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Library Courses: MIDS 8420

Courses offered by the TTUHSC Libraries

MIDS 8420 Thinking in 3D: An Introduction to 3D Printing and Medical Imaging

This two week, 2-credit elective is designed to provide the fourth-year medical student with the basic competencies in 3D modeling and printing using medical imaging data. The student will assess medical scan data to determine the appropriate method for the 3D conversion. Collaboratively, the student explores applications of relational thinking as it applies to the 3D modeling process and everyday medical practice. At the end of the rotation, the student is given a case-study to examine, diagnose and develop a 3D application for the prognosis. Registration is through the School of Medicine department

For further information, contact at Lubbock or at Odessa.

Page last updated: May 12, 2018

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