August 2021
All Additions
- The 5 languages of appreciation in the workplace. Chapman. 2019. 9780802497314
- 1501 ways to reward employees. Nelson. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780761171157
- 3D printing for the radiologist. Wake. 2022. 9780323775748
- Abdominal imaging. Grajo. 222. 9780323680622
- Advanced physiology and pathophysiology. Tkacs. 2021. 9780826177087
- African American political thought. Rogers. 2021. 9780226726076
- Age-related macular degeneration. Li. 2022. 9780128220634
- Anthropocene Antarctica. Leane. 2020. 9780429770753
- The APRN and PA’s complete guide to prescribing drug therapy. Wirfs. 2022. 9780826185518
- Architecture and the urban in Spanish film. Larson. 2021. 9781789384901
- Arrhythmias in children. Thomas. 2022. 9780323779081
- ASE's comprehensive echocardiography. Lang. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780323698306
- ASE's comprehensive strain imaging. Marwick. 2022. 9780323759489
- Atlas of robotic general surgery. Novitsky. 2022. 9780323697811
- Atlas of spinal imaging. Louie. 2022. 9780323761116
- Ballweg's physician assistant. Ritsema. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323695817
- Basura. Amago. 2021. 9780813945934
- Basic equations of mass transport through a membrane layer. Nagy. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780128137239
- Behavioral ethics in practice. Biasucci. 2021. 9781000207859
- Big data analysis of nanoscience bibliometrics, patent, and funding data (2000-2019). Xiao. 2021. 9780323913119
- Botulinum neurotoxin. Kim. 2022. 9780323697163
- Botulinum toxin. Carruthers. 4th ed, 2018. 9780323480079
- Breastfeeding. Lawrence. 9th ed, 2022. 9780323680141
- The burnt orange heresy. Willeford. 2020. 9781683358015
- Caste. Wilkerson. 2020. 9780593230268
- CCNA certification practice tests Buhagiar. 2020. 9781119669913
- Cedric J. Robinson. Robinson. 2019. 9781786805201
- Cellular and molecular immunology. Abbas. 10th ed, 2022. 9780323757485
- Cirugía oral y maxilofacial contemporánea. Hupp. 7th ed, 2021. 9788413821863
- Clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Katritsis. 2022. 9780323793391
- Clinical handbook of psychological disorders. Barlow. 6th ed, 2021. 9781462547050
- Clinical management of sex addiction. Carnes. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780203890158
- Contact lenses. Phillips. 6th ed, 2018. 9780702071690
- Content strategy in technical communication. Getto. 2019. 9780429201141
- Continuity and rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul. Luley. 2020. 9781789255676
- COVID-19 pandemic. Hidalgo. 2022. 9780323828611
- Cybersecurity. Gupta. 2020. 9781683924968
- Decoding Manhattan. Antoniou. 2021. 9781647001704
- Dermatology for the primary care provider. Waldman. 2022. 9780323712378
- Discrete optimization. Aardal. 2005. 9780080459219
- Early modern childhood. French. 2020. 9781351710237
- Electrical engineering. Hacker. 2019. 9783110521115
- Emergency medicine secrets. Bakes. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323694742
- Engaging ideas. Bean. 2021. 9781119705413
- The engineering revolution. Buchanan. 2019. 9781473899094
- Eros ideologies. Pérez. 2019. 9780822372370
- The essentials of instructional design. Brown. 4th ed, 2020. 9780429800795
- Fantastic short stories by women authors from Spain and Latin America. García. 2019. 9781786835093
- Ferri's clinical advisor 2022. Ferri. 2022. 9780323755702
- Field guide to global health & disaster medicine. Chambers. 2022. 9780323794138
- Finance. Jarrow. 1995. 9780444890849
- Financial engineering. Birge. 2008. 9780080553252
- Food microbiology. Doyle. 5th ed, 2019. 9781555819972
- Frenzy. Cooper. 2017. 9781911325376
- From trophy towns to city-states. Madsen. 2020. 9780812297300
- Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics. Babu. 2020. 9781000727708
- Gahart's 2022 intravenous medications. Collins. 38th ed, 2022. 9780323825092
- Geometry and topology of manifolds. Muñoz. 2020. 9781470461621
- The God equation. Kaku. 2021. 9780385542753
- Graphene-based membranes for mass transport applications. Zhu. 2019. 9781788013017
- Handbook of amygdala structure and function. Urban. 2020. 9780128151358
- Handbook of historical economics. Bisin. 2021. 9780128162682
- Harvard Business Review guide to remote work. Harvard Business Review Press. 2021. 9781647820534
- Health promotion and aging. Haber. 8th ed, 2020. 9780826184931
- Hearing luxe pop. Howland. 2021. 9780520971646
- Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods. McPherson. 24th ed, 2022. 9780323673204
- Hurwitz clinical pediatric dermatology. Paller. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323549882
- Ideological storms. Tismaneanu. 2019. 9789633863046
- Information technologies and economic development in Latin America. Chong. 2020. 9781785272004
- Intimate migrations. Boehm. 2012. 9780814789858
- An introduction to nonparametric statistics. Kolassa. 2021. 9780429202759
- Introduction to programming with C++ for engineers. Cyganek. 2021. 9781119431152
- Language, learning, and disability in the education of young bilingual children. Castro. 2021. 9781800411876
- Languaging in language learning and teaching. Suzuki. 2020. 9789027260840
- The last thing he told me. Dave. 2021. 9781501171369
- Learning Japanese kanji practice book. Vol. 2. Sato. 2017. 9781462919659
- Libraries and public perception. Galluzzi. 2014. 9781780634258
- Life for the academic in the neoliberal university. Maisuria. 2020. 9780429329951
- Limited statehood and informal governance in the Middle East and Africa. Santini. 2021. 9780429504570
- Living in an environmentally traumatized world. Nemeth. 2012. 9780313397325
- Local flaps in facial reconstruction. Baker. 4th ed, 2022. 9780323683906
- McDonald and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent. Dean. 11th ed, 2022. 9780323698207
- Medical device cybersecurity for engineers and manufacturers. Wirth. 2020. 9781630818166
- Memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. Budson. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780323795456
- The mental status examination handbook. Mendez. 2022. 9780323694896
- Migrant crossings. Fukushima. 2019. 9781503609501
- Military veteran reintegration. Castro. 2019. 9780128153130
- Minor emergencies. Buttaravoli. 4th ed, 2022. 9780323662048
- Moral responsibility in the twenty-first century. Roach. 2020. 9781438480022
- More stories from Langley. Mickolus. 2020. 9781640123779
- Murray & Nadel's textbook of respiratory medicine. Broaddus. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323655880
- Navigating an academic career. McDonnell. 2020. 9781119642213
- Netter's infectious diseases. Jong. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323711593
- Network models. Ball. 1995. 9780444892928
- Network routing. Ball. 1995. 9780444821416
- The neuromodulation casebook. Arle. 2020. 9780128170038
- Orozco's American epic. Coffey. 2020. 9781478003304
- Ovid. Martelli. 2021. 9789004450066
- Pediatric imaging for the emergency provider. Vezzetti. 2022. 9780323708494
- Perioperative medicine. Newman. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323567206
- The physician assistant student's guide to the clinical year: behavioral health. Cavalet. 2020. 9780826195388
- Plastic surgery. Farhadieh. 2022. 9780323653824
- Pleural diseases. Sorino. 2022. 9780323795425
- The politics of the past. Dezhamkhooy. 2019. 9781789690941
- Portfolio management in practice. Vol. 3. CFA Institute. 2021. 9781119789260
- Portfolio management in practice. Vol. 1. CFA Institute. 2021. 9781119743712
- Practical dermatopathology. Rapini. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780323461290
- The practice of clinical echocardiography. Otto. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323697293
- The physician assistant student's guide to the clinical year: behavioral health. Cavalet. 2020. 9780826195388
- The PROACT root cause analysis. Latino. 2020. 9781003055013
- Psychiatry algorithms for primary care. Gulati. 2021. 9781119653677
- Remembering Asia's World War Two. Frost. 2019. 9780429634055
- Remembering Italian America. Buonanno. 2021. 9781003053965
- Revision lumbar spine surgery. Heary. 2022. 9780323712026
- The Routledge companion to disability and media. Ellis. 2020. 9781317505709
- Scenography and art history. Rosen. 2021. 9781350204454
- Schmidek & Sweet operative neurosurgical techniques. Quiñones-Hinojosa. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323415194
- Science communication on the internet. Luzón. 2019. 9789027261793
- Scientific writing = thinking in words. Lindsay. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781486311484
- The search for medieval music in Africa and Germany, 1891-1961. Berger. 2020. 9780226740485
- Simulation. Henderson. 2006. 9780080464763
- Smith's recognizable patterns of human malformation. Jones. 8th ed, 2022. 9780323638838
- Soft tissue augmentation. Carruthers. 4th ed, 2018. 9780323480086
- The squatter and the don. Ruiz de Burton. 2nd ed, 1997. 9781611922950
- Statues in context. Masson-Berghoff. 2019. 9789042938083
- Stochastic programming. Ruszczynski. 2003. 9780444508546
- Supply chain management. de Kok. 2003. 9780444513281
- Sustainable utilization of natural resources. Mondal. 2017. 9781498761840
- Telemedicine technologies. Fong. 2020. 9781119575757
- Textbook of interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care. Wolfe. 2011. 9781437736052
- The transfer experience. Gardner. 2021. 9781620369494
- The trauma manual. Peitzman. 5th ed, 2020. 9781451116793
- Theories and strategies for teaching creative writing online. Girardi. 2021. 9781000374445
- Transportation. Barnhart. 2007. 9780080467436
- Trends and issues in doctoral education. Yudkevich. 2020. 9789353882563
- Trends and techniques in aesthetic plastic surgery. Triana. 2022. 9780323757119
- Ultrasound guided musculoskeletal procedures in sports medicine. Sirisena. 2021. 9780323899956
- Underserved patrons in university libraries. Skinner. 2021. 9781440870422
- Understanding Cisco networking technologies. Vol. 1. Lammle. 2020. 9781119659068
- Understanding mental health and mental illness. Jenkins. 2021. 9780429440526
- Unnerved. Schnittker. 2021. 9780231553568
- Upstream. Heath. 2020. 9781982134747
- Urban soils. Lal. 2017. 9781315154251
- US foreign policy and the modernization of Iran. Offiler. 2015. 9781137482211
- We have always lived in the castle. Jackson. 2006. 9781101530559
- Whitcup and Nussenblatt's uveitis. Whitcup. 5th ed, 2022. 9780323789592
- Why did Hitler hate the Jews? Hertog. 2020. 9781526772398
- A Wyatt Earp anthology. Young. 2019. 9781574417838
- Yeats, philosophy, and the occult. Gibson. 2016. 9781942954262
- You are your best thing. Burke. 2021. 9780593243640
- You can't f*ck up your kids. Powers. 2020. 9781982110154
ClinicalKey Additions
- 3D printing for the radiologist. Wake. 2022. 9780323775748
- Abdominal imaging. Grajo. 222. 9780323680622
- Age-related macular degeneration. Li. 2022. 9780128220634
- Arrhythmias in children. Thomas. 2022. 9780323779081
- ASE's comprehensive echocardiography. Lang. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780323698306
- ASE's comprehensive strain imaging. Marwick. 2022. 9780323759489
- Atlas of robotic general surgery. Novitsky. 2022. 9780323697811
- Atlas of spinal imaging. Louie. 2022. 9780323761116
- Ballweg's physician assistant. Ritsema. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323695817
- Botulinum neurotoxin. Kim. 2022. 9780323697163
- Botulinum toxin. Carruthers. 4th ed, 2018. 9780323480079
- Breastfeeding. Lawrence. 9th ed, 2022. 9780323680141
- Cellular and molecular immunology. Abbas. 10th ed, 2022. 9780323757485
- Cirugía oral y maxilofacial contemporánea. Hupp. 7th ed, 2021. 9788413821863
- Clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Katritsis. 2022. 9780323793391
- Contact lenses. Phillips. 6th ed, 2018. 9780702071690
- COVID-19 pandemic. Hidalgo. 2022. 9780323828611
- Dermatology for the primary care provider. Waldman. 2022. 9780323712378
- Emergency medicine secrets. Bakes. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323694742
- Ferri's clinical advisor 2022. Ferri. 2022. 9780323755702
- Field guide to global health & disaster medicine. Chambers. 2022. 9780323794138
- Gahart's 2022 intravenous medications. Collins. 38th ed, 2022. 9780323825092
- Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods. McPherson. 24th ed, 2022. 9780323673204
- Hurwitz clinical pediatric dermatology. Paller. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323549882
- Local flaps in facial reconstruction. Baker. 4th ed, 2022. 9780323683906
- McDonald and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent. Dean. 11th ed, 2022. 9780323698207
- Memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. Budson. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780323795456
- The mental status examination handbook. Mendez. 2022. 9780323694896
- Minor emergencies. Buttaravoli. 4th ed, 2022. 9780323662048
- Murray & Nadel's textbook of respiratory medicine. Broaddus. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323655880
- Netter's infectious diseases. Jong. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323711593
- The neuromodulation casebook. Arle. 2020. 9780128170038
- Pediatric imaging for the emergency provider. Vezzetti. 2022. 9780323708494
- Perioperative medicine. Newman. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323567206
- Plastic surgery. Farhadieh. 2022. 9780323653824
- Pleural diseases. Sorino. 2022. 9780323795425
- Practical dermatopathology. Rapini. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780323461290
- The practice of clinical echocardiography. Otto. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323697293
- Revision lumbar spine surgery. Heary. 2022. 9780323712026
- Schmidek & Sweet operative neurosurgical techniques. Quiñones-Hinojosa. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323415194
- Smith's recognizable patterns of human malformation. Jones. 8th ed, 2022. 9780323638838
- Soft tissue augmentation. Carruthers. 4th ed, 2018. 9780323480086
- Textbook of interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care. Wolfe. 2011. 9781437736052
- Trends and techniques in aesthetic plastic surgery. Triana. 2022. 9780323757119
- Ultrasound guided musculoskeletal procedures in sports medicine. Sirisena. 2021. 9780323899956
- Whitcup and Nussenblatt's uveitis. Whitcup. 5th ed, 2022. 9780323789592
EBSCOhost Additions
- The 5 languages of appreciation in the workplace. Chapman. 2019. 9780802497314
- 1501 ways to reward employees. Nelson. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780761171157
- Advanced physiology and pathophysiology. Tkacs. 2021. 9780826177087
- African American political thought. Rogers. 2021. 9780226726076
- Anthropocene Antarctica. Leane. 2020. 9780429770753
- Architecture and the urban in Spanish film. Larson. 2021. 9781789384901
- Basic equations of mass transport through a membrane layer. Nagy. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780128137239
- Basura. Amago. 2021. 9780813945934
- Behavioral ethics in practice. Biasucci. 2021. 9781000207859
- The burnt orange heresy. Willeford. 2020. 9781683358015
- Caste. Wilkerson. 2020. 9780593230268
- Cedric J. Robinson. Robinson. 2019. 9781786805201
- Clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Katritsis. 2022. 9780323793391
- Clinical handbook of psychological disorders. Barlow. 6th ed, 2021. 9781462547050
- Clinical management of sex addiction. Carnes. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780203890158
- CCNA certification practice tests Buhagiar. 2020. 9781119669913
- Content strategy in technical communication. Getto. 2019. 9780429201141
- Continuity and rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul. Luley. 2020. 9781789255676
- Cybersecurity. Gupta. 2020. 9781683924968
- Decoding Manhattan. Antoniou. 2021. 9781647001704
- Early modern childhood. French. 2020. 9781351710237
- Electrical engineering. Hacker. 2019. 9783110521115
- Engaging ideas. Bean. 2021. 9781119705413
- The engineering revolution. Buchanan. 2019. 9781473899094
- Eros ideologies. Pérez. 2019. 9780822372370
- The essentials of instructional design. Brown. 4th ed, 2020. 9780429800795
- Fantastic short stories by women authors from Spain and Latin America. García. 2019. 9781786835093
- Food microbiology. Doyle. 5th ed, 2019. 9781555819972
- Frenzy. Cooper. 2017. 9781911325376
- From trophy towns to city-states. Madsen. 2020. 9780812297300
- Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics. Babu. 2020. 9781000727708
- Geometry and topology of manifolds. Muñoz. 2020. 9781470461621
- The God equation. Kaku. 2021. 9780385542753
- Graphene-based membranes for mass transport applications. Zhu. 2019. 9781788013017
- Handbook of amygdala structure and function. Urban. 2020. 9780128151358
- Handbook of historical economics. Bisin. 2021. 9780128162682
- Harvard Business Review guide to remote work. Harvard Business Review Press. 2021. 9781647820534
- Health promotion and aging. Haber. 8th ed, 2020. 9780826184931
- Hearing luxe pop. Howland. 2021. 9780520971646
- Ideological storms. Tismaneanu. 2019. 9789633863046
- Information technologies and economic development in Latin America. Chong. 2020. 9781785272004
- Intimate migrations. Boehm. 2012. 9780814789858
- An introduction to nonparametric statistics. Kolassa. 2021. 9780429202759
- Introduction to programming with C++ for engineers. Cyganek. 2021. 9781119431152
- Language, learning, and disability in the education of young bilingual children. Castro. 2021. 9781800411876
- Languaging in language learning and teaching. Suzuki. 2020. 9789027260840
- The last thing he told me. Dave. 2021. 9781501171369
- Learning Japanese kanji practice book. Vol. 2. Sato. 2017. 9781462919659
- Libraries and public perception. Galluzzi. 2014. 9781780634258
- Life for the academic in the neoliberal university. Maisuria. 2020. 9780429329951
- Limited statehood and informal governance in the Middle East and Africa. Santini. 2021. 9780429504570
- Living in an environmentally traumatized world. Nemeth. 2012. 9780313397325
- Medical device cybersecurity for engineers and manufacturers. Wirth. 2020. 9781630818166
- Migrant crossings. Fukushima. 2019. 9781503609501
- Military veteran reintegration. Castro. 2019. 9780128153130
- Moral responsibility in the twenty-first century. Roach. 2020. 9781438480022
- More stories from Langley. Mickolus. 2020. 9781640123779
- Navigating an academic career. McDonnell. 2020. 9781119642213
- The neuromodulation casebook. Arle. 2020. 9780128170038
- Ovid. Martelli. 2021. 9789004450066
- Orozco's American epic. Coffey. 2020. 9781478003304
- The physician assistant student's guide to the clinical year: behavioral health. Cavalet. 2020. 9780826195388
- The politics of the past. Dezhamkhooy. 2019. 9781789690941
- Portfolio management in practice. Vol. 3. CFA Institute. 2021. 9781119789260
- Portfolio management in practice. Vol. 1. CFA Institute. 2021. 9781119743712
- Preparing for college and university teaching. Gilmore. 2021. 9781620369128
- The PROACT root cause analysis. Latino. 2020. 9781003055013
- Psychiatry algorithms for primary care. Gulati. 2021. 9781119653677
- Remembering Asia's World War Two. Frost. 2019. 9780429634055
- Remembering Italian America. Buonanno. 2021. 9781003053965
- The Routledge companion to disability and media. Ellis. 2020. 9781317505709
- Scenography and art history. Rosen. 2021. 9781350204454
- Science communication on the internet. Luzón. 2019. 9789027261793
- Scientific writing = thinking in words. Lindsay. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781486311484
- The search for medieval music in Africa and Germany, 1891-1961. Berger. 2020. 9780226740485
- The squatter and the don. Ruiz de Burton. 2nd ed, 1997. 9781611922950
- Statues in context. Masson-Berghoff. 2019. 9789042938083
- Sustainable utilization of natural resources. Mondal. 2017. 9781498761840
- Telemedicine technologies. Fong. 2020. 9781119575757
- Theories and strategies for teaching creative writing online. Girardi. 2021. 9781000374445
- The transfer experience. Gardner. 2021. 9781620369494
- Trends and issues in doctoral education. Yudkevich. 2020. 9789353882563
- Underserved patrons in university libraries. Skinner. 2021. 9781440870422
- Understanding Cisco networking technologies. Vol. 1. Lammle. 2020. 9781119659068
- Understanding mental health and mental illness. Jenkins. 2021. 9780429440526
- Unnerved. Schnittker. 2021. 9780231553568
- Upstream. Heath. 2020. 9781982134747
- Urban soils. Lal. 2017. 9781315154251
- US foreign policy and the modernization of Iran. Offiler. 2015. 9781137482211
- We have always lived in the castle. Jackson. 2006. 9781101530559
- Why did Hitler hate the Jews? Hertog. 2020. 9781526772398
- A Wyatt Earp anthology. Young. 2019. 9781574417838
- Yeats, philosophy, and the occult. Gibson. 2016. 9781942954262
- You are your best thing. Burke. 2021. 9780593243640
- You can't f*ck up your kids. Powers. 2020. 9781982110154
ScienceDirect Additions
- Big data analysis of nanoscience bibliometrics, patent, and funding data (2000-2019). Xiao. 2021. 9780323913119
- Discrete optimization. Aardal. 2005. 9780080459219
- Finance. Jarrow. 1995. 9780444890849
- Financial engineering. Birge. 2008. 9780080553252
- Handbook of amygdala structure and function. Urban. 2020. 9780128151358
- Network models. Ball. 1995. 9780444892928
- Network routing. Ball. 1995. 9780444821416
- The neuromodulation casebook. Arle. 2020. 9780128170038
- Simulation. Henderson. 2006. 9780080464763
- Stochastic programming. Ruszczynski. 2003. 9780444508546
- Supply chain management. de Kok. 2003. 9780444513281
- Transportation. Barnhart. 2007. 9780080467436
STAT!Ref Additions
- The APRN and PA’s complete guide to prescribing drug therapy. Wirfs. 2022. 9780826185518
- The trauma manual. Peitzman. 5th ed, 2020. 9781451116793
July 2021
EBSCO Open Access Additions T-Z (listed separately due to character limits)
- Theodizee--Einbruchstelle des Glaubens bei Jugendlichen?
- Theodor Fontane als Kunstkritiker
- Theodor Heuss, Aufbruch im Kaiserreich
- Theodor Heuss, Bürger der Weimarer Republik
- Theodor Heuss, Erzieher zur Demokratie
- Theodor Heuss, In der Defensive
- Theodor Heuss, Privatier und Elder Statesman
- Theoretical Comparative Syntax
- Theoretische und rechtliche Grundlagen, Nachricht und Meinung, Sprache und Form
- Theorie der Kugelfunctionen und der verwandten Functionen
- Theoriebeladenheit und Objektivität
- Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication
- Theory of Inquiry Learning Arrangements
- Theory of the Linguistic Sign
- Thermo-mechanisch gekoppelte Experimente zur Beurteilung der Schädigungsentwicklung an Werkzeugen zur Warmumformung
- They Did Not Stop at Eboli
- Thinking About Criminology
- Thinking and Killing
- Thinking Time Geography
- This Gaming Life
- Thomistic Principles and Bioethics
- Three Nations, One Place
- Three-Way Street
- Tiananmen Fictions Outside the Square
- Time Geography in the Global Context
- Title
- Töchter der Revolte?
- Topografien des 20. Jahrhunderts
- Toscana bilingue (1260 ca.–1430 ca.)
- Totale Erziehung für den totalen Krieg
- Tourism and Global Environmental Change
- Tourismus in Nordhessen und regionale Betroffenheit durch den Klimawandel
- Toward a Cognitive Classical Linguistics
- Toward a Pragmatist Sociology
- Towards a Climate-Neutral Europe
- Towards a Decent Labour Market for Low-Waged Migrant Workers
- Towards a Philosophical Anthropology of Culture
- Towards a User Context Aware System
- Towards a Water and Nutrient Efficient Forage Production in Semi-arid Regions of Pakistan
- Towards Principled Oceans Governance
- Towards the Ethics of a Green Future
- Tra i libri di Isacco Argiro
- Traces of the Old, Uses of the New
- Tracing and Documenting Nazi Victims Past and Present
- Tracing the Jerusalem Code
- Tracing the Jerusalem Code
- Tractate Berakhot
- Tractate Ketubot
- Tractate Yebamot
- Tractates Bava Qamma, Bava Mesi'a, and Bava Batra
- Tractates Gittin and Nazir
- Tractates Kilaim and Seviit
- Tractates Ma'aser Seni, Hallah, 'Orlah, and Bikkurim
- Tractates Peah and Demay
- Tractates Pesahim and Yoma
- Tractates Šabbat and ‘Eruvin
- Tractates Sanhedrin, Makkot, and Horaiot
- Tractates Šeqalim, Sukkah, Roš Haššanah, and Yom Tov (Besah)
- Tractates Ševu'ot and 'Avodah Zarah
- Tractates Sotah and Nedarim
- Tractates Ta'aniot, Megillah, Hagigah and Mo'ed Qatan (Mašqin)
- Tractates Terumot and Ma'serot
- Tractatus mythologicus
- Tradition, Norm, Innovation
- Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle - Le ›Livre des offices‹ d'Anjourrant Bourré
- Tragfähigkeitsberechnungen für Kehlnähte auf Grundlage experimentell gestützter Werkstoffmodellierung
- Transatlantic Democracy in the Twentieth Century
- Transcending Modernity with Relational Thinking
- Transformations in Twentieth Century Korea
- Transformations of Sensibility
- Transforming Agriculture in Southern Africa
- Transforming Cities
- Transforming Gender and Emotion
- Transforming the Future
- Transgender Identities
- Transit Migration in Europe
- Transitions in Energy Efficiency and Demand
- Translating Great Russian Literature
- Transnational Migration and Work in Asia
- Transport in Transition
- Transport, Fluids, and Mixing
- Transregional and Regional Elites – Connecting the Early Islamic Empire
- Trazos de sangre y fuego
- Truancy
- True Cost Accounting for Food
- Trust and Mistrust in the Economies of the China-Russia Borderlands
- Trust and Terror
- Tunnelling
- Two Studies on Ming History
- Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting
- Über das Verhältnis der Wissenschaft zum Leben
- Über Sprache reflektieren
- Über Wissenschaft reden
- Überwindung der Körperlichkeit
- Ulbricht, Chruschtschow und die Mauer
- Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials
- Ultraschnelle kohärente Kontrolle und Spektroskopie an kolloidalen Halbleiter Nanokristallen und Lanthanid dotierten Calciumfluorid Nanokristallen mit Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen
- Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of Inhomogeneous Isotropic and Anisotropic Media
- Unauthorized Access
- Uncertain Bioethics
- Uncertainty, Threat, and International Security
- Unchopping a Tree
- Understanding Japanese Savings
- Understanding Material Text Cultures
- Understanding Perspectivism
- Undoing Homogeneity in the Nordic Region
- Ungeschriebenes Verfassungsrecht. Enteignung und Sozialisierung
- Unhealthy Housing
- Unit Operations of Particulate Solids
- Universality in Set Theories
- Universities, Innovation and the Economy
- Unpaid Work and the Economy
- Unpopular Culture
- Unternehmen und Unternehmer in der verfassungsrechtlichen Ordnung der Wirtschaft. Der Schutz der Allgemeinheit und der individuellen Rechte durch die polizei- und ordnungsrechtlichen Handlungsvollmachten der Exekutive
- Unternehmer - Fakten und Fiktionen
- Untersuchung der anwendungstechnischen Eigenschaften des Formsprühens von wasserbasierten Trennstoffen in Abhängigkeit der Applikationstechnik für den Leichtmetall-Druckguss
- Untersuchung des Betriebsverhaltens einer Windkraftanlage mit permanenterregten Synchrongeneratoren für den Einsatz im Offshore-Bereich
- Untersuchung des Wechselverformungsverhaltens von werkzeugstählen bei isothermer und thermomechanischer ermüdung im temperaturbereich von RT bis 650 °C
- Untersuchung eines ringgenerators für windenergieanlagen der 10 MW-klasse auf Basis statischer Versuchsmodelle und numerischer simulationen
- Untersuchungen zum Transfer der australischen Projektabwicklungsform Project Alliancing auf den deutschen Hochbaumarkt
- Untersuchungen zur Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit von Elektrofahrzeugen
- Urban and Regional Technology Planning
- Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities
- Urban Memory and Visual Culture in Berlin
- Urban Recycling Cooperatives
- Urban Society In Roman Italy
- Urban Studies: Border and Mobility
- Urban-regional Development in South America
- Urgeschichte Europas
- US Nation-Building in Afghanistan
- Using Brainpower in the Classroom
- Using Ostraca in the Ancient World
- Utopie und politische Herrschaft im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit
- Validating Bachelorhood
- Veränderte Anforderungen an die Rechtsanwendung durch die Umsetzung vollharmonisierender Richtlinien
- Verfassung als Ordnungskonzept
- Verfassungsgarantie und sozialer Wandel. Das Beispiel von Ehe und Familie. Rechtsverhältnisse in der Leistungsverwaltung
- Verfassungskonformer Einsatz rechnergesteuerter Wahlgeräte
- Verfassungsrecht und einfaches Recht - Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Fachgerichtsbarkeit. Primär- und Sekundärrechtsschutz im Öffentlichen Recht
- Verfassungstreue und Schutz der Verfassung. Der öffentliche Dienst im Staat der Gegenwart
- Verfeinertes Sehen
- Verfestigungen in der Interaktion
- Vergessene Opfer?
- Verhandelte Gerechtigkeit
- Verkaufsförderung
- Verkehrsdatenerfassung mittels Floating Car Observer auf zweistreifigen Landstrassen
- Verkehrsplanung und Landschaft
- Verschmelzung von Präposition und Artikel
- Verstaatlichung der Welt?
- Verträge zwischen Gliedstaaten im Bundesstaat. Schranken nichthoheitlicher Verwaltung
- Vertreibung der Vertriebenen?
- Vertriebene und "Umsiedlerpolitik"
- Vertriebenenverbände im Fadenkreuz
- Verwaltungsrecht in der Klausur
- Victim Support and the Welfare State
- Victimhood and Acknowledgement
- Videobasierte Erfassung von unterrichtsqualität im Anfangsunterricht der grundschule
- Vigilantism Against Migrants and Minorities
- Vincent van Gogh in Arles
- Virginal. Goldemar
- Virtue Ethics and Education From Late Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century
- Virtuelle Lebenswelten
- Visionen im Kontext von Beruf und Berufung
- Visions of the End in Medieval Spain
- Visualizing the Invisible with the Human Body
- Visualizing the Street
- Visuelle Linguistik
- Vivir Bien As an Alternative to Neoliberal Globalization
- Voces de mujeres en la Edad Media
- Volksgemeinschaft am Ende
- Volksrichter in der SBZ/DDR 1945 bis 1952
- Volksschauspiele
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Vom Marshallplan zur EWG
- Vom Umgang Jugendlicher mit der Leidfrage
- Vom Waisenhaus zur Kita 1690-2015
- Vom Weltkrieg zum Bürgerkrieg?
- Von Adenauer zu Erhard
- Von den Besiegten lernen?
- Von den historischen Avantgarden bis nach der Postmoderne
- Von der "Ordinarienuniversität" zur "Revolutionszentrale"?
- Von der Dämonologie zum Unbewussten
- Von der Deutschen Akademie zum Goethe-Institut
- Von der Makroökonomie zum Kleinbauern
- Von der Physik zur Metaphysik
- Von der Renaissance bis zur Aufklärung
- Von Feldherren und Gefreiten
- Von Fermat und Descartes bis zur Erfindung des Calculus und bis zum Ausbau der neuen Methoden
- Von Kant zu Schelling
- Von Stalingrad zur Währungsreform
- Vor dem dritten Staatsbankrott?
- Vor dem Mauerbau
- Vorbild USA?
- Vorhersage der Prognosegüte verschieden großer Windpark-Portfolios
- Waddenland Outstanding
- Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration
- Wandering the Wards
- Warriors and Politicians
- Wartime Shanghai and the Jewish Refugees From Central Europe
- Was ist gute Supervision? Grundlagen - Merkmale - Methoden
- Was ist Information? Zu den Grundlagen der Designforschung
- Was macht die Digitalisierung mit den Hochschulen?
- Was sprach der eine zum anderen?
- Water for Energy and Fuel Production
- Water Resources Availability, National Food Security Strategies and Farmers' Reactions in Darab, Iran
- Wavelet Analysis on the Sphere
- We Are Not Amused
- We Shall Not Be Moved/No Nos Moveran
- Web Writing
- Wege mystischer Gotteserfahrung. Mystical Approaches to God
- Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg
- Wehrmacht, Gestapo und sowjetische Kriegsgefangene im deutschen Reichsgebiet 1941/42
- Wehrmachtjustiz an der "Heimatfront"
- Wei Wang: The Poetry and Prose of Wang Wei. Volume 1
- Wei Wang: The Poetry and Prose of Wang Wei. Volume 2
- Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2020/2021
- Weißbuch Konservative Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
- Weißt du wieviel Sternlein stehen? Eine Kosmologie (nicht nur) für Religionslehrer/innen
- Weißt du wohin wir gehen ... ?
- Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families
- Wellness in Whiteness
- Werbepsychologie
- Werbung als Marketinginstrument
- Werner Bergengruen
- Werstoffhof - Chancen, Entwicklungen, …
- Wertstoffhof - Chancen, Entwicklungen,… (2016)
- wertvoll! Die Landwirtschaft - ein Ort für Bildung und Soziale Arbeit. Dokumentationsband 6. - 10. Dezember 2011
- Wesen und Entwicklung der Staatsgerichtsbarkeit. Überprüfung von Verwaltungsakten durch die ordentlichen Gerichte
- Westdeutschland in der OEEC
- Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Start-ups
- What, If Anything, Are Species?
- Whistleblowing, Communication and Consequences
- Why Be Moral?
- Why International Organizations Hate Politics
- Wie der Feldgraue spricht
- Wie entsteht der Glaube im Menschen?
- Wie rund ist das öko-Ei? herausforderungen der legehennenhaltung
- Wiederbewaffnung und Westintegration
- Wiedergutmachung
- Wieland und das Drama
- Wi-Fi Enabled Healthcare
- Willensfreiheit
- Willi Münzenberg
- Willy Brandt und Frankreich
- Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
- Wir sind nicht auf der Welt, um zu schweigen
- Wirklichkeit oder Konstruktion?
- Wirkung von Outplacement-Beratung
- Wirtschaft in Westdeutschland 1945-1948
- Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland
- Wirtschaftsgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Juden
- Wirtschaftsräume und Lebenschancen
- Wissen und Konstruktion des Anderen
- Wissensbasiertes System zur Anforderungsanalyse bei der Anlagenplanung am Beispiel intralogistischer Anlagen
- Wissenschaft der Synthese – Ein Ansatz zur wissenschaftsphilosophischen Bestimmung der Chemie
- Wissenschaftliches Publizieren
- Wissenskulturen
- With God on Their Side
- Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information
- Wittgenstein über das Verstehen
- Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and His Works
- Wittgenstein's Novels
- Wittgensteins Sprachphilosophie in den "Philosophischen Untersuchungen"
- Women and Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England
- Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563
- Women and Public Life in Early Meiji Japan
- Women, Agency, and the State in Guinea
- Women’s Lived Landscapes of War and Liberation in Mozambique
- Word Knowledge and Word Usage
- Wordplay and Metalinguistic / Metadiscursive Reflection
- Working in China
- Working in the Service Sector
- World Editors
- World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality
- Wörterbuch zum Demokratiediskurs 1967/68
- Wortschatz: Theorie, Empirie, Dokumentation
- Writing and Renunciation in Medieval Japan
- Writing Matters
- Writing the Reader
- Xenakis
- X-Machines for Agent-Based Modeling
- Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. 2016
- Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. 2017
- Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. 2018
- Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. 2019
- Yosano Akiko and The Tale of Genji
- Young Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Young People, Social Media and Health
- Young, Female and Black
- Youth and the Crisis
- Youth and the Politics of the Present
- Yuarn Music Dramas
- Zäsuren nach 1945
- Zeichentragende Artefakte im sakralen Raum
- Zeitgenössische jüdische Autobiographie
- Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Zerstörung von Geschriebenem
- Zionist Israel and the Question of Palestine
- Zivildienst zwischen Reform und Revolte
- Zukunft Lernwelt Hochschule
- Zukünfte
- Zum Pfahltragverhalten unter zyklisch axialer Belastung
- Zum Verformungsverhalten der Magnesiumknetlegierung AZ31 unter homogener und inhomogener Belastung
- Zur Effizienten Kopplung von Simulationsprogrammen
- Zur Geschichte deutscher Wissenschaftssprachen
- Zur Kriminal- und Strafrechtspolitik des 21. Jahrhunderts
- Zur Schädigungsentwicklung bei der Korrosionsermüdung von Aluminiumbasislegierungen mit definierten fertigungsbedingten Randschichtzuständen
- Zuteilung der CO2-Zertifikate in einem Emissionshandelssystem
- Zwei Legenden aus dem Dritten Reich
- Zwei Staaten, zwei Literaturen?
- Zwischen Austritt und Ausschluss
- Zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft
- Zwischen Paris und Moskau
- Zwischen Politik und Religion
- Zwischen Stresemann und Hitler
- Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und Biographie
- Zwischen Widerstand und Martyrium
July 2021
EBSCO Open Access Additions H-T (listed separately due to character limits)
- Higher Education Revolutions in the Gulf
- Hinter den Kulissen des Nationalkomitees
- Hispanos en el mundo
- Historical Agriculture and Soil Erosion in the Upper Mississippi Valley Hill Country
- Historische Erkenntnis zwischen Objektivität und Perspektivität
- Historische Gärten und Klimawandel
- History and Drama
- History and Political Economy
- History As Wonder
- Hitler und England
- Hitlers Heerführer
- Hochkultur für das Volk?
- Hochverehrter Herr Bundespräsident!
- Holocaust Denial
- Home Treatment for Acute Mental Disorders
- Homer, Troy and the Turks
- Homo absconditus
- Homosexuelle im Nationalsozialismus
- Honouring and Admiring the Immoral
- Hope and Uncertainty in Contemporary African Migration
- Housing and Social Policy
- Housing and Social Transition in Japan
- Housing Capital
- How Modern Science Came Into the World
- How Successful Is Naturalism?
- Hsin-lun (New Treatise) and Other Writings by Huan T'an (43 B.C.–28 A.D.)
- Human Capital, Occupational Status, and Social Integration of Pakistani Immigrants in Germany: Gender Perspectives
- Human Rights in Business
- Humanidades Digitales
- Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film
- Hybridity
- Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Biomedical Applications
- Ibn Al-Jazzar On Fevers
- Ibn Al-Jazzar On Sexual Diseases
- Ich mach Dir den Hof! - Brennpunkt Hofübergabe
- Ich spreche im kopf mit Gott
- Ideengeschichte der sozialen Bewegung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
- Identification of Change Patterns for the Generation of Models of Work-as-Done Using Eye-tracking
- Identität und öffentlicher Raum
- Ideology and Atheism in the Soviet Union
- Ikonen der Nationen
- Illegitimität im Spätmittelalter
- Illustrated Manual of Pediatric Dermatology
- Im "Luftschutzkeller des Reiches"
- Images of Dutchness
- Imagination Without Borders
- Imaginationen
- Imagined Economies and the Re-Framing of Trade Policy:
- Imagining Personal Data
- Imagining the Global
- Immanuel Kant
- Immersive Journalism As Storytelling
- Immissionsschutzrechtliche Instrumente
- Impedance Spectroscopy
- Imperfect Creatures
- Imperial Technology and 'Native' Agency
- Implications of the Euro
- Improkomposition
- Improvising Cinema
- In Defense of Monopoly
- In Diensten des Afrikanischen Sozialismus
- In Stalins Gefolgschaft
- In the Red
- Inclusive Wealth Report 2018
- Independent Filmmaking Across Borders in Contemporary Asia
- India China
- Indic Manuscript Cultures Through the Ages
- Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Policy
- Indigenous Invisibility in the City
- Indigenous Knowledge Production
- Industrial Efficiency and State Intervention
- Industrie- und Betriebssoziologie
- Industrie- und Betriebssoziologie
- Industrie und Gewekschaften 1918-1924
- Industriemoderne in der Provinz
- Industry at the Crossroads
- Information Security Governance Simplified
- Information, Kommunikation und Selbstdarstellung in mittelalterlichen Gemeinden
- Informelles Lernen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern im Kontext Schule und Migration
- Infrastrukturen
- Inhaltskontrolle von Arbeitsverträgen
- Initiation Into the Mysteries of the Ancient World
- Innovationsräume
- Innovative School Principals and Restructuring
- Inschriftenkulturen im kommunalen Italien
- Inside War
- Inspektionsreisen in der US-Zone
- Institutional and Technological Change in Japan's Economy
- Institutional Change in Japan
- Institutional Change in Southeast Asia
- Institutional Change in the Public Sphere
- Institutional Frameworks and Labor Market Performance
- Inszenierte Moderne
- Integrated Reporting and Sustainability-related Assurance
- Integrating Everything
- Integration optischer Filter mit strukturierten mikromechanisch abstimmbaren Sensor-Arrays mittels Dünnschichtdeposition und Nanostrukturierung
- Integrierte Datenverarbeitungssysteme für die Unternehmensführung
- Intellektuellen-Götter
- Interdisciplining Digital Humanities
- Interference Mitigation with Selective Retransmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Intergenerational Family Relations
- Internal Combustion Engines and Powertrain Systems for Future Transport 2019
- International Aid and China's Environment
- International Aid and Democracy Promotion
- International Labor Migration and Livelihood Security in Nepal
- International Labour Migration to Europe’s Rural Regions
- International Multiparty Mediation and Conflict Management
- International Trade Policy
- Internationale Gerechtigkeit und institutionelle Verantwortung
- Internationalizing "International Communication"
- Internes Rating als Monitoringtool des Finanzwesens am Beispiel der B. Braun Melsungen AG
- Interpreting Philosophy
- The interwar depression in an international context. James. 2002. 9783486594485
- Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market
- Introduction to Old Javanese Language and Literature
- Inventar der Befehle des Obersten Chefs der Sowjetischen Militäradministration in Deutschland (SMAD) 1945–1949
- Investigation of the Self-organising Behaviour of Laser Implanted Tool Surfaces
- Iron Will
- Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands
- Is There a Judeo-Christian Tradition?
- Isaac Orobio
- Islam and Evolution
- Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems
- Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe
- IT für soziale Inklusion
- Italien und die Großmächte 1943-1949
- Jalkut Schimoni zum Zwölfprophetenbuch
- Japan in the World, the World in Japan
- Japanese Electoral Politics
- Japanese Reflections on World War II and the American Occupation
- Japan's China Policy
- Japan's Security Relations with China Since 1989
- Japan's Subnational Governments in International Affairs
- Jean-Baptiste Say and the Classical Canon in Economics
- Jeux de mots et créativité
- Jeux de mots, textes et contextes
- Jewish Manuscript Cultures
- Jews and Germans in Eastern Europe
- Jews and Protestants
- Job's Body and the Dramatised Comedy of Moralising
- Johann Gottlob von Quandt (1787−1859)
- Johannes Schauff (1902-1990)
- Johanssonian Investigations
- John Maynard Keynes und die britische Deutschlandpolitik
- Journalistische Mitbestimmung in schwedischen Zeitungsverlagen
- Judah Halevi’s Fideistic Scepticism in the Kuzari
- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Course of History: Exchange and Conflicts
- Jude und Demokrat
- Jüdische Expatriates in China und Hong Kong nach 1976
- Jüdische Geschichte in hellenistisch-römischer Zeit
- Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Bundesrepublik
- Jugendkommunikation und Dialekt
- Just a Dog
- Just Vibrations
- Justice and Human Rights in the African Imagination
- Justice and the Meritocratic State
- Justiz als politische Verfolgung
- Justiz im Dritten Reich 1933-1940
- Justiz in Brandenburg 1945-1955
- Justiz in der SBZ/DDR 1945-1953
- Justiz und Diktatur
- Justiz zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie
- Kabinettsfrage und Gesetzgebungsnotstand nach dem Bonner Grundgesetz. Tragweite der Generalklausel im Art. 19 Abs. 4 des Bonner Grundgesetzes
- Kafka and the Universal
- Kalter Krieg auf dem indischen Subkontinent
- Kant on Love
- Kant's Philosophy of the Unconscious
- Karawitan
- Karawitan
- Karawitan
- Kasus im Korpus
- KaSyCo – Kategoriensysteme zur Analyse von Coachingprozessen
- Katechismus-Andachten (1656)
- Kathy Acker
- Keeping up Her Geography
- Keine Generalamnestie
- Kinanthropometry IX
- Kinetic Landscapes
- Kinship and History in South Asia
- Kippstabilität von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonträgern
- Kirche, Jugend, Internet
- Klassifikation von Niederspannungsnetzen mit Support Vector Machines
- Kleine Kakao-Kunde
- Kleine Windenergieanlagen - Empirische Erkenntnisse und Bestandsaufnahme
- Klientelsysteme im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit
- Klima- und energieeffiziente Bereitstellung von Flüssigaluminium für den Druckgießprozess
- Knowledge Services
- Knowledge Transfer Between Germany and Russia
- Kollektive Gewalt in der Stadt
- Kollektive Identität und Gemeinschaft am Berg
- Kölner Zunfthandwerkerinnen 1650-1750
- Koloniale Straßennamen
- Komintern und Faschismus
- Kommunale Wohnungspolitik im Dritten Reich
- Kommunikation und Kontrolle
- Kompetenzorientierter Religionsunterricht
- Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus
- Konjunkturkrisen im Sozialismus
- Konservative Revolution in Frankreich?
- Konsistente Schutzgutbehandlung in Zulassungsverfahren
- Konstruktion und Wirtschaftlichkeit von Whitetopping aus Hochleistungsbeton für Fahrbahnen
- Konstruktion von Sprache und Sprachwissen
- Kontrolle der auswärtigen Gewalt. Verwaltung und Verwaltungsrecht zwischen gesellschaftlicher Selbstregulierung und staatlicher Steuerung
- Kontrolle von Sensitizerdynamik mit dediziert geformten Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen
- Konventioneller Krieg oder NS-Weltanschauungskrieg?
- Konzeptionelle Grundlagen eines marktorientierten strategischen Krankenhauscontrollings
- Konzilstudien
- Kooperative Informationsinfrastrukturen als Chance und Herausforderung
- Kooperative Verkehrsbeeinflussung und Verkehrssteuerung an signalisierten Knotenpunkten
- Koordinaten deutscher Geschichte in der Epoche des Ost-West-Konflikts
- Korpuslinguistik
- Kreatives schreiben im Religionsunterricht der Grundschule am Beispiel der Davidsgeschichte
- Kreativität
- Kredite für NS-Verbrechen
- Krieg um Berlin?
- Krieg und Kunst im antiken Griechenland und Rom
- Kriegsgefangenschaft
- Kriegsgefangenschaft in Großbritannien
- Kriegstagebuch einer jungen Nationalsozialistin
- Kriminologie in der Zivilgesellschaft
- Krisen und Krisenbewusstsein in Deutschland und Frankreich in den 1960er Jahren
- Kristeva and the Political
- KSZE-Prozess und Perestroika in der Sowjetunion
- Kultur auf Trümmern
- Kultur und Krieg
- Kultur und Wissenschaft
- Kulturauftrag im staatlichen Gemeinwesen. Die Steuerung des Verwaltungshandelns durch Haushaltsrecht und Haushaltskontrolle
- Kumpel und Genossen
- Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttheorie im 19. Jahrhundert
- Kurdische Migrant_innen in Deutschland
- Kurt Baschwitz
- La colonisation agricole au Moyen-Ouest malgache. La petite région d’Ambohimanambola
- La connaissance du Saint-Empire en France du baroque aux Lumières 1643-1756
- La fine del mondo nel ›De rerum natura‹ di Lucrezio
- La Interfaz Sintaxis-Pragmática
- La Représentation du Discours Autre
- Labor and the Chinese Revolution
- Labor Versus Empire
- Labour Contracts and Labour Relations in Early Modern Central Japan
- Labour, Mobility and Informal Practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
- Laienfrömmigkeit im späten Mittelalter
- Lament in Jewish Thought
- Land Degradation, Small-scale Farms' Development, and Migratory Flows
- Land, Dorf, Kehilla
- Landbevölkerung und Nationalsozialismus
- Landleben mit Zukunft?
- Landscape Biographies
- Landscape Impact Assessment in Planning Processes
- Landscape’s Revenge
- Landschaft und Verkehr
- Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization
- Language in the Digital Era. Challenges and Perspectives
- Languages From the World of the Bible
- Languages of Science in the Eighteenth Century
- Large Scale Inverse Problems
- Las fronteras del neoextractivismo en América Latina
- Late Sophocles
- Late-career Risks in Changing Welfare States
- Law and Development in East and South-East Asia
- Law and Ecology
- Law and Justice in a Globalized World
- Law and Kingship in Thailand During the Reign of King Chulalongkorn
- Law, Technology and Dispute Resolution
- Le lettere di Dante
- Leading Transformative Change Collectively
- Learning Legacies
- Learning Outside the Academy
- Learning to Industrialize
- Lehrjahre der CSU
- Lehrkraft-Eltern-Interaktionen am Elternsprechtag
- Lehrstücke in Solidarität
- Leistungsfähigkeit der Ultra-Low-Pressure-Ultrafiltration (ULPUF) zur dezentralen Wasseraufbereitung in Not- und Katastrophenfällen
- Leistungsgrenzen des Verfassungsrechts. Öffentliche Gemeinwohlverantwortung im Wandel
- Leistungsoptimale Regelung von Hochstromverbrauchern im Fahrwerk
- Lernen organisationen durch zertifizierung?
- Lernwelt Hochschule
- Liberalism Against Liberalism
- Liberalismus
- Libraries and Information Services Towards the Attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals
- Libraries, Archives and Museums As Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age
- Library Statistics for the Twenty-First Century World
- LiebeLesen
- Lieschen Müller wird politisch
- Lineages and Advancements in Material Culture Studies
- Linear Algebra
- Lineare Gleichungen
- Linguistics in East Asia and South East Asia
- Link Mining and Localisation in the Context of Face-to-Face Contact Networks
- Linked Data
- Literarische Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Wissenschaftstheorie
- Literary Culture in Early Modern England, 1630–1700
- Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer
- Literatura latinoamericana mundial
- Literature and Politics in the Later Foucault
- Literaturgeschichte
- Littérature française et savoirs biologiques au XIXe siècle
- Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World
- Livestock for Sale
- Living Standards in Southeast Asia
- Loans in Colonial and Modern Nahuatl
- Locating Imagination in Popular Culture
- Lockung und Zwang
- Logik
- Logiken der Sammlung
- Logische Phantasien
- Logistikimmobilien vom Band
- Lokale Autonomie und Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1. bis 3. Jahrhundert
- Lokale Wohnungsmärkte im Wandel. Demografische Perspektiven und wohnungspolitische Optionen jenseits der Großstadt
- Long-range Ultra-wideband Radar Sensor for Industrial Applications
- Luther
- Macht der Schrift
- Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty
- Making Moral Judgments
- Making Religion and Human Rights at the United Nations
- Making Sense of "Bad English"
- Making Sense of World History
- Making the Medieval Relevant
- Man soll etwas glauben, was man nie gesehen hat
- Management Development Through Cultural Diversity
- Management, Marketing and Promotion of Library Services Based on Statistics, Analyses and Evaluation
- Managing Development
- Managing Labour in Small Firms
- Managing Mixed Economies
- Managing Modern Healthcare
- Managing Technologies and Automated Library Systems in Developing Countries: Open Source Vs Commercial Options
- Manifesto for the Humanities
- Männer mit "Makel"
- Manual der Koloproktologie, 2
- Manual for Developing Intercultural Competencies
- Manufacturing Competitiveness in Asia
- Manuscripts and Archives
- Mao Zedong’s “Talks at the Yan’an Conference on Literature and Art”
- Mariners’ Adaptive Performance Under Stress
- Market Orientation, Rural Out-migration, Crop Production and Household Food Security
- Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector
- Married Women in Legal Practice
- Martial Arts and Well-being
- Martin Luther und die Juden
- Masculinities in Forests
- Masora und Exegese
- Mastering Russian Spaces
- Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco-Roman World
- Material Aspects of Reading in Ancient and Medieval Cultures
- Material Culture in Modern Diplomacy From the 15th to the 20th Century
- Material Cultures of Childhood in Second World War Britain
- Materialität und Präsenz spätantiker Inschriften
- Mathematical Aspects of Logic Programming Semantics
- Mathematics of Economics and Business
- Mathematik für die Wirtschaftspraxis
- McCloskey's Rhetoric
- Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs
- Meaning, Frames, and Conceptual Representation
- Measure Theory in Non-Smooth Spaces
- Measuring Quality
- Mechanik der Punkte und Punktsysteme
- Media and New Religions in Japan
- Medicine & Philosophy
- Medienwissenschaften
- Medieval Arabic Historiography
- Medieval Women and Their Objects
- Medieval Women, Material Culture, and Power
- Medium, Messenger, Transmission
- Medizin in nationalsozialistischen Tageszeitungen
- Medizin und Gesundheitspolitik in der NS-Zeit
- Medizinische Gutachten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
- Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung
- Medizinisches Ethos und theologische Ethik
- Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT
- Megafusionen, Wettbewerb und Globalisierung
- Meine Vertreibung aus Prag
- Meldungen aus Norwegen 1940-1945
- Memory in Motion
- Memory Politics in Contemporary Russia
- Men and the Classroom
- Men In The Public Eye
- Men, Masculinities and the Modern Career
- Menandri Sicyonius
- Menschen zählen
- Menschenrechte im Schatten kolonialer Gewalt
- Menschenversuche und Wiedergutmachung
- Mental Health and Social Withdrawal in Contemporary Japan
- Mentalisierungsförderung als professionalisierter Erkenntnisprozess
- Mentoring als Möglichkeitsraum. Erfahrungen der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer eines Mentoringprogramms für Studentinnen mit Behinderung
- Mesopotamian Eye Disease Texts
- Metacognition in Language Learning and Teaching
- Metapher und Metonymie
- Metaphor and Literalism in Buddhism
- Metaphysik des Mittelalters
- Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Entwicklung von Software im Kontext verteilter Ausführung
- Methods in Contemporary Linguistics
- Michail Gorbatschow und die deutsche Frage
- Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook
- Microfoundations of the Arab Uprisings
- Microwave and Radio-Frequency Technologies in Agriculture
- Middlebrow Cinema
- Mieterbetreuung als projektmanagementprozess beim Bauen im bewohnten Bestand
- Migration and Health in Asia
- Migration and Integration in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia
- Migration And Mobility In Britain Since The Eighteenth Century
- Migration Borders Freedom
- Migration From the Middle East and North Africa to Europe
- Migration und Avantgarde
- Migration, Workers, and Fundamental Freedoms
- Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen der Rissinitiierung und -ausbreitung in intermetallischen TiAI-Legierungen unter zyklischer und quasistatischer Belatsung
- Minderheit im Nationalstaat
- Mineral Building Traditions in the Himalayas
- Mining Goes Digital
- Mitbestimmung in der Montanindustrie
- Mitstreiter im Volkstumskampf
- Mitterrand und Deutschland
- Mittheilungen über die in Oberschlesien herrschende Typhus-Epidemie
- Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context
- Mobilizing Labour for the Global Coffee Market
- Modal and Focus Particles in Sign Languages
- Modalpartikeln als multimodale Konstruktionen
- Model Driven Visual Programming for Serious Games
- Model-driven Development Methodology for Hybrid Embedded Systems Based on UML with Emphasis on Safety-related Requirements
- Modeling Citizenship
- Modellbildung und numerische Mechanik tensegrer Strukturen
- Modellierung der parasitären passiven elemente in IGBT-Hochleistungsmodulen
- Modellierung und Simulation reibungsbehafteter Strömungen mit freier Oberfläche
- Moderate Fundamentalists
- Modern China, 1840–1972
- Modern Languages Across the Curriculum
- Modernity and Spirit Worship in India
- Molekulare Identifizierung chiraler Moleküle in der Gasphase mittels Femtosekundenlaserspektrometrie
- Monarchische Herrschaft im Altertum
- Monastische Kultur als transkonfessionelles Phänomen
- Monetary Policy and Unemployment
- Money and Exchange
- Montesquieu: Der aristokratische Geist der Aufklärung
- Morality and Nationalism
- Morality Made Visible
- Morphosyntactic Variation in Medieval Celtic Languages
- Moskaus Spuren in Ostdeutschland 1945 bis 1949
- Motivation in Organisations
- Motorisierung und "Volksgemeinschaft"
- Mouth Actions in Sign Languages
- Multidimensional Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems for Differential Equations
- Multifunctional Land Uses in Africa
- Multilateral Banks and the Development Process
- Multiphoton Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
- Musashino in Tuscany
- Museums in a Digital Culture
- Music on the Move
- Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond
- Mythen und Grundbegriffe des europäischen Selbstverständnisses
- Mythische Sphärenwechsel
- Nach "Achtundsechzig"
- Nach Nürnberg und Tokio
- Nachhall
- Nachhaltiges Kaufungen
- Nachverkehrs-Tage 2015
- Nah am Boden
- Nahverkehrs-tage 2013
- Nahverkehrstage 2015
- Nahverkehrs-Tage 2017
- Namenwechsel
- Nanoparticle Engineering for Chemical-Mechanical Planarization
- Nanostrukturierung von dielektrika mit geformten Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen
- Narrative Concepts in the Study of Eighteenth-Century Literature
- Narratives of Low-Carbon Transitions
- Narratologie und Epistemologie
- Nation, Ethnicity and Race on Russian Television
- National Museums and Nation-building in Europe 1750-2010
- Nationale Kontrahenten oder Partner?
- Nationalsozialismus in der Region
- Nationalsozialistische Großraumordnung
- Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941-1944
- Nationalsozialistische Kommunalpolitik
- Nationalsozialistische Polenpolitik 1939-1945
- Nation-Building As Necessary Effort in Fragile States
- Natural Communication
- Natürlich Bunt
- Naturlyrik im Zeichen der ökologischen Krise. Begrifflichkeiten - Rezeption - Kontexte.
- Naturrecht und Staat
- Navigating Socialist Encounters
- Negotiating Bioethics
- Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South
- Negotiating Gender Expertise in Environment and Development
- Negotiating the North
- Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science
- Neo-Tories
- Network-on-Chip
- Netzintegration großer Leistungen erneuerbarer Energien durch Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit thermischer Energiespeicherung
- Neuanfang auf Trümmern
- Neue Forschungen zur Medizingeschichte
- Neue Richtungen in der hoch- und spätmittelalterlichen Bibelexegese
- Neue Wege des Diagnostizierens und Förderns im mathematischen Anfangsunterricht
- Neue Zeiten – Altes Recht
- Neues Leistungsstörungs- und Kaufrecht
- New Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity
- New Directions in Development Economics
- New Genetics, New Identities
- New Genetics, New Social Formations
- New Paths and Policies Towards Conflict Prevention
- New Publication Cultures in the Humanities
- New Style Workfare
- News Framing Effects
- NGOs in India
- Nichteuklidische Geometrie
- Nicht-Naives Erzählen
- Nietzsche
- Nietzsche, Religion, and Mood
- Nineteenth-Century China
- Nobelpreisträgerinnen
- Nominal Modification in Italian Sign Language
- Noncitizenism
- Non-Extensive Entropy Econometrics for Low Frequency Series
- Non-locality and Possible World
- Nonverbal Communication Today
- North American Cornucopia
- Northern Archaeology and Cosmology
- Not at Your Service
- Nourish the People
- Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
- Numerical Modeling of Narrow-linewidth Quantum Dot Lasers
- Observing Protest From a Place
- Occult Roots of Religious Studies
- Of Gods and Books
- Öffentliche Geheimnisse
- Öffentliche Vernunft?
- Öffentliche Wohlfahrt und Judenverfolgung
- Öffentlicher Haushalt und Wirtschaft. Die Stellung der Studenten in der Universität
- Öffnung der öffentlich-rechtlichen Methode durch Internationalität und Interdisziplinarität. Dritte Gewalt im Wandel. Gestaltung des demographischen Wandels als Verwaltungsaufgabe. Sicherung grund- und menschenrechtlicher Standards …
- Offshoring of White-collar Services
- Okkultismus im Gehäuse
- Okkupation im Osten
- Ökonomische Relevanz der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der Region Kassel: Identifizierung und Nutzung regionaler Entwicklungspotenziale
- Öl und Souveränität
- Olympische Statuten
- OMGUS-Handbuch
- On Deletion Phenomena in English
- On Relativization and Clefting
- On the Nature of Philosophy and Other Philosophical Essays
- On the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear and Hybrid Optimal Control Problems
- On the Perspectives of Wide-band Gap Power Devices in Electronic-based Power Conversion for Renewable Systems
- On the Significance of Religion for Global Diplomacy
- One Hundred Years at the Intersection of Chemistry and Physics
- One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts
- Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union
- Online Hate and Harmful Content
- Ontological Investigations
- Open Data and the Knowledge Society
- Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
- Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers
- Optimierung der mechanischen vorreinigungsstufe kommunaler abwasserbehandlungsanlagen
- Optimierung von Instandhaltungsstrategien bei unscharfen Eingangsdaten
- Optimierung von PV-Wechselrichtern im Netzparallelbetrieb mithilfe analytischer Verhaltens- und Verlustleistungsmodelle
- Optimierungsanalysen und -ansätze des Planungs- und Schnittstellenmanagements vor Baubeginn im Vergleich zur baubegleitenden Planung
- Orbital Remote Sensing of Coastal and Offshore Environments
- Orchestrating Public Opinion
- Order and Security in Southeast Asia
- Ordnung und Katalogisierung eines Kupferstich-Kabinetts
- Ordnung, Familie, Vaterland
- Organic Computing
- Organic Computing
- Organic Computing
- Organisationsentwicklungsprozess in einem deutsch-chinesischen Joint Venture in Wuxi
- Organische Chemie
- Organising a School's Response
- Organizational Network Analysis
- Organized Secularism in the United States
- Ort und Zeit
- Orthodox Christianity and Gender
- Orthographies in Early Modern Europe
- Örtliche finanzkontrolle als innovationsfaktor
- Österreich im KSZE-Prozess 1969-1983
- Ost-westliche Erfahrungen der Modernität
- Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964)
- Otto Klepper (1888–1957)
- Our Extractive Age
- Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
- Pacific Climate Cultures
- Pacific Strife
- Painting the Novel
- Paneuropa oder Mitteleuropa
- Paninian Studies
- Papierherstellung im deutschen Südwesten
- Paradigmas y polifuncionalidad
- Parlament und Regierung im modernen Staat. Die Organisationsgewalt
- Parteienstaatlichkeit - Krisensymptome des demokratischen Verfassungsstaats? Die öffentlichrechtliche Anstalt
- Partitions and Atoms of Clause Structure
- Partnership at Work
- Passagen in den sozialwissenschaften
- Pathways to Industrialization and Regional Development
- Paul Reynaud (1878-1966)
- Paulus als Erzähler?
- Pays candidats au processus de développement
- Pearl From the Dragon’s Mouth
- People, Places and Policy
- Performing Interpersonal Violence
- Periphere Räume in der Amerikanistik
- Permanentmagnetische Vormagnetisierung von Speicherdrosseln in Stromrichtern
- Permeable Reactive Barrier
- Persian Documents
- Persons and Their Minds
- Perspectives and Research on Play for Children with Disabilities
- Petrarch and Boccaccio
- Phenomenology As Grammar
- Philosophie als Denken der Welt gemäß dem Prinzip des kleinsten Kraftmaßes
- Philosophie und Politik bei Nietzsche
- Philosophisches Wörterbuch
- Philosophy of Globalization
- Philosophy of the Information Society
- Phonological Augmentation in Prominent Positions
- Phosphorrückhalt in der mischwasserbehandlung durch retentionsbodenfilter anlagen
- Photon Induced Inner-shell Excitation Processes of Nitrous Oxide Probed by Angle Resolved Fluorescence and Auger-Electron Spectrometry
- Pierre Rosanvallon's Political Thought
- Pierre Viénot (1897-1944): Ein Intellektueller in der Politik
- Place-related Factors, Employment Opportunities and International Students’ Migration Intention
- Planar Dynamical Systems
- Planning for Crime Prevention
- Planning in Cold War Europe
- Planning to Cope with Tropical and Subtropical Climate Change
- Planting Parliaments in Eurasia, 1850–1950
- Play Development in Children with Disabilties
- Players and Arenas
- Playful Identities
- Playing on the Periphery
- Plug-in Electric Vehicles Integrating Fluctuating Renewable Electricity
- Poems of the Five Mountains
- Poetic Critique
- Poetics and Politics
- Policing Gender, Class And Family In Britain, 1800-1945
- Policy-Making Processes and the European Constitution
- Political Ecology of REDD+ in Indonesia
- Political Leadership in Contemporary Japan
- Political Transition and Inclusive Development in Malawi
- Politics of Quality in Education
- Politics, Religion and Gender
- Politik auf dem Land
- Politik der Bewegung
- Politik in Bayern 1919-1933
- Politik in der Reichskanzlei
- Politik und Kultur im föderativen Staat 1949 bis 1973
- Politische Chefärzte?
