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Clinical Queries search engine in PubMed: TTUHSC Powerpoint on PubMed's Clinical Queries

Clinical Queries is search engine that quickly locates evidence-based literature in PubMed.

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Home Page - T.T.U.H.S.C. Libraries of the Health Sciences

Amarillo - Harrington Library of the Health Sciences

Amarillo - Reference Desk: 806-414-9964

Lubbock - Preston Smith Library of the Health Sciences

Lubbock - Reference Services: 806-743-2200; ask for a reference librarian

Odessa / Permian Basin - T.T.U.H.S.C. Library of the Health Sciences

Odessa / Permian Basin - Reference Desk: 432.703.5030

Odessa/ Permian Basin reference librarian is Erik Wilkinson, MLS



About PubMed's Clinical Queries

PubMed's Clinical Queries is a search engine that quickly locates evidence-based literature from PubMed.  It is searchable by therapy, diagnosis, etiology, and prognosis.  It also locates systematic reviews and related literature on medical genetics.  

The medical genetics literature may be focused to diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical description, management, genetic counseling, molecular genetics, and genetic testing.

TTUHSC Powerpoint on PubMed's Clinical Queries

Unit Manager; Informationist/Medical Librarian

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Peggy Edwards
3601 4th Street
Mail Stop 7781
Lubbock, TX 79430
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