The LibGuide, Resources for Residents provides information about valuable medical information resources that will help in your daily decision making. Tabs are organized first by general tools needed by all physicians regardless of specialty. These are followed by databases, tools, apps, and full-text textbooks designed for a specialty. Next are links to test review databases. Last but not least, is information on EndNote (for writing and publishing) and Tips for Conducting a Systematic Review. Click on the labeled tabs above.
I) Journal literature databases:
PubMed (from the National Library of Medicine)
articles from over 5,600 international biomedical journals
Embase (of 8,500 indexed journals, 2,900 are unique to Embase)
(premier database for pharmacology; also has European, Asian, and African biomedical literature)
II) Evidence-Based Medicine:
Brief overview and a tutorial
Links to: PubMed’s Clinical Queries and PubMed’s Comparative Effectiveness Research
easy search engines to quickly locate EBM literature in PubMed
EBM Point of Care Tools: Clinical Key, Dynamed, and Essential Evidence Plus
can be used at the patient's bedside or "point of care"; available as mobile apps
Cochrane Collaboration and the Cochrane Databases
expert databases containing EBM information
free Practice Guidelines from
III) Drug Information:
Micromedex Free mobile app
entire U.S. National Formulary online; evidence-based drug information (not from drug companies), includes tools to determine drug interactions and identify medications by imprint, color, shape, or pattern.
The Medical Letter Free mobile app
founded in 1958, a newsletter by a nonprofit organization that publishes critical appraisals of new prescription drugs and comparative reviews of drugs for common diseases.
IV) Clinical free international list of clinical trials
V) Patient Education documents from
free resources! comprehensive, reliable information, many foreign languages; has a mobile app
VI) Specialty Databases (all free through TTUHSC libraries All Databases icon):
Gideon (infectious disease)
Psychiatry Online
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology
Sport Discus (sports medicine)
Surgery videos on
VII) Pediatric Telephone Advice
useful book that can be checked out from library or purchased from Amazon
VIII) Tools and Apps
Diagnosaurus differential diagnosis app from Access Medicine
EBMCalc calculators and tools; purchase from
Mobile Resources free apps courtesy TTUHSC Libraries
IX) Free access to full-text text-books.
Access Products Umbrella Index
Access Medicine, Access Emergency Medicine, Access Neurology, Access Pediatrics, Access Pharmacy, Access Physiotherapy, and Access Surgery. Includes quick reference tools, multimedia, case files, and self assessments!
X) Test Reviews: Board Vitals, ExamMaster,
and the Access Products
XI) Bibliographic Management
Amarillo Reference: 806-414-9964
Lubbock Reference: 806-743-2200; ask for a reference librarian
Odessa/Permian Reference; 432-703-5030