- Politische Ökonomie der Erneuerbare-Energien-Politik in Deutschland
- Politische Säuberung unter französischer Besatzung
- Politische Theorien des 19. Jahrhunderts
- Polizei und Geiseln. Der Münchener Bankraub
- Polnische Ostpolitik nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg
- Polymer Engineering
- Popular Music in Southeast Asia
- Positive Organizational Psychology
- Postcolonialism Cross-Examined
- Postfaktisches Erzählen?
- Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures (OPEN ACCESS)
- Pour le mérite und Hakenkreuz
- Poverty and Climate Change
- Power and Influence of Economists
- Power to Teach
- Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship
- Powerful Learning Environments and Theologizing and Philosophizing with Children
- Practices of Citizenship in East Africa
- Practices of Comparing
- Praktiken des Zivilprozessrechtes
- Praxishandbuch Forschungsdatenmanagement
- Praxishandbuch Open Access
- Precision Agriculture Technology for Crop Farming
- Predigtmärlein der Barockzeit
- Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art
- Pressefreiheit. Staatsaufsicht in Verwaltung und Wirtschaft
- Preventing HIV Among Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa
- Pride Parades and LGBT Movements
- Primary Sources and Asian Pasts
- Principles of Decoration in the Roman World
- Prinzipien der Verfassungsinterpretation. Gefährdungshaftung im öffentlichen Recht
- Private Lives in Public Places
- Probability and Statistics
- Proceedings From the ICERP 2016
- Proceedings of the EnviBUILD 2019
- Proceedings of the International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV) and European STAMP Workshop and Conference (ESWC) 2019
- Procesos de transporte de biomasa y carbonizados en hornos rotatorios
- Processes of Making
- Produktbewertungen im internet
- Produktverantwortung nach dem Elektrogesetz und der Altfahrzeugverordnung
- Professional Competence And Higher Education
- Professional Values and Practice
- Progress in Commutative Algebra 1
- Progress in Commutative Algebra 2
- Promoting Heritage Language in Northwest Russia
- Proofs of Genius
- Propagandisten im Krieg
- Prosa
- Prosodie und Konstruktionsgrammatik
- Prototypen – Schemata – Konstruktionen
- Provinz zwischen Reich und Republik
- Provinzfaschismus in Italien
- Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Puberty and Adolescence
- Psychotherapieausbildungsforschung
- Public Participation, Science and Society
- Public Private Partnerships in International Construction
- Punishment and Political Order
- Putting Inequality in Context
- Qualitative Research in Gambling
- Qualitätsanalyse koordinierter Lichtsignalsteuerungen unter Verwendung kooperativ gewonnener Messgrößen
- Qualitätsmanagement 4.0 – Status Quo! Quo vadis?
- Quantitative Ansätze in den Literatur- und Geisteswissenschaften
- Quantitative Techniques in Participatory Forest Management
- Quantum Groups
- Queer Festivals
- Queer in Africa
- Queer Methods and Methodologies
- Queer Spiritual Spaces
- Queering Translation, Translating the Queer
- Rampage Shootings and Gun Control
- Rape in the Nordic Countries
- Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie an Au/Ge(001)-Nanodrähten
- Rationale Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit
- Raum und Interieurs in Thomas Manns Erzählwerk
- Reaction to World News Events and the Influence of Mass Media in an Indian Village
- Reading Up
- Reaktionen in leichtflüssigkeitsabscheidern bei Zufluss von bioethanol- und ethyltertiärbutylether-Benzin-Gemischen
- Realität verstehen
- Recent Developments in Midrash Research
- Recht und Gericht in Kirche und Welt um 900
- Recht, Staat und Verwaltung im klassischen Indien / The State, the Law, and Administration in Classical India
- Rechtliche Fragestellungen bei internetauktionen am Beispiel der auktionsplattform eBay
- Rechtliche Gewährleistung eines hohen Schutzniveaus bei Nanomaterialien in REACH
- Rechtliche Instrumente zur Durchsetzung von Barrierefreiheit
- Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der unkonventionellen Erdgasförderung mittels Fracking
- Rechtsfragen der Verknüpfung von Emissionshandelssystemen
- Reciprocal Relationships and Well-being
- Recoding Life
- Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture
- Recursive Spatial Multiplexing
- Recycelfähige Dämmstoffe aus Altpapier für Syrien
- Redaktion, die Sparten Verlag und Vertrieb, Wirtschaft und Technik, Sicherung der öffentlichen Aufgabe
- Reduction
- Reduction - Abstraction - Analysis
- Referenz, Quantifikation und ontologische Festlegung
- Refeudalisierung und Rechtsruck
- Refining Child Pornography Law
- Reflektierte algorithmische Textanalyse
- Reform des deutschen Namensrechts
- Reform und Revolte
- Reformen im rheinbündischen Deutschland
- Reforming Senates
- Reframing the Urban Challenge in Africa
- Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement
- Reginald McKenna
- Regional Economic Communities and Peacebuilding in Africa
- Regional Government Competition
- Regional Monetary Policy
- Regionale Alltagssprache
- Regionale Behörden u. wissenschaftliche Hochschulen für die fünf ostdeutschen Länder, die ehemaligen preußischen Ostprovinzen u. eingegliederte Gebiete in Polen, Österreich u. d. Tschechischen Republik
- Regionalismen
- Regions in International Trade
- Reichskommissariat Niederlande
- Reichszentralbehörden, regionale Behörden und wissenschaftliche Hochschulen für die zehn westdeutschen Länder sowie Berlin
- Reinsurance and the Law of Aggregation
- ReiseSchreiben
- Reisezeitermittlung im motorisierten Individualverkehr mit Hilfe drahtloser Kommunikationstechnologien
- Rekultivierung von Rückstandshalden der Kaliindustrie
- Relations and Predicates
- Religion and Nationalism in Chinese Societies
- Religionspädagogik mit Mädchen und Jungen unter drei Jahren in ausgewählten neueren Entwürfen
- Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive / Religious Individualisation in Historical Perspective
- Religious Individualisation
- Religious Motivation and the Origins of Buddhism
- Religious Otherness and National Identity in Scandinavia, C. 1790–1960
- Remapping Travel Narratives, 1000-1700
- Re-mapping World Literature
- Remittances and Livelihood Strategies
- Renaissance- und Humanistenhandschriften
- Renegotiating the Welfare State
- Repräsentative Demokratie in der Krise?
- Representations of Slave Women in Discourses on Slavery and Abolition, 1780–1838
- Republiken und Republikanismus im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit
- Research Guide to People’s Daily Editorials, 1949–1975
- Research In Multicultural Education
- Researching Ageing
- Researching New Religious Movements
- Reshaping Social Life
- Residential Segregation Patterns of Latinos in the United States, 1990-2000
- Resonante Starkfeld-Kontrolle kohärenter elektronischer Dynamik im K-Atom und K2-Molekül
- Ressourcen und Belastungen in der Berufsbiografie
- Rethinking Authority in the Carolingian Empire
- Rethinking Capitalist Development
- Rethinking EMI
- Rethinking EU Consumer Law
- Rethinking IT in Construction and Engineering
- Rethinking Migration and Return in Southeastern Europe
- Re-thinking Mobility Poverty
- Rethinking Schooling
- Revisionsanspruch und geheime Ostpolitik der Weimarer Republik
- Revolte und Sozialstatus von der Spätantike bis zur Frühen Neuzeit / Révolte et statut social de l’Antiquité tardive aux Temps modernes
- Revolution, Reform and Regionalism in Southeast Asia
- Rewriting Maimonides
- Rhetorical Code Studies
- Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic World
- Richard Schaukal in Netzwerken und Feldern der literarischen Moderne
- Richtungseffekte bei Schiedsrichterentscheidungen im fussball
- Riemann-Roch Spaces and Computation
- Rights for Robots
- Ripples of Hope
- Risikomanagementsysteme im krankenhaus nach dem Patientenrechtegesetz
- Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey
- Rollenspiele im welttheater des Andreas Gryphius am Beispiel des Leo Armenius / Oder Fürsten-Mord
- Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike
- Rome and The Guidebook Tradition
- Rotarmisten schreiben aus Deutschland
- Rotatives Vibrationsschweißen
- Ruhrstahl und Europa
- Rulership in 1st to 14th Century Scandinavia
- Rural Crime and Community Safety
- Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World
- Russia–EU Relations and the Common Neighborhood
- Russian Economic Reform
- Russian Nationalism
- Russische Bildungseinrichtungen auf dem Weg zur Kundenorientiertheit am Beispiel einer empirischen Studie an der Graduate School of Business Administration an der Staatlichen Lomonossov-Universität Moskau (GSBA MGU)
- Russland
- Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World
- Säkulare Aspekte der Reformationszeit
- Salt and State
- Salt Deterioration of Historic Mortars in Tropical Climate: Analysis and Characterisation
- Sars
- Sauberkeit sta(d)tt littering
- Sceptical Paths
- Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought
- Schauplatz Archiv
- Schleichende Entfremdung?
- Schmerzkarrieren und Schmerzidentitäten – Die Formierung von Patienten mit Schmerz zu chronischen orthopädischen Schmerzpatienten. Eine soziologische Untersuchung im Milieu der spezialistischen Schmerzversorgung
- Scholars, Travellers and Trade
- Schreiben auf statuarischen Monumenten
- Schulentwicklungsprojekte aus neo-institutionalistischer und mikropolitischer Perspektive
- Schulpolitik in Bayern im Spannungsfeld von Kultusbürokratie und Besatzungsmacht 1945-1949
- Schweizerdeutsch und Sprachbewusstsein
- Science
- Science Fiction in Argentina
- Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management
- Screens
- Screenwriting
- Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics
- Sechs Jahre aus Carl Burgfeld’s Leben
- Security and Sustainable Development in Myanmar
- SED-Agrarpolitik unter sowjetischer Kontrolle 1949-1953
- Seductions of Place
- Seeing the Past with Computers
- Seeking Peace in the Wake of War
- Selbstlernende Algorithmen zur videobasierten Absichtserkennung von Fußgängern
- Selbstzeugnisse in der Frühen Neuzeit
- Self-Directed Learner - the Three Pillar Model of Self-Directedness
- Semantic Fields in Sign Languages
- Semantics and Syntax in Complementation
- Semantische Spezialisierung vs. Polysemie
- Semiconductor Packaging
- Seneca the Elder and His Rediscovered ›Historiae Ab Initio Bellorum Civilium‹
- Sense and Reality
- Sequence Comparison in Historical Linguistics
- Setting in the American Short Story of Local Color, 1865–1900
- Settlers of Unassigned Lands
- Sex and the Second-Best City
- Sex, Slavery and the Trafficked Woman
- Shakespeare and Hospitality
- Shakespeare in Hate
- Sharing Lives
- Sheela-na-gigs
- Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Workers Around the World
- Sicherheitsmassnahmen an Flughäfen im Lichte der Grundrechte
- Sign Language Research, Uses and Practices
- Sign Languages in Village Communities
- Signs, Minds and Actions
- Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017
- Simulation of Manufacturing Sequences of Functionally Graded Structures
- Simulation rotordynamischer Problemstellungen mit der Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Methode
- Simulations in Medicine
- Sincerity in Politics and International Relations
- Sites of Translation
- Situative Marketingstrategien
- Skate Life
- Skin Color and Identity Formation
- Small Firms and Innovation Policy in Japan
- Smarte Produktkennzeichnung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten mittels RFID für ein gezieltes Stoffstrom- und Informationsmanagement
- Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms
- Social Innovation [Open Access]
- Social Media Activism
- Social Networks with Rich Edge Semantics
- Social Organization in South China, 1911–1949
- Social Reform, Modernization and Technical Diplomacy
- Social Science Libraries
- Social Thinking and History
- Socialism and Legal History
- Society, Environment and Human Security in the Arctic Barents Region
- Socioeconomic Aspects of Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture
- Socio-economics of Personalized Medicine in Asia
- Socrates, or on Human Knowledge
- Soft Computing
- Software-Ergonomie in der Gefährdungsbeurteilung
- Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
- Solar Module Packaging
- Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention Over Refugees in Europe
- Sollbruchstellen des deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Flüchtlingsrechts
- Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus
- Soncino – Gesellschaft der Freunde des jüdischen Buches
- Sophies Schwester
- Sören Kierkegaard
- Soul of the Documentary
- Sounding Off
- South African Economy
- Southern African Liberation Movements and the Global Cold War ‘East’
- Sovereign Justice
- Sowjetische Interessenpolitik in Deutschland 1944-1954
- Sowjetische Kommandanturen und deutsche Verwaltung in der SBZ und frühen DDR
- Sowjetische Militäradministration in Deutschland (SMAD) 1945-1949
- Sowjetische Partisanen in Weißrußland
- Soziale Rechte und gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeiten
- Soziale Ungleichheit im Sozialstaat
- Sozialismus und Volkswirtschaft in der Kriegsverfassung
- Sozialisten und Radicaux - eine schwierige Allianz
- Sozialstaatlichkeit in der DDR
- Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World
- Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644
- Spanien und der Holocaust
- Spanisch in Berlin
- Spätmittelalter und Neuzeit
- Spectacular Disappearances
- Spectral Feature Selection for Data Mining
- Spectral Geometry of Partial Differential Operators
- Spiel und Konversation im Barock
- Sportfunktionäre und jüdische Differenz
- Sprache - Kognition - Kultur
- Sprache der Geschichte
- Sprache im kommunikativen, interaktiven und kulturellen Kontext
- Sprache in Wissenschaft und Dichtung
- Sprache intermedial
- Sprache und Kognition
- Spracheinstellungen und Identitätskonstruktion
- Sprachen, Völker und Phantome
- Sprachkorpora – Datenmengen und Erkenntnisfortschritt
- Sprachliche Muster
- Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik
- Sprachpolitik im Britischen Empire
- Sprach-Spiel-Kunst
- Sprachverfall?
- Sprachwissenschaft im Fokus
- Sprechen und Erzählen beim Stricker
- Staat und Terrorismus in Italien 1969-1982
- Staat und Verbände. Gesetzgeber und Verwaltung
- Staaten als Täter
- Staatliche Grenzen
- Staatssekretär Wilhelm Stuckart und die Judenpolitik
- Staatszwecke im Verfassungsstaat - nach 40 Jahren Grundgesetz. Die Bewältigung der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Entwicklungen durch das Verwaltungsrecht
- Staging Doubt
- Stalin und die Deutschen
- Stalin’s Constitution
- Stalinismus vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg / Stalinism before the Second World War
- Stalins großer Bluff
- Stammheim
- Stamping American Memory
- Standardization and Risk Governance
- Standardizing Minority Languages
- Standardvariation
- Stand-by-Betrieb von Maschinen und Anlagen
- Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling
- State and Crafts in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
- State of Empowerment
- State of the Young Child in India
- Static and Dynamic Crack Propagation in Brittle Materials with XFEM
- Statistische Modellierungen zur Schätzung genetischer Parameter für das Merkmal Vielseitigkeit beim Deutschen Reitpferd
- Stealing the Club From Hercules
- Steigerung der Wandlungs- und Energieeffizienz durch Kopplung von Biomassekonversionsverfahren und modulierend betriebene Biogasproduktion mit dezentraler Energiebereitstellung
- Stem Cell Oncology
- Sterben dürfen im Krankenhaus
- Sterile Insect Technique
- Steuerbedarf und Geldpolitik in der wachsenden Wirtschaft
- Stories
- Stories That Make History
- Strafprozeßordnung vom 1. Februar 1877 und Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz vom 27. Januar 1877 mit den Einführungsgesetzen
- Strain-Engineered MOSFETs
- Stralsund
- Strange Science
- Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession
- Strategische Unternehmensführung bei Diversifikation
- Street Politics in the Age of Austerity
- Stress in Post-War Britain
- Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehung von Mischungen aus thermoplastischem PMMA mit vernetzten PMMA-Kolloiden
- Strukturmerkmale der deutschen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
- Studentische Gottesvorstellungen
- Studentische Hochschulpolitik für die Universität Kassel. 40 Jahre zwischen Bildungsprotest und Verteidigung der politischen Selbstverwaltung
- Studien zu Geschichte der Konzentrationslager
- Studien zum Alten Testament (1966–1988)
- Studies in Malaysian Oral and Musical Traditions
- Studies on Greek and Coptic Majuscule Scripts and Books
- Studium der Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung in nanostrukturierten Adsorbatsystemen mittels winkelaufgelöster Photoelektronenspektroskopie
- Style and Intersubjectivity in Youth Interaction
- Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum
- Subjektive und objektive Zeit
- Substance and Attribute
- Successes & Failures in EU Cohesion Policy: An Introduction to EU Cohesion Policy in Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe
- Südtirol und die Achse Berlin - Rom 1938-1945
- Sufism in the West
- Suger en question
- Sukeroku’s Double Identity
- Summa theologica Halensis: De legibus et praeceptis
- Superconductors at the Nanoscale
- Surrender
- Surveillance, Privacy and Security
- Surviving the Crossing
- Sustainable Development and Resource Productivity
- Sustainable Development Goals Connectivity Dilemma
- Sustainable Food System Assessment
- Sustainable Modernity
- Sustaining New Orleans
- Swallows and Settlers
- Synergien im internationalen Akquisitionsmanagement
- Synkretismus
- Tactics of the Human
- Tales of Times Now Past
- Talking Dialogue
- Tantalisingly Close
- Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in New EU Member States
- Teacher Thinking & Professional Action
- Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy
- Teaching Right Livelihood
- Teaching Under Pressure
- Team Teaching and Team Learning in the Language Classroom
- Tech Giants, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Journalism
- Techniques of Social Influence
- Technische Konvergenz im Hybrid-TV und divergenter Rechtsrahmen für Fernsehen und Internet
- Technisierte Medizin - dehumanisierte Medizin?
- Technology and Film Scholarship
- Teenagers, Literacy and School
- Teilentladungsmessung als Prüfverfahren in End of Line-Prüfungen elektrischer Traktionsmotoren
- Tempest
- Tempi der Bewegung – Modi des Gefühls
- Terrace Heroes
- Terrorism, Criminal Law and Politics
- Terrorismus und Freiheitskampf
- Terrorismusbekämpfung in Westeuropa
- Terrorizing Images
- Testimony From the Nazi Camps
- Text - Verstehen
- Text und Kontext
- Thatchers konservative Revolution
- The Activation of the Insect Immune System by Endogenous Danger Signals with Emphasis on Drosophila Melanogaster
- The Agency of Things in Medieval and Early Modern Art
- The Alliance of Bioenergy Production and Organic Farming
- The American and Japanese Auto Industries in Transition
- The American Automobile Industry
- The American West and the World
- The Animal Rights Struggle
- The Anthropology of Parliaments
- The Archaeology of Human Ancestry
- The Art of Neighbouring
- The Arts and Crafts of Literacy
- The Asia-Europe Meeting
- The Assassination of Jacques Lemaigre Dubreuil
- The Biology of the First 1,000 Days
- The Book of Job
- The Boundaries of Europe
- The British and Irish Ruling Class 1660-1945 Vol. 2
- The British Atlantic Empire Before the American Revolution
- The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization
- The Changing Landscape of the Academic Profession
- The Chatter of the Visible
- The Circular Economy in Europe
- The Civilising Offensive
- The Cold War
- The Collapse of Communist Power in Poland
- The Collapse of Time
- The Colonizer Abroad
- The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom?
- The Concept of Constitution in the History of Political Thought
- The Conscience of Cinema
- The Constitution and Governance in Cameroon
- The Constitution of Consciousness
- The Construct of Identity in Hellenistic Judaism
- The COST Manual of Laboratory Animal Care and Use
- The Craft of Poetry
- The Crisis of the 14th Century
- The Cultural Net
- The Cultural Revolution
- The Datafied Society
- The Digital Transformation of Labor
- The Distinction of Peace
- The Dutch and English East India Companies
- The Dutch National Research Agenda in Perspective
- The Dynamics of Conflict and Peace in Contemporary South Asia
- The Economic Consequences of the Gulf War
- The Economy of Communist China, 1949–1969
- The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts
- The Emergence of the Digital Humanities
- The Endangered Species Act
- The Environment and International Relations
- The Environmental Impact of Sieben Linden Ecovillage
- The Epoch of Universalism 1769–1989 L’époque De L’universalisme 1769–1989
- The European Dimension of British Planning
- The Experiment in the History of Economics
- The Farm Press, Reform and Rural Change, 1895-1920
- The Fatal News
- The Fish Lands
- The Formation of the Talmud
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Recolonisation of Africa
- The Frightened Land
- The German-Jewish Experience Revisited
- The Governance of International Migration
- The Grammatical Foundations of Rhetoric
- The Grand Old Man and the Great Tradition
- The Greatest Films Never Seen
- The Group of Seven
- The Happiest Days?
- The Hirschfeld Archives
- The Historiography of Music in Global Perspective
- The History and Cultural Heritage of Chinese Calligraphy, Printing and Library Work
- The Impact of Losing Your Job
- The Imperial Style of Inquiry in Twentieth-Century China
- The Integration of Descendants of Migrants From Turkey in Stockholm
- The Interaction Between Financial Stability and Financial Institutions: Some Reflections
- The International Criminal Court
- The International Labour Organization
- The International Monetary Fund and Latin America
- The Internet of Everything
- The Interwar Depression in an International Context
- The Japanese Automotive Industry
- The Jazz Republic
- The Journey
- The Kagero Diary
- The Laboratory Guinea Pig
- The Lecturer's Guide to Quality and Standards in Colleges and Universities
- The Legacy of Early Franciscan Thought
- The Legitimacy of Modern Democracy
- The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants / L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes
- The Linguistic Turn in Contemporary Japanese Literary Studies
- The Literariness of Media Art
- The Maghrib in the Mashriq
- The Making of the Humanities, Volume III
- The Many Faces of Strategic Voting
- The Matrix of Lyric Transformation
- The Meaning of Media
- The Meaning of Space in Sign Language
- The Mechanics of Modernity in Europe and East Asia
- The Mediterranean Way of Eating
- The Mertiyo Rathors of Merto, Rajasthan
- The Ming Dynasty
- The Most Noble of People
- The Muslim Question in Europe
- The Myths We Live By
- The Narratology of Comic Art
- The Necessary Structure of the All-pervading Aether
- The Netherlands in a Nutshell
- The New Economy in Transatlantic Perspective
- The Nivison Annals
- The Non-Western World
- The Nordic Economic, Social and Political Model
- The Normative Basis of Forest Utilization and Conversion
- The Nuremberg Trials: International Criminal Law Since 1945
- The Oracle Bone Inscriptions From Huayuanzhuang East
- The Other Russia
- The Ottoman Administration of Iraq, 1890-1908
- The Patient Griselda Myth
- The Philosophy of Desire in the Buddhist Pali Canon
- The Philosophy of Human Rights
- The Planning Polity
- The Pleasure of Punishment
- The Poetry of Cao Zhi
- The Poetry of Ruan Ji and Xi Kang
- The Political Attitudes of Divided European Citizens
- The Politics of China's Accession to the World Trade Organization
- The Politics of Evidence
- The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa
- The Power of Urban Water
- The Practice of Philology in the Nineteenth-Century Netherlands
- The Practices of Happiness
- The Principle of Effective Legal Protection in Administrative Law
- The Problem of Enforcement in International Law
- The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge
- The Psychology of Becoming a Successful Worker
- The Psychology of Fake News
- The Psychology of Social Networking Vol.2
- The Psychology of Study Success in Universities
- The Purpose of the First World War
- The Qur'an Seminar Commentary / Le Qur'an Seminar
- The Reagan Administration
- The Red Spears, 1916–1949
- The Reparations Controversy
- The Resonance of Unseen Things
- The Rhaeto-Romance Languages
- The Rhetoric of Topics and Forms
- The Rhine and European Security in the Long Nineteenth Century
- The Rise and Development of FinTech
- The Rise of Autism
- The Role of Music in European Integration
- The Roll in England and France in the Late Middle Ages
- The Roots of Respect
- The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication
- The Second World War in the Twenty-First-Century Museum
- The Second World War, Vol. 3
- The Sian Incident
- The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
- The Spell of Capital
- The Struggling State
- The Study of Languages
- The Subject of Race in American Science Fiction
- The Subject(s) of Human Rights
- The Summa Halensis
- The Summa Halensis
- The Symbolic Order
- The Taiwan Voter
- The Tale of Matsura
- The Train That Had Wings
- The Transformation of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Russia
- The Transformation of Welfare States?
- The Trillion Dollar Shift
- The Uncanny Child in Transnational Cinema
- The Universe, Life and Everything
- The University Revolution
- The Use of Signing Space in a Shared Sign Language of Australia
- The Virgin Mary Across Cultures
- The Vocalization Systems of Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic
- The Wild Goose
- The Work of Authorship
- The Work of Professional Football
- The Workplace of the Future
- The Works of Li Qingzhao
- The Youth of Early Modern Women
- Theater As Metaphor
- Theater im Gespräch
- Theaternarratologie
- Theatre Cultures Within Globalising Empires
July 2021
EBSCO Open Access Additions A-H (listed separately due to character limits)
- "1968" - Eine Wahrnehmungsrevolution?
- "Der französischen Sprache mächtig"
- "Fabellae"
- "Geistige Gefahr" und "Immunisierung der Gesellschaft"
- "Madagaskar für die Juden"
- "Republikflucht"
- "Wahre" und "falsche" Heiligkeit
- #identity
- “Like Love Is Primal?”
- “Proletarian Hegemony” in the Chinese Revolution and the Canton Commune of 1927
- “The Sting of Death” and Other Stories
- ”Disability Studies“ meets “History of Science“
- 12th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery
- 150 Jahre deutsche Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit
- 21st Century Cooperation
- 50 Jahre Aktiengesetz
- 500 ICT Tips for Primary Teachers
- 60 Jahre moderne Stadt(t)räume in Hamburg
- A Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the People's Communes
- A Bridgehead to Africa
- A Buddhist Ritual Manual on Agriculture
- A Christian Education in the Virtues
- A Community Empowerment Approach to Heritage Management
- A Contribution to Enlarge the Application Limits of Residual Stress Analyses by the Hole-Drilling and the Ring-Core Method
- A Cultural History of Twin Beds
- A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming
- A Heart Beating Hard
- A History of Bulgarian Literature 865–1944
- A History of Intelligence and 'Intellectual Disability'
- A History of Japan’s Government-Business Relationship
- A History of Scottish Economic Thought
- A Lecture on Russian History
- A Matter of Complexity
- A New Approach to Research Ethics
- A New Dawn for the Second Sex
- A Player and a Gentleman
- A Sensory Education
- A Service Engineering Method for Knowledge-intense Person-oriented Services
- A Socially Critical View Of The Self-Managing School
- A Tanizaki Feast
- A Touch of Doubt
- A Translation of Lao-tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Wang Pi’s Commentary
- A Two-Dimensionalist Guide to Conceptual Analysis
- A World of Fiction
- Abbildung und Analyse von Fehlstellen in Betonbauteilen mittels Ultraschall unter Berücksichtigung von Materialinhomogenitäten
- Abendland - Alpenland - Alemannien
- Ablaufbezogenes Dokumentationsverfahren zum Nachweis der adäquaten Kausalität bei Bauablaufstörungen mit Schwerpunkt Haftungsgrund im Leistungsbereich Landschaftsbau
- Abraham Abulafia’s Esotericism
- Abschied vom Kalten Krieg?
- Absolutismus, ein unersetzliches Forschungskonzept? L'absolutisme, un concept irremplaçable?
- Absorptions-Spektralanalyse
- Academic Ableism
- Accelerators in Silicon Valley
- Actualizing Human Rights
- Adaptation of Western Economics by Russian Universities
- Adaptive Control Strategies for the Production of Thermo-mechanically Tailored Products
- Address in Portuguese and Spanish
- Adel und Bürgertum in Deutschland 1770-1848
- Adolescent Psychiatry
- Advanced Composite Materials: Properties and Applications
- Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials, Two Volume Set
- Advances in Raw Material Industries for Sustainable Development Goals
- Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation
- Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Africa
- Affekte und Kommunikation in ausgewählten Spielen
- Affektpoetiken des New Hollywood
- Africa and the North
- Africa in International Politics
- Africa's Soft Power
- After the Victorians
- Against Meritocracy
- Ageing, Diversity and Equality
- Agents’ Abilities
- Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
- Aging Between Participation and Simulation
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1962
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1971
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1972
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1974
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1975
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1977
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1980
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1981
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1982
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1983
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1984
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1985
- Aktives Lernen Für Klassifikationsprobleme Unter Der Nutzung Von Strukturinformationen
- Algebra
- Alienation Effects
- Allgemeines deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch
- Alltag im Holocaust
- Älter werden im Quartier
- Alter(n) und Soziale Nachhaltigkeit
- Alternativen zur Reichsverfassung in der Frühen Neuzeit?
- Amalthea oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bildlichen Alterthumskunde
- American Catholic Leadership
- American Homes
- American Power and International Theory at the Council on Foreign Relations, 1953-54
- Amerikanische Geheimdienstanalysen über Deutschland 1942–1949
- Amerikanische Literaturpolitik in Deutschland 1945-1953
- Amerikanische Lizenzpolitik und deutsche Pressetradition
- An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Painting Catalogues and Related Texts
- An der Spitze der CSU
- An Imaginary Trio
- An Index to Reproductions of Paintings by Twentieth-Century Chinese Artists
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Human Mind
- Analogy and Exemplary Reasoning in Legal Discourse
- Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Qualität Öffentlicher Deckungsmassen und der Rendite von Öffentlichen Pfandbriefen in Deutschland
- Analysis and Comparison of Power Electronic Converters with Electronic Isolation
- Anamnetisches Theologisieren mit Kunst
- Anaphora Resolution and Text Retrieval
- Anatomy of a Civil War
- Ancient Greek Literary Letters
- Ancient Jewish Prayers and Emotions
- Anfangsjahre der Berlin-Krise (Herbst 1958 bis Herbst 1960)
- Anfangsjahre der Bundesrepublik
- Anforderungsmuster zur Spezifikation soziotechnischer Systeme
- Anglo-Saxon Literary Landscapes
- Animal Rights Activism
- Annäherung an Frankreich im Dienste Hitlers?
- Annäherung und Abgrenzung
- Annals of Bioethics: Regional Perspectives in Bioethics
- Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research
- Anonymus Argentinensis
- Anthropology of Tobacco
- Anti-Imperialist Modernism
- Antike Texte und ihre Materialität
- Antioxidants in Health and Disease
- Antioxidants in Sport Nutrition
- Antisemitism in the North
- Applications
- Applied Ontology
- Apprendre la langue Rwanda
- Approaches to the Medieval Self
- Approaches to World Literature
- Appropriation and Representation
- Aquaculture Law and Policy
- Arabic Script on Christian Kings
- Arbeit als Hoffnung
- Arbeitsfähigkeit von Feuerwehreinsatzkräften
- Arbeitsmarkt und staatliche Lenkung. Staat und Religion
- Archaeology, Heritage and Ethics in the Western Wall Plaza, Jerusalem
- Architecture and Naturing Affairs
- Archive für Literatur
- Archive in/aus Literatur
- Archives and Human Rights
- Arctic Geopolitics, Media and Power
- Are We Comparing Yet?
- Area-Wide Management of Fruit Fly Pests
- Arguing With Anthropology
- Armut und Wahnsinn
- Art, Research, Philosophy
- Artificial Societies
- Artikel 12 GG - Freiheit des Berufs und Grundrecht der Arbeit. Der Verwaltungsvorbehalt
- Arts-Based Methods for Decolonising Participatory Research
- Aryan and Non-Aryan in India
- Asian Anthropology
- Asian Politics in Development
- Asian Students in Germany
- Aspects of Linguistic Variation
- Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture
- Aspectuality
- Assembling Therapeutics
- Assessment of Responsible Innovation
- Assyrian and Babylonian Scholarly Text Catalogues
- Ästhetik des Gemachten
- Audiovisuelle Rhythmen
- Auf dem Weg zum Museum
- Auf dem Weg zur Normalität
- Auf den Trümmern von Königsberg
- Auf der Grenze-- Religionsdidaktik in religionsphilosophischer Perspektive
- Auf der Suche nach einem "anderen Deutschland"
- Auf ewig Feind?
- Aufbau der Materie
- Aufbau und Krise der Planwirtschaft
- Aufbruch, Krise und Erneuerung
- Augmented Reality
- Augmented Spaces and Maps
- Augustine and the Art of Ruling in the Carolingian Imperial Period
- Aus Schleiermachers Hause
- Auslegung und Hermeneutik der Bibel in der Reformationszeit
- Auslegungskonzept gegen Volumenversagen bei einsatzgehärteten Stirnrädern
- Aussendienstmitarbeiterunterstützung durch innovative Marketing- und Vertriebsmethoden am Beispiel der Pharmaindustrie Deutschland
- Außenpolitik in engen Grenzen
- Außenpolitik nach der Kuba-Krise (Dezember 1962 bis Oktober 1964)
- Außenpolitik vor Ausbruch der Berlin-Krise (Sommer 1955 bis Herbst 1958)
- Austrian Economics Re-examined
- Auswirkungen der Netzintegration von Windkraftanlagen auf die Spannungsstabilität im Nördlichen Verbundsystem Chiles
- Autarkiepolitik im Dritten Reich
- Authoring the Self
- Authorship and Text-making in Early China
- Automobiles and the Future
- Autonomous Voltage Control Strategies in Distribution Grids with Photovoltaic Systems
- Autorität und Wahrheit
- Avatare in Katastrophensimulationen
- Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb
- B. F. Dolbin, der Zeichner als Reporter
- Bacterial NanoCellulose
- Barren Women
- Barriers to Play and Recreation for Children and Young People with Disabilities
- Bausteine eines Strategischen Managements
- Beamtentum im Dritten Reich
- Becoming Urban
- Begabungen und Fähigkeiten durch Wertschätzung fördern
- Begegnungen vor Gericht
- Begriff und Wesen des sozialen Rechtsstaates. Die auswärtige Gewalt der Bundesrepublik
- Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
- Being Jewish in 21st-Century Germany
- Beitrag zur Betrachtung von MTTFSpurious-Modellierung im Zusammenhang mit dem internationalen Sicherheitsstandard IEC 61508
- Beitrag zur Ermittlung von Eigenspannungen nahe der Streckgrenze mittels mechanischer Prüfmethoden
- Beitrag zur Herstellung 3-dimensionaler Kunststoffscheiben mit integrierter Funktion zur Veränderung der Transparenz durch Elektrochromie
- Beiträge zur geschichte der lautenistinnen und gitarristinnen der Renaissance und des Barock (ca. 1500-1750)
- Belonging and Becoming in a Multicultural World
- Belonging and Transnational Refugee Settlement
- Benefit-sharing in Environmental Governance
- Beratung als Basis erfolgreicher Partizipation Partizipative Energiesysteme in Nordhessen
- Berechnungsmethodik zur Beurteilung von mechatronischen Bauteilen unter großen Temperaturschwankungen
- Berthold Simonsohn. Ausgewählte Schriften 1934-1977
- Berufserfolg und Bleibeabsichten hochqualifizierter Chinesen in Deutschland
- Besatzung und Staatsaufbau nach 1945
- Beschreibung von wiederverwendbaren Prozessen zur Erreichung von Lernzielen in Serious Games
- Betriebliche Mitbestimmung in der Weimarer Republik
- Betriebswirtschaftliche strategien für die Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung 2014
- Betriebswirtschaftliche Strategien für die Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung 2016
- Between Two Plenums
- Bewahrung und Veränderung demokratischer und rechtsstaatlicher Verfassungsstruktur in den internationalen Gemeinschaften. Verwaltung und Schule
- Beweiseignung fortgeschrittener elektronischer signaturen
- Bewertungsinteraktionen in der Theaterpause
- Beyond Divine Coincidence
- Beyond Enlightenment
- Beyond Priesthood
- Beyond the Bauhaus
- Beziehungsweise
- Bibliotheken der Schweiz: Innovation durch Kooperation
- Big Data Security
- Big Digital Humanities
- Bild und Schrift auf 'magischen' Artefakten
- Bildungsbürger in Demokratie und Diktatur
- Bildungsbürgertum und völkische Ideologie
- Bildungspraktiken der Aufklärung / Education practices of the Enlightenment
- Bilingualism and Deafness
- Biodiversity Databases
- Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes of Southeastern Brazil
- Bioenergy Crops for Ecosystem Health and Sustainability
- Biographien (mit-)teilen
- Biological and Chemical Parameters and Life Cycle Assessment of the Integrated Generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas From Biomass
- Biologically Inspired Robotics
- Biomedical Chemistry
- Bisexuality in Europe
- Bitcoin and Beyond
- Black Boxes – Versiegelungskontexte und Öffnungsversuche
- Black Eggs
- Blockpartei und Agrarrevolution von oben
- Blumen
- Body and Spirit in the Middle Ages
- Borderland City in New India
- Borderland Infrastructures
- Boundaries of the Text
- Boxing, Masculinity and Identity
- Brand Equity Planning with Structuralist Rhetorical Semiotics
- Brauchen wir ein drittes Geschlecht?
- Breaking Down the State
- Bringing Buddhism to Tibet
- Britain's Imperial Cornerstone in China
- Bronze Age Lives
- Brücken schlagen
- Brushed in Light
- Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality
- Buddhism in the Public Sphere
- Budgetary Policy Modelling
- Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy
- Building Europe
- Bundesstaat und Europäische Union zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation
- Bundesstaatliche und gliedstaatliche Rechtsordnung. Verwaltungsrecht der öffentlichen Anstalt
- Bürgerverantwortung im demokratischen Verfassungsstaat / Kontrolle der Verwaltung durch Rechnungshöfe
- Bürgerwille und Gebietsreform
- Burgund und das Reich
- Bytes and Backbeats
- CAD-integrierte Modellierung von agentenbasierten Simulationsmodellen für die Bauablaufsimulation im Hochbau
- Callcenter aus der Perspektive des Datenschutzes
- Campaign Finance and Political Polarization
- Canones: The Art of Harmony
- Carbon-Based Smart Materials
- Career Patterns in the Ch’ing Dynasty
- Carl H. Becker: Beiträge zur Geschichte Ägyptens unter dem Islam. Teil 1
- Causation and Laws of Nature
- Cell Electrophoresis
- Central Documents and Politburo Politics in China
- Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research
- Challenges of a Common Climate Policy
- Chang Ch’un-ch’iao and Shanghai’s January Revolution
- Change and the Persistence of Tradition in India
- Change In Classroom Practice
- Changing Roles of NGOs in the Creation, Storage, and Dissemination of Information in Developing Countries
- Changing Transatlantic Security Relations
- Charakterisierung, Beurteilung und modellierung des langzeitverhaltens einer elektrochromen Kunststoffverscheibung
- Charged Particle Optics Theory
- Charting Literary Urban Studies
- Chemie für Mediziner
- Chemische Reinigung von getauchten Niederdruck-Hohlfasermembranen auf großtechnischen kommunalen MBR-Anlagen
- Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- Children's Voices
- China and Great Power Responsibility for Climate Change
- China’s Allocation of Fixed Capital Investment, 1952–1957
- China’s Revolutions and Intergenerational Relations
- China's Business Reforms
- Chinese and Japanese Music-Dramas
- Chinese Annals in the Western Observatory
- Chinese Communist Materials at the Bureau of Investigation Archives, Taiwan
- Chinese Diasporas in Europe
- Chinese Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in the 1970s
- Chinese Environmental Contention
- Chinese Heritage in the Making
- Chinese Paintings in Chinese Publications, 1956–1968
- Chora und Polis
- Christentum und Sozialismus in der frühen CDU
- Christian Converts and Social Protests in Meiji Japan
- Christian Martyrdom in Late Antiquity (300-450 AD)
- Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity
- Christianity, Islam and Nationalism in Indonesia
- Christus in natura
- Chruschtschows Berlin-Krise 1958 bis 1963
- Cinematic Vitalism
- Cities' Identity Through Architecture and Arts
- Cities in Asia by and for the People
- Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan
- Citizens and Groups in Contemporary China
- Civic Media Literacies
- Civil Society and International Governance
- Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance
- Classical Economics and Modern Theory
- Classical Trade Protectionism 1815-1914
- Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters
- Climate Adaptation Finance and Investment in California
- Climate Change and Natural Disasters
- Climate Information for Public Health Action
- Cloud Computing
- Codename TREVI
- Colección Psicología y Ley
- Collective Decision Making in Rural Japan
- Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations
- Comics and Videogames
- Coming of Age in Byzantium
- Commentaries, Catenae and Biblical Tradition
- Commentary on the Gospels
- Commercial Communication in the Digital Age
- Communicating In School Science
- Communism's Jewish Question
- Compact Models for Integrated Circuit Design
- Compadre Colonialism
- Comparative Renewables Policy
- Competing Knowledges – Wissen Im Widerstreit
- Competition and Cooperation in Economics and Business
- Competition and Cooperation in Social and Political Sciences
- Competition and Profitability in European Financial Services
- Complex Lexical Units
- Comprehending and Confronting Antisemitism
- Comprehending Columbine
- Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures
- Computational Modelling of Opto-electric Properties of Nanowire Array Solar Cells
- Computer Aided Policy Making
- Computer Modeling and Investigation on the Steel Corrosion in Cracked Ultra High Performance Concrete
- Cone Penetration Testing 2018
- Confini, identità, appartenenze
- Conflict and Change in EU Budgetary Politics
- Conflict, Security and the Reshaping of Society
- Conflicting Counsels to Confuse the Age
- Confronting Antisemitism From the Perspectives of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism
- Confronting Antisemitism in Modern Media, the Legal and Political Worlds
- Confucius and Cicero
- Connecting Policy and Practice
- Consciousness and Moral Status
- Consciousness and Subjectivity
- Consorting And Collaborating In The Education Market Place
- Constitutional Theory: Schmitt After Derrida
- Constructing Suburbs
- Construction Supply Chain Economics
- Constructions in Use
- Consumer-Citizens of China
- Consuming Cities
- Consumption Corridors
- Contemporary Co-housing in Europe
- Contemporary France
- Contemporary Jewish Reality in Germany and Its Reflection in Film
- Contemporary Landscapes of Contemplation
- Contested Governance in Japan
- Contesting Religion
- Contextual Theology
- Contextualizing Entrepreneurship Theory
- Continuing Professional Development - Preparing for New Roles in Libraries: A Voyage of Discovery
- Contribution of Modelling and Analysis of Wireless Communication for Safety Related Systems with Bluetooth Technology
- Controlling in den USA
- Conversations with Christian Metz
- Conversations with Shotetsu
- Converts of Conviction
- Coolies of Capitalism
- Co-Production and Co-Creation
- Corporate Memory
- Corporate social responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains
- Cosmopolitan Responsibility
- Cosmopolitanisms and the Jews
- COVID-19 Pandemic, Geospatial Information, and Community Resilience
- Creating Standards
- Criminal Futures
- Crisis del multiculturalismo en América Latina
- Critical Perspectives On Educational Leadership
- Critical Studies in Indian Grammarians I
- Crossing Languages to Play with Words
- Crossroads of Colonial Cultures
- Crowds
- Cultural Dynamics in a Globalized World
- Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America
- Cultural Techniques
- Cultural Values and Human Ecology in Southeast Asia
- Culture and Development in a Globalizing World
- Cultures and Traditions of Wordplay and Wordplay Research
- Cultures of Eschatology
- Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights
- Cultures. Conflict - Analysis - Dialogue
- Current Trends in Historical Sociolinguistics
- Current Trends In Computer Science And Mechanical Automation Vol.1
- Current Trends In Computer Science And Mechanical Automation Vol.2
- Daily Life and Demographics in Ancient Japan
- Dances with Sheep
- Das "Ahnenerbe" der SS 1935-1945
- Das "Gastarbeiter"-System
- Das Amt Rosenberg und seine Gegner
- Das Andere der Monarchie
- Das Auswärtige Amt in der NS-Diktatur
- Das demokratische Prinzip im Grundgesetz. Die Erfüllung von Verwaltungsaufgaben durch Private
- Das Denken Rosenzweigs zwischen Theologie und Philosophie
- Das Deutsch der Migranten
- Das Deutsche Historische Institut Paris und seine Gründungsväter
- Das deutsche Problem in der neueren Geschichte
- Das Deutsche Reich im Urteil der Großen Mächte und europäischen Nachbarn (1871–1945)
- Das deutschsprachige Prosagedicht
- Das Dritte Reich und die Deutschen in der Sowjetunion
- Das Ende des konziliaren Zeitalters (1440-1450)
- Das erweiterte Museum
- Das Europa der Deutschen
- Das europäische Staatensystem im Wandel
- Das Geldwesen der Schweiz seit 1798
- Das Geldwesen Spaniens seit dem Jahre 1772
- Das Gesetz als Norm und Maßnahme. Das besondere Gewaltverhältnis
- Das Grundgesetz und die öffentliche Gewalt internationaler Staatengemeinschaften. Der Plan als verwaltungsrechtliches Institut
- Das Grundrecht auf Sicherheit
- Das Grundrecht der Gewissensfreiheit. Die Rechtsformen der sozialen Sicherung und das Allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht
- Das Haus Europa
- Das Hochschulstudium nach Bologna
- Das Ikonische
- Das kaufrechtliche Mängelrecht als Instrument zur Verwirklichung eines nachhaltigen Konsums
- Das Kulturerbe deutschsprachiger Juden
- Das letzte Jahr der SBZ
- Das letzte Urteil
- Das materielle Erbe des Steinkohlenbergbaus in Deutschland
- Das parlamentarische Regierungssystem des Grundgesetzes. Organisierte Einwirkungen auf die Verwaltung
- Das parlamentarische Regierungssystem und der Bundesrat - Entwicklungsstand und Reformbedarf. Rechtliche Optimierungsgebote oder Rahmensetzungen für das Verwaltungshandeln?
- Das Problem des Künstlerischen
- Das römisch-deutsche Reich im politischen System Karls V.
- Das Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseum
- Das schwierige Spiel des Parlamentarismus
- Das SKK-Statut
- Das spätantike Rom und die stadtrömische Senatsaristokratie (395–455 n. Chr.)
- Das Staatsoberhaupt in der parlamentarischen Demokratie. Verwaltung durch Subventionen
- Das Steininschriftenprojekt des Wolkenheimklosters während der Liao-Dynastie (907–1125)
- Das Sutta Nipâta
- Das Tagebuch der Hertha Nathorff
- Das Tragische und die Tragödie
- Das Unaussprechliche in Worte fassen
- Das wasserrechtliche Verschlechterungsverbot und seine Ausnahmen
- Das Wertfreiheitsideal in der sozialen Erkenntnistheorie
- Das Zeitalter der Novelle in Hellas
- Data Politics
- Data Privacy for the Smart Grid
- Daten und Phänomene
- Datenbanksysteme
- Datenschutz bei Wearable Computing
- DaZ-Kurse im geschlossenen Strafvollzug
- De la literatura latinoamericana a la literatura (latinoamericana) mundial
- De Pseudo-Luciani Amoribus
- Death in Jewish Life
- Debtfare States and the Poverty Industry
- Decolonising Political Communication in Africa
- Decor-Räume in pompejanischen Stadthäusern
- Deep Stories
- Deeper Learning, Dialogic Learning, and Critical Thinking
- Defense Against the Black Arts
- Definiteness in a Language Without Articles – A Study on Polish
- Degree Gradation of Verbs
- Dekadenz und Heroismus
- Democracy and Fake News
- Democracy Promotion As Foreign Policy
- Demokratie in Deutschland und Frankreich 1918-1933/40
- Demokratie, Recht und soziale Kontrolle im klassischen Athen
- Demokratischer Staat und transnationaler Terrorismus
- Der "Fall Dohnanyi" 1943-1945
- Der "Volksdeutsche Selbstschutz" in Polen 1939/1940
- Der "Volkskörper" im Krieg
- Der Alliierte Kontrollrat in Deutschland 1945-1948
- Der Aufstieg der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
- Der Bauschingereffekt bei vergüteten, bainitischen und normalisierten Zuständen der Stähle 42CrMoS4 und 100Cr6
- Der Beitrag der Landwirtschaft zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Guatemala durch Wertschöpfungsketten und agricultural growth linkages
- Der Beitrag von Supervision zur Stärkung von Resilienz in der Jugendhilfe
- Der Berliner „jüdische Salon“ um 1800
- Der Briefwechsel
- Der Briefwechsel zwischen Bettine Brentano und Max Prokop von Freyberg
- Der Bundespräsident
- Der Bundespräsident
- Der deutsche Föderalismus. Die Diktatur des Reichspräsidenten
- Der deutsche Krieg im Osten 1941-1944
- Der Didaktische Service blueprint
- Der digitale Pranger
- Der Europadiskurs im deutschen Exil 1933-1945
- Der Fall Nicolas Fouquet
- Der Faschismus in Europa
- Der Fiskus als Verfolger
- Der Gleichheitssatz. Gesetzesgestaltung und Gesetzesanwendung im Leistungsrecht
- Der Grundrechtseingriff. Öffentlich-rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen einer Informationsordnung
- Der Kampf um Chinas kollektives Gedächtnis
- Der Kapitalismus entdeckt das Volk
- Der Kathedersocialismus und die sociale Frage
- Der Koran und sein religiöses und kulturelles Umfeld
- Der Kriegseintritt Italiens im Mai 1915
- Der kroatische Ustascha-Staat 1941-1945
- Der Munizipalsozialismus in Europa /Le socialisme municipal en Europe
- Der Nachlass Paul de Lagarde
- Der österreichische Werbefilm
- Der Prozess Jesu - aus römisch-rechtlicher Perspektive
- Der Rathenaumord
- Der Rechtsstaat und die Aufarbeitung der vor-rechtsstaatlichen Vergangenheit. Eigentumsschutz, Sozialbindung und Enteignung bei der Nutzung von Boden und Umwelt
- Der Reformator Martin Luther 2017
- Der Schatten des Volkes
- Der Schutz des öffentlichen Rechts. Die neueste Entwicklung des Gemeindeverfassungsrechts
- Der Schutzauftrag des Rechts
- Der Selbsterntegarten Wienerstrasse und andere Gärten in Kassel
- Der Sinn der humanistischen Bildung
- Der Sozialstaat in Deutschland und Europa
- Der Tee
- Der Teufel und seine poietische Macht in literarischen Texten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne
- Der Troubadour der spanischen Falange
- Der unstete Nachbar
- Der Ursprung der kyprischen Sylbenschrift
- Der Verfassungsstaat als Glied einer europäischen Gemeinschaft. Verwaltungsrecht als Vorgabe für Zivil- und Strafrecht
- Der Verfassungsstaat im Geflecht der internationalen Beziehungen. Gemeinden und Kreise vor den öffentlichen Aufgaben der Gegenwart
- Der Verlust der Eindeutigkeit
- Der Volksgerichtshof im nationalsozialistischen Staat
- Der Weg in die Terreur
- Derailment bei Führungskräften
- Deregulierung des Arbeitsrechts - Ansatzpunkte und verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen
- Derrida on Being As Presence
- Des Sophokles Antigone
- Design for Sustainability
- Design Principles for the Productive Delivery of Blended Learning Services
- Design with the Desert
- Designing for Shared Understanding
- Determinanten erfolgreicher Stakeholderdialoge
- Determinants of Farm Income and Agricultural Risk Management Strategies
- Determinants of Labour Migration Decisions
- Deutsch im Sprachvergleich
- Deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (1945–1965)
- Deutsche Grammatik - Regeln, Normen, Sprachgebrauch
- Deutsche in Polen nach 1945
- Deutsche Juden und die Moderne
- Deutsche Kaufleute in London
- Deutsche Mitbestimmung als Erfolgsfaktor der Automobilindustrie im internationalen Vergleich
- Deutsche und italienische Besatzung im Unabhängigen Staat Kroatien
- Deutsche und Polen zwischen den Kriegen
- Deutsche und polnische Juden vor dem Holocaust
- Deutsche Unternehmer zwischen Kriegswirtschaft und Wiederaufbau
- Deutsche Volkslieder aus Hohenlohe mit ihren Weisen
- Deutschland im ersten Nachkriegsjahr
- Deutschland nach 30 Jahren Grundgesetz. Staatsaufgabe Umweltschutz
- Deutschland und die Reparation 1918/1919
- Deutschland und Frankreich
- Deutschland und Israel 1945–1965
- Deutschland und Italien 1860-1960
- Deutschland, Russland, Komintern - Überblicke, Analysen, Diskussionen
- Deutschlandpolitik 1949-1972
- Deutschlands aktuelle Verfassungslage
- Deutschlands innere Wandlung
- Developing Heritage – Developing Countries
- Developing Writers in Higher Education
- Development Assistance for Peacebuilding
- Development Discourse and Global History
- Development of an Offshore Specific Wind Power Forecasting System Delopment of Am Offshore Specific Wind Power Forecasting System
- Development of Brushless Self-excited and Self-regulated Synchronous Generating System for Wind and Hydro Generators
- Development of Form-Adaptive Airfoil Profiles for Wind Turbine Application
- Development of the Global Film Industry
- Development, Sexual Rights and Global Governance
- Developments in the Call Centre Industry
- Device Characterization and Modeling of Large-size GaN HEMTs
- Dialekte machen
- Dialektik und Rhetorik im frühen und hohen Mittelalter
- Dialogische Bibeldidaktik
- Dialogue As a Trans-disciplinary Concept
- Dialogues Between Media
- Diaspora, Law and Literature
- Die "vermißte Million"
- Die Abrechnung mit dem Faschismus in Italien 1943 bis 1948
- Die amerikanische Besetzung Deutschlands
- Die amerikanische Besetzung Deutschlands
- Die Anfänge der Gegenwart
- Die Anfänge der ständischen Vertretungen in Preußen und seinen Nachbarländern
- Die Applikation literarischer Texte
- Die Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsverhältnisse der Einzelsticker in der Nordostschweiz und Vorarlberg
- Die baltische Krise 1938-1941
- Die Bedeutung der Theodizeefrage im theologischen Gespräch mit Kindern und Jugendlichen
- Die Bedeutung gliedstaatlichen Verfassungsrechts in der Gegenwart. Die Einheit der Verwaltung als Rechtsproblem
- Die Begründung des Rechts als historisches Problem
- Die Berliner Universität im Kontext der deutschen Universitätslandschaft nach 1800, um 1860 und um 1910
- Die Bindung des Richters an Gesetz und Verfassung. Verwaltungsverantwortung und Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit
- Die bleiernen Jahre
- Die Bodenreform in der Britischen Zone 1945-1949
- Die Bundesbank im westeuropäischen Wiederaufbau
- Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Türkei 1978 bis 1983
- Die Bundesrepublik im KSZE-Prozess 1975-1983
- Die Bundesrepublik und Franco-Spanien in den 50er Jahren
- Die CSU 1945–1948
- Die Datenweitergabe im Rahmen des Cloud Computings unter besonderer Betrachtung von Unterauftragsverhältnissen
- Die DDR im KSZE-Prozess 1972-1985
- Die deutsche Kriegswirtschaft 1939-1945
- Die deutsche Nation im frühneuzeitlichen Europa
- Die deutsche Staatsrechtslehre in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Europäisches und nationales Verfassungsrecht. Der Staat als Wirtschaftssubjekt und Auftraggeber
- Die deutschen Sozialdemokraten und das sowjetische Modell
- Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen 1949-1963
- Die Deutschnationalen und die Zerstörung der Weimarer Republik
- Die Deutung der Göttlichen Liturgie in der russischen Theologie
- Die dritte Atommacht
- Die endlagerung radioaktiver abfälle aus Deutschland im ausland
- Die Erfindung des modernen Militarismus
- Die Erforschung der "Gehirnbewegungen" in medizinhistorischer Sicht
- Die Erschließung des Landes 1949 bis 1973
- Die Ethik-Kommission an der Medizinischen Fakultät der RWTH Aachen (1981-2005)
- Die Europäisierung des Privatrechts und die Rechtsvergleichung
- Die Europapolitik der Großen Koalition 1966-1969
- Die feinen Unterschiede
- Die Finanzverfassung im Rahmen der Staatsverfassung. Verwaltung und Verwaltungsrechtsprechung
- Die französischen Kolonialbanken
- Die Frau im NS-Staat
- Die Gauleiter
- Die geteilte Nation
- Die Gewaltkriminalität in den USA
- Die Graphematik der Morpheme im Deutschen und Englischen
- Die gravierten Messinggrabplatten des 13. und 14.Jahrhunderts im Bereich der norddeutschen Hanse - ihre Herkunft und ihre Bedeutung
- Die Grenzen der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Die Gestaltung des Polizei- und Ordnungsrechts in den einzelnen Besatzungszonen
- Die Herrschaft der Wehrmacht
- Die Inschrift von Skaptoparene in ihrer Beziehung zur kaiserlichen Kanzlei in Rom
- Die Inschriften des Stadtgottesackers in Halle an der Saale (1550–1700)
- Die Inschriften zu den Ludi saeculares
- Die Italiener an der Ostfront 1942/43
- Die Kaiserliche Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek in Strassburg
- Die Kasseler Hofbildhauer Heyd – eine Annäherung
- Die Kirchen unter dem Grundgesetz. Führung und Organisation der Streitkräfte im demokratisch-parlamentarischen Staat
- Die Kreuzfahrerstaaten als multikulturelle Gesellschaft
- Die Kriminalpolitik Preußens unter Friedrich Wilhelm I. und Friedrich II.
- Die KSZE im Ost-West-Konflikt
- Die Kunst der Disputation
- Die Lehnwörter im Wortschatz der spätbyzantinischen historiographischen Literatur
- Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Wissenschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts
- Die Lieder der Lücke im Codex Regius der Edda
- Die Macht der Wenigen
- Die Macht der Wirkungsannahmen
- Die Macht des Seelischen
- Die Makrozoobenthosgemeinschaften hydromorphologisch unterschiedlicher Tieflandbäche
- Die Münchner NSDAP 1925–1933
- Die Natur der Farben
- Die Pfeilkreuzlerbewegung in Ungarn
- Die Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts, I.
- Die Poesie der Dinge
- Die Politik der Sowjetischen Militäradministration in Deutschland (SMAD): Kultur, Wissenschaft und Bildung 1945-1949
- Die Praxis des Wissens
- Die Predigt im 19. Jahrhundert
- Die Professionalisierung Studierender durch Reflexionsgespräche
- Die Professoren der Universität Rostock im Dritten Reich
- Die radikale Herausforderung
- Die Rehabilitation und das Schwerbeschädigtenrecht der DDR im Übergang zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Die Reihe Merz 1923–1932
- Die Restitution des Ullstein-Verlags (1945–52)
- Die revolutionäre Illusion
- Die Rolle der Geisteswissenschaften im Dritten Reich 1933–1945
- Die Rückkehr der Arbeitslosigkeit
- Die Schweiz im KSZE-Prozeß 1972-1983
- Die Schweiz und Deutschland 1945-1961
- Die SED in der Ära Honecker
- Die SED und ihre Armee
- Die See- und Küstenfischerei Mecklenburgs und Vorpommerns 1918 bis 1960
- Die semiotische Haut der Dinge
- Die sowjetischen Geheimdienste in der SBZ/DDR von 1945 bis 1953
- Die Sowjetunion und die Dritte Welt
- Die Sprache der Judenfeindschaft im 21. Jahrhundert
- Die staatliche Intervention im Bereich der Wirtschaft. Rechtsformen und Rechtsschutz. Die Gegenwartslage des Staatskirchenrechts
- Die staatsrechtliche Stellung der Ausländer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Vertrauensschutz im Verwaltungsrecht
- Die Staatsrechtslehre und die Veränderung ihres Gegenstandes. Gewährleistung von Freiheit und Sicherheit im Lichte unterschiedlicher Staats- und Verfassungsverständnisse. Risikosteuerung durch Verwaltungsrecht. Transparente Verwaltung - Konturen...
- Die Stadt als beschriebener Raum
- Die Stadt, das Geld und der Markt
- Die Stalin-Note vom 10. März 1952
- Die Strafbarkeit von Unternehmen und Verbänden
- Die Transformation der Informationsmärkte in Richtung Nutzungsfreiheit
- Die Türkei 2013
- Die Unternehmung in der demokratischen Gesellschaft / The business corporation in the democratic society
- Die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit im Gefüge der Staatsfunktionen. Besteuerung und Eigentum
- Die verfassungsrechtliche Stellung der politischen Parteien im modernen Staat. Das Verwaltungsverfahren
- Die Verknüpfung von Emissionshandelssystemen - sozial gerecht und ökologisch effektiv
- Die Verteilung der Welt. Selbstbestimmung und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker
- Die Vertriebenenpolitik der SED 1949 bis 1990
- Die Volksfeind-Ideologie
- Die Vorgänge der inneren Politik seit der Thronbesteigung Kaiser Wilhelms II.
- Die Werkstatt des Dichters
- Die westdeutschen Länder und die Entstehung der Bundesrepulik
- Die Westdeutschen und die Dritte Welt
- Die Wirkung von Macht auf Innovationen innerhalb einer öffentlichen Verwaltung
- Die wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen der SS
- Diefür alle Versicherungszweige geltenden Vorschriften der Reichsversicherungsordnung (Erstes, fünftes und sechstes Buch) nebst Einleitung und Einführungsgesetz
- Different Dispatches
- Digital Classical Philology
- Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape
- Digital Papyrology I
- Digital Papyrology II
- Digital Passages
- Digital Rhetoric
- Digital Samaritans
- Digital Transformation and Public Services
- Dilemmas of Energy Transitions in the Global South
- Dimension des Völkermords
- Diplomatie für die deutsche Einheit
- Diplomatie mit Gefühl
- Dischronology and Dialogic in the Bible’s Primary Narrative
- Disciplinary Technologies of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh
- Disclosing Horizons
- Discourse in Action
- Discourse in Translation
- Discourse on the State of the Jews
- Discourses on Nations and Identities
- Discursive “Renovatio” in Lope De Vega and Calderón
- Diskontinuierliche GALERKIN-Verfahren in Raum und Zeit zur Simulation von Transportprozessen
- Diskriminierungsschutz durch Kontrahierungszwang
- Diskurserwerb in Familie, Peergroup und Unterricht
- Diskursive Verfestigungen
- Dismantling Rape Culture
- Disruption in the Arts
- Disseminating Jewish Literatures
- Diversification of Mexican Spanish
- Diversity in Unity: Perspectives From Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
- Dividing Texts
- Divination on Stage
- Divine Action, Determinism, and the Laws of Nature
- Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia, 1966–1970
- Doing Applied Linguistics
- Dörfliche Erwerbs- und Nutzungsorientierungen
- Dostoevskij and Schiller
- Double Jeopardy
- Dreams for Dead Bodies
- Drei Wege deutscher Sozialstaatlichkeit
- Dress and Cultural Difference in Early Modern Europe
- Drones and Support for the Use of Force
- Drug-Acceptor Interactions
- Dunhuang Manuscript Culture
- Durch alle Klippen hindurch zum Erfolg
- Dynamics in Education Politics
- Dynamics of Architecture in Late Baroque Rome
- Dynamics of Religion
- Dynamiken politischer Imagination
- Early Communist China
- Early Film Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Republican China
- Early Film Theories in Italy, 1896-1922
- Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe
- Early Printed Narrative Literature in Western Europe
- Early Readers, Scholars and Editors of the New Testament
- Early Urbanism in Europe
- Economic and Social Transformation in China
- Economic Complexity and Human Development
- Economic Exchange and Social Interaction in Southeast Asia
- Economic Geography
- Economic Transformation in Poland and Ukraine
- Economics in Sweden
- Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation (OPEN ACCESS)
- Educated Youth and the Cultural Revolution in China
- Education in Scotland
- Education Innovation and Mental Health in Industrial Era 4.0
- Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks
- Educational Reception in Rotterdam and Barcelona
- Effizienzgewinn durch verschaltbare Photovoltaik Systeme
- E-government in Europe
- Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter
- Ein bayerischer Kommunist im doppelten Deutschland
- Ein Beitrag zur Optimierung der Projektsteuerung von Neuproduktprojekten
- Ein gekoppeltes Finite-Elemente/Discontinuous-Galerkin-Verfahren zur Simulation von Strömungs-Transport-Problem
- Ein Verfahren zur Prognose verkehrsabhängiger Schaltzeiten von Lichtsignalanlagen
- Eine Grenze in Bewegung / Une frontière mouvante
- Eine politische Kultur (in) der Krise?
