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Evidence-Based Medicine for the MSIII Surgery Clerkship: Goals & Objectives

Course Materials and Resources

Goals & Objectives

Purpose and Objectives for the MSIII Surgery Clerkship EBM Library Course, 2020-2021
Purpose: To become familiar with the principles of Evidence-Based Practice as it applies to Evidence-Based Medicine. Specifically this involves an understanding of how existing medical knowledge can be integrated into clinical practice.
Objectives: As a result of the EBM Library Course for the MSIII Surgery Clerkship and the group discussion led by Dr. Griswold or Dr. Haynes, participants will be able to:
Identify and define the concept of Evidence-Based Medicine
Recognize the 5-step process in Evidence-Based Practice
Understand the key research methods needed to locate medical evidence
Distinguish between various levels of evidence and their corresponding clinical study categories
Appraise the evidence-based on validity, reliability, and applicability
Integrate and apply the evidence within a clinical setting

The Five A's

 Identify each component of the PICO pneumonic: 
 P = patient, problem, population
 I = intervention
 C = comparison
 O = outcome

Identify and develop a well-articulated question about either patient care issues or research issues using the PICO Worksheet. Then determine the study question category as either diagnosis, therapy/prevention, prognosis, or etiology.

Gather appropriate EBM information that answers the PICO question and correlates to designated levels of evidence. Then locate an article that answers the PICO question by searching the following:
• EBM Reviews - ACP Journal Club
• EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
• EBM Reviews - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
• NLM PubMed's Clinical Queries
• NLM PubMed’s Comparative

The Five A's

Differentiate between the various types of primary and secondary studies and understand how they are weighted regarding the strength of evidence in relation to freedom from bias. Then critically appraise the quality of the identified article that answers the PICO question using the Dartmouth Library’s EBM Worksheets
Present PICO question and critically appraised article in Dr. Griswold's Group Discussion.
Summarize and explain the retrieved information to Dr. Griswold and student peers.
Validate the application of the results to a particular patient.  
Use the methods and understand the reasons for:
integrating the evidence with clinical expertise
communicating the information to the patient
involving the patient in the decision making
applying the evidence in the context of the patient's values
transferring knowledge of EBM to the everyday practice of medicine
sharing evidence effectively with peers
determining the implications of your application of this type of EBM
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