- Eine sächsische Lebensgeschichte
- Einen Anfang finden!
- Einfluss der Projektmanagementreife auf den Projekterfolg
- Einfluss persönlichkeitsbezogener und kultureller konstrukte auf verhandlungen
- Einführung in die angewandte Logik
- Einführung in die internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
- Einführung in die Kristalloptik
- Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft
- Eintags- und Steinfliegen (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in Mittelgebirgsbächen des Harzes. Analyse und Prognose naturnaher Referenzzönosen für die Gewässerbewertung
- Electrochemical Supercapacitors for Energy Storage and Delivery
- Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems
- Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Aerial and Ground Radar Objects
- Elektronische Tischrechenautomaten
- Elemente der antiken Erzähltheorie
- Elite für Volk und Führer?
- Elite im Verborgenen
- Elliptische Strukturen in SMS
- Emergency Cardiology
- Emerging Memory
- Emma Goldman and the Russian Revolution
- Emotional Minds
- Empirische Erforschung internetbasierter Kommunikation
- Employment, Poverty and Rights in India
- Empowering Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries
- Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory
- Ende einer bürgerlichen Kunst-Institution
- Energie und Demokratie
- Energieeffizienz von Hochschulgebäuden
- Energy, Wealth and Governance in the Caucasus and Central Asia
- Engineering Tool Supported Collaboration Processes for Web-based Platforms
- Engineering von der Anforderung bis zum Betrieb
- Enhancing Autonomy in Language Education
- Enjeux du jeu de mots
- Enklaven
- Entangled Mobilities in the Transnational Salsa Circuit
- Enter Culture, Exit Arts?
- Entgrenzungen des Wahnsinns
- Entnazifizierung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Entrepreneurship
- Entspannung in Europa
- Entwicklung einer differenzierten Preisgleitklausel für Funktionsbauverträge im Strassenbau
- Entwicklung eines Berechnungsmodells zur Beschreibung des Trag- und Verformungsverhaltens von Holzrahmenwänden unter Berücksichtigung lokaler Effekte
- Entwicklung eines modells zur Implementierung eines wissensmanagement-systems in kleinen und mittleren Bauunternehmen
- Entwicklung eines partnering-Modells für infrastrukturprojekte
- Entwicklung eines Referenzmodells zur systematischen Steigerung der Mitgliederanzahl und der Nutzeraktivität in der Wachstumsphase von Virtuellen Communities
- Entwicklung eines Reibmodells für hohe Temperaturen und hohe Umformgrade
- Entwicklung und Reform des Beamtenrechts. Die Reform des Wahlrechts
- Entwicklung von Innovationsfähigkeit in Unternehmen
- Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific
- Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World
- Environmental Change in South-East Asia
- Environmental Education in Indonesia
- Environmental Life Cycle Assessment
- Environmental Management in Construction
- Environments of Intelligence
- Epileptic Seizures and the EEG
- Epos Zeitgeschichte
- Erdöl, Mais und Devisen
- Ergonomics For People With Disabilities
- Eric Rohmer's Film Theory (1948-1953)
- Erinnerung an Diktatur und Krieg
- Erkenntnis- und Sinnsuche
- Erlösung durch Vernichtung?!
- Erobert oder befreit?
- Erosion von Verfassungsvoraussetzungen
- Erprobung und Optimierung eines einfachen Membranfiltrationsgerätes zur Aufbereitung von trinkbarem Wasser aus Oberflächengewässern für kleine Personengruppen in Notsituationen ohne Fremdenergie (3. Phase) mit dem Ziel der Serienreife
- Erschließungsband zur Mikrofiche-Edition Widerstand als Hochverrat
- Erstellung eines intelligenten Steuerungssystems für die integrierte, dezentrale Energiebereitstellung zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz
- Erzählte Ordnungen – Ordnungen des Erzählens
- Erziehung und Kulturmission
- Erziehungsauftrag und Erziehungsmaßstab der Schule im freiheitlichen Verfassungsstaat. Privatisierung von Verwaltungsaufgaben
- Essays on Funding and Effects of Public Expenditures on Household Related Infrastructure
- Essays on the Modern Japanese Church
- Essays on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein
- ESSE 2017
- Ethical Codes and Income Distribution
- Ethical Programs
- Ethics of Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism
- Ethische Aspekte der Donogenen Insemination
- Ethnic Diversity and the Control of Natural Resources in Southeast Asia
- Ethnische "Säuberungen" in der Moderne
- Ethnographies of Waiting
- EU Cohesion Policy
- Europa und die Welt
- Europa vor dem Krieg von 1870
- Europäische Union. Deutsches und europäisches Verwaltungsrecht - Wechselseitige Einwirkungen
- Europäische Volkswirtschaften unter deutscher Hegemonie
- Europäische Wissenschaftskulturen und politische Ordnungen in der Moderne (1890-1970)
- Europas Weg in den Krieg
- Europe and Asia Beyond East and West
- European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices
- European Monarchies From 1814 to 1906
- European Socialist Regimes' Fateful Engagement with the West
- European-Russian Power Relations in Turbulent Times
- Europes Population
- Evaluating Environment in International Development
- Evangelische Kirche und Entnazifizierung 1945–1949
- Events, States and Times
- Everywhere Taksim
- Examining European Semi-natural Grassland Silages and Urban Green Cut As Input Sources for the Integrated Generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas From Biomass
- Exhibiting Cinema in Contemporary Art
- Existentialismus in Österreich
- Exodus
- Expanding the Lexicon
- Experimental Museology
- Experimentalphysik
- Experimenting for Sustainable Transport
- Explorations in Early Southeast Asian History
- Explorations of the Syntax-Semantics Interface
- Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Library at Wellcome Collection in London
- Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making
- Extending Educational Reform
- Extimate Technology
- Fabricating the Absolute Fake - Revised Edition
- Facebook Democracy
- Facetten des Gotteskonzepts
- Facing Poetry
- Fahrdynamikregelung für ein einachsiges Elektrofahrzeug
- Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics
- Faith and Secularisation in Religious Colleges and Universities
- Faith-Based Organizations in Development Discourses and Practice
- Fallgirls
- Familienfeste der Griechen und Römer
- Familienpolitik im föderativen Sozialstaat
- Family Business and Regional Development
- Family Instructions for the Yan Clan and Other Works by Yan Zhitui (531–590s)
- Fanfiction and the Author
- Farewell to Shulamit
- Far-infrared Spectroscopy of Dimethyl-Ether and Its 13C-enriched Isotopologues and First Spectroscopic Characterization of Tert-butyl-dibromophosphane
- Farocki/Godard
- Fascism, Liberalism and Europeanism in the Political Thought of Bertrand De Jouvenel and Alfred Fabre-Luce
- Faust-Studien
- Federalism and Regional Policy in Contemporary Russia
- Feeling Exclusion
- Feminisms
- Fernsehen als Medium der Literatur
- FFH-Abweichungsverfahren und artenschutzrechtliches Ausnahmeverfahren
- Fictionalizing Heterodoxy
- Fifth Size Strain Conference. Diffraction Analysis of the Microstructure of Materials
- Figuren des Messianischen in Schriften deutsch-jüdischer Intellektueller 1900-1933
- Film Museum Practice and Film Historiography
- Film Serials and the American Cinema, 1910-1940
- Filmische Poetiken der Schuld
- Filmische Seitenblicke
- Finance Against Poverty: Volume 2
- Finding Voice
- Flavins and Flavoproteins
- Flexibilisierung des industriellen Energiebedarfes
- Flood-related Health Risk Assessment: a Case Study in Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
- Fluid Balance, Hydration, and Athletic Performance
- Föderalismus als nationales und internationales Ordnungsprinzip. Die öffentliche Sache
- Food Culture of Southeast Asia: Perspectives of Social Science and Food Science
- Food Riots, Food Rights and the Politics of Provisions
- For the Common Good
- Forging Transnational Belonging Through Informal Trade
- Formational Units in Sign Languages
- Forming Nation, Framing Welfare
- Formula Funding of Public Services
- Formulaic Language and New Data
- Formulation in Action
- Forschungen zur Medizingeschichte
- Forschungsfeld Sprachevolution
- Fostering the Ontological Turn
- Fractional Dynamics
- Fractured Modernity
- Fragility, Aid, and State-building
- Fragment und Gesamtwerk
- Framing Intellectual and Lived Spaces in Early South Asia
- Framing Social Interaction
- Frankreich im KSZE-Prozess
- Frankreich und die deutsche Einheit
- Frankreichs Außenpolitik in der Julikrise 1914
- Franz Brentano und sein philosophischer Nachlass
- Fremde neue Welten
- Frieden durch Kommunikation
- Friedrich Meinecke
- Friedrich Rosen
- Frohes Schaffen!? - Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft
- From Cape Town to Kabul
- From Logic to Art
- From Media Hype to Twitter Storm
- From Memory to Marble
- From Memory to Marble
- From Scrolls to Scrolling
- From Seascapes of Extinction to Seascapes of Confidence
- From Waste to Value
- Frühhistorische Literaturformen. Die heidnische Periode. Die Zeit der Bekehrung bis zum Jahre 1100
- Frühprävention durch Förderung von Mentalisierungsprozessen
- Führung in deutschen Unternehmen
- Full Metal Jhacket
- Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation
- Funktionsprüfungen in der Herz-Kreislaufdiagnostik
- Fürsorge im Wirtschaftsboom
- Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments
- Futures of the Study of Culture
- Gaddafis Libyen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1969 bis 1982
- Gallipoli 1915/16
- Gaming the Stage
- Gärten für Menschen mit Demenz
- GATS als unmittelbar geltendes Recht in der EU und Deutschland mit besonderem Blick auf "Bildungsdienstleistungen" am Beispiel von E-Learning
- Gefängnis als Schwellenraum in der byzantinischen Hagiographie
- Gegen den Stand der Dinge
- GegenErinnerung
- Geglückte Integration?
- Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland?
- Geistliche Liederdichter zwischen Liturgie und Volkssprache
- Geistliches Erzählen
- Geländemodellierung
- Gemeinschaftsaufgaben im Bundesstaat. Partizipation an Verwaltungsentscheidungen
- Gemeinwohl durch Wettbewerb?
- Gender and Lifelong Learning
- Gender and Precarious Research Careers
- Gender and the Genocide in Rwanda
- Gender Equality and Nation Branding in the Nordic Region
- Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance
- Genealogy, Archive, Image
- Genealogy, Archive, Image
- Generationalität und Lebensgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
- Genesis und Dynamiken der Mehrheitsentscheidung
- Genocide
- Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia
- Genossenschaftswesen
- Genre in the Climate Debate
- Gentrifizierung als Rechtsproblem – Wohnungspolitik ohne ökonomische und rechtsstaatliche Leitplanken?
- Genuss als Politikum
- Geographical Indication and Global Agri-Food
- Geologie
- Geopolitics of the Knowledge-Based Economy
- Georg Forster als interkultureller autor
- Georg-Forster-Studien XX
- Geplantes "Wirtschaftswunder"?
- German and Dutch in Contrast
- German Rabbis in British Exile
- Germania Semitica
- Germany's Foreign Policy Towards Poland and the Czech Republic
- Gesammelte Aufsätze zur altfranzösischen Epik
- Geschäftliche Dialogführung im französischen Messebau
- Gescheiterte Sozialpartnerschaft – Gefährdete Republik?
- Geschichte der grotesken Satire
- Geschichte der Krim
- Geschichte schreiben
- Geschichten sind doch dazu da, weitererzählt zu werden
- Gesellschaft im Wandel 1949 bis 1973
- Gesellschaft und Politik in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone
- Gesellschaftsrecht und Verbraucherschutz - Zum Widerruf von Fondsbeteiligungen
- Gesetzgebung im Rechtsstaat. Selbstbindungen der Verwaltung
- Gestaltung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten einer Lernkiste zur Josefserzählung für ein 4. Schuljahr
- Gesundheitspolitik in der Nachkriegszeit
- Gewässerökologische Charakterisierung silikatischer Mittelgebirgsbäche im Kellerwald als Beitrag zur Fließgewässerbewertung
- Ghettorenten
- GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management
- Glaube und Eid
- Gleichungen höheren Grades
- Global Culture, Island Identity
- Global Diffusion of Protest
- Global Digital Cultures
- Global Forest Monitoring From Earth Observation
- Global Histories of Work
- Global Library and Information Science
- Global Resource Scarcity
- Globalisation and Poverty
- Globalising Democracy
- Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics
- Globalization and Labour in the Twenty-First Century
- Globalization's Contradictions
- God and Humans in Islamic Thought
- Goebbels` Mann beim Radio
- Goethe’s Faust and the Divan of Ḥāfiẓ
- Golda Meir
- Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism
- Gott als therapeut?
- Gott im Coaching?
- Gott ist (k)ein alter weiser mann!
- Governance for Justice and Environmental Sustainability
- Governance of a Distant Province in the Middle Ages
- Governing Delinquency Through Freedom
- Graffiti als Interaktionsform
- Grammar Discovery Procedures
- Grammars and Descriptions
- Grammaticalization and Language Change in Chinese
- Grammatik & literatur
- Graphs for Pattern Recognition
- Greek Medical Papyri
- Green Entrepreneur Handbook
- Greening China
- Gregor Straßer und die NSDAP
- Grenzen der Freizügigkeit
- Grenzen grammatischer Willkür bei Wittgenstein
- Grenzlandpolitik im Westen 1926-1936
- Grenzüberschreitungen
- Grey Literature in Library and Information Studies
- Group Theory of Chemical Elements
- Grundfragen der Soziologie
- Grundfragen des Management
- Grundlagen der Ethik
- Grundlagen der politischen Kultur des Westens
- Grundpflichten als verfassungsrechtliche Dimension. Verwaltungsverfahren zwischen Verwaltungseffizienz und Rechtsschutzauftrag
- Grundrechte im Leistungsstaat. Die Dogmatik des Verwaltungsrechts vor den Gegenwartsaufgaben der Verwaltung
- Grundrechte und Privatrecht
- Grundrechtsschutz zwischen Karlsruhe und Straßburg
- Grundsätze der Finanzverfassung des vereinten Deutschlands.
- Grundsatzfragen der Rechtsetzung und Rechtsfindung
- Grundwerte römischer Staatsgesinnung in den Geschichtswerken des Sallust
- Grüne Sonnen: Poetik und Politik der Fantasy am Medium Videospiel
- Guidelines for Legislative Libraries
- Guimarães Rosa und Meyer-Clason
- Günzburg und der Fall Josef Mengele
- Handbook Global History of Work
- Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies
- Handbook of Brand Semiotics
- Handbook of Optical and Laser Scanning
- Handbook of Stemmatology
- Handbuch der deutsch-jüdischen Literatur
- Handelsstrategien für Rohstoff-Futures
- Hands on Media History
- Handwerk und Kleinhandel in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Hans Reichmann
- Hardware-in-the-Loop-gestützte Entwicklungsplattform für Fahrerassistenzsysteme
- Häresie und vorzeitige Reformation im Spätmittelalter
- Hate Speech Law
- Hausärztliche Krankheitskonzepte in Biographie und Interaktion
- Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition
- Health and Political Engagement
- Health and Socio-economic Status Over the Life Course
- Health Promotion at School
- Health, Rights and Dignity
- Healthcare Biotechnology
- Hearing Voices, Demonic and Divine
- Heeresadjutant bei Hitler 1938-1943
- Heilige Kriege
- Heilige und Heiden im legendarischen Erzählen des 13. Jahrhunderts
- Heimkehr aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
- Heinrich Heine
- Heinrich von Sybel
- Herakleios, der schwitzende Kaiser
- Herausforderungen an eine neue Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Herbert Wehner in Schweden
- Hermann Kurz und die 'Poesie der Wirklichkeit'
- Heterogenität in Pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern
- Hidden Attractions of Administration
- Higher Education Revolutions in the Gulf
- Hinter den Kulissen des Nationalkomitees
- Hispanos en el mundo
July 2021
All Additions
- Addictions. Frankenburg. 2019. 9781440863400
- Aging: oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants. Preedy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128188118
- Anaesthetics of existence. Heyes. 2020. 9781478009320
- Angular statistics. Dattatreya. 2020. 9780367854485
- Applied theatre. Busby. 2021. 9781350086180
- The Arab and Jewish questions. Bashir. 2020. 9780231552998
- Art, literature and culture from a Marxist perspective. McKenna. 2015. 9781137526618
- Artificial intelligence. Healey. 2020. 9781922274014
- Assessment of disorders in childhood and adolescence. Youngstrom. 5th ed, 2020. 9781462543656
- Authentic TM. Banet-Weiser. 2012. 9780814787151
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 1. Update on general medicine. Ingraham. 2021. 9781681044651
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 2. Fundamentals and principles of ophthalmology. Brar. 2021. 9781681044668
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 3. Clinical optics. Brodie. 2021. 9781681044675
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 4. Ophthalmic pathology and intraocular tumors. Syed. 2021. 9781681044682
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 5. Neuro-ophthalmology. Bhatti. 2021. 9781681044699
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 6. Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. Hered. 2021. 9781681044705
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 7. Oculofacial plastic and orbital surgery. Korn. 2021. 9781681044712
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 8. External disease and cornea. Feder. 2021. 9781681044729
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 9. Uveitis and ocular inflammation. Sen. 2021. 9781681044736
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 10. Glaucoma. Tanna. 2021. 9781681044743
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 11. Lens and cataract. Tsai. 2021. 9781681044750
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 12. Retina and vitreous. McCannel. 2021. 9781681044767
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 13. Refractive surgery. Waring. 2021. 9781681044774
- Beam-based correction and optimization for accelerators. Huang. 2020. 9780429784743
- Becoming a transformative leader. Shields. 2020. 9780429261091
- Beyond respectability. Cooper. 2017. 9780252099540
- Brecht and post-1990s British drama. Hartl. 2021. 9781350172814
- The bro code. Keith. 2020. 9780429863974
- Building effective learning environments. Krahenbuhl. 2021. 9781000377934
- Child bilingualism and second language learning. Li. 2020. 9789027260444
- The children's blizzard. Benjamin. 2021. 9780399182297
- The Civil War era. Meredith. 2018. 9781610697026
- Communal functions of social comparison. Križan. 2014. 9781107731714
- Consciousness. Weisberg. 2014. 9780745686615
- Criminology explains school bullying. Brooks. 2020. 9780520970465
- Critical autoethnography. Boylorn. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781000261462
- Cultural entanglements. Graham. 2020. 9780813944104
- The culture of samizdat. Von Zitzewitz. 2020. 9781350142633
- Dangerous freedom. Scott. 2021. 9781999776886
- Decolonizing childhoods. Liebel. 2020. 9781447356424
- Designing effective teaching and significant learning. Fashant. 2020. 9781642670066
- Deterritorializing language, teaching, learning, and research. Bangou. 2020. 9789004420939
- Developing grounded theory. Morse. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781315169170
- Differential diagnosis in dermatology. Ashton. 5th ed, 2021. 9780429662867
- Drug repurposing in cancer therapy. To. 2020. 978012819903
- Educating media literacy. Butler. 2020. 9789004416765
- Effective fundraising for nonprofits. Bray. 6th ed, 2019. 9781413326642
- Engaging youth in critical arts pedagogies and creative research for social justice. Goessling. 2021. 9781000339413
- Fast facts for the classroom nursing instructor. Yoder-Wise. 2012. 9780826109842
- Fluxus forms. Harren. 2020. 9780226355085
- Food from the sea. Bell. 2018. 9780429697210
- Forget me not. Oliva. 2021. 9781101966853
- Forget the Alamo. Burrough. 2021. 9781984880109
- Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture. Beaty. 2005. 9781429460484
- Get good with money. Aliche. 2021. 9780593232750
- Grading for equity. Feldman. 2019. 9781506391588
- The healthy skin kitchen. Fischer. 2021. 9781775594840
- Hooked: art and attachment. Felski. 2020. 9780226729770
- The hype machine. Aral. 2020. 9780525574521
- Inclusive radio communications for 5G and beyond. Oestges. 2021. 9780128205822
- The interwar depression in an international context. James. 2002. 9783486594485
- Iran's Constitutional Revolution of 1906. Ansari. 2016. 9781909942943
- It had to be you. Clark. 2021. 9781982133214
- The leader's guide to unconscious bias. Fuller. 2020. 9781982144333
- Leadership in higher education. Kouzes. 2019. 9781523087020
- The leave-takers. Wingate. 2021. 9781496226457
- Let's ask Marion. Nestle. 2020. 9780520974692
- Loot. Phillips. 2021. 9781786079367
- Lost in Paris. Thompson. 2021. 9781982149093
- Making the case. Grasswick. 2021. 9781438482392
- Medicinal natural products. Sarker. 2020. 9780128210208
- Meningiomas. Part I. McDermott. 9780128043257
- Metamorphosen. Ullrich. 2013. 9783958080683 (updated with new link)
- Monstrous media/spectral subjects. Botting. 2015. 9780719098130
- Nature inside. Browning. 2020. 9781000051278
- Neurocognitive development. Gallagher. 2020. 9780444641519
- Neurology and pregnancy: neuro-obstetric disorders. Steegers. 2020. 9780444642929
- Neurology and pregnancy: pathophysiology and patient care. Steegers. 2020. 9780444642912
- New perspectives on the study of ser and estar. Pérez-Jiménez. 2015. 9789027268136
- The new retirement savings time bomb. Slott. 2021. 9780525506355
- Obesity: health and economic consequences of an impending global challenge. Shekar. 2020. 9781464814921
- Obesity and gynecology. Mahmood. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128179208
- Oil and governance. Hults. 2012. 9781139206358
- Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing. Kleinpell. 5th ed, 2022. 9780826151254
- Patterns of power. Anderson. 2021. 9781625315168
- Population health for nurses. Mager. 2020. 9780826148346
- Practical leadership skills for safety professionals and project engineers. Winn. 2016. 9781498758246
- Psychology research methods. Brondolo. 2020. 9780128156810
- Quadruplex nucleic acids as targets for medicinal chemistry. Neidle. 2020. 9780128210185
- Rhetorical ethos in health and medicine. Molloy. 2019. 9780429291074
- The Routledge companion to applied performance. Prentki. 2021. 9781000177039
- Sex differences in neurology and psychiatry. Lanzenberger. 2020. 9780444641243
- Sharing care. Brooks. 2020. 9781529205992
- Slavery and the post-black imagination. Saal. 2020. 9780295746654
- Sparking student motivation. Anderman. 2021. 9781071803233
- Sports media history. Carvalho. 2021. 9781000206531
- Star teachers of children in poverty. Haberman. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781315193267
- Strategies for governing. Roberts. 2019. 9781501745607
- Strategies of silence. McCrory. 2021. 9781000346862
- Sway of the Ottoman Empire on English identity in the long eighteenth century. Kugler. 2012. 9789004225435
- The teacher's guide to resolving school bullying. Nassem. 2020. 9781784507855
- Teika. Atkins. 2017. 9780824858681
- Tiere und Raum. Ullrich. 2014. 9783958080775 (updated with new link)
- Tiere und Tod. Ullrich. 2014. 9783958080768 (updated with new link)
- Tiere und Unterhaltung. Ullrich. 2016. 9783958081017 (updated with new link)
- Time of the magicians. Eilenberger. 2020. 9780525559672
- Tissue barriers in disease, injury and regeneration. Gorbunov. 2021. 9780128185612
- Turning point. West. 2020. 9780815738602
- Ultraviolet astronomy and the quest for the origin of life. Castro. 2021. 9780128191712
- The umbrella lady. Andrews. 2021. 9781982114497
- The United States healthcare system. Wagner. 2021. 9781640551664
- Using guided imagery and hypnosis in brief therapy and palliative care. Battino. 2020. 9781000218565
- Verbundenheit. Karr. 2015. 9783958080942 (updated with new link)
- Voices from Chernobyl. Aleksievich. 2005. 9781943150991
- Wein und Judentum. Lehnardt. 2014. 9783943414325 (updated with new link)
- The well-gardened mind. Stuart-Smith. 2020. 9781476794501
- Wild. Ullrich. 2015. 9783958080898 (updated with new link)
- Winning the green new deal. Prakash. 2020. 9781982142483
- Wisden at the oval. Surtees. 2017. 9781472942647
- Wound healing, tissue repair, and regeneration in diabetes. Bagchi. 2020. 9780128164143
- Zoo. Ullrich. 2015. 9783943414967 (updated with new link)
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Additions via EBSCOhost
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 1. Update on general medicine. Ingraham. 2021. 9781681044651
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 2. Fundamentals and principles of ophthalmology. Brar. 2021. 9781681044668
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 3. Clinical optics. Brodie. 2021. 9781681044675
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 4. Ophthalmic pathology and intraocular tumors. Syed. 2021. 9781681044682
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 5. Neuro-ophthalmology. Bhatti. 2021. 9781681044699
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 6. Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. Hered. 2021. 9781681044705
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 7. Oculofacial plastic and orbital surgery. Korn. 2021. 9781681044712
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 8. External disease and cornea. Feder. 2021. 9781681044729
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 9. Uveitis and ocular inflammation. Sen. 2021. 9781681044736
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 10. Glaucoma. Tanna. 2021. 9781681044743
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 11. Lens and cataract. Tsai. 2021. 9781681044750
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 12. Retina and vitreous. McCannel. 2021. 9781681044767
- Basic and Clinical Science Course, section 13. Refractive surgery. Waring. 2021. 9781681044774
EBSCOhost Additions
- Addictions. Frankenburg. 2019. 9781440863400
- Aging: oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants. Preedy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128188118
- Anaesthetics of existence. Heyes. 2020. 9781478009320
- Angular statistics. Dattatreya. 2020. 9780367854485
- Applied theatre. Busby. 2021. 9781350086180
- The Arab and Jewish questions. Bashir. 2020. 9780231552998
- Art, literature and culture from a Marxist perspective. McKenna. 2015. 9781137526618
- Artificial intelligence. Healey. 2020. 9781922274014
- Assessment of disorders in childhood and adolescence. Youngstrom. 5th ed, 2020. 9781462543656
- Authentic TM. Banet-Weiser. 2012. 9780814787151
- Beam-based correction and optimization for accelerators. Huang. 2020. 9780429784743
- Becoming a transformative leader. Shields. 2020. 9780429261091
- Beyond respectability. Cooper. 2017. 9780252099540
- Brecht and post-1990s British drama. Hartl. 2021. 9781350172814
- The bro code. Keith. 2020. 9780429863974
- Building effective learning environments. Krahenbuhl. 2021. 9781000377934
- Child bilingualism and second language learning. Li. 2020. 9789027260444
- The children's blizzard. Benjamin. 2021. 9780399182297
- The Civil War era. Meredith. 2018. 9781610697026
- Communal functions of social comparison. Križan. 2014. 9781107731714
- Consciousness. Weisberg. 2014. 9780745686615
- Criminology explains school bullying. Brooks. 2020. 9780520970465
- Critical autoethnography. Boylorn. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781000261462
- Cultural entanglements. Graham. 2020. 9780813944104
- The culture of samizdat. Von Zitzewitz. 2020. 9781350142633
- Dangerous freedom. Scott. 2021. 9781999776886
- Decolonizing childhoods. Liebel. 2020. 9781447356424
- Designing effective teaching and significant learning. Fashant. 2020. 9781642670066
- Deterritorializing language, teaching, learning, and research. Bangou. 2020. 9789004420939
- Developing grounded theory. Morse. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781315169170
- Differential diagnosis in dermatology. Ashton. 5th ed, 2021. 9780429662867
- Educating media literacy. Butler. 2020. 9789004416765
- Effective fundraising for nonprofits. Bray. 6th ed, 2019. 9781413326642
- Engaging youth in critical arts pedagogies and creative research for social justice. Goessling. 2021. 9781000339413
- Fast facts for the classroom nursing instructor. Yoder-Wise. 2012. 9780826109842
- Fluxus forms. Harren. 2020. 9780226355085
- Food from the sea. Bell. 2018. 9780429697210
- Forget me not. Oliva. 2021. 9781101966853
- Forget the Alamo. Burrough. 2021. 9781984880109
- Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture. Beaty. 2005. 9781429460484
- Get good with money. Aliche. 2021. 9780593232750
- Grading for equity. Feldman. 2019. 9781506391588
- The healthy skin kitchen. Fischer. 2021. 9781775594840
- Hooked: art and attachment. Felski. 2020. 9780226729770
- The hype machine. Aral. 2020. 9780525574521
- The interwar depression in an international context. James. 2002. 9783486594485
- Iran's Constitutional Revolution of 1906. Ansari. 2016. 9781909942943
- It had to be you. Clark. 2021. 9781982133214
- The leader's guide to unconscious bias. Fuller. 2020. 9781982144333
- Leadership in higher education. Kouzes. 2019. 9781523087020
- The leave-takers. Wingate. 2021. 9781496226457
- Let's ask Marion. Nestle. 2020. 9780520974692
- Loot. Phillips. 2021. 9781786079367
- Lost in Paris. Thompson. 2021. 9781982149093
- Making the case. Grasswick. 2021. 9781438482392
- Monstrous media/spectral subjects. Botting. 2015. 9780719098130
- Nature inside. Browning. 2020. 9781000051278
- New perspectives on the study of ser and estar. Pérez-Jiménez. 2015. 9789027268136
- The new retirement savings time bomb. Slott. 2021. 9780525506355
- Obesity: health and economic consequences of an impending global challenge. Shekar. 2020. 9781464814921
- Oil and governance. Hults. 2012. 9781139206358
- Patterns of power. Anderson. 2021. 9781625315168
- Population health for nurses. Mager. 2020. 9780826148346
- Practical leadership skills for safety professionals and project engineers. Winn. 2016. 9781498758246
- Psychology research methods. Brondolo. 2020. 9780128156810
- Rhetorical ethos in health and medicine. Molloy. 2019. 9780429291074
- The Routledge companion to applied performance. Prentki. 2021. 9781000177039
- Sharing care. Brooks. 2020. 9781529205992
- Slavery and the post-black imagination. Saal. 2020. 9780295746654
- Sparking student motivation. Anderman. 2021. 9781071803233
- Sports media history. Carvalho. 2021. 9781000206531
- Star teachers of children in poverty. Haberman. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781315193267
- Strategies for governing. Roberts. 2019. 9781501745607
- Strategies of silence. McCrory. 2021. 9781000346862
- Sway of the Ottoman Empire on English identity in the long eighteenth century. Kugler. 2012. 9789004225435
- The teacher's guide to resolving school bullying. Nassem. 2020. 9781784507855
- Teika. Atkins. 2017. 9780824858681
- Time of the magicians. Eilenberger. 2020. 9780525559672
- Turning point. West. 2020. 9780815738602
- Ultraviolet astronomy and the quest for the origin of life. Castro. 2021. 9780128191712
- The umbrella lady. Andrews. 2021. 9781982114497
- The United States healthcare system. Wagner. 2021. 9781640551664
- Using guided imagery and hypnosis in brief therapy and palliative care. Battino. 2020. 9781000218565
- Voices from Chernobyl. Aleksievich. 2005. 9781943150991
- The well-gardened mind. Stuart-Smith. 2020. 9781476794501
- Winning the green new deal. Prakash. 2020. 9781982142483
- Wisden at the oval. Surtees. 2017. 9781472942647
ProQuest Additions
- Metamorphosen. Ullrich. 2013. 9783958080683 (updated with new link)
- Tiere und Raum. Ullrich. 2014. 9783958080775 (updated with new link)
- Tiere und Tod. Ullrich. 2014. 9783958080768 (updated with new link)
- Tiere und Unterhaltung. Ullrich. 2016. 9783958081017 (updated with new link)
- Verbundenheit. Karr. 2015. 9783958080942 (updated with new link)
- Wein und Judentum. Lehnardt. 2014. 9783943414325 (updated with new link)
- Wild. Ullrich. 2015. 9783958080898 (updated with new link)
- Zoo. Ullrich. 2015. 9783943414967 (updated with new link)
ScienceDirect Additions
- Drug repurposing in cancer therapy. To. 2020. 978012819903
- Inclusive radio communications for 5G and beyond. Oestges. 2021. 9780128205822
- Medicinal natural products. Sarker. 2020. 9780128210208
- Meningiomas. Part I. McDermott. 9780128043257
- Neurocognitive development. Gallagher. 2020. 9780444641519
- Neurology and pregnancy: neuro-obstetric disorders. Steegers. 2020. 9780444642929
- Neurology and pregnancy: pathophysiology and patient care. Steegers. 2020. 9780444642912
- Obesity and gynecology. Mahmood. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128179208
- Quadruplex nucleic acids as targets for medicinal chemistry. Neidle. 2020. 9780128210185
- Sex differences in neurology and psychiatry. Lanzenberger. 2020. 9780444641243
- Tissue barriers in disease, injury and regeneration. Gorbunov. 2021. 9780128185612
- Wound healing, tissue repair, and regeneration in diabetes. Bagchi. 2020. 9780128164143
STAT!Ref Addition
- Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing. Kleinpell. 5th ed, 2022. 9780826151254
June 2021
All Additions
- The 5-minute orthopaedic consult. Frassica. 3rd ed, 2019. 9781496360632
- The 5-minute sports medicine consult. Achar. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781496396938
- Academic library services for graduate students. Forbes. 2020. 9781440869549
- Advancing online teaching. Kelly. 2021. 9781620367230
- Amazon unbound. Stone. 2021. 9781982132637
- Assemblage theory and method. Buchanan. 2021. 9781350015562
- Assessment and multimodal management of pain. Cooney. 2021. 9780323530781
- Atlas of dermatopathology. Elder. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975124632
- Atlas of pelvic anatomy and gynecologic surgery. Baggish. 5th ed, 2021. 9780323654012
- Before she disappeared. Gardner. 2021. 9781524745059
- Berek & Hacker's gynecologic oncology. Berek. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975142643
- The Bible and crusade narrative in the twelfth century. Smith. 2020. 9781787448506
- Bids, tenders and proposals. Lewis. 5th ed, 2015. 9780749474850
- Blue marlin. Smith. 2020. 9781949467321
- Briggs drugs in pregnancy and lactation. Briggs. 12th ed, 2022. 9781975162375
- Cardiac nursing. Perpetua. 7th ed, 2020. 9781975106324
- Case studies in personalized nutrition. Walker. 2020. 9780857013514
- Catalysis for clean energy and environmental sustainability. Vol. 1. Pant. 2021. 9783030650179
- Catalysis for clean energy and environmental sustainability. Vol. 2. Pant. 2021. 9783030650216
- Cecil essentials of medicine. Wing. 8th ed, 2021. 9780323722728
- Chatter. Kross. 2021. 9780525575252
- Chemically derived graphene. Zhang. 2018. 9781788012829
- Children's literature and imaginative geography. Hudson. 2018. 9781771123273
- China's troubled waters. Chan. 2016. 9781316424292
- Clean ABAP. 2020. 9781493220274
- Clear my name. Daly. 2019. 9780802147844
- Clinical handbook of psychiatry & the law. Appelbaum. 5th ed, 2020. 9781496398055
- The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical nursing. Hickey. 8th ed, 2020. 9781975100674
- Coaching for equity. Aguilar. 2020. 9781119592334
- Coaching in education. Van Nieuwerburgh. 2012. 9781849409834
- Cohen's pathways of the pulp. Hargreaves. 11th ed, 2021. 9780323185868
- Cold case homicides. Walton. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781351855570
- A companion to American women's history. Hewitt. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781119522652
- Computed body tomography with MRI correlation. Lee. 5th ed, 2020. 9781496370495
- Computational modeling in biomedical engineering and medical physics. Morega. 2021.
- 9780128178980
- Constructions in cognitive contexts. Günther. 2016. 9783110461343
- Correctional nursing. American Nurses Association. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781947800786
- Critical psychology praxis. Beshara. 2021. 9781000350944
- Critical transformative educational leadership & policy studies. Paraskeva. 2021. 9781975502898
- Crowdfunding. Cumming. 2020. 9780128146385
- The Cuban hustle. Fernandes. 2020. 9781478012269
- Cubism and Futurism. Elder. 2018. 9781771122719
- Davis's comprehensive manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing implications. Van Leeuwen. 9th ed, 2021. 9781719640589
- DeLisa's physical medicine and rehabilitation. 6th ed, 2020. 9781496374967
- Differentiated literacy instruction. Ankrum. 2017. 9781315195537
- Disabling the school-to-prison pipeline. Vernikoff. 2021. 9781793624185
- Dog training for dummies. Volhard. 4th ed, 2020. 9781119656845
- Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka, and scientific imagination. Stamos. 2017. 9781438463926
- Emans, Laufer, Goldstein's Pediatric & adolescent gynecology. Emans. 7th ed, 2012. 9781975107444
- Emotion-focused family therapy. Lafrance. 2020. 9781433830860
- The environment. Issitt. 2019. 9781682179543
- Ethics in design and communication. Scherling. 2020. 9781350077034
- Exploring the philosophy of death and dying. Cholbi. 2021. 9781003106050
- Evidence-based endocrinology. Camacho. 4th ed, 2020. 9781975110840
- F-bomb. McKeon. 2018. 9781946885180
- The face mask in COVID times. Lupton. 2021. 9783110723717
- False dawn. Buhler-Wilkerson. 2021. 9781978808768
- Ferri's clinical advisor 2022. Ferri. 2021. 9780323755702
- Ferri's clinical advisor 2021. Ferri. 2021. 9780323713344
- Fishes of Arkansas. Robison. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781610756730
- Five practices for improving the success of Latino students. Theokas. 2019. 9781351773430
- Fortunate son. Bass. 2021. 9780826362469
- Fractures. Gardner. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975139407
- Functional foods in cancer prevention and therapy. Kabir. 2020. 9780128165386
- Fundamentals of sleep technology. Mattice. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975111625
- Fungi in ecosystem processes. Dighton. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781482249064
- A general theory of fluid mechanics. Liu. 2021. 9789813366602
- Glass half-broken. Ammerman. 2021. 9781633695948
- Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery. Chung. 8th ed, 2020. 9781496388247
- Graphic inquiry. Lamb. 2012. 9781610693622
- Grossman & Baim's cardiac catheterization, angiography, and intervention. Moscucci. 9th ed, 2021. 9781496386380
- The growth and development of nurse leaders. McBride. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780826123923
- Handbook of stroke. Wiebers. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975114374
- Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine. Wolfson. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975111595
- Helping people overcome suicidal thoughts, urges and behavior. Bell. 2021. 9781003098805
- Heritage speakers of Spanish and study abroad. Pozzi. 2021. 9780429289163
- Homeland. Sánchez. 2021. 9780806169873
- Honor thy label. Leson. 2021. 9780593087428
- How to succeed in a PR agency. Johnson. 2019. 9780429434624
- Hyatt's interpretation of pulmonary function tests. Hyatt. 5th ed, 2020. 9781975114343
- The IACUC handbook. Silverman. 3rd ed, 2014. 9781498703710
- Improving patient care. Wensing. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781119488606
- In the mean time. Murrah-Mandril. 2020. 9781496221735
- Indian science fiction. Banerjee. 2020. 9781786836687
- Inflammation and natural products. Gopi. 2021. 9780128192191
- Insatiable appetite. Dmitriev. 2019. 9789004409552
- Instinct. Hough. 2021. 9781501181405
- Introduction to Lorentz geometry. Couto. 2020. 9781003031574
- IoT security. Liyanage. 2020. 9781119527947
- The island child. Aitken. 2020. 9780525658382
- The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics. Chou. 6th ed, 2020. 9781975140212
- Josephson's clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Callans. 6th ed, 2021. 9781975115562
- Khan's the physics of radiation therapy. Gibbons. 6th ed, 2019. 9781496397522
- Labor and punishment. Hatton. 2021. 9780520973374
- Library technical services. Marien. 2020. 9781612495859
- Lie symmetry analysis of fractional differential equations. Hashemi. 2021. 9781000068931
- The lived Nile. Derr. 2019. 9781503609662
- Lovell and Winter's pediatric orthopaedics. Weinstein. 8th ed, 2021. 9781975108663
- Macdonald's atlas of procedures in neonatology. Ramasethu. 6th ed, 2019. 9781496394255
- The male chauvinist pig. Willett. 2021. 9781469661094
- Manual of obstetrics. Evans. 9th ed, 2021. 9781975145934
- Manual of orthopaedics. Swiontkowski. 8th ed, 2022. 9781975143350
- Marriott's practical electrocardiography. Strauss. 13th ed, 2021. 9781496397478
- The Massachusetts General Hospital handbook of pain management. Brenner. 4th ed, 2018. 9781496347787
- Mayhall's hospital epidemiology and infection prevention. Weber. 5th ed, 2021. 9781975124588
- Medical cannabis handbook for healthcare professionals. Nazarenus. 2020. 9780826135735
- Men in women's worlds. Coffey-Glover. 2019. 9781137575555
- Merritt's neurology. Louis. 14th ed, 2022. 9781975141233
- The midnight library. Haig. 2020. 9780525559481
- Mindfulness-based interventions with children and adolescents. Singh. 2021. 9781317190769
- Mixed-race superheroes. Dagbovie-Mullins. 2021. 9781978814639
- Mood and trope. Brenkman. 2020. 9780226673431
- The Morehouse model. Braithwaite. 2020. 9781421438054
- Moss & Adams' heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents including the fetus and young adult. Shaddy. 10th ed, 2022. 9781975116606
- Music in action film. Buhler. 2020. 9781351204279
- National museums and the origins of nations. Watson. 2021. 9780429319877
- Natural hazards and disasters. Paul. 2021. 9781440862144
- Negotiating feminisms. Hall. 2021. 9783030506377
- Neuroscience nursing. American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781947800212
- No power over God's bounty. Valkenberg. 2021. 9789042941786
- Noir affect. Breu. 2020. 9780823287789
- Nurse’s pocket guide. Doenges. 15th ed, 2019. 9780803676442
- Nursing. American Nurses Association. 4th ed, 2021. 9780999308882
- Obesity and gynecology. Mahmood. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128179208
- Obstacle course. Cohen. 2020. 9780520973725
- Oral histories of older gay men in Hong Kong. Kong. 2019. 9789882204669
- Orthopaedic imaging. Greenspan. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975136499
- Party brands in crisis. Lupu. 2015. 9781139683562
- Pediatric acute care. Bolick. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780323755825
- Pediatric allergy. Leung. 4th ed, 2021. 9780323674645
- Pediatric clinical practice guidelines & policies. American Academy of Pediatrics. 21st ed, 2021. 9781610025034
- Performance and Spanish film. Allbritton. 2016. 9781526107749
- Perinatal nursing. Rice Simpson. 5th ed, 2021. 9781496398239
- The physician assistant student's guide to the clinical year: internal medicine. Knechtel. 2020. 9780826195333
- Pizza girl. Frazier. 2020. 9780385545730
- Pizzo and Poplack's pediatric oncology. Blaney. 8th ed, 2021. 9781975124793
- Planned change. Crosby. 2020. 9781000213980
- Pop goes the decade: the 2000s. Hall. 2021. 9781440868139
- The power of project leadership. Madsen. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780749493257
- Principles and practice of palliative care and supportive oncology. Berger. 5th ed, 2022. 9781975143688
- Proactivity at work. Parker. 2017. 9781317752578
- Project leadership. Coleman. 3rd ed, 2015. 9781472452818
- Promoting the health of the community. St. John. 2021. 9783030563752
- Provenance research today. Tompkins. 2020. 9781848223189
- Ready player two. Cline. 2020. 9781524761356
- Red book: 2021-2024 report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. American Academy of Pediatrics. 32nd ed, 2021. 9781610025218
- Remain silent. Steiner. 2020. 9780525509981
- Research design in the behavioral sciences. Flynn. 2022. 9780826143853
- Rethinking the age of emancipation. Baumeister. 2020. 9781789206333
- The rise and fall of the Orange Order during the famine. Curran. 2021. 9781846829925
- Rituals for virtual meetings. Ozenc. 2021. 9781119530756
- Rockwood and Green's fractures in adults. Tornetta. 9th ed, 2020. 9781496386519
- Rockwood and Wilkins' fractures in children. Waters. 9th ed, 2020. 9781496386540
- The role of student affairs in advancing community college student success. 2019. 9780429278587
- Rosen & Barkin's 5-minute emergency medicine consult. Schaider. 6th ed, 2019. 9781496392954
- Rosen's breast pathology. Hoda. 5th ed, 2021. 9781496398918
- Routledge handbook of global populism. De la Torre. 2019. 9781315226446
- The sanatorium. Pearse. 2021. 9780593296684
- The skeptical professional's guide to psychiatry. Dean. 2021. 9781003032038
- Speaking of feminism. Seidman. 2019. 9781469653075
- Speroff's clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility. Taylor. 9th ed, 2020. 9781451189766
- Still here. Stuart. 2020. 9781982148263
- Stocker & Dehner's pediatric pathology. Husain. 5th ed, 2021. 9781975144814
- Strong towns. Marohn. 2020. 9781119565154
- Studying a study and testing a test. Riegelman. 7th ed, 2020. 9781975120894
- Sustainable engineering for life tomorrow. Stagner. 2021. 9781793625021
- Tachdjian's pediatric orthopaedics. Herring. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323566964
- Te Linde's operative gynecology. Handa. 12th ed, 2019. 9781496386441
- The teaching archive. Buurma. 2021. 9780226736273
- Teaching for quality learning at university. Biggs. 4th ed, 2011. 9780335242764
- Teaching in nursing and role of the educator. Oermann. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780826152633
- Team leadership in community colleges. Boggs. 2020. 9781620368886
- Tender is the flesh. Bazterrica. 2020. 9781982151300
- Terrorism inside America's borders. Esmail. 2021. 9780761870746
- This is who we were: in the 1980s. 2016. 9781619259355
- Total quality management (TQM). Luthra. 2021. 9781003053156
- Transatlantic women travelers, 1688-1843. Krueger. 2021. 9781684483006
- The translation of fictive dialogue. Brumme. 2012. 9789401207805
- The trauma manual. Peitzman. 5th ed, 2020. 9781975113049
- Treating cancer with immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Olle. 2019. 9781683924517
- Uflacker's atlas of vascular anatomy. Uflacker. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781496356031
- Visible learning guide to student achievement. Hattie. 2020. 9781351257831
- Visual development, diagnosis, and treatment of the pediatric patient. Duckman. 2nd ed, 2006. 9780781752886
- Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic tests. Rao. 11th ed, 2021. 9781975105587
- The Washington manual gastroenterology subspecialty consult. Gyawali. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975113308
- The Washington manual infectious diseases subspecialty consult. Kirmani. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975113421
- The Washington manual nephrology subspecialty consult. Alhamad. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975113452
- The Washington manual of medical therapeutics. Crees. 36th ed, 2020. 9781975113483
- The Washington manual rheumatology subspecialty consult. Gonzalez-Mayda. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781975113391
- Webb, Muller and Naidich's high resolution of lung CT. Desai. 6th ed, 2021. 9781975144432
- Werner & Ingbar's the thyroid. Braverman. 11th ed, 2021. 9781975112967
- Why birds sing. Berkhout. 2020. 9781773056227
- World music pedagogy. Vol. III. Howard. 2018. 9781315174655
- World music pedagogy. Vol. I. Howard. 2018. 9781315177038
- World music pedagogy. Vol. VII. Coppola. 2018. 9780429278617
- World music pedagogy. Vol. II. Roberts. 2018. 9781351683418
- World music pedagogy. Vol. V. Bartolome. 2018. 9781351673044
- World music pedagogy. Vol. VI. Campbell. 2019. 9781315157924
- Wound healing, tissue repair, and regeneration in diabetes. Bagchi. 2020. 9780128164143
- Wrestling with the devil. Ngugi. 2018. 9781620973349
- Writing clinical research protocols. DeRenzo. 2nd ed, 2017. 9780123869548
- Writing the barbarian past. Ghosh. 2015. 9789004305816
- Yellow wife. Johnson. 2021. 9781982149123
- Youth mental health. Yung. 2021. 9781000292602
ClinicalKey Additions
- Atlas of pelvic anatomy and gynecologic surgery. Baggish. 5th ed, 2021. 9780323654012
- Cecil essentials of medicine. Wing. 8th ed, 2021. 9780323722728
- Cohen's pathways of the pulp. Hargreaves. 11th ed, 2021. 9780323185868
- Ferri's clinical advisor 2022. Ferri. 2021. 9780323755702
- Ferri's clinical advisor 2021. Ferri. 2021. 9780323713344
- Pediatric allergy. Leung. 4th ed, 2021. 9780323674645
- Tachdjian's pediatric orthopaedics. Herring. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323566964
EBSCOhost Additions
- Academic library services for graduate students. Forbes. 2020. 9781440869549
- Advancing online teaching. Kelly. 2021. 9781620367230
- Amazon unbound. Stone. 2021. 9781982132637
- Assemblage theory and method. Buchanan. 2021. 9781350015562
- Assessment and multimodal management of pain. Cooney. 2021. 9780323530781
- Before she disappeared. Gardner. 2021. 9781524745059
- The Bible and crusade narrative in the twelfth century. Smith. 2020. 9781787448506
- Bids, tenders and proposals. Lewis. 5th ed, 2015. 9780749474850
- Blue marlin. Smith. 2020. 9781949467321
- Case studies in personalized nutrition. Walker. 2020. 9780857013514
- Catalysis for clean energy and environmental sustainability. Vol. 1. Pant. 2021. 9783030650179
- Catalysis for clean energy and environmental sustainability. Vol. 2. Pant. 2021. 9783030650216
- Chatter. Kross. 2021. 9780525575252
- Chemically derived graphene. Zhang. 2018. 9781788012829
- Children's literature and imaginative geography. Hudson. 2018. 9781771123273
- China's troubled waters. Chan. 2016. 9781316424292
- Clean ABAP. 2020. 9781493220274
- Clear my name. Daly. 2019. 9780802147844
- Coaching for equity. Aguilar. 2020. 9781119592334
- Coaching in education. Van Nieuwerburgh. 2012. 9781849409834
- Cold case homicides. Walton. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781351855570
- A companion to American women's history. Hewitt. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781119522652
- Computational modeling in biomedical engineering and medical physics. Morega. 2021.
- 9780128178980
- Constructions in cognitive contexts. Günther. 2016. 9783110461343
- Critical psychology praxis. Beshara. 2021. 9781000350944
- Critical transformative educational leadership & policy studies. Paraskeva. 2021. 9781975502898
- Crowdfunding. Cumming. 2020. 9780128146385
- The Cuban hustle. Fernandes. 2020. 9781478012269
- Cubism and Futurism. Elder. 2018. 9781771122719
- Differentiated literacy instruction. Ankrum. 2017. 9781315195537
- Disabling the school-to-prison pipeline. Vernikoff. 2021. 9781793624185
- Dog training for dummies. Volhard. 4th ed, 2020. 9781119656845
- Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka, and scientific imagination. Stamos. 2017. 9781438463926
- Emotion-focused family therapy. Lafrance. 2020. 9781433830860
- The environment. Issitt. 2019. 9781682179543
- Ethics in design and communication. Scherling. 2020. 9781350077034
- Exploring the philosophy of death and dying. Cholbi. 2021. 9781003106050
- F-bomb. McKeon. 2018. 9781946885180
- The face mask in COVID times. Lupton. 2021. 9783110723717
- False dawn. Buhler-Wilkerson. 2021. 9781978808768
- Fishes of Arkansas. Robison. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781610756730
- Five practices for improving the success of Latino students. Theokas. 2019. 9781351773430
- Fortunate son. Bass. 2021. 9780826362469
- Functional foods in cancer prevention and therapy. Kabir. 2020. 9780128165386
- Fungi in ecosystem processes. Dighton. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781482249064
- A general theory of fluid mechanics. Liu. 2021. 9789813366602
- Glass half-broken. Ammerman. 2021. 9781633695948
- Graphic inquiry. Lamb. 2012. 9781610693622
- The growth and development of nurse leaders. McBride. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780826123923
- Helping people overcome suicidal thoughts, urges and behavior. Bell. 2021. 9781003098805
- Heritage speakers of Spanish and study abroad. Pozzi. 2021. 9780429289163
- Homeland. Sánchez. 2021. 9780806169873
- Honor thy label. Leson. 2021. 9780593087428
- How to succeed in a PR agency. Johnson. 2019. 9780429434624
- The IACUC handbook. Silverman. 3rd ed, 2014. 9781498703710
- Improving patient care. Wensing. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781119488606
- In the mean time. Murrah-Mandril. 2020. 9781496221735
- Indian science fiction. Banerjee. 2020. 9781786836687
- Inflammation and natural products. Gopi. 2021. 9780128192191
- Insatiable appetite. Dmitriev. 2019. 9789004409552
- Instinct. Hough. 2021. 9781501181405
- Introduction to Lorentz geometry. Couto. 2020. 9781003031574
- IoT security. Liyanage. 2020. 9781119527947
- The island child. Aitken. 2020. 9780525658382
- Labor and punishment. Hatton. 2021. 9780520973374
- Library technical services. Marien. 2020. 9781612495859
- Lie symmetry analysis of fractional differential equations. Hashemi. 2021. 9781000068931
- The lived Nile. Derr. 2019. 9781503609662
- The male chauvinist pig. Willett. 2021. 9781469661094
- Medical cannabis handbook for healthcare professionals. Nazarenus. 2020. 9780826135735
- Men in women's worlds. Coffey-Glover. 2019. 9781137575555
- The midnight library. Haig. 2020. 9780525559481
- Mindfulness-based interventions with children and adolescents. Singh. 2021. 9781317190769
- Mixed-race superheroes. Dagbovie-Mullins. 2021. 9781978814639
- Mood and trope. Brenkman. 2020. 9780226673431
- The Morehouse model. Braithwaite. 2020. 9781421438054
- Music in action film. Buhler. 2020. 9781351204279
- National museums and the origins of nations. Watson. 2021. 9780429319877
- Natural hazards and disasters. Paul. 2021. 9781440862144
- Negotiating feminisms. Hall. 2021. 9783030506377
- No power over God's bounty. Valkenberg. 2021. 9789042941786
- Noir affect. Breu. 2020. 9780823287789
- Obesity and gynecology. Mahmood. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128179208
- Obstacle course. Cohen. 2020. 9780520973725
- Oral histories of older gay men in Hong Kong. Kong. 2019. 9789882204669
- Party brands in crisis. Lupu. 2015. 9781139683562
- Pediatric acute care. Bolick. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780323755825
- Performance and Spanish film. Allbritton. 2016. 9781526107749
- The physician assistant student's guide to the clinical year: internal medicine. Knechtel. 2020. 9780826195333
- Pizza girl. Frazier. 2020. 9780385545730
- Planned change. Crosby. 2020. 9781000213980
- Pop goes the decade: the 2000s. Hall. 2021. 9781440868139
- The power of project leadership. Madsen. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780749493257
- Proactivity at work. Parker. 2017. 9781317752578
- Project leadership. Coleman. 3rd ed, 2015. 9781472452818
- Promoting the health of the community. St. John. 2021. 9783030563752
- Provenance research today. Tompkins. 2020. 9781848223189
- Ready player two. Cline. 2020. 9781524761356
- Remain silent. Steiner. 2020. 9780525509981
- Research design in the behavioral sciences. Flynn. 2022. 9780826143853
- Rethinking the age of emancipation. Baumeister. 2020. 9781789206333
- The rise and fall of the Orange Order during the famine. Curran. 2021. 9781846829925
- Rituals for virtual meetings. Ozenc. 2021. 9781119530756
- The role of student affairs in advancing community college student success. 2019. 9780429278587
- Routledge handbook of global populism. De la Torre. 2019. 9781315226446
- The sanatorium. Pearse. 2021. 9780593296684
- The skeptical professional's guide to psychiatry. Dean. 2021. 9781003032038
- Speaking of feminism. Seidman. 2019. 9781469653075
- Still here. Stuart. 2020. 9781982148263
- Strong towns. Marohn. 2020. 9781119565154
- Sustainable engineering for life tomorrow. Stagner. 2021. 9781793625021
- The teaching archive. Buurma. 2021. 9780226736273
- Teaching for quality learning at university. Biggs. 4th ed, 2011. 9780335242764
- Teaching in nursing and role of the educator. Oermann. 3rd ed, 2022. 9780826152633
- Team leadership in community colleges. Boggs. 2020. 9781620368886
- Tender is the flesh. Bazterrica. 2020. 9781982151300
- Terrorism inside America's borders. Esmail. 2021. 9780761870746
- This is who we were: in the 1980s. 2016. 9781619259355
- Total quality management (TQM). Luthra. 2021. 9781003053156
- Transatlantic women travelers, 1688-1843. Krueger. 2021. 9781684483006
- The translation of fictive dialogue. Brumme. 2012. 9789401207805
- Treating cancer with immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Olle. 2019. 9781683924517
- Visible learning guide to student achievement. Hattie. 2020. 9781351257831
- Why birds sing. Berkhout. 2020. 9781773056227
- World music pedagogy. Vol. III. Howard. 2018. 9781315174655
- World music pedagogy. Vol. I. Howard. 2018. 9781315177038
- World music pedagogy. Vol. VII. Coppola. 2018. 9780429278617
- World music pedagogy. Vol. II. Roberts. 2018. 9781351683418
- World music pedagogy. Vol. V. Bartolome. 2018. 9781351673044
- World music pedagogy. Vol. VI. Campbell. 2019. 9781315157924
- Wound healing, tissue repair, and regeneration in diabetes. Bagchi. 2020. 9780128164143
- Wrestling with the devil. Ngugi. 2018. 9781620973349
- Writing clinical research protocols. DeRenzo. 2nd ed, 2017. 9780123869548
- Writing the barbarian past. Ghosh. 2015. 9789004305816
- Yellow wife. Johnson. 2021. 9781982149123
- Youth mental health. Yung. 2021. 9781000292602
Ovid Additions
- The 5-minute orthopaedic consult. Frassica. 3rd ed, 2019. 9781496360632
- The 5-minute sports medicine consult. Achar. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781496396938
- Atlas of dermatopathology. Elder. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975124632
- Berek & Hacker's gynecologic oncology. Berek. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975142643
- Briggs drugs in pregnancy and lactation. Briggs. 12th ed, 2022. 9781975162375
- Cardiac nursing. Perpetua. 7th ed, 2020. 9781975106324
- Clinical handbook of psychiatry & the law. Appelbaum. 5th ed, 2020. 9781496398055
- The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical nursing. Hickey. 8th ed, 2020. 9781975100674
- Computed body tomography with MRI correlation. Lee. 5th ed, 2020. 9781496370495
- Correctional nursing. American Nurses Association. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781947800786
- DeLisa's physical medicine and rehabilitation. 6th ed, 2020. 9781496374967
- Emans, Laufer, Goldstein's Pediatric & adolescent gynecology. Emans. 7th ed, 2012. 9781975107444
- Evidence-based endocrinology. Camacho. 4th ed, 2020. 9781975110840
- Fractures. Gardner. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975139407
- Fundamentals of sleep technology. Mattice. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975111625
- Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery. Chung. 8th ed, 2020. 9781496388247
- Grossman & Baim's cardiac catheterization, angiography, and intervention. Moscucci. 9th ed, 2021. 9781496386380
- Handbook of stroke. Wiebers. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975114374
- Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine. Wolfson. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975111595
- Hyatt's interpretation of pulmonary function tests. Hyatt. 5th ed, 2020. 9781975114343
- The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics. Chou. 6th ed, 2020. 9781975140212
- Josephson's clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Callans. 6th ed, 2021. 9781975115562
- Khan's the physics of radiation therapy. Gibbons. 6th ed, 2019. 9781496397522
- Lovell and Winter's pediatric orthopaedics. Weinstein. 8th ed, 2021. 9781975108663
- Macdonald's atlas of procedures in neonatology. Ramasethu. 6th ed, 2019. 9781496394255
- Manual of obstetrics. Evans. 9th ed, 2021. 9781975145934
- Manual of orthopaedics. Swiontkowski. 8th ed, 2022. 9781975143350
- Marriott's practical electrocardiography. Strauss. 13th ed, 2021. 9781496397478
- The Massachusetts General Hospital handbook of pain management. Brenner. 4th ed, 2018. 9781496347787
- Mayhall's hospital epidemiology and infection prevention. Weber. 5th ed, 2021. 9781975124588
- Merritt's neurology. Louis. 14th ed, 2022. 9781975141233
- Moss & Adams' heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents including the fetus and young adult. Shaddy. 10th ed, 2022. 9781975116606
- Neuroscience nursing. American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781947800212
- Nursing. American Nurses Association. 4th ed, 2021. 9780999308882
- Orthopaedic imaging. Greenspan. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975136499
- Perinatal nursing. Rice Simpson. 5th ed, 2021. 9781496398239
- Pizzo and Poplack's pediatric oncology. Blaney. 8th ed, 2021. 9781975124793
- Principles and practice of palliative care and supportive oncology. Berger. 5th ed, 2022. 9781975143688
- Rockwood and Green's fractures in adults. Tornetta. 9th ed, 2020. 9781496386519
- Rockwood and Wilkins' fractures in children. Waters. 9th ed, 2020. 9781496386540
- Rosen & Barkin's 5-minute emergency medicine consult. Schaider. 6th ed, 2019. 9781496392954
- Rosen's breast pathology. Hoda. 5th ed, 2021. 9781496398918
- Speroff's clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility. Taylor. 9th ed, 2020. 9781451189766
- Stocker & Dehner's pediatric pathology. Husain. 5th ed, 2021. 9781975144814
- Studying a study and testing a test. Riegelman. 7th ed, 2020. 9781975120894
- Te Linde's operative gynecology. Handa. 12th ed, 2019. 9781496386441
- The trauma manual. Peitzman. 5th ed, 2020. 9781975113049
- Uflacker's atlas of vascular anatomy. Uflacker. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781496356031
- Visual development, diagnosis, and treatment of the pediatric patient. Duckman. 2nd ed, 2006. 9780781752886
- Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic tests. Rao. 11th ed, 2021. 9781975105587
- The Washington manual gastroenterology subspecialty consult. Gyawali. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975113308
- The Washington manual infectious diseases subspecialty consult. Kirmani. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975113421
- The Washington manual nephrology subspecialty consult. Alhamad. 4th ed, 2021. 9781975113452
- The Washington manual of medical therapeutics. Crees. 36th ed, 2020. 9781975113483
- The Washington manual rheumatology subspecialty consult. Gonzalez-Mayda. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781975113391
- Webb, Muller and Naidich's high resolution of lung CT. Desai. 6th ed, 2021. 9781975144432
- Werner & Ingbar's the thyroid. Braverman. 11th ed, 2021. 9781975112967
STAT!Ref Additions
- Davis's comprehensive manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing implications. Van Leeuwen. 9th ed, 2021. 9781719640589
- Nurse’s pocket guide. Doenges. 15th ed, 2019. 9780803676442
- Pediatric clinical practice guidelines & policies. American Academy of Pediatrics. 21st ed, 2021. 9781610025034
- Red book: 2021-2024 report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. American Academy of Pediatrics. 32nd ed, 2021. 9781610025218
May 2021
All Additions
- The acquisition of L2 Mandarin prosody. Yang. 2016. 9789027267634
- Adventures in Shondaland. Griffin. 2018. 9780813596334
- The anatomy of grief. Holinger. 2020. 9780300256086
- Antimicrobials in food. Davidson. 4th ed, 2021. 9780429603372
- Applied hierarchical modeling in ecology. Kéry. 2021. 9780128097274
- Archives of dispossession. Roybal. 2017. 9781469633831
- Art history and fetishism abroad. Genge. 2014. 9781322079257
- Artemisia Gentileschi and feminism in early modern Europe. Garrard. 2020. 9781789142396
- Artificial intelligence, automation and the future of competence at work. Johannessen. 2021. 9781003121923
- The assassination of Fred Hampton. Haas. 2019. 9781641603218
- Assessment, evaluation, and accountability in adult education. Hill. 2020. 9781620368534
- Beyond advertising. Wind. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781119074090
- The Bloomsbury handbook of global education and learning. Bourn. 2020. 9781350108745
- The Bloomsbury handbook of the internationalization of higher education in the global South. Thondhlana. 2021. 9781350139268
- Blues from Laurel Canyon. Mayall. 2019. 9781787591783
- The Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria. Anugwom. 2019. 9783319969596
- Brand identity essentials. Budelmann. 2019. 9781631597091
- Britain, Japan and China, 1876-1895. Suzuki. 2020. 9780429424601
- Building a winning team. Jones. 2020. 9781475846157
- Building gender equity in the academy. Laursen. 2020. 9781421439396
- Business ethics. Becker. 2019. 9780429397707
- Casarett & Doull's essentials of toxicology. Klaassen. 4th ed, 2021. 9781260452297 (Access Pharmacy)
- Cassius Dio's speeches and the collapse of the Roman Republic. Burden-Strevens. 2020. 9789004431362
- Changing the game. Host. 2020. 9780813179568
- Cinematic overtures. Insdorf. 2017. 9780231544061
- Clinical consult to psychiatric mental health management for nurse practitioners. Rhoads. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826161840
- Clinical neurology. Greenberg. 11th ed, 2021. 9781260458350 (Access Neurology)
- Comfort & joy. Hannah. 2005. 9780345486356
- Communicating clinical decision-making through documentation. Shamus. 2021. 9781260440669 (Access Physiotherapy)
- A companion to Antonio Gramsci. Cadeddu. 2020. 9789004426511
- Computer and cyber security. Gupta. 2019. 9780429424878
- Corridors. Luckhurst. 2019. 9781789141030
- Criminal justice in America. Lewandowski. 2021. 9781440862632
- Current diagnosis & treatment: rheumatology. Stone. 4th ed, 2021. 9781259644641 (Access Medicine)
- Data analytics for internal auditors. Cascarino. 2017. 9781498737159
- Data visualization made simple. Sosulski. 2019. 9781315146096
- Deaf culture. Leigh. 2nd ed, 2022. 9781635501803
- Dear teacher. Johnson. 2021. 9781003125280
- Decision making in perioperative medicine. Cohn. 2021. 9781260468113 (Access Medicine)
- Democratic accountability and international human development. Afzal. 2015. 9781317661337
- Design of distributed and robust optimization algorithms. Michalowsky. 2020. 9783832587055
- The design, implementation, and audit of occupational health and safety management systems. McKinnon. 2020. 9781000750980
- Dessert person. Saffitz. 2020. 9781984826978
- Devolution. Brooks. 2020. 9781984826794
- Diabetes digital health. Klonoff. 2020. 9780128174869
- Digital media, friendship and cultures of care. Byron. 2021. 9780429588556
- Discourse and digital practices. Jones. 2015. 9781317537007
- The discourse of police interviews. Mason. 2019. 9780226647821
- Echocardiography review guide. Otto. 4th ed, 2020. 9780323655682
- Ecology of desert systems. Whitford. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780081026557
- Emerging infectious diseases sourcebook. Williams. 2020. 9780780817104
- Emerging thermal and nonthermal technologies in food processing. Srivastav. 2020. 9780429297335
- Emotional bodies. Martín-Moruno. 2019. 9780252051753
- Employee voice and participation. Hyman. 2018. 9781351699198
- The ends of European colonial empires. Jerónimo. 2015. 9781137394064
- Energy transitions. Smil. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781440853258
- Essential elements of wound diagnosis. Hamm. 2021. 9781260460469 (Access Medicine, Access Physiotherapy)
- Essential learning theories. Johnson. 2019. 9781475852714
- The evening and the morning. Follett. 2020. 9781984882028
- Everyone can bake. Ansel. 2020. 9781501194726
- Exhibiting health. Koslow. 2020. 9781978803282
- Experimental. Cecire. 2019. 9781421433783
- Fangirls. Ewens. 2020. 9781477322109
- The fast forward MBA in project management. Verzuh. 6th ed, 2021. 9781119700807
- Feebleminded. Harwicz. 2019. 9781916465671
- The feminist war on crime. Gruber. 2020. 9780520973145
- Films as rhetorical texts. Hamlet. 2020. 9781793602725
- First aid for the medicine clerkship. Kaufman. 4th ed, 2021. 9781260460636 (First Aid)
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2021. Le. 41st ed, 2021. 9781260467536 (First Aid for the USMLE)
- Fit to practice. Haynes. 2017. 9781787441385
- Food waste recovery. Galanakis. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128225929
- Fool's gold? Sargisson. 2012. 9781137031075
- Foundations of library and information science. Rubin. 5th ed, 2020. 9780838947579
- Framing the dialogues. Kaklamanou. 2021. 9789004443990
- Framing war. Olmastroni. 2014. 9781317932635
- Friends and strangers. Sullivan. 2020. 9780525520603
- Function theory and Lp spaces. Cheng. 2020. 9781470460099
- Functional analysis. Bühler. 2018. 9781470447762
- Gender inequality. Newton. 2019. 9781440872877
- Geographies of urban female labor and nationhood in Spanish culture, 1880-1975. Soria. 2020. 9781496219978
- George Rogers Clark and William Croghan. Potts. 2020. 9780813178684
- Geriatric physical therapy. Staples. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781264258963 (Access Physiotherapy)
- The gig economy. Ruyter. 2019. 9781788210065
- God mocks. Lindvall. 2015. 9781479851911
- Gower's Vulgar tongue. McCabe. 2011. 9781846157851
- The Haitian Revolution. Grüner. 2020. 9781509535491
- Handbook of banana production, postharvest science, processing technology, and nutrition. Ahmed. 2020. 9781119528272
- Handbook of home hemodialysis. Knicely. 2021. 9781260458640 (Access Medicine)
- Handbook of world Englishes. Nelson. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781119147275
- Health psychology. Cook. 2021. 9781315447766
- The hidden affliction. Szreter. 2019. 9781787445826
- Hidden truths. Fubini. 2021. 9781119682349
- How to recruit, incentivize and retain millennials. Sharma. 2020. 9789353286620
- Human performance in automated and autonomous systems. Mouloua. 2020. 9780429857423
- Hybrid anxieties. Quinan. 2020. 9781496223616
- Hyperspectral remote sensing. Pandey. 2020. 9780081028957
- IEP & section 504 team meetings ... and the law. Freedman. 2020. 9781071802151
- Immersive cartography and post-qualitative inquiry. Rousell. 2021. 9780367816445
- In the midst of plenty. Shinn. 2019. 9781119104759
- The innovation tools handbook. Vol. 2. Harrington. 2016. 9781315350691
- Interprofessional practice in pharmacy. Zorek. 2021. 9781260462425 (Access Pharmacy)
- Intersectionality and higher education. Byrd. 2019. 9780813597706
- Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Valls-Russell. 2017. 9781526117694
- iPSCs from diverse species. Birbrair. 2021. 9780323851855
- Japonisme and the birth of cinema. Miyao. 2020. 9781478008873
- Jean-Jacques Lebel and French happenings of the 1960s. Fredrickson. 2021. 9781501332340
- Jump-starting America. Gruber. 2019. 9781541762503
- Laboratory methods in enzymology. Lorsch. Methods in enzymology, vol. 541. 2014. 9780124201781
- The librarian's copyright companion. Heller. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780837738727
- Lillian Hellman. Gallagher. 2014. 9780300166392
- The limits of critique. Felski. 2015. 9780226294179
- Liver transplantation. Molmenti. 2021. 9781260462524 (Access Surgery)
- Managing online learning. Vivolo. 2019. 9780429431159
- Massacre in Minnesota. Anderson. 2019. 9780806166025
- The material culture of basketry. Bunn. 2020. 9781350094048
- McGraw Hill's NAPLEX review guide. Sutton. 4th ed, 2021. 9781264258062 (Access Pharmacy)
- Mindfulness and acceptance in sport. Henriksen. 2019. 9780429435232
- Motivational interviewing in school. Herman. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826148780
- Mouths of rain. Jones. 2021. 9781620976258
- The mythic dream. Parisien. 2019. 9781481462402
- Neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. Silbersweig. 2021. 9781260117110 (Access Neurology)
- New dimensions in spirituality, religion, and aging. Bengtson. 2019. 9780429463891
- Nine types of leader. Ashton. 2020. 9781789666977
- No one. Hughes. 2019. 9781760800703
- Nuclear safeguards, security and nonproliferation. Doyle. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780128032725
- On the judgment of history. Scott. 2020. 9780231551908
- One simple thing. Read. 2021. 9781632461209
- Origen. Heine. 2019. 9781498288965
- The Palgrave handbook of artistic and cultural responses to war since 1914. Kerby. 2018. 9783319969862
- Parenting and child development. Khaleque. 2021. 9781440871955
- Personalization at work. Baker. 2020. 9781789662955
- Pharmacotherapy handbook. Schwinghammer. 11th ed, 2021. 9781260116694 (Access Pharmacy)
- Philosophy of history. Kuukkanen. 2021. 9781350111875
- Plant breeding and cultivar development. Singh. 2021. 9780128175644
- The political economy of everyday life in Africa. Adebanwi. 2017. 9781787440517
- Politics and pan-Africanism. Nagar. 2020. 9781786736451
- The politics of mercy. Eggemeier. 2020. 9780824501884
- Post-qualitative research and innovative methodologies. Thomas. 2020. 9781350062078
- A practical field guide for ISO 13485:2016. Myhrberg. 2019. 9781951058227
- Principles of neural science. Kandel. 6th ed, 2021. 9781259642234 (Access Neurology, Access Physiotherapy)
- Probability, statistics, and stochastic processes for engineers and scientists. Haghighi. 2020. 9781351238380
- The problem with parenting. McDermott. 2020. 9781440853197
- Problem-based psychiatry. Meagher. 2021. 9780702080692
- Process control fundamentals. Rengaswamy. 2020. 9781000056204
- Professional development of teacher educators in further education. Loo. 2020. 9780429616341
- Punctuations. Shapiro. 2019. 9781478007265
- Queer timing. Potter. 2019. 9780252051302
- Quick answers: pharmacy. Roller. 2019. (Access Pharmacy)
- Rav Kook. Mirsky. 2014. 9780300165555
- Realizing strategy through projects. Marnewick. 2018. 9781315303864
- Reclaiming indigenous research in higher education. Minthorn. 2018. 9780813588711
- Reinventing evidence in social inquiry. Biernacki. 2012. 9781137007285
- Research methodology in the health sciences. Bhattacharya. 2021. 9781260463293 (Access Pharmacy)
- Return to the city of Joseph. Esplin. 2019. 9780252050855
- Routledge handbook of gender and environment. MacGregor. 2017. 9781134601530
- The Routledge history of the twentieth-century United States. Podair. 2018. 9781315709345
- Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for substance use. Cimini. 2020. 9781433832031
- Seeing like a state. Scott. 1998. 9780300128789
- Servant leadership in action. Blanchard. 2018. 9781523093977
- Shakespeare's world. Pendergast. 2020. 9781440857492
- A show of hands for the republic. Walshaw. 2014. 9781580468404
- The situationist international. Hemmens. 2020. 9781786805447
- Soft chemistry and food fermentation. Grumezescu. 2017. 9780128112045
- Sporting blackness. Sheppard. 2020. 9780520973855
- Structure, audience and soft power in East Asian pop culture. Chua. 2012. 9789882208759
- Studies on a global history of music. Strohm. 2018. 9781351672740
- The subject of crusade. Galvez. 2020. 9780226693491
- Talkabout for children. Kelly. 2nd ed, 2018. 9781351631310
- Tasting difference. Shahani. 2020. 9781501748721
- Teacher agency, professional development and school improvement. Durrant. 2020. 9781315106434
- Teacher education and professional development in industry 4.0. Ashadi. 2021. 9781000290172
- Teaching ecocriticism and green cultural studies. Garrard. 2011. 9780230358393
- Teaching strings in today's classroom. MacLeod. 2019. 9781351254120
- TESOL career path development. England. 2020. 9780429458484
- There are not enough sad songs. Dachsel. 2019. 9781772124620
- Thermodynamics. Honig. 5th ed, 2021. 9780128233696
- Tools for infinite dimensional analysis. Becnel. 2020. 9781000328288
- Treatment of borderline personality disorder. Paris. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781462542000
- The trouble with Wagner. Steinberg. 2018. 9780226594224
- The trusted executive. Blakey. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781789666465
- Universal methods of design. Hanington. 2019. 9781631597497
- We travel the space ways. Gunkel. 2019. 9783839446010
- We will not cancel us. Brown. 2020. 9781849354233
- Williams hematology. Kaushansky. 10th ed, 2021. 9781260464122 (Access Medicine)
- The woman in the corner. Krygowski. 2020. 9780822987277
- World of trouble. Godbeer. 2019. 9780300248906
EBSCOhost Additions
- The acquisition of L2 Mandarin prosody. Yang. 2016. 9789027267634
- Adventures in Shondaland. Griffin. 2018. 9780813596334
- The anatomy of grief. Holinger. 2020. 9780300256086
- Antimicrobials in food. Davidson. 4th ed, 2021. 9780429603372
- Applied hierarchical modeling in ecology. Kéry. 2021. 9780128097274
- Archives of dispossession. Roybal. 2017. 9781469633831
- Art history and fetishism abroad. Genge. 2014. 9781322079257
- Artemisia Gentileschi and feminism in early modern Europe. Garrard. 2020. 9781789142396
- Artificial intelligence, automation and the future of competence at work. Johannessen. 2021. 9781003121923
- The assassination of Fred Hampton. Haas. 2019. 9781641603218
- Assessment, evaluation, and accountability in adult education. Hill. 2020. 9781620368534
- Beyond advertising. Wind. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781119074090
- The Bloomsbury handbook of global education and learning. Bourn. 2020. 9781350108745
- The Bloomsbury handbook of the internationalization of higher education in the global South. Thondhlana. 2021. 9781350139268
- Blues from Laurel Canyon. Mayall. 2019. 9781787591783
- The Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria. Anugwom. 2019. 9783319969596
- Brand identity essentials. Budelmann. 2019. 9781631597091
- Britain, Japan and China, 1876-1895. Suzuki. 2020. 9780429424601
- Building a winning team. Jones. 2020. 9781475846157
- Building gender equity in the academy. Laursen. 2020. 9781421439396
- Business ethics. Becker. 2019. 9780429397707
- Cassius Dio's speeches and the collapse of the Roman Republic. Burden-Strevens. 2020. 9789004431362
- Changing the game. Host. 2020. 9780813179568
- Cinematic overtures. Insdorf. 2017. 9780231544061
- Clinical consult to psychiatric mental health management for nurse practitioners. Rhoads. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826161840
- Comfort & joy. Hannah. 2005. 9780345486356
- A companion to Antonio Gramsci. Cadeddu. 2020. 9789004426511
- Computer and cyber security. Gupta. 2019. 9780429424878
- Corridors. Luckhurst. 2019. 9781789141030
- Criminal justice in America. Lewandowski. 2021. 9781440862632
- Data analytics for internal auditors. Cascarino. 2017. 9781498737159
- Data visualization made simple. Sosulski. 2019. 9781315146096
- Deaf culture. Leigh. 2nd ed, 2022. 9781635501803
- Dear teacher. Johnson. 2021. 9781003125280
- Democratic accountability and international human development. Afzal. 2015. 9781317661337
- Design of distributed and robust optimization algorithms. Michalowsky. 2020. 9783832587055
- The design, implementation, and audit of occupational health and safety management systems. McKinnon. 2020. 9781000750980
- Dessert person. Saffitz. 2020. 9781984826978
- Devolution. Brooks. 2020. 9781984826794
- Diabetes digital health. Klonoff. 2020. 9780128174869
- Digital media, friendship and cultures of care. Byron. 2021. 9780429588556
- Discourse and digital practices. Jones. 2015. 9781317537007
- The discourse of police interviews. Mason. 2019. 9780226647821
- Echocardiography review guide. Otto. 4th ed, 2020. 9780323655682
- Ecology of desert systems. Whitford. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780081026557
- Emerging infectious diseases sourcebook. Williams. 2020. 9780780817104
- Emerging thermal and nonthermal technologies in food processing. Srivastav. 2020. 9780429297335
- Emotional bodies. Martín-Moruno. 2019. 9780252051753
- Employee voice and participation. Hyman. 2018. 9781351699198
- The ends of European colonial empires. Jerónimo. 2015. 9781137394064
- Energy transitions. Smil. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781440853258
- Essential learning theories. Johnson. 2019. 9781475852714
- The evening and the morning. Follett. 2020. 9781984882028
- Everyone can bake. Ansel. 2020. 9781501194726
- Exhibiting health. Koslow. 2020. 9781978803282
- Experimental. Cecire. 2019. 9781421433783
- Fangirls. Ewens. 2020. 9781477322109
- The fast forward MBA in project management. Verzuh. 6th ed, 2021. 9781119700807
- Feebleminded. Harwicz. 2019. 9781916465671
- The feminist war on crime. Gruber. 2020. 9780520973145
- Films as rhetorical texts. Hamlet. 2020. 9781793602725
- Fit to practice. Haynes. 2017. 9781787441385
- Food waste recovery. Galanakis. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128225929
- Fool's gold? Sargisson. 2012. 9781137031075
- Foundations of library and information science. Rubin. 5th ed, 2020. 9780838947579
- Framing the dialogues. Kaklamanou. 2021. 9789004443990
- Framing war. Olmastroni. 2014. 9781317932635
- Friends and strangers. Sullivan. 2020. 9780525520603
- Function theory and Lp spaces. Cheng. 2020. 9781470460099
- Functional analysis. Bühler. 2018. 9781470447762
- Gender inequality. Newton. 2019. 9781440872877
- Geographies of urban female labor and nationhood in Spanish culture, 1880-1975. Soria. 2020. 9781496219978
- George Rogers Clark and William Croghan. Potts. 2020. 9780813178684
- The gig economy. Ruyter. 2019. 9781788210065
- God mocks. Lindvall. 2015. 9781479851911
- Gower's Vulgar tongue. McCabe. 2011. 9781846157851
- The Haitian Revolution. Grüner. 2020. 9781509535491
- Handbook of banana production, postharvest science, processing technology, and nutrition. Ahmed. 2020. 9781119528272
- Handbook of world Englishes. Nelson. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781119147275
- Health psychology. Cook. 2021. 9781315447766
- The hidden affliction. Szreter. 2019. 9781787445826
- Hidden truths. Fubini. 2021. 9781119682349
- How to recruit, incentivize and retain millennials. Sharma. 2020. 9789353286620
- Human performance in automated and autonomous systems. Mouloua. 2020. 9780429857423
- Hybrid anxieties. Quinan. 2020. 9781496223616
- Hyperspectral remote sensing. Pandey. 2020. 9780081028957
- IEP & section 504 team meetings ... and the law. Freedman. 2020. 9781071802151
- Immersive cartography and post-qualitative inquiry. Rousell. 2021. 9780367816445
- In the midst of plenty. Shinn. 2019. 9781119104759
- The innovation tools handbook. Vol. 2. Harrington. 2016. 9781315350691
- Intersectionality and higher education. Byrd. 2019. 9780813597706
- Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Valls-Russell. 2017. 9781526117694
- iPSCs from diverse species. Birbrair. 2021. 9780323851855
- Japonisme and the birth of cinema. Miyao. 2020. 9781478008873
- Jean-Jacques Lebel and French happenings of the 1960s. Fredrickson. 2021. 9781501332340
- Jump-starting America. Gruber. 2019. 9781541762503
- Laboratory methods in enzymology. Lorsch. Methods in enzymology, vol. 541. 2014. 9780124201781
- Lillian Hellman. Gallagher. 2014. 9780300166392
- The limits of critique. Felski. 2015. 9780226294179
- Managing online learning. Vivolo. 2019. 9780429431159
- Massacre in Minnesota. Anderson. 2019. 9780806166025
- The material culture of basketry. Bunn. 2020. 9781350094048
- Mindfulness and acceptance in sport. Henriksen. 2019. 9780429435232
- Motivational interviewing in school. Herman. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826148780
- Mouths of rain. Jones. 2021. 9781620976258
- The mythic dream. Parisien. 2019. 9781481462402
- New dimensions in spirituality, religion, and aging. Bengtson. 2019. 9780429463891
- Nine types of leader. Ashton. 2020. 9781789666977
- No one. Hughes. 2019. 9781760800703
- Nuclear safeguards, security and nonproliferation. Doyle. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780128032725
- On the judgment of history. Scott. 2020. 9780231551908
- One simple thing. Read. 2021. 9781632461209
- Origen. Heine. 2019. 9781498288965
- The Palgrave handbook of artistic and cultural responses to war since 1914. Kerby. 2018. 9783319969862
- Parenting and child development. Khaleque. 2021. 9781440871955
- Personalization at work. Baker. 2020. 9781789662955
- Philosophy of history. Kuukkanen. 2021. 9781350111875
- Plant breeding and cultivar development. Singh. 2021. 9780128175644
- The political economy of everyday life in Africa. Adebanwi. 2017. 9781787440517
- Politics and pan-Africanism. Nagar. 2020. 9781786736451
- The politics of mercy. Eggemeier. 2020. 9780824501884
- Post-qualitative research and innovative methodologies. Thomas. 2020. 9781350062078
- A practical field guide for ISO 13485:2016. Myhrberg. 2019. 9781951058227
- Probability, statistics, and stochastic processes for engineers and scientists. Haghighi. 2020. 9781351238380
- The problem with parenting. McDermott. 2020. 9781440853197
- Problem-based psychiatry. Meagher. 2021. 9780702080692
- Process control fundamentals. Rengaswamy. 2020. 9781000056204
- Professional development of teacher educators in further education. Loo. 2020. 9780429616341
- Punctuations. Shapiro. 2019. 9781478007265
- Queer timing. Potter. 2019. 9780252051302
- Rav Kook. Mirsky. 2014. 9780300165555
- Realizing strategy through projects. Marnewick. 2018. 9781315303864
- Reclaiming indigenous research in higher education. Minthorn. 2018. 9780813588711
- Reinventing evidence in social inquiry. Biernacki. 2012. 9781137007285
- Return to the city of Joseph. Esplin. 2019. 9780252050855
- Routledge handbook of gender and environment. MacGregor. 2017. 9781134601530
- The Routledge history of the twentieth-century United States. Podair. 2018. 9781315709345
- Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for substance use. Cimini. 2020. 9781433832031
- Seeing like a state. Scott. 1998. 9780300128789
- Servant leadership in action. Blanchard. 2018. 9781523093977
- Shakespeare's world. Pendergast. 2020. 9781440857492
- A show of hands for the republic. Walshaw. 2014. 9781580468404
- The situationist international. Hemmens. 2020. 9781786805447
- Soft chemistry and food fermentation. Grumezescu. 2017. 9780128112045
- Sporting blackness. Sheppard. 2020. 9780520973855
- Structure, audience and soft power in East Asian pop culture. Chua. 2012. 9789882208759
- Studies on a global history of music. Strohm. 2018. 9781351672740
- The subject of crusade. Galvez. 2020. 9780226693491
- Talkabout for children. Kelly. 2nd ed, 2018. 9781351631310
- Tasting difference. Shahani. 2020. 9781501748721
- Teacher agency, professional development and school improvement. Durrant. 2020. 9781315106434
- Teacher education and professional development in industry 4.0. Ashadi. 2021. 9781000290172
- Teaching ecocriticism and green cultural studies. Garrard. 2011. 9780230358393
- Teaching strings in today's classroom. MacLeod. 2019. 9781351254120
- TESOL career path development. England. 2020. 9780429458484
- There are not enough sad songs. Dachsel. 2019. 9781772124620
- Thermodynamics. Honig. 5th ed, 2021. 9780128233696
- Tools for infinite dimensional analysis. Becnel. 2020. 9781000328288
- Treatment of borderline personality disorder. Paris. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781462542000
- The trouble with Wagner. Steinberg. 2018. 9780226594224
- The trusted executive. Blakey. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781789666465
- Universal methods of design. Hanington. 2019. 9781631597497
- We travel the space ways. Gunkel. 2019. 9783839446010
- We will not cancel us. Brown. 2020. 9781849354233
- The woman in the corner. Krygowski. 2020. 9780822987277
- World of trouble. Godbeer. 2019. 9780300248906
McGraw-Hill Additions
- Casarett & Doull's essentials of toxicology. Klaassen. 4th ed, 2021. 9781260452297 (Access Pharmacy)
- Clinical neurology. Greenberg. 11th ed, 2021. 9781260458350 (Access Neurology)
- Communicating clinical decision-making through documentation. Shamus. 2021. 9781260440669 (Access Physiotherapy)
- Current diagnosis & treatment: rheumatology. Stone. 4th ed, 2021. 9781259644641 (Access Medicine)
- Decision making in perioperative medicine. Cohn. 2021. 9781260468113 (Access Medicine)
- Essential elements of wound diagnosis. Hamm. 2021. 9781260460469 (Access Medicine, Access Physiotherapy)
- First aid for the medicine clerkship. Kaufman. 4th ed, 2021. 9781260460636 (First Aid)
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2021. Le. 41st ed, 2021. 9781260467536 (First Aid for the USMLE)
- Geriatric physical therapy. Staples. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781264258963 (Access Physiotherapy)
- Handbook of home hemodialysis. Knicely. 2021. 9781260458640 (Access Medicine)
- Interprofessional practice in pharmacy. Zorek. 2021. 9781260462425 (Access Pharmacy)
- Liver transplantation. Molmenti. 2021. 9781260462524 (Access Surgery)
- McGraw Hill's NAPLEX review guide. Sutton. 4th ed, 2021. 9781264258062 (Access Pharmacy)
- Neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. Silbersweig. 2021. 9781260117110 (Access Neurology)
- Pharmacotherapy handbook. Schwinghammer. 11th ed, 2021. 9781260116694 (Access Pharmacy)
- Principles of neural science. Kandel. 6th ed, 2021. 9781259642234 (Access Neurology, Access Physiotherapy)
- Quick answers: pharmacy. Roller. 2019. (Access Pharmacy)
- Research methodology in the health sciences. Bhattacharya. 2021. 9781260463293 (Access Pharmacy)
- Williams hematology. Kaushansky. 10th ed, 2021. 9781260464122 (Access Medicine)
Open access Addition
- The librarian's copyright companion. Heller. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780837738727
April 2021
All Additions (excluding ProQuest due to character limits)
- 100 American crime writers. Powell. 2012. 9781137031662
- The ACT matrix. Polk. 2014. 9781461957324
- ADHD and other behavior disorders. Perritano. 2018. 9781422280294
- Advances and avenues in the development of novel carriers for bioactives. Singh. 2020. 9780128199183
- Advances in animal genomics. Mondal. 2021. 9780128206126
- Aesthetic surgery of the facial skeleton. Patel. 2020. 9780323680523
- Aging. Preedy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128188118
- AJCC cancer staging manual. AJCC. 8th ed, 2017. 9783319406183
- All about asthma. Borgert-Spaniol. 2019. 9781532155611
- All about bee stings. Borgert-Spaniol. 2019. 9781532156519
- All about the flu. Borgert-Spaniol. 2019. 9781532156557
- Allergies and other immune system disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280300
- All-inclusive engagement in architecture. Ferdous. 2020. 9781000284355
- Alopecia. Pietro. 2019. 9781536170092
- An introduction to community and public health. McKenzie. 8th ed, 2015. 9781449689889
- Anger management for adolescents. Lee. 2019. 9789674613150
- APRN and PA’s complete guide to prescribing drug therapy. Wirfs. 2020. 9780826179333
- The art of political storytelling. Seargeant. 2020. 9781350107410
- Artificial intelligence in precision health. Barh. 2020. 9780128173381
- The ASAM essentials of addiction medicine. Herron. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975107956
- Asthma, cystic fibrosis, and other respiratory disorders. Hawkins. 2018. 9781422280317
- Atlas of pediatric laparoscopy and thoracoscopy. Holcomb. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323694346
- Autism and other developmental disabilities. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280324
- BEST. Lara. 2020. 9780128208892
- Bio-economy and agri-production. Bochtis. 2021. 9780128211434
- Bradley and Daroff's neurology in clinical practice. Jankovic. 8th ed, 2022. 9780323642613
- The business improvement district movement. Grossman. 2016. 9781315619040
- Cacicas. Ochoa. 2021. 9780806169996
- California dreaming. Balance. 2020. 9780824883546
- Cancer and sickle cell disease. Poole. 2018. 9781422280331
- Cardiac nursing. Perpetua. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975106324
- Cardiac problems in pregnancy. Elkayam. 4th ed, 2020. 9781119409823
- Cardio-obstetrics. Hameed. 2020. 9780429454912
- Career planning and succession management. Rothwell. 2nd ed, 2015. 9781440831676
- Carry. Jensen. 2020. 9781984821195
- Cerebral palsy. Rosenbaum. 2012. 9781908316530
- Cerebral palsy and other traumatic brain disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280348
- Chickpea. Singh. 2020. 9780128183007
- Children of substance-abusing parents. Straussner. 2011. 9780826165077
- Clinical cases in uveitis. Sandhu. 2021. 9780323695428
- Clinical diagnosis in physical medicine & rehabilitation. Nori. 2022. 9780323722520
- Clinical judgment USMLE Step 3 review. Lee. 2014. 9780071739962
- Complications in endovascular surgery. Dryjski. 2022. 9780323554497
- Considering the patient in pediatric drug development. Rose. 2021. 9780128242056
- Contemporary issues in childhood malnutrition. Ghosh. 2019. 9781536173499
- Cornea. Mannis. 5th ed, 2022. 9780323674720
- Correlations and clinical scenarios: internal medicine. Fischer. 2014. 9780071826990
- Couch potato's guide to getting fit. Easton. 2019. 9781787830899
- Covid-19. Qu. 2020. 9780128242513
- Creating emotionally intelligent workspaces. Finch. 2019. 9780429891106
- Creativity and innovation in organizations. Mumford. 2020. 9781351755559
- Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280355
- Dealing with depression. Marsh. 2019. 9781775594123
- Dementia & Alzheimer's. O’Reilly. 2019. 9781783089260
- Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders. Balinson. 2018. 9781422280362
- Developmental human behavioral epigenetics. Provenzi. 2020. 9780128192634
- Diabetes. Preedy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128157770
- Diabetes and other endocrinological disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280379
- Diagnosis and management in dementia. Martin. 2020. 9780128158555
- Distal radius fractures. Jupiter. 2021. 9780323757652
- Do you really need back surgery? Filler. 2nd ed, 2013. 9780199986507
- Drug discovery targeting drug-resistant bacteria. Kesharwani. 2020. 9780128184813
- Eat a bowl of tea. Chu. 2020. 9780295747064
- EEG/ERP analysis. Kamel. 2015. 9781482224719
- End-of-life care and addiction. Bushfield. 2010. 9780826121417
- Enzyme active sites and their reaction mechanisms. Morrison. 2021. 9780128231944
- Essentials of job attitudes and other workplace psychological constructs. Sessa. 2021. 9780429325755
- Exposure and risk assessment of pesticide use in agriculture. Colosio. 2020. 9780128125625
- Evaluation and treatment of neuropsychologically compromised children. Nemeth. 2020. 9780128215364
- Fascia. Lesondak. 2017. 9781909141568
- Feminism. Evans. 2020. 9781642656640
- First aid cases for the USMLE step 1. Le. 4th ed, 2019. 9781260143140
- First aid cases for the USMLE step 1. Le. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780071746045
- First aid cases for the USMLE step 2 CK. Le. 2nd ed, 2010. 9780071629263
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2018. Le. 28th ed, 2018. 9781260116137
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2019. Le. 29th ed, 2019. 9781260143683
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2020. Le. 30th ed, 2020. 9781260462050
- First aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK. Le. 10th ed, 2019. 9781260440300
- First aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK: clinical knowledge. Le. 9th ed, 2016. 9780071844581
- First aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS. Le. 6th ed, 2018. 9781259862458
- First aid for the USMLE step 2 CS. Le. 5th ed, 2014. 9780071809337
- First aid for the USMLE step 3. Le. 5th ed, 2019. 9781260440317
- First aid for the USMLE step 3. Le. 4th ed, 2016. 9780071814553
- First aid for the USMLE step 3. Le. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071736039
- First aid Q & A for the USMLE Step 2 CK. Le. 2nd ed, 2010. 9780071629300
- First Aid Q & A for the USMLE Step 1. Le. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780071745963
- Food for Huntington's disease. Essa. 2018. 9781536138559
- Formal functions in perspective. Vande Moortele. 2015. 9781782045977
- Front line of defense. Pillow. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781635850611
- Fuhrman and Zimmerman's pediatric critical care. Zimmerman. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323672702
- Functional and preservative properties of phytochemicals. Prakash. 2020. 9780128196861
- Funerary archaeology and changing identities. Puddu. 2019. 9781789690019
- Gaian systems. Clarke. 2020. 9781452963303
- Genome engineering via CRISPR-Cas9 system. Singh. 2020. 9780128181416
- Gestalt therapy for addictive and self-medicating behaviors. Brownell. 2012. 9780826106957
- The global pain crisis. Foreman. 2017. 9780190259235
- Goodman's basic medical endocrinology. Holt. 5th ed, 2022. 9780128158449
- Ham's primary care geriatrics. Warshaw. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323721691
- Handbook of aging and the social sciences. Ferraro. 9th ed, 2021. 9780128162859
- Handbook of cancer treatment-related toxicities. Velcheti. 2022. 9780323672993
- Harm reduction in substance use and high-risk behaviour. Pates. 2012. 9781405182973
- Health insurance. Morrisey. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781640551640
- The herds shot round the world. Woods. 2017. 9781469634685
- Hildegard of Bingen. Meconi. 2018. 9780252050725
- Hildegard von Bingen's Ordo virtutum. Gardiner. 2019. 9781315267814
- Human resource management. Collings. 2nd ed, 2019. 9781315299556
- Ilse Aichingers Lyrik. Markus. 2015. 9783110430172
- Influence of nutrients, bioactive compounds and plant extracts in liver diseases. Alavian. 2021. 9780128175231
- Insulin resistance as a risk factor in visceral and neurological disorders. Farooqui. 2020. 9780128201848
- Insurgency and war in Nigeria. Omeni. 2020. 9781788317252
- Interventional management of chronic visceral pain syndromes. Pak. 2021. 9780323757768
- Introduction to aging. Sugar. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780826162946
- Joint Commission International accreditation standards for hospitals. Joint Commission International. 7th ed, 2020. 9781635851496
- Joint Commissions big book of checklists for infection prevention and control. Rupp. 2020. 9781635851519
- Leading in a culture of change. Fullan. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781119595786
- Legal and ethical issues in nursing education. Glasgow. 2021. 9780826161932
- Lie machines. Howard. 2020. 9780300252415
- The lion's share. Porter. 6th ed, 2021. 9781000176469
- MacDonald’s atlas of procedures in neonatology. Ramasethu. 6th ed, 2020. 9781496394255
- Manual of percutaneous coronary interventions. 2021. Brilakis. 9780128193686
- Marijuana. Hand. 2019. 9781532154003
- The material basis of energy transitions. Bleicher. 2020. 9780128235546
- May Irwin. Ammen. 2017. 9780252099090
- Microbes in agriculture and environmental development. Singh. 2021. 9781003057819
- Migraines and seizures. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280386
- Mosby's dental drug reference. Jeske. 13th ed, 2022. 9780323779371
- Muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular disorders. Jones. 2018. 9781422280393
- Nature and nutrition. Mohiuddin. 2019. 9781536158939
- Neurobiology of bipolar disorder. de Quevedo. 2020. 9780128191835
- Neurology video textbook. Howard. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826135094
- Neuropsychological tools for dementia. Hildebrandt. 2021. 9780128210734
- Neurotherapeutics in the era of translational medicine. Smith. 2021. 9780128172742
- Nicotine and tobacco dependence. Peterson. 2011. 9781616763244
- Nutraceuticals in brain health and beyond. Ghosh. 2020. 9780128206102
- Nutrition and bariatric surgery. 2021. 9780128230961
- Object relations and intersubjective theories in the practice of psychotherapy. Brodie. 2020. 9780367226794
- Occupational health and social estrangement in China. Ho. 2017. 9781526113634
- Off-white. Ma. 2020. 9781501352195
- Opie's cardiovascular drugs. Bhatt. 9th ed, 2021. 9780323673624
- Overcoming ovarian cancer chemoresistance. Samimi. 2021. 9780128198414
- Pan-genomics. Barh. 2020. 9780128170779
- A parent's guide to body positivity. Axis. 2019. 9780830778850
- A parent's guide to bullying. Axis. 2019. 9780830778829
- A parent's guide to prescription stimulants. Axis. 2019. 9780830778799
- A parent's guide to shame-free parenting. Axis. 2019. 9780830778805
- A parent's guide to teen privacy. Axis. 2019. 9780830778836
- A parent's guide to tough conversations. Axis. 2019. 9780830778812
- Pathology. Wettach. 2009. 9780071700344
- Phlebotomy essentials with student workbook. McCall. 7th ed, 2021. 9781284206272
- Phobias. Poole. 2018. 9781422280614
- Physical diagnosis secrets. Mangione. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780323263368
- Pickwell's binocular vision anomalies. Evans. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323733175
- Pocket companion to Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology. Hall. 14th ed, 2021. 9780323640084
- Pocket guide to radiation oncology. Chamberlain. 2016. 9781620700891
- Pocket guide to radiation oncology. Chamberlain. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826155139
- Post traumatic stress disorder. Hardy. 2018. 9781508069362
- Practical healthcare epidemiology. Lautenbach. 4th ed, 2018. 9781107153165
- Prognostic and therapeutic applications of RKIP in cancer. Bonavida. 2020. 9780128224519
- Promoting self-management of chronic health conditions. Martz. 2018. 9780190606152
- Protein biosynthesis interference in disease. Paley. 2021. 9780128234853
- Protocols in biochemistry and clinical biochemistry. Jain. 2021. 9780128220085
- Psychotic disorders. Veras. 2021. 9780323683104
- Public health. Rubin. 2019. 9781536153958
- Raising a healthy child. Chintapalli. 2018. 9781545747988
- Rap on trial. Nielson. 2019. 9781620973417
- A rational approach to clinical infectious diseases. Temesgen. 2022. 9780323695794
- Re-enchanted. Cecire. 2019. 9781452959436
- Research methods and techniques in public relations and advertising. Aydin. 2017. 9783631718773
- Rest uneasy. Cowgill. 2018. 9780813588223
- Self-assessment Q&A in clinical laboratory science. Wu. 2021. 9780128220948
- Sexual health in drug and alcohol treatment. Braun-Harvey. 2009. 9780826120151
- Sexual health in recovery. Braun-Harvey. 2011. 9780826120175
- Shakespeare & money. Holderness. 2020. 9781789206739
- Sobotta atlas of anatomy. Volume 1. Paulsen. 16th ed, 2018. 9780702052699
- Space(s) of the fantastic. Mancini. 2021. 9781000299724
- Spivak and postcolonialism. Sakhkhane. 2011. 9780230349414
- Sport, development and environmental sustainability. Millington. 2020. 9781351128612
- Sports vision. Erickson. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323755443
- Stepping up! Blackburn. 2018. 9780203705209
- Stolen song. Zingesser. 2020. 9781501747649
- Stroke. Grotta. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323694247
- Subfertility. Rehman. 2021. 9780323759465
- Subjects that matter. Goswami. 2019. 9781438475684
- Substance use problems. Earleywine. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781616764166
- Suffragette city. Darling. 2020. 9781351333924
- Surreal change. Fullan. 2018. 9781315682952
- Surviving cancer. Poothullil. 2018. 9780998485034
- Symptoms and treatments of anxiety disorders. Poole. 2018. 9781422280652
- Takes one to know one. Isaacs. 2019. 9780802147561
- Teaching the world's teachers. Lefty. 2020. 9781421438306
- A theranostic and precision medicine approach for female specific cancers. Nagaraju. 2021. 9780128226926
- Type 1 diabetes in children, adolescents and young adults. Hanas. 7th ed, 2019. 9781859597996
- Typical and impaired processing in morphosyntax. Torrens. 2020. 9789027260666
- Uncertainties in numerical weather prediction. Olafsson. 2021. 9780128157107
- Understanding and treating your migraine. Greenspan. 2018. 9781526725851
- Universal basic income. McDonough. 2019. 9781351106139
- Unlivable lives. Westbrook. 2021. 9780520974159
- USMLE step 1 pharmacology flashcards. Crisp. 2015. 9780071804370
- Vaginal pessaries. Tam. 2020. 9780429684982
- Vice epistemology. Kidd. 2021. 9781315146058
- Wake up now. Baxi. 2019. 9788834187555
- Warriors of Anatolia. Bryce. 2019. 9781786725288
- We are not dreamers. Abrego. 2020. 9781478010838
- Why we eat healthy foods. Clark. 2018. 9781512482966
- Why we exercise. Clark. 2018. 9781512482973
- Why we go to the dentist. Clark. 2018. 9781512482980
- Why we go to the hospital. Clark. 2018. 9781512483000
- Why we keep clean. Clark. 2018. 9781512483017
- The wisdom years. Lanir. 2019. 9781775594246
- Zika and other neglected and emerging flaviviruses. Beltz. 2021. 9780323825023
ClinicalKey Additions
- Aesthetic surgery of the facial skeleton. Patel. 2020. 9780323680523
- Atlas of pediatric laparoscopy and thoracoscopy. Holcomb. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323694346
- Bradley and Daroff's neurology in clinical practice. Jankovic. 8th ed, 2022. 9780323642613
- Clinical cases in uveitis. Sandhu. 2021. 9780323695428
- Clinical diagnosis in physical medicine & rehabilitation. Nori. 2022. 9780323722520
- Complications in endovascular surgery. Dryjski. 2022. 9780323554497
- Cornea. Mannis. 5th ed, 2022. 9780323674720
- Distal radius fractures. Jupiter. 2021. 9780323757652
- Fuhrman and Zimmerman's pediatric critical care. Zimmerman. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323672702
- Goodman's basic medical endocrinology. Holt. 5th ed, 2022. 9780128158449
- Ham's primary care geriatrics. Warshaw. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323721691
- Handbook of cancer treatment-related toxicities. Velcheti. 2022. 9780323672993
- Joint Commission International accreditation standards for hospitals. Joint Commission International. 7th ed, 2020. 9781635851496
- Mosby's dental drug reference. Jeske. 13th ed, 2022. 9780323779371
- Physical diagnosis secrets. Mangione. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780323263368
- Pickwell's binocular vision anomalies. Evans. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323733175
- Pocket companion to Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology. Hall. 14th ed, 2021. 9780323640084
- Psychotic disorders. Veras. 2021. 9780323683104
- A rational approach to clinical infectious diseases. Temesgen. 2022. 9780323695794
- Sabiston textbook of surgery. Townsend. 21st ed, 2022. 9780323640640
- Sobotta atlas of anatomy. Volume 1. Paulsen. 16th ed, 2018. 9780702052699
- Sports vision. Erickson. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323755443
- Stroke. Grotta. 7th ed, 2022. 9780323694247
- Zika and other neglected and emerging flaviviruses. Beltz. 2021. 9780323825023
EBSCOhost Additions
- 100 American crime writers. Powell. 2012. 9781137031662
- The ACT matrix. Polk. 2014. 9781461957324
- ADHD and other behavior disorders. Perritano. 2018. 9781422280294
- Advances in animal genomics. Mondal. 2021. 9780128206126
- All about asthma. Borgert-Spaniol. 2019. 9781532155611
- All about bee stings. Borgert-Spaniol. 2019. 9781532156519
- All about the flu. Borgert-Spaniol. 2019. 9781532156557
- Allergies and other immune system disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280300
- All-inclusive engagement in architecture. Ferdous. 2020. 9781000284355
- Alopecia. Pietro. 2019. 9781536170092
- An introduction to community and public health. McKenzie. 8th ed, 2015. 9781449689889
- Anger management for adolescents. Lee. 2019. 9789674613150
- The art of political storytelling. Seargeant. 2020. 9781350107410
- Artificial intelligence in precision health. Barh. 2020. 9780128173381
- Asthma, cystic fibrosis, and other respiratory disorders. Hawkins. 2018. 9781422280317
- Autism and other developmental disabilities. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280324
- Bio-economy and agri-production. Bochtis. 2021. 9780128211434
- The business improvement district movement. Grossman. 2016. 9781315619040
- Cacicas. Ochoa. 2021. 9780806169996
- California dreaming. Balance. 2020. 9780824883546
- Cancer and sickle cell disease. Poole. 2018. 9781422280331
- Cardiac problems in pregnancy. Elkayam. 4th ed, 2020. 9781119409823
- Cardio-obstetrics. Hameed. 2020. 9780429454912
- Career planning and succession management. Rothwell. 2nd ed, 2015. 9781440831676
- Carry. Jensen. 2020. 9781984821195
- Cerebral palsy. Rosenbaum. 2012. 9781908316530
- Cerebral palsy and other traumatic brain disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280348
- Chickpea. Singh. 2020. 9780128183007
- Considering the patient in pediatric drug development. Rose. 2021. 9780128242056
- Contemporary issues in childhood malnutrition. Ghosh. 2019. 9781536173499
- Couch potato's guide to getting fit. Easton. 2019. 9781787830899
- Covid-19. Qu. 2020. 9780128242513
- Creating emotionally intelligent workspaces. Finch. 2019. 9780429891106
- Creativity and innovation in organizations. Mumford. 2020. 9781351755559
- Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280355
- Dealing with depression. Marsh. 2019. 9781775594123
- Dementia & Alzheimer's. O’Reilly. 2019. 9781783089260
- Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders. Balinson. 2018. 9781422280362
- Developmental human behavioral epigenetics. Provenzi. 2020. 9780128192634
- Diabetes and other endocrinological disorders. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280379
- Diagnosis and management in dementia. Martin. 2020. 9780128158555
- Do you really need back surgery? Filler. 2nd ed, 2013. 9780199986507
- Drug discovery targeting drug-resistant bacteria. Kesharwani. 2020. 9780128184813
- Eat a bowl of tea. Chu. 2020. 9780295747064
- EEG/ERP analysis. Kamel. 2015. 9781482224719
- Enzyme active sites and their reaction mechanisms. Morrison. 2021. 9780128231944
- Essentials of job attitudes and other workplace psychological constructs. Sessa. 2021. 9780429325755
- Exposure and risk assessment of pesticide use in agriculture. Colosio. 2020. 9780128125625
- Evaluation and treatment of neuropsychologically compromised children. Nemeth. 2020. 9780128215364
- Fascia. Lesondak. 2017. 9781909141568
- Feminism. Evans. 2020. 9781642656640
- Food for Huntington's disease. Essa. 2018. 9781536138559
- Formal functions in perspective. Vande Moortele. 2015. 9781782045977
- Functional and preservative properties of phytochemicals. Prakash. 2020. 9780128196861
- Funerary archaeology and changing identities. Puddu. 2019. 9781789690019
- Gaian systems. Clarke. 2020. 9781452963303
- Genome engineering via CRISPR-Cas9 system. Singh. 2020. 9780128181416
- Handbook of aging and the social sciences. Ferraro. 9th ed, 2021. 9780128162859
- Health insurance. Morrisey. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781640551640
- The herds shot round the world. Woods. 2017. 9781469634685
- Hildegard of Bingen. Meconi. 2018. 9780252050725
- Hildegard von Bingen's Ordo virtutum. Gardiner. 2019. 9781315267814
- Human resource management. Collings. 2nd ed, 2019. 9781315299556
- Ilse Aichingers Lyrik. Markus. 2015. 9783110430172
- Influence of nutrients, bioactive compounds and plant extracts in liver diseases. Alavian. 2021. 9780128175231
- Insulin resistance as a risk factor in visceral and neurological disorders. Farooqui. 2020. 9780128201848
- Insurgency and war in Nigeria. Omeni. 2020. 9781788317252
- Interventional management of chronic visceral pain syndromes. Pak. 2021. 9780323757768
- Introduction to aging. Sugar. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780826162946
- Leading in a culture of change. Fullan. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781119595786
- Legal and ethical issues in nursing education. Glasgow. 2021. 9780826161932
- Lie machines. Howard. 2020. 9780300252415
- The lion's share. Porter. 6th ed, 2021. 9781000176469
- Manual of percutaneous coronary interventions. 2021. Brilakis. 9780128193686
- Marijuana. Hand. 2019. 9781532154003
- The material basis of energy transitions. Bleicher. 2020. 9780128235546
- May Irwin. Ammen. 2017. 9780252099090
- Microbes in agriculture and environmental development. Singh. 2021. 9781003057819
- Migraines and seizures. Sherman. 2018. 9781422280386
- Muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular disorders. Jones. 2018. 9781422280393
- Nature and nutrition. Mohiuddin. 2019. 9781536158939
- Neurobiology of bipolar disorder. de Quevedo. 2020. 9780128191835
- Neuropsychological tools for dementia. Hildebrandt. 2021. 9780128210734
- Neurotherapeutics in the era of translational medicine. Smith. 2021. 9780128172742
- Nutraceuticals in brain health and beyond. Ghosh. 2020. 9780128206102
- Nutrition and bariatric surgery. 2021. 9780128230961
- Object relations and intersubjective theories in the practice of psychotherapy. Brodie. 2020. 9780367226794
- Occupational health and social estrangement in China. Ho. 2017. 9781526113634
- Off-white. Ma. 2020. 9781501352195
- Opie's cardiovascular drugs. Bhatt. 9th ed, 2021. 9780323673624
- Overcoming ovarian cancer chemoresistance. Samimi. 2021. 9780128198414
- Pan-genomics. Barh. 2020. 9780128170779
- A parent's guide to body positivity. Axis. 2019. 9780830778850
- A parent's guide to bullying. Axis. 2019. 9780830778829
- A parent's guide to prescription stimulants. Axis. 2019. 9780830778799
- A parent's guide to shame-free parenting. Axis. 2019. 9780830778805
- A parent's guide to teen privacy. Axis. 2019. 9780830778836
- A parent's guide to tough conversations. Axis. 2019. 9780830778812
- Phobias. Poole. 2018. 9781422280614
- Pocket guide to radiation oncology. Chamberlain. 2016. 9781620700891
- Pocket guide to radiation oncology. Chamberlain. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826155139
- Post traumatic stress disorder. Hardy. 2018. 9781508069362
- Prognostic and therapeutic applications of RKIP in cancer. Bonavida. 2020. 9780128224519
- Protein biosynthesis interference in disease. Paley. 2021. 9780128234853
- Protocols in biochemistry and clinical biochemistry. Jain. 2021. 9780128220085
- Public health. Rubin. 2019. 9781536153958
- Raising a healthy child. Chintapalli. 2018. 9781545747988
- Rap on trial. Nielson. 2019. 9781620973417
- Re-enchanted. Cecire. 2019. 9781452959436
- Research methods and techniques in public relations and advertising. Aydin. 2017. 9783631718773
- Rest uneasy. Cowgill. 2018. 9780813588223
- Self-assessment Q&A in clinical laboratory science. Wu. 2021. 9780128220948
- Shakespeare's money. Holderness. 2020. 9781789206739
- Space(s) of the fantastic. Mancini. 2021. 9781000299724
- Spivak and postcolonialism. Sakhkhane. 2011. 9780230349414
- Sport, development and environmental sustainability. Millington. 2020. 9781351128612
- Stepping up! Blackburn. 2018. 9780203705209
- Stolen song. Zingesser. 2020. 9781501747649
- Subfertility. Rehman. 2021. 9780323759465
- Subjects that matter. Goswami. 2019. 9781438475684
- Suffragette city. Darling. 2020. 9781351333924
- Surreal change. Fullan. 2018. 9781315682952
- Surviving cancer. Poothullil. 2018. 9780998485034
- Symptoms and treatments of anxiety disorders. Poole. 2018. 9781422280652
- Takes one to know one. Isaacs. 2019. 9780802147561
- Teaching the world's teachers. Lefty. 2020. 9781421438306
- A theranostic and precision medicine approach for female specific cancers. Nagaraju. 2021. 9780128226926
- Type 1 diabetes in children, adolescents and young adults. Hanas. 7th ed, 2019. 9781859597996
- Typical and impaired processing in morphosyntax. Torrens. 2020. 9789027260666
- Uncertainties in numerical weather prediction. Olafsson. 2021. 9780128157107
- Understanding and treating your migraine. Greenspan. 2018. 9781526725851
- Universal basic income. McDonough. 2019. 9781351106139
- Unlivable lives. Westbrook. 2021. 9780520974159
- Vaginal pessaries. Tam. 2020. 9780429684982
- Vice epistemology. Kidd. 2021. 9781315146058
- Wake up now. Baxi. 2019. 9788834187555
- Warriors of Anatolia. Bryce. 2019. 9781786725288
- We are not dreamers. Abrego. 2020. 9781478010838
- Why we eat healthy foods. Clark. 2018. 9781512482966
- Why we exercise. Clark. 2018. 9781512482973
- Why we go to the dentist. Clark. 2018. 9781512482980
- Why we go to the hospital. Clark. 2018. 9781512483000
- Why we keep clean. Clark. 2018. 9781512483017
- The wisdom years. Lanir. 2019. 9781775594246
Ovid Additions
- The ASAM essentials of addiction medicine. Herron. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781975107956
- Children of substance-abusing parents. Straussner. 2011. 9780826165077
- End-of-life care and addiction. Bushfield. 2010. 9780826121417
- Gestalt therapy for addictive and self-medicating behaviors. Brownell. 2012. 9780826106957
- The global pain crisis. Foreman. 2017. 9780190259235
- Harm reduction in substance use and high-risk behaviour. Pates. 2012. 9781405182973
- Nicotine and tobacco dependence. Peterson. 2011. 9781616763244
- Sexual health in drug and alcohol treatment. Braun-Harvey. 2009. 9780826120151
- Sexual health in recovery. Braun-Harvey. 2011. 9780826120175
- Substance use problems. Earleywine. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781616764166
ProQuest Additions
- 1001 computer words you need to know . Pournelle. 2004. 9780199769919
- The A B C of nerves . Fraser-Harris. 2015. 9781315680255
- Abbeys and priories of medieval Wales . Burton. 2015. 9781783161812
- The ABCs of fiber optic communication . Warier. 2017. 9781630814168
- ACT made simple . Harris. 2019. 9781684033034
- Addictive disorders in arctic climates . Segal. 2013. 9781315825434
- The Adlard Coles book of radar . Wallin. 2010. 9781408151228
- Advanced manufacturing technologies and workforce development . Waldeck. 2013. 9781315053714
- Advances in applied social psychology. Kidd. 2009. 9781315803005
- Advances in edge computing . Xhafa. 2020. 9781643680637
- Advances in solar energy. Goswami. 2007. 9781315793221
- Against my better judgment . Brown. 1996. 9781315820545
- Agricultural prices and production in post-reform India . Tripathi. 2014. 9781315740423
- AIDS . Ratzan. 2013. 9781315061429
- AIDS . Corless. 2013. 9781315820729
- AIDS, fear, and society . Doka. 2013. 9781315061481
- Alcoholism treatment marketing . Self. 2013. 9781315826028
- Alternative irrigation . Barrow. 1999. 9780203508152
- American illuminations. Nye. 2018. 9780262344784
- Analysis of the mechanical response of impact loaded composite sandwich structures with focus foam core shear failure . Block. 2014. 9783832595340
- Anatomy and the organization of knowledge, 1500-1850. 9781848933217
- Ancient architecture of the Southwest . Morgan. 1994. 9780292799080
- The Annual of psychoanalysis. Institute for Psychoanalysis. 2009. 9781315803449
- Applied behavior analysis of language & cognition . Fryling. 2020. 9781684031382
- Applied behavior analysis of language & cognition . Fryling. 2020. 9781684031399
- Aquatic oligochaetes of the Netherlands and Belgium . Haaren. 2013. 9789004278097
- Arab oil policies in the 1970s . Sayigh. 2015. 9781315745015
- Artificial intelligence basics . Gupta. 2020. 9781683925149
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning . Campesato. 2020. 9781683924654
- ASCE. 2018. 9780784481929
- The attention zone . Cohen. 2014. 9781315825755
- Audiology . Kramer. 3rd ed, 2019. 9781944883362
- AutoCAD 2021 . Hamad. 2020. 9781683925200
- AutoCAD 2021 3D modeling . Hamad. 2020. 9781683925231
- Automatic modeling and fault diagnosis of timed concurrent discrete event systems . Schneider. 2015. 9783832594985
- Autothermer Gegenstromreaktor zur Herstellung von CO-reichem Synthesegas im Hochtemperaturbereich . Kelling. 2016. 9783832594206
- Becoming digital . Mosco. 2017. 9781787432956
- Behavioral and biochemical issues in substance abuse . George. 1991. 9781315825403
- Being forgotten on the internet . Novotny. 2016. 9783832587994
- BeitraÌge zu den thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften fluÌssiger Metallschmelzen . Dubberstein. 2016. 9783832594237
- Bien vivre l'allaitement . Allard. 2018. 9782804705855
- Big data and HPC . Grandinetti. 2018. 9781614998822
- Big men or chiefs? 2019. 9781789250275
- Biotechnology, education and life politics . Murphy. 2014. 9781315886886
- Bonne nuit, bebe . Skula. 2018. 9782804705848
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- Brain injury and gender role strain . Gutman. 2013. 9781315821412
- Brain, mind, and the external signs of intelligence . Hollander. 2015. 9781315732114
- Brief psychotherapy with the Latino immigrant client . Dobkin de Rios. 2001. 9781315809281
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- British engineers and Africa, 1875-1914. Andersen. 9781848931183
- The casebook of a residential care psychiatrist . Fleishman. 2013. 9781315821238
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- Ceramic oxygen ion conductors and their technological applications. Steele. 9780901716989
- The Chaplain-physician relationship . VandeCreek. 2013. 9781315859637
- Chaplains to the imprisoned . Shaw. 2013. 9781315800950
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- Chemical dependency treatment . McVinney. 2013. 9781315827728
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- Christchurch, New Zealand, earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 . Tang. 2016. 9780784479391
- Chronic complications in diabetes. Sima. 203303806
- A city reframed . Czarniawska-Joerges. 2013. 9781315080048
- Clean steel. Nutting. 9780901716903
- Clinical and research uses of an adolescent mental health intake questionnaire .Peake. 2013. 9781315821184
- Clinical examination and applied medicine. Haroon. 2017. 9781946646941
- The clinician's guide to managed behavioral care . Winston. 2nd ed, 2013. 9781315808352
- Cloud computing . Ruparelia. 2016. 9780262334129
- Cognitive-behavioral assessment and therapy with adolescents .Zarb. 2013. 9781315803647
- Cold regions engineering 2019 .Canadian Geotechnical Society. 2019. 9780784482599
- Commentaries on Friedman's The anatomy of psychotherapy. Bornstein. 1996. 9781315803265
- Communication and information technologies annual . Robinson. 2017. 9781786354815
- Community-based systems of long term care . Zawadski. 2013. 9781315804415
- Comparative methods in psychology . Bornstein. 2014. 9781315802978
- Comparing environmental risks . Davies. 1996. 9781315060668
- Computing in civil engineering 2017. Computing and Information Technology Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 2017. 9780784480847
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- Converting psychotherapy to psychoanalysis . Malin. 1990. 9781315803203
- The corpus linguistics discourse . 2018. 9789027263261
- The "Corrective Emotional Experience" Revisited . Marohn. 1990. 9781315803210
- Counseling kids . Peters. 2013. 9781315781693
- Couples therapy in managed care . Brothers. 2013. 9781315782560
- Cre8ive ICT . Smith. 2012. 9781315065151v
- Crisis intervention verbatim . Kfir. 2014. 9781315803098
- A critical examinations of psycho-analysis . Wohlgemuth. 2016. 9781315672496
- Cultural competency in health, social, and human services . Lecca. 2013. 9781315805375
- Cyanobacteria . Los. 2017. 9781910190562
- Cyber defence in Industry 4.0 systems and related logistics and IT infrastructures . Dimistrov. 2018. 9781614998884
- Cyber security . Calder. 2020. 9781787782105
- Cybersecurity . Gupta. 2020. 9781683924968
- Daylighting in architecture . Baker. 1993. 9781315067223
- Dealing with depression . Dayringer. 2012. 9781315800912
- Decade of the plague . Rodway. 2013. 9781315784342
- Decoding reality . Vedral. 2010. 9780192552990
- Dependable software systems engineering . Pretschner. 2017. 9781614998105
- Designing local e-government . 2019. 9781789732276
- The development process . Mabogunje2015. 9781315658483
- Developmental robotics . Cangelosi. 2015. 9780262325295
- Dictionary of ceramics. Dodd. 3rd ed. 9780901716569
- Digital activism and cyberconflicts in Nigeria . Olabode. 2018. 9781787560161
- Digital materialism . Gottlieb. 2018. 9781787436688
- Diseases that are preventable by vaccination . Miller. 2020. 9781944749965
- Disruptive activity in a regulated industry . Curwen. 2019. 9781789734737
- Diverse families, competent families . Gillespie. 2013. 9781315809403
- Divorce mediation . Everett. 2012. 9781315860077
- Drug-free youth . Norman. 2014. 9781315805436
- Durability of building materials and components 7 . Sjöström. 2006. 9781315025018
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- Dying and disabled children. Dick. 2013. 9781315804163
- Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene. Runge. 9780203930427
- Earth and space 2018 . Malla. 2018. 9780784481899
- Ecology or catastrophe . Biehl. 2015. 9780199342495
- Electroceramics. Lee. 9780901716422
- Electron theory in alloy design. Pettifor. 9780901716170
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- The energies of men . McDougall. 1932. 9781315695549
- Energy from the desert . Kurokawa. 2013. 9781315074443
- Engineering methods for precipitation under a changing climate . Olsen. 2020. 9780784482759
- The enigma of the origin of Portolan charts . Nicolai. 2016. 9789004285125
- L'enseignement de Las Vegas . Venturi. 2018. 9782804707170
- Der Esslinger Botanische Reiseverein 1825-1845 . Wörz. 2016. 9783832587987
- The ethics of online research . Woodfield. 2018. 9781787144859
- Ethnicity and gerontological social work . Dobrof. 2013. 9781315826134
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- European flora of the desmid genera staurastrum and Staurodesmus . Coesel. 2013. 9789004277915
- Evolution of preventive medicine . Newsholme. 2015. 9781315695457
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- Family therapy of neurobehavioral disorders . Johnson. 2012. 9781315786674
- Fat--a fate worse than death . Thone. 1997. 9781315820538
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- Forensic engineering 2018 . Liu. 2018. 9780784482018
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- Freud. Stepansky. 2014. 9781315791951
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- The gaff rig handbook . Leather. 2nd ed, 2012. 9781408121610
- Gender issues, sex offenses, and criminal justice . Chaneles. 2013. 9781315791401
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- The geography of iron and steel . Pounds. 3rd ed, 2015. 9781315716428
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics . Brandenberg. 2018. 9780784481455
- Gerontological social work in home health care . Dobrof. 2013. 9781315791364
- Ginecologia en la infancia y en la adolescencia. Emans. 6th ed, 2012. 9788418563034
- Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo's Trattato dell'arte della pittura . Tramelli. 2017. 9789004330269
- Glacial times . Resnik. 2005. 9781315783116
- Global warming and the sweetness of life . Hern. 2018. 9780262345460
- GMDSS. 5th ed. 9781408179123
- Grain boundary engineering of electronic ceramics. Freer. 9781907625770
- The green building evolution . Nhamo. 2019. 9780798305396
- Grid and cloud computing . Carminati. 2016. 9781614996439
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- Group work with the emotionally disabled . Levine. 2013. 9781315803968
- Group-theoretic methods in mechanics and applied mathematics . Klimov. 2004. 9781482265224
- A guide to local environmental auditing . Barton. 1995. 9781315070568
- A guide to self-help workbooks for mental health clinicians and researchers . L'Abate. 2004. 9781315785714
- Guidelines on electrochemical corrosion measurements. European Federation of Corrosion by the Institute of Metals. 9780901462879
- Healing across boundaries . Paranjape. 2014. 9781315656328
- Health care for an aging society . Haber. 1989. 9781315798554
- Health promotion and preventive programs . Johnson. 2013. 9781315859767
- Health services research and analytics using Excel . Johri. 2021. 9780826150288
- Healthcare of the future . Burkle. 2019. 9781614999614
- Healthcare quality management . Pruitt. 2020. 9780826145147
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- Hidden addictions . McKeever. 2013. 9781315786667
- High temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells . Siegel. 2015. 9783832598686
- History of technology. Inkster. 2007. 9781441115072
- HIV affected and vulnerable youth . Taylor-Brown. 2013. 9781315821597
- Horizontal auger boring projects . Atalah. 2nd ed, 2017. 9780784480236
- Humiliation . Svindseth. 2019. 9781838671006
- Identification of novel modulators towards high cell density and high-producing Chinese hamster ovary suspension cell cultures as well as their application in biopharmaceutical protein production . Thalmann. 2015. 9783832587901
- Illustrated questions in orthodontics . Nightingale. 2nd ed, 2015. 9780191024191
- Improving flood management, prediction and monitoring . Yusop. 2018. 9781787565517
- Individual development from an interactional perspective . Magnusson. 2015. 9781315722221
- Information networking in Asia . Higaki. 2001. 9781482283112
- Information technology and intelligent transportation systems . Jain. 2020. 9781643680613
- Integrating individual and family therapy . Feldman. 2013. 9781315803678
- The interaction order . Denzin. 2019. 9781787695474
- International collaboration in lifeline earthquake engineering 2016. 2017. 9780784480342
- International conference on sustainable infrastructure 2019 . Chester. 2019. 9780784482650
- International perspectives on social work in health care . Auslander. 2013. 9781315862484
- International project management. Mohammadian. 2019. 9781947083943
- Interrogating the real . Zizek. 2010. 9781441187307
- An introduction to 'a memoir of the future' by W. R. Bion. Sandler. 2015. 9781782412137
- Introduction to creep. Evans. 9780901462640
- An investigation of microRNA target regulation mechanisms using an integrative approach . Schmitz. 2015. 9783832587826
- Jonas & Kovner's health care delivery in the United States . Knickman. 12th ed, 2019. 9780826172730
- Karl Abraham . Bentinck van Schoonheten. 2016. 9781782414629
- Kidney transplants and scams . Kumar. 2020. 9789353882365
- Konzeptuelles Wissen und Konzeptentwicklung in Biologie . Roeling. 2015. 9783832593735
- Landscapes of human evolution . Cole. 2020. 9781789693805
- The language of illness and death on social media . Stage. 2018. 9781787694798
- Language, intelligence, and thought . Barrow. 2015. 9781315683546
- Learning and coordination . Vanderschraaf. 2013. 9781315054797
- Life after carbon . Plastrik. 2018. 9781610918503
- Linguistic refactoring of business process models . Pittke. 2016. 9783832588014
- Link . Pratt. 2019. 9781787696556
- Locating transference . 1993. 9781315803258
- The lost elements . Fontani. 2015. 9780199383368
- Low-power Galileo. Kandziora. 2014. 9783832595357
- The lupus book . Wallace. 5th ed, 2013. 9780199929412
- Maintenance architecture . Sample. 2016. 9780262335355
- Making aid agencies work . Gibson. 2019. 9781787695115
- Making connections. Hackney. 203214293
- Management of pollutant emission from landfills and sludge. Pawlowska. 9780415433372
- The Management of sexuality in residential treatment . Northrup. 2009. 9781315801193
- Managing the residential treatment center in troubled times . Northrup. 1994. 9781315801155
- Manual de quimioterapia del cancer. Skeel. 8th ed, 2012. 9788418563058
- Manual Washington de ecocardiografia. Quader. 2nd ed, 2017. 9788417033217
- Manual Washington de especialidades clinicas. alergia, asma e inmunologia. Joo. 2nd ed, 2013. 9788415840220
- Manual Washington de especialidades clinicas. Gastroenterologia. Gyawali. 3rd ed, 2012. 9788415684329
- Manual Washington de especialidades clinicas. reumatologia. Kahl. 2nd ed, 2015. 9788416654284
- Manufacturing facilities design & material handling . Stephens. 6th ed, 2019. 9781612495729
- Manuscript sources of medieval medicine . Schleissner. 2013. 9781315047577
- The many voices of psychoanalysis . Kennedy. 2007. 9781315787664
- Marriage and family therapy . Hurvitz. 2009. 9781315801483
- Material substitution . Tilton. 2016. 9781317312048
- Maternity and reproductive health in Asian societies . Rice. 2013. 9781315078748
- Mathematics, ideas, and the physical real . Lautman. 2011. 9781441144331
- MCQs in travel medicine . Colbert. 2013. 9780191641596
- Mechanics of earthquake faulting . Bizzarri. 2019. 9781614999799
- Medecine du Futur . Coucke. 2020. 9782804708559
- Medicina del dolor de bolsillo. Urman. 2012. 9788418563041
- Meeting security challenges through data analytics and decision support . Shahbazian. 2016. 9781614997160
- Melanie Klein and Marcelle Spira . Quinodoz. 2015. 9781315756639
- Mental retardation . Baroff. 3rd ed, 2012. 9781315820309
- Microcomputers in property . Dixon. 1991. 9780203473269
- Microscopy of oxidation 2. Newcomb. 9780419152606
- Microscopy of oxidation. Bennett. 9780901462909
- Mining and the state in Brazilian development. Triner. 9781848930681
- Montessori . Lillard. 3rd ed, 20179780199981533
- Moral psychology. Sinnott-Armstrong. 2017. 9780262337281
- More urban water. Hoimeijer. 9780415453585
- Motivation in psychoanalysis . Shane. 2001. 9781315798905
- Movement disorders. Walsh. 9780199325412
- A multinational telemedicine systems for disaster response . Doarn. 2017. 9781614997283
- Multiple-use management . Bowes. 1989. 9781315060576
- Multiword units in machine translation and translation technology . Mitkov2018. 9789027264206
- Musculoskeletal pain emanating from the head and neck . Allen. 2013. 9781315862521
- Narratives of drunkenness. Vleugels. 9781848933330
- The National Mental Health Association . Hess. 2009. 9781315826004
- Nature's building blocks . Emsley. 2011. 9780192570468
- Networks, hacking and media - CITAMS@30 . Wellman. 2018. 9781787696679
- Neurologia practica.Biller. 4th ed, 2013. 9788418563072
- Neuroscience and clinical science . Schwartz. 1992. 9781315803241
- New solutions for cybersecurity . Shrobe. 2017. 9780262346641
- Nitrification in saline industrial wastewater . Moussa. 2004. 9780203024546
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos with applications to hydrodynamics and hydrological modelling. Velickov. 2004. 9780203024324
- Nuclear physics with stable and radioactive ion beams . Gramegna. 2019. 9781614999577
- Oil, industrialization & development in the Arab Gulf states . Kubursi. 2015. 9781315744711
- On power . Bornstein. 1986. 9781315803197
- On the couch . Kravis. 2017. 9780262341639
- The open-ended city . Holliday. 2019. 9781477318621
- Optical materials. Wood. 9780901716446
- Optimisation of manufacturing processes. Evans. 9781902653860
- Outcome assessment in residential treatment . Pfeiffer. 2013. 9781315825236
- Palaeobiogeography of marine fossil invertebrates . Cecca. 2018. 9781482265194
- PanAm unsaturated soils 2017 . Hoyos. 2018. 9780784481684
- Parallel computing . Foster. 2020. 9781643680712
- Patkau Architects . Patkau Architects. 2017. 9781616895709
- Pediatric dysphagia . Willging. 2020. 9781635503159
- Perspectives on defense systems analysis . Delaney. 2015. 9780262330244
- Perspectives on drug use in the United States . Segal. 2013. 9781315791494
- Picturing women's health . Scott. 2014. 9781781440490
- Pipelines 2019 . Heidrick. 2019. 9780784482490
- Plant biotechnology. Ranabhatt. 2018. 9789385059841
- Poetics of time . Plata. 2018. 9789027264664
- Posthuman .Maldonato. 2017. 9781782844747
- Power density . Smil. 2015. 9780262326926
- Prevention . Jason. 2013. 9781315791524
- Prevention . Jason. 2014. 9781315791609
- Probing photosynthesis . Yunus. 2006. 9781482268010
- Production, safety and teamwork in a deep-level mining workplace . Phakathi. 2018. 9781787145634
- Professional practice in facility programming . Preiser. 2015. 9781315717012
- Psychoanalysis and aesthetics . Baudouin. 2015. 9781315739045
- Psychoanalysis and infant research . Lichtenberg. 2013. 9781315799049
- The psycho-analysis of the nursery . Balint. 2016. 9781315672694
- The psychodynamic image . Scharff. 2007. 9781315787657
- Psycho-economics . Weitz. 2012. 9781315821603
- Psychosocial assessment in terminal care . Dush. 2013. 9781315826240
- Psychotherapy and the promiscuous patient . Stern. 2009. 9781315801292
- Public spaces . Lopes. 2017. 9781786354631
- Quantum simulators . Calarco. 2018. 9781614998563
- Rainfed altepetl . Corral. 2014. 9781784910419
- Reason and rationality in health and human services delivery . Pardeck. 2013. 9781315862408
- Rebuilding communities . Bertchner. 2012. 9781315809465
- Recent developments in the concept and treatment of phobias and panic states . Moraitis. 1991. 9781315803227
- Recovering from catastrophic disaster in Asia . Waugh. 2017. 9781786352958
- Reeds VHF-DSC handbook. Fletcher. 3rd ed. 9781408131435
- Rapport accompagnant l'inventaire OCDE des mesures de soutien pour les combustibles fossils. OECD. 2015. 9789264243583
- Representation, memory, and development. Stein. 805841962
- Residue analysis in food . O'Keeffe. 2018. 9781482283525
- Retirement communities . Hunt. 2013. 9781315059198
- Revision notes for MCEM part B. Stacey. 9780191631689
- Revolutionary nostalgia . Cervellon. 2018. 9781787693432
- Righteous religion . Ritter. 2014. 9781315808345
- Risk-based structural evaluation methods . Ghosn. 2019. 9780784482643
- The role of communication in learning to model. Brna. 805840648
- The role of microRNAs in controlling protein expression noise . Schmiedel. 2016. 9783832588021
- The romance of heroism and heroic leadership . Goethals. 2019. 9781787566552
- Royal umbrellas of stone . Bose. 2015. 9789004300569
- Saints and rogues . Marchesani. 2004. 9781315785615
- SBAs and EMQs for the MRCOG part 2 . Datta. 2015. 9780191062803
- Seismic design criteria for structures, systems, and components in nuclear facilities. 2020. 9780784482407
- Self-learning and adaptive algorithms for business applications . Hu. 2019 9781838671716
- The sensory basis and structure of knowledge . Watt. 2015. 9781315694610
- Sex differences in lateralization in the animal brain. Bianki. 203304640
- Sex, reproduction and Darwinism. de Sousa. 9781848932654
- Sexual identity on the job . Ellis. 2012. 9781315801056
- A short guide to climate change risk . Arnell. 2015. 9781409453536
- Short-term treatment in occupational therapy . Gibson. 2013. 9781315791395
- Signal processing, speech and music . Tempelaars. 2014. 9780203059487
- Six community psychologists tell their stories . Kelly. 2013. 9781315785653
- So you want to be a scientist? . Schwartzkroin. 2009. 9780199715428
- The social unconscious in persons, groups, and societies. Hopper. 2016. 9781782413424
- Solar air systems--built examples . Hastings. 2013. 9781315073729
- Solar power to the people . Wijk. 2017. 9781614998327
- Sommes-nous tous racistes? Leyens. 2020. 9782804708443
- Spatial 'Christianisation' in context . Mulryan. 2014. 9781784910211
- Spectral-spatial classififcation of hyperspectral remote sensing images . Benediktsson. 2015. 9781608078134
- Spirituality and family therapy . Carlson. 2013. 9781315808833
- Stand-alone photovoltaic applications . Loois. 2013. 9781315073781
- Star theatre . Firebrace. 2017. 9781780238883
- Statistical analysis of hydrologic variables . Teegavarapu. 2019. 9780784481875
- Steel framed structures. Narayanan. 9780853343295
- Steel-makers. Brearley. 9780901716651
- Stochastic methods for parameter estimation and design of experiments in systems biology. Kramer. 2016. 9783832587956
- Straight male modern . Brenkman. 2016. 9781315670317
- Substance abuse prevention in multicultural communities . Valentine. 1998. 9781315809809
- Super-sticky WeChat and Chinese society . Chen. 2018. 9781787439443
- Surviving 9. Precin. 2013. 9781315785806
- Sustainability of temperate forests . Sedjo. 1998. 9781315060767
- The Swedish nuclear dilemma . Nordhaus. 1997. 9781315060699
- Tecnicas en cirugia ortopedica . Sim. 2012. 9788418563065
- Tecnicas quirurgicas en hombro y codo. Williams. 2011. 9788418563027
- Tell me a story . Reese. 2013. 9780199773190
- Term variation in specialised corpora . Daille. 2017. 9789027265357
- Ternary phase diagrams in materials science. West. 3rd ed. 9781907747755
- Test signal generation for service diagnosis based on local structure graphs . Ungermann. 2015. 9783832595982
- Thinking about thinking . Reeves. 2015. 9781315683201
- Third networks and services . Toy. 2017. 9781630814304
- Training behaviour therapists . Milne. 2015. 9781315712918
- Transmit receive modules for radar and communication systems . Sturdivant. 2016. 9781608079803
- Trauma and its wake. Figley. 1986. 9781315803869
- Trauma practice in the wake of September 11, 2001 . Gold. 2013. 9781315785899
- Trenchless pipeline projects . Osborn. 1997. 9780784481370
- Twentieth century industrial archaeology . Stratton. 2013. 9781315025070
- Twentieth-century suburbs . Whitehand. 2001. 9781315013039
- Underserved and socially disadvantaged groups and linkages with health and health care differentials. Kronenfeld. 2019. 9781838670566
- A unifying theory of evolution . Brender McNair. 2016. 9781614996880
- Urban water in Japan. de Graaf. 9780203889190
- Violence and suicidality . van Praag. 2013. 9781315803760
- A vision for the U.S. Forest Service . Sedjo. 2016. 9781317328070
- Voluntary and involuntary childlessness . Sappleton. 2018. 9781787543638
- Voodoo science . Park. 2000. 9780199760855
- War memoirs, 1917-1919 . Bion. 2nd ed, 1997. 9781782414728
- Water demand for steam electric generation . Cootner. 2015. 9781315718736
- What do I do? Karr. 2013. 9781315826288
- When love is not enough . Piazza. 2013. 9781315801001
- When the caregiver becomes the patient . Langford. 2013. 9781315786223
- Women and health aging . Garner. 2013. 9781315820613
- Women and sex therapy . Cole. 2013. 9781315804125
- X-ray and electron diffraction studies in materials science. Dyson. 1902653742
- Настоящая красавица. Kosonovskaya. 2020. 9789657181263
ScienceDirect Additions
- Advances and avenues in the development of novel carriers for bioactives. Singh. 2020. 9780128199183
- Aging. Preedy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128188118
- BEST. Lara. 2020. 9780128208892
- Diabetes. Preedy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128157770
- Diagnosis and management in dementia. Martin. 2020. 9780128158555
- Genome engineering via CRISPR-Cas9 system. Singh. 2020. 9780128181416
- Subfertility. Rehman. 2021. 9780323759465
STAT!Ref Additions
- AJCC cancer staging manual. AJCC. 8th ed, 2017. 9783319406183
- APRN and PA’s complete guide to prescribing drug therapy. Wirfs. 2020. 9780826179333
- Cardiac nursing. Perpetua. 7th ed, 2021. 9781975106324
- Front line of defense. Pillow. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781635850611
- Joint Commissions big book of checklists for infection prevention and control. Rupp. 2020. 9781635851519
- MacDonald’s atlas of procedures in neonatology. Ramasethu. 6th ed, 2020. 9781496394255
- Neurology video textbook. Howard. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826135094
- Phlebotomy essentials with student workbook. McCall. 7th ed, 2021. 9781284206272
- Practical healthcare epidemiology. Lautenbach. 4th ed, 2018. 9781107153165
- Promoting self-management of chronic health conditions. Martz. 2018. 9780190606152
USMLE First Aid Additions (McGraw-Hill)
- Clinical judgment USMLE Step 3 review. Lee. 2014. 9780071739962
- Correlations and clinical scenarios: internal medicine. Fischer. 2014. 9780071826990
- First aid cases for the USMLE step 1. Le. 4th ed, 2019. 9781260143140
- First aid cases for the USMLE step 1. Le. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780071746045
- First aid cases for the USMLE step 2 CK. Le. 2nd ed, 2010. 9780071629263
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2018. Le. 28th ed, 2018. 9781260116137
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2019. Le. 29th ed, 2019. 9781260143683
- First aid for the USMLE step 1 2020. Le. 30th ed, 2020. 9781260462050
- First aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK. Le. 10th ed, 2019. 9781260440300
- First aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK: clinical knowledge. Le. 9th ed, 2016. 9780071844581
- First aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS. Le. 6th ed, 2018. 9781259862458
- First aid for the USMLE step 2 CS. Le. 5th ed, 2014. 9780071809337
- First aid for the USMLE step 3. Le. 5th ed, 2019. 9781260440317
- First aid for the USMLE step 3. Le. 4th ed, 2016. 9780071814553
- First aid for the USMLE step 3. Le. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071736039
- First aid Q & A for the USMLE Step 2 CK. Le. 2nd ed, 2010. 9780071629300
- First Aid Q & A for the USMLE Step 1. Le. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780071745963
- Pathology. Wettach. 2009. 9780071700344
- USMLE step 1 pharmacology flashcards. Crisp. 2015. 9780071804370
March 2021
All Additions
- 250 Japanese knitting stitches. Shida. 2018. 9781462919871
- 3DD entertainment video collection. 2020. 9781787856721
- 50 success classics. Butler-Bowdon. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856707
- Abuse and violence information for teens. Williams. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787856486
- Acting. Merlin. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856110
- Addiction debates. Comiskey. 2020. 9781526498366
- Advanced food analysis tools. Kobun. 2021. 9780128223956
- Advanced research on material engineering, electrical engineering and applied technology II. Zhang. 2014. 9783038265986
- Advances in cyanobacterial biology. Singh. 2020. 9780128193129
- Adventures in teacher leadership. Mieliwocki. 2019. 9781416627180
- Africa. Stapleton.2020. 9781787856387
- African migration narratives. Iheka. 2018. 9781787444102
- Africana womanism. Hudson-Weems. 5th ed, 2019. 9781000113624
- Agricultural internet of things and decision support for precision smart farming. Castrignano. 2020. 9780128183748
- Agricultural water management. Srivastava. 2021. 9780128123638
- Agriculture for improved nutrition. Fan. 2020. 9781787857223
- Air pollution. Saxena. 2020. 9781787857230
- All new, all different? Austin. 2019. 9781477318980
- All we know of pleasure. Shomer. 2018. 9781949467109
- American Indian women. Sonneborn.3rd ed, 2020. 9781787856295
- American women business leaders and entrepreneurs. Sherrow. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856356
- American women in sports. Edelson. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781787856363
- American women leaders and activists. Martinez. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856080
- American women writers. Kort. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781787856370
- The American women's almanac. Felder. 2020. 9781787857056
- Aminoff's neurology and general medicine. Aminoff. 6th ed, 2021. 9780128193075
- Ancient Roman sports, A-Z. Matz. 2020. 9781787857766
- Animal agriculture. Bazer. 2020. 9780128170533
- Applied regression analysis. Thrane. 2020. 9780429813030
- Aquaculture health management. 2020. 9780128133606
- Architecture and the mimetic self. Huskinson. 2018. 9781351247306
- Asian noodle manufacturing. Hou. 2020. 9780128128749
- Assassinations. Redfern. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857506
- Atlas of endoscopy imaging in inflammatory bowel disease. Shen. 2020. 9780128148129
- Autism 360. Das. 2020. 9780128184677
- The banishment of Beverland. Hollewand. 2019. 9789004396326
- Beneficial microbes for sustainable agriculture and environmental management. Sangeetha. 2020. 9780429284137
- Beowulf's popular afterlife in literature, comic books, and film. Forni. 2018. 9780429466014
- BEST. Lara. 2020. 9780128208892
- Between the Ottomans and the Entente. Fahrenthold. 2019. 9780190872144
- The big book of modern fantasy. VanderMeer. 2020. 9780525563877
- Bioadhesives in drug delivery. Mittal. 2020. 9781119640240
- Biodiversity and biomedicine. Ozturk. 2020. 9780128223703
- Biology and physiology of freshwater neotropical fish. Baldisserotto. 2019. 9780128158739
- Biotechnological utilization of mangrove resources. Patra. 2020. 9780128223826
- The biotechnology revolution. 2021. 9781787858077
- Biscuit, cookie and cracker process and recipes. Sykes. 2020. 9780128206133
- Blindspot: hidden biases of good people. Banaji. 2013. 9780440423294
- Bloomberg video collection. 2020. 9781787856233
- The Bloomsbury companion to language industry studies. Angelone. 2019. 9781350024953
- The bowhead whale. George. 2021. 9780128189702
- Breastfeeding: new anthropological approaches. Tomori. 2018. 9781315145129
- Brewer's dictionary of phrase & fable. Dent. 20th ed, 2020. 9781787856868
- The Britannica guide to the world's most influential people. Wolny. 2021. 9781787858084
- Building the future of food safety technology. Detwiler. 2020. 9780128189535
- The business of pandemics. Liebowitz. 2021. 9781000203899
- Cambridge Educational video collection. 2020. 9781787856738
- Campus crisis management. 2020. 9781000285116
- Cancers in the urban environment. Mack. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128117453
- Care ethics and phenomenology. Vosman. 2020. 9789042940802
- Case studies on food experiences in marketing, retail, and events. Doppler. 2020. 9780128177938
- Characterization of nanoencapsulated food ingredients. Jafari. 2020. 9780128156681
- The chemistry and bioactive components of turmeric. Gopi. 2021. 9781788015936
- Child abuse. 2019. 9781610022927
- Child guidance centres in Japan. King. 2021. 9780429773297
- City of big shoulders. Spinney. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781501748349
- City of black gold. Bet-Shlimon. 2019. 9781503609143
- Civil War biographies from the western waters. Smith. 2020. 9781787857407
- Classic keys. Lenhoff. 2019. 9781574417869
- Classical music. Swift. 2020. 9781787856097
- Climate change and food security with emphasis on wheat. Ozturk. 2020. 9780128195673
- Clinical perspectives and targeted therapies in apoptosis. Sodhi. 2021. 9780128157633
- Cold pressed oils. Ramadan. 2020. 9780128181898
- Communicable diseases. Webber. 6th ed, 2020. 9781787857087
- Communities, councils & a low-carbon future. Rowell. 2010. 9781900322652
- A companion to modern art. Meecham. 2020. 9781787856271
- A companion to Nazi Germany. Baranowski. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857292
- Comprehensive applied sport psychology. Taylor. 2020. 9780429994647
- Conducting survey research. Fogli. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857537
- Conquerors. Crowley. 2015. 9780812994018
- Controlled and modified atmosphere for fresh and fresh-cut produce. 2017. 9780128046210
- Convergent teaching. Pallas. 2019. 9781421432946
- Corporate governance in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Rezaee. 1st ed, 2021. 9781787858053
- Corpus, discourse and mental health. Hunt. 2020. 9781350059191
- Cowboy is a verb. Collins. 2019. 9781948908245
- Crisis leadership in higher education. Gigliotti. 2019. 9781978801868
- Cultural anthropology 101. Eller. 2015. 9781315731025
- A cultural history of work in antiquity. Lytle. 2019. 9781350078154
- Current procedure codes with RVUs. 2021
- Cybersecurity. Gonzalez. 2020. 9781787857469
- The cybersecurity dilemma. Buchanan. 2016. 9780190694692
- Data analytics in biomedical engineering and healthcare. Lee. 2021. 9780128193150
- Deep river. Marlantes. 2019. 9780802146199
- Demystifying the institutional repository for success. Buehler. 2013. 9781780633213
- Design and optimization of innovative food processing techniques. Barba. 2021. 9780128182765
- Diabetes: epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical management. Kumar. 2020. 9781003089391
- Diabetes information for teens. Bellenir. 2012. 9780780817388
- A dictionary of the avant-gardes. Kostelanetz. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787855724
- Dictionary of Latin American cultural studies. Irwin. 2012. 9780813040523
- Dietary sugar, salt and fat in human health. Preuss. 2020. 9780128169193
- Digital innovations in healthcare education and training. Konstantinidis. 2020. 9780128131459
- Disability rights, benefits, and support services sourcebook. Williams. 1st ed, 2021. 9781787857186
- Disaffection and everyday life in interregnum England. Boswell. 2017. 9781787441477
- Discriminating taste. Finn. 2017. 9780813576886
- Diseases and illnesses transmitted to humans by animals, insects, and contaminated food and water. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857490
- Diseases that are preventable by vaccination. Miller. 1st ed, 2020. 9781944749965
- The diversity style guide. Kanigel. 2020. 9781787857391
- DIY city. Dittmar. 2020. 9781642830538
- The dynastic drama of Beowulf. Leneghan. 2020. 9781787446786
- Ecophysiology of pesticides. Parween. 2019. 9780128176153
- Elephants under human care. Rees. 2021. 9780128167267
- Elevate the debate. Schwabish. 2020. 9781119620037
- Embracing the provinces. Ivleva. 2018. 9781789250169
- Emerging infectious diseases sourcebook. Williams. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857582
- Emery and Rimoin's principles and practice of medical genetics and genomics: metabolic disorders. 7th ed, 2021. 9780128126837
- Emery's elements of medical genetics and genomics. Turnpenny. 16th ed, 2022. 9780702079665
- Emotional intelligence in nursing. Codier. 2021. 9780826174543
- The emperor Jahangir. Balabanlilar. 2020. 9781838600457
- Encyclopedia of colonial Latin America. Burkholder. 2020. 9781787854987
- Encyclopedia of early modern Latin America (1820s to 1900). Rankin. 2020. 9781787854994
- Encyclopedia of feeding and eating disorders. Wade. 2020. 9781787853232
- Encyclopedia of pre-colonial Latin America. Francis. 2020. 9781787854970
- Encyclopedia of the anthropocene. DellaSala. 2020. 9781786846624
- Encyclopedia of the United States cabinet. Dean. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787857254
- English history. Peal. 2020. 9781787857452
- Environmental arts therapy. Heginworth. 2019. 9780429794667
- Environmental epigenetics in toxicology and public health. Fry. 9780128199695
- Epigenetic processes and the evolution of life. Markos. 2018. 9781351009942
- Essential and toxic trace elements and vitamins in human health. Prasad. 2020. 9780128093016
- The ethics of microaggression. Rini. 2021. 9781315195056
- Ethnography. Matera. 2021. 9783030517205
- European whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Evans. 2020. 9780128190548
- Evaluation and testing in nursing education. Oermann. 6th ed, 2021. 9780826135759
- Everyday media literacy. Christian. 2019. 9781351175500
- Evidence-based management of complex knee injuries. LaPrade. 2021. 9780323713122
- Evidence-based physical examination handbook. Gawlik. 2022. 9780826164667
- Evolutionary financial macroeconomics. Argitis. 2020. 9781315163277
- Experimental hydrodynamics of fast-floating aquatic animals. Vitaliiovych. 2020. 9780128226285
- Facts and fictions in mental health. Arkowitz. 2020. 9781787856639
- A faculty guide to advising and supervising graduate students. Twale. 2015. 9781322878461
- Famished. Lester. 2019. 9780520972902
- Fast facts about competency-based education in nursing. Wittmann-Price. 2021. 9780826136633
- Feathered serpent, dark heart of sky. Bowles. 2018. 9781941026731
- Feed additives. Florou-Paneri. 2020. 9780128147016
- Felines of the world. Bellani. 2019. 9780128172773
- Feminist connections. 2020. 9780817393229
- Fisheries and aquaculture. Einarsson. 2021. 9780128231920
- Food and society. Gibson. 2020. 9780128118092
- Food industry wastes. Kosseva. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128173770
- Food safety. Detwiler. 2020. 9780128182208
- Food safety and quality systems in developing countries: Vol. III. Gordon. 9780128142738
- Food safety lessons for cannabis-infused edibles. Knutson. 2020. 9780128195376
- Food waste to valuable resources. Banu. 2020. 9780128183540
- Foreign language teaching and the environment. Melin. 2019. 9781603293952
- Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Siddiqui. 9780128165393
- From suffrage to the Senate. O'Dea. 4th ed, 2020. 9781787856073
- Frontiers of risk management. Cox. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857551
- Frontline Syria. Phillips. 2020. 9780755602605
- Functional materials and metallurgy III. 2020. 9783035736625
- Fungipedia. Millman. 2020. 9781787858121
- Galapagos giant tortoises. Gibbs. 2021. 9780128175552
- The Gale encyclopedia of fitness. Moy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856219
- The Gale encyclopedia of medicine. Longe. 6th ed, 2021. 9780028666570
- The Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health. Longe. 4th ed, 2020. 9781787856059
- The Gale encyclopedia of psychology. Longe. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787857162
- Gastronomy and food science. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128204382
- Gattuso's differential diagnosis in surgical pathology. Reddy. 4th ed, 2022. 9780323661652
- Genetically modified and irradiated food. Andersen. 2020. 9780128172414
- Genetically modified plants. Hull. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128226483
- Gerontological nurse certification review. Kris. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780826181640
- Global pandemics and epidemics and how they relate to you. Williams. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787856912
- Global sustainable capitalism. Svigir. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857797
- Gnotobiotic mouse technology. Vowles. 2016. 9781498736336
- Goat medicine and surgery. Harwood. 2018. 9781351648288
- Gone at 3:17. Brown. 2012. 9781612341545
- Green food processing techniques. Chemat. 2019. 9780128154434
- The green revolution in the global south. Hurt. 2020. 9780817392826
- Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of eastern Africa. Witt. 2021. 9781787857810
- Guide to the naturalized invasive plants of southeast Asia. Witt. 2021. 9781787857827
- Handbook of automated scoring. Yan. 2020. 9781351264808
- Handbook of food nanotechnology. Jafari. 2020. 9780128160428
- The handbook of homicide. Brookman. 2020. 9781787856448
- Handbook of hydrocolloids. Phillips. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780128242216
- The handbook of public sector communication. Luoma-aho. 2020. 9781119263173
- The handbook of race, ethnicity, crime and justice. Martinez. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857384
- The handy science answer book. Bobick. 5th ed, 2020. 9781787857063
- Here's how to teach voice and communication skills to transgender women. Olszewski. 2019. 9781635500660
- Heroines, harpies, and housewives. Moffitt Peacock. 2020. 9789004432154
- High leverage practices for inclusive classrooms. McLeskey. 2019. 9781351708722
- Historical ethnobiology. Medeiros. 2021. 9780128167298
- The history of modern fashion from 1850. Cole. 2020. 9781787857001
- Human emerging and re-emerging infections. Singh. 2020. 9781787850941
- Hybrid nanofluids for convection heat transfer. Ali. 2020. 9780128192818
- Imagining gay paradise. Atkins. 2012. 9789888053896
- In transit. Kleeman. 2014. 9780824838614
- Innovation in music. Hepworth-Sawyer. 2019. 9781351016711
- Innovation in the Italian Counter-Reformation. McHugh. 2020. 9781644531891
- An innovative approach to understanding and treating cancer. Koltai. 2020. 9780128190609
- Innovators in battery technology. Desmond. 2020. 9781787857414
- Insect metamorphosis. Belles. 2020. 9780128130216
- Insect-borne diseases in the 21st century. Nicoletti. 2020. 9780128187074
- Inside Science video collection. 2020. 9781787856745
- Inspectors and enforcement at the front line of government. Van de Walle. 2019. 9783030040581
- The interaction of food industry and environment. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175156
- An introduction to interdisciplinary toxicology. 2020. 9780128136034
- An introduction to survey research. Cowles. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781787857520
- The invention of creativity. Reckwitz. 2017. 9780745697055
- Irish history. Hegarty. 2020. 9781787857445
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Sonenscher. 2020. 9789004420335
- Just like you. Hornby. 2020. 9780593191408
- Larsen's human embryology. Schoenwolf. 6th ed, 2021. 9780323696043
- Learning in organizations. Ford. 2021. 9781000220582
- Learning to read in the late Ottoman Empire and the early Turkish republic. Fortna. 2011. 9780230300415
- Legal marijuana. Gonzalez. 2020. 9781787857780
- Literacy research methodologies. Mallette. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781462544356
- Magic. Bailey. 2020. 9781787856127
- Major sociocultural trends shaping the contemporary world. Yeganeh. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857803
- Malignant. Prasad. 2020. 9781421437644
- Marijuana federalism. Adler. 2020. 9780815737902
- Marine animal forests. Rossi. 2020. 9781787853263
- Marxist-feminist theories and struggles today. Fakier. 2020. 9781786996176
- Math intervention. Taylor-Cox. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781317426141
- The Max Weber dictionary. Swedberg. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781503600225
- Mechanical engineering. Suwarno. 2020. 9783035736878
- Media, ecology and conservation. Blewitt. 2010. 9780857840134
- Media Rich Learning video collection. 2020. 9781787856752
- Medicinal and aromatic plants. Aftab. 2021. 9780128227756
- Medicinal plants in Asia and Pacific for parasitic infections. Wiart. 2021. 9780128168127
- Microalgae. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128232149
- Microbiomes and plant health. Solanki. 2020. 9780128226018
- Milk and dairy foods. Givens. 2020. 9780128156049
- Milk proteins. Boland. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780128152522
- Milton in the Arab-Muslim world. Issa. 2016. 9781317095910
- Modern land drainage. Smedema. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781000042269
- Modern slavery. Kara. 2017. 9780231528023
- Molecular nutrition. Vinciguerra. 2021. 9780128138632
- Mosquitoes, communities, and public health in Texas. Debboun. 2020. 9780128145463
- Multimedia environmental models. Mackay. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781000094992
- The museum of whales you will never see. Greene. 2020. 9780525506676
- Names and naming in Beowulf. Shaw. 2020. 9781350145771
- Nanoencapsulation of food ingredients by specialized equipment. Jafari. 2019. 9780128156728
- New approaches to ancient material culture in the Greek & Roman world. Cooper. 2021. 9789004440753
- NewsHour Productions current issues video collection. 2020. 9781787856769
- Nightmares in the dream sanctuary. Kornhaber. 2020. 9780226472713
- The nonprofit sector. Powell. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781503611085
- Novick and Morrow's public health administration. Shi. 4th ed, 2021. 9781284195507
- Nutraceuticals and natural product pharmaceuticals. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175163
- Nutritional and health aspects of food in South Asian countries. Prakas. 2020. 9780128200124
- Nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of fruits and vegetables. Jaiswal. 2020. 9780128127810
- Obesity and obstetrics. Mahmood. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128179222
- The office of historical corrections. Evans. 2020. 9780593189467
- On folding. Friedman. 2016. 9783839434048
- One to watch. Stayman-London. 2020. 9780525510437
- Origins of human socialization. Pfaff. 2021. 9780323858014
- Otaku and the struggle for imagination in Japan. Galbraith. 2019. 9781478007012
- Our fathers. Wait. 2020. 9781609455729
- Park's the pediatric cardiology handbook. Park. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323718660
- Pediatric liver transplantation. Hadzic. 2021. 9780323636728
- People you should know. 2020. 9781787858060
- Philology in the making. Kelemen. 2019. 9783839447703
- Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology. Nobel. 5th ed, 2019. 9780128191477
- Plant disturbance ecology. Johnson. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128188149
- Plant small RNA. Guleria. 2020. 9780128173367
- Poulenc. Nichols. 2020. 9780300252552
- Power quality in modern power systems. Sanjeevikumar. 2021. 9780128234464
- Practical fitness testing. Coulson. 2009. 9781408111048
- Preparation of phytopharmaceuticals for the management of disorders. Egbuna. 2021. 9780128202852
- Present and future of high pressure processing. Barba. 2020. 9780128172667
- Present knowledge in nutrition. Vol. 1. Marriott. 11th ed, 2020 9780128198421
- Present knowledge in nutrition. Vol. 2. Marriott. 11th ed, 2020. 9780128184615
- Presidential authority. Issitt. 2020. 9781787857339
- Priming-mediated stress and cross-stress tolerance in crop plants. Hossain. 2020. 9780128178935
- Principles and practice of lymphedema surgery. Cheng. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323694193
- Protest! McQuiston. 2020. 9781787858138
- PTSD and coping with trauma sourcebook. Williams. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857261
- Quaternary ecology, evolution and biogeography. Rull. 2020. 9780128204740
- Quelles innovations pour quels systemes d'elevage. Ingrand. 2014. 9782738014054
- Quitting smoking & vaping for dummies. Elliott. 2020. 9781119616924
- vvv
- Reclaiming personalized learning. France. 2020. 9781544360652
- Reframing campus conflict. 2020. 9781642670509
- Release and bioavailability of nanoencapsulated food ingredients. Jafari. 2020. 9780128156667
- The religious right and American politics. Utter. 4th ed,2020. 9781787856813
- Reproductive technologies in animals. Presicce. 2020. 9780128171080
- Rescue dog tales. Lindnord. 2020. 9781771644235
- Researching translation in the age of technology and global conflict. Kim. 2020. 9780429659140
- Rethinking the American antinuclear movement. Rubinson. 2020. 9781787856547
- Rethinking the American labor movement. Faue. 2020. 9781787856554
- Rethinking the American prison movement. Berger.2020. 9781315767031
- The revolution will not be funded. 2017. 9780822373001
- The role of alternative and innovative food ingredients and products in consumer wellness. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175170
- The Routledge companion to critical accounting. Roslender. 2018. 9781315775203
- The Routledge history of disease. Jackson. 2020. 9781787856158
- The Routledge history of the American South. Morehouse. 2020. 9781787856172
- The Routledge history of world peace since 1750. Peterson. 2020. 9781787856561
- Saffron. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128216132
- The SAGE encyclopedia of the sociology of religion. Possamai. 2021. 9781787858374
- The SAGE handbook of comparative studies in education. Suter. 2020. 9781787857346
- The SAGE handbook of human trafficking and modern day slavery. Clark. 2020. 9781787858176
- The SAGE handbook of inclusion and diversity in education. Schuelka. 2020. 9781787857360
- The SAGE handbook of international migration. Inglis. 2020. 9781787857278
- The SAGE handbook of political science. Berg-Schlosser. 2021. 9781787858091
- The SAGE handbook of propaganda. Baines. 2020. 9781787857285
- The SAGE handbook of web history. Brügger. 2020. 9781787857155
- Salt, fat and sugar reduction. O’Sullivan. 2020. 9780128226124
- Sea urchins. Lawrence. 4th ed, 2020. 9780128195697
- Sensory evaluation practices. Stone. 5th ed, 2021. 9780128153352
- Shakespeare's theatre. Dutton. 2020. 9781787857421
- ShortCuts TV video collection. 2020. 9781787856776
- Slave play. Harris. 2019. 9781559369343
- Sneakers. Kawamura. 2016. 9781474262927
- Soc Media Films video collection. 2020. 9781787856783
- Social media issues. Wyckoff. 2020. 9781787856332
- Stress genetics, epigenetics and genomics. Fink. 2021. 9780128131572
- Sustainability of the food system. Betoret. 2020. 9780128182949
- Sustainable agriculture. Parray. 2020. 9780128173749
- SW Pictures video collection. 2020. 9781787856790
- Tales of Old Japan. Mitford. 2005. 9781462903337
- Telltale women. Meyer. 2021. 9781496224446
- They bear acquaintance. Graham. 2016. 9781787072510
- Thinking about Shakespeare. Stockholder. 1st ed, 2021. 9781787857735
- Toxicology. Patel. 2021. 9780128190937
- Tracing behind the image. Lane. 2021. 9789004438392
- Transcription factors for abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Wani. 2020. 9780128193358
- Trauma reporting. Healey. 2020. 9781351059114
- TVF International video collection. 2020. 9781787856806
- The ultimate finance book. Mason. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856578
- The ultimate job hunting book. McWhir. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856585
- The ultimate marketing & PR book. Davies. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856264
- The ultimate sales book. Harvey. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781787856608
- Understanding the war industry. Sorensen. 2020. 9781949762235
- Vanguard. Jones. 2020. 9781541618602
- Vaping: effects and solutions. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020. 9781610024693
- Varieties of grounded theory. Bryant. 2019. 9781526474315
- Voters' rights. Issitt. 2020. 9781787857025
- Walker's mammals. Nowak. 2020. 9781787857179
- Waning sword. Pettit. 2020. 9781783748297
- Water witches. Bohjalian. 25th anniversary ed, 2020. 9780593081792
- What doesn't kill us. Carney. 2017. 9781623366919
- What you need to know about diabetes. Davidson. 2020. 9781440868610
- Wheat – an exceptional crop. Wiesner. 2020. 9780128217160
- Wheat and barley grain biofortification. Gupta. 2020. 9780128184455
- The Wiley Blackwell companion to race, ethnicity, and nationalism. Stone. 2020. 9781119430407
- The Wiley international handbook of history teaching and learning. Metzger. 2020. 9781787856318
- Wittgenstein and perception. Campbell. 2015. 9781317543039
- Wood microbiology. Zabel. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128205730
- Women in agriculture worldwide. Fletcher. 2021. 9781787856189
- Women in management. Belasen. 2020. 9781787856196
- Women in science and math. Yount. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781787856288
- World Heritage sites. Jimura. 2020. 9781787857247
- World theatre. Westlake. 2020. 9781787856202
- Zizek on race. Zalloua. 2020. 9781350094222
- Zoltán Kodály's world of music. Dalos. 2020. 9780520971608
ClinicalKey Additions
- Aminoff's neurology and general medicine. Aminoff. 6th ed, 2021. 9780128193075
- Atlas of endoscopy imaging in inflammatory bowel disease. Shen. 2020. 9780128148129
- Emery's elements of medical genetics and genomics. Turnpenny. 16th ed, 2022. 9780702079665
- Evidence-based management of complex knee injuries. LaPrade. 2021. 9780323713122
- Gattuso's differential diagnosis in surgical pathology. Reddy. 4th ed, 2022. 9780323661652
- Larsen's human embryology. Schoenwolf. 6th ed, 2021. 9780323696043
- Park's the pediatric cardiology handbook. Park. 6th ed, 2022. 9780323718660
- Pediatric liver transplantation. Hadzic. 2021. 9780323636728
- Principles and practice of lymphedema surgery. Cheng. 2nd ed, 2022. 9780323694193
Credo Reference Additions
- 3DD entertainment video collection. 2020. 9781787856721
- 50 success classics. Butler-Bowdon. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856707
- Abuse and violence information for teens. Williams. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787856486
- Acting. Merlin. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856110
- Africa. Stapleton.2020. 9781787856387
- Agriculture for improved nutrition. Fan. 2020. 9781787857223
- Air pollution. Saxena. 2020. 9781787857230
- American Indian women. Sonneborn.3rd ed, 2020. 9781787856295
- American women business leaders and entrepreneurs. Sherrow. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856356
- American women in sports. Edelson. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781787856363
- American women leaders and activists. Martinez. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856080
- American women writers. Kort. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781787856370
- The American women's almanac. Felder. 2020. 9781787857056
- Ancient Roman sports, A-Z. Matz. 2020. 9781787857766
- Assassinations. Redfern. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857506
- The biotechnology revolution. 2021. 9781787858077
- Bloomberg video collection. 2020. 9781787856233
- Brewer's dictionary of phrase & fable. Dent. 20th ed, 2020. 9781787856868
- The Britannica guide to the world's most influential people. Wolny. 2021. 9781787858084
- Cambridge Educational video collection. 2020. 9781787856738
- Civil War biographies from the western waters. Smith. 2020. 9781787857407
- Classical music. Swift. 2020. 9781787856097
- Communicable diseases. Webber. 6th ed, 2020. 9781787857087
- A companion to modern art. Meecham. 2020. 9781787856271
- A companion to Nazi Germany. Baranowski. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857292
- Conducting survey research. Fogli. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857537
- Corporate governance in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Rezaee. 1st ed, 2021. 9781787858053
- Cybersecurity. Gonzalez. 2020. 9781787857469
- A dictionary of the avant-gardes. Kostelanetz. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787855724
- Disability rights, benefits, and support services sourcebook. Williams. 1st ed, 2021. 9781787857186
- Diseases and illnesses transmitted to humans by animals, insects, and contaminated food and water. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857490
- Diseases that are preventable by vaccination. Miller. 1st ed, 2020. 9781944749965
- The diversity style guide. Kanigel. 2020. 9781787857391
- Emerging infectious diseases sourcebook. Williams. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857582
- Encyclopedia of colonial Latin America. Burkholder. 2020. 9781787854987
- Encyclopedia of early modern Latin America (1820s to 1900). Rankin. 2020. 9781787854994
- Encyclopedia of feeding and eating disorders. Wade. 2020. 9781787853232
- Encyclopedia of pre-colonial Latin America. Francis. 2020. 9781787854970
- Encyclopedia of the anthropocene. DellaSala. 2020. 9781786846624
- Encyclopedia of the United States cabinet. Dean. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787857254
- English history. Peal. 2020. 9781787857452
- Facts and fictions in mental health. Arkowitz. 2020. 9781787856639
- From suffrage to the Senate. O'Dea. 4th ed, 2020. 9781787856073
- Frontiers of risk management. Cox. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857551
- Fungipedia. Millman. 2020. 9781787858121
- The Gale encyclopedia of fitness. Moy. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856219
- The Gale encyclopedia of medicine. Longe. 6th ed, 2021. 9780028666570
- The Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health. Longe. 4th ed, 2020. 9781787856059
- The Gale encyclopedia of psychology. Longe. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781787857162
- Global pandemics and epidemics and how they relate to you. Williams. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787856912
- Global sustainable capitalism. Svigir. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857797
- Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of eastern Africa. Witt. 2021. 9781787857810
- Guide to the naturalized invasive plants of southeast Asia. Witt. 2021. 9781787857827
- The handbook of homicide. Brookman. 2020. 9781787856448
- The handbook of race, ethnicity, crime and justice. Martinez. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857384
- The handy science answer book. Bobick. 5th ed, 2020. 9781787857063
- The history of modern fashion from 1850. Cole. 2020. 9781787857001
- Human emerging and re-emerging infections. Singh. 2020. 9781787850941
- Innovators in battery technology. Desmond. 2020. 9781787857414
- Inside Science video collection. 2020. 9781787856745
- An introduction to survey research. Cowles. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781787857520
- Irish history. Hegarty. 2020. 9781787857445
- Legal marijuana. Gonzalez. 2020. 9781787857780
- Magic. Bailey. 2020. 9781787856127
- Major sociocultural trends shaping the contemporary world. Yeganeh. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857803
- Marine animal forests. Rossi. 2020. 9781787853263
- Media Rich Learning video collection. 2020. 9781787856752
- NewsHour Productions current issues video collection. 2020. 9781787856769
- People you should know. 2020. 9781787858060
- Presidential authority. Issitt. 2020. 9781787857339
- Protest! McQuiston. 2020. 9781787858138
- PTSD and coping with trauma sourcebook. Williams. 1st ed, 2020. 9781787857261
- The religious right and American politics. Utter. 4th ed,2020. 9781787856813
- Rethinking the American antinuclear movement. Rubinson. 2020. 9781787856547
- Rethinking the American labor movement. Faue. 2020. 9781787856554
- Rethinking the American prison movement. Berger.2020. 9781315767031
- The Routledge history of disease. Jackson. 2020. 9781787856158
- The Routledge history of the American South. Morehouse. 2020. 9781787856172
- The Routledge history of world peace since 1750. Peterson. 2020. 9781787856561
- The SAGE encyclopedia of the sociology of religion. Possamai. 2021. 9781787858374
- The SAGE handbook of comparative studies in education. Suter. 2020. 9781787857346
- The SAGE handbook of human trafficking and modern day slavery. Clark. 2020. 9781787858176
- The SAGE handbook of inclusion and diversity in education. Schuelka. 2020. 9781787857360
- The SAGE handbook of international migration. Inglis. 2020. 9781787857278
- The SAGE handbook of political science. Berg-Schlosser. 2021. 9781787858091
- The SAGE handbook of propaganda. Baines. 2020. 9781787857285
- The SAGE handbook of web history. Brügger. 2020. 9781787857155
- Shakespeare's theatre. Dutton. 2020. 9781787857421
- ShortCuts TV video collection. 2020. 9781787856776
- Soc Media Films video collection. 2020. 9781787856783
- Social media issues. Wyckoff. 2020. 9781787856332
- SW Pictures video collection. 2020. 9781787856790
- Thinking about Shakespeare. Stockholder. 1st ed, 2021. 9781787857735
- TVF International video collection. 2020. 9781787856806
- The ultimate finance book. Mason. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856578
- The ultimate job hunting book. McWhir. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856585
- The ultimate marketing & PR book. Davies. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781787856264
- The ultimate sales book. Harvey. 2nd ed, 2021. 9781787856608
- Voters' rights. Issitt. 2020. 9781787857025
- Walker's mammals. Nowak. 2020. 9781787857179
- The Wiley international handbook of history teaching and learning. Metzger. 2020. 9781787856318
- Women in agriculture worldwide. Fletcher. 2021. 9781787856189
- Women in management. Belasen. 2020. 9781787856196
- Women in science and math. Yount. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781787856288
- World Heritage sites. Jimura. 2020. 9781787857247
- World theatre. Westlake. 2020. 9781787856202
EBSCOhost Additions
- 250 Japanese knitting stitches. Shida. 2018. 9781462919871
- Addiction debates. Comiskey. 2020. 9781526498366
- Advanced research on material engineering, electrical engineering and applied technology II. Zhang. 2014. 9783038265986
- Adventures in teacher leadership. Mieliwocki. 2019. 9781416627180
- African migration narratives. Iheka. 2018. 9781787444102
- Africana womanism. Hudson-Weems. 5th ed, 2019. 9781000113624
- Agricultural internet of things and decision support for precision smart farming. Castrignano. 2020. 9780128183748
- Agricultural water management. Srivastava. 2021. 9780128123638
- All new, all different? Austin. 2019. 9781477318980
- All we know of pleasure. Shomer. 2018. 9781949467109
- Animal agriculture. Bazer. 2020. 9780128170533
- Applied regression analysis. Thrane. 2020. 9780429813030
- Aquaculture health management. 2020. 9780128133606
- Architecture and the mimetic self. Huskinson. 2018. 9781351247306
- Asian noodle manufacturing. Hou. 2020. 9780128128749
- Autism 360. Das. 2020. 9780128184677
- The banishment of Beverland. Hollewand. 2019. 9789004396326
- Beneficial microbes for sustainable agriculture and environmental management. Sangeetha. 2020. 9780429284137
- Beowulf's popular afterlife in literature, comic books, and film. Forni. 2018. 9780429466014
- BEST. Lara. 2020. 9780128208892
- Between the Ottomans and the Entente. Fahrenthold. 2019. 9780190872144
- The big book of modern fantasy. VanderMeer. 2020. 9780525563877
- Bioadhesives in drug delivery. Mittal. 2020. 9781119640240
- Biodiversity and biomedicine. Ozturk. 2020. 9780128223703
- Biology and physiology of freshwater neotropical fish. Baldisserotto. 2019. 9780128158739
- Biotechnological utilization of mangrove resources. Patra. 2020. 9780128223826
- Biscuit, cookie and cracker process and recipes. Sykes. 2020. 9780128206133
- Blindspot: hidden biases of good people. Banaji. 2013. 9780440423294
- The Bloomsbury companion to language industry studies. Angelone. 2019. 9781350024953
- The bowhead whale. George. 2021. 9780128189702
- Breastfeeding: new anthropological approaches. Tomori. 2018. 9781315145129
- Building the future of food safety technology. Detwiler. 2020. 9780128189535
- The business of pandemics. Liebowitz. 2021. 9781000203899
- Campus crisis management. 2020. 9781000285116
- Cancers in the urban environment. Mack. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128117453
- Care ethics and phenomenology. Vosman. 2020. 9789042940802
- Case studies on food experiences in marketing, retail, and events. Doppler. 2020. 9780128177938
- Characterization of nanoencapsulated food ingredients. Jafari. 2020. 9780128156681
- The chemistry and bioactive components of turmeric. Gopi. 2021. 9781788015936
- Child abuse. 2019. 9781610022927
- Child guidance centres in Japan. King. 2021. 9780429773297
- City of big shoulders. Spinney. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781501748349
- City of black gold. Bet-Shlimon. 2019. 9781503609143
- Classic keys. Lenhoff. 2019. 9781574417869
- Climate change and food security with emphasis on wheat. Ozturk. 2020. 9780128195673
- Clinical perspectives and targeted therapies in apoptosis. Sodhi. 2021. 9780128157633
- Cold pressed oils. Ramadan. 2020. 9780128181898
- Comprehensive applied sport psychology. Taylor. 2020. 9780429994647
- Conquerors. Crowley. 2015. 9780812994018
- Controlled and modified atmosphere for fresh and fresh-cut produce. 2017. 9780128046210
- Convergent teaching. Pallas. 2019. 9781421432946
- Corpus, discourse and mental health. Hunt. 2020. 9781350059191
- Cowboy is a verb. Collins. 2019. 9781948908245
- Crisis leadership in higher education. Gigliotti. 2019. 9781978801868
- Cultural anthropology 101. Eller. 2015. 9781315731025
- A cultural history of work in antiquity. Lytle. 2019. 9781350078154
- The cybersecurity dilemma. Buchanan. 2016. 9780190694692
- Data analytics in biomedical engineering and healthcare. Lee. 2021. 9780128193150
- Deep river. Marlantes. 2019. 9780802146199
- Demystifying the institutional repository for success. Buehler. 2013. 9781780633213
- Design and optimization of innovative food processing techniques. Barba. 2021. 9780128182765
- Diabetes: epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical management. Kumar. 2020. 9781003089391
- Diabetes information for teens. Bellenir. 2012. 9780780817388
- Dictionary of Latin American cultural studies. Irwin. 2012. 9780813040523
- Dietary sugar, salt and fat in human health. Preuss. 2020. 9780128169193
- Digital innovations in healthcare education and training. Konstantinidis. 2020. 9780128131459
- Disaffection and everyday life in interregnum England. Boswell. 2017. 9781787441477
- Discriminating taste. Finn. 2017. 9780813576886
- DIY city. Dittmar. 2020. 9781642830538
- The dynastic drama of Beowulf. Leneghan. 2020. 9781787446786
- Ecophysiology of pesticides. Parween. 2019. 9780128176153
- Elephants under human care. Rees. 2021. 9780128167267
- Elevate the debate. Schwabish. 2020. 9781119620037
- Embracing the provinces. Ivleva. 2018. 9781789250169
- Emery and Rimoin's principles and practice of medical genetics and genomics: metabolic disorders. 7th ed, 2021. 9780128126837
- Emotional intelligence in nursing. Codier. 2021. 9780826174543
- The emperor Jahangir. Balabanlilar. 2020. 9781838600457
- Environmental arts therapy. Heginworth. 2019. 9780429794667
- Environmental epigenetics in toxicology and public health. Fry. 9780128199695
- Epigenetic processes and the evolution of life. Markos. 2018. 9781351009942
- Essential and toxic trace elements and vitamins in human health. Prasad. 2020. 9780128093016
- The ethics of microaggression. Rini. 2021. 9781315195056
- Ethnography. Matera. 2021. 9783030517205
- European whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Evans. 2020. 9780128190548
- Evaluation and testing in nursing education. Oermann. 6th ed, 2021. 9780826135759
- Everyday media literacy. Christian. 2019. 9781351175500
- Evidence-based physical examination handbook. Gawlik. 2022. 9780826164667
- Evolutionary financial macroeconomics. Argitis. 2020. 9781315163277
- Experimental hydrodynamics of fast-floating aquatic animals. Vitaliiovych. 2020. 9780128226285
- A faculty guide to advising and supervising graduate students. Twale. 2015. 9781322878461
- Famished. Lester. 2019. 9780520972902
- Fast facts about competency-based education in nursing. Wittmann-Price. 2021. 9780826136633
- Feathered serpent, dark heart of sky. Bowles. 2018. 9781941026731
- Feed additives. Florou-Paneri. 2020. 9780128147016
- Felines of the world. Bellani. 2019. 9780128172773
- Feminist connections. 2020. 9780817393229
- Fisheries and aquaculture. Einarsson. 2021. 9780128231920
- Food industry wastes. Kosseva. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128173770
- Food and society. Gibson. 2020. 9780128118092
- Food safety. Detwiler. 2020. 9780128182208
- Food safety and quality systems in developing countries: Vol. III. Gordon. 9780128142738
- Food safety lessons for cannabis-infused edibles. Knutson. 2020. 9780128195376
- Food waste to valuable resources. Banu. 2020. 9780128183540
- Foreign language teaching and the environment. Melin. 2019. 9781603293952
- Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Siddiqui. 9780128165393
- Frontline Syria. Phillips. 2020. 9780755602605
- Functional materials and metallurgy III. 2020. 9783035736625
- Galapagos giant tortoises. Gibbs. 2021. 9780128175552
- Gastronomy and food science. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128204382
- Genetically modified and irradiated food. Andersen. 2020. 9780128172414
- Genetically modified plants. Hull. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128226483
- Gerontological nurse certification review. Kris. 3rd ed, 2021. 9780826181640
- Gnotobiotic mouse technology. Vowles. 2016. 9781498736336
- Goat medicine and surgery. Harwood. 2018. 9781351648288
- Gone at 3:17. Brown. 2012. 9781612341545
- Green food processing techniques. Chemat. 2019. 9780128154434
- The green revolution in the global south. Hurt. 2020. 9780817392826
- Handbook of automated scoring. Yan. 2020. 9781351264808
- Handbook of food nanotechnology. Jafari. 2020. 9780128160428
- The handbook of public sector communication. Luoma-aho. 2020. 9781119263173
- Here's how to teach voice and communication skills to transgender women. Olszewski. 2019. 9781635500660
- Heroines, harpies, and housewives. Moffitt Peacock. 2020. 9789004432154
- High leverage practices for inclusive classrooms. McLeskey. 2019. 9781351708722
- Historical ethnobiology. Medeiros. 2021. 9780128167298
- Hybrid nanofluids for convection heat transfer. Ali. 2020. 9780128192818
- Imagining gay paradise. Atkins. 2012. 9789888053896
- In transit. Kleeman. 2014. 9780824838614
- Innovation in music. Hepworth-Sawyer. 2019. 9781351016711
- Innovation in the Italian Counter-Reformation. McHugh. 2020. 9781644531891
- An innovative approach to understanding and treating cancer. Koltai. 2020. 9780128190609
- Inspectors and enforcement at the front line of government. Van de Walle. 2019. 9783030040581
- Insect metamorphosis. Belles. 2020. 9780128130216
- The interaction of food industry and environment. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175156
- An introduction to interdisciplinary toxicology. 2020. 9780128136034
- The invention of creativity. Reckwitz. 2017. 9780745697055
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Sonenscher. 2020. 9789004420335
- Just like you. Hornby. 2020. 9780593191408
- Learning in organizations. Ford. 2021. 9781000220582
- Learning to read in the late Ottoman Empire and the early Turkish republic. Fortna. 2011. 9780230300415
- Literacy research methodologies. Mallette. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781462544356
- Malignant. Prasad. 2020. 9781421437644
- Marijuana federalism. Adler. 2020. 9780815737902
- Marxist-feminist theories and struggles today. Fakier. 2020. 9781786996176
- Math intervention. Taylor-Cox. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781317426141
- The Max Weber dictionary. Swedberg. 2nd ed, 2016. 9781503600225
- Mechanical engineering. Suwarno. 2020. 9783035736878
- Medicinal and aromatic plants. Aftab. 2021. 9780128227756
- Medicinal plants in Asia and Pacific for parasitic infections. Wiart. 2021. 9780128168127
- Microalgae. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128232149
- Microbiomes and plant health. Solanki. 2020. 9780128226018
- Milk and dairy foods. Givens. 2020. 9780128156049
- Milk proteins. Boland. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780128152522
- Milton in the Arab-Muslim world. Issa. 2016. 9781317095910
- Modern land drainage. Smedema. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781000042269
- Modern slavery. Kara. 2017. 9780231528023
- Molecular nutrition. Vinciguerra. 2021. 9780128138632
- Mosquitoes, communities, and public health in Texas. Debboun. 2020. 9780128145463
- Multimedia environmental models. Mackay. 3rd ed, 2021. 9781000094992
- The museum of whales you will never see. Greene. 2020. 9780525506676
- Names and naming in Beowulf. Shaw. 2020. 9781350145771
- Nanoencapsulation of food ingredients by specialized equipment. Jafari. 2019. 9780128156728
- New approaches to ancient material culture in the Greek & Roman world. Cooper. 2021. 9789004440753
- Nightmares in the dream sanctuary. Kornhaber. 2020. 9780226472713
- The nonprofit sector. Powell. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781503611085
- Nutraceuticals and natural product pharmaceuticals. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175163
- Nutritional and health aspects of food in South Asian countries. Prakas. 2020. 9780128200124
- Nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of fruits and vegetables. Jaiswal. 2020. 9780128127810
- The office of historical corrections. Evans. 2020. 9780593189467
- On folding. Friedman. 2016. 9783839434048
- One to watch. Stayman-London. 2020. 9780525510437
- Origins of human socialization. Pfaff. 2021. 9780323858014
- Otaku and the struggle for imagination in Japan. Galbraith. 2019. 9781478007012
- Our fathers. Wait. 2020. 9781609455729
- Philology in the making. Kelemen. 2019. 9783839447703
- Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology. Nobel. 5th ed, 2019. 9780128191477
- Plant disturbance ecology. Johnson. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128188149
- Plant small RNA. Guleria. 2020. 9780128173367
- Poulenc. Nichols. 2020. 9780300252552
- Power quality in modern power systems. Sanjeevikumar. 2021. 9780128234464
- Preparation of phytopharmaceuticals for the management of disorders. Egbuna. 2021. 9780128202852
- Present and future of high pressure processing. Barba. 2020. 9780128172667
- Present knowledge in nutrition. Vol. 1. Marriott. 11th ed, 2020 9780128198421
- Present knowledge in nutrition. Vol. 2. Marriott. 11th ed, 2020. 9780128184615
- Priming-mediated stress and cross-stress tolerance in crop plants. Hossain. 2020. 9780128178935
- Quaternary ecology, evolution and biogeography. Rull. 2020. 9780128204740
- Quitting smoking & vaping for dummies. Elliott. 2020. 9781119616924
- Reclaiming personalized learning. France. 2020. 9781544360652
- Reframing campus conflict. 2020. 9781642670509
- Release and bioavailability of nanoencapsulated food ingredients. Jafari. 2020. 9780128156667
- Reproductive technologies in animals. Presicce. 2020. 9780128171080
- Rescue dog tales. Lindnord. 2020. 9781771644235
- Researching translation in the age of technology and global conflict. Kim. 2020. 9780429659140
- The revolution will not be funded. 2017. 9780822373001
- The role of alternative and innovative food ingredients and products in consumer wellness. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175170
- The Routledge companion to critical accounting. Roslender. 2018. 9781315775203
- Saffron. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128216132
- Salt, fat and sugar reduction. O’Sullivan. 2020. 9780128226124
- Sea urchins. Lawrence. 4th ed, 2020. 9780128195697
- Sensory evaluation practices. Stone. 5th ed, 2021. 9780128153352
- Slave play. Harris. 2019. 9781559369343
- Sneakers. Kawamura. 2016. 9781474262927
- Stress genetics, epigenetics and genomics. Fink. 2021. 9780128131572
- Sustainability of the food system. Betoret. 2020. 9780128182949
- Sustainable agriculture. Parray. 2020. 9780128173749
- Telltale women. Meyer. 2021. 9781496224446
- They bear acquaintance. Graham. 2016. 9781787072510
- Toxicology. Patel. 2021. 9780128190937
- Transcription factors for abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Wani. 2020. 9780128193358
- Trauma reporting. Healey. 2020. 9781351059114
- Understanding the war industry. Sorensen. 2020. 9781949762235
- Vanguard. Jones. 2020. 9781541618602
- Vaping: effects and solutions. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020. 9781610024693
- Varieties of grounded theory. Bryant. 2019. 9781526474315
- Waning sword. Pettit. 2020. 9781783748297
- Water witches. Bohjalian. 25th anniversary ed, 2020. 9780593081792
- What doesn't kill us. Carney. 2017. 9781623366919
- What you need to know about diabetes. Davidson. 2020. 9781440868610
- Wheat – an exceptional crop. Wiesner. 2020. 9780128217160
- Wheat and barley grain biofortification. Gupta. 2020. 9780128184455
- The Wiley Blackwell companion to race, ethnicity, and nationalism. Stone. 2020. 9781119430407
- Wittgenstein and perception. Campbell. 2015. 9781317543039
- Wood microbiology. Zabel. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128205730
- Zizek on race. Zalloua. 2020. 9781350094222
- Zoltán Kodály's world of music. Dalos. 2020. 9780520971608
ProQuest Additions
- Communities, councils & a low-carbon future. Rowell. 2010. 9781900322652
- Media, ecology and conservation. Blewitt. 2010. 9780857840134
- Practical fitness testing. Coulson. 2009. 9781408111048
- Quelles innovations pour quels systemes d'elevage. Ingrand. 2014. 9782738014054
ScienceDirect Additions
- Advanced food analysis tools. Kobun. 2021. 9780128223956
- Advances in cyanobacterial biology. Singh. 2020. 9780128193129
- Agricultural internet of things and decision support for precision smart farming. Castrignano. 2020. 9780128183748
- Aquaculture health management. 2020. 9780128133606
- Asian noodle manufacturing. Hou. 2020. 9780128128749
- Autism 360. Das. 2020. 9780128184677
- Biodiversity and biomedicine. Ozturk. 2020. 9780128223703
- Biology and physiology of freshwater neotropical fish. Baldisserotto. 2019. 9780128158739
- Biotechnological utilization of mangrove resources. Patra. 2020. 9780128223826
- Biscuit, cookie and cracker process and recipes. Sykes. 2020. 9780128206133
- The bowhead whale. George. 2021. 9780128189702
- Building the future of food safety technology. Detwiler. 2020. 9780128189535
- Case studies on food experiences in marketing, retail, and events. Doppler. 2020. 9780128177938
- Characterization of nanoencapsulated food ingredients. Jafari. 2020. 9780128156681
- Climate change and food security with emphasis on wheat. Ozturk. 2020. 9780128195673
- Cold pressed oils. Ramadan. 2020. 9780128181898
- Controlled and modified atmosphere for fresh and fresh-cut produce. 2017. 9780128046210
- Dietary sugar, salt and fat in human health. Preuss. 2020. 9780128169193
- Ecophysiology of pesticides. Parween. 2019. 9780128176153
- Elephants under human care. Rees. 2021. 9780128167267
- Essential and toxic trace elements and vitamins in human health. Prasad. 2020. 9780128093016
- European whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Evans. 2020. 9780128190548
- Experimental hydrodynamics of fast-floating aquatic animals. Vitaliiovych. 2020. 9780128226285
- Feed additives. Florou-Paneri. 2020. 9780128147016
- Food and society. Gibson. 2020. 9780128118092
- Food industry wastes. Kosseva. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128173770
- Food safety. Detwiler. 2020. 9780128182208
- Food safety and quality systems in developing countries: Vol. III. Gordon. 9780128142738
- Food safety lessons for cannabis-infused edibles. Knutson. 2020. 9780128195376
- Food waste to valuable resources. Banu. 2020. 9780128183540
- Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Siddiqui. 9780128165393
- Gastronomy and food science. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128204382
- Genetically modified and irradiated food. Andersen. 2020. 9780128172414
- Genetically modified plants. Hull. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128226483
- Green food processing techniques. Chemat. 2019. 9780128154434
- Handbook of food nanotechnology. Jafari. 2020. 9780128160428
- Handbook of hydrocolloids. Phillips. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780128242216
- An innovative approach to understanding and treating cancer. Koltai. 2020. 9780128190609
- Insect metamorphosis. Belles. 2020. 9780128130216
- Insect-borne diseases in the 21st century. Nicoletti. 2020. 9780128187074
- The interaction of food industry and environment. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175156
- Medicinal and aromatic plants. Aftab. 2021. 9780128227756
- Milk and dairy foods. Givens. 2020. 9780128156049
- Milk proteins. Boland. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780128152522
- Mosquitoes, communities, and public health in Texas. Debboun. 2020. 9780128145463
- Nanoencapsulation of food ingredients by specialized equipment. Jafari. 2019. 9780128156728
- Nutraceuticals and natural product pharmaceuticals. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175163
- Nutritional and health aspects of food in South Asian countries. Prakas. 2020. 9780128200124
- Nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of fruits and vegetables. Jaiswal. 2020. 9780128127810
- Obesity and obstetrics. Mahmood. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128179222
- Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology. Nobel. 5th ed, 2019. 9780128191477
- Plant small RNA. Guleria. 2020. 9780128173367
- Present and future of high pressure processing. Barba. 2020. 9780128172667
- Priming-mediated stress and cross-stress tolerance in crop plants. Hossain. 2020. 9780128178935
- Quaternary ecology, evolution and biogeography. Rull. 2020. 9780128204740
- Release and bioavailability of nanoencapsulated food ingredients. Jafari. 2020. 9780128156667
- Reproductive technologies in animals. Presicce. 2020. 9780128171080
- The role of alternative and innovative food ingredients and products in consumer wellness. Galanakis. 2019. 9780128175170
- Salt, fat and sugar reduction. O’Sullivan. 2020. 9780128226124
- Sea urchins. Lawrence. 4th ed, 2020. 9780128195697
- Sustainability of the food system. Betoret. 2020. 9780128182949
- Sustainable agriculture. Parray. 2020. 9780128173749
- Transcription factors for abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Wani. 2020. 9780128193358
- Wheat – an exceptional crop. Wiesner. 2020. 9780128217160
- Wheat and barley grain biofortification. Gupta. 2020. 9780128184455
- Wood microbiology. Zabel. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128205730
STAT!Ref Additions
- Current procedure codes with RVUs. 2021
- Novick and Morrow's public health administration. Shi. 4th ed, 2021. 9781284195507
February 2021
All Additions
- Adams and Stashak's lameness in horses. Baxter. 7th ed, 2020. 9781119276715
- Advances in applied microbiology. Gadd. 2016. 9780128052334
- AHA hospital statistics 2021. American Hospital Association. 2021.
- The anatomy of peace. Arbinger Institute. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781523089840
- Antifungal compounds discovery. Sokovic. 2021. 9780128158258
- AORN guidelines for perioperative practice. 2021.
- Application of nano/microencapsulated ingredients in food products. Jafari. 2021. 9780128165195
- Artificial intelligence in medicine. Xing. 2021. 9780128212585
- Atlas of aesthetic breast surgery. Jewell. 2020. 9780323524605
- BE 2.0 (beyond entrepreneurship 2.0). Collins. 2020. 9780399564246
- The big fat surprise. Teicholz. 2014. 9781451624441
- Blackwell's five-minute veterinary consult: equine. Lavoie. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781119190318
- Campbell's operative orthopaedics. Azar. 14th ed, 2020. 9780323672191
- Causation in psychology. Campbell. 2020. 9780674249547
- Chicago manual of style online. University of Chicago Press. 17th ed, 2017.
- Children's social and emotional wellbeing in schools. Watson. 2012. 9781847425324
- Conn's current therapy 2021. Kellerman. 2021. 9780323790710
- Critical gaming. Champion. 2015. 9781472422910
- Critical reading in higher education. Manarin. 2016. 9780253018984
- Dementia rehabilitation. Low. 2021. 9780128186855
- Dermatology: an illustrated colour text. Gawkrodger. 7th ed, 2021. 9780702079986
- Dermatology secrets. High. 6th ed, 2021. 9780323673235
- Design for health. Sethumadhavan. 2020. 9780128166215
- Designing science presentations. Carter. 2nd ed, 2021.
- Diagnostic ultrasound for sonographers. Kamaya. 2019. 9780323625173
- Eating animals. Foer. 2009. 9780316086646
- Emerging carbon materials for catalysis. Sadjadi. 2021. 9780128176047
- Engineering ethics. Johnson. 2020. 9780300252798
- Environmental chemistry. Hanif. 2020. 9781119651093
- Ethics and error in medicine. Allhoff. 2020. 9780429266119
- The ethics of everyday medicine. Montgomery. 2021. 9780128230664
- Evolutionary diversity as a source for anticancer molecules. Srivastava. 2021. 9780128216989
- Extending international human rights protections to vulnerable populations. Smith. 2020. 9781000732962
- The eye: basic sciences in practice. Forrester. 5th ed, 2021. 9780702079948
- First aid for the ABSITE. LaFemina. 2011. 9780071643221
- First aid for the anesthesiology boards. Bhatt. 2011. 9780071746007
- First aid for the basic sciences: general principles. Le. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071745949
- First aid for the basic sciences: organ systems. Le. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071745956
- First aid for the basic sciences: general principles. Le. 3rd ed, 2017. 9781259587023
- First aid for the basic sciences: organ systems. Le. 3rd ed, 2017. 9781259587047
- First aid for the COMLEX. Nye. 2nd ed, 2011. 9780071600262
- First aid for the emergency medicine boards. Blok. 3rd ed, 2016. 9780071843676
- First aid for the emergency medicine boards. Blok. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071769280
- First aid for the emergency medicine boards. Blok. 2011. 9780071643191
- First aid for the emergency medicine clerkship. Stead. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071741309
- First aid for the emergency medicine oral boards. Howes. 2nd ed, 2018. 9780071839860
- First aid for the emergency medicine oral boards. Howes. 2013. 9780071632546
- First aid for the family medicine boards. Le. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781259835025
- First aid for the family medicine boards. Le. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071739542
- First aid for the internal medicine boards. Le. 4th ed, 2017. 9781259835049
- First aid for the internal medicine boards. Le. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071736916
- First aid for the match. Le. 5th ed, 2011. 9780071736350
- First aid for the medicine clerkship. Kaufman. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071635578
- First aid for the NBDE: Part 1. Steinbacher. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780071769044
- First aid for the NBDE: Part I. Steinbacher. 2nd ed, 2009. 9780071605410
- First aid for the NBDE: Part II. Portnof. 2011. 9780071594264
- First aid for the neurology boards. Rafii. 2nd ed, 2015. 9780071837477
- First aid for the neurology boards. Rafii. 2011. 9780071742887
- First aid for the obstetrics & gynecology clerkship. Kaufman. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071664097
- First aid for the obstetrics and gynecology clerkship. Ganti. 4th ed, 2018. 9781259644078
- First aid for the orthopaedic boards. Malinzak. 2nd ed, 2011. 9780071598958
- First aid for the pediatric boards. Le. 2nd ed, 2011. 9780071632485
- First aid for the pediatrics clerkship. Ganti. 4th ed, 2018. 9781259834325
- First aid for the pediatrics clerkship. Stead. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071712996
- First aid for the psychiatry boards. Azzam. 2011. 9780071742870
- First aid for the psychiatry clerkship. Ganti. 5th ed, 2019. 9781260143409
- First aid for the psychiatry clerkship. Ganti. 4th ed, 2016. 9780071841757
- First aid for the psychiatry clerkship. Ganti Stead. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071741293
- First aid for the surgery clerkship. Ganti. 3rd ed, 2017. 9780071842105
- First aid for the wards. Le. 5th ed, 2013. 9780071772648
- First aid for the wards. Le. 4th ed, 2009. 9780071597975
- First aid Q&A for the NBDE part I. Steinbacher. 2011. 9780071508674
- First aid Q&A for the NBDE part II. Portnof. 2013. 9780071613736
- First aid radiology for the wards. Stead. 2011. 9780071643078
- The first peoples of Oman. Rose. 2019. 9781789692853
- Gastroparesis. McCallum. 2021. 9780128185872
- Getting through security. Maguire. 2020. 9781000217575
- The global healthcare manager. Counte. 2019. 9781640550162
- The handbook of displacement. Adey. 2020. 9783030471781
- Hands-on machine learning with R. Boehmke. 2020. 9781000730197
- Healing histories. Meijer Drees. 2013. 9780888648068
- Healthcare simulation. Gantt. 2016. 9781118949436
- Hemodynamics and cardiology. Seri. 3rd ed, 2018. 9780323568432
- Human microbiome in early life, implications to health and disease. Koren. 2021. 9780128180983
- Imaging in abdominal surgery. Federle. 2018. 9780323611367
- Improving cereal productivity through climate smart practices. Sareen. 2021. 9780128226308
- In situ molecular pathology and co-expression analyses. Nuovo. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128206546
- The irrational terrorist. Hudson. 2020. 9781626379053
- Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression. Vazquez. 2021. 9780128210345
- Landmarks in literacy. Smith. 2014. 9781317592297
- LANGE Q&A surgical technology examination. Sherman. 7th ed, 2017. 9781259586118
- Leading collective efficacy. Hite. 2021. 9781071801789
- Lives of the stoics. Holiday. 2020. 9780525541882
- The lost love song. Darke. 2020. 9780593160343
- The lost tradition of economic equality in America, 1600-1870. Mandell. 2020. 9781421437125
- Macbeth. Shakespeare. Brokaw. 2018. 9781350046818
- A manager's guide to PR projects. Parsons. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781315103853
- Manual of molecular and clinical laboratory immunology. Detrick. 8th ed, 2016. 9781555818722
- Mapping movie magazines. Biltereyst. 2020. 9783030332778
- Marching dykes, liberated sluts, and concerned mothers. Currans. 2017. 9780252099854
- Material cultures in public engagement. Christophilopoulou. 2020. 9781789253696
- The mathematics lesson-planning handbook, grades 6-8. Williams. 2019. 9781506387925
- Medical ethics for the boards. Fischer. 2016. 9781259641220
- Medical semiology guide of the digestive system. Part II. Stoicescu. 2020. 9780128220351
- Molecular aspects of neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, and regeneration in neurological disorders. Farooqui. 2021. 9780128217016
- Music, pantomime and freedom in enlightenment France. Law. 2020. 9781787449374
- Nano drug delivery strategies for the treatment of cancers. Yadav. 2021. 9780128197943
- Nanoparticles in analytical and medical devices. Fang. 2020. 9780128225547
- Netter's orthopaedic clinical examination. Cleland. 4th ed, 2021. 9780323695336
- Neurobiology of alcohol and the brain. Singh. 2021. 9780128198919
- OCD in children and adolescents. McKenney. 2020. 9781462542062
- Opie's cardiovascular drugs. Bhatt. 9th ed, 2021. 9780323673624
- Orthopedic physical assessment. Magee. 7th ed, 2021. 9780323522991
- Pesos and dollars. Dewey. 2014. 9781623492090
- Ph-interfering agents as chemosensitizers in cancer therapy. Supuran. 2021. 9780128209288
- Positive psychology coaching in practice. Green. 2019. 9781315716169
- Powering empire. Barak. 2020. 9780520973930
- Psychosocial aspects of chronic kidney disease. Cukor. 2020. 9780128170816
- Queer commodities. Davidson. 2012. 9781137011244
- Raw and finished materials. Dereu. 2012. 9781606500750
- RNA-based regulation in human health and disease. Pandey. 2020. 9780128171943
- Robbins and Cotran atlas of pathology. Klatt. 4th ed, 2021. 9780323640190
- Sobotta clinical atlas of human anatomy. Hombach-Klonisch. 2019. 9780702052798
- Social justice. Capeheart. 2020. 9781978806894
- Teaching and researching reading. Grabe. 3rd ed, 2019. 9781315726274
- Techniques in ophthalmic plastic surgery. Nerad. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780323393171
- Textbook of pediatric rheumatology. Petty. 8th ed, 2021. 9780323636537
- Theory and applications of nonparenteral nanomedicines. Kesharwani. 2021. 9780128204672
- Trading spaces. Hart. 2019. 9780226659954
- Unsettling truths. Charles. 2019. 9780830887590
- Veterinary cytology. Sharkey. 2021. 9781119380559
- Work that body. Hakim. 2020. 9781786604439
AHA Addition
- AHA hospital statistics 2021. American Hospital Association. 2021.
Chicago Manual of Style Addition
- Chicago manual of style online. University of Chicago Press. 17th ed, 2017.
ClinicalKey Additions
- Atlas of aesthetic breast surgery. Jewell. 2020. 9780323524605
- Campbell's operative orthopaedics. Azar. 14th ed, 2020. 9780323672191
- Conn's current therapy 2021. Kellerman. 2021. 9780323790710
- Dermatology: an illustrated colour text. Gawkrodger. 7th ed, 2021. 9780702079986
- Dermatology secrets. High. 6th ed, 2021. 9780323673235
- Diagnostic ultrasound for sonographers. Kamaya. 2019. 9780323625173
- The eye: basic sciences in practice. Forrester. 5th ed, 2021. 9780702079948
- Imaging in abdominal surgery. Federle. 2018. 9780323611367
- Netter's orthopaedic clinical examination. Cleland. 4th ed, 2021. 9780323695336
- Opie's cardiovascular drugs. Bhatt. 9th ed, 2021. 9780323673624
- Orthopedic physical assessment. Magee. 7th ed, 2021. 9780323522991
- Robbins and Cotran atlas of pathology. Klatt. 4th ed, 2021. 9780323640190
- Sobotta clinical atlas of human anatomy. Hombach-Klonisch. 2019. 9780702052798
- Techniques in ophthalmic plastic surgery. Nerad. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780323393171
- Textbook of pediatric rheumatology. Petty. 8th ed, 2021. 9780323636537
EBSCOhost Additions
- Adams and Stashak's lameness in horses. Baxter. 7th ed, 2020. 9781119276715
- The anatomy of peace. Arbinger Institute. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781523089840
- Antifungal compounds discovery. Sokovic. 2021. 9780128158258
- Application of nano/microencapsulated ingredients in food products. Jafari. 2021. 9780128165195
- Artificial intelligence in medicine. Xing. 2021. 9780128212585
- BE 2.0 (beyond entrepreneurship 2.0). Collins. 2020. 9780399564246
- The big fat surprise. Teicholz. 2014. 9781451624441
- Blackwell's five-minute veterinary consult: equine. Lavoie. 3rd ed, 2020. 9781119190318
- Causation in psychology. Campbell. 2020. 9780674249547
- Children's social and emotional wellbeing in schools. Watson. 2012. 9781847425324
- Critical gaming. Champion. 2015. 9781472422910
- Critical reading in higher education. Manarin. 2016. 9780253018984
- Dementia rehabilitation. Low. 2021. 9780128186855
- Design for health. Sethumadhavan. 2020. 9780128166215
- Designing science presentations. Carter. 2nd ed, 2021.
- Eating animals. Foer. 2009. 9780316086646
- Emerging carbon materials for catalysis. Sadjadi. 2021. 9780128176047
- Engineering ethics. Johnson. 2020. 9780300252798
- Environmental chemistry. Hanif. 2020. 9781119651093
- Ethics and error in medicine. Allhoff. 2020. 9780429266119
- The ethics of everyday medicine. Montgomery. 2021. 9780128230664
- Evolutionary diversity as a source for anticancer molecules. Srivastava. 2021. 9780128216989
- Extending international human rights protections to vulnerable populations. Smith. 2020. 9781000732962
- The first peoples of Oman. Rose. 2019. 9781789692853
- Gastroparesis. McCallum. 2021. 9780128185872
- Getting through security. Maguire. 2020. 9781000217575
- The global healthcare manager. Counte. 2019. 9781640550162
- The handbook of displacement. Adey. 2020. 9783030471781
- Hands-on machine learning with R. Boehmke. 2020. 9781000730197
- Healthcare simulation. Gantt. 2016. 9781118949436
- Hemodynamics and cardiology. Seri. 3rd ed, 2018. 9780323568432
- Human microbiome in early life, implications to health and disease. Koren. 2021. 9780128180983
- Improving cereal productivity through climate smart practices. Sareen. 2021. 9780128226308
- The irrational terrorist. Hudson. 2020. 9781626379053
- Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression. Vazquez. 2021. 9780128210345
- Landmarks in literacy. Smith. 2014. 9781317592297
- Leading collective efficacy. Hite. 2021. 9781071801789
- Lives of the stoics. Holiday. 2020. 9780525541882
- The lost love song. Darke. 2020. 9780593160343
- The lost tradition of economic equality in America, 1600-1870. Mandell. 2020. 9781421437125
- Macbeth. Shakespeare. Brokaw. 2018. 9781350046818
- A manager's guide to PR projects. Parsons. 2nd ed, 2017. 9781315103853
- Manual of molecular and clinical laboratory immunology. Detrick. 8th ed, 2016. 9781555818722
- Mapping movie magazines. Biltereyst. 2020. 9783030332778
- Marching dykes, liberated sluts, and concerned mothers. Currans. 2017. 9780252099854
- Material cultures in public engagement. Christophilopoulou. 2020. 9781789253696
- The mathematics lesson-planning handbook, grades 6-8. Williams. 2019. 9781506387925
- Medical semiology guide of the digestive system. Part II. Stoicescu. 2020. 9780128220351
- Molecular aspects of neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, and regeneration in neurological disorders. Farooqui. 2021. 9780128217016
- Music, pantomime and freedom in enlightenment France. Law. 2020. 9781787449374
- Nano drug delivery strategies for the treatment of cancers. Yadav. 2021. 9780128197943
- Nanoparticles in analytical and medical devices. Fang. 2020. 9780128225547
- Neurobiology of alcohol and the brain. Singh. 2021. 9780128198919
- OCD in children and adolescents. McKenney. 2020. 9781462542062
- Pesos and dollars. Dewey. 2014. 9781623492090
- Ph-interfering agents as chemosensitizers in cancer therapy. Supuran. 2021. 9780128209288
- Positive psychology coaching in practice. Green. 2019. 9781315716169
- Powering empire. Barak. 2020. 9780520973930
- Psychosocial aspects of chronic kidney disease. Cukor. 2020. 9780128170816
- Queer commodities. Davidson. 2012. 9781137011244
- Raw and finished materials. Dereu. 2012. 9781606500750
- RNA-based regulation in human health and disease. Pandey. 2020. 9780128171943
- Social justice. Capeheart. 2020. 9781978806894
- Teaching and researching reading. Grabe. 3rd ed, 2019. 9781315726274
- Theory and applications of nonparenteral nanomedicines. Kesharwani. 2021. 9780128204672
- Trading spaces. Hart. 2019. 9780226659954
- Unsettling truths. Charles. 2019. 9780830887590
- Veterinary cytology. Sharkey. 2021. 9781119380559
- Work that body. Hakim. 2020. 9781786604439
McGraw Hill Additions (First Aid Collection)
- First aid for the ABSITE. LaFemina. 2011. 9780071643221
- First aid for the anesthesiology boards. Bhatt. 2011. 9780071746007
- First aid for the basic sciences: general principles. Le. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071745949
- First aid for the basic sciences: organ systems. Le. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071745956
- First aid for the basic sciences: general principles. Le. 3rd ed, 2017. 9781259587023
- First aid for the basic sciences: organ systems. Le. 3rd ed, 2017. 9781259587047
- First aid for the COMLEX. Nye. 2nd ed, 2011. 9780071600262
- First aid for the emergency medicine boards. Blok. 3rd ed, 2016. 9780071843676
- First aid for the emergency medicine boards. Blok. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071769280
- First aid for the emergency medicine boards. Blok. 2011. 9780071643191
- First aid for the emergency medicine clerkship. Stead. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071741309
- First aid for the emergency medicine oral boards. Howes. 2nd ed, 2018. 9780071839860
- First aid for the emergency medicine oral boards. Howes. 2013. 9780071632546
- First aid for the family medicine boards. Le. 3rd ed, 2018. 9781259835025
- First aid for the family medicine boards. Le. 2nd ed, 2012. 9780071739542
- First aid for the internal medicine boards. Le. 4th ed, 2017. 9781259835049
- First aid for the internal medicine boards. Le. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071736916
- First aid for the match. Le. 5th ed, 2011. 9780071736350
- First aid for the medicine clerkship. Kaufman. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071635578
- First aid for the NBDE: Part 1. Steinbacher. 3rd ed, 2012. 9780071769044
- First aid for the NBDE: Part I. Steinbacher. 2nd ed, 2009. 9780071605410
- First aid for the NBDE: Part II. Portnof. 2011. 9780071594264
- First aid for the neurology boards. Rafii. 2nd ed, 2015. 9780071837477
- First aid for the neurology boards. Rafii. 2011. 9780071742887
- First aid for the obstetrics & gynecology clerkship. Kaufman. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071664097
- First aid for the obstetrics and gynecology clerkship. Ganti. 4th ed, 2018. 9781259644078
- First aid for the orthopaedic boards. Malinzak. 2nd ed, 2011. 9780071598958
- First aid for the pediatric boards. Le. 2nd ed, 2011. 9780071632485
- First aid for the pediatrics clerkship. Ganti. 4th ed, 2018. 9781259834325
- First aid for the pediatrics clerkship. Stead. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071712996
- First aid for the psychiatry boards. Azzam. 2011. 9780071742870
- First aid for the psychiatry clerkship. Ganti. 5th ed, 2019. 9781260143409
- First aid for the psychiatry clerkship. Ganti. 4th ed, 2016. 9780071841757
- First aid for the psychiatry clerkship. Ganti Stead. 3rd ed, 2011. 9780071741293
- First aid for the surgery clerkship. Ganti. 3rd ed, 2017. 9780071842105
- First aid for the wards. Le. 5th ed, 2013. 9780071772648
- First aid for the wards. Le. 4th ed, 2009. 9780071597975
- First aid Q&A for the NBDE part I. Steinbacher. 2011. 9780071508674
- First aid Q&A for the NBDE part II. Portnof. 2013. 9780071613736
- First aid radiology for the wards. Stead. 2011. 9780071643078
- LANGE Q&A surgical technology examination. Sherman. 7th ed, 2017. 9781259586118
- Medical ethics for the boards. Fischer. 2016. 9781259641220
ProQuest Additions
- Advances in applied microbiology. Gadd. 2016. 9780128052334
- Healing histories. Meijer Drees. 2013. 9780888648068
ScienceDirect Additions
- Dementia rehabilitation. Low. 2021. 9780128186855
- In situ molecular pathology and co-expression analyses. Nuovo. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128206546
- Medical semiology guide of the digestive system. Part II. Stoicescu. 2020. 9780128220351
STAT!Ref Additions
- AORN guidelines for perioperative practice. 2021.
January 2021
All Additions (except for ProQuest due to character limits)
- 100 ideas for secondary teachers. McDaid. 2015. 9781472918208
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 1: update on general medicine. AAO. 2020. 9781681043845
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 2: fundamentals and principles of ophthalmology. AAO. 2020. 9781681043852
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 3: clinical optics. AAO. 2020. 9781681043869
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 4: ophthalmic pathology and intraocular tumors. AAO. 2020. 9781681043876
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 5: neuro-ophthalmology. AAO. 2020. 9781681043883
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 6: pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. AAO. 2020. 9781681043890
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 7: oculofacial plastic and orbital surgery. AAO. 2020. 9781681043906
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 8: external disease and cornea. AAO. 2020. 9781681043913
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 9: uveitis and ocular inflammation. AAO. 2020. 9781681043920
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 10: glaucoma. AAO. 2020. 9781681043937
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 11: lens and cataract. AAO. 2020. 9781681043944
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 12: retina and vitreous. AAO. 2020. 9781681043951
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 13: refractive surgery. AAO. 2020. 9781681043968
- Advanced antenna systems for 5G network deployments. Asplund. 2020. 9780128223864
- The agency of empire. Heijmans. 2020. 9789004414402
- Agricultural water management. Srivastava. 2021. 9780128123638
- The all-night sun. Zinna. 2020. 9781984854179
- All we can save. Johnson. 2020. 9780593237076
- Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia. Biran. 2020. 9780520970786
- American political development and the Trump presidency. Callen. 2020. 9780812296921
- Anesthesia equipment. Ehrenwerth. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780323775489
- Antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders. Fox. 2021. 9780429266195
- Arts-based educational research and qualitative inquiry. Mulvihill. 2020. 9781000725605
- Atlas of diagnostic hematology. Salama. 2021. 9780323567343
- Atlas of pediatric echocardiography. Kucera. 2021. 9780323759823
- Automobility and the city in twentieth-century Britain and Japan. Gunn. 2019. 9781350075955
- Behavioral forensics. Ruben. 2019. 9780128198063
- Better business. Marquis. 2020. 9780300256154
- Betty. McDaniel. 2020. 9780525657088
- The Body. Bryson. 2019. 9780385539319
- Brain injury medicine. Eapen. 201. 9780323779449
- Breast cancer and gynecologic cancer rehabilitation. Cristian. 2021. 9780323721677
- The brideship wife. Howard. 2020. 9781508259367
- Building new banjos for an old-time world. Jones-Bamman. 2017. 9780252099908
- The Business of people. Fraser. 2019. 9780367808181
- Business practices in higher education. Kretovics. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780429773976
- Cancers in the urban environment. Mack. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128117453
- Cinema is a cat. Miyao. 2019. 9780824881351
- Classical literature and posthumanism. Chesi. 2020. 9781350069527
- Cobble Hill. Ziegesar. 2020. 9781982147051
- Controlled release fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Lewu. 2021. 9780128226148
- Coping with critical, demanding, and dysfunctional parents. Allen. 2018. 9781684030934
- Cummings otolaryngology: head and neck surgery. Flint. 7th ed, 2021. 9780323612173
- Curandera. Tafolla. 2012. 9781609402402
- Death in her hands. Moshfegh. 2020. 9781984879363
- Dementia rehabilitation. Low. 2021. 9780128186855
- Demystifying the big house. Foss. 2018. 9780809336586
- Designing science presentations. Carter. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128153789
- Diastology. Klein. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780323755399
- Dietary supplements. Goldstein. 2020. 9781440864230
- Disney, culture, and curriculum. Sandlin. 2016. 9781317340577
- DIY auto-flowering cannabis. Lowenfels. 2020. 9781771423045
- Don Quixote and Catholicism. McGrath. 2020. 9781557539014
- Durkheim and after. Smith. 2020. 9781509518319
- Dyslexia. Everatt. 2020. 9781351795944
- The elements of Foucault. Lambert. 2020. 9781452962726
- Emery and Rimoin's principles and practice of medical genetics and genomics: metabolic disorders. Pyeritz. 7th ed, 2021. 9780128126837
- End of the Ottomans. Kieser. 2019. 9781786736048
- The energized workplace. Timms. 2020. 9780749498672
- Endodontics: principles and practice. Torabinejad. 6th ed, 2021. 9780323624374
- The English diaspora in North America. Bueltmann. 2017. 9781526103727
- Entrepreneurship as organizing. Gartner. 2016. 9781783476947
- Enzyme active sites and their reaction mechanisms. Morrison. 2021. 9780128231944
- Enzyme engineering and evolution: general methods. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 643. Tawfik. 2020. 9780128211502
- Enzyme engineering and evolution: specific enzyme applications. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 644. Tawfik. 2020. 9780128244326
- The European Antarctic. Roberts. 2011. 9780230337909
- Evaluating educational interventions. Riley-Tillman. 2020. 9781462542154
- Extracellular vesicles. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 645. Spada. 2020. 9780128206638
- Family emergent/urgent and ambulatory care. Sanning Shea. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826151735
- Fiction and imagination in early cinema. Slugan. 2020. 9781350115699
- Finding resilience. Walker. 2019. 9781486310784
- From mobility to accessibility. Levine. 2019. 9781501716102
- Galapagos giant tortoises. Gibbs. 2021. 9780128175552
- Gastrointestinal diseases and disorders sourcebook. 3rd ed, 2016. 9780780814585
- Gastroparesis. McCallum. 2021. 9780128185872
- The gender affirmative model. Keo-Meier. 2018. 9781433829147
- The gender of photography. Hudgins. 2020. 9781000211504
- Generally speaking. Zerubavel. 2021. 9780197519301
- Gerontological social work in action. Hulko. 2020. 9781315207735
- Global mental health. Escobar. 2020. 9780813595948
- A guide to research methodology. Mukherjee. 2020. 9781000617412
- Handbook of diagnostic endocrinology. Winter. 2021. 9780128182789
- Handbook of mindfulness-based programmes. Ivtzan. 2020. 9781351967150
- Handbook of probabilistic models. Samui. 2019. 9780128165461
- Heads will roll. Tracy. 2012. 9789004222281
- Healthcare supply chain management. Min. 2014. 9781606498958
- The highly sensitive brain. Acevedo. 2020. 9780128182529
- Imaging in gastroenterology. Federle. 2017. 9780323554091
- Imaging in neurology. Osborn. 2016. 9780323448291
- Imaging in otolaryngology. Gurgel. 2018. 9780323545105
- Imaging in pediatrics. Merrow. 2018. 9780323482066
- Imaging in spine surgery. Ross. 2017. 9780323497190
- Imaging in urology. Turblin. 2018. 9780323548113
- Imperial bodies. Minkin. 2020. 9781503610507
- Inclusive collegiality and non-tenure track faculty. Haviland. 2020. 9781620366479
- Increasing resilience in police and emergency personnel. Conn. 2018. 9781315563398
- Indigenous dispossession. Castellanos. 2021. 9781503614352
- The international LGBT rights movement. Belmonte. 2021. 9781472506955
- Interventional management of chronic visceral pain syndromes. Pak. 2021. 9780323757768
- Inventing Latinos. Gomez. 2020. 9781620971789
- Islam in the west. Farrar. 2012. 9781137025067
- The lavender scare. Johnson. 2004. 9780226401966
- Leadership and Elizabethan culture. Kaufman. 2013. 9781137340290
- The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit. Ridge. 1955. 9780585148014
- Leonard Bernstein and the language of jazz. Baber. 2019. 9780252051210
- Lost nationalism. Vezzadini. 2015. 9781782045281
- The lost plays of Greek tragedy. Vol. 2. Wright. 2019. 9781474276450
- Manual of percutaneous coronary interventions. Brilakis. 2021. 9780128193686
- The meaning of soul. Lordi. 2020. 9781478012245
- Memories of the future. Wilson. 2017. 9781787075757
- Memory as prediction. Vecchi. 2020. 9780262361217
- Metawritings. Talbot. 2012. 9781609381059
- Missionaries. Klay. 2020. 9781984880666
- Modernist art in Ethiopia. Giorgis. 2019. 9780821446539
- Motor control, learning and development. Utley. 2nd ed, 2019. 9781315102481
- Multilingual dictionary of nuclear reactor physics and engineering. Anglart. 2021. 9781000076615
- Music, travel, and imperial encounter in 19th-century France. Rosenberg. 2014. 9781317677963
- Necropolitics. Mbembe. 2019. 9781478007227
- Neuro-oncology for the clinical neurologist. Strowd. 2021. 9780323694957
- Neurocognitive development. Gallagher. 2020. 9780444641496
- A neurophenomenology of awe and wonder. Gallagher. 2015. 9781137496058
- Observational measurement of behavior. Yoder. 2nd ed, 2018. 9781681252476
- Odorant binding and chemosensory proteins. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 642. Pelosi. 2020. 9780128211588
- On political obligation. Shklar. 2019. 9780300245417
- The once and future worker. Cass. 2018. 9781641770156
- Open secrets. Kohler. 2020. 9780525506850
- Out of peel tree. Long. 2014. 9781940425023
- The Oxford handbook of digital technology and society. Yates. 2020. 9780190932626
- The PCOS plan. Pateguana. 2020. 9781771644617
- The periodic table. Kloprogge. 2021. 9780128215388
- Perpetrator cinema. Morag. 2020. 9780231851176
- Personality disorders. Emmelkamp. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781351055888
- Policing the open road. Seo. 2019. 9780674240469
- Politics of identity in small plural societies. Wilson. 2012. 9781137012128
- Presumed incompetent II. Niemann. 2020. 9781607329664
- Productive math struggle. SanGiovanni. 2020. 9781544369433
- Protein biosynthesis interference in disease. Paley. 2021. 9780128234860
- Protocols in biochemistry and clinical biochemistry. 2020. 9780128220085
- Psychology. Reber. 2020. 9781315148045
- Psychotherapy for people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Lotterman. 2nd ed, 2015. 9781317540960
- Pulses of abstraction. Johnston. 2020. 9781452964515
- Race and identity in Hispanic America. Reid-Merritt. 2020. 9781440867859
- Reading for reform. Fisher. 2019. 9781452960357
- Rebuilding story worlds. Baetens. 2020. 9781978808492
- Reconfiguring human, nonhuman and posthuman in literature and culture. Karkulehto. 2020. 9780429243042
- Research methodology for social sciences. Acharyya. 2020. 9781000725643
- Resource management for colleges and universities. Massy. 2020. 9781421437866
- The role of the electronic resources librarian. Stachokas. 2020. 9780081029268
- Ronald Reagan: a biography. Woodard. 2012. 9780313396397
- The searcher. French. 2010. 9780735224667
- Sharing a house with the Never-Ending Man. Alpert. 2020. 9781611729412
- Shiner. Burns. 2020. 9780525533665
- Singapore, spirituality, and the space of the state. Waghorne. 2020. 9781350086562
- Smash the bottleneck. Strear. 2020. 9781640551541
- Social skills across the life span. Nangle. 2020. 9780128177532
- Sperling pediatric endocrinology. Sperling. 5th ed, 2021. 9780323625210
- Spirit lands of the eagle and bear. Brunswig. 2020. 9781646420186
- Steviol glycosides. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128204016
- Stewardship as teacher leadership. Rogers. 2020. 9781975501556
- The strategic planning and deployment excellence system (SPADES). ReVelle. 2020. 9780429319884
- The sun collective. Baxter. 2020. 9781524748869
- The sun sister. Riley. 2020. 9781982110666
- Sustainability. Surampalli. 2020. 9781119434016
- Synopsis of key gynecologic oncology trials. Renz. 2020. 9780429200199
- Synthetic vaccines. Melief. 2012. 9780123965486
- Systemic lupus erythematosus. Tsokos. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128145524
- Tertulia. Toro. 2020. 9780525507000
- A theranostic and precision medicine approach for female specific cancers. Nagaraju. 2021. 9780128226926
- To have and to hoax. Waters. 2020. 9781982136123
- Translanguaging as transformation. Moore. 2020. 9781788928069
- Traps. Curtis. 2019. 9781771336727
- The traumatic colonel. Drexler. 2014. 9781479888160
- Trumping democracy in the United States. Berlet. 2018. 9781315438399
- Two trains leave Paris. Frey. 2019. 9781683354956
- Uncommon psychiatric syndromes. Enoch. 5th ed, 2021. 9781315349213
- The values of nighttime in classical antiquity. Ker. 2020. 9789004436367
- Weir & Abrahams' imaging atlas of human anatomy. Spratt. 6th ed, 2021. 9780702081309
- Who did you tell? Kara. 2020. 9780593156896
- The Wiley Blackwell companion to sociology. Ritzer. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781119429401
- Working memory. Logie. 2021. 9780192579638
- Worth writing about. Wizner. 2015. 9781625310491
AAO Additions
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 1: update on general medicine. AAO. 2020. 9781681043845
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 2: fundamentals and principles of ophthalmology. AAO. 2020. 9781681043852
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 3: clinical optics. AAO. 2020. 9781681043869
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 4: ophthalmic pathology and intraocular tumors. AAO. 2020. 9781681043876
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 5: neuro-ophthalmology. AAO. 2020. 9781681043883
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 6: pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. AAO. 2020. 9781681043890
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 7: oculofacial plastic and orbital surgery. AAO. 2020. 9781681043906
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 8: external disease and cornea. AAO. 2020. 9781681043913
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 9: uveitis and ocular inflammation. AAO. 2020. 9781681043920
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 10: glaucoma. AAO. 2020. 9781681043937
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 11: lens and cataract. AAO. 2020. 9781681043944
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 12: retina and vitreous. AAO. 2020. 9781681043951
- 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 13: refractive surgery. AAO. 2020. 9781681043968
ClinicalKey Additions
- Atlas of diagnostic hematology. Salama. 2021. 9780323567343
- Atlas of pediatric echocardiography. Kucera. 2021. 9780323759823
- Cummings otolaryngology: head and neck surgery. Flint. 7th ed, 2021. 9780323612173
- Diastology. Klein. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780323755399
- Emery and Rimoin's principles and practice of medical genetics and genomics: metabolic disorders. Pyeritz. 7th ed, 2021. 9780128126837
- Endodontics: principles and practice. Torabinejad. 6th ed, 2021. 9780323624374
- Gastroparesis. McCallum. 2021. 9780128185872
- Handbook of diagnostic endocrinology. Winter. 2021. 9780128182789
- Imaging in gastroenterology. Federle. 2017. 9780323554091
- Imaging in neurology. Osborn. 2016. 9780323448291
- Imaging in otolaryngology. Gurgel. 2018. 9780323545105
- Imaging in pediatrics. Merrow. 2018. 9780323482066
- Imaging in spine surgery. Ross. 2017. 9780323497190
- Imaging in urology. Turblin. 2018. 9780323548113
- Interventional management of chronic visceral pain syndromes. Pak. 2021. 9780323757768
- Manual of percutaneous coronary interventions. Brilakis. 2021. 9780128193686
- Neuro-oncology for the clinical neurologist. Strowd. 2021. 9780323694957
- Systemic lupus erythematosus. Tsokos. 2nd ed, 2020. 9780128145524
- Weir & Abrahams' imaging atlas of human anatomy. Spratt. 6th ed, 2021. 9780702081309
EBSCOhost Additions
- 100 ideas for secondary teachers. McDaid. 2015. 9781472918208
- Advanced antenna systems for 5G network deployments. Asplund. 2020. 9780128223864
- The agency of empire. Heijmans. 2020. 9789004414402
- All we can save. Johnson. 2020. 9780593237076
- Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia. Biran. 2020. 9780520970786
- The all-night sun. Zinna. 2020. 9781984854179
- American political development and the Trump presidency. Callen. 2020. 9780812296921
- Antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders. Fox. 2021. 9780429266195
- Arts-based educational research and qualitative inquiry. Mulvihill. 2020. 9781000725605
- Automobility and the city in twentieth-century Britain and Japan. Gunn. 2019. 9781350075955
- Behavioral forensics. Ruben. 2019. 9780128198063
- Better business. Marquis. 2020. 9780300256154
- Betty. McDaniel. 2020. 9780525657088
- The Body. Bryson. 2019. 9780385539319
- The brideship wife. Howard. 2020. 9781508259367
- Building new banjos for an old-time world. Jones-Bamman. 2017. 9780252099908
- The Business of people. Fraser. 2019. 9780367808181
- Business practices in higher education. Kretovics. 2nd ed, 2019. 9780429773976
- Cinema is a cat. Miyao. 2019. 9780824881351
- Classical literature and posthumanism. Chesi. 2020. 9781350069527
- Cobble Hill. Ziegesar. 2020. 9781982147051
- Controlled release fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Lewu. 2021. 9780128226148
- Coping with critical, demanding, and dysfunctional parents. Allen. 2018. 9781684030934
- Curandera. Tafolla. 2012. 9781609402402
- Death in her hands. Moshfegh. 2020. 9781984879363
- Dementia rehabilitation. Low. 2021. 9780128186855
- Demystifying the big house. Foss. 2018. 9780809336586
- Dietary supplements. Goldstein. 2020. 9781440864230
- Disney, culture, and curriculum. Sandlin. 2016. 9781317340577
- DIY auto-flowering cannabis. Lowenfels. 2020. 9781771423045
- Don Quixote and Catholicism. McGrath. 2020. 9781557539014
- Durkheim and after. Smith. 2020. 9781509518319
- Dyslexia. Everatt. 2020. 9781351795944
- The elements of Foucault. Lambert. 2020. 9781452962726
- End of the Ottomans. Kieser. 2019. 9781786736048
- The energized workplace. Timms. 2020. 9780749498672
- The English diaspora in North America. Bueltmann. 2017. 9781526103727
- Entrepreneurship as organizing. Gartner. 2016. 9781783476947
- The European Antarctic. Roberts. 2011. 9780230337909
- Evaluating educational interventions. Riley-Tillman. 2020. 9781462542154
- Family emergent/urgent and ambulatory care. Sanning Shea. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780826151735
- Fiction and imagination in early cinema. Slugan. 2020. 9781350115699
- Finding resilience. Walker. 2019. 9781486310784
- From mobility to accessibility. Levine. 2019. 9781501716102
- Gastrointestinal diseases and disorders sourcebook. 3rd ed, 2016. 9780780814585
- The gender affirmative model. Keo-Meier. 2018. 9781433829147
- The gender of photography. Hudgins. 2020. 9781000211504
- Generally speaking. Zerubavel. 2021. 9780197519301
- Gerontological social work in action. Hulko. 2020. 9781315207735
- Global mental health. Escobar. 2020. 9780813595948
- A guide to research methodology. Mukherjee. 2020. 9781000617412
- Handbook of mindfulness-based programmes. Ivtzan. 2020. 9781351967150
- Handbook of probabilistic models. Samui. 2019. 9780128165461
- Heads will roll. Tracy. 2012. 9789004222281
- Healthcare supply chain management. Min. 2014. 9781606498958
- The highly sensitive brain. Acevedo. 2020. 9780128182529
- Imperial bodies. Minkin. 2020. 9781503610507
- Inclusive collegiality and non-tenure track faculty. Haviland. 2020. 9781620366479
- Increasing resilience in police and emergency personnel. Conn. 2018. 9781315563398
- Indigenous dispossession. Castellanos. 2021. 9781503614352
- The international LGBT rights movement. Belmonte. 2021. 9781472506955
- Inventing Latinos. Gomez. 2020. 9781620971789
- Islam in the west. Farrar. 2012. 9781137025067
- The lavender scare. Johnson. 2004. 9780226401966
- Leadership and Elizabethan culture. Kaufman. 2013. 9781137340290
- The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit. Ridge. 1955. 9780585148014
- Leonard Bernstein and the language of jazz. Baber. 2019. 9780252051210
- Lost nationalism. Vezzadini. 2015. 9781782045281
- The lost plays of Greek tragedy. Vol. 2. Wright. 2019. 9781474276450
- The meaning of soul. Lordi. 2020. 9781478012245
- Memories of the future. Wilson. 2017. 9781787075757
- Memory as prediction. Vecchi. 2020. 9780262361217
- Metawritings. Talbot. 2012. 9781609381059
- Missionaries. Klay. 2020. 9781984880666
- Modernist art in Ethiopia. Giorgis. 2019. 9780821446539
- Motor control, learning and development. Utley. 2nd ed, 2019. 9781315102481
- Multilingual dictionary of nuclear reactor physics and engineering. Anglart. 2021. 9781000076615
- Music, travel, and imperial encounter in 19th-century France. Rosenberg. 2014. 9781317677963
- Necropolitics. Mbembe. 2019. 9781478007227
- A neurophenomenology of awe and wonder. Gallagher. 2015. 9781137496058
- Observational measurement of behavior. Yoder. 2nd ed, 2018. 9781681252476
- On political obligation. Shklar. 2019. 9780300245417
- The once and future worker. Cass. 2018. 9781641770156
- Open secrets. Kohler. 2020. 9780525506850
- Out of peel tree. Long. 2014. 9781940425023
- The Oxford handbook of digital technology and society. Yates. 2020. 9780190932626
- The PCOS plan. Pateguana. 2020. 9781771644617
- Perpetrator cinema. Morag. 2020. 9780231851176
- Personality disorders. Emmelkamp. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781351055888
- Policing the open road. Seo. 2019. 9780674240469
- Politics of identity in small plural societies. Wilson. 2012. 9781137012128
- Presumed incompetent II. Niemann. 2020. 9781607329664
- Productive math struggle. SanGiovanni. 2020. 9781544369433
- Psychology. Reber. 2020. 9781315148045
- Psychotherapy for people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Lotterman. 2nd ed, 2015. 9781317540960
- Pulses of abstraction. Johnston. 2020. 9781452964515
- Race and identity in Hispanic America. Reid-Merritt. 2020. 9781440867859
- Reading for reform. Fisher. 2019. 9781452960357
- Rebuilding story worlds. Baetens. 2020. 9781978808492
- Reconfiguring human, nonhuman and posthuman in literature and culture. Karkulehto. 2020. 9780429243042
- Research methodology for social sciences. Acharyya. 2020. 9781000725643
- Resource management for colleges and universities. Massy. 2020. 9781421437866
- The role of the electronic resources librarian. Stachokas. 2020. 9780081029268
- Ronald Reagan: a biography. Woodard. 2012. 9780313396397
- The searcher. French. 2010. 9780735224667
- Sharing a house with the Never-Ending Man. Alpert. 2020. 9781611729412
- Shiner. Burns. 2020. 9780525533665
- Singapore, spirituality, and the space of the state. Waghorne. 2020. 9781350086562
- Smash the bottleneck. Strear. 2020. 9781640551541
- Social skills across the life span. Nangle. 2020. 9780128177532
- Spirit lands of the eagle and bear. Brunswig. 2020. 9781646420186
- Stewardship as teacher leadership. Rogers. 2020. 9781975501556
- The strategic planning and deployment excellence system (SPADES). ReVelle. 2020. 9780429319884
- The sun collective. Baxter. 2020. 9781524748869
- The sun sister. Riley. 2020. 9781982110666
- Sustainability. Surampalli. 2020. 9781119434016
- Synopsis of key gynecologic oncology trials. Renz. 2020. 9780429200199
- Synthetic vaccines. Melief. 2012. 9780123965486
- Tertulia. Toro. 2020. 9780525507000
- To have and to hoax. Waters. 2020. 9781982136123
- Translanguaging as transformation. Moore. 2020. 9781788928069
- Traps. Curtis. 2019. 9781771336727
- The traumatic colonel. Drexler. 2014. 9781479888160
- Trumping democracy in the United States. Berlet. 2018. 9781315438399
- Two trains leave Paris. Frey. 2019. 9781683354956
- Uncommon psychiatric syndromes. Enoch. 5th ed, 2021. 9781315349213
- The values of nighttime in classical antiquity. Ker. 2020. 9789004436367
- Who did you tell? Kara. 2020. 9780593156896
- The Wiley Blackwell companion to sociology. Ritzer. 2nd ed, 2020. 9781119429401
- Working memory. Logie. 2021. 9780192579638
- Worth writing about. Wizner. 2015. 9781625310491
ScienceDirect Additions
- Agricultural water management. Srivastava. 2021. 9780128123638
- Anesthesia equipment. Ehrenwerth. 3rd ed, 2020. 9780323775489
- Brain injury medicine. Eapen. 201. 9780323779449
- Breast cancer and gynecologic cancer rehabilitation. Cristian. 2021. 9780323721677
- Cancers in the urban environment. Mack. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128117453
- Designing science presentations. Carter. 2nd ed, 2021. 9780128153789
- Enzyme active sites and their reaction mechanisms. Morrison. 2021. 9780128231944
- Enzyme engineering and evolution: general methods. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 643. Tawfik. 2020. 9780128211502
- Enzyme engineering and evolution: specific enzyme applications. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 644. Tawfik. 2020. 9780128244326
- Extracellular vesicles. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 645. Spada. 2020. 9780128206638
- Galapagos giant tortoises. Gibbs. 2021. 9780128175552
- Neurocognitive development. Gallagher. 2020. 9780444641496
- Odorant binding and chemosensory proteins. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 642. Pelosi. 2020. 9780128211588
- Pediatric allergy: principles and practice. Leung. 3rd ed, 2016. 9780323339469
- The periodic table. Kloprogge. 2021. 9780128215388
- Protein biosynthesis interference in disease. Paley. 2021. 9780128234860
- Protocols in biochemistry and clinical biochemistry. 2020. 9780128220085
- Sperling pediatric endocrinology. Sperling. 5th ed, 2021. 9780323625210
- Steviol glycosides. Galanakis. 2021. 9780128204016
- A theranostic and precision medicine approach for female specific cancers. Nagaraju. 2021. 9780128226926
January 2021
ProQuest Additions A-C
- "Conflict-free" socio-economic systems
- "Mechanics - microstructure - corrosion" coupling
- (MCTS) Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 (70-595) certification guide
- 102 Conferences d'enseignement 2013
- 105 fiches pour le suivi post-natal mere-enfant
- 10th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging
- 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery
- 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering
- 12th European Fluid Machinery Congress
- 13 Mises au point en chirurgie de la hanche
- 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering
- 18 mises au point en chirurgie du genou
- 20 Basis-OPs in der Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
- 20000 Kurven unter der Enveloppe
- 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering.
- 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 250 examens de laboratoire
- 26th European symposium on computer aided process engineering
- 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 29th European symposium on computer aided chemical engineering
- 2D materials
- 2D semiconductor materials and devices
- 3D bioprinting and nanotechnology in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
- 3D bioprinting for reconstructive surgery
- 3D concrete printing technology
- 3D printing in medicine
- 3D printing in orthopaedic surgery
- 3D printing technology in nanomedicine
- 3D TV and 3D cinema Mendiburu, Bernard.
- 4G
- 4g, lte-advanced pro and the road to 5g
- 5G networks
- 5G NR
- 5G physical layer
- Abalos + Sentkiewicz
- Abatement of environmental pollutants
- Abeloff's Clinical Oncology
- Abiotic and biotic stresses in soybean production
- Abrasive water jet perforation and multi-stage fracturing
- Abscisic acid in plants
- Absorption-based post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide
- Abstract domains in constraint programming
- The abstraction engine
- Academic press library in biomedical applications of mobile and wireless
- Academic Press library in mobile and wireless communications
- Academic Press library in signal processing
- Accelerated bridge construction
- Accelerated predictive stability
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Accidental information discovery
- An account of thermodynamic entropy
- Accurate results in the clinical laboratory
- Acid stimulation
- ACL injuries in female athletes
- Acoustic Emission (AE) and Related Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) techniques in the fracture mechanics of concrete
- Acoustics
- Acquired brain injury
- Acquired language disorders
- Acquisition and processing of marine seismic data
- Acquisition of complex arithmetic skills and higher order mathematics concepts
- Acrylamide in food
- The ACT approach
- Act for clergy and pastoral counselors
- ACT questions and answers
- Action analysis for animators
- Activated carbon fiber and textiles
- Active coatings for smart textiles
- Active disturbance rejection control of dynamic systems
- Active vision Findlay, John M.
- Actualizacion en neuroendocrinologia
- Actuaries' survival guide Szabo, Fred E.
- Acupuncture for IVF and assisted reproduction
- Acute encephalopathy and encephalitis in infancy and its related disorders
- Acute leukemia
- Adapting to climate change in Europe
- Adaptive identification and control of uncertain systems with non-smooth dynamics
- Adaptive learning methods for nonlinear system modeling
- Adaptive mobile computing
- Adaptive sliding mode neural network control for nonlinear systems
- ADD and ADHD
- Addiction neuroethics
- Additive manufacturing
- Additive manufacturing for the aerospace industry
- Additive manufacturing of titanium alloys
- Additives for polyolefins
- Adenosine receptors in neurodegenerative diseases
- Adenosine receptors in neurology and psychiatry
- Adenoviral vectors for gene theraphy
- Adhesives in marine engineering
- Adhesives technologies handbook
- Adiabatic fixed-bed reactors
- Adiabatic shear localization
- Adiponectin
- Adjustment models in 3D geomatics and computational geophysics
- Adolescent brain development Jetha, Michelle K.
- Adolescentes voilees
- Adolphe Quetelet, social physics and the average men of science, 1796-1874
- Adsorption-dryers for divided solids
- Adult attachment
- Adult gerontology acute care practice guidelines
- The adult hip
- Adult nursing practice
- Adult short bowel syndrome
- Advanced and emerging polybenzoxazine science and technology
- Advanced Applications in Manufacturing Engineering.
- Advanced biofuels
- Advanced biomass gasification
- Advanced bioprocessing for alternative fuels, biobased chemicals, and bioproducts
- Advanced biosensors for health care applications
- Advanced building envelope components
- Advanced ceramics for energy conversion and storage
- Advanced characterization and testing of textiles
- Advanced clinical therapies in cardiovascular Chinese medicine
- Advanced composite materials for aerospace engineering
- Advanced control design with applications to electromechanical systems
- Advanced data analysis and modelling in chemical engineering
- Advanced dental biomaterials
- Advanced design examples of seismic retrofit of structures
- Advanced district heating and cooling (DHC) systems
- Advanced engineering design Benavides, Efren Moreno.
- Advanced fibrous composite materials for ballistic protection
- Advanced fluoride-based materials for energy conversion
- Advanced functional materials Sanyal, Biplab.
- Advanced Functional Polymers for Biomedical Applications.
- Advanced gear manufacturing and finishing
- Advanced health assessment and differential diagnosis
- Advanced high strength natural fibre composites in construction
- Advanced inorganic chemistry
- Advanced issue resolution in safety pharmacology
- Advanced low-cost separation techniques in interface science
- Advanced machining processes of metallic materials
- Advanced mass spectrometry for food safety and quality
- Advanced materials science and engineering of carbon
- Advanced mechanics of composite materials and structures
- Advanced micro- and nanomaterials for photovoltaics
- Advanced mine ventilation
- Advanced modelling techniques studying global changes in environmental sciences
- Advanced nanomaterials and coatings by thermal spray
- Advanced nanomaterials and their applications in renewable energy
- Advanced nanomaterials for catalysis and energy
- Advanced nanomaterials for electrochemical-based energy conversion and storage
- Advanced nanomaterials for inexpensive gas microsensors
- Advanced nanomaterials for membrane synthesis and its applications
- Advanced nanomaterials for solar cells and light emitting diodes
- Advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment
- Advanced pediatric assessment
- Advanced persistent threat
- Advanced persistent threat Cole, Eric.
- Advanced polyimide materials
- Advanced power generation systems
- Advanced rehabilitative technology
- Advanced reservoir and production engineering for coal bed methane
- Advanced selenium web test accessibility
- Advanced supramolecular nanoarchitectonics
- Advanced techniques in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS-MS and GC-TOF-MS) for environmental chemistry
- Advanced textiles for wound care
- Advanced theory of constraint and motion analysis for robot mechanisms
- Advanced tools for integrated water resources management
- Advanced water injection for low permeability reservoirs Ran, Xinquan.
- Advances and applications of partitioning bioreactors
- Advances and innovations in nuclear decommissioning
- Advances in agricultural animal welfare
- Advances in agronomy
- Advances in Alzheimer research.
- Advances in Alzheimer`s research.
- Advances in analog and RF IC design for wireless communication systems
- Advances in applied mathematical problems
- Advances in applied mechanics
- Advances in applied microbiology
- Advances in applied microbiology.
- Advances in Asphalt Materials
- Advances in asymmetric autocatalysis and related topics
- Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics.
- Advances in bacterial electron transport systems and their regulation. (0128052392)
- Advances in bacterial respiratory physiology
- Advances in batteries for medium and large-scale energy storage
- Advances in biobanking practice through public and private collaborations
- Advances in biodiesel production
- Advances in bioenergy. Li, Yebo, (0128097221)
- Advances in bioenergy.
- Advances in biological science research
- Advances in biomechanics and tissue regeneration
- Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly
- Advances in bioorganometallic chemistry
- Advances in biorefineries
- Advances in biotechnology for food industry
- Advances in botanical research. (0124017231)
- Advances in cancer drug targets
- Advances in cancer research.
- Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry.
- Advances in catalysis
- Advances in cattle welfare
- Advances in cephalopod science
- Advances in ceramic biomaterials
- Advances in ceramic matrix composites
- Advances in chemical engineering.
- Advances in chemical mechanical planarization (CMP)
- Advances in chemical pollution, environmental management and protection. (0128128038)
- Advances in child development and behavior
- Advances in clinical chemistry
- Advances in coal mine ground control
- Advances in composites manufacturing and process design
- Advances in computers
- Advances in concentrating solar thermal research and technology
- Advances in crystals and elastic metamaterials. (0128162279)
- Advances in delay-tolerant networks (dtns)
- Advances in eco-fuels for a sustainable environment
- Advances in ecological research
- Advances in ecological research. (0081004796)
- Advances in experimental social psychology.
- Advances in feedstock conversion technologies for alternative fuels and bioproducts
- Advances in food and beverage labelling
- Advances in food and nutrition research
- Advances in food authenticity testing
- Advances in food traceability techniques and technologies
- Advances in friction- stir welding
- Advances in gas processing.
- Advances in genetics
- Advances in genome science. Neri, Christian. (1608057569)
- Advances in geophysics
- Advances in GPU research and practice
- Advances in grid-connected photovoltaic power conversion systems
- Advances in ground-source heat pump systems
- Advances in heat transfer
- Advances in heterocyclic chemistry
- Advances in hydrogen production, storage and distribution
- Advances in imaging and electron physics
- Advances in immunology
- Advances in independent component analysis and learning machines
- Advances in inorganic chemistry
- Advances in insect physiology
- Advances in intelligence and security informatics
- Advances in laser materials processing
- Advances in marine biology
- Advances in mathematical chemistry and applications.
- Advances in microbial food safety.
- Advances in microbial physiology
- Advances in military textiles and personal equipment
- Advances in modern medicine
- Advances in molecular toxicology
- Advances in motivation science.
- Advances in multi-physics and multi-scale couplings in geo-environmental mechanics
- Advances in nanomedicine for the delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids
- Advances in nanosensors for biological and environmental analysis
- Advances in non-volatile memory and storage technology
- Advances in organic synthesis. (1681086808)
- Advances in organic synthesis Rahman, Atta-ur-,
- Advances in organic synthesis
- Advances in organometallic chemistry
- Advances in parasitology
- Advances in pathobiology and management of Paget's disease of bone
- Advances in pharmacology
- Advances in photovoltaics
- Advances in physical organic chemistry
- Advances in phytonanotechnology
- Advances in pig welfare
- Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes
- Advances in polyurethane biomaterials
- Advances in productive, safe, and responsible coal mining
- Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology.
- Advances in quantum chemistry
- Advances in renewable energies and power technologies. (0128131861)
- Advances in rock-support and geotechnical engineering
- Advances in science and technology of Mn+1AXn phases
- Advances in semiconductor lasers
- Advances in semiconductor nanostructures
- Advances in sequence stratigraphy. (0128130784)
- Advances in shape memory polymers
- Advances in sheep welfare
- Advances in smart coatings and thin films for future industrial and biomedical engineering applications
- Advances in smart medical textiles
- Advances in solar heating and cooling
- Advances in sponge science
- Advances in steam turbines for modern power plants
- Advances in structure and activity relationship of coumarin derivatives
- Advances in surgical pathology. (1496325583)
- Advances in system reliability engineering
- Advances in textile biotechnology
- Advances in the management of peritoneal carcinomatosis
- Advances in the study of behavior
- Advances in the theory of smart specialization
- Advances in the use of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
- Advances in transition-metal mediated heterocyclic synthesis
- Advances in treatment of bipolar disorders
- Advances in tuna aquaculture
- Advances in ultra-low emission control technologies for coal-fired power plants
- Advances in virus research
- Advances in water purification techniques
- Advances in wrought magnesium alloys
- Advances of computational fluid dynamics in nuclear reactor design and safety assessment
- Advancing implementation of decommissioning and environmental remediation programmes
- Adverse effects of engineered nanomaterials
- Adverse effects of engineered nanomaterials
- Adverse events and oncotargeted kinase inhibitors
- Aeroacoustics of low mach number flows
- Aerodynamics for engineering students
- Aerodynamische Anregung resonanter Schaufelschwingungen in Radialturbinen
- Aerosol filtration
- African American psychology
- The African and Arabian moringa species chemistry, bioactivity and therapeutic applications
- Afrodescendances, cultures et citoyennete
- Ageing and increased longevity in people with intellectual disabilities
- Agent-based spatial simulation with NetLogo. (008100723X)
- Agent-based spatial simulation with NetLogo. (0081010648)
- Agile data warehousing for the enterprise
- Agile systems engineering
- Agile user experience design Brown, Diana
- Aging
- Aging, nutrition and taste
- Aging, technology and health
- Ago-driven non-coding rnas
- Agricultural reform and rural transformation in China since 1949
- Agricultural systems
- Agriculture to zoology
- Agriculture's ethical horizon Zimdahl, Robert L.
- Agro-ecosystem diversity
- Agro-industrial wastes as feedstock for enzyme production
- AIA guide to New York City
- Aide au diagnostic en medecine generale Ferri, Fred F.
- Air conditioning system design
- Air pollution calculations
- Aircraft structures for engineering students Megson, T. H. G.
- Aircraft system safety
- Airfield and highways pavements 2019
- Airless bodies of the inner solar system
- Alberta oil sands Percy, Kevin E.
- Alcohol and the nervous system
- Alcohol misuse
- Alcohol, drugs, genes and clinical laboratory
- Alcoholic beverages
- Aldosterone
- Algae based polymers, blends, and composites
- Algal green chemistry
- Algebraic and combinatorial computational biology
- Algebraic and discrete mathematical methods for modern biology
- Algorithms for sample preparation with microfluidic lab-on-chip
- The alkaloids
- Alkaloids
- The alkaloids chemistry and biology
- The alkaloids
- Alkyl polyglucosides
- All hands on deck
- Allergy
- Alopecia
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Alteration of ovoproducts
- Alternative and replacement foods
- Alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies for improved environmental performance
- Alumina ceramics
- Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer's disease theranostics
- Amazonite
- Ambient ionization mass spectrometry in life sciences
- Ambulatory surgery center safety guidebook
- American trypanosomiasis
- America's first rocket company
- Amorphous and nano alloys electroless depositions
- Amorphous chalcogenides Mikla, Victor I.
- Amphibians and reptiles of Texas
- Amplifiers and oscillators
- Analog design and simulation using OrCAD Capture and PSpice
- Analog design and simulation using OrCAD Capture and PSpice Fitzpatrick, Dennis.
- Analyse und Optimierung der Multipolresonanzsonde Als Industrietaugliches Plasmadiagnostiksystem
- Analyses de laboratoire en odontostomatologie Caquet, Rene.
- Analysis and control of polynomial dynamic models with biological applications
- Analysis and design of energy geostructures
- Analysis and probability Spataru, Aurel.
- Analysis and risk of nanomaterials in environmental and food samples Farre, Marinella.
- Analysis and synthesis of polynomial discrete-time systems
- Analysis in nutrition research
- Analysis of Auctions for Service Allocation. Kim, Gunhwan. (163413382X)
- Analysis of cosmetic products
- Analysis of oil and gas production performance
- Analysis of pesticide in tea
- Analysis of step-stress models
- Analysis of turbulent flows with computer programs Cebeci, Tuncer.
- Analysis, fate, and toxicity of engineered nanomaterials in plants
- Analytical assessment of e-cigarettes
- Analytical chemistry for assessing medication adherence
- Analytical methods for agricultural contaminants
- Analytical methods for food safety by mass spectrometry. Pang, Guo-Fang, (0128141689)
- Analytical modelling of fuel cells
- Analytical solution methods for boundary value problems
- Analytical solutions for extremal space trajectories
- Analytical ultracentrifugation
- Analyzing and conceptualizing the theoretical foundations of nursing
- Anasthesie-Fibel
- The anatomical foundations of regional anesthesia and acute pain medicine
- Anatomie du visage et du cou
- Anatomy & physiology for speech, language, and hearing
- Anatomy for dental students
- Anatomy of dolphins
- Ancient medicine
- Andean tectonics
- Androgen deprivation therapy
- Android game programming by example
- Android things quick start guide
- Android wearable programming
- Anestesia de Bolsillo. Urman, Richard D. (8417033580)
- The anesthesia technologist's manual
- Anesthesie locoregionale facile aux urgences Wells, Mike.
- Aneurysms-osteoarthritis syndrome
- Anger management based alcohol treatment
- Angst
- Animal feed contamination
- Animal metamorphosis
- Animal models for examining social influences on drug addiction
- Animal models for the study of human disease
- Animal models in cancer drug discovery
- Animal models of molecular pathology
- Animals and human society
- Animals in disasters
- Anionic annulations in organic synthesis
- Anisotropic particle assemblies
- Annotating new genes Uchida, Shizuka.
- Annual reports in computational chemistry
- Annual reports in medicinal chemistry
- Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy
- Annual review of nursing research. (0826119735)
- Anorectal disorders
- Anorexia
- ANSYS mechanical APDL for finite element analysis
- The anterior cruciate ligament
- Anthropic awareness
- Anti angiogenesis strategies in cancer therapeutics
- Anti obesity drug discovery and development. (1608059146)
- Anti-abrasive nanocoatings
- Anti-allergy agents
- Anti-angiogenesis drug discovery and development. (0128039647)
- Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance genes in the environment
- Anticancer treatments and cardiotoxicity
- Anticorrosive rubber lining
- Antimicrobial food packaging
- Antimicrobial nanoarchitectonics
- Antimicrobial peptides in gastrointestinal diseases
- Antiphospholipid syndrome in systemic autoimmune diseases
- Anti-viral agents
- Anxiety
- Apache Camel developer's cookbook
- Aplicacion de las cencias psicosociales al ambito del cuidar
- Aplicacion del analisis coste-efectividad de los medicamentos y los programas de salud en la planificacion sanitaria
- Apoptosis and development
- Application development with Swift
- Application of big data for national security
- Application of chaos and fractals to computer vision
- Application of Control Volume Based Finite Element Method (CVFEM) for nanofluid flow and heat transfer
- The application of green solvents in separation processes
- Application of new cybernetics in physics
- Application of nursing informatics
- Application of smart grid technologies
- Application of thermo-fluidic measurement techniques
- Application Performance Management (APM) in the Digital Enterprise
- Application security in the ISO 27001
- Application to guidance and navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles flying in a complex environment
- Applications in design and simulation of sustainable chemical processes
- Applications in high resolution mass spectrometry
- Applications of advanced omics technologies
- Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials
- Applications of computer vision in fashion and textiles
- Applications of genetic and genomic research in cereals
- Applications of good psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder
- Applications of mass spectrometry imaging to cancer
- Applications of nanocomposite materials in dentistry
- Applications of nanocomposite materials in drug delivery
- Applications of Nanocomposite Materials in Orthopedics. Inamuddin. (0128137576)
- Applications of nanofluid for heat transfer enhancement
- Applications of nanomaterials
- Applications of quantum and classical connections in modeling atomic, molecular and electrodynamic systems
- Applications of random process excursion analysis Brainina, Irina S.
- Applications of secure multiparty computation
- Applications of semi-analytical methods for nanofluid flow and heat transfer
- Applications of targeted nano drugs and delivery systems
- Applications of time-of-flight and orbitrap mass spectrometry in environmental, food, doping, and forensic analysis
- Applications of viruses for cancer therapy
- Applied analysis of composite media
- Applied behavior analysis advanced guidebook
- Applied biomechatronics using mathematical models
- Applied computing in medicine and health
- Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter
- Applied deep learning with Python
- Applied dermatotoxicology
- Applied drought modeling, prediction, and mitigation
- An applied guide to process and plant design
- An applied guide to water and effluent treatment plant design
- Applied hierarchical modeling in ecology. Kery, Marc, (0128014865)
- Applied microbiology and bioengineering
- Applied mindfulness
- Applied nanotechnology
- Applied network security monitoring
- Applied operational excellence for the oil, gas, and process industries
- Applied plant biotechnology for improving resistance to biotic stress
- Applied plastics engineering handbook
- Applied statistical modeling and data analytics
- Applied time series analysis
- Applied underwater acoustics
- Applied well test interpretation
- Applying conceptual models of nursing
- An appraisal of the status of Chagas disease in the United States Zeledon A., Rodrigo.
- Apprentices to genius
- Approach to the psychiatric patient
- Approaches to research on the systematics of fish-borne trematodes
- Approaches to understanding breast cancer
- Approaches to water sensitive urban design
- Aquaculture virology
- Arachnoid cysts
- Arbeitswelt und stressbedingte erkrankungen - forschungsevidenz und praventive massnahmen
- Arctic pipeline planning
- Arduino and Scilab based projects
- Arduino meets MATLAB
- Arduino wearable projects
- Arendt's judgment
- Argument-driven inquiry in chemistry
- Argument-driven inquiry in life science
- Argument-driven inquiry in physical science
- Argument-driven inquiry in third-grade science
- ARM-based microcontroller projects using mbed
- Arrhythmia essentials
- The art and science of analyzing software data
- The art and technique of digital color correction Hullfish, Steve.
- The art of assembly language programming using PIC technology
- Art therapy, research and evidence based practice Gilroy, Andrea,
- Artemisinin-based and other antimalarials
- Arterial blood gas analysis
- Arterial variations in humans
- Arthropod Vector controller of disease transmission. (0128092378)
- Arthropod vector. (012809320X)
- Artificial intelligence for robotics
- Artificial intelligence for the internet of everything
- Artificial intelligence in the 21st century
- Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing. Kozma, Robert. (0128162503)
- Artificial neural networks for engineering applications
- The artificial pancreas
- The arts and the brain
- Art-therapie et enfance
- Asbestos detection, abatement, and inspection procedures Woodson, R. Dodge
- Ascaris
- Asia in the global ICT innovation network
- The Asian summer monsoon
- Asiatic liver fluke - from basic science to public health. (0128155329)
- Asiatic liver fluke. (0128145773)
- Aspects of streak image tube photography
- Asphalt materials science and technology
- Assessing and measuring environmental impact and sustainability
- Assessing nanoparticle risks to human health
- Assessing the energy efficiency of pumps and pump units
- Assessment in speech-language pathology
- Assessment of equipment capability to perform reliably under severe accident conditions.
- Assessment of vulnerability to natural hazards
- Assessment, restoration and reclamation of mining influenced soils
- Assistive technology service delivery
- Assurance of sterility for sensitive combination products and materials
- Ataxic disorders
- Atherosclerotic plaque characterization methods based on coronary imaging
- Atlas des arteres perforantes de la peau, du tronc et des membres
- Atlas of arthroscopic anatomy of the major joints
- Atlas of clinical emergency medicine
- An atlas of comparative vertebrate histology
- Atlas of Drosophila morphology Chyb, Sylwester.
- Atlas of early zebrafish brain development
- Atlas of endovascular venous surgery
- Atlas of gastrointestinal surgery. Cameron, John L., (1607950561)
- Atlas of image-guided spinal procedures
- Atlas of material damage
- Atlas of myobacterium tuberculosis
- Atlas of neonatal electroencephalography
- Atlas of neutron resonances. Mughabghab, S. F., (044463780X)
- Atlas of normal radiographic anatomy & anatomic variants in the dog and cat
- An atlas of skeletal trauma in medico-legal contexts
- Atlas of stored-product insects and mites
- Atlas of structural geology
- Atlas of the anatomy of dolphins and whales
- Atlas of touch preparation cytopathology
- Atlas of wound healing
- Atlas of zebrafish development Bryson-Richardson, Robert.
- Atlas Schulterarthroskopie
- Atom probe tomography
- The auditory brain and age-related hearing impairment
- Auditory processing disorders
- The auditory system in sleep
- Aufladesysteme Fur Ottomotoren Im Vergleich
- Augmented reality law, privacy, and ethics
- August's consultations in feline internal medicine. (0323243398)
- Aunt Minnie's. Atlas y Casos de Diagnostico Por Imagen. Pope, Thomas L., Jr. (8416654166)
- Autism and independence
- Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Ontario Context
- AutoCAD 2016
- AutoCAD 2016 3D modeling
- AutoCAD 2017 3D modeling
- AutoCAD 2017 beginning and intermediate
- AutoCAD 2018 3D modeling.
- AutoCAD 2019 3D modeling
- Autodesk Revit 2019 architecture
- L'autofiction et les femmes
- Autoimmunerkrankungen mit chinesischer medizin gezielt behandeln
- Automotive steels
- Autonomic nervous system
- Autonomous vehicles and future mobility
- Autophagy
- Autophagy and cardiometabolic diseases
- Autophagy in health and disease
- Autour de l'infanterie d'elite Macedonienne a l'epoque du Royaume Antigonide
- Auxetic textiles
- Avery. Neonatologia. MacDonald, Mhairi G. (8418563087)
- Avian flight Videler, John J.
- Axial spondyloarthritis
- Axon growth and regeneration
- Azure for architects
- Back to basics in physiology Arroyo, Juan Pablo.
- Bacterial biogeochemistry Fenchel, T.
- Bacterial cellular metabolic systems
- Bacterial nanocellulose
- The bacteriocins
- Bacteriology methods for the study of infectious diseases
- Bacteriophages.
- Badlands dynamics in a context of global change
- Baking problems solved
- Balance function assessment and management
- Balanced and barefoot
- Bancroft's theory and practice of histological techniques
- Band theory and electronic properties of solids
- Bark beetles
- Barley
- Barodesy and its application for clay
- Basement membranes
- Basic biostatistics for medical and biomedical practitioners
- Basic compounds for superalloys
- Basic equations of the mass transport through a membrane layer
- Basic finite element method as applied to injury biomechanics
- Basic fundamentals of drug delivery
- The basic of digital forensics
- Basic optics
- Basic physics of nanoscience
- Basic principles of induction logging
- Basic science methods for clinical researchers
- The basics of cell biology
- The basics of cyber safety
- The basics of digital privacy
- Basics of engineering turbulence
- The basics of information security
- Basin evolution and petroleum prospectivity of the continental margins of India Bastia, R.
- The battered woman syndrome
- Battle of the styles
- Be who you are
- The Beautiful Invisible
- Become a Python data analyst
- Becoming mindful
- Les begaiements
- Begutachtung bei menschen mit migrationshintergrund
- Begutachtung somatoformer und funktioneller Storungen
- Behavior change research and theory
- Behavioral addictions
- The behavioral economics of climate change
- The behavioral, molecular, pharmacological, and clinical basis of the sleep-wake cycle
- Ein Beitrag Zum Kapazitatstarif Fur Die Netznutzung Von Standardlastprofilkunden
- Beitrag zur exakten Fullungssteuerung am aufgeladenen Ottomotor
- Benchmarking telemedicine
- Benchmarks for science literacy. (0199726515)
- Beneficiation of phosphates
- Berufstatige Mutter und Ihre Familien
- Best evidence for spine surgery
- Best of five MCQs for the endocrinology and diabetes SCE
- The Bethesda handbook of clinical oncology
- Better life and business Souciek, Branko.
- Better living with dementia
- Between pain and math
- Beyond agricultural impacts
- Beyond decommissioning
- Beyond patronage
- Beyond pseudo-rotations in pseudo-euclidean spaces
- Beyond the city
- Beyond the hoax
- Bhartatil Mahilanvirudhache Cyber Gunhe. Halder, Debarati. (9353284724)
- Bhartiya Samajshastra
- BHLH transcription factors in development and disease
- Biased signaling in physiology, pharmacology and therapeutics
- Biermann's handbook of pulp and paper
- Biermann's handbook of pulp and paper. Bajpai, P. (0128142413)
- The bifidobacteria and related organisms
- The Big Book of maker skills
- Big data
- Big data analytics
- Big data analytics for connected vehicles and smart cities
- Big data analytics for cyber-physical systems
- Big data analytics for intelligent healthcare management
- Big data analytics for Sensor-network collected intelligence
- Big data and ethics
- Big data and smart service systems
- Big data application in power systems
- Big data forensics--learning Hadoop investigations
- Big mechanisms in systems biology
- Binary polar liquids
- Bioactive compounds
- Bioactive food as dietary interventions for arthritis and related inflammatory diseases
- Bioactive food as dietary interventions for diabetes
- Bioactive food as dietary interventions for the aging population
- Bioactive glasses
- Bioactive natural products
- Bioactive polysaccharides
- Bioactive seaweeds for food applications
- Bioassays
- Bio-based plant oil polymers and composites
- Biobased polymers
- Biobased surfactants
- Bioceramics
- Biochar application
- Biochar from Biomass and Waste
- Biochemical ecotoxicology
- Biochemical, physiological and molecular avenues for combating abiotic stress in plants
- Biochemistry and cell culture Conn, P. Michael.
- Biochemistry for materials science
- Biochemistry of collagens, laminins and elastin
- BIOCOMP 2015
- BIOCOMP 2016
- Biocompatibility and performance of medical devices
- Biocompatibility of dental biomaterials
- Biocompatible hybrid oxide nanoparticles for human health
- Biocomposites
- Biocomposites for high-performance applications
- Biocontamination control for pharmaceuticals and healthcare
- Biodegradable and biocompatible polymer composites
- Biodiesel production
- Biodiversity and climate change adaptation in tropical islands
- Biodiversity and evolution
- Biodiversity and health
- Biodiversity of fishes in Arunachal Himalaya
- Biodiversity of Pantepui
- Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean
- Bioelectronics and medical devices
- Bioenergetics Nicholls, David G.
- Bioenergy systems for the future
- Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
- BIOENG 2016
- Bioenvironmental issues affecting men's reproductive and sexual health
- Biofabrication
- Biofiber reinforcement in composite materials
- Biofilms and implantable medical devices
- Biofilms in infection prevention and control
- Biofluid mechanics
- Biofluid mechanics Rubenstein, David A.
- Biofuels, bioenergy and food security
- Biogeochemistry of marine dissolved organic matter
- The biogeography of the Australian north west shelf Wilson, Barry Robert,
- Bio-geotechnologies for mine site rehabilitation
- Bioimpedance and bioelectricity basics
- Bioinformatic algorithms
- Bioinformatics for biomedical science and clinical applications
- Bioinformatics in human health and heredity
- Bioinformatics of behavior
- Bio-inspired algorithms for engineering
- Bio-inspired computation and applications in image processing
- Bioinspired design of materials surfaces
- Bioinspired legged locomotion
- Bioinspired materials for medical applications
- Bio-inspired networking
- Bio-instructive scaffolds for musculoskeletal tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
- The biological action of physical medicine
- Biological approaches to spinal disc repair and regeneration for clinicians
- Biological DNA sensor
- Biological emerging risks in foods
- Biological identification
- Biological significance-- pharmacology, pharmaceutical, agrochemical
- Biological treatment of microbial corrosion
- Biology and ecology of venomous marine scorpionfishes
- The biology and identification of the Coccidia (Apicomplexa) of carnivores of the world
- The biology and identification of the Coccidia (Apicomplexa) of rabbits of the world Duszynski, Donald W.
- The biology and identification of the Coccidia (Apicomplexa) of turtles of the world
- Biology of oysters
- Biology of stress in fish
- Biology of T cells. (0128153822)
- The biology of thought
- Biomarkers in toxicology
- Biomarkers of postpartum psychiatric disorders
- Biomarkers, diagnostics and precision medicine in the drug industry
- Biomass as renewable raw material to obtain bioproducts of high-tech value
- Biomass combustion science, technology and engineering
- Biomass fractionation technologies for a lignocellulosic feedstock based biorefinery
- Biomass gasification, pyrolysis and torrefaction
- Biomass supply chains for bioenergy and biorefining
- Biomass, biofuels and biochemicals
- Biomass, biofuels and chemicals
- Biomass, biofuels, biochemicals
- Biomass, biopolymer-based materials, and bioenergy
- Biomaterials
- Biomaterials and bio-nanotechnology
- Biomaterials and medical tribology
- Biomaterials and regenerative medicine in ophthalmology
- Biomaterials for cancer therapeutics
- Biomaterials for oral and dental tissue engineering
- Biomaterials for skin repair and regeneration
- Biomaterials for spinal surgery
- Biomaterials in plastic surgery
- Biomaterials nanoarchitectonics
- Biomecanica y arquitectura corneal
- Biomechanics of living organs
- Biomechanics of tendons and ligaments
- Biomechanics of the female pelvic floor
- Biomechanics of the spine
- Biomechatronics
- Biomedical applications of functionalized nanomaterials
- Biomedical applications of graphene and 2D nanomaterials
- Biomedical applications of nanoparticles
- Biomedical composites
- Biomedical engineering in gastrointestinal surgery
- Biomedical foams for tissue engineering applications
- Biomedical imaging
- Biomedical optical phase microscopy and nanoscopy
- Biomedical texture analysis
- Biomembranes and giant vesicles
- Biometals in neurodegenerative diseases
- Biomimetic biomaterials
- Biomimetic nanoengineered materials for advanced drug delivery
- Biomimetic technologies
- Biomineralization and biomaterials
- Biomolecular electronics
- Biomolecular modelling and simulations
- Biomolecular spectroscopy
- Bio-optical modelling and remote sensing of inland waters
- Biopharmaceutical processing
- Biophysical basis of physiology and calcium signaling mechanism in cardiac and smooth muscle
- Biophysical characterization of proteins in developing biopharmaceuticals
- Biophysical methods in cell biology
- Biopolymer composites in electronics
- Biopolymer electrolytes
- Biopolymer grafting
- Biopolymer nanostructures for food encapsulation purposes. (0128156643)
- Biopolymer-based composites
- Biopolymers
- Biopolymers and biotech admixtures for eco-efficient construction materials
- Biopolymers for food design
- Bioprocess engineering
- Biopsy interpretation of soft tissue tumors
- Biopsy interpretation of the bladder
- Bioreactor modeling
- Biorefineries
- Biorefinery in the pulp and paper industry Bajpai, P.
- Bioremediation and bioeconomy
- Bioresorbable polymers for biomedical applications
- Bioscience and bioengineering of titanium materials Oshida, Yoshiki.
- Biosecurity and bioterrorism
- Biosensors and bioelectronics
- Biosensors for medical applications
- Biosensors for sustainable food - new opportunities and technical challenges
- Biosimilars handbook
- Biostatistics and computer-based analysis of health data using R
- Biostatistics and computer-based analysis of health data using SAS
- Biostatistics and computer-based analysis of health data using stata
- Biosynthetic polymers for medical applications
- A biotech managers handbook
- Biotechnology and biology of trichoderma
- Biotechnology and plant breeding
- Biotechnology for biofuel production and optimization
- Biotechnology for sustainable agriculture
- Biotechnology for treatment of residual wastes containing metals
- Biotechnology of metals
- Biotextiles as medical implants
- Biotic stress resistance in millets
- Biotin and other interferences in immunoassays
- Biotransformation of agricultural waste and by-products
- Bio-tribocorrosion in biomaterials and medical implants
- Birth defects surveillance training
- Birthing the computer
- Biscuit baking technology
- Biscuit, cookie and cracker production
- Bitemporal data
- Black liquor gasification
- Blackhatonomics Gragido, Will.
- Blanco's overview of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- Blast furnace ironmaking
- Blender 3D by example
- Blender 3D cookbook
- Blockchain Across Oracle
- Blockchain for enterprise
- Blockchain quick reference
- Blockchain technology
- Blogs and tweets, texting and friending DeJong, Sandra M.
- Blood, sweat & tears
- Blowout and well control handbook
- Blumgart's surgery of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas. (0323340873)
- Board review in preventive medicine and public health
- Body Area Networks using IEEE 802.15.6
- Body image and body shaming
- The body project
- Boiling
- Bonding theory for metals and alloys
- Bone
- Bone repair biomaterials
- Bone response to dental implant materials
- Bone substitute biomaterials
- Borderline personality disorder toolbox
- Boron nitride nanotubes in nanomedicine
- Boron separation processes
- Bottles, preforms and closures
- Boundaries of self and reality online
- The boundary element method for plate analysis
- Boundary flux handbook
- Boundary layer flow over elastic surfaces and combined method of drag reduction Babenko, Viktor V.
- Boundary value problems for systems of differential difference and fractional equations
- Bracing for disaster
- Brain & behaviour
- Brain and spine
- Brain extracellular matrix in health and disease
- Brain imaging
- Brain lipids in synaptic function and neurological disease
- Brain mapping
- Brain research in addiction
- Brain stimulation therapies for clinicians
- Brain transcriptome
- Brain tumor imaging
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Brain-computer interfacing for assistive robotics
- Brainstorming and beyond Wilson, Chauncey.
- Breaking into information security
- Breaking Robert's rules
- Breaking tolerance to pancreatic cancer unresponsiveness to chemotherapy
- Breath analysis
- Breathing, emotion and evolution
- Breeding oilseed crops for sustainable production
- Breeding sorghum for diverse end uses
- Brenner's encyclopedia of genetics
- Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards
- Brewing materials and processes
- Bridge engineering
- Bridging scales in modelling and simulation of non-reacting and reacting flows. (0128150955)
- Bridging scales in modelling and simulation of reacting lows. (0128150971)
- Bridging UX and web development
- A brief history of the mind
- Brief person-centred therapies
- Brinker, Piermattei, and Flo's handbook of small animal orthopedics and fracture repair
- Brittle fracture and damage for Brittle materials and composites
- Brittle matrix composites. (0857099892)
- Broadening participation in STEM
- Brought to bed
- Brydson's plastics materials
- Buckling and ultimate strength of ship and ship-like floating structures
- Buckwheat germplasm in the world
- The Buddha in the machine
- Build your UX and UI design skills
- Building a corporate culture of security
- Building a practical information security program
- Building a recommendation system with R
- Building a scalable data warehouse with data vault 2.0
- Building an information security awareness program
- Building modern web applications using Angular
- Building the most complex structure on Earth Cabej, Nelson R.
- Building valve amplifiers
- Building wireless sensor networks
- Buildings of medieval Europe
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization
- Buried in treasures
- Bursting neurons and fading memories
- Butterfly wing patterns and mimicry
- c for radiation therapy treatment planning
- C programming pocket primer
- c remediation and plants
- C*-algebras and their automorphism groups
- Cadmium tolerance in plants
- Cadmium toxicity and tolerance in plants
- Caenorhabditis elegans
- Caffeinated and cocoa based beverages
- Calcuim and chemical looping technology for power generation and carbon dioxide (CO2) capture
- Calculations for molecular biology and biotechnology
- Calculus of thought
- Campylobacter
- Cancer
- Cancer de prostata
- Cancer disparities
- Cancer drug design and discovery
- Cancer immunotherapy
- Cancer immunotherapy
- Cancer nanotechnology
- Cancer of the head and neck
- Cancer pharmacology and pharmacotherapy review
- Cancer stem cells
- Cancer Survivorship
- Cancer theranostics
- Cancers gynecologiques pelviens
- Canine parasites and parasitic diseases
- Cannabinoids in neurologic and mental disease
- Cante Flamenco
- Capillary electromigration separation methods
- Capsule networks and autonomous systems
- Carbohydrate chemistry for food scientists
- Carbon based nanomaterials for advanced thermal and electrochemical energy
- Carbon capture and storage
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide sequestration in cementitious construction materials
- Carbon dioxide to chemicals and fuels
- Carbon dioxide utilisation
- Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) cables for orthogonally loaded cable structures
- Carbon nanomaterials for biological and medical applications
- Carbon nanotube reinforced composites
- Carbon nanotube-reinforced polymers
- Carbon nanotubes and graphene for photonic applications
- Carbon-based nanoelectromagnetics
- Carbon-based nanofillers and their rubber nanocomposites
- Carbon-based polymer nanocomposites for environmental and energy applications
- Carbonic anhydrases
- Carbonic anhydrases as biocatalysts
- Carboranes
- The cardiac MRI in diagnosis, clinical management, and prognosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy dysplasia
- Cardiac regeneration and repair. (0857096702)
- Cardiac regeneration and repair. (0857096710)
- Cardio-oncology
- Cardioskeletal myopathies in children and young adults
- Cardiovascular diseases
- The cardiovascular system
- Care coordination and transition management
- Care of the imminently dying
- A career as a diesel mechanic
- Career paths in inpatient pharmacy
- Careers in robotics
- Caring for a loved one with dementia
- Caring for older people
- Caring for people with dementia
- Cas cliniques en therapies comportementales et cognitives
- Case formulation for personality disorders (012813612X)
- Case studies in clinical cardiac electrophysiology
- Case studies in food safety and authenticity
- Case studies in isotope stratigraphy
- Case studies in public health
- Case studies in the wine industry
- Cases in head and neck cancer
- Casing and liners for drilling and completion
- Casting aluminum alloys
- Casting Light on the Dark Side of Brain Imaging
- Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera
- Catalysis and kinetics
- Catalysis, green chemistry and sustainable energy
- Catalytic amination for N-alkyl amine synthesis
- Catalytic RNA
- Les categories sociales et leurs frontieres
- Cathodic corrosion protection systems
- CBT for anxiety
- CBT for Depression. Barton, Stephen. (1526452367)
- CBT toolbox for children & adolescents
- Cell polarity and morphogenesis
- Cell polarity in development and disease
- Cell surface GRP78, a new paradigm in signal transduction biology
- Cell volume regulation
- Cellular actuators
- Cellular and molecular neurophysiology
- Cellular imaging techniques for neuroscience and beyond
- Cellular internet of things
- Cellular nutrient utilization and cancer
- The cellular secretome and organ crosstalk
- Cellulases
- Cellulose-reinforced nanofibre composites
- Cell-wide metabolic alterations associated with malignancy. (0128014830)
- Cenozoic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the niger delta
- The centeringpregnancy model
- The central nervous system control of respiration
- Central serous chorioretinopathy
- A centrifugal particle receiver for high-temperature solar applications
- Centrosome & centriole
- La ceramique du groupe episcopal d'Aradi
- Cereal grains
- Cerebellar conditioning and learning
- Cerebellar learning
- Cerebral herniation syndromes and intracranial hypertension
- Cerebral lateralization and cognition
- Cerebral palsy in infancy
- Certifiable software applications 1
- Certifiable software applications. Boulanger, Jean-Louis, (0081011644)
- Certifiable software applications. Boulanger, Jean-Louis, (0081011636)
- Certified hospice and palliative nurse (CHPN) exam review
- C-furanosides
- Chalcogenide glasses
- Challenges and innovations in ocean in situ sensors
- Challenges and opportunities of next-generation sequencing for biomedical research
- Challenges of mass methanol poisoning outbreaks
- Challenging concepts in neurosurgery
- Change for the Better
- Changing brains
- Changing Climate and Resource Use Efficiency in Plants. Bhattacharya, Amitav. (0128168374)
- The changing era of diseases
- Char and carbon materials derived from biomass
- Characteristics and uses of steel slag in building construction
- Characterization and analysis of microplastics
- Characterization and biology of nanomaterials for drug delivery
- Characterization of biomaterials
- Characterization of liquids, dispersions, emulsions, and porous materials using ultrasound
- Characterization of nanomaterials
- Characterization of nanomaterials in complex environmental and biological media
- Characterization of nanoparticles
- Characterization of polymeric biomaterials
- Characterization of semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures
- Characterization techniques for perovskite solar cell materials
- Charge and energy storage in electrical double layers
- Chassis dynamometer testing
- Cheese
- Cheetahs
- Chelation therapy in the treatment of metal intoxication
- Chemical contaminants and residues in food
- Chemical engineering for renewables conversion
- Chemical engineering process simulation
- Chemical fate and transport in the environment
- Chemical imaging analysis
- Chemical modeling for air resources Liang, Jinyou.
- Chemical process safety
- Chemical projects scale up
- Chemical resistance of commodity thermoplastics
- Chemical resistance of engineering thermoplastics
- Chemical resistance of thermosets
- Chemical sciences in early drug discovery
- Chemical, gas, and biosensors for internet of things and related applications
- Chemically bonded phosphate ceramics
- Chemically modified nanopores and nanochannels
- Chemistry and bioactivity of Boswellic acids and other terpenoids of the Genus Boswellia
- Chemistry and biology
- The chemistry and biology of nitroxyl (HNO)
- Chemistry and water
- Chemistry of advanced environmental purification processes of water
- The chemistry of heterocycles
- Chemistry of plant phosphorus compounds Frank, Arlen W.
- Chemistry of silica and zeolite-based materials
- Chemistry, manufacture and applications of natural rubber
- Chemometrics in food chemistry
- Chemometrics in spectroscopy
- Chemostratigraphy
- Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Model and Precision Cancer Therapy
- Child and adolescent communication disorders
- Child and adolescent health and development
- Child development at the intersection of race and SES
- Childhood autism spectrum disorder
- Children and youth with complex cerebral palsy
- Chin aani Bharat
- Chinese research perspectives on the environment. (9004316043)
- Chipless RFID based on RF encoding particle
- Chiral analysis
- Chirurgie dermatologique Amici, Jean-Michel.
- Chirurgie en obstetrique
- Chirurgie oculomotrice
- Chirurgie plastique du sein
- Chi-squared goodness of fit tests with applications Voinov, Vassiliy.
- Chitin
- Chitosan based biomaterials. (0081002572)
- Chitosan in the preservation of agricultural commodities
- Chloroplasts
- Chordate origins and evolution
- Chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base and spine
- Choroidal disorders
- Chromatin proteins and transcription factors as therapeutic targets
- Chromatin remodelling and immunity
- Chromatin signaling and neurological disorders
- Chronic kidney disease in disadvantaged populations
- Chronic pain and brain abnormalities
- Chronic renal disease
- Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
- Chronobiology
- Churchill's pocketbook of diabetes Ghosh, Sujoy.
- Cilia
- Cingulate cortex
- Ciottone's disaster medicine
- Circadian rhythms and biological clocks. (0128013419)
- The Circuit designer's companion
- The circuit designer's companion Wilson, Peter.
- Circuits and systems for biomedical applications
- Cirugia de Bolsillo, 2e. Jones, Daniel B. (8417370188)
- Cirugia Ortopedica de Bolsillo, 1e. Boughanem, Jamal. (8416781060)
- Citrus fruit processing
- Civil aircraft electrical power system safety assessment
- Classical and recent aspects of power system optimization
- Classical neurotransmitters and neuropeptides involved in schizoaffective disorder
- The classical Stefan problem
- Classification techniques for medical image analysis and computer aided diagnosis
- The claustrum
- Clay-containing polymer nanocomposites Ray, Suprakas Sinha.
- Clay--polymer nanocomposites
- Clean coal engineering technology
- Clean code in Python
- Clean data
- Clean electricity through advanced coal technologies Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P.
- Cleaning with solvents
- Cleanup of chemical and explosive munitions Albright, Richard.
- The Cleveland Clinic. PediatriA. Revision Integral para la Certificacion. Sabella, Camille. (8417033971)
- Client-side attacks and defense Shimonski, Robert.
- Climate adaptation engineering
- Climate change
- Climate change and agricultural ecosystems
- Climate change and the 2030 corporate agenda for sustainable development
- Climate change biology
- Climate change, air pollution and global challenges
- Climate diplomacy from Rio to Paris
- Climate extremes and their implications for impact and risk assessment
- Climate of the Mediterranean Region
- Climate preservation in urban communities case studies
- Climate vulnerability
- Clinical anatomy of the cranial nerves
- Clinical and translational science
- Clinical application of neuromuscular techniques Chaitow, Leon.
- Clinical biochemistry
- Clinical challenges & images in gastroenterology
- Clinical chemistry, immunology and laboratory quality control
- Clinical engineering
- Clinical equine oncology
- Clinical esophagology and transnasal esophagoscopy
- Clinical ethics at the crossroads of genetic and reproductive technologies
- Clinical examination and applied medicine. Haroon, Mushtaq, (1947083023)
- Clinical genome sequencing
- Clinical imaging
- Clinical manual of emergency psychiatry
- Clinical methods and practicum in speech-language pathology
- Clinical neuroendocrinology
January 2021
ProQuest Additions C-F
- Clinical neurophysiology. (0444640339)
- Clinical neurotherapy
- Clinical pharmacology during pregnancy
- Clinical pharmacy education, practice and research
- Clinical principles of transfusion medicine
- Clinical radiation oncology
- Clinical research computing
- Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Clinical specialties
- Clinical trials
- Clinical trials in ovarian cancer
- The clinician's guide to anxiety disorders in kids and teens
- The clinician's guide to anxiety sensitivity treatment and assessment
- The clinician's guide to cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder
- A clinician's guide to gender-affirming care
- The clinician's guide to geriatric forensic evaluations
- The clinician's guide to oppositional defiant disorder
- A clinician's guide to progressive supranuclear palsy
- The clinician's guide to treating health anxiety
- The clinician's guide to treatment and management of youth with Tourette syndrome and tic disorders
- The clinician's handbook of natural medicine
- Clinician's quick guide to interpersonal psychotherapy
- Cloherty y Stark. Manual de Neonatologia, 8. ª. Eichenwald, Eric C. (8417033491)
- Cloud computing
- Cloud computing in ocean and atmospheric sciences
- Cloud dynamics
- Cloud networking
- The cloud security ecosystem
- Cloud storage forensics
- Cloud storage security
- CMOS past, present and future
- CO b2 (B chemistry
- Coal and Peat Fires
- Coal bed methane
- Coal combustion products (ccp's)
- The coal handbook
- Coal power plant materials and life assessment
- Coal science and engineering Mazumder, B.
- Coal-fired electricity and emissions control
- Coastal and marine hazards, risks, and disasters
- Coastal disasters and climate change in Vietnam
- Coastal management
- Coastal ocean observing systems
- Coastal structures and solutions to coastal disasters 2015
- Coastal wetlands
- Coastal zone management
- Coastal zones
- Coasts and estuaries
- Cochlear implants
- Cocoa butter and related compounds
- The Coconut
- Codes and rings
- Coding and decoding
- Coding for digital security
- Coding for penetration testers
- Coding for penetration testers Andress, Jason.
- Coexistence
- CoffeeScript application development cookbook
- Cognition and acquired language disorders
- Cognition in geosciences
- Cognition, intelligence, and achievement
- Cognitive approach to natural language processing
- The cognitive behavioral coping skills workbook for PTSD
- Cognitive behavioral therapy & mindfulness toolbox
- Cognitive computing
- Cognitive development in digital contexts
- Cognitive electrophysiology of attention
- Cognitive enhancement
- Cognitive foundations for improving mathematical learning
- Cognitive hyperconnected digital transformation
- Cognitive information systems in management sciences
- Cognitive neuroscience and psychotherapy
- The cognitive neurosciences
- Cognitive prosthethics
- Cognitive rehabilitation of memory
- Coherent cooperative relaying in low mobility wireless multiuser networks
- Coiled tubing and other stimulation techniques
- Cold Regions Engineering 2015
- Coleccion Lippincott EnfermeriA. un Enfoque Practico y Conciso. LWW. (8417370447)
- Collaboration with cloud computing
- Collected works of H.S. Tsien Qian, Xuesen,
- Collective action 2.0
- Colloid and interface chemistry for water quality control
- Colloid and interface science in pharmaceutical research and development
- Colloidal foundations of nanoscience
- Colloidal organization
- Colonialism and modern architecture in Germany
- Color atlas of human anatomy. Platzer, Werner, (3131494875)
- Color atlas of human anatomy. Kahle, W. (3132019577)
- Color atlas of pathophysiology
- Color atlas of physiology
- Colour additives for foods and beverages
- Combating physician burnout
- Combined cooling, heating and power
- Combined cycle systems for near-zero emission power generation
- Combined heat and power
- Combustion ash residue management
- Combustion of pulverised coal in a mixture of oxygen and recycled flue gas
- Comets
- Comfort detox
- Comment draguer un top-modele
- Commercializing the stem cell sciences Harvey, Carletta Olivia Wilson.
- Commissioning health and wellbeing
- The common extremalities in biology and physics Moroz, Adam.
- Common grasses, legumes and forbs of the Eastern United States
- The common marmoset in captivity and biomedical research
- The common sense guide to improving palliative care
- Common well control hazards Sun, Xiaozhen,
- Commonsense reasoning
- Communicating pictures
- Communication et lien social
- Communications and radar signal processing
- Communications for control in cyber physical systems
- Community-based psychological first aid
- The comorbidities of epilepsy
- Compact heat exchangers
- Companion and complementary diagnostics
- Comparative anatomy and histology
- Comparative biology of the normal lung
- Compendium of hydrogen energy. (1782423834)
- Compendium of Innovative Health Technologies for Low-resource Settings
- Competition for water resources
- The competitiveness of tropical agriculture
- The complement factsbook
- Complementarity and variational inequalities in electronics
- The complementary therapist's guide to red flags and referrals
- A complete course in canning and related processes. (0857096869)
- A complete guide to quality in small-scale wine making
- Complete PCB design using OrCAD capture and PCB editor
- The complex connection between cannabis and schizophrenia
- Complex systems and clouds
- Complexity and complex thermo-economic systems
- Complexity of seismic time series
- Complications et sequelles des traitements en cancerologie ORL
- Complications in male circumcision
- Complications in vascular interventional therapy
- Complications of acute stroke
- Composite materials
- Composite nanoadsorbents
- Compositional grading in oil and gas reservoirs
- Compostable polymer materials
- Comprehensive analytical chemistry. (0444633812)
- Comprehensive biomaterials II. (0081006926)
- Comprehensive biomedical physics
- Comprehensive biophysics
- Comprehensive biotechnology
- Comprehensive energy systems. (0128149256)
- Comprehensive geographic information systems. (0128047933)
- A comprehensive guide to solar energy systems
- A comprehensive guide to the prostate
- A comprehensive guide to toxicology in nonclinical drug development
- Comprehensive hard materials. (0080965288)
- Comprehensive inorganic chemistry II
- Comprehensive materials finishing. (0128032502)
- Comprehensive materials processing
- Comprehensive medicinal chemistry III. (0128032014)
- Comprehensive membrane science and engineering. (0444637966)
- Comprehensive nanoscience and nanotechnology. (012812296X)
- Comprehensive neonatal nursing care
- Comprehensive nuclear materials.
- Comprehensive organic synthesis
- Comprehensive overview of modern surgical approaches to intrinsic brain tumors
- A comprehensive physically based approach to modeling in bioengineering and life sciences
- Comprehensive remote sensing. (0128032219)
- Comprehensive sampling and sample preparation
- Comprehensive supramolecular chemistry II. (0128031999)
- Comprehensive toxicology
- Comprehensive water quality and purification
- Compressed sensing in Li-Fi and Wi-Fi networks
- Compressibility, turbulence and high speed flow Gatski, Thomas B.
- Compression machinery for oil and gas
- Compressor performance
- Compulsive eating behavior and food addiction
- Computation and storage in the cloud Yuan, Dong.
- Computational analysis and understanding of natural languages
- Computational analysis of structured media
- Computational and statistical methods for analysing big data with applications
- Computational chemistry
- Computational electrodynamics
- Computational epigenetics and diseases
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid-structure internation
- Computational frameworks
- Computational intelligence for multimedia big data on the cloud with engineering applications
- Computational learning approaches to data analytics in biomedical applications
- Computational materials science
- Computational methods and production engineering
- Computational methods for fracture in porous media
- Computational methods in engineering
- Computational modelling of biomechanics and biotribology in the musculoskeletal system
- Computational modelling of nanoparticles
- Computational molecular modelling in structural biology
- Computational network science
- Computational neurostimulation
- Computational non-coding RNA biology
- Computational nuclear engineering and radiological science using python
- Computational phytochemistry
- Computational psychiatry
- Computational quantum chemistry
- Computational retinal image analysis
- Computational structural mechanics
- Computational techniques for multiphase flows
- Computational toxicology
- Computer aided chemical engineering. (0444640886)
- Computer and information security handbook
- Computer arithmetic and formal proofs
- Computer design of diffractive optics Soifer, V. A.
- Computer graphics programming in OpenGL with C++
- Computer graphics programming in OpenGL with Java
- Computer vision
- Computer vision for assistive healthcare
- Computer vision technology for food quality evaluation
- Computer-aided applications in pharmaceutical technology
- Computer-aided vaccine design
- Computer-assisted and web-based innovations in psychology, special education, and health
- Computer-guided applications for dental implants, bone grafting, and reconstructive surgery
- Computer-mediated communication for business
- Computing and visualization for intravascular imaging and computer-assisted stenting
- Computing in civil engineering 2017
- Le concept organisateur de baraka
- Concepts of mathematical physics in chemistry
- Conceptual breakthroughs in evolutionary genetics
- Conceptual design for interactive systems
- Conceptual econometrics using R
- Concise encyclopedia of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
- Concrete and masonry movements
- Conducting behavioral consultation in educational and treatment settings
- Conduite du bilan neuropsychologique chez l'enfant
- Conferences d'enseignement 2012
- Conferences d'enseignement 2014
- Conformal prediction for reliable machine learning
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Conjugate heat and mass transfer in heat mass exchanger ducts
- Connected computing environment
- Connected healthcare for the citizen
- The connected hippocampus
- Connecticut architecture
- Connecting Alaskans
- Connectomics
- Conquering fad diet fixation
- Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean
- Consolidated guideline on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV. (9240698736)
- Constitutional facial acupuncture
- Construction hazardous material compliance guide Woodson, R. Dodge
- Contact lens complications Efron, Nathan.
- Contemporary catalysis
- Contemporary digital forensic investigations of cloud and mobile applications
- Contemporary psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Contemporary security management
- A contemporary study of iterative methods
- Content strategy at work Bloomstein, Margot.
- Contents and sample arguments of a safety case for near surface disposal of radioactive waste.
- Context sensitive health informatics
- Contexts of contemporary nursing Williamson, Graham R. (0857255983)
- Contextual design
- Continental scientific drilling project of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin (SK-1) in China
- Continuous architecture
- La contraception en pratique
- Contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) in India Antani, Milind.
- The contribution of palaeoseismology to seismic hazard assessment in site evaluation for nuclear installations
- Control and estimation of piecewise affine systems
- Control and optimisation of process systems
- Control of complex systems
- Control of plant virus diseases
- Control of power electronic converters and systems. (012816168X)
- Control of welding distortion in thin-plate fabrication
- Control systems
- Controller and network design exploiting system structure
- Controller design for industrial robots and machine tools
- Controversies in diabetic neuropathy
- Controversies in neurosurgery II
- Cool careers without college for people who love coding
- Cooperative and graph signal processing
- Coping skills for kids workbook
- Coping when a parent has PTSD
- Coping with hate and intolerance
- Copper(i) chemistry of phosphines, functionalized phosphines and phosphorus heterocycles
- Coral reef marine plants of Hainan Island
- Core analysis
- Core concepts in clinical infectious diseases (CCCID)
- The core model
- Core-shell nanostructures for drug delivery and theranostics
- Corn
- Corn and grain sorghum comparison
- Coronary artery disease
- Coronary calcium
- Coronary microvascular obstruction in acute myocardial infarction
- Coronaviruses
- Corps abimes
- Correlative light and electron microscopy II
- Correlative light and electron microscopy III
- Correlative light and electron microscopy
- Corridors to extinction and the Australian megafauna Webb, Steve.
- Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artefacts
- Corrosion and its consequences for reinforced concrete structures
- Corrosion control for offshore structures
- Corrosion of steel in concrete structures
- Corrosion-under-insulation (CUI) guidelines
- Corynebacterium glutamicum
- Cosmetic injection techniques
- Cosmetic science and technology
- Cost effective evaluation and management of cranial neuropathy
- Cost management in plastics processing
- Cost-effective energy-efficient building retrofitting
- Co-transport systems
- Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering. (0081012233)
- The counseling practicum and internship manual
- Counselling in transcultural settings
- Couples therapy workbook
- Courage in healthcare
- Courageous aging
- The Craft Brewing Handbook
- Craig's restorative dental materials
- Craniofacial development
- Craniofacial disorders - orofacial features and peculiarities in dental treatment
- Crazing technology for polyester fibers
- Creating and restoring wetlands
- Creating Katrina, rebuilding resilience
- Creating precision robots
- Creative design engineering
- The creative self
- Creativity and the performing artist
- Creativity in computing and dataflow super computing
- Credible checklists and quality questionnaires
- Creep and fatigue in polymer matrix composites
- Cretaceous sea level rise
- Crisis management at the speed of the internet Hayes, Bob.
- CRISPR in animals and animal models
- Critical care MCQs
- Critical excitation methods in earthquake engineering Takewaki, Izuru.
- Critical issues in alcohol and drugs of abuse testing
- Crop physiology
- Crop protection
- Cross country pipeline risk assessments and Mitigation strategies
- CRYENGINE game development blueprints
- Cryptographic Boolean functions and applications
- Crystal growth of Si ingots for solar cells using cast furnaces
- Crystallization and crystallizers
- Crystallization in multiphase polymer systems
- CSA guide to cloud computing
- CSC 2017
- Cuidados Intensivos de Bolsillo. Urman, Richard D. (841703367X)
- Culturally adapting psychotherapy for Asian heritage populations
- Culturally responsive strategies for reforming STEM higher education
- Curcumin for neurological and psychiatric disorders
- Current and emerging technologies for the diagnosis of microbial infections
- Current challenges in personalized cancer medicine
- Current clinical evidence in ophthalmology
- Current concepts in drug metabolism and toxicology
- Current developments in biotechnology and bioengineering
- Current laboratory techniques in rabies diagnosis, research and prevention. (0128004657)
- Current state of Alzheimer's disease research and therapeutics
- Current therapy in avian medicine and surgery
- Current topics in developmental biology
- Current topics in membranes
- Current topics in membranes. (0128054050)
- Current trends and future developments on (bio- ) membranes
- Current trends in oncology nursing
- Cutting and self-injury
- Cyanobacteria
- Cyber guerilla
- Cyber security awareness for CEOs and management
- Cyber security innovation for the digital economy
- Cybercartography in a reconciliation community
- Cybercognition
- Cyber-physical and gentelligent systems in manufacturing and life cycle
- Cyber-physical attacks
- Cyber-physical systems
- Cybersecurity and applied mathematics
- Cyclostationary processes and time series
- Cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology
- Cyclura Lemm, Jeffrey M.
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cytokine effector functions in tissues
- The cytokines of the immune system
- Cytokinesis
- Cytomegaloviruses. (1912530368)
- Dairy in human health and disease across the lifespan
- Damages on pumps and systems
- Damping technologies for tall buildings
- Dancing protein clouds. (0128168528)
- Daniels & Worthingham. Hislop, Helen J. (8490226156)
- The dark side of social media
- Dark silicon and future on-chip systems
- The dark triad of personality
- Darriwilian to Katian (Ordovician) Graptolites from Northwest China
- Darwin's pangenesis and its rediscovery. (0128151307)
- Data analysis for omic sciences
- Data analysis in the cloud
- The data and analytics playbook
- Data architecture
- Data assimilation for the geosciences
- Data center virtualization certification
- Data fusion methodology and applications
- Data gathering, analysis and protection of privacy through randomized response techniques
- Data governance
- Data hiding techniques in Windows OS
- Data hiding Raggo, Michael T.
- Data insights Whitney, Hunter.
- Data intensive computing applications for big data
- Data Lake for enterprises
- Data literacy
- Data mapping for data warehouse design
- Data mining
- Data mining and knowledge discovery for geoscientists
- Data science
- Data science algorithms in a week
- Data science with SQL server quick start guide
- Data simplification
- Data stewardship
- Data structures and program design using C++
- Data treatment in environmental sciences
- Data, informatics and technology
- Databook of adhesion promoters
- Databook of biocides
- Databook of blowing and auxiliary agents
- Databook of curatives and crosslinkers
- Databook of green solvents
- Databook of nucleating agents
- Databook of plasticizers
- Databook of preservatives
- Databook of solvents
- Databook of surface modification additives
- Databook of UV Stabilizers
- Data-driven solutions to transportation problems
- De la provincia Celtiberia a la Qura de Santabariyya
- Dealing with depression
- Death investigation
- Death wasn't painful
- Deception in the Digital Age
- Decision making in water resources policy and management
- Decision making
- Decision support systems and education
- Decision-making for biomass-based production chains
- Decommissioning forecasting and operating cost estimation
- Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare
- Deep brain stimulation programming
- A deep dive into NoSQL databases
- Deep learning and parallel computing environment for bioengineering systems
- Deep learning for medical image analysis
- Deep learning through sparse and low-rank modeling
- Deep shale oil and gas
- Deepwater drilling
- Defect structure and properties of nanomaterials
- Defect structure in nanomaterials Gubicza, Jeno.
- Defects in advanced electronic materials and novel low dimensional structures
- Defects in semiconductors
- Definitions of biomaterials for the twenty-first century
- Deformation based processing of materials
- Deformations morphologiques de la colonne vertebrale
- Defrosting for air source heat pump
- Dehydroacetic acid and its derivatives
- Dehydroepiandrosterone. (0128143622)
- Deltas and humans
- Demystifying explosives
- Demystifying numerical models
- Demystifying the engineering PhD
- Dendrology
- Dental management of the medically compromised patient
- Dental secrets
- Dentine hypersensitivity
- Dento
- Deploying wireless sensor networks
- Depressions difficiles et depressions resistantes
- Derived manifolds from functors of points
- Dermatologie infectieuse
- Dermatopathology
- Desalination sustainability
- Descriptive psychology and the person concept
- Design and Analysis of Tall and Complex Structures. Fu, Feng. (0081011210)
- Design and development of new nanocarriers
- The design and manufacture of medical devices
- Design and manufacture of plastic components for multifunctionality
- Design and operation of human locomotion systems
- Design and operation of solid oxide fuel cells
- Design for emotion Van Gorp, Trevor.
- Design of concrete structures in low humidity environments
- Design of digital phase shifters for multipurpose communication systems
- Design of gas-handling systems and facilities
- The design of high-efficiency turbomachinery and gas turbines.
- Design of hybrid molecules for drug development
- Design of modern communication networks
- Design of nanostructures for theranostics applications
- Design of nanostructures for versatile therapeutic applications
- Design of solar thermal power plants
- Design of transient protection systems
- Design professional's guide to zero net energy buildings
- Designer drugs
- The designer's guide to the cortex-m processor family
- The designer's guide to the cortex-M processor family Martin, Trevor.
- Designing apparel for consumers
- Designing eeg experiments for studying the brain
- Designing embedded systems with 32-bit PIC microcontrollers and MikroC
- Designing for human reliability
- Designing green cement plants
- Designing healthcare that works
- Designing SCADA application software McCrady, Stuart G.
- Designing soybeans for 21st century markets
- Designing the search experience Russell-Rose, Tony.
- Designing user interfaces for an aging population
- Desulphurization and denitrification of diesel oil using ionic liquids
- Detecting and combating malicious email
- Detecting concealed information and deception
- Detection of drugs and their metabolites in oral fluid
- Determination of metals in natural waters, sediments, and soils
- Determination of toxic organic chemicals in natural waters, sediments and soils
- Deterministic versus stochastic modelling in biochemistry and systems biology
- Deuterium
- Developing and managing embedded systems and products
- Developing expertise
- Developing food products for consumers with specific dietary needs
- Developing Gestalt counselling
- Developing new functional food and nutraceutical products
- Developing online courses in nursing education
- Developing therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease
- Development and function of myeloid subsets
- Development and prospective applications of nanoscience and nanotechnology. (1681081776)
- Development as freedom in a digital age
- Development of a reference database for ion beam analysis
- Development of radiometric and allied analytical methods and strategies to strengthen national residue control programmes for an
- Development of soft particle code (SPARC)
- Development of the nervous system Sanes, Dan Harvey. (0080923208)
- Development of ultra-high performance concrete against blasts
- Development of volcanic gas reservoirs
- Development theories and methods of fracture-vug carbonate reservoirs
- Developmental juvenile osteology
- Developmental pathways to disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders
- Developmental signaling in plants
- Developmental timing
- Developments in surface contamination and cleaning
- Developments in the formulation and reinforcement of concrete
- Developments in the theory and practice of cybercartography
- Developments in tissue engineered and regenerative medicine products Basu, Joydeep.
- Le developpement affectif et cognitif de l'enfant
- DHM and posturography
- Diabetes and ocular disease
- Diabetes and the nervous system
- Diagnoseorientierte Modellierung und Analyse ortlich verteilter Systeme am Beispiel des pneumatischen Leitungssystems in Nutzfah Nagel, Tim, (383259437X)
- Diagnosing in cardiovascular Chinese medicine
- Diagnosing wild species harvest
- Diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy in the horse
- Diagnostic and treatment guidelines for Parkinson's disease
- Diagnostic atlas of retinal diseases
- Diagnostic imaging
- Diagnostic imaging. Ross, Jeffrey S., (0323400604)
- Diagnostic molecular biology
- Diagnostic pathology
- Diagnostic pathology of infectious disease
- Diagnostic pathology. Nose, Vania, (0323554660)
- Diagnostic Pathology. Cassarino, David S. (0323443273)
- Diagnostico Algoritmico de Signos y Sintomas. Collins, R. Douglas. (8416353395)
- Los diagnosticos enfermeros
- Dialectical behavior therapy. Moonshine, Cathy, (1683731913)
- Diamond-based materials for biomedical applications
- Diccionario de Signos y Sintomas en Neurologia Clinica. Campbell, William W. (8416781362)
- The dictionary of cell and molecular biology
- Dictionary of trees. (0123969549)
- Dielectric metamaterials
- Dielectric polymer materials for high-density energy storage
- Diet and exercise in cystic fibrosis
- Diet, microbiome and health
- Dietary fiber
- Dietary fiber for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Dietary interventions in gastrointestinal diseases
- Dietary interventions in liver disease
- Dietary supplements
- Diet-microbe interactions in the gut
- Differential equations with mathematica
- Differential forms
- Differential transformation method for mechanical engineering problems
- Differenzialdiagnose Padiatrie
- Diffuse algorithms for neural and neuro-fuzzy networks
- Diffusion MRI
- Digestive Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa
- The digestive involvement in systemic autoimmune diseases
- Digital asset ecosystems
- Digital communications
- Digital design and computer architecture
- Digital detectives
- Digital forensics
- Digital identity management
- Digital integrated circuit design using verilog and systemverilog
- Digital microscopy
- Digital participation through social living labs
- The digital shopfloor
- Digital signal processing 101
- Digital terrain analysis in soil science and geology
- Digital terrain analysis in soil science and geology Florinsky, Igor V.
- Digital twin driven smart manufacturing
- Digital underwater acoustic communications
- Digital video processing for engineers Parker, Michael.
- Digital video surveillance and security
- Dimensional analysis
- Dimensionless physical quantities in science and engineering Kunes, Josef.
- Diminishing corruptive practices in the public hospital system of Cameroon
- Direct alcohol fuel cells for portable applications
- Direct energy conversion technologies
- Direct methane to methanol
- Direct microbial conversion of biomass to advanced biofuels
- Direct synthesis of metal complexes
- Direct thermochemical liquefaction for energy applications
- Disability, human rights, and information technology
- Disaster communications in a changing media world
- Disaster recovery using VMware vSphere replication and vCenter site recovery manager
- Disasters and public health
- Discovering the total cost of security to the tnterprise
- Discovery and development of anti-inflammatory agents from natural products
- Discovery and development of neuroprotective agents from natural products
- Discovery and development of therapeutics from natural products against neglected tropical diseases
- Discovery of Oyu Tolgoi
- Discrete-time neural observers
- Discrimination testing in sensory science
- Disease modelling and public health. (0444639764)
- Disease-modifying targets in neurodegenerative disorders
- Diseases of the nervous system
- Diseno de Investigaciones Clinicas. Hulley, Stephen B. (8416353379)
- Dislocation mechanism-based crystal plasticity
- Dismemberments
- Disparition et temoignage
- Dissolved gas concentration in water Colt, John.
- Distillation
- Distributed computing through combinatorial topology
- Distributed energy resources in microgrids
- Distributed generation systems
- Distributed power resources
- Distributed renewable energies for off-grid communities El Bassam, Nasir.
- Distributed systems
- The diverse faces of bacillus cereus
- Diverse roles for occupational therapists
- Divided solids mechanics
- Divided solids transportation
- Diving beetles of the world
- Dix ans d'etudes urbaines au Quebec
- D-modules
- DNA modifications in the brain
- DNA repair enzymes
- DNA repair in cancer therapy
- DNA replication across taxa. (0128051140)
- DNA sensors and inflammasomes
- Dnp role development for doctoral advanced nursing practice
- Dns security
- Do you really need back surgery?
- Docker on Amazon Web Services
- Document management with CreateData
- Doherty power amplifiers
- Domain adaptation theory
- The domestic economy of the soul O'Neill, John,
- Dominance and aggression in humans and other animals
- Domino effects in the process industries
- Dopamine
- Doping, performance enhancing drugs, and hormones in sport
- Dosage form design considerations. (0128144246)
- Dosage form design parameters. (012814422X)
- Down syndrome
- Down syndrome children-- and update
- Down syndrome
- Drag reduction of complex mixtures
- The draining of the Fens
- Drinking water security for engineers, planners, and managers
- Droplet wetting and evaporation
- Drosophila cells in culture
- Drought challenges
- Drought policies
- Drug allergy testing
- Drug delivery nanosystems for biomedical applications
- Drug design and discovery in alzheimer's disease
- Drug discovery and development
- Drug metabolism in diseases
- Drug stability for pharmaceutical scientists
- Drug-biomembrane interaction studies
- Drug-induced liver injury
- Drug-like properties
- Drugs in anaesthesia and intensive care
- Dry stone retaining structures
- DSP for embedded and real-time systems
- Durability and life prediction in biocomposites, fibre-reinforced composites and hybrid composites
- Durability and reliability of medical polymers
- Durability and reliability of polymers and other materials in photovoltaic modules
- Durum wheat
- Dust explosion dynamics
- Dye-sensitized solar cells
- Dynamic analysis of high-speed railway alignment
- Dynamic deformation, damage and fracture in composite materials and structures
- Dynamic description technology of fractured vuggy carbonate gas reservoirs
- Dynamic estimation and control of power systems
- The dynamic loss of earth's radiation belts
- Dynamic Mars
- Dynamic response and failure of composite materials and structures
- Dynamic risk analysis in the chemical and petroleum industry
- Dynamic well testing in petroleum exploration and development Zhuang, HuiNong.
- Dynamical systems and classical mechanics
- Dynamics of advanced sustainable nanomaterials and their related nanocomposites at the bio-nano interface
- Dynamics of materials
- Dynamics of proteins and nucleic acids
- Dynamics of rail transit tunnel systems
- Dynamics of rural growth in Bangladesh
- Dynamics of tethered satellite systems Aslanov, Vladimir S.
- DynamoDB applied design patterns
- Dynein mechanics, dysfunction, and disease
- Dyneins. (0128097027)
- Dynemicin a, uncialamycin and analogues
- Dysphagia assessment and treatment planning
- The dysregulated adult DeGangi, Georgia A.
- Eargle's The microphone book Rayburn, Ray A.
- Early onset scoliosis
- Early stage protein misfolding and amyloid aggregation
- Early warning for infectious disease outbreak
- Earth as an evolving planetary system
- Earthquake hazard, risk and disasters
- Earthquake-resistant structures Khan, Mohiuddin Ali.
- Earthquakes and coseismic surface faulting on the Iranian Plateau
- The earth's electric field
- Earth's oldest rocks
- Ebola virus disease
- Ebola's curse
- L'ECG facile
- Echinococcus and echinococcosis. (0128124008)
- Echinoderms. (0128159553)
- Echinoderms. (0128170735)
- Echocardiographie foetale
- Echo-Doppler vasculaire et visceral
- Echographie en pratique obstetricale
- Echographie endovaginale
- Echography in ocular pathology
- Ecocatalysis
- Eco-efficient masonry bricks and blocks
- Eco-efficient repair and rehabilitation of concrete infrastructures
- Eco-evolutionary dynamics
- Ecofriendly pest management for food security
- The ecological importance of mixed-severity fires
- Ecological Meltdown
- Ecological modelling and engineering of lakes and wetlands
- Ecology and Environment. Bhargava, R. N. (9386530511)
- Ecology and evolution of cancer
- The ecology of sandy shores
- Ecometabolomics
- Economic evaluation of pharmacy services
- Economic growth and sustainability
- Economics of composites
- Economics-driven software architecture
- Ecosystem consequences of soil warming
- Ecosystem service potentials and their indicators in postglacial landscapes
- Ecosystem services
- Ecotoxicology
- Ecotoxicology essentials
- Edible mushrooms
- Edible oleogels
- Education and training for the oil and gas industry
- Education therapeutique des parents d'enfant avec troubles du spectre autistique
- EEE 2015
- EEE 2016
- EEG brain signal classification for epileptic seizure disorder detection
- Eeg-based brain-computer interface
- Eeg-based diagnosis of alzheimer disease
- EEG-based experiment design for major depressive disorder
- Eeuwige rust op de Donderberg
- The effect of creep and other time related factors on plastics and elastomers
- Effect of high temperature on crop productivity and metabolism of macro molecules
- The effect of long term thermal exposure on plastics and elastomers
- The effect of sterilization on plastics and elastomers
- The effect of temperature and other factors on plastics and elastomers
- The effect of UV light and weather on plastics and elastomers
- Effective dynamics of stochastic partial differential equations
- Effective security management
- The effects of drug abuse on the human nervous system
- Effects of forage feeding on milk
- Effects of lifestyle on men's health
- Efficient computation of argumentation semantics
- Efficient livestock handling
- Efficient methods for preparing silicon compounds
- Effiziente Simulation elektromagnetischer Felder durch Kantenkorrektur und spektralbasierte Interpolation
- Egg innovations and strategies for improvements
- e-Health systems
- E-health two-sided markets
- Einfluss der Sprayausbreitung und Gemischbildung Auf Die Verbrennung Von Biodiesel-Diesel-Gemischen
- Einstein's mass-energy equation. Fernflores, Francisco, (194664675X)
- El Libro de la UCI. Marino, Paul L. (8416353328)
- Elastic, plastic and yield design of reinforced structures
- Elder abuse and nursing
- Electracy
- Electric drives and electromechanical systems
- Electric motor control
- Electric motors and drives
- Electrical characterisation of ferroelectric field effect transistors based on ferroelectric HfO2 thin films
- Electrical conductivity in polymer-based composites
- Electrical drives for direct drive renewable energy systems
- Electrical engineering 101 Ashby, Darren.
- Electrical power systems
- Electrical properties of materials
- Electrical spectroscopy of earth materials
- Electrical submersible pumps manual
- Electricity generation and the environment
- Electricity marginal cost pricing Greer, Monica.
- Electricity transmission, distribution and storage systems
- Electro hydraulic control theory and its applications under extreme environment
- Electrocardiography of laboratory animals
- Electrochemical biosensors
- Electrochemical water and wastewater treatment
- Electrochemical water treatment methods
- Electrocorrosion and protection of metals
- Electroencefalografia del adulto
- Electrofluidodynamic technologies (EFDTs) for biomaterials and medical devices
- Electromagnetic geothermometry
- Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (XIX)
- Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (XX)
- Electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation (XXI)
- Electromagnetic sounding of the Earth's interior
- Electromagnetic surface waves Polo, John A.
- Electron correlation in molecules, ab initiobeyond gaussian quantum chemistry
- Electron magnetic resonance
- Electron paramagnetic resonance in modern carbon-based nanomaterials
- Electron paramagnetic resonance investigations of biological systems by using spin labels, spin probes, and intrinsic metal ions (0128028475)
- Electron spin resonance in food science
- Electronic access control
- Electronic noses and tongues in food science
- Electronic waste
- Electronic waste management and treatment technology
- Electronics explained
- Electrons, atoms, and molecules in inorganic chemistry
- Electrospinning
- Electrospun materials for tissue engineering and biomedical applications
- Electrospun nanofibers
- Electrotherapie et Physiotherapie
- Elementary molecular quantum mechanics
- Elements of oil and gas well tubular design
- Elements of structures and defects of crystalline materials
- Eleventh hour CISSP
- Embedded C programming
- Embedded computing and mechatronics with the PIC32 microcontroller
- Embedded computing for high performance
- Embedded mechatronic systems. (0081004699)
- Embedded software Walls, Colin.
- Embedded systems
- Embedded systems architecture Noergaard, Tammy.
- Embedded systems security Kleidermacher, David.
- Embedded vision
- EMC for product designers
- EMDR toolbox
- Emergencies in obstetrics and gynaecology
- Emerging and nanomaterial contaminants in wastewater
- Emerging applications of nanoparticles and architecture nanostructures
- Emerging contaminants of concern
- Emerging horizons in neuromodulation
- Emerging infectious diseases
- Emerging library technologies
- Emerging materials for energy conversion and storage
- Emerging membrane technology for sustainable water treatment
- Emerging nanotechnologies for diagnostics, drug delivery and medical devices
- Emerging nanotechnologies in dentistry
- Emerging nanotechnologies in food science
- Emerging nanotechnologies in immunology
- Emerging nanotechnologies in rechargeable energy storage systems
- Emerging natural and tailored nanomaterials for radioactive waste treatment and environmental remediation
- Emerging pollutants and their effects on marine ecosystems
- Emerging targets & therapeutics in the treatment of psychostimulant abuse
- Emerging technologies and management of crop stress tolerance. (0128010886)
- Emerging technologies for sustainable desalination handbook
- Emerging trends in applications and infrastructures for computational biology, bioinformatics, and systems biology
- Emerging trends in computational biology, bioinformatics, and systems biology
- Emerging trends in image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition
- Emerging trends in medical plastic engineering and manufacturing
- Emerging voices in natural hazards research
- Emergy
- Emission and control of trace elements from coal-derived gas streams
- Emotion and cognition
- Emotion efficacy therapy
- Emotions and affect in human factors and human-computer interaction
- Emotions, technology, and digital games
- Emotions, technology, and social media
- Empereurs et aristocrates bienfaiteurs
- Empowering the new mobility workforce
- En route pour Bali
- Enabling technologies for the internet of things
- Encapsulated catalysts
- Encapsulation technologies for electronic applications
- Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems
- Encyclopedia of analytical science. (008101984X)
- Encyclopedia of animal behavior. (0128132523)
- Encyclopedia of applied plant sciences. (0123948088)
- Encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences
- Encyclopedia of biodiversity
- Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Encyclopedia of biological chemistry
- Encyclopedia of biomedical engineering
- Encyclopedia of biomedical gerontology
- Encyclopedia of cancer. (0128124857)
- Encyclopedia of cardiovascular research and medicine
- Encyclopedia of cell biology
- Encyclopedia of ecology
- Encyclopedia of endocrine diseases
- Encyclopedia of environmental health
- Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology
- Encyclopedia of Food and Health. Caballero, Benjamin. (0123849535)
- Encyclopedia of food chemistry. (0128140453)
- Encyclopedia of food grains. (0123947863)
- Encyclopedia of food microbiology
- Encyclopedia of food safety
- Encyclopedia of forensic and legal medicine
- Encyclopedia of human behavior.
- Encyclopedia of human nutrition
- Encyclopedia of immunobiology
- Encyclopedia of interfacial chemistry
- Encyclopedia of marine mammals
- The encyclopedia of mass spectrometry. (0081003951)
- Encyclopedia of meat sciences
- Encyclopedia of mental health
- Encyclopedia of microbiology. (0128117370)
- Encyclopedia of modern optics
- Encyclopedia of ocean sciences. (0128130822)
- Encyclopedia of pharmacy practice and clinical pharmacy. (0128127368)
- Encyclopedia of quaternary science
- Encyclopedia of reproduction.
- Encyclopedia of sleep
- Encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry
- Encyclopedia of sustainable technologies
- Encyclopedia of the alkaline earth compounds Ropp, R. C.
- Encyclopedia of the anthropocene. (012813576X)
- Encyclopedia of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. (0128137002)
- The endocannabinoidome
- Endocrine and reproductive physiology
- Endocrine biomarkers
- Endocrine disrupters. (0128005858)
- Endocrine gland development and disease
- Endocrinologie en gynecologie et obstetrique
- Endocrinologie, diabete, metabolisme et nutrition
- Endocrinology
- Endocrinology of the heart in health and disease
- Endodontics
- Endoscopic approaches to the paranasal sinuses and skull base
- Endoscopic diagnostics in biomedicine
- Endoscopic transnasal anatomy of the skull base and adjacent areas
- Endosome signaling. (0123984823)
- Endosonography E-Book. Hawes, Robert H. (0323296106)
- Endothelium
- Endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysms
- Energetic materials
- Energetic nanomaterials
- Energy and climate change
- Energy autonomy of batteryless and wireless embedded systems
- Energy autonomy of real-time systems
- Energy Economics
- Energy efficiency
- Energy efficiency Stuggins, Gary.
- Energy for sustainable development
- Energy from Toxic Organic Waste for Heat and Power Generation. Barik, Debabrata. (0081025297)
- Energy from waste
- The Energy Internet
- Energy management in plastics processing
- Energy management in wireless sensor networks
- Energy management principles
- Energy optimization in process systems and fuel cells
- Energy positive neighborhoods and smart energy districts
- Energy potential of the Russian Arctic Seas
- Energy sources
- Energy storage devices for electronic systems
- Energy, electricity & nuclear power estimates for the period up to 2050
- Energy, resources and welfare
- Enfance et psychopathologie Marcelli, Daniel.
- L'enfant schizophrene
- Enfermeria clinica avanzada
- Enfermeria Facil. Cuidado y Atencion de Heridas, 3. ª. Wilkins, Lippincott Williams &. (8416654840)
- Enfermeria Facil. Enfermeria Del Paciente en Estado Critico. Wilkins, Lippincott Williams &. (8416654786)
- Enfermeria Facil. Enfermeria Pediatrica, 2. ª. Wilkins, Lippincott Williams &. (8416654824)
- Enfermeria Facil. Fundamentos de Enfermeria, 2. ª. Wilkins, Lippincott Williams &. (8416654808)
- Enfermeria Facil. Procedimientos en Enfermeria, 2. ª. Wilkins, Lippincott Williams &. (8416654832)
- Engineered biomimicry
- Engineered nanomaterials and phytonanotechnology
- Engineered nanoparticles
- Engineered nanopores for bioanalytical applications Edel, Joshua B.
- Engineering agile big-data systems
- Engineering analysis with ANSYS software
- Engineering design, planning, and management
- Engineering documentation control handbook Watts, Frank B.
- Engineering education for sustainability
- Engineering energy aluminum conductor composite core (ACCC) and its application
- Engineering energy storage
- Engineering for sustainability Jonker, Gerald.
- Engineering in medicine
- Engineering materials 2
- Engineering mathematics with examples and applications
- Engineering neural tissue from stem cells
- Engineering of biomaterials for drug delivery systems
- Engineering of nanobiomaterials. (0323417345)
- Engineering properties of rocks
- Engineering secure and dependable software systems
- Engineering textiles
- Engineering the high tech start-up. Hallam, Cory R. A., (1606505556)
- The engineer's guide to plant layout and piping design for the oil and gas industries
- The English system
- Enhancing learning and teaching through student feedback in engineering
- Enjeux et defis du developpement international. Beaudet, Pierre. (2760321770)
- Enological chemistry Moreno, Juan.
- Enterprise applications administration
- Enterprise content management, records management and information culture amidst e-government development
- Entropic invariants of two-phase flows
- Entropy principle for the development of complex biotic systems Aoki, Ichiro.
- Entwicklung Workflowbasierter ELearning-Dienste Fur Den Einsatz an Realschulen
- Entwicklung, Durchfuhrung und Evaluation eines Interventionsprogramms zur aktiven kognitiven Simulation im Alter (AKTIVA)
- Environment modeling-based requirements engineering for software intensive systems
- Environmental and health issues in unconventional oil and gas development
- Environmental biotechnology
- Environmental carbon footprints
- Environmental causes and prevention measures for Alzheimer's disease
- Environmental change in post-closure safety assessment of solid radioactive waste repositories
- Environmental changes
- Environmental data analysis with MATLAB
- Environmental factors in neurodegenerative diseases
- Environmental fluid dynamics Imberger, Jorg.
- Environmental forensics for persistent organic pollutants
- Environmental geochemistry
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental impact of mining and mineral processing
- Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
- Environmental materials and waste
- Environmental noise pollution
- Environmental nutrition
- Environmental psychology and human well-being
- Environmental sciences Gregory, K. J.
- Environmental Studies. Ahluwalia, V. K. (8179936015)
- Environmental virology and virus ecology
- Environmentally benign approaches for pulp bleaching Bajpai, P.
- Environmentally-friendly polymer nanocomposites
- Enzymatic polymerizations. (0128170964)
- Enzyme nanoarchitectures
- Enzymes in food biotechnology
- Enzymes in human and animal nutrition
- The enzymes. (0128020156)
- Eosinophils in health and disease
- EPC and 4G packet networks Olsson, Magnus.
- Ephemeral hunter-gatherer archaeological sites
- Epidemiology of diabetes
- The epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax
- Epidermal stem cell niche
- Epigenetic mechanisms in cancer. (0128134607)
- Epigenetic principles of evolution
- Epigenetic principles of evolution Cabej, Nelson.
- Epigenetic regulation in the nervous system
- Epigenetic shaping of sociosexual interactions
- Epigenetics
- Epigenetics and development
- Epigenetics and neuroplasticity - evidence and debate
- Epigenetics and psychiatric disease
- Epigenetics and regeneration
- Epigenetics and systems biology
- Epigenetics in psychiatry
- The Epigenetics of Autoimmunity. Zhang, Rongxin. (0128099283)
- Epigenetics of cancer prevention
- Epi-informatics
- Epilepsies, sleep, and cognitive impairment
- Epilepsy
- Epitaxial growth of complex metal oxides
- Epizootic ulcerative fish disease syndrome
- Equations of state and pvt analysis
- Equilibrium problems and applications
- Equine applied and clinical nutrition
- Equine behavioral medicine
- Equine internal medicine
- Equine medicine, surgery and reproduction
- Equine sports medicine and surgery
- Equitable solutions for retaining a robust stem workforce
- Equity and justice in developmental science
- The eradication of dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) in Nigeria
- Erectile dysfunction as a cardiovascular impairment
- Ergonomics
- Errores Comunes en Medicina de Urgencias. Mattu, Amal. (8417370072)
- Erythropoietin
- Escherichia coli
- ESCS 2016
- ESCS 2017
- ESD protection methodologies
- Essays on developmental biology. (0128029765)
- Essays on developmental biology. (0128016167)
- Essential chemistry for formulators of semisolid and liquid dosages
- Essential clinical anatomy of the nervous system
- Essential glow
- The essential guide to the ACT Matrix
- Essential MATLAB for engineers and scientists
- Essential oil safety
- Essential PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0
- Essential techniques for medical and life scientists. (168108709X)
- Essential treatments in cardiovascular Chinese medicine. Al-Shura, Anika Niambi, (0128006374)
- Essentials of botanical extraction
- Essentials of Chinese materia medica and medical formulas
- Essentials of coordination chemistry
- Essentials of dental caries
- Essentials of mineral exploration and evaluation
- Essentials of neuroanesthesia
- Essentials of noncoding RNA in neuroscience
- Essentials of oil and gas utilities
- Essentials of the finite element method
- Essentials of time series for financial applications
- Essentials of vehicle dynamics
- Estadistica aplicada a las ciencias de la salud
- Estimation and control of large-scale networked systems
- Estimulacion magnetica transcraneal y neuromodulacion
- Ethanol
- Ethical and legal issues in neurology
- Ethique et deontologie du journalisme
- Ethnozoology
- Etty Hillesum
- Eukaryotic RNases and their partners in RNA degradation and biogenesis
- Eurekas and euphorias
- Euryhaline fishes
- Eustasy, high-frequency sea level cycles and habitat heterogeneity
- Evaluating environmental and social impact assessment in developing countries
- Evaluating the "Keep Your Health Plan Fix"
- Evaluating water quality to prevent future disasters. (0128165219)
- Evaluation of the effects and consequences of major accidents in industrial plants
- Evaluation of the status of national nuclear infrastructure development
- Evaluation technologies for food quality
- Events of increased biodiversity
- Everyday applied geophysics. Florsch, Nicolas, (008101967X)
- Everyday life science mysteries
- Everyday physical science mysteries
- Evidence based practice (EBP) in der neurologischen rehabilitation
- Evidence-based climate science
- Evidence-based physical diagnosis McGee, Steven R.
- Evidence-based physical therapy for the pelvic floor
- Evidence-based practice in nursing
- Evidence-based treatment for children with autism
- Evidence-based validation of herbal medicine
- Evidenzbasierte musiktherapie bei behavioural und psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
- Evolution
- The evolution and emergence of RNA viruses
- Evolution by tumor neofunctionalization
- Evolution of dental tissues and paleobiology in selachians
- Evolution of fossil ecosystems
- Evolution of knowledge science
- Evolution of nervous systems
- Evolution of the human brain
- The evolution of the immune system
- Evolution of the primate brain
- Evolution since coding
- Evolution, mind and method
- Evolutionary origins and early development of number processing
- Evolution's clinical guidebook
- EW 104
- Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing
- L'examen neurologique facile
- Examining ecology
- Example-based super resolution
- Exceptional life journeys
- Exchangers
- Executive function difficulties in adults
- Exercise on brain health
- Exercises in epidemiology
- Exercises in synthetic organic chemistry
- Exergetic, energetic and environmental dimensions
- Exergy analysis of heating, refrigerating and air conditioning
- Exil et culture
- Existence theory for generalized newtonian fluids
- Exosomes in health and disease
- Exotic fruits reference guide
- Expanded PTFE applications handbook
- Experimental characterization, predictive mechanical and thermal modeling of nanostructures and their polymer composites
- Experimental design and verification of a centralized controller for irrigation canals
- Experimental methods and instrumentation for chemical engineers
- Experimental methods and instrumentation for chemical engineers Patience, Gregory S.
- Experimental methods in orthopaedic biomechanics
- Experimental organic chemistry
- Experimentelle Grundlagenuntersuchungen zum Katalysatorheizbetrieb mit strahlgefuhrter Benzin-Direkteinspritzung und Einspritzdr Schumann, Florian, (3832595481)
- Experimentelle und numerische Ermittlung von Verdunstungsemissionen im Luftansaugsystem von Motoren
- Experiments and modeling in cognitive science
- Experiments in reduced gravity
- Experiments in the purification and characterization of enzymes
- Experiments with life itself
- Explaining suicide
- Explorations in topology
- Exploratory experiments
- Exploring a low carbon development path for Vietnam
- Exploring the culture of open innovation
- Exploring the neuroscience of empathy, compassion, and self-compassion
- Explosion blast response of composites
- Explosion hazards in the process industries
- The exposome
- Exposure and response (ritual) prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Exposure science
- Exposure to engineered nanomaterials in the environment
- The extended energy-growth nexus
- Extended finite element and meshfree methods
- Exterior algebras
- Exterior analysis
- External magnetic field effects on Hydrothermal treatment of nanofluid
- Extracellular matrix and egg coats
- Extracellular matrix-derived implants in clinical medicine
- Extreme events in geospace
- Extreme hydroclimatic events and multivariate hazards in a changing environment
- Extreme hydrology and climate variability
- Extrusion problems solved
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy scripted protocols and summary sheets
- Eye pathology
- Eyelid, conjunctival, and orbital tumors
- Fabric structures in architecture
- Fabrication and self-assembly of nanobiomaterials
January 2021
ProQuest Additions F-J
- Fabrication of porous gallium nitride by photoelectrochemical etching method
- The face of forgiveness
- Face processing in congenital prosopagnosia
- Facharzt hamatologie Onkologie
- Factorization of boundary value problems using the invariant embedding method
- Failure analysis in biocomposites, fibre-reinforced composites and hybrid composites
- Failure in geomaterials
- Failure mechanisms in polymer matrix composites
- Failure modes, effects and causes of microbiologically influenced corrosion
- Family murder
- Family practice guidelines
- Famous trees of Texas
- Farm animal surgery
- Fascia
- Fast and effective embedded systems design
- Fatigue and fracture of adhesively-bonded composite joints
- Fatigue and tribological properties of plastics and elastomers
- Fatigue in friction stir welding
- Fatigue of textile composites
- Fatty acids
- Fault diagnosis and sustainable control of wind turbines
- FCS 2016
- FDA's drug review process and the package label
- FECS 2015
- FECS 2016
- Fed-batch fermentation
- Federal cloud computing
- Federal cloud computing Metheny, Matthew.
- Federal data science
- Federated identity primer Rountree, Derrick.
- Feed and feeding practices in aquaculture
- Feedback (and other dirty words)
- Feel the pull
- Feline behavioral health and welfare
- Feline soft tissue and general surgery
- Femmes claires, hommes fonces
- Feng Shui Pour L'architecture. Mainini, Simona. (2875140787)
- Fenichel's clinical pediatric neurology Pina-Garza, J. Eric.
- Fenner and white's medical virology
- Fermented beverages. (0128157038)
- Fermented foods in health and disease prevention
- Ferroelectricity in doped hafnium oxide
- Fetal and neonatal physiology
- Fiber Technology for Fiber-Reinforced Composites
- Fibroblast growth factors
- Fibrous filter media
- Fidelity and quality control in gene expression
- Fighting multidrug resistance with herbal extracts, essential oils and their components
- Film properties of plastics and elastomers
- Film properties of plastics and elastomers McKeen, Laurence W.
- Filters and filtration handbook
- Final Cut Pro X for iMovie and Final Cut Express users Wolsky, Tom.
- Finding the nerve
- The fine arts, neurology, and neuroscience
- FinFET modeling for IC simulation and design
- Finite element analysis and design of steel and steel-concrete composite bridges
- Finite element analysis applications
- Finite physical dimensions optimal thermodynamics 1
- Finite physical dimensions optimal thermodynamics. Feidt, Michel, (0081023871)
- Fire pump arrangements at industrial facilities
- Fish and fish oil in health and disease prevention
- Fish Diseases
- Fish-salting in the northwest Maghreb in antiquity
- FISMA and the risk management framework
- FISMA compliance handbook Taylor, Laura P.
- Fit to practice
- Fixed point theory and graph theory
- The flagellar world
- Flash memory integration
- Flavor
- Flavour development, analysis and perception in food and beverages
- Fleisher & Ludwig's textbook of pediatric emergency medicine
- Flexible and focused
- Flexible manipulators Gao, Yanqing,
- Flight dynamics and system identification for modern feedback control
- Flight science
- Flood forecasting
- Floods. (0081023839)
- Floods. (0081023847)
- Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention
- Flow analysis
- Flow analysis with spectrophotometric and luminometric detection Worsfold, Paul.
- Flow and heat transfer in geothermal systems
- Flow networks Todinov, Michael T.
- Fluency disorders
- Fluid catalytic cracking handbook Sadeghbeigi, Reza.
- Fluid flow measurement
- Fluid inclusion effect in flotation of sulfide minerals
- Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbomachinery
- Fluid phase behavior for conventional and unconventional oil and gas reservoirs
- Fluid transport
- Fluid-solid interaction dynamics
- Fluid-structure interactions
- Fluid-structure interactions. Paidoussis, M. P., (0123973341)
- Fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy (FFS)
- Fluoridation facts
- Fluorinated catings and finishes handbook
- Fluorine
- Fluorine in life sciences
- Fluoroelastomers handbook
- Fluoroplastics. Ebnesajjad, Sina, (1455732001)
- Fluoroplastics. Ebnesajjad, Sina, (1455731986)
- Fluoropolymer additives
- Fluoropolymer additives Ebnesajjad, Sina.
- Fluoropolymer applications in chemical processing industries
- Fluvial-tidal sedimentology
- Fly models of human diseases
- Food and feed safety systems and analysis
- Food applications of nanotechnology
- Food crop production by smallholder farmers in Southern Africa
- Food fortification in a globalized world
- Food microstructure and its relationship with quality and stability
- Food microstructures
- Food packaging
- Food plant safety
- Food preservation
- Food protection and security
- Food safety
- Food safety and preservation
- Food safety and quality systems in developing countries. (0128013516)
- Food science and the culinary arts
- Food structures, digestion and health
- Food, energy, and water
- Foodborne diseases
- Foods, nutrients and food ingredients with authorised EU health claims. (1782424032)
- Foolproof, and other mathematical meditations
- Forced-flow layer chromatography
- Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health
- Forensic epidemiology
- Forensic odontology
- Forensic plant science
- Forensic polymer engineering
- Forensic psychiatry
- Forensic psychology of spousal violence
- Forensic therapeutic communities
- Forest management and planning
- Forest monitoring
- Forgiving and remembering in Northern Ireland
- Forkhead FOXO transcription factors in development and disease
- Formal verification
- La formation a l'enseignement
- Formation and properties of clay-polymer complexes Theng, B. K. G.
- Formation damage during improved oil recovery
- Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering
- Formulation tools for pharmaceutical development
- Forsthoffer's component condition monitoring
- Fossil fungi
- Foundations of biomaterials engineering
- Foundations of geophysical electromagnetic theory and methods
- Foundations of quantum programming
- The foundations of vacuum coating technology
- A fractal analysis of chemical kinetics with applications to biological and biosensor interfaces
- Fractal and trans-scale nature of entropy
- Fractal functions, fractal surfaces, and wavelets
- Fractal models in exploration geophysics Dimri, V. P.
- Fractional calculus and fractional processes with applications to financial economics
- Fractional evolution equations and inclusions
- Fractional operators with constant and variable order with application to geo-hydrology
- Fractional order systems
- Fracture mechanics Sun, C. T.
- Fractures of the pelvis and acetabulum
- Framework and challenges for initiating multinational cooperation for the development of a radioactive waste repository.
- Frameworks for advanced nursing practice and research
- Free-surface flow
- Frequency analysis of vibration energy harvesting systems
- Frequenzselektive Aktivfilterung Von Stromoberschwingungen Mit Einer Erweiterten Modellbasierten Pradiktivregelung
- Freshwater algae of North America
- Freshwater fishes
- Freshwater microbiology
- Freshwater mollusks of the world
- Friction dynamics
- Friction stir processing for enhanced low temperature formability
- Friction stir welding of 2XXX aluminum alloys including Al--Li alloys
- Friction stir welding of high strength 7xxx aluminum alloys
- From an antagonistic to a synergistic predator prey perspective
- From Artemisia annua L. to Artemisinins
- From catchment management to managing river basins
- From commodification to the common good
- From digital traces to algorithmic projections
- From dimension-free matrix theory to cross-dimensional dynamic systems
- From engineer to manager
- From habitability to life on mars
- From microbe to man
- From one winning career to the next Quilter, J. David.
- From pinch methodology to pinch-exergy integration of flexible systems
- From plant genomics to plant biotechnology
- From Sunlight to Electricity
- From vines to wines in classical Rome
- The frontal lobes
- Frontier technology for water treatment and pollutant removal
- Frontiers and advances in molecular spectroscopy
- Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research. (1608058964)
- Frontiers in computational chemistry. (1608059782)
- Frontiers in modern optics proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", course 190, Varenna on Lake Como, (1614996474)
- Frontiers in nanomedicine. (1681080478)
- Frontiers in neurosurgery. (1681080052)
- Frontiers in nuclear and particle physics. (1681087642)
- Frontiers in protein and peptide sciences. (160805862X)
- Fruit juices
- Fruits, vegetables, and herbs
- FTTx networks
- Fuel cells
- Fuel cells and hydrogen
- Fuel cells Behling, Noriko Hikosaka.
- Fuel property estimation and combustion process characterization
- Fuel systems for IC engines
- Fukushima accident Povinec, P.
- The Fukushima and Tohoku disaster
- Fullerens, graphenes and nanotubes
- Fun in fusion research Sheffield, John.
- Functional 3D tissue engineering scaffolds
- Functional analysis
- Functional and medicinal beverages. (0128172630)
- Functional dietary lipids
- Functional diversity of mycorrhiza and sustainable agriculture
- Functional fillers
- Functional food ingredients from plants
- Functional glasses and glass-ceramics
- Functional materials for sustainable energy applications
- Functional nanostructured interfaces for environmental and biomedical applications
- Functional neural transplantation III
- Functional neural transplantation IV
- Functional neural transplantation IV. (0128138807)
- Functional neuromarkers for psychiatry
- Functional neurosurgery and neuromodulation
- Functional organization of vertebrate plasma membrane
- Functional polysaccharides for biomedical applications
- Functional reconstructive nasal surgery
- Functionalized cardiovascular stents
- Functionalized Graphene Nanocomposites and Their Derivatives
- Functionalized nanomaterials for the management of microbial infection
- Fundamental biomaterials
- Fundamental modelling of membrane systems
- Fundamental principles of engineering nanometrology
- Fundamentals and analytical applications of multi-way calibration
- Fundamentals and applications of fourier transform mass spectrometry
- Fundamentals and applications of nano silicon in plasmonics and fullerines
- Fundamentals and applications of nanophotonics
- Fundamentals and applications of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) based power cycles
- Fundamentals and diffusion-controlled transformations
- Fundamentals and performance of low temperature fuel cells
- Fundamentals and sensing applications of 2D materials
- Fundamentals of 3D Food Printing and Applications. Godoi, Fernanda C. (012814565X)
- Fundamentals of advanced mathematics 1
- Fundamentals of advanced mathematics. Bourles, Henri, (0081023855)
- Fundamentals of advanced omics technologies
- Fundamentals of aluminium metallurgy
- Fundamentals of applied probability and random processes
- Fundamentals of applied reservoir engineering
- Fundamentals of biologicals regulation
- Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience
- Fundamentals of congenital minimally invasive cardiac surgery
- Fundamentals of continuum mechanics
- Fundamentals of creep in metals and alloys
- Fundamentals of enhanced oil and gas recovery from conventional and unconventional reservoirs
- Fundamentals of femtosecond optics
- Fundamentals of gas lift engineering
- Fundamentals of geoenvironmental engineering
- Fundamentals of inorganic glasses
- Fundamentals of magnetic thermonuclear reactor design
- Fundamentals of medicinal chemistry for pharmacy students. (1681086875)
- Fundamentals of mental health nursing
- Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound Jacobson, Jon A.
- Fundamentals of nanoparticles
- Fundamentals of ocean renewable energy
- Fundamentals of quantum mechanics
- Fundamentals of Quorum sensing, analytical methods and applications in membrane bioreactors
- Fundamentals of radiation and chemical safety
- Fundamentals of radiation oncology
- Fundamentals of smart contract security
- Fundamentals of soil ecology
- The fundamentals of surgical instruments
- Fundamentals of the evaluation and diagnosis of welded structures Nedoseka, A.
- Fundamentals of the psychiatric mental status examination
- Fundamentals of toxicology
- Fundamentals of weed science
- Fundamentos de la Medicina Del Dolor
- Fundamentos de Ortopedia Pediatrica. Staheli, Lynn T. (8416781583)
- Fundus autofluorescence
- Fungal phylogenetics and phylogenomics
- Further developments in the theory and practice of cybercartography
- Fusion McCracken, G. M.
- Future development of thermal spray coatings
- Future directions in biocatalysis
- Future directions in silicon photonics
- The future of bluefin tunas
- The future of drug discovery Bartfai, Tamas.
- The future of energy
- The future of mining in South Africa
- The future of soil carbon
- The future of the world's climate Henderson-Sellers, A.
- Future perfect?
- Future trends for top materials
- Fuzzy hybrid computing in construction engineering and management
- Fuzzy neural networks for real time control applications
- G protein coupled receptors
- G protein coupled receptors Conn, P. Michael.
- G protein signaling pathways in health and disease
- G protein-coupled receptors
- G protein-coupled receptors in energy homeostasis and obesity pathogenesis
- G protein-coupled receptors in immune response and regulation
- G protein-coupled receptors. (0128133201)
- Gallium Oxide
- Galois fields and Galois rings made easy
- Game audio development with Unity 5.X
- Game development with Swift
- Gametogenesis
- Gangliosides in Health and Disease. Schnaar, Ronald L. (0128123427)
- Gap junction structure and chemical regulation
- Gap junctions in the brain
- Gas and oil reliability engineering
- Gas and oil reliability engineering Calixto, Eduardo.
- Gas bubble dynamics in the human body
- Gas sensors based on conducting metal oxides
- Gas thermo-hydrodynamic lubrication and seals
- Gas well deliquification
- Gas wettability of reservoir rock surfaces with porous media
- Gasification for synthetic fuel production
- Gasification of unconventional feedstocks
- Gasification of waste materials
- Gastroenterology and nutrition
- Gas-turbine power generation
- GCA 2015
- Gene editing in plants
- Gene therapy of cancer
- Gene transfer vectors for clinical application
- Gene-environment interplay
- General chemistry for engineers
- The general factor of personality
- A general framework for robust analysis and control
- General medical semiolgy guide. Stoicescu, Manuela, (0128220376)
- General practice nursing
- Generalized continuum mechanics and engineering applications
- A generalized framework of linear multivariable control
- Generalized Van der Waals theory of molecular fluids in bulk and at surfaces
- Genes and evolution
- Genes, brain function, and behavior
- Genetic and genomic resources of grain legume improvement
- Genetic breeding and molecular marker-assisted selective breeding of largemouth bass
- Genetic diagnosis of endocrine disorders
- Genetic engineering of horticultural crops
- Genetic models and molecular pathways underlying autism spectrum disorders
- Genetic steroid disorders
- Genetic toxicology testing
- Genetically modified food sources
- Genetics and breeding for disease resistance of livestock
- Genetics and genomics of eye disease
- Genetics and molecular biology of entomopathogenic fungi
- Genetics of bone biology and skeletal disease
- Genetics of epilepsy
- Genetics of stem cells
- Genetics, genomics and fish phenomics
- Le genocide des Tutsi, Rwanda, 1994
- Genome chaos
- Genome evolution of photosynthetic bacteria
- Genomes and evolution of charophytes, bryophytes, lycophytes and ferns
- Genomic biomarkers for pharmaceutical development
- Genomic insights into the biology of algae
- Genomic medicine in emerging economies
- Genomics and biotechnological advances in veterinary, poultry, and fisheries
- Genomics of cultivated palms Arunachalam, V.
- Genomics of cyanobacteria
- Genomics, circuits, and pathways in clinical neuropsychiatry
- Geoethics
- Geofluids
- Geographic knowledge infrastructure
- Geographical and fingerprinting data for positioning and navigation systems
- Geographical Models with Mathematica. Dauphine, Andre. (0081022301)
- Geographies of city science
- Geographies of trash
- Geological belts, plate boundaries, and mineral deposits in Myanmar
- Geological controls for gas hydrates and unconventionals
- Geological repository systems for safe disposal of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive waste
- Geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Geology and landscape evolution
- Geology and sedimentology of the Korean Peninsula Chough, Sung Kwun.
- The geology of the Canary Islands
- Geology of the China seas
- Geology of the himalayan belt
- Geometric measure theory
- Geometric morphometrics for biologists Zelditch, Miriam,
- Geometry creation and import with COMSOL Multiphysics
- Geomorphological fieldwork
- Geomorphology and volcanology of Costa Rica
- Geomorphology of Central America
- Geophysical data analysis
- Geophysical exploration technology
- Geophysical potential fields
- Geophysics for petroleum engineers
- Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016
- Geotechnical investigations and improvement of ground conditions
- Geotechnical safety and risk V
- Geotextiles
- Geothermal power generation
- Geothermal power plants
- Geothermal well test analysis
- Geriatric rehabilitation
- Gestion clinica
- Getting over overeating for teens
- Getting started in 3D with Maya
- Getting Started with Haskell Data Analysis
- Getting started with LLVM core libraries
- Getting started with the MSP430 LaunchPad Fernandez, Adrian.
- Getting started with UDOO
- Getting the message
- Giant coal-derived gas fields and their gas sources in China
- Gibbs' entropic paradox and problems of separation processes
- GIS and geostatistical techniques for groundwater science
- Git best practices guide
- Glass nanocomposites
- Glenn's urologic surgery
- Global advances in human caring literacy
- Global bioethanol
- Global catastrophic risks
- Global change in multispecies systems. (0124172105)
- Global change in multispecies systems
- Global clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease
- Global clinical trials playbook
- Global energy interconnection
- Global engineering ethics
- Global mental health and psychotherapy
- Global perspectives on childhood obesity
- Global physical climatology
- Global practices on road traffic signal control
- Global safety of fresh produce
- Glucose homeostatis and the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus
- Glucose intake and utilization in pre-diabetes and diabetes
- Glucosinolates
- Glucosinolates. Galanakis, Charis M. (0128164948)
- Gluten-free ancient grains
- Gluten-free baked products
- Gluten-Free Kids
- Glycan and glycosaminoglycans as clinical biomarkers and therapeutics. (0128177411)
- Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
- Glycerol
- Gnotobiotics
- GNSS interference, threats, and countermeasures
- Goal oriented methodology and applications in nuclear power plants
- Goedereede-Oude Oostdijk
- The GOES-R series
- Gold nanoparticles in analytical chemistry. (0444632867)
- Gold ore processing
- Goldberger's clinical electrocardiography
- Goldman's Cecil medicine
- Gonadotropins
- A Good Life to the End
- Google cloud platform administration
- Google hacking for penetration testers
- Google this!
- Gorilla pathology and health
- Gout
- Gout and other crystal arthropathies
- GPS declassified
- Gpu programming in matlab
- Gpu-based parallel implementation of swarm intelligence algorithms
- The gradient test
- Gradle dependency management
- Gradle for Android
- Granular geomechanics
- Granular materials at the meso-scale
- Grapevine breeding programs for the wine industry
- Graphene
- Graphene and related nanomaterials
- Graphene bioelectronics
- Graphene surfaces
- Graphene-Based Electrochemical Sensors for Biomolecules. Pandikumar, Alagarsamy. (0128156392)
- Graphene-based nanotechnologies for energy and environmental applications
- Graphitic nanofibers
- Gravity energy storage
- Great British weather disasters
- Great Plains regional technical input report
- Green and sustainable computing
- Green and sustainable manufacturing of advanced material
- Green chemistry
- Green composites
- Green composites from automotive applications
- Green extraction techniques
- The green industrial revolution
- Green synthesis, characterization and applications of nanoparticles
- Green synthetic approaches for biologically relevant heterocycles
- Green vegetable oil processing
- Greenhouse gas balances of bioenergy systems
- Green's skeletal trauma in children
- Grey systems
- Grief interrupted
- Ground improvement case histories
- Ground penetrating radar
- Grounded innovation Holmquist, Lars Erik,
- Ground-source heat pumps
- Group and crowd behavior for computer vision
- The grouting handbook Harrison, Donald M.
- Gua sha
- Guerrilla analytics
- Guia Clinica de Hipertension. Kaplan, Normal M. (8416353115)
- Guia farmacologica en tratamiento parenteral y cuidados de enfermeria
- Guidance molecules in cancer and tumor angiogenesis
- Guide de reeducation vestibulaire
- Guide des techniques de soins en imagerie medicale Moerschel, Elisabeth.
- Guide d'imagerie medicale pour l'osteopathe
- Guide pratique de mesotherapie Bonnet, Christian.
- Guide to essential math Blinder, S. M.
- A guide to filtration with string wound cartridges
- Guide to food safety and quality during transportation
- A guide to graduate programs in counseling
- The guide to oilwell fishing operations
- Guide to ship repair estimates (in man-hours) Butler, Don.
- A guide to the collision avoidance rules Cockcroft, A. N.
- A guide to the historic buildings of Fredericksburg and Gillespie County
- A guide to the manufacture, performance, and potential of plastics in agriculture
- Guide to the practical use of chemicals in refineries and pipelines
- Guided participation in pediatric nursing practice
- Guidelines for developing Wetlands in agricultural catchments
- Guidelines for operational hail suppression programs
- Guidelines on the Management of Latent Tuberculosis Infection. WHO. (9240693521)
- Gum arabic
- Gun violence and mental illness
- Gunaatmak Sanshodhan. Silverman, David. (9353284848)
- Gut microbiome and behavior
- Gynakologische Tumoren
- Gynecologic radiation oncology
- Habitability of the universe before earth
- The hacker's guide to OS X Bathurst, Rob.
- Hacking and penetration testing with low power devices
- Hacking wireless access points
- Hadoop for finance essentials
- Haemonchus contortus and Haemonchosis -- past, present and future trends
- The hand
- Hand and upper extremity rehabilitation
- A handbook for sensory and consumer-driven new product development
- Handbook for transversely finned tube heat exchanger design
- Handbook of adhesion promoters
- Handbook of advanced chromotography
- Handbook of advances in braided composite materials
- Handbook of anaesthesia & peri-operative medicine
- The handbook of antagonism
- Handbook of antimicrobial coatings
- Handbook of antioxidants for food preservation
- Handbook of antistatics
- Handbook of behavioral neuroscience. (0128137444)
- Handbook of biodegradation, biodetrioration, and biostablization
- Handbook of biofuels production
- Handbook of biomechatronics
- Handbook of borehole acoustics and rock physics for reservoir characterization
- Handbook of breast cancer and related breast disease
- Handbook of categorization in cognitive science
- Handbook of ceramics grinding and polishing
- Handbook of clinical neurology
- Handbook of coffee processing by-products
- Handbook of cosmeceutical excipients and their safeties
- Handbook of crystal growth
- Handbook of crystal growth. (0444633065)
- Handbook of curatives and crosslinkers
- The handbook of design management
- Handbook of economic field experiments
- Handbook of electronic waste management
- Handbook of energy efficiency in buildings
- Handbook of environmental degradation of materials
- Handbook of environmental engineering assessment
- Handbook of equine emergencies
- Handbook of farm, dairy and food machinery engineering
- Handbook of fiber optic data communication
- Handbook of fillers
- Handbook of fire and explosion protection engineering principles for oil, gas, chemical, and related facilities
- Handbook of flexible organic electronics
- Handbook of flotation reagents. Bulatovic, Srdjan M., (008093210X)
- Handbook of foaming and blowing agents
- Handbook of food allergen detection and control
- Handbook of friction-vibration interactions
- Handbook of game theory. (0444537678)
- Handbook of generation iv nuclear reactors
- Handbook of geriatric oncology
- Handbook of grape processing by-products
- Handbook of green building design and construction
- Handbook of hematologic malignancies
- Handbook of herbs and spices
- Handbook of hydrothermal technology Byrappa, K.
- Handbook of in vivo neural plasticity techniques
- Handbook of industrial hydrocarbon processes
- Handbook of infection and alzheimer's disease
- Handbook of lipids in human function
- Handbook of liver disease
- Handbook of low carbon concrete
- Handbook of magnetic materials.
- A handbook of magnetochemical formulae Boca, Roman.
- Handbook of material weathering. Wypych, George, (1927885329)
- Handbook of materials failure analysis
- Handbook of membrane reactors. (0857097334)
- Handbook of membrane reactors. (0857097342)
- Handbook of mems for wireless and mobile applications
- The handbook of metabolic phenotyping
- Handbook of metal injection molding
- Handbook of molded part shrinkage and warpage Fischer, Jerry M.
- Handbook of multicultural mental health
- Handbook of multiphase flow assurance
- Handbook of nanoceramic and nanocomposite coatings and materials
- Handbook of nanomaterials for cancer theranostics
- Handbook of nanomaterials for industrial applications
- Handbook of nanomaterials in analytical chemistry
- Handbook of nanosafety
- Handbook of natural gas transmission and processing
- Handbook of neural computation
- Handbook of neuroemergency clinical trials
- Handbook of non-ferrous metal powders
- Handbook of nonwoven filter media
- Handbook of nucleating agents
- Handbook of numerical methods for hyperbolic problems
- Handbook of nutrition, diet and the eye
- Handbook of odors in plastic materials
- Handbook of organic materials for electronic and photonic devices
- Handbook of palliative radiation therapy
- Handbook of parenting
- Handbook of pharmaceutical wet granulation
- Handbook of plasticizers
- Handbook of polymers
- Handbook of properties of textile and technical fibres
- Handbook of prostate cancer and other genitourinary malignancies
- Handbook of psychological assessment
- Handbook of silicon wafer cleaning technology
- Handbook of sleep disorders in medical conditions
- Handbook of small modular nuclear reactors
- Handbook of smart coatings for materials protection
- Handbook of solid phase microextraction Pawliszyn, Janusz.
- Handbook of solid State diffusion
- Handbook of solid-state lasers
- Handbook of solvents. (192788540X)
- Handbook of spent hydroprocessing catalysts
- Handbook of sputter deposition technology
- Handbook of statistical analysis and data mining applications
- Handbook of statistics
- Handbook of supportive oncology and palliative care
- Handbook of surface improvement and modification
- Handbook of systems biology
- Handbook of targeted cancer therapy and immunotherapy
- Handbook of terahertz technology for imaging, sensing and communications
- Handbook of theories of social psychology
- Handbook of thermal analysis and calorimetry. (0444640630)
- Handbook of thermoplastic elastomers
- Handbook of thin film deposition
- Handbook of thin film deposition
- Handbook of tissue engineering scaffolds. (0081025629)
- Handbook of UV degradation and stabilization
- Handbook of Vascular Motion. Cheng, Christopher. (0128157143)
- Handbook on natural pigments in food and beverages
- Handbook on obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
- Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths
- Handbuch der Softwareumfangsmessung und Aufwandschatzung
- Hands-on artificial intelligence for search
- Hands-on artificial intelligence with Java for beginners
- Hands-on bitcoin programming with Python
- Hands-on convolutional neural networks with tensorflow
- Hands-on dashboard development with shiny
- Hands-on linux administration on azure
- Hands-on robotics with JavaScript
- Hands-on serverless applications with Go
- Hands-on transfer learning with Python
- The hands-on XBEE lab manual Titus, Jonathan A.
- The Happiness Toolbox
- Hardware security
- Harnessing the power of viruses
- Hazard analysis and risk based preventive controls
- Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls
- Hazard mitigation in emergency management
- Hazards, risks, and disasters in society
- The HDL handbook
- Head & neck
- Head and neck cancers
- Head and neck surgery. (1469890798)
- Head and neck ultrasonography
- Headache and migraine biology and management
- Heal Your PTSD
- Healing the African body
- Health and environmental safety of nanomaterials
- Health care and environmental contamination
- Health communications in traditional Chinese medicine
- Health data processing
- Health efficiency
- The health improvement profile (HIP)
- Health industrialization
- Health information exchange
- The health professions educator
- Health protection
- Health Reform Policy to Practice
- Healthcare data analytics and management. (0128156368)
- Healthcare emergency incident management operations guide
- Healthcare technology management systems
- Hearing loss
- The heart and toxins
- Heart development
- The Heart in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases. Atzeni, Fabiola. (0444636692)
- The heart of ACT
- Heat exchanger equipment field manual Stewart, Maurice.
- Heat recovery steam generator technology
- Heat transfer and fluid slow in minichannels and microchannels
- Heat transfer enhancement using nanofluid flow in microchannels
- Heat transfer in aerospace applications
- Heat transfer in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries
- Heat transport and energetics of the earth and rocky planets
- Heat transport in micro and nanoscale thin films
- Heat treatment for insect control
- Heavy and extra-heavy oil upgrading technologies Speight, James G.
- Heavy oil production processes Speight, James G.
- Heavy oil recovery and upgrading
- Hedgehog signaling
- Helicases from all domains of life
- Hematology board review
- Hematology case studies with blood cell morphology and pathophysiology
- Hematology in traditional Chinese medicine cardiology
- Hematology, immunology, and infectious disease
- Hematopoietic stem cell niche
- Hemocompatibility of biomaterials for clinical applications
- Hemophilia
- Hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease
- Hepatobiliary and pancreas
- HER2-positive breast cancer
- Herdenken en vooruitgaan
- Heterocyclic chemistry in the 21st century
- Heterogeneity of function in numerical cognition
- Heterogeneous catalysis of mixed oxides Misono, Makoto.
- Heterogeneous catalytic materials
- Heterogeneous photocatalysis
- Hidden persuaders in cocoa and chocolate
- Hidden semi-markov models
- Hierarchical materials informatics
- High acid crudes
- High dynamic range video
- High integrity systems and safety management in hazardous industries
- High mobility materials for CMOS applications
- High performance computing
- High performance computing and the discrete element model
- High performance embedded computing
- High performance parallelism pearls. Reinders, James, (012803890X)
- High performance polymers
- High performance silicon imaging
- High pressure cold spray
- High resolution NMR spectroscopy
- High risk clients
- High speed rail planning, policy, and engineering. Koglin, Terry L., (1947083074)
- High temperature coatings
- High temperature oxidation and corrosion of metals
- High temperature polymer blends
- High temperature superconductors (HTS) for energy applications
- High throughput screening for food safety assessment
- High-efficiency load modulation power amplifiers for wireless communications
- High-entropy alloys
- Higher speculations
- Highlighting operational and implementation research for conrol of helminthiasis
- Highlights in helioclimatology Perez-Peraza, Jorge A.
- High-performance deformable image registration algorithms for manycore processors Shackleford, James.
- High-pressure fluid phase equilibria Deiters, Ulrich K.
- High-pressure rheology for quantitative elastohydrodynamics
- High-resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry
- High-temperature thermal storage systems using phase change materials
- Highway bridge maintenance planning and scheduling
- Highway engineering
- Himalayan phytochemicals
- Hindutv-Mukt Bharat
- The hip
- The hip resurfacing handbook
- Histopathology of preclinical toxicity studies Greaves, P.
- The historic Kentucky kitchen Scaggs, Deirdre A.
- A historical introduction to mathematical modeling of ingectious diseases
- The History of Alternative Test Methods in Toxicology. Balls, Michael. (0128136987)
- A history of human beauty
- A history of modern immunology
- History of professional nursing in the United States
- History of risk assessment in toxicology
- The history of the gamma knife
- History of toxicology and environmental health
- History of toxicology and environmental health. Wexler, Philip, (0128004630)
- Hole-making and drilling technology for composites
- Homeopathie en gynecologie
- Horizons in sustainable industrial chemistry and catalysis
- Hormonal signaling in biology and medicine
- Hormone metabolism and signaling in plants
- Hormone use in menopause & male andropause
- Hormones
- Hormones and breast cancer
- Hormones, brain and behavior
- Horse pasture management
- Host response to biomaterials
- How cyber security can protect your business
- How information systems can help in alarm
- How mining works
- How the great scientists reasoned Tibbetts, Gary G.
- How to cheat in Maya 2012
- How to develop robust solid oral dosage forms from conception to post-approval
- How to optimize fluid bed processing technology
- How to use evidence-based dental practices to improve your clinical decision-making
- How to validate a pharmaceutical process
- How to write an emergency plan
- Hsp90 in cancer
- HTML5 game development by example beginner's guide
- El hueso en las enfermedades endocrinas y nutricionales
- Human behavior in hazardous situations Daalmans, Juni.
- Human biochemistry
- The human body
- Human body decomposition
- The human challenge of telemedicine
- Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- Human embryonic stem cells in development
- Human embryos and preimplantation genetic technologies
- Human factors in the chemical and process industries
- Human fatigue risk management
- Human genes and genomes Rosenberg, Leon E.,
- Human genome informatics
- Human growth and development
- Human herpesviruses HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and HHV-7
- Human inspired dexterity in robotic manipulation
- Human Interaction with Electromagnetic Fields
- Human memory
- Human milk biochemistry and infant formula manufacturing technology
- Human modeling for bio-inspired robotics
- Human motion simulation Abdel-Malek, Karim A.
- Human neuroanatomy
- Human papillomavirus infections Cobo Martinez, Fernando.
- Human parasitology
- Human population genetics and genomics
- Human recognition in unconstrained environments
- The human sciences after the decade of the brain
- Human stem cell manual
- Humanoid robots
- Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting
- Hyaluronan signaling and turnover
- Hybrid enhanced oil recovery using smart waterflooding
- Hybrid machining
- Hybrid nanostructures for cancer theranostics
- Hybrid polymer composite materials
- Hybrid retrosynthesis
- Hybrid-renewable energy systems in microgrids
- Hydraulic fracture modeling
- Hydraulic fracturing chemicals and fluids technology Fink, Johannes Karl.
- Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs
- Hydraulic rig technology and operations
- Hydraulic rubber dam
- Hydrodynamics and transport processes of inverse bubbly flow
- Hydrogels based on natural polymers
- Hydrogen and fuel cells
- Hydrogen and fuel cells Sorensen, Bent,
- Hydrogen economy
- Hydrogen electrochemical production
- Hydrogen infrastructure for energy applications
- Hydrogen peroxide and cell signaling
- Hydrogen sulfide in redox biology. (012801623X)
- Hydrogen supply chain
- Hydrogen, batteries and fuel cells
- Hydrometallurgy of rare earths
- Hydro-meteorological hazards, risks and disasters
- Hydropedology
- Hydrophiloidea, staphylinoidea. (9004296859)
- Hydro-Politics in GBM Basin
- Hydropower
- Hydrostatic, aerostatic, and hybrid bearing design Rowe, W. Brian.
- Hydrothermal and supercritical water processes
- Hydroxyapatite (HAp) for biomedical applications
- Hyperpolarized and inert gas MRI
- Hypersingular integral equations in fracture analysis
- Hypobaric storage in food industry
- Hysteroscopie et fertiloscopie
- ICCREM 2015
- Ice caves
- Identification of neural markers accompanying memory
- Identifying and addressing the social issues experienced by individuals with IDD
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- IEC 61850-based smart substations
- The IGBT device
- III-nitride semiconductor optoelectronics
- The illustrated network
- Illustrated toxicology
- Image, video processing and analysis, hardware, audio, acoustic and speech processing
- Image-guided neurosurgery
- Imagerie en ophtalmologie
- Imagerie medicale pour le clinicien
- Imagerie musculosquelettique
- Imagerie thoracique de l'enfant et de l'adulte
- Imaging anatomy
- Imaging Anatomy. Woodward, Paula J. (0323548024)
- Imaging and spectroscopic analysis of living cells
- Imaging bacterial molecules, structures and cells
- Imaging genetics
- Imaging in Gastroenterology E-Book. Federle, Michael P. (0323554091)
- Imaging in movement disorders
- Imaging in movement disorders. (0128187719)
- Imaging in Otolaryngology E-Book. Gurgel, Richard K. (0323545106)
- Imaging of the human brain in health and disease
- Imaging the addicted brain
- Imagining the brain
- Imides
- The immortal germline
- Immune biology of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Immune biology of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer
- Immune rebalancing
- The immune system and mental health
- Immunity and inflammation in health and disease
- Immunity to Listeria monocytogenes
- Immunobiology of Dendritic Cells. (0128183527)
- Immunobiology of dendritic cells. (0128183586)
- Immunology for pharmacy
- Immunology in the twentieth century
- Immunopharmacology
- Immunopotentiators in modern vaccines
- Immunosensing for detection of protein biomarkers
- Immunotherapy of cancer
- Impact of nanoscience in the food industry
- Impacts and insights of the Gorkha earthquake
- Implant system for the recording of internal muscle activity to control a hand prosthesis
- Implantable Hearing Devices. Shaha, Ashok R. (1635502187)
- Implantable sensor systems for medical applications
- Implementation of robot systems
- Implementing e-Navigation
- Implementing IP and ethernet on the 4G mobile network
- Improved Indirect Power Control (IDPC) of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS)
- Improving and tailoring enzymes for food quality and functionality
- Improving hospice palliative care with intervention research
- Improving the safety and quality of nuts
- Improving the user experience through practical data analytics
- Improving usability, safety and patient outcomes with health information technology
- In Loeffler's footsteps
- In situ characterisation techniques for low temperature fuel cells
- In situ molecular pathology and co-expression analyses Nuovo, Gerard J.
- In situ spectroscopic techniques at high pressure
- In the spirit of Hegel
- InA
- Including actinides
- Inclusive educational practice for autistic learners
- Increasing intelligence
- Increasing the durability of paint and varnish coatings in building products and construction
- The Indian nitrogen assessment
- The Indian Ocean nodule field
- Indian shield
- Individual case formulation Hallam, Richard S.
- Individual creativity in the workplace
- Individual differences and personality
- Individual differences in sensory and consumer science
- Individualized drug therapy for patients
- Indoor geolocation science and technology
- Indoor navigation strategies for aerial autonomous systems
- Induced fish breeding
- Indus River Basin
- Industrial agents
- Industrial and municipal sludge
- Industrial applications of carbon nanotubes
- Industrial applications of nanomaterials
- Industrial applications of renewable plastics
- Industrial biorefineries and white biotechnology
- Industrial catalytic processes for fine and specialty chemicals
- Industrial chemical process analysis and design
- Industrial network security
- Industrial oil crops
- Industrial piping and equipment estimating manual
- Industrial process automation systems
- Industrial process plant construction estimating and man-hour analysis
- Industrial process scale-up
- Industrial process scale-up Harmsen, Jan.
- Industrial tomography
- Industrial wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse
- Industrial water treatment process technology
- Industrial wireless sensor networks
- Industry standard FDSOI compact model BSIM-IMG for IC design
- Inequalities and extremal problems in probability and statistics
- Inevitably Toxic
- Infectious change
- Infectious disease in aquaculture
- Infectious human diseases of the intestine
- Inference for heavy-tailed data
- Infiltraciones ecoguiadas en patologia musculoesqueletica
- Infiltrations echoguidees en pathologie musculosquelettique
- L'infirmier(e) en psychiatrie
- Infirmiere en milieu scolaire
- Inflammation, advancing age and nutrition
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2nd Edition
- The influence of a self-avatar on space and body perception in immersive virtual reality
- Influence of waves, grade 1
- Informatics for health
- Information hiding in speech signal for secure communication
- Information management
- Information modelling and knowledge bases xxvi
- Information protection playbook
- Information security risk assessment toolkit Talabis, Mark Ryan N.
- Information security risk management for ISO 27001
- The information systems security officer's guide
- Informed and healthy
- Infrared and raman spectroscopies of clay minerals
- Infrared and Raman spectroscopy
- Infrastructure and methodologies for the justification of nuclear power programmes
- Infrastructure computer vision
- Inhaled pharmaceutical product development perspectives
- Inhaler devices
- Inherent safety at chemical sites
- Inherited metabolic epilepsies
- Inhibitors of the Ras superfamily G-proteins. (012420211X)
- Inhibitors of the Ras superfamily g-proteins. (0124169678)
- The innate immune response to non-infectious stressors
- The innate immune system
- Innovation and disruption at the grid's edge
- Innovation in aeronautics
- Innovation in near-surface geophysics
- Innovation management and new product development for engineers. Dekkers, Rob, (1947083937)
- Innovative approaches in drug discovery
- Innovative approaches to individual and community resilience
- Innovative developments of advanced multifunctional nanocomposites in civil and structural engineering
- Innovative jacquard textile design using digital technologies
- Innovative neuromodulation
- Innovative technologies for food preservation
- Innovative thermal and non-thermal processing, bioaccessibility and bioavailability of nutrients and bioactive compounds
- Inorganic and composite fibers
- Inorganic and organometallic transition metal complexes with biological molecules and living cells
- Inorganic frameworks as smart nanomedicines
- Inorganic polymers
- Inorganic reaction mechanisms
- Inorganic
- INPRO methodology for sustainability assessment of nuclear energy systems
- Insect ecology
- Insect endocrinology
- Insect epigenetics
- Insect growth disruptors
- Insect midgut and insecticidal proteins
- Insect molecular biology and biochemistry
- Insect molecular genetics
- Insect pathology Vega, Fernando E.
- Insect pests of millets
- Insect pests of potato
- Insect resistance management
- Insect-plant interactions in a crop protection perspective
- Insects as sustainable food ingredients
- Inside this moment
- Insight on environmental genomics
- Insights into enzyme mechanisms and functions from experimental and computational methods
- Insights to neuroimmune biology
- Insomnia and fatigue after traumatic brain injury
- Inspection and monitoring technologies of transmission lines with remote sensing
- L'institution et la violence
- Instrumental thin-layer chromatography
- Instrumentation and control systems for advanced small modular reactors
- Integrated analytical approaches for pesticide management.
- Integrated approaches to sustainable watershed management in xeric environments
- Integrated assessment of scale impacts of watershed intervention
- Integrated coastal management in the Japanese Satoumi
- Integrated design and simulation of chemical processes
- Integrated energy systems for multigeneration
- Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technologies
- Integrated lasers on silicon
- Integrated nano-biomechanics
- Integrated nanophotonic devices
- Integrated nuclear infrastructure review (INIR) missions
- Integrated population biology and modeling, part A
- Integrated population biology and modeling. (044464153X)
- Integrated processing technologies for food and agricultural by-products
- Integrated sand management for effective hydrocarbon flow assurance
- Integrated security systems design
- Integrated soil, water and nutrient management for sustainable rice-wheat cropping systems in Asia
- Integrated system health management
- Integrating disaster science and management
- Integrating emergency management and disaster behavioral health
- Integrating green and sustainable chemistry principles into education
- Integrating the expressive arts into counseling practice
- Integrating the packaging and product experience in food and beverages
- Integration and visualization of gene selection and gene regulatory networks for cancer genome
- Integration of distributed energy resources in power systems
- Integrative cardiovascular chinese medicine
- Integrative medicine
- Integrative Onkologie am Beispiel Brustkrebs
- Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor high-performance programming
- Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor high-performance programming Jeffers, Jim.
- Intelligence and human progress Flynn, James R.
- Intelligence in energy
- Intelligent agriculture
- Intelligent biomechatronics in neurorehabilitation
- Intelligent coatings for corrosion control
- Intelligent data analysis for biomedical applications
- Intelligent data analysis for e-Learning
- Intelligent data sensing and processing for health and well-being applications
- Intelligent digital oil and gas fields
- Intelligent fault diagnosis and remaining useful life prediction of rotating machinery
- Intelligent networks Ahamed, Syed V.
- Intelligent speech signal processing
- Intelligent systems for security informatics Yang, Christopher.
- Intelligent vibration control in civil engineering structures
- An interactive history of the Clean Air Act Davidson, Jonathan.
- Interdisziplinare zusammenarbeit bei der behandlung von sauglingen mit regulationsstorungen im osteopathischen kontext
- Interfacing PIC microcontrollers
- Interleukins in cancer biology
- Intermediate filament associated proteins
- Intermediate filament proteins
- Intermetallic matrix composites
- Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams
- Internal combustion engines
- Internal photoemission spectroscopy
- International encyclopedia of housing and home.
- International encyclopedia of public health
- International Futures
- International Gear Conference 2014
- International handbook of psychology
- International project management. Mohammadian, Hamid Doost, (1949449408)
- International review of cell and molecular biology
- International review of neurobiology
- International review of neurobiology
- International review of research in developmental disabilities
- The international society for gender medicine
- International surrogacy as disruptive industry in Southeast Asia
- Internet addiction in children and adolescents
- Internet of things
- Internet of things in biomedical engineering
- Internistische Therapie. Wolff, Hans Peter, (3437169319)
- Interpretation of micromorphological features of soils and regoliths
- The intersection
- Intersection Guenther, Milan.
- Intersystem EMC analysis, interference, and solutions
- Interval finite element method with MATLAB
- Intervention research and evidence-based quality improvement
- Interventional pain procedures
- Intestinal stem cell niche
- Intracellular signalling proteins
- Intracranial epidural bleeding
- Intraocular tumors
- Intraoperative consultation
- Intravenous therapy administration
- Intrinsically disordered proteins
- Introducing geology
- Introduction to addiction. Koob, George F., (0128167955)
- Introduction to adsorption
- Introduction to algorithms for data mining and machine learning
- An introduction to aquatic toxicology
- An introduction to atmospheric gravity waves Nappo, C. J.
- Introduction to audio analysis
- An introduction to biological membranes Stillwell, William.
- Introduction to bioplastics engineering
- Introduction to cancer metastasis
- Introduction to diffusion tensor imaging
- Introduction to digital communications
- Introduction to electrophysiological methods and instrumentation
- Introduction to Environmental Sciences. Khoiyangbam, R. S. (8179936139)
- Introduction to Finite and Infinite Dimensional Lie (Super)algebras
- Introduction to fluid mechanics
- Introduction to fluoropolymers
- Introduction to graphene
- An introduction to green nanotechnology
- An introduction to helping skills
- Introduction to light trapping in cell and photo-detector devices
- Introduction to linear control systems
- An introduction to measure-theoretic probability
- An introduction to medical statistics
- Introduction to modeling in physiology and medicine
- Introduction to nature-inspired optimization
- An introduction to nonsmooth analysis
- An introduction to nuclear waste immobilisation
- Introduction to optimum design
- An introduction to organic lasers
- Introduction to petroleum biotechnology
- Introduction to plasma physics
- Introduction to plasmas and plasma dynamics
- Introduction to plastics engineering
- Introduction to probability
- Introduction to probability models
- Introduction to radar using python and MATLAB
- Introduction to research
- Introduction to satellite remote sensing
- Introduction to supercritical fluids
- Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems
- Introduction to the physics of nanoelectronics Tan, Seng Ghee.
- Introduction to transfer phenomena in PEM fuel cells
- Introduction to volcanic seismology
- Introduction to volcanic seismology Zobin, Viacheslav Moiseevich.
- Introductory differential equations
- Introductory experiments on biomolecules and their interactions
- Introductory immunology
- Introductory review on sirtuins in biology, aging, and disease
- Invertebrate learning and memory
- Investigacion cualitativa
- Investigating seafloors and oceans
- Investigating windows systems
- Investigation on robust codesign methods for networked control systems.
- Investigations
- An invitation to applied mathematics
- Ion beam treatment of polymers
- Ion channels as therapeutic targets, part B
- Ion channels down under
- Ion exchange membranes
- Ion implantation and activation. Suzuki, Kunihiro. (160805781X)
- Ionic liquids in lipid processing and analysis
- Ionic liquids in separation technology
- Ionizing radiation and polymers Drobny, Jiri George
- IPhilosophie
- IRM pratiqu
- Iron metabolism
- Irradiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) in nuclear power plants
- Irradiation for quality improvement, microbial safety and phytsosanitation of fresh produce
- Irregular shape anchor in cohesionless soils
- Ischemic and traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries
- ISO 27001 controls
- Isocoumarin, Thiaisocoumarin and Phosphaisocoumarin
- Isotope geochemistry
- Isotope labeling of biomolecules
- IT for business (IT4B)
- IT manager's handbook Holtsnider, Bill,
- It's in your DNA
- It's our research Sharon, Tomer.
- It's still debatable
- Japanese Kampo medicines for the treatment of common diseases
- Japan's quest for nuclear energy and the price it has paid
- Jasmine JavaScript testing